The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation - N° 8 / September-December 2017 SUMMARY Medically Unexplained Symptoms, known as MUS, are symptoms that do not belong to a pathological picture, but express the non-specific discomfort that precedes it from a minimum of six months to a few years. 32

2 EDITORIAL: FOCUS by Antonio Urso 4 HORIZONTAL JUMP PREDICTS WEIGHTLIFTING PERFORMANCE by Rich J. Kite and Adam Spence 18 PROTECTED: ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURES AND THE NFL by Andrew “Bud” Charniga 30 THE USE OF COMPLEMENTARY TAKEN FROM OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING AS A MEANS OF RECOVERING FROM MUS. MEDICALLY UNEXPLAINED SYMPTOMS by Dario Boschiero 42 THE POWER CLEAN AND POWER FROM THE KNEE by Timothy J. Suchomel, Brad H. DeWees e Ambrose J. Serrano 18 52 MUSCLE ACTIVATION PATTERNS DURING DIFFERENTSQUAT TECHNIQUES Weightlifters train such that all the by Lindsay V. Slater and Joseph M. Hart muscles, tendons and ligaments of the lower extremities perform as a single leg spring. The unrestricted movement 76 EDITORIAL GUIDELINES of all the supple weightlifter’s joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments of 78 ABSTRACTS the leg spring are interconnected, interdependent and of course, inter- conditional. 2

EDITORIAL The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The

Focus There is no training session, no as an analogy and synonym. But ple would have us believe. competition, in which this term - fo- are focus and attention the same In 1958, Donald Broadbent had cus - is not repeated, and by several thing, the same reality evoked in already reconstructed the model individuals, either as encourage- different ways? In actual fact they of the selection of stimuli at the ment, or as self-encouragement. are not. Attention can be defined sensory peripheral level, arguing Focus is often considered the fer- as the mental state in which our that the human sensory periphery tile soil to which both cognitive and minds are attracted to a particular is very similar to information physical abilities are directed. If you event of interest, it may be either channels where the said informa- are focused you perform better, we active or passive. It is a condition tion, arriving along and thanks to all agree on this. But, if this is true that anticipates the state of focus these channels, is first stored in (and I don’t think there can be any and prepares it. Focus, therefore, the short-term memory and then doubts about it), what do we inside by deduction is the ability to be able elaborated: however, given that the process called training to deve- to concentrate on a certain point of short-term memory is not capable lop this feature? I ask myself, and I reference, of interest; however, it is of receiving all incoming informa- ask you, dear (and perhaps focu- also the ability to bring our atten- tion at the same time, it is therefo- sed) readers, because this question tion back to the same point, in case re obliged to select, technically to plagued me during the Rio Olympic we are distracted by something or activate a “filter” that alternates Games, especially when I happened attracted by something else. Very the opening and closing of certain to witness an athlete winning a simple so far: but, how does this perceptive channels. medal, or two or more contenders interaction work under stress? J. A. Deutsch & D. Deutsch, unlike losing out on the same medal. I was Obviously, we cannot provide an Broadbent, argued that the se- trying to understand this aspect, unambiguous or straightforward lection of the stimuli received in actually also wondering why we answer: everything is not as simple the sensory channels occurs throu- often use the term “attention” and predictable as the above exam- gh an elaborative analysis a priori. 3 N° 8 / September-December 2017 Then in 1992, Schönpflug was able effect is known - the Stroop effect. facilitates better decisions. It im- to support this hypothesis, claiming Individuals are shown words prin- plies a process of self-awareness, that there can be no attention if ted in different colours, and they which is one of the most important there is no prior recognition of the are asked to ignore the words and to principles of success, bringing an object or phenomenon. report only the colour of the words. inner control that helps people cho- According to Baddeley (1986), at- Typically, the task was executed to ose what to do or not to do in life. tention is a complex and costly pro- perfection, except for cases in which Other Focus: this is the link with pe- cess in terms of energy and, there- the words represented the names ople in an individual’s life. It invol- fore, has limited ability over time. of actual colours which were diffe- ves emotional empathy, cognitive It is organised in two sub-systems rent from the colour of the ink. In empathy, which gives people the called the “phonological-articular this case, the shortcoming was due ability to understand another per- loop”, the phonological understan- to the perception of the meaning son’s way of thinking and of seeing, ding of information, and the “vi- of the word almost automatically although, at least apparently, there suo-spatial sketchpad”, which has made by the , which normal- are no analogies. It encourages, al- the task of sending information to ly facilitates reading but which, in lowing people to put the feelings of the medium and long term memory. this particular case, represented a another person above their own. Both elements are part of a larger disruptive element. The Stroop ef- Outer Focus: provides a view of the container called the Working Me- fect can be considered an example bigger picture. The most successful mory. This model of working memory of the failure of selective attention. people are able to navigate on mul- proposes a conception of memory Daniel Goleman, a psychologist and tiple systems and to have full awa- interpreted not as a series of mne- science journalist, has recently pu- reness of their impact on the world. monic warehouses, but rather as an blished an interesting book entitled At all levels of , only in a few active cognitive system through the “Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excel- cases, such as Formula 1 and/or extraordinary effort of the frontal lence”, which deals with the topic shooting , have I been able to lobe. According to Norman’s theory of attentive processes from various systematically see a programmatic of attention, the selection is not points of view. Goleman claims that and practical study both in training performed through the blockage the attentive processes in question and in competition. I wonder then, or the filter of the sensory informa- are closely related to the quality of if in other sports, the attentive pro- tion, but by selectively processing life. The success or failure of people cesses are of such little importance the information already activated in all spheres of life, in his opinion, that it’s enough to say, “Remember in the memory by the sensory in- depends primarily on focus. He be- to focus!” Or if, on the contrary, at- ocus formation that is being collected. lieves that successful people ma- tention deserves all our .... atten- The demonstration of this automa- ster three main types of focus: tion! F tion was shown in an experiment Inner Focus: is about people and Antonio Urso carried out by Stroop, by which its their insights, it guides values and EWF President 4 The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The


BY Rich J. Kite and Adam Spence 5 N° 8 / September-December 2017 6 HORIZONTAL JUMP PREDICTS WEIGHTLIFTING PERFORMANCE

Introduction throw with a weighted ball. A win- tinued upward momentum as the Talent Identification (TID) is a pro- ning performance in weightlifting lifter’s body is reoriented during cess through which a sport’s go- requires the athlete to achieve the the pull phases, movements are verning body attempts to assess highest possible total across two performed quickly necessitating a potential future performers. Un- movements: the snatch, and the high rate of force production15. It is fortunately, many athletes will fail . Body mass has a for this reason that high-force and to reach the highest level of their strong influence on the total wei- high-speed training modalities chosen sport, despite displaying ght lifted, and so competitors are are used to improve weightlifting high levels of skill and physical fi- grouped into categories based on performance. Equally, the use of tness. Due to the transferable na- their size. Adjusting measures of tests such as jumping, throwing, ture of many skills, the TID process strength to compare performan- and sprinting may be relevant in may aim to match these athletes ces across these categories in a a TID protocol due to the strength to an alternative or more suitable strength and conditioning setting and power characteristics they sport29. Physical tests are often in- is most commonly achieved throu- share with weightlifting.

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The cluded as part of a TID process, and gh a ratio scaling method. Howe- may have a particular relevance to ver, as the relationship between Vertical and horizontal jumps have sports that do not require percep- strength and mass is not linear10, been used as surrogate measu- tual-cognitive capability, especially ratio scaling provides a bias in fa- res of impulse within a number of within closed-skill sports such as vour of lighter lifters. Allometric sports41,5. Whilst vertical jumping weightlifting43,39. British Weight scaling provides a more appro- tests are most commonly used Lifting (BWL), the UK national go- priate method of adjusting lifting in TID protocols, the relevance of verning body to the sport of wei- performances, although some the standing long jump to wei- ghtlifting, currently uses a battery bias is still present21. Comparisons ghtlifting performance has yet of physical tests in an attempt to in a competitive environment are to be established. Vertical jumps identify potentially talented athle- achieved by using a scaling expo- and weightlifting movements tes currently training and compe- nent known as the Sinclair coef- have been shown to have a high ting in other sports. The full proto- ficient. The Sinclair coefficient is degree of mechanical similarity11, col from BWL consists of flexibility, recalculated for every Olympic 13, and so their use in testing pro- anthropometric, and physical te- year, and is based on the record tocols relevant to weightlifting sting, and is conducted over a num- performances of the previous ye- is unsurprising. However, as sur- ber of phases. As the first phase of ars. Despite their limitations, ratio rogate measures of lower body the BWL TID protocol is carried out and allometric scaling methods impulse performance, jumping at different locations, equipment are still useful for making compa- tests are only able to provide par- transportation and assembly ne- risons in a training environment. tial explanations of weightlifting eds to be considered. Equally, tar- For athletes with a competitive to- performance. For example, coun- geted athletes for this first phase tal, the Sinclair coefficient is most termovement vertical jumps have of TID may have little or no previous relevant10. The competitive wei- been able to account for betwe- experience in weightlifting, mea- ghtlifter will lift a loaded en 23% and 56% of weightlifting ning the selected tests should re- from a stationary position on the performance4, 16, 40. In combination present movements or tasks that floor to an overhead position in with tests measuring different would be familiar across a number either one (snatch), or two (clean characteristics across the stren- of sports. Both of these factors fa- and jerk) movements. To achieve gth-speed continuum, a more vour the use of simple field tests. the required impulse for propul- complete picture may begin to Initial versions of the BWL TID pro- sion, the lifter must apply large emerge. There is currently a lack of tocol required athletes to perform magnitudes of force to the bar17, 22. published research investigating a vertical jump, a horizontal jump, In order to take advantage of the the relevance of horizontal jump a 30 m sprint, and an overhead stretch reflex, and to ensure con- performance to weightlifting, HORIZONTAL JUMP PREDICTS WEIGHTLIFTING PERFORMANCE 7 N° 8 / September-December 2017

however the simplicity of testing weightlifting performance, and formance than lower-body focu- might make this a suitable alterna- sprint ability, the inclusion of a sed tests alone. tive to vertical jump assessment25. sprint test within a TID protocol for Whilst each of the tests included weightlifting might provide addi- in the BWL TID phase-one protocol The 30 m sprint has been used tional performance explanations. had been selected based on avai- extensively as a marker for spe- The propulsion of an external lable literature and biomechanical ed, as well as an anaerobic per- object is a central principle to consideration, the predictive abili- formance measure41. Although weightlifting. Therefore, the use ty of this combination of tests was there have been various studies of medicine ball throwing tests not originally assessed. that demonstrate the efficacy of may be warranted within a TID te- weightlifting training to increa- sting protocol. The relationships The purpose of this study is to as- se performance on sprinting27,38, between weighted throws and sess the relevance of the tests there is little research assessing weightlifting performance have used in the BWL TID protocol to the relationships of sprint perfor- received little research attention. weightlifting performance. The re- mance to weightlifting. However, However, Stone et al.35 did note sults were used to provide an un- the impact of lower-limb strength strong relationships between the derpinning rationale to adapt and qualities on sprint performance snatch and throwing performan- optimise the protocol. Furthermo- are well established33,42. Likewise, ce. As throwing requires a coordi- re, these results can also provide a lower body strength is strongly re- nated interaction between the up- foundation from which additional lated to weightlifting performan- per- and lower-body8,17, weighted research can identify appropriate ce2, 37. Due to the inter-relationship throws may be able to explain test selection for athletes of diffe- between lower-limb strength, more variance in weightlifting per- rent backgrounds. 8 HORIZONTAL JUMP PREDICTS WEIGHTLIFTING PERFORMANCE

Materials Mary’s University ethics sub-com- low intensity jogging, five minutes and methods mittee who determined that the of dynamic stretching, and conclu- study was in accordance with the ded with three 20 m accelerations. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH Helsinki declaration. Twelve volun- All tests were completed in an in- TO THE PROBLEM teers provided written informed door sports facility on a synthetic The purpose of this study was to consent to participate in this stu- surface. determine the relevance of a sim- dy. This sample was comprised of Sprint testing ple field-test battery to weightli- seven males and five females of a Thirty metre sprint time (30ST) fting performance, using volun- mixed standard, all of whom were was measured using single beam teers who are already competent actively training and competing light gates (Brower, USA) placed at weightlifters. Subjects were re- in the sport of weightlifting (Indi- 0 and 30 m, whilst the participants’ quired to attend a testing session vidual participant characteristics start-line was placed at -0.70 m. within the two weeks following a can be found in table 1). Participan- Participants were required to start scheduled and formally officiated ts were provided with both written the sprint with one hand on the

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The weightlifting competition. The te- and verbal information about the start line, known as a three-point sting session consisted of a 30 m study prior to commencement. start position. Participants were sprint, a vertical jump, a horizon- instructed to sprint past the final tal jump, and an overhead medi- PROCEDURES set of light gates before decelera- cine ball throw. These tests were Participants were required to at- ting. Participants were required to selected based on their perceived tend a testing session within two perform three successful attemp- relevance to weightlifting perfor- weeks of a scheduled and officia- ts, with no less than two minutes mance, the ease of administering ted weightlifting competition. The of passive recovery between at- these tests at different locations, BWL TID testing battery is compri- tempts. The fastest sprint time and the simplicity of the tasks al- sed of four tests in the following was used for the statistical analy- lowing non-weightlifting athletes order: a 30 m sprint, a vertical jump sis. The typical error expressed as to successfully perform them. test, a horizontal jump test, and a percentage (%TE) in 30 m sprint an overhead medicine ball throw. testing has been reported as 2%14. SUBJECTS Participants underwent a stan- Vertical jump Prior to participant recruitment, dardised warm-up prior to testing, Participants were required to per- ethical consent was attained by St. which consisted of five minutes of form vertical countermovement HORIZONTAL JUMP PREDICTS WEIGHTLIFTING PERFORMANCE 9 N° 8 / September-December 2017 jumps (VJ) with each foot placed Overhead medicine ball throw participants were required to have on one of two portable force pla- Participants were instructed to been scheduled into a training tforms (PAS010660; Pasco, USA). face the opposite way to the di- plan for a minimum of 12 weeks, The participants held their hands rection of the throw with their and had to be officiated by quali- on their hips for the duration of feet placed comfortably apart. fied BWL referees. Absolute lifts the jump. Participants perfor- The participants were required to and totals, lifts and totals scaled med the countermovement to a begin the overhead medicine ball to body mass (ratio), and lifts and self-prescribed depth, and at a throw (MBT) with the ball held at totals scaled to body mass raised speed that they felt would allow overhead with straight arms. The to the power of 0.67 (allometric) them to perform their best. Force participants were then required were all included in the statistical data were exported and analysed to perform a countermovement, analysis. To assess the predictive offline. Jump height was calcula- bringing the medicine ball down capability of the testing battery, ted using the double integration between their legs, before force- weightlifting competitive perfor- method to establish peak vertical fully extending through a triple ex- mance was considered as the Sin- centre of mass displacement32. tension pattern to throw the ball clair total. The Sinclair total is the Participants were required to per- overhead. The participants were product of the absolute total and form three successful attempts, instructed to throw for distance. the Sinclair coefficient. The Sin- with a self-prescribed rest period The arms were required to remain clair coefficient for 2013-2016 is between attempts. The highest straight throughout the throw. calculated as: jump was used for the statistical Males were required to throw a 6 analysis. The %TE in CMJ testing kg medicine ball, whilst females Sinclair coefficient=10AX has been reported as between 4 were required to throw a 4 kg me- and 7%26. dicine ball, corresponding to 7 and Where: Horizontal jump 5% of body mass respectively. The A (male)= 0.794358141 The horizontal jump (HJ) requi- distance was measured from the A (female) = 0.897269740 red the participants to jump as heel of the participant in their ini- X X= log ( ) far forwards as possible from a tial start position, to the point the 10 b standing start. Participants were medicine ball made first contact Where: allowed to use an arm swing, and with the floor. Throw distance was X= body mass were required to perform an initial recorded by the same investiga- b (male)= 174.393 countermovement to a self-pre- tor throughout the data collection b (female) = 148.026 scribed depth. The participants period. Participants were requi- were instructed to jump for di- red to perform three successful STATISTICAL stance. Any movement following attempts, with a self-prescribed ANALYSIS the landing resulted in a foul at- rest period between attempts. Statistical analysis was carried out tempt. The distance between the The furthest throw was used for using IBM SPSS 22 (IBM Corpora- participants’ toe at the start posi- the statistical analysis. The MBT tion: Armonk, NY). A Shapiro-Wilk tion and the heel that was furthest has previously been considered to test was used in combination with back upon landing was recorded have good test-retest reliability, visual inspection of Q-Q plots to to the nearest centimetre. parti- based on an intraclass correlation assess normality of all variables. cipants were required to perform coefficient of 0.99634. A Pearson’s product-moment cor- three successful attempts, with a Weightlifting performance relation (r) was used to determine self-prescribed rest period betwe- Weightlifting performance was the relationships between the HJ, en attempts. The furthest jump established from a competition VJ, 30 m sprint, MBT, and the mea- was used for the statistical analy- held within two weeks prior to sures of weightlifting performan- sis. The %TE in HJ testing has been completing the testing battery. ce. Correlation coefficients were reported as 2%23. All competitions attended by the defined as trivial when r <0.10, 10 HORIZONTAL JUMP PREDICTS WEIGHTLIFTING PERFORMANCE

Table 1. Participant characteristics, including weightlifting performance

Clean Clean Clean Snatch Total Total Total Participant Mass Snatch Snatch & Jerk Total & Jerk & Jerk (Allome- (Ra- (Allo- (Sin- Number (kg) (kg) (Ratio) (Allo- (kg) (kg) (Ratio) tric) tio) metric) clair) metric) 1 (F) 83 35 45 0.42 0.54 1.81 2.33 80 0.96 4.14 91.2 2 (F) 104 62 72 0.60 0.69 2.77 3.21 134 1.29 5.98 140.7 3 (F) 105 62 78 0.59 0.75 2.75 3.46 140 1.34 6.21 146.6 4 (F) 52 40 60 0.77 1.15 2.83 4.25 100 1.92 7.08 153.2 5 70 50 90 0.71 1.29 2.90 5.22 140 2.00 8.13 186.6 6 (F) 58 60 75 1.03 1.29 3.95 4.94 135 2.33 8.89 190.1 7 95 93 100 0.98 1.05 4.40 4.73 193 2.03 9.13 219.2 8 123 100 145 0.81 1.18 3.98 5.77 245 1.99 9.75 255.5 9 94 100 131 1.06 1.39 4.76 6.24 231 2.46 11.01 263.5 The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The 10 82 105 126 1.28 1.54 5.48 6.58 231 2.82 12.06 281.1 11 85 110 138 1.29 1.62 5.61 7.03 248 2.92 12.64 296.4 12 79 130 153 1.65 1.94 6.96 8.19 283 3.58 15.15 351.4 Mean 86 79 101 0.93 1.20 4.02 5.16 180 2.14 9.18 214.6 s 20 31 36 0.35 0.41 1.50 1.71 66 0.75 3.16 76.5 F = female. Absolute results are measured in kg, ratio results are reported as multiples of body mass, allometric results are reported as multiples of body mass raised to the power of 0.67. Sinclair total is the product of the absolute total and the Sinclair coefficient

Table 2. Testing battery results

Participant 30ST VJ HJ MBT Number (s) (cm) (cm) (cm) 1 (F) 5.53 25.4 135 590 2 (F) 5.39 32.7 183 740 3 (F) 4.83 35.5 190 940 4 (F) 4.81 46.7 216 985 5 4.44 43.4 229 726 6 (F) 4.18 47.6 231 610 7 4.24 42.3 249 1235 8 4.59 55.7 257 1430 9 4.65 48.0 243 990 10 4.46 56.3 264 750 11 4.28 52.8 259 1080 12 4.29 57.9 266 960 Mean 4.64 45.4 227 920 s 0.44 10.1 40 252 F = female. HORIZONTAL JUMP PREDICTS WEIGHTLIFTING PERFORMANCE 11

small when r = 0.11-0.30, modera- are provided in table 1, and the re- most strongly related to Sinclair N° 8 / September-December 2017 te when r = 0.31-0.50, large when sults of the testing battery for all total (r = 0.90; 95% CI [0.67, 0.97]), r = 0.51-0.70, and very large when participants are provided in table shown in figure 1. Results from r >0.7112. 95% confidence intervals 2. The coefficient of variation (CV) the 30ST, VJ, and HJ tests were en- (95% CI) were also calculated for for all weightlifting performance tered into a stepwise regression the correlation coefficients. Predi- measures were between 33 and analysis, using Sinclair total as the ctors of weightlifting competitive 39%, indicating a wide range of dependent variable. The results of performance (Sinclair total) were competitive standards. The resul- this analysis indicated the HJ was identified using a stepwise regres- ts of the correlational analysis are the strongest predictor of weight- sion analysis. Only the best single presented in table 3. The MBT was lifting performance, accounting variable model was accepted due not significantly related to any for 79% of the variation in Sinclair to the sample size. As the partici- of the weightlifting performance total (SEE = 35; F = 42.5; p <0.001). pants were drawn from an oppor- measures, however demonstrated The equation predicting weightli- tunity sample, a post hoc power a large significant relationship to fting performance from the HJ is analysis was carried out using R absolute clean & jerk performance included in figure 1. The post hoc (package “pwr”, with extension (r = 0.58; 95% CI [0.01, 0.87]). The power analysis was conducted on “powerSurvEpi”)6,31. Alpha was set VJ demonstrated very large signifi- the lowest and highest significant at 0.05, and beta at 0.20. cant relationships to all measures correlation to weightlifting perfor- of weightlifting performance, but mance (Sinclair total). Using this Results was most strongly related to Sin- sample of 12 participants (where Visual inspection of Q-Q plots and clair total (r = 0.89; 95% CI [0.65, alpha was set a priori at 0.05, and the results of the Shapiro-Wilk 0.97]). The HJ test demonstrated beta at 0.20), a Pearson’s product test indicated none of the data very large significant relation- moment correlation coefficient of violated assumptions of normali- ships to all measures of weightli- -0.72 and 0.90 return powers of ty. The weightlifting performances fting performance, and was also 0.80 and 0.99, respectively.

