The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation - N° 8 / September-December 2017 SUMMARY Medically Unexplained Symptoms, known as MUS, are symptoms that do not belong to a pathological picture, but express the non-specific discomfort that precedes it from a minimum of six months to a few years. 32 2 EDITORIAL: FOCUS by Antonio Urso 4 HORIZONTAL JUMP PREDICTS WEIGHTLIFTING PERFORMANCE by Rich J. Kite and Adam Spence 18 PROTECTED: ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURES AND THE NFL by Andrew “Bud” Charniga 30 THE USE OF COMPLEMENTARY EXERCISES TAKEN FROM OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING AS A MEANS OF RECOVERING FROM MUS. MEDICALLY UNEXPLAINED SYMPTOMS by Dario Boschiero 42 THE POWER CLEAN AND POWER SNATCH FROM THE KNEE by Timothy J. Suchomel, Brad H. DeWees e Ambrose J. Serrano 18 52 MUSCLE ACTIVATION PATTERNS DURING DIFFERENTSQUAT TECHNIQUES Weightlifters train such that all the by Lindsay V. Slater and Joseph M. Hart muscles, tendons and ligaments of the lower extremities perform as a single leg spring. The unrestricted movement 76 EDITORIAL GUIDELINES of all the supple weightlifter’s joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments of 78 ABSTRACTS the leg spring are interconnected, interdependent and of course, inter- conditional. 2 EDITORIAL The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of official the journal The Focus There is no training session, no as an analogy and synonym. But ple would have us believe. competition, in which this term - fo- are focus and attention the same In 1958, Donald Broadbent had cus - is not repeated, and by several thing, the same reality evoked in already reconstructed the model individuals, either as encourage- different ways? In actual fact they of the selection of stimuli at the ment, or as self-encouragement. are not. Attention can be defined sensory peripheral level, arguing Focus is often considered the fer- as the mental state in which our that the human sensory periphery tile soil to which both cognitive and minds are attracted to a particular is very similar to information physical abilities are directed. If you event of interest, it may be either channels where the said informa- are focused you perform better, we active or passive. It is a condition tion, arriving along and thanks to all agree on this. But, if this is true that anticipates the state of focus these channels, is first stored in (and I don’t think there can be any and prepares it. Focus, therefore, the short-term memory and then doubts about it), what do we inside by deduction is the ability to be able elaborated: however, given that the process called training to deve- to concentrate on a certain point of short-term memory is not capable lop this feature? I ask myself, and I reference, of interest; however, it is of receiving all incoming informa- ask you, dear (and perhaps focu- also the ability to bring our atten- tion at the same time, it is therefo- sed) readers, because this question tion back to the same point, in case re obliged to select, technically to plagued me during the Rio Olympic we are distracted by something or activate a “filter” that alternates Games, especially when I happened attracted by something else. Very the opening and closing of certain to witness an athlete winning a simple so far: but, how does this perceptive channels. medal, or two or more contenders interaction work under stress? J. A. Deutsch & D. Deutsch, unlike losing out on the same medal. I was Obviously, we cannot provide an Broadbent, argued that the se- trying to understand this aspect, unambiguous or straightforward lection of the stimuli received in actually also wondering why we answer: everything is not as simple the sensory channels occurs throu- often use the term “attention” and predictable as the above exam- gh an elaborative analysis a priori. 3 N° 8 / September-December 2017 N° 8 / September-December Then in 1992, Schönpflug was able effect is known - the Stroop effect. facilitates better decisions. It im- to support this hypothesis, claiming Individuals are shown words prin- plies a process of self-awareness, that there can be no attention if ted in different colours, and they which is one of the most important there is no prior recognition of the are asked to ignore the words and to principles of success, bringing an object or phenomenon. report only the colour of the words. inner control that helps people cho- According to Baddeley (1986), at- Typically, the task was executed to ose what to do or not to do in life. tention is a complex and costly pro- perfection, except for cases in which Other Focus: this is the link with pe- cess in terms of energy and, there- the words represented the names ople in an individual’s life. It invol- fore, has limited ability over time. of actual colours which were diffe- ves emotional empathy, cognitive It is organised in two sub-systems