350 300

) 250 kg ( l 200 ota otal (kg) T T 151500 air l 110000 AdAdjustjusteded R2 = 0.0.7979 Sinclair Sinc 50 SinclairSinclair Totalotal = -177.2 + (HJ x 1.73) 0 Figure No. 1 100 1212515 150 17525 20000 2222525 25500 27535 30000 Relationship between HJ HJ Distance ((cm)cm) distance and Sinclair total. 12 HORIZONTAL JUMP PREDICTS WEIGHTLIFTING PERFORMANCE

Table 3. Results of the correlation analysis

Clean & Snatch Clean & Snatch Clean & Snatch Total Total Total (Al- Total Jerk (Ra- (Allome- Jerk (Al- (kg) Jerk (kg) (Ratio) (kg) (Ratio) lometric) (Sinclair) tio) tric) lometric) -0.58 -0.61 -0.73 -0.78 -0.70 -0.75 -0.60 -0.77 -0.74 -0.72 30ST [-0.87, [-0.88, [-0.92, [-0.94, [-0.91, [-0.93, [-0.87, [-0.93, [-0.92, [-0.91, -0.01] -0.05] -0.28] -0.37] -0.22] -0.32] -0.05] -0.36] -0.29] -0.24] 0.76 0.83 0.83 0.91 0.83 0.92 0.81 0.89 0.90 0.89 VJ [0.32, [0.49, [0.49, [0.69, [0.48, [0.73, [0.44, [0.63, [0.64, [0.65, 0.93] 0.95] 0.95] 0.97] 0.95] 0.98] 0.94] 0.97] 0.97] 0.97] 0.81 0.85 0.83 0.87 0.84 0.90 0.84 0.86 0.89 0.90 HJ [0.43, [0.54, [0.48, [0.59, [0.52, [0.68, [0.51, [0.57, [0.64, [0.67, 0.94] 0.96] 0.95] 0.96] 0.96] 0.97] 0.95] 0.96] 0.97] 0.97]

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The 0.53 0.58 0.22 0.22 0.33 0.36 0.57 0.22 0.35 0.27 MBT [-0.07, [0.01, [-0.41, [-0.41, [-0.30, [-0.28, [-0.01, [-0.40, [-0.28, [-0.17, 0.85] 0.87] 0.70] 0.70] 0.76] 0.77] 0.86] 0.71] 0.77] 0.81]

Values are provided as Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient (r) with 95% confidence intervals in square brackets. Confidence intervals that do not cross zero indicate significant correlations.

Discussion of the variance in Sinclair total. another (r = 0.94), and so are both The purpose of this study was to The key finding of this study is the a demonstration of a common provide insight into the relevan- strength of the HJ in predicting physical competency. Unfortuna- ce of the BWL TID testing battery. weightlifting performance. The HJ tely, accurate and reliable testing The relevance of these tests to has been used as an assessment of vertical jump performance re- weightlifting performance, defi- tool in numerous athletic environ- quires the use of force platforms ned as Sinclair total, was assessed ments, and has been used to pre- or contact mats, both of which mi- using 12 weightlifters, all of whom dict athletic performance across ght be prohibitively expensive for varied greatly in respect to cur- a range of running distances, many smaller weightlifting clubs. rent performances and training long jump and triple jump, and However, horizontal jump perfor- history. The findings of this study noted as an effective assessment mance measured by tape measure demonstrate large and very large of lower body power1,20. However, has been found to be a valid per- relationships between the 30ST, the HJ has not been given much formance measure25, and might VJ, and HJ to weightlifting per- attention in regards to its position provide a cheap and logistically formance. While the MBT was not within power sports, unlike the VJ, favourable method of assessing found to be significantly related to which has been found to be stron- lower limb impulse capabilities. weightlifting performance, it was gly correlated with a number of VJ performance is a commonly significantly correlated with abso- athletic power movements, such used surrogate measure of high lute clean and jerk (CJ) performan- as weightlifting, sprinting and force and high velocity lower limb ce. Despite the common emphasis throwing1,30. It should be noted extension capability, and is thou- of relationships between vertical however, not only did the HJ and ght to correspond with weightli- jumping and weightlifting perfor- VJ demonstrate practically com- fting performance. The relevance mance9, the results of our analysis parable relationships with Sinclair of the VJ to weightlifting perfor- demonstrated HJ as the strongest total (r = 0.90, and 0.89, respecti- mance has been established from single predictor of weightlifting vely), but HJ and VJ were found studies assessing the underpin- performance, able to explain 79% to be highly correlated with one ning biomechanics3,13,22, training HORIZONTAL JUMP PREDICTS WEIGHTLIFTING PERFORMANCE 13

studies7,18,38, and investigations to predict athletic performance N° 8 / September-December 2017 of performance correlates4,28,40. in shotput (r = 0.72)1, and shown Large relationships between VJ to have a large correlation with and weightlifting performance (r sprint acceleration = 0.71-0.83)40, the snatch (r = 0.60- (r = 0.61)30, peak sprint velocity (r 0.75)4,40, and the clean and jerk = 0.67)30, and a very large correla- (r = 0.59-0.79)4,28 40 have previou- tion to strength sly been reported. The findings of (r = 0.81)30. Additionally, it is no- this study demonstrate very large teworthy that Peterson, Alvar & relationships between VJ and me- Rhea30 found a large correlation to asures of absolute weightlifting sprint performance only in fema- performance, and relative weight- les (r = 0.61-0.66), with a weaker lifting performance. In compari- correlation with males (r = 0.42- son, Vizcaya et al.40 found very lar- 0.48). This potentially highlights ge relationships between Sinclair sex differences in underpinning total and the deep jump biomotor qualities, which is worth (r = 0.83), the squat jump (r = 0.71), considering when providing exer- and CMJ (r = 0.75). Whilst qualitati- cise selection for TID purposes. vely comparable, the coefficients Similar to the HJ, sprint tests and presented by Vizcaya et al.40 are weightlifting performances are slightly lower than the present currently lacking depth in resear- study. This is likely explained by the ch. Hori et al.19 reviewed the corre- fact that the sample group used lation of the hang power clean and by Vizcaya et al.40 were of a higher change of direction, sprint and weightlifting standard (Sinclair jump performances. A large corre- total = 287.7 vs. 214.6), and had lation was noted from Hori et al.19 more homogenous performan- between one-repetition maximum ces (CV = 20.5% vs. 35.6%), than hang power clean and 20 m sprint the sample used here. This might performance (r = -0.58). Similar suggest that performances can findings are presented in this stu- be better explained through dif- dy between the clean and sprint ferent tests dependent on com- performance. This study noted a petitive standard, likely as a result large correlation with sprint per- of differences in underpinning formance and absolute weightli- physical qualities and differences fting performance, and a stronger in technical ability. The HJ is cur- relationship with relative perfor- rently somewhat under-resear- mance. Due to the strong relation- ched in terms of its use in talent ships previously noted between identification, and specifically for measures of strength and sprint weightlifting performance as- performance33,36, it is unsurprising sessment. However, our findings that we see these correlations demonstrate a very large relation- between short distance high ve- ship between the HJ with absolute locity running and weightlifting weightlifting performance and performance, which itself is hi- relative weightlifting performan- ghly correlated with measures of ce. Outside of weightlifting, the HJ strength37. Whilst our study does has been found as a reliable tool provide evidence that there is a 14 HORIZONTAL JUMP PREDICTS WEIGHTLIFTING PERFORMANCE

strong relationship between wei- may have impacted in the ability include an independent measure ghtlifting and sprint performan- of the test to differentiate perfor- of strength alongside these tests, ces, there was not enough unique mances in this test. Future work in order to establish the extent of variation explained to warrant the should aim to identify how this the shared variance. It should be inclusion of the 30ST into the pre- test differentiates performance in noted that the results of this study diction model. samples of similarly sized weight- have already been considered as lifters. part of an updated BWL TID proto- The MBT has been used as an as- col, and further research in optimi- sessment for power and validated The purpose of this study was to sing this approach is ongoing. as a reliable test by Stockbrugger establish the relevance of the & Haennel34 who also demon- phase-one BWL TID testing bat- Conclusions strated a very large correlation tery against weightlifting perfor- and practical between MBT and VJ power index mance. To do this we purposefully applications (r = 0.91). In the present study, the recruited male and female partici- The results of this study provide

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The MBT was able to provide a large pants who were representative of early evidence that the HJ can be significant a correlation with the different weight categories, levels used as an appropriate predictor clean & jerk, but failed to demon- of weightlifting experience, and of weightlifting performance for strate any significant correlations performance standards. Of cour- adults. Due to the relatively small with relative weightlifting perfor- se, the strength of relationships sample size, generalisation and mance, or absolute performance. between selected tests and mea- extrapolation should be applied As the MBT demonstrates the abi- sures of physical performance are cautiously. However, the results lity of the lower body, trunk, and sensitive to the characteristics of of the post hoc power analysis upper body to express power as a the sample, and to the sample size. support the validity of the results working unit34,24, the inclusion of It is also important that future re- presented here. The limited requi- this the MBT as a test to predict search considers the relevance of rements of resources for the exe- weightlifting performance initially this TID testing battery to athletes cution of the assessment provide seemed appropriate. Considering of a particular standard, athletes a logistical advantage over other the sport of weightlifting is based from different weight categories, forms of assessment. However, around the sequencing and coor- using a larger sample, and asses- the practitioner should carefully dinated contributions of the legs, sing their relevance to male and consider the relevance of this par- trunk, and arms17, there would female weightlifters separately. ticular test to the athletes they are have perhaps been an expectation In addition, it should be remem- working with, with particular con- for a greater relationship between bered that these physical tests sideration to performance stan- MBT and performance than was only provide a snapshot of current dard, previous experience, and found in this study. A likely contri- ability, not of potential. Any phy- sex. Furthermore, the relation- buting factor to this was the ar- sical testing battery related to a ships demonstrated between VJ, bitrary mass of the medicine ball TID program should carefully con- HJ, and 30ST with various measu- used in our testing. In line with the sider how these tests are able to res of weightlifting performance BWL TID protocol, males were re- demonstrate underlying physical provide additional evidence that quired to throw a 6 kg ball, whilst traits and therefore future poten- these movements all share similar females were required to throw a 4 tial, rather than simply reflecting underpinning strength and power kg ball. Considering the difference their current training state. Final- requirements. Therefore, training in mass between the heaviest and ly, each of the tests included in the for enhanced high-force and hi- lightest participants in our study, BWL TID testing battery have pre- gh-velocity actions could be opti- it stands to reason that the re- viously been demonstrated to be mised by the inclusion of some, or sulting difference in relative load correlated with maximal strength. all, of the exercises presented in experienced by each participants As such, future research should this study. HORIZONTAL JUMP PREDICTS WEIGHTLIFTING PERFORMANCE 15 N° 8 / September-December 2017

Rich J. Kite Rich holds a BSc in Strength & Conditioning and undergoing a Masters of Research in Sports Science. Rich is currently a development officer Adam Spence and regional talent Adam has been a strength and conditioning coach for British practitioner for over ten years. He is currently the Weight Lifting. strength and conditioning coach at Royal Holloway (University of London), in the UK.

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PROTECTED: ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURES AND THE NFL “The speed at which animals can turn depends on the forces involved in cornering, and larger animals need to produce greater forces for any given turn. Howe- ver, larger animals can apply relatively less force than smaller animals for turns and so cannot turn as rapi- dly.” R.Wilson, I. et al 2015 BY Andrew “Bud” Charniga 19 N° 8 / September-December 2017 20 PROTECTED: ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURES AND THE NFL

Three essays (“Its all connected” within the context of special re- The answer to the question as to parts I-III) dealt with various is- active physical qualities acquired whether certain exercise tech- sues relating to ubiquitous mis- through training for Olympic style niques, specifically, strength and information inspired by the aca- weightlifting competitions. It was conditioning exercise techniques demic and medical communities, reasoned these reactive physical popular in the training of football research flawed by gender bias qualities are injury prophylactic. players from high school to profes- and the possibility to employ a ‘re- A general conclusion formed from sional ranks can predispose one to verse engineering’ concept to gain these essays was the all the too ap- injury is an unequivocal yes. insight into injury mechanisms in parent lacking of these qualities in sports, were elucidated.In an ef- the preparation of many American How To Go About Breaking fort to gain objective insights into athletes; hence the high injury rate Biological Springs some common sports injuries to of ankles and knees. “We run and jump in a similar the lower extremities; the low inju- To continue along the same line of fashion, stretching our Achilles ry rate of weightlifters principally reasoning of reverse engineering tendons by about 5% as we stress

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The to the ankle joint, and, especially mechanisms; this essay will focus them with forces around seven among females were examined. on one injury in particular, a rup- times our weight. We also store Most of the examples presented ture of the Achilles tendon in pro- energy in the tendons of our feet were of female weightlifters, who fessional American football. themselves.” Steven Vogel, 1988. would be expected according to the It should be emphasized such a biased thinking of American aca- Is there a connection between pre- simple assertion that strength and demia, to suffer certain injury. The disposition for injury and exercise conditioning exercise techniques non – injury events were explained techniques? can predispose one to injury; must

Figure No. 1 Professional football player ruptures Achilles tendon cutting to avoid tackle in open field. In general, strength and conditioning exercises and techniques employed for football players fail to take into account actual game conditions: to pursue and avoid pursuit. Sharp changes of direction necessitate lowering body center of mass and subjecting the lower extremities to increased loading to produce the centripetal acceleration for tilting the body and at the same time prevent toppling over (Biewener, 2007; Wilson, 2015). The viscoelastic properties of the tendons, especially the Achilles, come into play to enhance the body’s ability to produce those forces to make sharp turns without toppling over.


be inclusive the influences of the • Exercise techniques can be is high; likewise the cost in human N° 8 / September-December 2017 medical community, the academic based on rudimentary knowl- and financial terms. Various misin- community, the athletic training edge of biomechanics and/or formation can be ascertained rel- and physical therapy professions kinesiology; ative to the etiology of such a dev- exert in the training room and on • The ubiquitous presence of astating injury. From the little data the athletic field. For example, a equipment manufacturers available, approximately one third by no means comprehensive list of dictates most of the types ex- of football players are unable to re- sources which influence condition- ercises and the equipment turn to the game after suffering an ing techniques and methods is pre- used: racks; chains; benches; Achilles rupture. Many more have sented below. machines; bands; ropes; tires; difficulty or are unable to return balls, etc.; to their pre – injury power capabil- • ; • The teaching and mastery of ities. The generally acknowledged • The National Strength and Con- complex motor skills in gener- prevalence of at least 5 – 10 rup- ditioning Association (NSCA) al, are antithetical to exercises tures per year probably costs the employed in weight rooms; • Equipment manufacturers league in the tens of millions of dol- • Exercise to fatigue and/or lars. Surgery is usually necessary, • Personal training associations prolonged straining over sin- recovery can take up to a year; re- • Strongman competitions gle repetition in weightlifting placements have to be found while exercises are frequently em- the athlete is recovering or if the • Exercise emporiums phasized in injury is career ending. Viewpoints • Professional athletic trainers workouts for athletes. vary as to how football players go • Physical therapists and ortho- about breaking the body’s largest, paedic surgeons A connection between the rather strongest spring, but not widely so. high number of Achilles ruptures From the standpoint of the ortho- • Questionable research: espe- suffered by NFL players, 13 for paedic surgeon, the mechanism of cially gender biased instance, by the first week of the Achilles tendon rupture involves: • University sports medicine 2011 season, and a single predis- “Mechanisms leading to tendon programs and textbooks posing factor is not possible. How- failure involve the rapid loading ever, such a connection is possible of an already tensed tendon. Pro- • Olympic lifting with the amalgamation of all the posed mechanisms of loading or • Online gurus above influences, acting together overloading that result in an Achil- over time. This conclusion is based les tendon failure include a dor- on analysis of non – contact Achilles siflexion force to the ankle with a Indeed, the influence of the various ruptures where there is no obvious strong contraction of the sources are obvious from the amal- predisposing factor such as anoth- surae muscle, pushing off of the gamation of strength and condi- er player or players falling on the weight-bearing foot with the knee tioning exercises and techniques injured or otherwise subjecting the in extension, and a strong dorsi- to be found in school, university tendon to unusual strain. Accord- flexion force on the plantar flexed and professional football weight ing to various sources in the litera- ankle”. (Khalid, 2016) rooms; and, are part of the training ture (Khalid, Hsu, Shaginaw, Myer, This mechanism echos a viewpoint in certification programs: Siebert) the frequency of Achilles of the Achilles rupture etiology • Exercise techniques, especial- tendon ruptures in the NFL appears from athletic training: ly strength training exercis- to be on the rise; even though accu- “I saw a common mechanism for es, tend to be choreographed rate data as to the precise number most of them. The athlete takes to conform to arbitrarily de- of incidents is hard to come by. The some kind of back step and as he fined limitations of movement NFL is a business, not an open book; pushes off, his knee extends at deemed ‘safe’; even though the overall injury rate the same time. This combination 22 PROTECTED: ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURES AND THE NFL The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The

Figure No. 2 Female still in mid – air before landing back – foot – first to fix 154 kg barbell, with extremely flexed ankle. Compare this to football player at the approximate instant of rupturing Achilles tendon after planting foot while carrying a 450 gram football.

of eccentric loading of the Achilles ketball court and so forth, without fered a serious injury is the wom- followed by forceful plantar flexion straightening the knee, hip and an’s ‘spring’ stretches, elongating and knee extension may overload ankle without raising the heel, i.e., up to 5 – 6% of its length to store the tendon causing rupture”. Justin sans this biomechanics, is left to strain energy. On the contrary, the Shaginaw, (2015) the imagination. Even more to the football player’s tendon ruptures And, from another surgeon: point, how can any explosive mo- as it resists by comparison a mod- “Stepping backward onto the toes tion from the lower extremities be est, natural elongation. There is in order to push off the ground to effective without all the muscles, nothing out of the ordinary or un- suddenly start forward.” tendons and ligaments working to- usual about the conditions under “Pushing forward into opposing gether in the just describe gobble- which the football injury occurred. players by standing on the toes and digook manner? Consider the con- Tendons are designed to store and driving the heel to the ground.” trasting circumstances depicted in release elastic energy, that is why “Stopping suddenly on the toes in the three photos of figure 2. A 75 they are referred to as viscoelas- an attempt to quickly change direc- kg young woman is jerking a 154 kg tic. The weightlifter in the example tions.” Seibert, (2011) barbell (205% of her bodyweight). dissipates the combined forces of What this technical gobbledigook The Achilles tendon of the football the her bodyweight and the barbell means is the body’s largest, stron- player’s right ankle ruptures at ap- on her tendons while storing strain gest spring blows apart as a result proximately the instant he pushes energy. The elastic (strain) energy of everyday, normal running, turn- off while running with the ball. The from the stretch is released just ing, jumping mechanics: extend- difference between the massive as a spring recoils, when the lifter ing the leg against a raised heel. strain (normal for weightlifters) on pushes off to straighten her legs. How one can run about a football the lifter’s tendons and that of the More power is generated with this field, run and jump about a bas- football player’s Achilles, who suf- recoil than is possible from mere PROTECTED: ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURES AND THE NFL 23 N° 8 / September-December 2017

Figure No.3 Female weightlifter lifting 154 kg, pushing off the rear foot from a extreme stretch of Achilles and other tendons and ligaments of the ankle and foot. Charniga photos

muscular contraction. There is no standpoint of conditioning coach- trainers and medical staff ‘to ease logical argument, no amount of es. Since a lot of these injuries oc- them into the rigors of preparing technical jargon which can demon- cur in preseason or training camps for the football season’. (Myer et al, strate the relatively low stress it was reasoned (and this is echoed 2011) tendon blow out circumstances of by the surgeons) the players were the football player are at all com- out of shape when they reported Prematurely aging the younger parable to those of the everyday, to camp and may have “Exercise athlete massive strains on the weightlift- deficit disorder”; a term used to de- In their review Myer, et all, 2011, er’s tendons. The young woman’s scribe young athletes: “who do not noted that research of NFL Achil- Achilles tendon and indeed the an- have enhanced physical prowess les ruptures established an aver- kle joint, are subjected to strain far and necessary neuro – muscular age age of 29. Whereas, Myer, et al, exceeding the rather modest forc- control are at increased risk of inju- found that of the rash of rupture es on the tendons of the football ry, as evidenced by epidemiological injuries in 2011 the average age player’s ankle; which resulted in se- reports on anterior cruciate liga- was 23.9 years. As already noted rious injury. “Whenever the Achilles ment injuries….” Myer et al, 2011 the authors attributed this cata- lengthens too much too sharply, it Consequently, the authors conclud- strophic injury to a lack of time with can rupture.” (Seibert, 2011) ed the rash of injuries which oc- the amalgamation of condition- Were there any truth to the above curred in the immediate aftermath ing coaches, trainers and physical statement Achilles tendon rup- of the 2011 NFL lockout were due therapists; creating a sort of “Ex- tures would abound; especially in to the players reporting to training ercise deficit disorder”. A far more weightlifting. camp in the absence of sufficient plausible explanation for the reju- Another line of thinking about ten- time training with the strength venation of rupture victims is the don rupture etiology is from the and conditioning coaches, athletic cumulative effects from an earlier 24 PROTECTED: ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURES AND THE NFL

onset of bodybuilding/powerlift- Achilles ruptures were a common something is radically wrong ing exercises and techniques in injury in the more than 100 year his- with the training and general strength training, ankle taping, i.e., tory of American football. And, with preparation of football players restrictive range of motion exercis- advent of the strength and condi- A logical explanation, with an ex- es and supported taping, already, tioning coach, athletic trainers tap- traordinarily high probability, is in high school. Surgeons typically ing ankles and knees, taping shoes the etiology of such an unusual, see this type of injury with “40 – 60 to ankles, knee braces, and so forth; devastating injury to young elite year old” male weekend warriors the rate of Achilles ruptures would athletes can be traced to heavy re- playing pick up and such naturally decline because the play- liance on bodybuilding/powerlift- (Stone, K., 2015). ers with “Exercise deficit disorder” ing exercises and methods in the The common thread between the would have begun to disappear, strength and conditioning of foot- NFL and the middle age rupture i.e., the ankles of young athletes ball players. These practices are all victims, unequivocally, is a loss off would be better ‘conditioned’ and the more problematical because muscle – tendon elasticity. The foot- protected with tape and braces. they are coupled with the mobility

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The ball players have been ‘stiffened’ On the contrary, sans data preced- altering use of taping/bracing of with bodybuilding/powerlifting ex- ing the appearance of the weight joints. This type of strength train- ercises and a general lack of bend- coach and ankle taping practi- ing over time produces ‘linear ro- ing the hip, knee, and, especially the tioners; most observers acknowl- bots’; capable of running linear- ankle through a large amplitude of edge the rate is rising. Further- ly; which in actuality, contradicts motion; roughly equivalent to what more, since when did this disease the typical demands of the game. happens to the weekend warriors: known as “Exercise deficit disor- “At first glance, tendon looks like aging and lack of conditioning. der” make its appearance? a poor spring. We’ve been talking Were the assessment of Myer, et The high rate of injury to the low- it about it here as an inextensible al, at all plausible there would be er extremities, especially Achil- spring, and a spring must stretch sufficient evidence to demonstrate les ruptures, strongly suggests to be of any use. In reality, though, tendon can be stretched, just not very much; it breaks when elon- gated beyond about 8 percent.” Steven Vogel, 1988. Based on this statement by highly acclaimed biologist Steven Vogel, tendons are biological springs, the func- tion and purpose of which is to stretch and recoil. These biologi- cal springs allow animals and hu- mans to generate forces to jump further and run faster than is pos- sible from contraction of all the muscles involved in these actions. A tendon can rupture when it is stretched up to 8% of its length. That being the case, it is highly unlikely the rupture injuries com- mon to the NFL involve stretching Figure No. 4 Professional football player ruptures Achilles tendon avoiding the body’s main springs to 8%. pursuit while ‘pursuers’ likewise must alter linear movements to Why? Because very, very few if tackle runner. any of the players ever elongate PROTECTED: ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURES AND THE NFL 25

their Achilles in weight room ex- and ‘unsafe’ motions for the ankle; ter-conditionally to all other joints. N° 8 / September-December 2017 ercises or on the field remotely and of course it goes without say- See illustrations in figures 6-8: close to that of the young female ing; to likewise go about taping or “A human or animal body is a com- weightlifter in the illustrations. otherwise restricting motion in plex structure whose parts move Consequently, after many years of joints which are set up to move in relative to each other.” R. McN. Al- powerlifting/bodybuilding weight harmony, interconnected and in- exadner, 1988 room exercises, taping and spat- ting ankles, knees and so forth and normal playing conditions where the knee and ankles do not bend through a large amplitude of motion; the average NFL player’s range of motion, and especially the muscle – tendon elasticity of the lower extremities deteriorates. In all probability the tendon rup- tures because this loss of elasticity creates internal resistance to what should be normal coordination of Figure No. 5 muscles and elongation of tendons Dialectical contradictions arise when serious non – contact football and ligaments from hip to foot. injuries to the lower extremities are contrasted with normal, non The actions described above of – injury inducing weightlifting exercises; this, despite significantly football players extending lower greater stress on the ‘un – protected’ lower extremities of extremities are normal movements weightlifters. Contrasting circumstances are depicted above of injury and are precisely how humans and with normal high stress on lower extremities. From left to right: A serious knee injury occurs from non – contact running; a female animals achieve power outputs un- executes a normal maximum bending in ankle joint while fixing 220% of attainable by mere contraction of bodyweight overhead in the clean and jerk; an Achilles tendon rupture muscles. from non – contact movement in football..

False notions of what constitutes acceptable movement amplitude in strength and conditioning exer- cises, taping, bracing and so forth, coalesce to ultimately to increase the vulnerability of the ankle joint tendons and ligaments in sports like American football The idea that the ability to turn the ankle (inversion) rapidly could be part of a complex reaction; an injury prophylactic; does not exist in the world of athletic training Figure No. 6 The ankle joint is full of Biologi- Note: Perceived extremely narrow ‘safe’ range of movement of the cal springs – called ligaments and ankle joint illustrated in the picture on the left and the obvious tendons. That being said, it is illog- solution to ‘protect’ the ankle by ‘spatting’ the foot and ankle joint to ical to arbitrarily determine ‘safe’ the shoe. 26 PROTECTED: ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURES AND THE NFL

Figure No. 7 Three photos depict female and male weightlifters twisting ankles. In each case the athlete twisted the ankle holding a heavy barbell overhead, without consequence.

Football-injurya skill movements, relatively simple Russian sport scientists who studied Bodybuilding/powerlifting in motor structure; or, in the case the negative effect of bodybuilding/ The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The movements constitute the majority of weight machines, movement powerlifting exercises for strength of exercises and techniques to be constitutes antithetical skill. training athletes in dynamic sports found in the high school, college Furthermore, with heavy weights note: and professional weight rooms. or prolonged contractions through “All of this has a negative effect In general these exercises are not multiple repetitions this type of on muscle elasticity, on their performed with full range of motion training is almost indistinguishable ability to stretch and relax, and an in joints; are performed slowly from isometrics. Strength training unfavorable effect on those sport with heavy weights and/or become in this manner over a long period exercises which require speed slow in one set with multiple of time has been shown to reduce strength and precise movement repetitions. These exercises are low muscle – tendon elasticity. Hence, coordination.”A.I. Falameyev, 1985

Figure No. 8 The single worst idea ever conceived in the realm of athletic training: ‘tighter ligaments’ , and the disastrous aftermath it has spawned. Football linemen wearing knee braces with high top shoes and no doubt, ankles taped for additional support to prevent injury. A stark contrast between football linemen required to “tighten” joints with braces with female weightlifter subjecting the lower extremities to extreme loading snatching 103 kg; sans any support other than bone, muscles, tendons and ligaments. PROTECTED: ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURES AND THE NFL 27 N° 8 / September-December 2017

Figure No. 9 Elite collegiate football player suffers season ending knee injury attempting to decelerate; his right leg is injured with heel strike first, in pursuit of opposing runner who is cutting to avoid tackle. More than sufficient evidence of the myriad influences affecting the training of football players from the list provided can be found in numerous weight room videos posted by universities and professional teams.

For instance:

• In this video the athlete is ‘coached’ to perform slow grinding half squats chained to a resistance machine;

• In this video athletes perform powerlifting type squats with heavy weights, inside rack with depth of bending controlled, employ machines etc.;

• The coach in this video instructs athletes to squat, pointing out that he has good ankle flexibility. A classic example of the blind leading the blind, he sits back in half squat with shins vertical.

• ACL injury prevention video demonstrates techniques to prevent knee injury. The concepts presented to bend a certain way with feet aligned with shin and so forth contradict the un-choerographed demands on the athletes lower extremities on the field.

• This video is a vivid example of the utter lack of any conceptual understanding of flexibility, suppleness, muscle tendon elasticity and so forth. How else can this be described other than a ‘carnival barker’ lead- ing players ‘stretching’ boards at a lumber yard. 28 PROTECTED: ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURES AND THE NFL

Compounding the “stiffening” effect of bodybuilding/powerlift- ing training in the football weight room; add the athletic trainer tap- ing ankles, knees, shoes to ankles and so forth and over time, ‘linear robots’ emerge. Consequently, it is precisely when the players report to training camp that these muscle – tendon – joint stiffening influenc- es coalesce. When players’ whose muscles have been ‘stiffened’ by bodybuilding/powerlifting move- ments and machine exercises,

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The take the field and are expected to perform dynamic, explosive move- ments with taping and bracing they are confronted with what the Rus- sian sport scientists call ‘internal resistance’. The agonists/antag- onists involved in a motor action have to ‘cooperate’ in order to min- imize internal resistance to move- ment and maximize power output. Furthermore, this ‘cooperation’ allows athletes to react to unantic- ipated conditions and avoid injury. Consider the quote below refer- ring to this concept of lessening internal resistance by training with movements of large amplitude. “It is easy to stretch the muscle antagonists and thereby lessen the resistance to the power of the muscle agonists, the contraction of which perform the movement, if one possesses large movement amplitude.” A.N. Vorobeyev, 1988 It is rare if any football player ex- Figure No. 10 - 10.b - 10.c ercises the knee, hip and ankle A contact ‘non – injury’ in weightlifting. through a large range of move- Weightlifter drops 178 kg on his shank ment. This, out of fear of bending without suffering injury despite absorbing the full weight of the barbell. The elasticity of the knee and ankle so far as to the lifter’s muscles and especially the Achilles stretch ligaments and tendons, i.e., tendon dissipate the energy of the falling mass the influence of strength and condi- which under analogous conditions one would tioning coaches, trainers, academ- expect something like this to lay waste to a ics, medical staff, etc. Consequent- whole football team. PROTECTED: ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURES AND THE NFL 29

ly, the axiom from Biology ‘use it or The same cannot be said of the extremely rare affliction like an N° 8 / September-December 2017 lose it’, applies to the prospect of football players’ lower extremities; Achilles rupture; relatively common losing range of motion in joints and the elasticity of their muscles, ten- by the time a chosen few are able to especially muscle tendon elasticity; dons and ligaments can be compro- play in the NFL. after years joint stiffening exercis- mised over time by bodybuilding/ Ankle injuries in weightlifting are es, taping and bracing of joints. powerlifting, ie., slow exercises extremely rare; but, rarer still are lacking full range of motion. Fur- Achilles rupture. Conversely, not Conclusions thermore, the elastic mobility of only are ankle injuries the most Weightlifters subject the lower the leg spring can be the compro- prevalent problem in football (es- extremities, especially the ankle mised by artificially compartmen- pecially non – contact injuries); joint and Achilles tendon, to forc- talizing the interconnected links, but even no – contact ruptures of es far exceeding those of football i.e., restricting movement of joints; the Achilles tendon which should players at any level; yet experience with tape and supports. be extremely rare; are relatively exceptionally low rates of injury There is sufficient anecdotal evi- common. The principle difference to ankle and almost non – existent dence that the strength training between the training of weightlift- to Achilles tendon. Weightlifters regimens of football players is er and that of the football player is train such that all the muscles, made up of a preponderance of the weightlifting exercises demand tendons and ligaments of the low- bodybuilding/powerlifting exercis- and contribute to suppleness. er extremities perform as a single es and techniques. Over the long The weightlifter’s lower extremi- leg spring. The unrestricted move- term of more than eight years, ties are subjected to a large ampli- ment of all the supple weightlift- from high school to professional tude of un -choreographed move- er’s joints, muscles, tendons and ranks, this has to adversely affect ment, without taping or braces to ligaments of the leg spring are muscle tendon elasticity. This in support and otherwise restrict mo- interconnected, interdependent turn, makes these athletes more tion. And, there in all likelihood lies and of course, inter-conditional. susceptible to what should be an the solution. References

1. Charniga, A. “ It is all connected Parts I-III, 2. Charniga, A. “The foot, the ankle joint and an Asian pull”, Scientific Magazine, 5: 14-23:2016 ne/EWF_Scientific_Magazine_EWF_N5.pdf 3. Khalid, S. et al, “Return to football after Achilles tendon rupture”, http://lerma- 4. Hsu, A., “Foot and Ankle Injuries in American Football” Am J Orthop: Andrew “Bud” Charniga 2016:09:45(60:358-367) Weightlifting sports scientist and 5. Myer, G. et al, “Did the NFL lockout expose the Achilles heel of competitive trainer with a degree in Exercise Science sports”, J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 2011:41(10);702-705; doi:10.2519/jo- from Eastern Michigan University (USA) spt.2011.010 and a Masters in Kinesiotherapy from 6. Siebert, D., “Achilles Tendon Tears Plaguing NFL Teams After Week 1”, http:// Toledo University (Spain). The founder ams-after-week-1 of Sportivny Press in 1980, Mr. Charniga has also edited 15 books translated 7. Shaginaw, J., “Achilles Injuries on the Rise in the NFL?”, philly/blogs/sportsdoc/Achilles-Injuries-on-rise-in-NFL.html into Russian and dozens of articles on weightlifting training, biomechanics, 8. Biewener, A., Animal Locomotion, Oxford University Press, 2007 recovery, etc. He regularly publishes 9. Wilson, R. et al, “Mass enhances speed but diminishes turn capacity in specialised articles and translations terrestrial pursuit predators”,; eLife on the website: www.sportivnypress. 2015;4:e06487 Sassonia (1991-2013). 10. Stone, K. R., “Achilles Tendon Ruptures: The Scourge Of The Mid-Life Male”, res-the-scourge-of-the-mid-life-male-athlete_b_7941602.html 30

THE USE OF COMPLE- MENTARY The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The EXERCISES TAKEN FROM OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING AS A MEANS OF RECOVERING FROM MUS - MEDICALLY UNEXPLAINED SYMPTOMS BY Dario Boschiero 1-2, Danilo Vaudagna2, Sergio Pederzolli 2, Marro Michele 2, Mattia Fantina 2, Matteo Bonacina 2, Carmine Monaco 2, Elena Apelgantes 2, Antonio Urso 3.

1 Director of Research & Development at BioTekna; President of the Open Academy of Medicine, London (UK) 2 Study Group Open Academy of Medicine - Venice 3 President of the Italian Weightlifting Federation 31 N° 8 / September-December 2017 32 THE USE OF COMPLE MENTARY EXERCISES TAKEN FROM OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING

Introduction STOMACO conservation and quality of Skeletal Medically Unexplained Symptoms, stomach acid, stomach aches, Muscle Mass is an excellent index of known as MUS, are symptoms that belching, acid belching, bloating af- health, prevention, longevity and do not belong to a pathological pic- ter meals, nausea. anti-aging. Loss of muscle mass is ture, but express the non-specific COLON often associated with several is- discomfort that precedes it from constipation, diarrhoea, bowel sues such as: chronic fatigue, loss a minimum of six months to a few movement changes, colon pain, me- of strength, myalgia, slow recovery years. People with MUS present teorism, urgent need to evacuate, from disease, sarcopenia, cachexia, have specific features such as: painful evacuation of bowels. delay in wound healing, low basal FATIGUE PERSPIRATION metabolic rate (BMR), physical dis- difficulty when waking up, loss of sweating not proportional to move- ability, poor quality of life and high strength, fatigue not proportional ment, sweating alterations, diffi- health costs. All are related to Medi- to the effort exerted. culty in sweating during movement, cally Unexplained Symptoms (MUS). EMOTIONAL DISORDERS excessive sweating even in the ab- Physical activity that is capable of

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The anxiety, apathy, melancholy, fear, sence of movement. recovering the quantity, but above compulsive behaviour, sadness, dis- all, the quality of Skeletal Muscle comfort in relationship with others, DESCRIPTION Mass becomes fundamental. Today difficulties in relationships, etc. The greater the symptoms, the there is extensive literature linking THERMOREGULATION greater the imbalance in metab- Skeletal Muscle Mass and heavy hands and feet permanently cold, olism, body composition and the strength training as a tool for func- shivers, the need to wrap up warm Neuro-Vegetative System (HRV). tional and physiological recovery. in order to feel well, constant suf- Their absence, on the other hand, In this study, we shall evaluate the fering from the cold. reflects a state of health and psy- functional difference in body com- INSOMNIA cho-physical performance. position between individuals suf- difficulty falling asleep, difficulty Who can suffer from MUS? fering from MUS and those without sleeping, waking at night, waking Individuals with stress and chronic MUS, compared to COMPETITIVE early in the morning, light sleep, ex- low-grade inflammation: from the WEIGHTLIFTERS without MUS, and tended but non-restorative sleep. professional athlete to sedentary we shall assess how, and if, addition- APPETITE types, from children to the elderly, al exercises from Olympic Weight- changes in appetite, compulsive we are basically all potentially at lifting, which have been scientifical- hunger, lack of appetite, hunger risk. The literature on physical ac- ly recognised, can be a part of the disproportionate to requirement, tivity and health is now extensive recovery method from MUS, and the initial hunger but inability to finish and consolidated. Numerous sci- recovery of the functional and con- meal or hunger in between meals. entific works have proven that the stitutional Skeletal Muscle Mass. THE USE OF COMPLE MENTARY EXERCISES TAKEN FROM OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING 33 N° 8 / September-December 2017 MATERIALS AND METHODS To subdivide the case studies (population with presence of MUS, males and females, population with no MUS, males and females, WEIGHTLIFTERS without MUS, male and female), the following questionnaire was submitted all subjects, regardless of age, sex, physical and working activity:


Please mark your answers with an X yes no

Have you been suffering from excessive tiredness or persistent fatigue?

Have you been suffering from mood swings?

Have you been suffering from persistent insomnia or night-time waking?

Have you been feeling sleepy during the day?

Have you been feeling anxious?

Have you been feeling listless?

Do you suffer from panic attacks?

Have you noticed changes in your heart rate (irregular beats, increase in beats) when at rest?

Have you noticed any changes in your appetite (excessive hunger or lack of appetite)?

Do you have night-time hunger pangs?

Have you been suffering from stomach acidity and aches, a feeling of fullness, bloating after meals, nausea?

Have you been suffering from irritable bowel syndrome?

Do you suffer from periods of persistent constipation or changes in bowel movement?

Are your hands and feet often cold?

Do you experience changes in perspiration while asleep?

Do you often wake up in a bad mood?

Do you frequently feel a sense of unjustified guilt?

Do you have difficulty finding pleasure or relief as a consequence of positive facts?

Have you lost a significant amount of weight in recent months? 34 THE USE OF COMPLE MENTARY EXERCISES TAKEN FROM OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The

TOTAL subjects: 680, 80% women Subjects without MUS sports men and women, or athletes. and 20% men, average age 35 years (Male and Female): BioTekna BIA-ACC (Bioelectric Anal- Both subjects with MUS and sub- 290, of which 80% women and 20% ysis Spectrometry) tools were used jects without MUS had not been men. The average age was 34.9 for the Functional Evaluation of engaged in physical activity for at years. The number of MUS was 0. body composition, and the follow- least 6 months. ing parameters were considered: Competitive Weightlifters (Male and Female): HPA axis index (PA°): the PA° phase Subjects with MUS 80 subjects made up of 80% women angle parameter in bioelectrical (Male and Female): and 20% men. The average age was impedance diagnostics, that rep- 320, of which 80% women and 20% 32 years. They trained on average 3 resents the integrity of cell mem- men. The average age was 35.2 times a week for a total of 6 hours a branes and a correlation with the years. The average number of MUS week. Training took place between circadian rhythm of cortisol (HPA experienced was 10, including: 2 pm and 7/8 pm. The participants axis). A particularly low value is as- did not specify the presence or ab- sociated with low integrity of cellu- tiredness or persistent fatigue sence of diseases and the intake or lar membranes with low-quality of persistent insomnia or night-time otherwise of medication. All sub- muscle activity.Value less than 2.5: waking drowsiness during the day jects voluntarily attended or absence of circadian rhythm of cor- apathy changes in appetite acidity, fitness/personal training centres tisol with elevation in the evening stomach aches, feeling of fullness with the purpose of “getting in From 2.5 to 3.5: absence of circadi- after meals and/or bloating cold shape” or improving their perfor- an rhythm of cortisol; hands and/or feet night sweats mance; the subjects were either Greater than 3.5: physiological cir- waking up often in bad mood sedentary individuals, amateur cadian rhythm of cortisol; THE USE OF COMPLE MENTARY EXERCISES TAKEN FROM OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING 35

HSMI: the instrumental value indi- T-score: instrumental value of BIA- IMAT%: percentage of intramus- N° 8 / September-December 2017 cating muscle density. Normal val- ACC indicating the stability of bone cular fat. normal values: max 2% of ue: min. 5.5 Kg/m2 in females and density. It is the standard deviation BW, ideal <1.5% BW. 7.2 Kg/m2 in males. compared to a healthy statistical FFM% (Fat Free Mass): represents S-score: or sarcopenia score, the sample between 25 and 30 years. all the parts of the body minus the instrumental value that indicates Reference T- scores are: body parts less the fat mass. the standard deviation of the mus- values less than -2.5: probable os- Skeletal Muscle % : cle from a healthy statistical ref- teoporosis. Between -1 and -2.5: The minimum skeletal muscle mass erence sample between 25 and 30 probable osteopenia. Above -1: to ensure longevity and maintain a years. Normal values: S-score from standard values good state of health is:30% of FFM -1 at positive values. FM%: Fat Mass; represents the to- for females, 35% of FFM for males Pre-sarcopenia: S-score between tal amount of lipids present in the -1 and -2 human body, minus the essential After the initial evaluation, subjects Sarcopenia: S-score less than -2 fatty acids (EFA). with MUS were asked to work out at Sarcopenia with loss of muscle Range of normality: minimum 12%, the doing standard exercises strength: S-score less than -2 and maximum 30% per females; mini- from OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING + 1 alterations in muscle quality mum 7%, maximum 25% for males. POWER LIFT EXERCISE (Flat bench).