rent from the colour of the ink. In empathy, which gives people the called the “phonological-articular this case, the shortcoming was due ability to understand another per- loop”, the phonological understan- to the perception of the meaning son’s way of thinking and of seeing, ding of information, and the “vi- of the word almost automatically although, at least apparently, there suo-spatial sketchpad”, which has made by the exercise, which normal- are no analogies. It encourages, al- the task of sending information to ly facilitates reading but which, in lowing people to put the feelings of the medium and long term memory. this particular case, represented a another person above their own. Both elements are part of a larger disruptive element. The Stroop ef- Outer Focus: provides a view of the container called the Working Me- fect can be considered an example bigger picture. The most successful mory. This model of working memory of the failure of selective attention. people are able to navigate on mul- proposes a conception of memory Daniel Goleman, a psychologist and tiple systems and to have full awa- interpreted not as a series of mne- science journalist, has recently pu- reness of their impact on the world. monic warehouses, but rather as an blished an interesting book entitled At all levels of sport, only in a few active cognitive system through the “Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excel- cases, such as Formula 1 and/or extraordinary effort of the frontal lence”, which deals with the topic shooting sports, have I been able to lobe. According to Norman’s theory of attentive processes from various systematically see a programmatic of attention, the selection is not points of view. Goleman claims that and practical study both in training performed through the blockage the attentive processes in question and in competition. I wonder then, or the filter of the sensory informa- are closely related to the quality of if in other sports, the attentive pro- tion, but by selectively processing life. The success or failure of people cesses are of such little importance the information already activated in all spheres of life, in his opinion, that it’s enough to say, “Remember in the memory by the sensory in- depends primarily on focus. He be- to focus!” Or if, on the contrary, at- ocus formation that is being collected. lieves that successful people ma- tention deserves all our .... atten- The demonstration of this automa- ster three main types of focus: tion! F tion was shown in an experiment Inner Focus: is about people and Antonio Urso carried out by Stroop, by which its their insights, it guides values and EWF President 4 The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of official the journal The HORIZONTAL JUMP PREDICTS WEIGHTLIFTING PERFORMANCE BY Rich J. Kite and Adam Spence 5 N° 8 / September-December 2017 N° 8 / September-December 6 HORIZONTAL JUMP PREDICTS WEIGHTLIFTING PERFORMANCE Introduction throw with a weighted ball. A win- tinued upward momentum as the Talent Identification (TID) is a pro- ning performance in weightlifting lifter’s body is reoriented during cess through which a sport’s go- requires the athlete to achieve the the pull phases, movements are verning body attempts to assess highest possible total across two performed quickly necessitating a potential future performers. Un- movements: the snatch, and the high rate of force production15. It is fortunately, many athletes will fail clean and jerk. Body mass has a for this reason that high-force and to reach the highest level of their strong influence on the total wei- high-speed training modalities chosen sport, despite displaying ght lifted, and so competitors are are used to improve weightlifting high levels of skill and physical fi- grouped into categories based on performance. Equally, the use of tness. Due to the transferable na- their size. Adjusting measures of tests such as jumping, throwing, ture of many skills, the TID process strength to compare performan- and sprinting may be relevant in may aim to match these athletes ces across these categories in a a TID protocol due to the strength to an alternative or more suitable strength and conditioning setting and power characteristics they sport29. Physical tests are often in- is most commonly achieved throu- share with weightlifting. The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of official the journal The cluded as part of a TID process, and gh a ratio scaling method. Howe- may have a particular relevance to ver, as the relationship between Vertical and horizontal jumps have sports that do not require percep- strength and mass is not linear10, been used as surrogate measu- tual-cognitive capability, especially ratio scaling provides a bias in fa- res of impulse within a number of within closed-skill sports such as vour of lighter lifters.
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