HPA axis index (PA°) Muscle Density S-score Greater than 3.5: physiological Normal value: min. 5.5 Kg/m2 Normal values:S-score circadian rhythm of cortisol; Females and 7.2 Kg/m2 Males from -1 at positive values From 2.5 to 3.5: absence of Pre-sarcopenia: S-score circadian rhythm of cortisol; between -1 and -2 Value less than 2.5: absence of Sarcopenia: S-score less circadian rhythm of cortisol than -2 with elevation in the evening 36 THE USE OF COMPLE MENTARY EXERCISES TAKEN FROM OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING

with MUS no MUS LIFTERS The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The

T-score FM% IMAT% values less than -2.5: probable Minimum 12%, Maximum max 2% BW, ideal osteoporosis /between -1 and 30% for females. <1.5% BW. -2.5: probable osteopenia/ Minimum 7%, Maximum above -1 standard values 25% for males.

The choice of the exercises was carried out in accordance with the following criteria:

OBJECTIVITY/SUBJECTIVITY: Ex- ercises that produce tangible results both objectively and subjectively (e.g. Squat, Dead- lift, Flat bench etc.). RELIABILITY: there must be a standard execution for every- one, making only minor modi- fications based on posture and subject mobility. REPEATABILITY OVER TIME: the exercises must produce contin- uous results over time and not just partial/temporary results. FFM% Skeletal Muscle % VALIDATION: the exercises Minimum 75% BW Minimum 30% FFM must be scientifically rec- Minimum 35% FFM ognised. THE USE OF COMPLE MENTARY EXERCISES TAKEN FROM OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING 37 N° 8 / September-December 2017

The individuals trained for 3 ing on the individual’s charac- sessions took place between 7am months, on average 3 times a week, teristics, the exercise could be - 3pm. From a nutritional point of performing the following exercises: performed as a FRONT squat, or view, no strict diet was imposed, as a squat with the barbell be- the participants were simply been • hind the head). asked to have a generous break- • CLEAN PULL fast, a mid-morning snack, a lunch • SQUAT WITH BARBELL/STICK 3 sets of 4-6 reps from 75% to 85% with complex carbohydrates and OVER HEAD, WIDE GRIP, ARMS of 1RM, 1 sec concentric phase, vegetables, fruit for snack, and a STRETCHED 2-3 seconds eccentric phase, 3-5 dinner of proteins and vegetables, • FLAT BENCH minutes recovery between both without introducing carbohy- • SQUAT WITH BARBELL (depend- sets and exercises. The training drates of any kind.


+70% +6,6% +9% +12,5%

Minimum 75% BW From Normal value: min. 5.5 Pre-sarcopenia: S-score values less than 2.5 to 3.5: absence of Kg/m2 Females and 7.2 between -1 and -2 -2.5: probable circadian rhythm of Kg/m2 Males Sarcopenia: S-score osteoporosis (if chronic cortisol; Greater than less than -2 Inflammation) risk of 3.5: circadian rhythm of osteoporosis physiological cortisol; between -1 and -2.5: Less than 2.5: absence probable osteopenia of circadian rhythm of greater than -1: values cortisol with elevation within standard range in the evening. 38 THE USE OF COMPLE MENTARY EXERCISES TAKEN FROM OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING

BEFORE AFTER The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The

-13% -15% +9% +11%

max 2% BW, Minimum 75% Minimum 30% FFM ideal <1.5% BW. Minimum 35% FFM THE USE OF COMPLE MENTARY EXERCISES TAKEN FROM OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING 39 N° 8 / September-December 2017


Have you been suffering from excessive tiredness or persistent fatigue? X

Have you been suffering from mood swings?

Have you been suffering from persistent insomnia or night-time waking? X X

Have you been feeling sleepy during the day? X X

Have you been feeling anxious? X X

Have you been feeling listless? X

Do you suffer from panic attacks?

Have you noticed changes in your heart rate (irregular beats, increase in beats) when at rest?

Have you noticed any changes in your appetite (excessive hunger or lack of appetite)? X

Do you have night-time hunger pangs?

Have you been suffering from stomach acidity and aches, a feeling of fullness, bloating after X meals, nausea?

Have you been suffering from irritable bowel syndrome?

Do you suffer from periods of persistent constipation or changes in bowel movement?

Are your hands and feet often cold? X

Do you experience changes in perspiration while asleep? X

Do you often wake up in a bad mood? X

Do you frequently feel a sense of unjustified guilt?

Do you have difficulty finding pleasure or relief as a consequence of positive facts?

Have you lost a significant amount of weight in recent months? 70% less MUS

CONCLUSIONS The absence of MUS in individuals ing), a change in body composition prove the perception of well-being, practicing physical activity using variables, and a 70% decrease in and consequently the style and the methodology of exercises tak- MUS perception was observed. quality of life. It can be concluded en from Olympic Weightlifting is The remaining MUS may be associ- that the complementary exercises related to body composition, es- ated with an INCOMPLETE recovery taken from Olympic Weightlifting pecially to the variables of body of circadian rhythms, as well as the and powerlifting are a very useful composition that determine the HPA (Hypothalamus- Pituitary-Ad- tool for the recovery of MUS and of quality of Skeletal Muscle Mass. renal) axis, in so far as the short body composition, in both qualita- In individuals suffering from MUS training period (3 months) did not tive and quantitative terms. (after practising complementary allow for a full recovery. This short exercises from Olympic Weightlift- period is, however, sufficient to im- 40

References 1) Booth FW and Baldwin KM. (1996). Muscle plastici- 13) Brendan Egan and Juleen R. Zierath Exercise Meta- ty: energy demand and supply processes. In Handbook bolism and the Molecular Regulation of Skeletal Muscle of Physiology (ed. LB Rowell and JT Shepherd), pp. Adaptation 1074-1123. New York: Oxford University Press. 14) Richens B., Cleather D.J. The Relationship Between 2) Däpp C, Gassmann M, Hoppeler H and Flück M. The Number Of Repetitions Performed At Given Inten- (2006). Hypoxia induced gene activity in disused oxida- sities Is Different In Endurance And Strength Trained tive muscle. Adv. Exp. Biol. Med. Inpress. Athletes 3) Fluck M. (2004). Exercise-modulated mitochondrial 15) Toti L, Bartalucci A, Ferrucci M, Fulceri F, Lazzeri phenotype; sensors and gene regulation. J. Muscle Res. G, Lenzi P, Soldani P, Gobbi P, La Torre A, Gesi M. Cell Motil. 25, 235-237. 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Steven R. Cummings, MD1, and Tamara B. Har- Monica1, David H Fukuda1, Nicholas A Ratamess2 ris, MD, MS8 for the Health ABC study1Research & Jeffrey R Stout1 1 Institute of Exercise Physiology Institute, California Pacific Medical Center, San and Wellness, University of Central Florida, Orlan- Francisco, CA, USA do, Florida 2 Health & Exercise Science, The College Do muscle mass, muscle density, strength and phy- of New Jersey, Ewing, New Jersey sical function similarly influence risk of hospitaliza- The effect of training volume and intensity on tion in older adults? improvements in muscular strength and size in resi- stance-trained men 22) Muscle memory and a new cellular model for muscle atrophy andhypertrophy 2016. Published by 26) Lei Chen*, David R Nelson, Yang Zhao, Zhanglin The Company of Biologists Ltd | Journal of Expe- Cui and Joseph A Johnston Chen et al. Relationship rimental Biology (2016) 219, 235-242 doi:10.1242/ between muscle mass and muscle strength, and the im- jeb.124495 pact of comorbidities: a population-based, cross-sectio- nal study of older adults in the United States 23) Andrew C Fry,1 Brian K Schilling,1 Robert S BMC Geriatrics 2013, 13:74 http://www.biomedcen- Staron,2 Fredrick C Hagerman,2 Robert S Hikida,2 and John T. Thrush3 1Human Performance La- boratories, The University of Memphis, Memphis, 27) DR Laddu1, JN Farr2, VR Lee3, Blew Blew3, Tennessee 38152; 2College of Osteopathic Medicine, C Stump4, L Houtkooper1, TG Lohman3, and SB Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701; 3Northwest Going1,3 1Department of Nutritional Sciences, Regional Training Center, U.S.A.- Weightlifting, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA 2Depart- Sumner, Washington 98390. Muscle Fiber Characte- ment of Endocrinology, College of Medicine, Mayo ristics and Performance Correlates of Male Olym- Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA 3Department of pic-Style Weightlifters Physiological Sciences, University of Arizona, Tuc- son, AZ, USA 4Faculty of Medicine, Department of 24) Michael Drey1, Cornel C. Sieber1, Hans De- Endocrinology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, gens2, Jamie McPhee2, Marko T Korhonen3, Klaus USA J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2014 June ; Muller4, Bergita Ganse4 and Jorn Rittweger4 14(2): 195–204. 1Institute for Biomedicine of Ageing, University of Muscle density predicts changes in bone density and Erlangen-Nurnberg, Nurnberg, Germany, 2School strength: a prospective study in girls of Healthcare Science, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK, 3Gerontology Research 28) Hui-Min Wang and Sheng-Chieh Huang De- Center, Department of Health Sciences, University partment of Electrical Engineering, National Chiao of Jyva¨skyla¨, Jyva¨skyla¨, Finland and 4German Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan SDNN/ Aerospace Center, Institute of Aerospace Medicine, RMSSD as a Surrogate for LF/HF: Hindawi Publi- Cologne, Germany Relation between muscle mass, shing Corporation Modelling and Simulation in En- motor units and type of training in master athletes gineering Volume 2012, Article ID 931943, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2012/931943 Correspondence should 25) Gerald T Mangine1, Jay R Hoffman1, Adam M be addressed to Sheng-Chieh Huang, schuang@ Gonzalez1, Jeremy R Townsend1, Adam J Wells1, Received 6 April 2012; Accepted 13 Adam R Jajtner1, Kyle S Beyer1, Carleigh H Boone1, June 2012 Academic Editor: Laurent Level Amelia A Miramonti1, Ran Wang1, Michael B La-

Dario Boschiero President and Founder of the Open Academy of Medicine, London, UK, Venice, ITA Founder and Project Manager of “MUS - Vague and Non-Specific Symptoms, Chronic Inflammation and Clinical Nutrition” R&D Director at BioTekna – Biomedical Technologies 42

THE The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The POWER CLEAN AND POWER SNATCH FROM THE KNEE

BY Timothy J. Suchomel, Brad H. DeWeese, e Ambrose J. Serrano 43 N° 8 / September-December 2017 44 THE POWER CLEAN AND POWER SNATCH FROM THE KNEE

INTRODUCTION CK and SK may be performed from gastrocnemius, soleus, tibialis Exercises that involve high rates of a static position off of technique posterior, flexor digitorum, pe- force development (RFD), such as blocks or with the bar lowered to a roneus longus, and the pero- the clean and snatch, are benefi- hang position at the knee. neus brevis. cial for improving an athlete’s phy- sical preparedness (9,11,12,14– MUSCLES INVOLVED BENEFITS 17,22,26,36). The CK and SK involve muscles that OF THE EXERCISE Additionally, previous research has have been previously described The CK and SK weightlifting deri- demonstrated that weightlifters during similar weightlifting move- vatives are skill-transfer exercises produce greater peak force, hi- ments (3–7,32,33). that strength coaches can pre- gher velocities, and peak power in scribe to improve their athlete’s comparison to powerlifters (22). 1. Static stability in the starting development of weightlifting mo- Acknowledging these findings, position vements. Initially, the CK and SK aid weightlifting movements and their • Gruppo Erector spinae group in the strengthening of the muscu-

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The derivatives are popular resistance (iliocostalis, longissimus, and lature used during the execution of training exercises that are prescri- spinalis), rectus abdominis, the full weightlifting movements. bed by many strength and condi- transverse abdominis, exter- In addition, these movements al- tioning practitioners. The transfe- nal obliques, internal obliques, low the athlete to focus on a pro- rability of the full clean and snatch quadratus lumborum, triceps per transition into the peak power hinges on proper movement execu- brachii (long head), deltoid, position and the triple extension of tion. Incidence of injury may increa- subscapularis, latissimus dor- the hips, se if the technique is not refined or si, brachioradialis, , knees, and ankles, while also pro- revisited during the training year splenius capitis, splenius cer- viding the additional stimulus of (8). To decrease the complexity of vicis, infraspinatus, serratus culminating the lift with the catch the movement and reinforce pro- posterior inferior, rhomboid phase. Furthermore, these deriva- per technique, weightlifting deri- major, rhomboid minor, and tives can serve as transitional exer- vatives used to teach the full wei- the supraspinatus. cises in learning the full weight- ghtlifting movement can also be 1. Transition, second pull, and ca- lifting movements by integrating used in training (3–6,31–33). tch phases of the CK and SK previously described partial move- • Upper extremities: trapezius, ment derivatives (3–6,10,32,33). As TYPE OF EXERCISE splenius capitis, splenius cervi- such, the CK and SK accompany the The power clean from the knee (CK) cis, levator scapulae, rhomboid short-to-long principle, or partial and power snatch from the knee minor, rhomboid major, serra- to full range of motion, approach to (SK) weightlifting derivatives are tus posterior superior, poste- training the full weightlifting mo- complex multijoint exercises that rior deltoid, teresminor, teres vements. In the practical setting, can be used to train lower-body major, erector spinae group the CK and SK involve both eccen- muscular power and strength at (iliocostalis, longissimus, and tric and concentric muscle actions key positions during the transition spinalis), rectus abdominis, that allow the athlete to efficient- into the peak power position and transverse abdominis, external ly transition into the proper peak the subsequent triple extension of obliques, and internal obliques. power position and accelerate the the hip, knee, and ankle joints. • Lower extremities: quadriceps bar using a full-body triple exten- Concurrently, these exercises also group (rectus femoris, vastus sion movement while eliminating provide the athlete with an oppor- lateralis, vastus medialis, and the added stress of properly pul- tunity to enhance their ability to vastus intermedius), gluteus ling the complete the catch phase using maximus, group weight from the floor. For this re- movements that are less complex ( femoris, semimembra- ason, the CK and SK can be used as than the full clean and snatch. The nosus, and semitendinosus), teaching tools to progress the te- THE POWER CLEAN AND POWER SNATCH FROM THE KNEE 45

chnique of an athlete into the full li- N° 8 / September-December 2017 fts. In addition, these exercises can also be used to enhance the RFD and resultant competitive prepa- redness through mechanical spe- cificity. Specifically, commonalities exist between an athlete’s position in this lift and common sporting mo- vements (e.g., shot put, jump shot, serve, max velocity sprinting, and bobsled start) (29). In theory, the static start of these movemen- Figure No. 1 ts may allow for a large transfer of Starting positions for the power clean from the knee (left) and the training effect in athletes who are power snatch from the knee (right). Note that the starting position of required to produce high RFD and the athlete may vary slightly based on the athlete’s anthropometrics. power from a static starting posi- tion (e.g., sprinters in track and field ment, the athlete should flex and American football linemen). • After the bar has been posi- forward at the hip while crea- Finally, the CK and SK could theore- tioned properly, the athlete ting a normal lordotic curve in tically be used as potentiating mo- should address the bar with his the lumbar spine by isometri- dalities because of the creation of or her feet approximately hip cally contracting the erector high width apart. The bar should be spinae musculature to “raise” RFD during the movements. Pre- positioned above the midfoot, the chest. Concurrently, the vious research has incorporated and the athlete’s toes should athlete should flex the knee weightlifting derivatives into stren- be pointing slightly outward to until a slight stretch in the ham- gth-power potentiating complexes maintain consistent foot posi- string is felt. The athlete’s shins (1,23–25). Because of the decrea- tioning with other weightlifting should be vertical and perpendi- sed range of motion and ability to derivatives (3–6,32,33). cular to the floor while his or her overload the triple extension move- • Following foot placement, the shoulders should be positioned ment, the CK and SK may be used as athlete should properly posi- ahead of the bar (Figure 1). part of a strengthpower potentia- tion his or her hands on the bar. The athlete should then be ting complex. The appropriate hand place- • ment will be based on whether cuedThe athlete should then be STARTING the athlete is performing the cued to internally rotate his or POSITION clean or snatch variation (10). her shoulders and “turn his or The “hook grip” (fingers over her elbows out” to ensure that • In preparation to perform ei- a stable arm position exists for ther the CK or SK, technique thumb) should be used for both the active pulling portion of boxes or the safety bars of a the CK and SKexercises to pre- the CK and SK. This will assist in squat rack should be placed vent grip being a limiting factor preventing the elbow joint from so that the bar is at the appro- of performance. Because loads prematurely bending (flexing) priate height relative to the in excess of a maximum clean during the pulling phase of the athlete’s anthropometrics. or snatch may be used during exercises. Specifically, the bar should be the CK and SK, respectively, ath- The athlete should be in- positioned directly in front of, letes may consider the use of • structed to “sit on his or her but not touching, the patella lifting straps. heels” in the starting position just above the proximal attach- • Following the acquisition of to maximize his or her ability to ment of the patellar tendon. proper hand and grip place- 46 THE POWER CLEAN AND POWER SNATCH FROM THE KNEE

produce the greatest possible this point, the athlete should athlete to continue to accele- forces through the platform be moving into a dorsiflexed rate the bar without additional during the initiation and conti- position at the ankle joint. frictional influences. nuation of the lift. This cue will • During the transition phase to also allow the athlete to main- the peak power position, the THE SECOND PULL tain the correct foot pressure path of the bar should always • The second pull phase of the CK during the transition to the be moving vertically “up and and SK begins when the athle- peak power position and also into” the body. te reaches the power position. allow greater control and im- • The bar should remain as close As the athlete transitions to proved bar speed. as possible to the body without the power position, he or she touching the thighs until rea- should use the momentum the TRANSITION ching the peak power position first pull to build up the intensi- TO THE PEAK (Figure 2). This will allow the ty into an explosive pull. POWER POSITION

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The • Before initiating the CK or SK from the static starting posi- tion, the athlete should create a “tight” torso by developing tension in the muscles of the midsection by inhaling deeply. The athlete should also main- tain the lordotic curvature of his or her lumbar spine to main- tain the appropriate hip angle to maximize the force produced into the platform. • After achieving the set starting position, the athlete should ini- Figure No. 2 tiate the CK and SK by engaging Power positions for the power clean from the knee (left) and the power snatch from the knee (right). Note that the position of the his or her hamstrings, glutes, barbell may vary slightly based on the athlete’s anthropometrics. and to begin to move the bar vertically. • During the transition phase of the CK and SK, the athlete must transition the bar to the peak power position (4,13,21) to maximize the force and power produced during the later se- cond pull phase of the move- ment. The transition of the bar from the starting position to the peak power position is ac- complished by the athlete by extending his or her backwhi- Figure No. 3 le simultaneously moving the The second pull of the power clean from the knee (left) and the hips and knees forward at the power snatch from the knee (right). same instant and tempo. At THE POWER CLEAN AND POWER SNATCH FROM THE KNEE 47

• Upon reaching the power po- the elbows forward and up and gluteal muscles to apply N° 8 / September-December 2017 sition, the bar should make a “through the bar.” The athlete vertical forces to bring the de- “brushing” contact with the should rotate his or her elbows scension of the bar to a halt. thighs before the triple exten- around the bar from a vertical The athlete should then return sion movement occurs. The position (above the bar) into a to an upright position comple- athlete should continue to horizontal position (in front of ting the lift. engage his or her erector spi- the bar). • To properly return the barbell nae musculature and keep his • During the rotation of the el- to the technique boxes or rack, or her elbows extended and bows, the coach should direct the athlete should drop the externally rotated to prevent the athlete to “relax” his or her elbows and maintain an iso- early bending (flexing) of the grip, which will allow greater metric contraction of the mid- elbows during the pull. flexibility of the wrists when re- section and posterior muscula- • At this point, the athlete should ceiving the weight on his or her ture to avoid any unnecessary perform the triple extension shoulders. anterior pelvic tilt as the bar movement by explosively ex- • Simultaneously, the athlete descends to the midthigh po- tending his or herhips, knees, should flex the knees or “drop” sition. The athlete can then ei- and ankles. Simultaneously, into a quarter squat position ther lower the bar onto the te- the athlete should shrug their to receive the weight as it chnique boxes or power rack or shoulders to maximize barbell lands on his or her shoulders lower the bar to the hang posi- velocity (Figure 3). (Figure 4). During the descent, tion at the knee in preparation • In addition to the shrug, the the athlete’s feet may leave for the next repetition. athlete should be taught to sli- the ground and move slight- • Before initiating the next repe- ghtly flex the wrists to keep the ly outward to create a more tition, the athlete should fully barbell close to his or her body. comfortable and stable posi- return to the starting position • Following the pull, the athlete tion to receive the bar. as displayed in Figure 1. should control the bar’s de- • The shoulders of the athlete scent to the midthigh position. should make contact with the THE CATCH FOR The athlete can then either bar at the same moment the THE POWER SNATCH lower the bar onto the tech- bar changes from ascension FROM THE KNEE nique boxes or power rack or to descension to avoid the bar • After the completion of the lower the bar to the hang posi- “crashing” on his or her shoul- triple extension movement tion at the knee in preparation ders. The proper timing of this and once the shrug has been for the next repetition. chain of events is to prevent executed, the elbows should the accumulation of unneces- “break” (bend/flex). The athle- THE CATCH FOR sary stress on the body. te should be cued to “lead with THE POWER CLEAN • When receiving the bar, or “ca- the elbows” to further elevate FROM THE KNEE tching the bar,” the athlete the bar as a continuation of the • Once the full triple extension should maintain a contracted second pull. and shrug have been execu- and braced midsection to pro- • The athlete should then be in- ted, the elbows should “break” vide optimal control of the wei- structed to rotate the hands (bend/flex). The athlete should ght and prevent an injury that and elbows “around the bar.” be cued to “lead with the el- could occur through a deviated The elbows should appear to bows” to further elevate the trunk angle. rotate from a vertical position bar as a continuation of the se- • While in the catch position, the above the bar into a position cond pull. athlete should continue to flex that is below the bar. • The athlete should then be in- the knees while activating his • Simultaneously, the athlete structed to aggressively drive or her quadriceps, hamstrings, should flex the knees or “drop” 48 THE POWER CLEAN AND POWER SNATCH FROM THE KNEE

into a quarter squat position (Figure 4). • The athlete’s feet may leave the ground during the “drop” and move slightly outward to a more comfortable and stable position. • At this point, the athlete should maintain contact with the pla- tform through the whole foot. This will allow for improved control in the reception and recovery during this transitory Figure No. 4 phase. Power positions for the power clean from the knee (left) and the power snatch from the knee (right). Note that the position of the

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The • The athlete should press up un- til the elbows are locked in full barbell may vary slightly based on the athlete’s anthropometrics. extension. The athlete can be weight to descend in a con- the incidence of injuries may incre- cued to “push through the bar” trolled motion from overhead ase (8). or “pull the bar apart” to main- to the midthigh position. Du- • The athlete may begin the tain this extended position. ring this process, the athlete movement without his or her • Just as described in the catch should continue to maintain shoulders retracted and a for the CK, the athlete should an isometric contraction of rounded back, which may re- attempt to attain the receiving the midsection and posterior sult in an improper transition position just as the bar chan- musculature to avoid any un- to the peak power position and ges direction from ascension necessary anterior pelvic tilt may place excess stress on the to descension to avoid the bar as the bar descends to the mi- athlete’s lower back. “crashing” onto them. dthigh position. The athlete • The athlete may not shift to a • When receiving the bar, or “ca- can then either lower the bar fully upright position with the tching the bar,” the athlete onto the technique boxes or shoulders, hips, and midfoot should maintain a contracted power rack or lower the bar to in line before beginning the and braced midsection to pro- the hang position at the knee second pull, causing the chest vide optimal control of the wei- in preparation for the next re- and shoulders to remain ahead ght and prevent an injury that petition. of the bar. could occur through a deviated • Before initiating the next repe- • The athlete may not allow the trunk angle. tition, the athlete should fully hips and knees to shift forward • While maintaining this position return to the starting position once the barbell passes the with the weight overhead, the as seen in Figure 1. knees (transition phase) as a athlete should have continued result of the athlete pulling knee flexion while applying ver- COMMON MISTAKES OF forward rather than vertically. tical forces until the descent THE POWER CLEAN AND • The athlete may begin the se- of the bar has stopped. Once POWER SNATCH FROM cond pull phase too early. Spe- in control, the athlete should THE KNEE cifically, the athlete will begin then ascend into an upright The transfer of the training sti- the second pull by performing position completing the lift. mulus produced by the CK and SK the triple extension motion • To return the barbell to the te- hinges on proper movement execu- when the bar is visually too chnique boxes or power rack, tion. Moreover, if technique is not low on the athlete’s thigh. This the athlete should allow the reinforced during the training year, would result in the athlete not THE POWER CLEAN AND POWER SNATCH FROM THE KNEE 49 N° 8 / September-December 2017 properly reaching the neces- ankles, ultimately preventing • During the SK, the athlete may sary power position for maxi- maximum vertical force pro- not keep his or her elbows mum force production. duction. “locked” during the catch, whi- • The athlete may “” (i.e., drop • The athlete may complete the ch may result in having to per- under the bar) before comple- shrugging motion before the form a partial press to regain ting the triple extension move- full triple extension movement. complete extension. ment. • The athlete may not aggres- • During the SK, the athlete may • The athlete may push his or sively shrug at the top of the fail to “push the head forward,” her hips too far forward during second pull, which may pre- which would result in the wei- the transition and second pull vent maximum bar velocity. Al- ght being slightly ahead of instead of continuing to drive though failing to aggressively the torso. This would prevent vertically through the midfoot, shrug at the top of the second the athlete from being able likely resulting in a looping of pull may not impact lower-body to maintain the barbell in an the bar away from the athlete’s power development, it may im- overhead position. body. pact the transfer of the pulling • During the SK, the athlete may • The athlete may transition his technique of the CK and SK. allow the barbell to travel too or her body weight to his or her • During the CK, the athlete may far behind his or her head, whi- forefoot too early, likely resul- not elevate the elbows and up- ch may prevent him or her from ting in the improper vertical per arms high enough during stabilizing the load in the cor- transference of force through the catch, resulting in the wei- rect position. the midfoot before the triple ght resting on the wrists and extension movement during elbows instead of the shoul- PRACTICAL the second pull. ders. APPLICATION • Premature elbow flexion may • During the CK, the athlete may The CK and SK weightlifting varia- prevent maximum transferen- lean forward during the catch, tions are resistance training exerci- ce of generated force to the causing rounding of the thora- ses that can be used in most blocks bar before the second pull. cic spine, which would lead to of training. Like other weightlifting • The athlete may not complete greater weight distribution on derivatives, the CK and SK are pri- the full triple extension move- the toes and unwanted pressu- marily used to enhance RFD, power ment of the hips, knees, and re on the wrists and elbows. development, and explosive speed

Timothy J. Suchomel Brad H. DeWeese Ambrose J. Serrano PhD, CSCS*D, USAW-SPC,1 EdD2 MA3

1Department of Exercise 2Center of Excellence for Sport 3United States Olympic Science, East Stroudsburg Science and Coach Education, Training Center, Lake Placid, University, East Department of Exercise and New York Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania Sport Sciences, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee 50 THE POWER CLEAN AND POWER SNATCH FROM THE KNEE

during the triple extension move- to use loads comparable to those hang power clean and hang power ment. The CK and SK to a lesser ex- used with the hang power clean snatch. tent may be used to overload the (18,20,30,35), considering the si- Previous research has suggested triple extension movement; howe- milar displacement of the load. It that the optimal load of the lifter ver, other weightlifting derivatives should be noted that the CK and plus bar system during the hang may be more effective as an over- SK do not include a countermove- power clean occurs at approxima- load stimulus (31). Practitioners ment that is characteristic of the tely 70–80% 1 repetition maximum should be aware that the method hang power clean or hang power (RM) (18,20), whereas other stu- of performing the CK and SK may snatch, and thus, there may not be dies indicated that greatest peak change the training stimulus expe- as much preactivation of the ham- power of the lifter plus bar system rienced by the athlete. Specifically, strings. During a maximal strength occurred at 65% 1RM (30,35). Be- if the CK or SK were performed from or strength- block, cause of the similarities of the CK training blocks or a power rack, the the CK and SK can also be used to and SK to the hang power clean completion of the exercise may re- reinforce technique before transi- and hang power snatch, it is likely

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The quire greater RFD because the ath- tioning to future training blocks in that similar loads may be prescri- lete would have to overcome the which the full weightlifting move- bed with modifications for athlete inertia of the training load from a ments may be prescribed. The CK proficiency and strength as ne- dead-stop position. and SK exercises may also be used eded. Weaker or less technically This variation of the CK and SK may during speed-strength or explosive proficient athletes should focus on present more benefits to athletes speed training blocks. The primary improving peak power through li- who perform an explosive move- goal in speed-strength or explosive ghter loads, whereas heavier loads ment with RFD from a static star- speed training blocks is to enhan- may be prescribed for a stronger, ting position (e.g., sprinters in track ce peak power output. Because more technically proficient athlete. and field and American football the CK and SK require the bar to be linemen). In contrast, a CK or SK “turned over,” they are speed-de- The technique and application di- performed from the knee without pendent movements that require a scussed in this article should serve the assistance of training blocks higher level of technical proficiency as baseline information for those or a power rack could theoretically compared with other partial move- interested in performing and im- require greater positional strength ments (31,34). The primary sets and plementing the CK and SK exercises. in the initial starting position. repetitions that would be used with The CK and SK may be used in the This variation of the CK or SK may be these exercises would be, for exam- teaching progression of the clean appropriate for athletes with suf- ple, 3 sets of 5 repetitions during and snatch exercises because they ficient levels of strength. Practitio- a speedstrength block and even emphasize positional strength du- ners may consider implementing lower for explosive speed blocks (3 ring the transition phase, use the the CK and SK into maximal stren- 3 3, 3 3 2, and 2 3 2) (2,27,28). A pau- double knee bend technique, and gth and strength-power training city of research on the optimal load train the triple extension of the hip, blocks, where the primary goals are for peak power production during knee, and ankle joints. Only general to enhance maximal force output the CK and SK exists. Thus, practi- recommendations may be made and RFD. These types of training tioners must consider the loading on how best to implement the CK blocks typically use reduced volu- recommendations based on pre- and SK exercises because of the li- mes (3 3 5 to 3 3 3) and heavier trai- vious studies that have examined mited amount of current research. ning loads (2,27,28). Previous re- similar weightlifting derivatives to Future research should consider search suggests that the training make evidence-based decisions on examining the loading effects on loads for the CK and SK will likely be loading for the CK and SK. As pre- performance variables during the lower than that of the power clean viously mentioned, it is likely that CK and SK so that more specific re- and power snatch from the floor the loads used during the CK and SK commendations can be made. (19). However, athletes may be able may be comparable to those of the THE POWER CLEAN AND POWER SNATCH FROM THE KNEE 51 N° 8 / September-December 2017 References 1. Andrews TR, Mackey T, Inkrott TA, Murray SR, Clark IE, and 19. Kelly J, McMahon JJ, and Comfort P. A comparison of maxi- Pettitt RW. Effect of hang cleans or squats paired with counter- mal power clean performances performed from the floor, knee movement vertical jumps on vertical displacement. J Strength and mid-thigh. 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INTRODUCTION the ascending phase of the squat have predicted peak force during Bilateral squats are a staple exer- (4), however increased squat depth the squat to be around 90–1008 of cise in most sport performance using relative loads may not incre- knee flexion (14,15), which is com- and knee rehabilitation programs. ase gluteal activation (6). Althou- mon during squat exercises. Becau- Despite its popularity in gyms and gh the full squat may not increase se the knee deviates from neutral sports medicine clinics, there is litt- hip involvement, poorly performed alignment near peak knee flexion, le research on muscle activation squats have been associated with different patterns of muscle activa- patterns during an unloaded bo- altered gluteal activation (7), indi- tion may be necessary to attenua- dyweight bilateral squat other cating that changes in squat per- te the increased patellofemoral than its use to strengthen the formance may alter muscle invol- forces and stabilize the knee joint. quadriceps. Previous researchers vement. A poorly performed squat For example, decreased vastus la- (4,18,24) have noted high quadri- may result in altered lower extre- teralis and increased gastrocne- ceps activation and little mity alignment such as increased mius muscle activation have been activation during the descending, knee valgus which may expose the reported during squats with medial

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The holding, and ascending phases of lower extremity joints to excessive knee displacement compared with the squat, supporting the use of torques that may require adaptive a neutrally aligned squat (29,36). the bilateral squat for quadriceps muscle activation strategies to sta- However, little is known about the strengthening in rehabilitation and bilize the lower extremity joints. muscle activation patterns in the performance programs. Althou- rectus femoris and knee flexors gh the squat is a widely accepted Although many sports medicine during knee joint deviations while exercise to strengthen the thigh and performance professionals are squatting. Increased knee flexor musculature, sports medicine and comfortable instructing patients to activation during bilateral squats performance professionals teach execute proper squats, there is litt- may increase ligamentous strain to a variety of techniques, most com- le information regarding differen- stabilize the knee joint (37). monly changing the stance width ces in muscle activation patterns in and depth of the squat. Foot ab- the lower extremity muscles during Therefore, bilateral squat positions duction driven by hip rotation and squats with varying alignments. that increase muscle activation in stance width generally vary among Furthermore, strength and condi- the hamstrings may increase knee practitioners and practice, howe- tioning coaches often design client injury risk. This is particularly im- ver no significant difference in qua- programs based on performance portant given the growing popula- driceps muscle activation patterns on functional screenings and as- rity of the ballet plie´ squat where have been noted when comparing sessments, including the bilateral clients purposefully lift their heels narrow and wide stance and varying and single-leg squat (2,7,20). Un- off the ground and squat with wei- foot positions (12,32). derstanding if different lower ex- ght at their toes despite a lack of in- However, increased adductor lon- tremity alignments during a squat formation about the way the lower gus and gluteus maximus activity change muscle activation patterns extremity musculature stabilizes during a wide stance squat have in the lower extremity will provide the knee joint during the increa- been reported (32). This suggests an evidence-based approach to sed anterior displacement. The- that different stance widths do not coaching patients on appropriate refore, the purpose of this study change the use of the squat as a squat alignment and designing ef- was to compare lower extremity quadriceps strengthening exerci- fective strengthening programs. electromyographic muscle acti- se, however they may help target Consideration for lower extremi- vation during a neutrally aligned adjacent muscles. Another squat ty alignment during the bilateral squat compared with antero-po- technique variation, the deep squat squat is also important because of sterior (AP) malaligned and me- where maximal knee flexion is en- the potential for increased patello- dio-lateral (ML) malaligned bilate- couraged, may result in increased femoral contact forces during knee ral squats. We hypothesized that gluteus maximus activation during flexion (3,33,39,41). Some models malaligned squats would result in MUSCLE ACTIVATION PATTERNS DURING DIFFERENT SQUAT TECHNIQUES 55

increased quadriceps, hamstring, Instrumentation leg, after the skin was shaved, li- N° 8 / September-December 2017 and gastrocnemii activity compa- A wireless surface electromyo- ghtly abraded, and cleaned with red with control squats. graphy (EMG) system (Trigno Sen- alcohol. After electromagnetic sen- sor System, Delsys Inc., Natick, MA, sors were attached, participants METHODS USA: interelectrode distance = 10 placed the dominant leg within the Experimental Approach mm, 80 dB common mode rejection boundaries of a single force plate to the Problem rate) was used to record lower ex- embedded in the floor and the con- A descriptive, repeated measures tremity muscle activity. Electromyo- tralateral leg on the floor, outside laboratory study was used to com- graphy data were sampled at 2,000 of the force plate (13) (Figure 1). pare muscle activation patterns du- Hz. Maximal voluntary isometric The participant practiced bilateral ring the control, AP malaligned, and contractions were exported using squats to parallel to become ac- ML malaligned bilateral squats. The EMGworks Analysis software (ver- customed to the wires from the experimental approach provided sion; Delsys Inc.). An electro- electromagnetic motion capture unique information about the mu- magnetic motion-analysis system system. The participant was asked scle activation patterns during (Ascension Technology Corpora- to stand with feet shoulder width each squat technique to assist tion, Burlington, VT, USA) was used apart, toes pointing forward and sports medicine and performan- during collection. Kinematic data was instructed to perform 5 squa- ce professionals with information were sampled at 144 Hz. Threedi- ts to 908 of flexion with knees col- about differences in lower extre- mensional joint angles and EMG lapsing inward (ML malaligned), 5 mity muscle activation patterns data were synchronized, reduced, squats to 908 of flexion while lifting and strategies during commonly and exported using MotionMonitor heels off the floor (AP malaligned), performed malaligned squats. The software (Innovative Sports Trai- and 5 squats to 908 of flexion while independent variable in this study ning, Chicago, IL, USA). keeping heels on the floor and kne- was the squat technique (control, Electromyography Electrode es in line with feet (control) (Figure AP and ML aligned squats). The de- Placement 1). Feedback was only given during pendent variables were lower ex- The electrodes for the quadriceps the control squat and was stan- tremity muscle activation pattern muscles were placed on the distal dardized to include the following during the squat cycle measured third of the participant’s vastus la- statements: Sit back at your heels with surface electromyography. teralis and vastus medialis and the like you’re sitting in a chair; push Subjects proximal third of the participant’s your knees out in the bottom of Twenty-eight healthy, recreational- rectus femoris. The lateral and the squat; keep your toes pointing ly active participants (19 women, 9 medial gastrocnemius electrodes forward. men) without self-reported history were placed at 20% of the distan- Normalization Procedures of lower extremity injury volunte- ce of the shank from the knee joint Maximal voluntary isometric con- ered (21.5 6 3 years, 170 6 8.4 cm, line to the lateral malleolus (36). tractions (MVICs) were collected 65.7 6 11.8 kg). All participants The electrode on the biceps femo- before the participant completed were familiar with the squat exer- ris was placed halfway between the any squats. Maximal voluntary iso- cise. Exclusion criteria included ischial tuberosity and the lateral metric contractions for the vastus history of lower extremity injury epicondyle of the tibia (19). lateralis, vastus medialis, rectus within previous 6 months, history Procedures femoris, and biceps femoris were of low back pain or lower extremi- Participants reported to the labo- collected in short sitting with the ty joint surgery, pregnancy, known ratory for a single session wearing knees flexed to 908 using a gait muscular abnormalities, and athletic shoes and athletic clothing. belt around the distal third of the known degenerative joint disease. Electromyography electrodes were shank during both isometric knee All participants signed informed placed over the muscles of interest extension and knee flexion. Ninety consent approved by the universi- on the participant’s dominant leg, degrees was used to normalize ty’s institutional review board. defined as the preferred kicking quadriceps and hamstring activa- 56 MUSCLE ACTIVATION PATTERNS DURING DIFFERENT SQUAT TECHNIQUES

tion to maximal activity during peak knee flexion. Maximal voluntary iso- metric contractions for the lateral and medial gastrocnemius were collected with the subject lying pro- ne and 108 of plantarflexion. Knee flexion and ankle plantarflexion were measured using a goniome- ter. Three 5 second MVIC trials were collected in each position, avera- ging the middle 3 seconds of each trial for the individual muscles. All muscle activity was normalized and expressed as a percentage of MVIC.

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The Statistical Analyses The raw EMG data were filtered and exported using the MotionMonitor software, utilizing a bandpass fil- ter (10–450 Hz) with a 60 Hz notch filter and a 50 milliseconds window, moving average, root mean square Figure No. 1 algorithm. The EMG and kinematic Participants performed 5 medio-lateral malaligned squats (A, D data were synchronized and re- followed by 5 antero-posterior malaligned squats (B, E) followed by duced to 100 points to represent 5 control squats (C, F). Participants rested for 1 minute between each squat repetition. No feedback was provided during any of the squat 100% of the squat cycle, where techniques other than the control squat. 50% represents peak knee flexion and 0 and 99% represent full knee extension (27). Initial and final de- scent were defined as 0–24 and 25– 49%, respectively. Initial and final ascent were defined as 50–74 and 75–99%, respectively. After being reduced to 100 points, data were smoothed using a 3-point moving average window and 90% confiden- ce intervals were calculated about the mean of each percentage point. Means and 90% confidence intervals were calculated for each muscle during each squat techni- que. Areas in which the confidence Figure No.2 intervals did not overlap for more Peak knee joint excursion from full knee extension at the beginning of than 3 consecutive percentage the squat. points were considered statistically significant (9,21). Mean differences and associated pooled standard deviations were calculated for each MUSCLE ACTIVATION PATTERNS DURING DIFFERENT SQUAT TECHNIQUES 57

muscle during periods of the squat N° 8 / September-December 2017 cycle when squat techniques were significantly different. Cohen’s d effect sizes using mean differen- ces and pooled standard deviations were calculated for each muscle. Effect sizes were interpreted as weak (,0.2), small (0.21–0.39), mo- derate (0.4– 0.7), large (0.71–0.99), and very large (.1.0). Figure No.3 RESULTS Differences in kinematics during the medio-lateral malaligned squat Medio-Lateral Malaligned Squat (grey line), antero-posterior malaligned squat (vertical lines), and Participants demonstrated in- control squat (black line) across the squat cycle with 90% confidence creased anterior and medial knee intervals. Areas in which confidence intervals did not overlap for 3 or more consecutive points were considered statistically significant. displacement compared with the control squat (Figure 2). The ML malaligned squat resulted in si- gnificantly increased dorsiflexion, ankle inversion, knee flexion, knee abduction, and hip adduction du- ring approximately 10–85% of the squat cycle compared with the control squat.Participants also demonstrated significantly decre- ased hip flexion during 14–71% of the squat cycle compared with the Figure No.4 control squat (Figure 3). Differences in muscle activation patterns during the medio-lateral Vastus Lateralis. The vastus latera- malaligned (grey line) and control (black line) squat across the lis had decreased activation during squat cycle with 90% confidence intervals. Areas in which confidence final ascent (96–99%) of the squat intervals did not overlap for 3 or more consecutive percentage cycle in the ML malaligned squat points were considered statistically significant. compared with the control squat (Figure 4). Effect size was very lar- initial (15–18%) and final phase initial phase of descent (11–21%) ge (26.21) for the significant diffe- of decent (28–48%) of the squat and beginning of the final phase rence during the squat cycle for ML cycle in the ML malaligned squat of descent (25–28%) during the ML malalignment (Figure 5). compared withthe control squat. malaligned squat compared with Vastus Medialis. Vastus medialis The rectus femoris also displayed the control squat (Figure 4). Effect activation decreased during the decreased activation in the ML ma- sizes were very large (Range = 4.71, final phase of ascent (92–98%) of laligned squat during the final pha- 13.14) for all differences in the ML the squat cycle in the ML malali- se of ascent (85–99%) of the squat malaligned squat (Figure 5). gned squat compared with the con- cycle (Figure 4). Effect sizes were Lateral Gastrocnemius. The late- trol squat (Figure 4). Effect size was very large (Range = 24.90, 21.72) ral head of the gastrocnemius was very large (23.78) for the difference for all differences during the squat more active during the ML malali- in activation (Figure 5). cycle (Figure 5). gned squat compared with the con- Rectus Femoris. Rectus femoris Biceps Femoris. The biceps femo- trol squat in the initial (51–69%) activation decreased during the ris activation increased during the and final phase of ascent (71–82%, 58 MUSCLE ACTIVATION PATTERNS DURING DIFFERENT SQUAT TECHNIQUES

Figure No.5 Effect sizes for significant differences between medio- lateral malaligned and control squat. Vertical error bars represent 95% confidence intervals for the effect size point estimate. The horizontal line represents the duration across the squat cycle where confidence intervals did not overlap.

85–90%, 96–99%) during the squat the control squat (Figure 4). Effect of the squat cycle compared with cycle (Figure 4). Effect sizes were sizes were very large (Range = the control squat. The AP malali-

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The very large (Range = 3.90, 11.53) for 21.97, 13.53) for all differences gned squat increased knee flexion all differences between the ML ma- between the ML malaligned and from 22 to 80% of the squat cycle laligned and control squat during control squat during the squat and decreased hip flexion from 5 to the squat cycle (Figure 5). cycle (Figure 5). 77% of the squat cycle compared Medial Gastrocnemius. The medial with the control squat. Ankle inver- head of the gastrocnemius was less Antero-Posterior sion increased from 10 to 92% of active during the initial (1–7%) and Malaligned Squat the AP malaligned squat compared final phases of descent (29–32%) Antero-posterior malaligned squa- with the control squat. Participan- of the ML malaligned squat compa- ts increased anterior knee displa- ts demonstrated decreased knee red with the control squat (Figure cement and decreased lateral knee adduction during 15–75% of the AP 4). During the ascending phases displacement compared with the malaligned squat compared with of the squat cycle, the medial ga- control squat (Figure 2). Partici- the control squat (Figure 3). strocnemius was more active in pants demonstrated significant- Vastus Lateralis. The vastus late- the ML malaligned squat (65–69%, ly less dorsiflexion during the AP ralis had decreased activation in 75–78%, 85–94%) compared with malaligned squat during 21–95% the AP malaligned squat compared

Figure No.6 Differences in muscle activation patterns during the antero-posterior malaligned (grey line) and control (black line) squat across the squat cycle with90% confidence intervals. Areas in which confidence intervals did not overlap for 3 or more consecutive percentage points were considered statistically significant. MUSCLE ACTIVATION PATTERNS DURING DIFFERENT SQUAT TECHNIQUES 59 N° 8 / September-December 2017 Figure No.7 Effect sizes for significant differences between antero- posterior malaligned and control squat. Vertical error bars represent 95% confidence intervals for the effect size point estimate. The horizontal line represents the duration across the squat cycle where confidence intervals did not overlap.

Figure No.8 Differences in average quadriceps (vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and rectus femoris) activation pattern with 90% confidence intervals between squat techniques.

with the control squat during initial sizes were moderate to very large (Figure 6). Effect sizes were very descent (2–13%) and final ascent (Range = 20.69, 22.44) for all dif- large (Range = 1.66, 7.94) for all (87–99%) of the squat cycle. Vastus ferences during the AP malaligned differences during the AP malali- lateralis had increased activation squat during the squat cycle (Figu- gned during the AP malaligned squat du- re 7). squat (Figure 7). ring initial ascent from peak knee Rectus Femoris. Activation of the Lateral Gastrocnemius. The lateral flexion, 59–66% of the squat cycle rectus femoris decreased du- gastrocnemius activation also in- (Figure 6). Effect sizes were very ring the initial phase of descent creased during the AP malaligned large (Range = 22.29, 3.47) for all (8–21%) and final phase of ascent squat during all phases of descent significant differences during the (82–99%) in the AP malaligned and ascent (1–95%) compared with squat cycle for AP malalignment squat compared with the control the control squat (Figure 6). Effect (Figure 7). squat. The rectus femoris activa- size was very large (3.24) for the Vastus Medialis. The vastus media- tion increased in the AP malaligned difference in activation during the lis had decreased activation during squat during the initial phase of AP malaligned squat (Figure 7). the initial (11–31%) and final de- ascent (52–71%) (Figure 6). Effect Medial Gastrocnemius. The medial scent (39–48%) of the AP malali- sizes were large to very large (Ran- gastrocnemius was more active gnment squat compared with the ge = 21.68, 1.26) for all differences during the AP malaligned squat control squat (Figure 6). during the AP malaligned squat (Fi- during all phases of descent and Vastus medialis activation also de- gure 7). ascent (0–99%) compared with the creased during the final ascent of Biceps Femoris. The biceps femo- control squat (Figure 6). the squat cycle (81–98%) of the AP ris had increased activation in all 4 Effect size was very large (6.24) for malaligned squat compared with phases of the AP malaligned squat the difference in activation during the control squat (Figure 6). Effect compared with the control squat the AP malaligned squat (Figure 7). 60 MUSCLE ACTIVATION PATTERNS DURING DIFFERENT SQUAT TECHNIQUES

DISCUSSION rectus femoris activation during of the squat is to strengthen the The main purpose for the inclusion closed-chain knee exercises. quadriceps muscle group. of the body weight squat in trai- In the current study, both AP and ML The increased eccentric activa- ning and rehabilitation programs malaligned squats increased ga- tion of the knee flexors during is to increase strength at the thigh, strocnemius activation compared malaligned squats may be in an hip, and back musculature (10). The with the control squat. The medial effort to stabilize the knee joint activation patterns of the vastus la- and lateral gastrocnemii activation when quadriceps activation de- teralis, vastus medialis, and rectus during the descending and ascen- creases and when contact forces femoris during the control squat in ding phase of the squat was similar are highest. Previous researchers this study are similar to those pre- to that previously reported during (3,14,15,33,39,41,43) have noted viously reported (8,11,24,28), sup- squatting (36). The increased ga- that patellofemoral contact for- porting that the squat exercise fo- strocnemii activation during ML ces are high around 908 of knee cuses on quadriceps activation. The malaligned squats was also simi- flexion, whereas tibiofemoral con- results in this study support the no- lar to increased gastrocnemii acti- tact forces are largest when the

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The tion that the quadriceps are most vation in individuals with passive knee is close to full extension. Du- active during the concentric phase medial knee displacement during ring both malaligned squats, co- of the exercise (35,40). The results squatting (36). Participants in this contraction of the biceps femoris in this study also support that ma- study were instructed to purpo- and gastrocnemii during parts of laligned squats, both in the sagittal sefully squat into a malaligned the squat cycle when contact for- and frontal planes, significantly position, which may not represent ces are highest may be a strategy alters quadriceps activation. The muscle activation patterns during to stabilize the hip and knee joint decreased quadriceps activation passive malalignment. (1,8). Hamstring cocontraction du- associated with ML malalignment The similarities in gastrocnemii ring knee flexion also decreases indicates that frontal plane devia- activation during passive medial anterior translation and internal tions during a squat alter muscle knee displacement indicate that rotation, whereas cocontraction activation strategy to stabilize the both the medial and lateral ga- of the gastrocnemius decreases lower extremity during a bilateral strocnemii are more active during strain at the anterior cruciate li- squat (Figure 8). Our study agrees frontal plane malalignment even gament (16,30), supporting that with prior findings that the rectus with the slight medial knee excur- increased activation of the ham- femoris is less active than the va- sion seen in this study. Increased string and gastrocnemius muscles stus medialis and lateralis during a coactivation of the gastrocnemii during malaligned bilateral squats control squat (12); however, frontal during closed kinetic chain exer- may be a stabilizing technique. Fur- plane malalignment further decre- cises stabilizes the ankle during thermore, the increased activation ased rectus femoris activation du- flexed knee stance and decreases in the hamstring and gastrocnemii ring descent into peak knee flexion the strain at the anterior crucia- during malaligned squats changes and increased activation in the te ligament by pulling the femur the nature of the exercise, targe- knee flexors. The decreased rectus backwards (22,26,34). The increa- ting muscles that are considerably femoris activity during frontal pla- sed coactivation of the gastrocne- less active during a squat with neu- ne malalignment may suggest that mii during both malaligned squats tral alignment. Further research increased medial knee displace- may indicate an unstable knee joint comparing neutral and malaligned ment during squats changes the position with increased anterior squats should also include gluteus nature of the exercise, decreasing and medial knee displacement. maximus, semitendinosus, and quadriceps activation and increa- These findings support the impor- semimembranosus activation. Al- sing hamstring and gastrocnemii tance of sagittal plane alignment though gluteus maximus activation activity. Further research should squat form when patients and reportedly increases with squat continue to investigate the influen- clients display even minimal knee depth (4), this may not represent ce of medial knee displacement on abduction especially when the goal gluteal activation during an unlo- MUSCLE ACTIVATION PATTERNS DURING DIFFERENT SQUAT TECHNIQUES 61

aded squat to 908 of knee flexion mended from the data in the cur- using this design should consider N° 8 / September-December 2017 (5) with neutral and malaligned te- rent study. However, we have iden- counterbalancing the order of the chniques. In contrast to the decre- tified altered muscle activation malaligned squat technique to ased quadriceps activation during patterns when alignment is altered further limit the influence of one the ML malaligned squat, the AP during a squat. Further research squat variation on another. malaligned squat increased vastus should explore optimal anterior The results of this study support lateralis and rectus femoris acti- knee displacement during bilateral that malaligned squats in the fron- vation during initial ascent. Fur- squatting to ensure that the spine, tal and sagittal plane significantly thermore, the decreased vastus hip, and knee are not exposed to alter muscle activation patterns medialis activation during the AP risk during the exercise. in the lower extremity, increasing malaligned squat may be in effort There were some limitations to this activation in hamstring and ga- to decrease tibial internal rotation study including the lack of stan- strocnemius muscles compared and patellofemoral contact pressu- dardization of knee flexion angle, with a control squat. Frontal and re (42). Previous researchers (33) squat velocity, and reliability of EMG sagittal plane knee excursion also have noted increased patellofe- findings. Although knee flexion an- significantly alter quadriceps acti- moral contact forces during flexion gle was not standardized, all par- vation patterns during squatting, with increased quadriceps activa- ticipants received the same verbal changing the demands of the task tion, which may lead to the increa- instructions and these instructions on the knee musculature. Despite sed eccentric activation of the knee were interpreted in a similar man- the altered activation strategies flexors during the AP malaligned ner given the tight confidence during malaligned squats, activa- squat. Although restricting ante- intervals. Squat velocity was not tion in the hamstring and gastroc- rior knee displacement can result standardized; however, both the nemius decreased during the con- in increased thoracic motion and descending and ascending phases trol squats using basic instructions forces at the hip and back during of the squat were reduced to 50 and feedback. The simple cues used squats (17,27), too much anterior points in order to standardize each in this study may help guide clients knee displacement may lead to squat based on kinematic events. and patients to activation in the increased patellofemoral contact Future research using this techni- quadriceps and decrease activa- forces (33,38,39). The knee joint que should standardize squat ve- tion in the hamstring and gastroc- displaced approximately 0.17 m locity to further minimize changes nemius during bilateral bodywei- anteriorly compared with neutral- in muscle activity. Although we did ght squats. position during control squats in not assess reliability of EMG in the our study; however, the biceps fe- current study, reliability of surface PRACTICAL moris and gastrocnemius had little EMG using a repeated measures APPLICATIONS activity throughout the squat cycle. design has been well documen- The bilateral squat exercise is a Both the ML and AP malaligned ted during functional tasks in both commonly used exercise for stren- squats increased anterior knee di- healthy and pathological popula- gthening the quadriceps. Oftenti- splacement by approximately 0.07 tions (23,25,31). Lastly, the order mes, the exercise is not executed and 0.15 m, respectively (Figure of squat performance was not properly without initial instruction 2), which may explain the increase counterbalanced, with the control from a practitioner. Two common in biceps femoris activation we ob- condition performed last. This was malalignments during a bodywei- served during initial descent and an active decision to limit any fee- ght bilateral squat are medial and increase gastrocnemius activation dback during squat performance anterior knee displacement; howe- during initial and final ascent of the until malaligned squats were com- ver, there is little information about squat cycle (Figures 4 and 6). pleted. Participants were also gi- the changes in muscle activation There is no established “safe zone” ven adequate rest between squats, patterns resulting from these ma- for anterior excursion at the knee limiting the influence of the pre- lalignments. during squats that can be recom- vious squat. Future researchers The results in this study support 62 MUSCLE ACTIVATION PATTERNS DURING DIFFERENT SQUAT TECHNIQUES

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β-alanine has become one of the more popular supplements be- ing used by competitive strength/ power athletes today. β-alanine is a non-proteogenic amino acid (e.g., does not stimulate protein synthesis), and is one of the two constituents of carnosine (the amino acid histidine is the second constituent), and appears to be the rate limiting step in carnosine synthesis (Harris et al., 2006). Car- nosine is found in skeletal muscle of all vertebrates (Harris et al.,

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The 1990), but the carnosine content of skeletal muscle in mammals that rely on anaerobic metabolism to fuel their activity is quite high. The relationship between carnosine content and muscle buffering ca- pacity is strongly positive across all species (Harris et al., 1990; Abe, 2000), with a significantly greater concentration of carnosine found in type II compared to type I mus- cient process and dietary intake It has been suggested that a daily cle fibers (Harris et al., 1998). Car- of meat, chicken and turkey are re- dosing regimen of 1.6– 6.4 g·day-1 nosine’s primary physiological role quired to elevate muscle carnosine can cause significant increases in in muscle is to serve as a pH buffer concentrations (Harris et al., 2007). muscle carnosine concentrations (Harris et al., 2006). High carnosine Ingestion of ~200 g of chicken (Stellingwerff et al., 2012a). Dos- concentration within muscle could breast meat, or 150 g of turkey es higher than 6.4 g·day-1 have serve to delay fatigue and prolong breast meat, would result in the generally not been examined due highly intense exercise lasting plasma bioavailability of an 800 mg to the greater risk of symptoms 1-5 minutes. Thus, the purpose β-alanine supplement (Harris et al, of paresthesia occurring. Howev- of β-alanine supplementation is 2006). Considering that the daily er, vast majority of those studies to maximize carnosine content in dose of β-alanine ranges from 1.6 were conducted prior to the use of skeletal muscle for improving an- to 6.4 g, that would require one to sustained release formulations of aerobic activity. consume between ~400 g – 1600 g β-alanine, which may minimize the Diet does appear to have an effect of chicken breast or ~ 300 g – 1200 appearance of paresthesia (Harris on muscle carnosine concentra- g of turkey breast per day. Thus, the and Stellingwerff, 2013). The in- tions. Muscle carnosine concentra- use of β-alanine as a supplement crease in carnosine content within tions in carnivores are significantly appears to be more effective than muscle, subsequent to β-alanine higher than that seen in vegetari- dietary intake only in elevating supplementation, appears to be ans (Evaraert et al., 2011). In veg- muscle carnosine concentrations. dependent upon several factors etarians muscle carnosine content that include training history, dose could only be elevated by hepatic Dose – Response for β-Alanine and duration of use. Stellingwerff β-alanine synthesis through uracil Ingestion and Muscle Carnosine and colleagues (2012b) appear to degradation. This is a very ineffi- Synthesis. be the only study to directly com- β-ALANINE SUPPLEMENTATION FOR THE COMPETITIVE ATHLETE 69

up study, the same research team carnosine content in the deltoid N° 8 / September-December 2017 investigating elite athletes ingest- muscle 82% in swimmers but only ing a higher dose (5.0 g∙day-1) for a 63% in the non-athletes. Oth- slightly longer duration (7-weeks) ers have examined the effects of reported an increase in muscle car- 4-weeks of β-alanine ingestion (6.4 nosine content of 28% in the gas- g·day-1) on trained and untrained trocnemius (Baguet et al., 2010). vastus lateralis muscle (Kendrick et This study though used rowers, al., 2009). Subjects served as their who primarily rely on their upper own controls (i.e. one leg was ex- body during training and competi- ercised, while the other remained tion. Derave and colleageus (2007) sedentary). Increases in muscle examining track and field athletes carnosine concentrations of 52.2% reported a 37% increase in car- were reported in the trained leg, nosine content in the gastrocne- and only a 28.3% increase was ob- mius following 4.8 g∙day-1 for 4 – 5 served in the untrained leg. These weeks. Interestingly, Hoffman and measures were obtained through colleagues (2015a) examining elite a muscle biopsy, whereas the previ- combat soldiers ingesting 6.4 g∙- ous measures have used magnetic day-1 of sustained release tablets resonance spectroscopy (MRS) for 4-weeks reported a 28% in- to determine muscle carnosine crease in the carnosine content of content. Improvements reported the gastrocnemius muscle. Thus, in muscle carnosine content as- doses ranging in amounts of 4.8 – sessed using muscle biopsy proce- 6.0 g∙day-1 for 4 – 7 weeks will result dures appear to be larger in mag- pared multiple dosing strategies in an increase in carnosine content nitude the changes reported from and demonstrated that a higher in the gastrocnemius ranging from MRS assessments (Stellingwerff et dose (total ingestion of 134.4 g) of 23-28% in recreationally trained in- al., 2012a). β-alanine resulted in a greater in- dividuals, but possibly higher levels Most supplement studies exam- crease in carnosine content in both in competitive athletes, suggest- ining β-alanine ingestion have fast-twitch (gastrocnemius) and ing a potential a synergistic effect generally used an absolute dose slow-twitch (tibialis anterior) mus- from training. The combination of for an ingestion protocol. Hill and cle fibers than a lower dose (total training and β-alanine ingestion colleagues (2007) examining 25 ingestion of 89.6 g) in an 8-week appears to have a greater effect physically active male subjects supplementation study. Stellingw- than β-alanine ingestion alone used a dosing protocol beginning erff and colleagues (2012b) also on increasing muscle carnosine with 4.0 g·day-1 for the first week reported that muscle carnosine content. The increased sensitivity and increasing it 800 mg per week levels are significantly increased in trained muscle was recently sup- until week 4, and then maintained with as little as 1.6 g∙day-1 follow- ported by Bex et al., (2013). In that a 6.4 g·day-1 for an additional ing only 2 weeks of supplementa- study, the investigators compared 6-weeks. This was reported to be tion. Other studies have generally non-athletes to competitive ath- an equivalent to a relative does not compared different dosing letes and showed muscle carnosine of approximately 50 – 80 mg·kg- schemes. Baguet and colleagues increases greater in the exercised 1·day-1 reported a 58.8% increase (2009) provided 4.8 g∙day-1 for muscles in athletes compared to in muscle carnosine concentration 5 – 6 weeks and reported a 23% non-exercised muscle in non-ath- following 4-weeks of ingestion and increase in carnosine content of letes. Specifically, 23-days of an additional 21% increase seen by the gastrocnemius of recreation- β-alanine supplementation at 6.4 week 10 (Hill et al., 2007). Similar- ally trained men. In a following g∙day-1 was reported to increase ly, Kendrick and colleagues (2008) 70 β-ALANINE SUPPLEMENTATION FOR THE COMPETITIVE ATHLETE

reported increases in muscle car- ed a linear dependency (R2 = 0.921) a relative ~30 – 45% increase (de- nosine concentrations (53.5%) in on the total amount of β-alanine pending upon fiber type) in muscle physically active physical educa- consumed and the increase in mus- carnosine content. Cessation of tion students following 10-weeks cle carnosine content. This was β-alanine ingestion resulted in a of supplementation using a 6.4 shown to be independent of muscle slow washout time (~15-20 weeks) g·day-1 for the entire supplementa- type. In a meta-analysis published with a rate of decay approximate- tion period. The relative dosing was by Hobson et al., 2012), data anal- ly 2% per week. This decay period similar to the Hill et al. (2007) study. ysis indicated that supplementa- was slower than that reported by Thus, increases in carnosine con- tion with a total ingestion of 179 Baguet et al., (2009), and may have tent appear to be rapid during the g of β-alanine (the median dose been related to the higher base- initial stages of ingestion, but the across all studies) resulted in a me- line levels reported in latter study. rate of carnosine elevation begins dian performance improvement of to slow as ingestion is maintained. 2.85% compared with a placebo. ERGOGENIC PROPERTIES Large variability of carnosine con- OF Β-ALANINE

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The tent exists between Type II and CARNOSINE WASHOUT SUPPLEMENTATION Type I fibers, Harris and colleagues Cessation of β-alanine ingestion The ergogenic role of β-alanine is (1998) indicated that these dif- will result in a gradual return of not seen by the direct actions of the ferences may be up to two-fold, muscle carnosine concentrations amino acid, but in its ability to com- and likely impact the potential of to baseline levels. In one study bine with histidine within muscle these muscle to increase carnosine 20 young physically active males tissue to form carnosine. However, content. Derave and colleagues were divided into two groups that the evidence supporting the ergo- (2007) provided 4.8 g·day-1 for 4-5 received either 4.8 g·day-1 of β-ala- genic benefit of elevating muscle weeks in track and field athletes nine or placebo for 6 weeks. Three carnosine concentrations is strong. and reported a 47% increase in car- weeks after supplement cessation In a meta-analysis study, Hobson et nosine content in the soleus mus- the mean carnosine concentra- al. (2012) found that the greatest cle, a predominantly slow twitch tions in three muscles was report- ergogenic potential for elevated fiber, but only a 37% increase in the ed to have decreased by 31.8% carnosine concentrations occurs gastrocnemius, a predominantly (Baguet et al., 2009). Following during high intensity exercise last- fast twitch muscle. Baguet and nine weeks of β-alanine ingestion ing 60- 240 seconds in duration. colleagues (2010) reported nearly muscle carnosine concentrations Overall, significant (p<0.001) differ- a two-fold difference in the mag- returned to baseline levels. The ences in performance were found nitude of carnosine content eleva- degree of muscle carnosine de- between the β-alanine and the pla- tion between the soleus and gas- crease may be dose dependent. cebo groups. The analysis included trocnemius in elite female rowers Participants who were reported to 360 subjects (174 with β-alanine ingesting 5.0 g·day-1 for 7 weeks. be high responders (saw a greater supplementation and 186 with pla- Even when the absolute increase accumulation of muscle carnosine cebo) from 15 published manu- in carnosine content is similar, the content) required a greater wash- scripts. No significant benefit in relative increase may be different out time to return to baseline levels β-alanine ingestion was noted in due to baseline carnosine levels (~15 weeks) than participants that performance durations lasting <60 (Stellingwerff et al., 2012b). Based were reported to be low respond- seconds compared to placebo in- upon a linear regression model de- ers (~ 6 weeks). Stellingwerff et al. gestion. In placebo-controlled veloped by Stellingwerff and col- (2012b) demonstrated that a 1.6 studies, β-alanine supplementa- leagues (2012a) a ~50% increase or 3.2 g∙day-1 for 8 weeks in healthy tion has been consistent in demon- in muscle carnosine, a total of ~230 but untrained males increased ab- strating significant performance g of β-alanine must be consumed solute muscle carnosine content benefits in both recreational and -1 -1 (assuming a 1.6 – 6.4 g·day inges- by average 2.01 mmol·kg ww. This competitive athletic populations tion dose). This model demonstrat- absolute change was equivalent to performing high intensity activity β-ALANINE SUPPLEMENTATION FOR THE COMPETITIVE ATHLETE 71 N° 8 / September-December 2017

(Hill et al., 2007; Hoffman et al., have reported similar results. Der- two weeks of supplementation re- 2006; 2008a; 2008b; Kendrick et al., ave and colleagues (2007) in a dou- vealed no significant differences in 2008; Stout et al., 2006; 2007). In a ble-blind, placebo controlled study, sprint times or fatigue rates during double-blind, placebo controlled reported that 4-weeks of β-alanine repeated (total of three) shuttle study, ingestion of 6.4 g·day-1 and supplementation (4.8 g·day-1) in 15 runs (30 – 35 second per run with a 3.2 g·day-1 of β-alanine (days 1-6 male 400-m sprinters was signifi- 2-min rest between each sprint). and days 7-28, respectively) in 12 cantly (p<0.05) able to delay fatigue However, a strong trend (p = 0.07) untrained young men for 4-weeks in repeated bouts of isokinetic exer- was noted in fatigue rate during a (high dose was titrated to the low cise (5 sets of 30 maximal voluntary 60-second Wingate anaerobic pow- dose following the first week of in- knee extensions). Another dou- er test. As supplementation contin- gestion) was shown to improve ble-blind, placebo controlled study ued, examination of the player’s re- physical working capacity at fatigue provided 4.8 g·day-1 of β-alanine or sistance training logbooks showed threshold (PWCFT) by 14.5% (p < placebo for 4-weeks to experienced, further trends (p = 0.09) towards a 0.05) in the β-alanine group (Stout resistance trained strength/power higher (9.2 %) volume of training et al., 2006). This difference was sig- athletes (Hoffman et al., 2008b). (load x repetitions) in those ath- nificantly (p<0.004) greater than The difference in training volume letes supplementing with β-alanine the placebo group that showed no (total number of repetitions per- compared to placebo. Although the change in physical working capacity. formed in the squat exercise per inability to see any effect on repeat- Stout and colleagues (2007) con- workout) reported as the difference ed sprints of approximately 30 – 35 ducted a follow-up study, recruiting between workouts performed at seconds appears to be consistent 22 untrained college-aged women week 0 and week 4 of the study was with the results of Hobson and col- in another placebo controlled, dou- significantly (p<0.05) greater in the leagues (2012), it is also likely that ble-blind protocol. The active group athletes using β-alanine (9.0 ± 4.1 the two week supplementation pe- were supplied with 3.2 g·day-1 and repetitions) compared to the place- riod (only 63 g of β-alanine ingest- 6.4 g·day-1 of β-alanine (days 1-7 bo (0.3 ± 7.8 repetitions). In addi- ed) in trained athletes may not have and days 8-28, respectively) for tion, the average mean power out- been sufficient to significantly in- 4-weeks. The investigators report- put per repetition for each set was crease muscle carnosine content. ed a 12.6% (p<0.001) improvement significantly (p<0.05) higher in the The trend towards an improved fa- in PWCFT and a 2.5% (p<0.05) in- athletes supplementing with β-ala- tigue rate in a 60-second maximal crease in time to exhaustion during nine than those ingesting the pla- intensity bout of exercise is consis- a graded exercise cycle ergometry cebo. Hoffman and colleagues tent with the physiological role that test than the placebo supplement- (2008a) provided 4.5 g·day-1 of β-al- β-alanine supplementation has a ed group. Studies in trained, com- anine for four weeks to college foot- possible effect on improved buffer- petitive athletes supplemented ball players. Initial performance ing capacity during prolonged (>60 with β-alanine for similar durations testing which occurred following seconds) high intensity exercise 72 β-ALANINE SUPPLEMENTATION FOR THE COMPETITIVE ATHLETE

(Hobson et al., 2012). Studies exam- significant (p = 0.07), these results blind, placebo controlled study, Van ining longer supplementation peri- do suggest a strong trend in an elite Thienen and colleagues (2009) pro- ods of β-alanine during perfor- group of athletes that may have vided 17 trained cyclists β-alanine mance events lasting more than practical significance. Further- in gradated doses from 2 – 4 g·day-1 60-seconds in duration have also more, intramuscular carnosine con- for 8-weeks. Performance testing reported significant benefits. Ba- tent in the experimental group was included a varied intensity [50% - guet and colleagues (2010) provid- significantly (p < 0.05) higher by 90% of maximal lactate steady state ed 5 g·day-1 of β-alanine in elite, 45% and 28% in the soleus and gas- (MLSS)] 110-minute cycle ergome- competitive rowers. Following trocnemius, respectively, and the ter time trial followed by a 10-min- 7-weeks of supplementation, ath- change in muscle carnosine con- ute time trial at 100% of their MLSS, letes ingesting β-alanine were 2.8 ± tent was significantly correlated (r which was followed by a 30-second 4.8 seconds faster during a 2,000 m = 0.498, p = 0.042) to performance sprint. The 9 athletes consuming time trial performance than improvement in the rowing time tri- β-alanine show a significant 11.4% their pre-supplement times. The al. High intensity exercise per- (p<0.0001) and 5.0% (p<0.005) im-

The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The placebo group was 1.8 ± 6.8 sec- formed immediately following a provement in both peak and mean onds slower than their pre-supple- prolonged bout of endurance exer- power, respectively during the ment times. Although these differ- cise may also benefit from β-ala- 30-second sprint performance, ences were not statistically nine supplementation. In a double- which was higher than the group β-ALANINE SUPPLEMENTATION FOR THE COMPETITIVE ATHLETE 73 N° 8 / September-December 2017 that consumed the placebo (n = 8). ering the physiological role of car- doses (>800 mg·kg-1) of β-alanine The authors concluded that β-ala- nosine in muscle does not provide a (Harris et al., 2006). Reports of par- nine supplementation can signifi- strong mechanism for enhancing esthesia have not been reported in cantly enhance sprint performance endurance performance. Never- studies that use sustained-release at the end of an exhaustive endur- theless, Smith et al. (2009) report- formulations. Symptoms of pares- ance exercise bout. There have only ed significant (p<0.05) improve- thesia generally disappear within been a limited number of studies ments in VO2peak, time to fatigue 60 – 90 min following supplemen- examining the effects of β-alanine and total work performed during tation (Stellingwerff et al., 2012b). ingestion and endurance perfor- endurance performance in recre- Investigations reporting potential mance. Jordan and colleagues ationally active males following side effects from prolonged (great- (2010) reported that following 6-weeks of high intensity interval er than 15 weeks) supplementation 4-weeks of β-alanine ingestion (6.0 training (5 - 7 sets of 2-minute in- protocols have not been seen. How- g·day-1) a delay in blood lactate ac- tervals at 90% max power output, ever considering that β-alanine is a cumulation was seen in participants with 1-minute rest between each naturally occurring amino acid with who were not trained aerobically interval) and β-alanine ingestion an important physiological role during the supplement period; a de- (6.0 g·day-1for 21 days followed by in the body, it is likely a very safe crease in aerobic capacity was also 3.0 g·day-1for another 21 days). Al- supplement to use. Nevertheless, noted. This is not surprising consid- though improvements were noted the long term effect of β-alanine in both the supplement and place- supplementation and the combina- bo groups in these measures fol- tions with other supplements are lowing 3 weeks of training, only the unknown. β-alanine group had significant (p<0.05) aerobic improvements af- SUMMARY ter the 6-weeks of training. These When β-alanine is ingested, wheth- results were confirmed by a subse- er through food or as a dietary sup- quent study by Walter and col- plement, it combines with histidine leagues (2010) examining recre- to form carnosine. Physiologically, ationally active women. Even elevations in muscle carnosine will though there is no direct physiolog- increase intra-cellular buffering ical benefit of β-alanine supple- capacity. The efficacy of β-alanine mentation for endurance and aero- supplementation has been sup- bic performance, the combination ported through several studies of anaerobic high intensity inter- examining sustained, high inten- vals training and β-alanine likely sity exercise in competitive and improved the quality of the high in- recreational athletes. Based on tensity sprints, indirectly affecting current research, β-alanine sup- aerobic capacity and cardiovascular plementation appears to be effica- fitness. cious during high intensity activity lasting 60-300 seconds. Research SAFETY examining β-alanine ingestion The only side effect reported with and competitive athletes provides β-alanine supplementation is par- strong evidence that supplement- esthesia (Harris et al., 2006). Par- ing with β-alanine will increase esthesia is a sensation of numbing muscle carnosine levels, which are or tingling in the skin. It has been associated with significant perfor- commonly experienced when con- mance improvements during sus- suming non-sustained release tained, high intensity activity. 74 β-ALANINE SUPPLEMENTATION FOR THE COMPETITIVE ATHLETE


Abe H. (2000) Role of histidine-related com- Harris RC, Tallon MJ, Dunnett M, et al. (2006) pounds as intracellular proton buffering con- The absorption of orally supplied β-alanine and stituents in vertebrate muscle. Biochemistry its effect on muscle carnosine synthesis in hu- (Mosc). 65: 757-765. man vastus lateralis. Amino acids 30:279-289 Baguet A, Bourgois J, Vanhee L, Achten E, De- Hill CA, Harris RC, Kim HJ, et al. (2007) In- rave W (2010) Important role of muscle carno- fluence of β-alanine supplementation on skeletal sine in rowing performance. Journal of Applied muscle carnosine concentrations and high in- Physiology. 109:1096-1101. tensity cycling capacity Amino acids 32:225-233 Baguet A, Reyngoudt H, Pottier A, Everaert I, Callens S, Achten E, Derave W (2009) Carnosi- Hobson RM, Saunders B, Ball G, Harris R, Sale ne loading and washout in human skeletal mu- C (2012) Effects of β-alanine supplementation scles Journal of Applied Physiology 106:837-842. on exercise performance: a meta-analysis Ami- no acids 43:25-37 Bex T, Chung W, Baguet A, Stegen S, Stautemas The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The J, Achten E, Derave W (2014) Muscle carnosi- Hoffman JR, Landau G, Stout JR, Hoffman MW, ne loading by beta-alanine supplementation is Shavit N, Rosen P, Moran DS, Fukuda DH, more pronounced in trained vs. untrained mu- Shlelef I, Carmom E, Osteld I (2015). β-alanine scles Journal of Applied Physiology 116:204-209. ingestion increases muscle carnosine content and combat specific performance in soldiers. Derave W, Ozdemir MS, Harris RC, et al. (2007) Amino Acids 47:627-636. β-Alanine supplementation augments muscle carnosine content and attenuates fatigue du- Hoffman JR, Ratamess NA, Faigenbaum AD, ring repeated isokinetic contraction bouts in Ross R, Kang J, Stout JR, Wise JA (2008) trained sprinters Journal of applied physiology Short-duration β-alanine supplementation 103:1736-1743. increases training volume and reduces subjecti- ve feelings of fatigue in college football players Everaert I, Mooyaart A, Baguet A, Zutinic A, Nutrition Research. 28:31-35. Baelde H, Achten E, Taes Y, De Heer E, Derave W (2011) Vegetarianism, female gender and Hoffman JR, Ratamess NA, Kang J, Mangine increasing age, but not CNDP1 genotype, are GT, Faigenbaum AD, Stout JR (2006) Effect of associated with reduced muscle carnosine levels creatine and ß-alanine supplementation on per- in humans. Amino Acids. 40:1221–1229. formance and endocrine responses in strength/ power athletes. International Journal of Sport Harris R, Marlin D, Dunnett M, Snow D, Hult- Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 16:430-446. man E (1990) Muscle buffering capacity and dipeptide content in the thoroughbred horse, Hoffman JR, Ratamess NA, Ross R, Kang J, greyhound dog and man Comparative Bio- Magrelli J, Neese K, Faigenbaum AD, Wise JA. chemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology (2008) β-Alanine and the hormonal response to 97:249-251. exercise International journal of sports medicine 29:952-958 Harris RC, Dunnett M, Greenhaff PL (1998) Carnosine and taurine contents in individual Jordan T, Lukaszuk J, Misic M, Umoren J (2010) fibers of human vastus lateralis muscle. Journal Effect of beta-alanine supplementation on the of Sports Science. 16:639-643. onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA) during treadmill running: Pre/post 2 treatment Harris RC, Jones G, Hill CH, Kendrick IP, experimental design Journal of the international Boobis L, Kim CK, Kim HJ, Dang VH, Edge society of sports nutrition 7:20 J, Wise JA (2007) The carnosine content of V Lateralis in vegetarians and omnivores. FASEB J Kendrick IP, Harris RC, Kim HJ, Kim CK, Dang 21(769):20 VH, Lam TQ, Bui TT, Smith M, Wise JA (2008) The effects of 10 weeks of resistance training Harris RC, Stellingwerff T (2013) Effect of combined with beta-alanine supplementation on β-alanine supplementation on high-intensity whole body strength, force production, muscu- exercise performance. Nestle Nutrition Institute lar endurance and body composition. Amino Workshop Series. 76:61-71. Acids. 34:547-54. β-ALANINE SUPPLEMENTATION FOR THE COMPETITIVE ATHLETE 75 N° 8 / September-December 2017

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DR. JAY HOFFMAN holds the rank of full professor in the Sport and Exercise Science program at the University of Central Florida. He is presently the Department Chair of Education and Human Sciences and Director of the Institute of Exercise Physiology and Wellness. Dr. Hoffman is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). He served as President of the National Strength and Conditioning Association Board of Directors from 2009-2012. Dr. Hoffman also served on the Board of Directors of the USA Bobsled and Skeleton Federation. Dr. Hoffman holds a unique perspective in his sport science background. Prior to his academic career he signed free agent contracts with the NY Jets and Philadelphia Eagles of the NFL and the Tampa Bay Bandits of the USFL. A dual national of the USA and Israel, Dr. Hoffman commanded the Physiological Unit of the Israel Air Force and served as a Research Officer in the Combat Fitness Unit of the IDF during his military service. Dr. Hoffman has been honored or awarded the 2007 Outstanding Sport Scientist of the Year from the NSCA, 2005 Outstanding Kinesiology Professional Award from the Neag School of Education Alumni Society of the University of Connecticut, 2003 Educator of the Year NSCA, and 2003 Neag School of Education Outstanding Alumni Research Award (University of Connecticut). Dr. Hoffman’s primary area of study focuses on physiological adaptations resulting from nutritional and exercise intervention. Dr. Hoffman has published more than 200 articles and chapters in peer-reviewed journals. His books Physiological Aspects of Sport Training and Performance, Norms for Fitness, Performance, and Health, and Program Design were published by Human Kinetics. A Practical Guide to Designing Resistance Training Programs and Total Fitness for Baseball were published by Coaches Choice. Further sharing his research and findings, Dr. Hoffman has lectured at more than 380 national and international conferences and meetings. 76 ditorial guidelines

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The names of chemical research results in the practice of movement PUBLISHED compounds and generic names must precede and sport. the trade name or abbreviation of a drug the 1. A portion of the texts published by SM, as a first time that it is used in the text. The process of improving the overall psycho- specific editorial choice, are versions in Italian physical condition through the implemen- of highly accredited work already published tation of appropriate exercise programmes elsewhere, carefully selected among the many covers a wide range of people: from children to papers available in literature. It is also an ed- senior citizens, through all ages, from novices itorial policy to include research from young to professional athletes, at all possible levels. up and coming Authors or those in training. For the professional it is important to have an Articles may be submitted by e-mail, in the in-depth knowledge of the process of training form of files in Microsoft Word format (.doc), and to realise how it can be supported by other to [email protected], following the in- 77 N° 8 / September-December 2017 PREPARATION OF MANUSCRIPTS It is recommended that statements such as 8. Tables “further research will be necessary, etc. etc... “ 1. Title page be avoided. Tables should be typed double-spaced on sepa- rate pages and include a short title. Ensure that The title page should include the title of the pa- Practical applications. In this section, it is es- there is adequate space within the tables and per, the current title in short, the laboratory or sential to indicate to the coach or the sports use the least possible number of layout rules of laboratories where the research was conduct- professional how to apply and use the data the rows. When tables are necessary, the infor- ed, the full name of the Author or Authors, the contained in the article. It is a distinctive fea- mation must not be a duplicate of data already department, the institution, full postal address ture of SM, also in compliance with the editori- in the text. All figures and tables must include of the corresponding Author, phone number, al mission (see above), to try to the gaps standard deviations or standard errors. fax number and email address; furthermore, between the professional laboratory and the a declaration of any funding received for the professional field. Costs for Authors work carried out must be included. 5. Bibliography SM does not charge the Authors with any fees Title page without the name of the Authors for presentation or per page. 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Please carefully Under the terms of the Scientific Committee check the accuracy of the bibliography, main- of SM and in order to promote uniformity and A separate sheet must contain a summary of ly to avoid - during the preparation of proofs clarity in all scientific journals, the Authors are the paper in not more than 250 words, fol- - changes in bibliographic entries, especially invited to use the standard generally accepted lowed by a minimum of 3 to a maximum of regarding the numerical order in which the terms in the field of sports sciences and sports. ± keywords, not used in the title. The summa- citations appear. The Scientific Committee of SM accepts the ry must be structured in sentences (not titles) 6. Acknowledgements use of the following terms and units. The units related to the purpose of the study, methods, used will be those of the International System results, conclusions and practical applications In this section, information may be included of Units (SI). Exceptions allowed: heart rate: arising from the work presented. regarding identification of funding sources, beats per minute; blood pressure: mm Hg; 4. Text updated contact information of the Author gas pressure: mm Hg. The Authors may refer and acknowledgements to others involved in to the British Medical Journal (1: 1334-1336, The text must be composed, as a rule, of the the execution of the experiment, if it was an ex- 1978) and the Annals of Internal Medicine following sections with titles in uppercase and periment. In this part of the document, infor- (106: 114-129, 1987) to properly express oth- in the following order: mation must be included relating to conflicts er units or abbreviations. When using units of A. Introduction. This section is a careful de- of interest. In particular, the Authors should: measurement, please place the multiplication velopment of the hypotheses of the study that 1) declare the professional relationship with symbol in the middle of the line to avoid con- led to the implementation of the survey. It is other companies or producers who benefit fusion with a full stop; e.g. ml • min-1 • kg-1. advisable not to use subtitles in this section from the findings of the study and 2) cite the specific grant funding in support of the study. Among the simple units and those derived and try to limit it to 4-6 paragraphs, written in most commonly used in research reports of a concise manner. Failure to disclose such information could re- sult in the rejection of the article submitted for this magazine are: B. Methods. The following subtitles are re- publication. Mass: gram (g) or kilograms (kg); force: New- quired in the Methods sections in the following 7. Figures ton (N); distance: metres (m), kilometre (km); order: “Experimental approach to the problem,” temperature: degree Celsius (° C); energy, heat, where the Author or Authors of the study show The legends of the figures should be submit- work: joule (J) or kilojoules (kJ); power: watt that the approach can prove the hypotheses de- ted on separate pages, and each figure should (W); time: Newton per meter (N • m); Fre- veloped in the introduction, and can offer some appear on a separate page. Each work should quency: hertz (Hz); pressure: Pascal (Pa); time: basic principles for the choices made regarding be accompanied by a set of figures. Electronic second (s), minutes (min), hours (h); volume: the independent and dependent variables used photographs copied and pasted in Word and litre (l), millilitre (ml); and the quantity of a in the study; “Subjects”, where the Authors in- PowerPoint will not be accepted. The images particular substance: moles (mol), millimoles sert the approval of their project by the control must be scanned at a minimum of 300 pixels (mmol). bodies, if any, and the appropriate informed per inch (ppi). The Line art should be scanned consent obtained. All the characteristics of the at 1200 ppi. Please specify the file format of the Conversion factors selected: subjects that are not dependent variables of graphs. TIFF or EPS formats will be accepted • 1 N = 0.102 kg (force); the study are to be included in this section and for both Macintosh and PC platforms. We also not in the “Results”; “Procedures” includes the accept image files in the following native appli- • 1J = 1 N • m = 0.000239 kcal = 0.102 kg • m; methods used, bearing in mind the concept of cation file formats: the possibility of a “replication of the study”; • 1 kj = 1000 N • m = 0.239 kcal = 102 kg • m; “Statistical Analysis”, is the section that clearly Adobe Photoshop (.psd) • 1 W = 1 J • s-1 = 6.118 kg • m • min. states the statistical approach to the analysis of Illustrator (.ai) the series or of the data series. It is important When using the nomenclature for the types of to include the α level of significance (e.g., P ≤ PowerPoint (.ppt) muscle fibres, please use the following terms. 0.05). Authors are requested to include in the The types of muscle fibres can be identified us- paper the statistical power for the size and re- QuarkXPress (.qxd) ing the methods of histochemical classification liability of the measures used with intra-class If a digital camera is used to take pictures for or by gel electrophoresis. The histochemical correlation coefficient (ICC). Additional subti- printing, maximum resolution with less com- staining of the ATPase is used to separate the tles may be used, but their number must be as pression must be set. As digital camera man- fibres in the forms of type I (slow-twitch), type limited as possible. ufacturers use terms and different file formats IIa (fast-twitch) and type IIb (fast-twitch). The for capturing high-resolution images, please work of Smerdu et al. (AJP 267: C1723, 1994) C. Results. The results of the study are present- indicates that the fibres contain the type IIb ed in this section. The most important findings refer to the manual of the actual camera used for more information. myosin heavy chain type IIx (typing fibres by must be presented in the form of tables and fig- gel electrophoresis). To meet the need for con- ures and the less important should be included Layout. Ensure that all figures and tables have tinuity and to reduce confusion on this point, in the text itself. Do not insert data that are not been mentioned in the text. Indications must it is recommended that the Authors use IIx to part of the experimental project or have been be given as to their position between para- indicate what were called IIb fibres (Smerdu V, already published. graphs, for example: Figure 1 is to be inserted Karsch-Mizrachi I, Champion M, Leinwand L, D. Discussion. In this section, the results of the at this point, or the Table 1 in the latter; etc. and S. Schiaffino , Type IIx myosin heavy chain study are elaborated. They must be related to transcripts are expressed in type IIb fibers of the literature that currently exists; all hypothe- human skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol 267 (6 Pt ses therefore must be covered. 1): C1723-1728, 1994). 78 ABSTRACTS

panish resumenes EL SALTO HORIZONTAL COMPLEMENTARIOS DIFERENTES TÉCNICAS DE SCOMO FORMA DE PREDECIR DERIVADOS DE LA SENTADILLA EL RENDIMIENTO DEL HALTEROFILIA OLÍMPICA Slater V Lindsay & Hart Joseph M SM (ing), n.º 8, año III, septiembre-diciembre de LEVANTAMIENTO DE PESAS. COMO MÉTODO DE 2017, págs. 52-63 UN ESTUDIO PILOTO: EL RECUPERACIÓN DE Las sentadillas bilaterales son ejercicios que se SALTO HORIZONTAL PREDICE SÍNTOMAS INEXPLICABLES utilizan con frecuencia en programas de rendi- miento deportivo. La activación de los músculos EL RENDIMIENTO DEL MÉDICAMENTE de las extremidades inferiores puede cambiar en LEVANTAMIENTO DE PESAS Boschiero Dario, Vaudagna Danilo, Pederzolli función de la alineación de las rodillas durante la Rich J. Kite, Adam Spence Sergio, Marro Michele, Fantina Mattia, Bonaci- ejecución del ejercicio. La finalidad de este estu- SM (ing), n.º 8, año III, septiembre-diciembre de na Matteo, Monaco Carmine, Apelgantes Elena, dio es comparar los patrones de activación de los 2017, págs. 4-17 Urso Antonio músculos de las extremidades inferiores durante El proceso de identificación de talentos a menu- SM (ita), n.º 8, año III, septiembre-diciembre de diferentes técnicas de sentadilla. Participaron de do comprende una serie de pruebas físicas cuyos 2017, págs. 30-41 forma voluntaria 28 personas sanas sin lesiones resultados permitirán asignar de forma estratégica La finalidad de este estudio es determinar si pue- (19 mujeres y 9 hombres, de 21,5 ± 3 años, 170 ± deportistas y recursos. Una parte del conjunto de de ser útil realizar ejercicios complementarios, 8,4 cm, 65,7 ± 11,8 kg). Se les colocaron electrodos The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The pruebas del British Weight Lifting (entidad britá- derivados de la halterofilia olímpica y el levanta- para realizar una electromiografía en los músculos nica de halterofilia; BWL por su sigla en inglés) miento de potencia, para eliminar o disminuir la vasto lateral, vasto medial, recto femoral, bíceps para identificar talentos comprendía un esprint percepción y el número de síntomas inexplicables crural y gastrocnemio de la pierna dominante. Los de 30 m (30ST), un salto vertical (VJ), un sal- médicamente. Estos síntomas son en gran parte participantes realizaron cinco sentadillas a la vez to horizontal (HJ) y el lanzamiento de un balón inexplicables, es decir, no se relacionan con nin- que desplazaban de forma intencional la rodilla medicinal por encima de la cabeza (MBT). La fi- guna causa, patología o trastorno concretos. Las anteriormente (desalineación anteroposterior), nalidad del presente estudio es evaluar las relacio- personas con síntomas inexplicables médicamen- cinco sentadillas mientras desplazaban de forma nes existentes entre el protocolo de pruebas de la te presentan características bien específicas, como intencional la rodilla medialmente (desalinea- BWL para identificar talentos y el rendimiento del fatiga crónica, trastornos del sueño o del apetito, ción medial) y cinco sentadillas con control de levantamiento de pesas. Participaron de forma vo- colon irritable, estreñimiento, trastornos del esta- la alineación (control). Los datos normalizados luntaria 12 levantadores de pesas (media ± s; masa: do de ánimo o síndromes de dolor inespecífico. A (contracción isométrica voluntaria máxima) del 86 ± 20 kg; total ajustado con el coeficiente de Sin- largo plazo estos síntomas crean desequilibrios en electromiograma se redujeron a 100 puntos y clair: 214,6 ± 76,5). Los participantes asistieron a la composición corporal y el sistema neurovege- se representaron como un porcentaje del ciclo una simulación de las pruebas de identificación de tativo. Cualquier persona puede desarrollar sínto- de sentadilla en el que el 50 % correspondía a la talentos dos semanas antes de una competición. mas inexplicables médicamente: desde deportistas máxima flexión de la rodilla y el 0 % y el 99 %, Los datos se analizaron mediante una correlación profesionales hasta personas sedentarias y desde a la extensión total. La actividad de los músculos del momento-producto de Pearson. Para determi- niños hasta ancianos, y tales síntomas no depen- vasto lateral, medial y recto femoral disminuyó nar la prueba que mejor predice el rendimiento den del sexo. Las publicaciones especializadas han en la sentadilla con la desalineación mediolateral del levantamiento de pesas, se utilizó un análisis demostrado con certeza que la actividad física y la en comparación con la sentadilla de control. En la escalonado de regresión múltiple. Se encontraron conservación de la masa de músculo esquelético sentadilla con la desalineación anteroposterior, la relaciones significativas entre el rendimiento del son buenos indicios de salud general, longevidad y actividad de los músculos vasto lateral, medial y levantamiento de pesas (total ajustado con el co- antienvejecimiento. La pérdida de masa muscular recto femoral disminuyó durante las fases de des- eficiente de Sinclair) y el 30ST (r = -0,72; intervalo a menudo se asocia con problemas diversos, como censo inicial y ascenso final; sin embargo, la acti- de confianza 95 % [-0,91; -0,24]), el VJ (r = 0,89; IC la fatiga crónica, la pérdida de fuerza, mialgias, vación del vasto lateral y el recto femoral aumentó 95 % [0,65; 0,97]) y el HJ (r = 0,90; IC 95 % [0,67; recuperación lenta de enfermedades, sarcopenia, durante la fase de ascenso inicial en comparación 0,97]). La distancia en el MBT no mostró ninguna caquexia, retraso en la curación de heridas, bajo con la sentadilla de control. Los músculos bíceps correlación significativa con el rendimiento (r = metabolismo basal, discapacidad física o escasa crural y gastrocnemio mostraron un aumento de 0,27; IC 95 % [-0,17; 0,81]). Gracias a un análisis calidad de vida, además de elevados costos sani- la activación durante ambas sentadillas con desali- escalonado de regresión, se descubrió que el HJ es tarios. Todo ello guarda relación con los síntomas neación en comparación con la sentadilla de con- el factor predictivo más fuerte para el rendimiento inexplicables médicamente. Por consiguiente, la trol. En conclusión, los participantes habían alte- del levantamiento de pesas (R2 ajustado = 0,79; EE actividad física dirigida a recuperar la cantidad, rado los patrones de activación muscular durante de la estimación = 35; F = 42,5; p < 0,001). A pesar pero sobre todo, la calidad de la masa de músculo las sentadillas con una desalineación deliberada en de la fuerte relación existente entre el 30ST, el VJ, esquelético es fundamental. De este estudio se des- los planos frontal o sagital, tal como demuestran el HJ y el rendimiento del levantamiento de pesas, prende que los ejercicios complementarios deriva- los cambios producidos en la activación del cuá- los resultados de este estudio señalan que el HJ dos de la halterofilia olímpica y el levantamiento driceps, el bíceps crural y el gastrocnemio durante puede utilizarse como un buen factor predictivo de potencia son un instrumento óptimo para re- el ciclo de la sentadilla. del rendimiento del levantamiento de pesas para cuperar la calidad y la cantidad de masa muscular los adultos. y para reducir la percepción de los síntomas inex- plicables médicamente. APORTE COMPLEMENTARIO ROTURA DEL TENDÓN DE DE Β-ALANINA PARA EL LA CARGADA DE POTENCIA DEPORTISTA DE COMPETICIÓN AQUILES Y LA LIGA DE FÚTBOL Jay R. Hoffman, Ph.D., FNSCA, FACSM DE ESTADOS UNIDOS (POWER CLEAN) Y LA SM (ing), n.º 8, año III, septiembre-diciembre de Charniga Andrew “Bud” ARRANCADA DE POTENCIA 2017, págs. 66-75 SM (ing), n.º 8, año III, septiembre-diciembre de (POWER SNATCH) DESDE LA Cuando se ingiere β-alanina, bien a través de la co- 2017, págs. 18-29 RODILLA mida, bien en forma de complemento alimenticio, El autor expone el problema relativo a la frecuen- Timothy J Suchomel, Brad H Deweese esta se une a la histidina para formar carnosina. cia de las lesiones en las extremidades inferiores SM (ing), n.º 8, año III, septiembre-diciembre de En el plano fisiológico, el aumento de la carnosina que son comunes en algunos deportes, pero no 2017, págs. 42-51 en el músculo incrementará la capacidad de amor- en el levantamiento de pesas, en especial en las LA CARGADA DE POTENCIA Y LA ARRAN- tiguación intracelular. La eficacia del aporte com- mujeres, donde cabría esperar un alto índice de CADA DE POTENCIA DESDE LA RODILLA plementario de β-alanina se ha podido constatar accidentes. El autor, que se refiere sobre todo a PUEDEN UTILIZARSE EN LA PROGRESIÓN mediante varios estudios en los que se analizó el los jugadores de la liga de fútbol americano y a la DE APRENDIZAJE DE LOS EJERCICIOS DE ejercicio prolongado de alta intensidad en depor- rotura del tendón de Aquiles, pone de relieve la CARGADA Y ARRANCADA PORQUE ENFA- tistas de competición y aficionados. Sobre la base falta de cualidades reactivas en la preparación de TIZAN LA FUERZA POSICIONAL DURANTE de los estudios actuales, el aporte complementario estos deportistas, mientras que dichas cualidades LA FASE DE TRANSICIÓN, UTILIZAN LA de β-alanina parece ser eficaz durante la actividad están totalmente presentes en el entrenamiento TÉCNICA DE LA FLEXIÓN DOBLE DE LAS de alta intensidad con una duración de 60-300 se- de la halterofilia y, por ende, en los gestos típicos RODILLAS Y EJERCITAN LA TRIPLE EXTEN- gundos. Los estudios que analizan la ingestión de del levantamiento de pesas. Asimismo, aporta una SIÓN DE LAS ARTICULACIONES DE LAS CA- β-alanina y los deportistas de competición arrojan serie de datos y testimonios a fin de comprobar la DERAS, LAS RODILLAS Y LOS TOBILLOS. resultados sólidos que apuntan que la β-alanina hipótesis de que un entrenamiento deficiente en- aumenta la concentración de carnosina en los traña un riesgo elevado de lesión. músculos, lo que está relacionado con mejoras SISTEMAS DE ACTIVACIÓN significativas del rendimiento durante la actividad UTILIZACIÓN DE EJERCICIOS MUSCULAR DURANTE prolongada de alta intensidad. 79 ABSTRACTS N° 8 / September-December 2017

ussian ПРЫЖОК В ДЛИНУ КАК ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ПРИСЕДАНИЙ С ОТЯГОЩЕНИЯМИ RПРЕДСКАЗАТЕЛЬ РЕЗУЛЬТАТОВ ДОПОЛЬНИТЕЛЬНЫХ УПРАЖНЕНИЙ (SQUAT) РАЗЛИЧНОГО ТИПА В ТЯЖЁЛОЙ АТЛЕТИКЕ: ОЛИМПИЙСКОЙ ТЯЖЁЛОЙ Slater V Lindsay & Hart Joseph M ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНОЕ АТЛЕТИКИ КАК МЕТОДОЛОГИИ SM (ing), n.º 8, anno III, settembre-dicembre 2017, ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ВОССТАНОВЛЕНИЯ ПОСЛЕ МУС (ME- pp . 52-63 Rich J. Kite, Adam Spence DICALLY UNEXPLAINED SYMPTOM, В спортивных программах часто используются SM (ing), n.º 8, anno III, settembre-dicembre MUS), КОТОРЫЙ ХАРАКТЕРИЗУЕТСЯ двухсторонние приседания. Активация мышц 2017, pp . 4-17 НЕОПРЕДЕЛЁННЫМИ И нижних конечностей может изменятся в Процесс поиска спортивного таланта (TID) НЕСПРЕЦИФИЧЕСКИМИ зависимости от выравнивания колена во часто вкючает в себя серию физических тестов, СИМПТОМАМИ время выполнения упражнения. Цель данного рузультаты которых позволяют определить Boschiero Dario, Vaudagna Danilo, Pederzolli исследования заключалась в сравнении моделей правильную стратегию тренировки спортсенов Sergio, Marro Michele, Fantina Mattia, Bonacina активации мышц нижних конечностей во время и разпределения ресурсов. Часть британского Matteo, Monaco Carmine, Apelgantes Elena, Urso приседаний выполняемых с разной техникой. комплекта тестов (TID) British Weight Lif- Antonio Двадцать восемь спортсменов (19 женщин, ting (BWL) включает: 30-и метровый спринт SM (ita), n.º 8, anno III, settembre-dicembre 2017, 9 мужчин; возраст: 21,5±3 года; рост: 170±8,4 (30ST), вертикальный прыжок (VJ), прыжок pp . 30-41 см; вес: 65,76±11,8 кг) без травм, вызвались в длину (HJ), бросок медбола (MBT). Цель Цель этого исследования заключалась в добровольно участвовать в эксперименте. исследования заключалась в определении оценке того как дополнительные упражнения, Электроды элетромиографии, ЭМГ (EMG) взаимосвязи между протоколом тестирования используемые в олимпийской тяжёлой были помещены на следующие мышцы: vastus BWL TID и результатами в тяжёлой атлетике. атлетике и в мощностных подъёмах, могут бать lateralis (латеральная широкая мышца), vastus полезными для устранения или уменьшения medialis (медиальная широкая мышца), rectus Двенадцать тяжёлоатлетов (среднее значение ± восприятия и количества симтомов МУС femoris (прямая бедренная мышца), biceps fe- s; масса 86 ± 20 кг; скорректированный общий (Medically Unexplained Symptom, MUS) или moris (двуглавая мышца бедра), и на gastroc- показатель Sinclair, Sinclair adjusted total: 214 ± же неопределённых и неспецифических nemius (икроножная мышца) доминирующей 76,5) дали добровольное согласие участвовать симтомов. Большинство этих симтомов ноги. Участники выполняли 5 приседаний в эксперименте. Была организована сессия остаётся необъяснимым, то есть не имеет целенаправленно направляя колено вперёд тестов TID симулированная в течении двух точной объяснимой причины: болезни или (ML malaligned) и 5 приседаний с контрольным недель от соревнований. Полученные данные расстройства. Люди у которых наблюдаются выравливанием (control). Нормализированные были проанализированы используя тест симтомы МУС отмечают весьма специфические данные ЭМГ (MVIC) были ведены до 100 корреляции смешанного момента Пирсона признаки: хроническая усталость, нарушения баллов и представленны в процентах от (Pearson’s product moment correlation). Для сна и аппетита, раздражительность толстой цикла прседания (50% соответствовали оценки наилучшего одиночного предсказателя кишки, запоры, расстройства настроения, максимальному сгибанию колена и 0% и результата тяжёлоатлетического выступления неспецифические болевые синдромы и т. д. Со 99% полному разгибанию). Активность в комлексе тестов использовался пошаговый временем эти симтомы провоцируют дисбаланс следующих мышц: vastus lateralis, medialis и rec- множественный регрессионный анализ. состава тела и нервной вегетативной системы. tus femoris уменьшалась во время медиально- Была обнаружена значительная корреляция Симтомы МУС могут развиться у любых людей, латерального прседания по сравнению с между показателами выступления в тяжёлой у спортсменов и у малоподвижных субъектов, у контрольным приседанием. Во время передне- атлетике (Sinclair adjusted total) и результатами детей и у пожилых людей, вне зависимости от заднего приседания активность мышц vastus в 30-и метровом спринте, 30ST (r = -0.72; пола. Данные научной литературы убедительно lateralis, medialis и rectus femoris уменьшалась 95% доверительный интервал [-0.91, -0.24]), демонстрируют что физическая деятельность во время начального спуска и финального в вертикальном прыжке, VJ (r = 0.89; 95% и хорошее сохранение мышечной массы подъёма; однако во время начального подъёма CI [0.65, 0.97]), и в прыжке в длину, HJ (r = являются оптимальными показателями увеличивалась активация мышц vastus lateralis 0.90; 95% CI [0.67, 0.97]). Результаты в броске общего состояния здоровья, долголетия и rectus femoris по сравнению с контрольным отягощённого мяча не показали существенную и нестарения. Потеря мышечной массы приседанием. Мышцы biceps femoris и gastroc- корреляцию с эффективностью выполнения часто связана с разными проблемами, как nemius продемонстрировали повышенную тяжёлоатлетических упражнений (r = 0.27; например хроническая усталость, потеря силы, активацию во время обоих преднамеренно 95% CI [-0.17, 0.81]). Согласно пошаговому мышечные боли, медленное восстановление модифицированных приседаний по сравнению регрессивному анализу, прыжок а длину (HJ) после болезни, саркопения, кахексия, задержка с контрольным приседанием. В заключении является самым убедительным пресказателем заживления ран, низкий уровень базового участники изменили схемы (pattern) активации эффективности выполнения упражнений метаболизма (RMR или BMR), физическая мышц во время приседаний с преднамеренной тяжёлой атлетики (скорректированный R2 инвалидность, низкое качество жизни и т. фронтальной и сагиттальной модификацией, = 0.79; SEE = 35; F = 42.5; p <0.001). Несмотря д. и высокие затраты на здравоохраниние. что было продемонстрировано изменением на то что была установлена высокая связь Всё это связано с неопределёнными и активации мышц quadriceps, biceps femoris, и между результатами в тестах 30ST, VJ, HJ с неспецифическими симптомами (МУС). gastrocnemius во время цикла приседания. результатами выполнения тяжёлоатлетических Следовательно физическая деятельность упражнений, показатели в тесте HJ направленная на восстановление количества ДОБАВКИ БЕТА-АЛАНИНА (прыжок в длину) могут использоваться в и прежде всего качества мышечной У ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫХ качестве наиболее надёжного предсказателя скелетной массы является фундаментальной. СПОРТСМЕНОВ выступления взрослых тяжёлоатлетов. Представленное исследование показывает, что Jay R. Hoffman, Ph.D., FNSCA, FACSM дополнительные упражнения из олимпийской SM (ing), n.º 8, anno III, settembre-dicembre 2017, тяжёлой атлетики и из мощностных подъёмов pp . 66-75 РАЗРЫВ АХИЛЛОВА СУХОЖИЛИЯ Принятие бета-аланина, через пищу или в И ЛИГА NFL (НАЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ являются отличным инструментом для восстановления качества и количества качестве пищевой добавки, приводит к его ФУТБОЛЬНАЯ ЛИГА, НФЛ) сочетанию с гистидином и к образованию Charniga Andrew “Bud” мышечной массы и снижения восприятия симтомов МУС. карнозина. С физиологической точки SM (ing), n.º 8, anno III, settembre-dicembre 2017, зрения повышение мышечного карнозина pp . 18-29 СИЛОВОЙ РЫВОК ИЗ ПОЛУПРИСЕДА повышает внутриклеточную буферную Автор затрагивает проблему связанную (POWER SNATCH) НАЧИНАЯ С КОЛЕНА способность. Эффективность бета- с частотой травм нижних конечностей Timothy J Suchomel, Brad H Deweese аланиновых добавок быда подверждена в рспростанённых в некоторых видах спорта, SM (ing), n.º 8, anno III, settembre-dicembre 2017, некоторых исследованиях в которых изучался но не в тяжёлой атлетике (особенно среди pp . 42-51 эффект высокоинтенсивных упражнений у женщин), где казалось бы должен встречаться Силовое взятие на грудь из полуприседа профессиональных спортсменов и у людей более высокий процент этих поражений. (power clean) и силовой рывок из полуприседа занимающихся спортом в свободное время. На Автор, имеяя в виду в основном игроков (power snatch) могут быть использованы в основе результатов современных исследований Лиги американского футбола и анализируя процессе обучения упражнениям толчёк и можно сказать что добавки бета-аланина могут разрыв ахиллова сухожилия, подчёркивает рывок потому что в них делается акцент на быть эффективными для высокоинтенсивной что в тренировке этих спортсменов отсутствут позиционную силу во время переходной деятельности продолжительностью 60- некоторые элементы подготовки которые фазы, используя технику сгибания коленных 300 секунд. Исследования изучающие имеют место в подготовке тяжёлоатлетов, суставов, и развивается разгибание суставов употребление бета-аланина спортсменами речь идёт о выполнении жестов типичных бедра, колена и голени. профессионалами убедительно показывают для тяжёлой атлетики. Автор приводит серию что добавки бета-аланина повышают уровень данных и свидетельств, которые подтверждают СИЛОВОЕ ВЗЯТИЕ НА ГРУДЬ ИЗ мышечного карнозина, что связано со тот факт что недостатки в тренировке ПОЛУПРИСЕДА (POWER CLEAN) И значительным улучшением эффективности повышают риск травм. СХЕМЫ АКТИВАЦИИ МЫШЦ ВО ВРЕМЯ высокоинтенсивной мышечной деятельности. 80 RAISING THE BAR FOR 60 YEARS The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of the official journal The