Focus Warming up: Foamrolling Static stretching Core strenght Kracht: Olympic Weightlifting Circuitvorm 5x 3reps Tweetallen Olympic Weightlifting: oefeningen per trainingsdag: Maandag: Snatch, KB snatch, Snatch Deadlift, HSPU Dinsdag: Clean&Jerk, Hip Clean, Rope Climb, KB MP Woensdag: Snatch, KB snatch, Snatch Deadlift, HSPU Donderdag: Clean&Jerk, Hip Clean, Rope Climb, KB MP Vrijdag: Snatch, KB snatch, Snatch Deadlift, HSPU Weekend: Clean&Jerk, Hip Clean, Rope Climb, KB MP * Voor vragen omtrent de training graag even een mail sturen naar
[email protected] Foam rolling (30s hold, 10s switch) Maandag: lats, pirriformis, pecs, Dinsdag: calfs, Hamstrings, Quads Woensdag: lats, pecs, Piriformis Donderdag: Calfs, Hamstrings, Quads Vrijdag: Lats, Pecs, Piriformis Zaterdag: Calfs, Hamstrings, Quads Zondag: Lats, Pecs, Piriformis Stretching (30s hold, 10s switch) Maandag: lats, pirriformis, pecs, Dinsdag: calfs, Hamstrings, Quads Woensdag: lats, pirriformis, pecs, Donderdag: calfs, Hamstrings, Quads Vrijdag: lats, pirriformis, pecs, Weekend: calfs, Hamstrings, Quads Core Strenght (30s hold, 10s switch) Maandag: Bb ab rollouts, Plank with reach arm, Russian Twist Dinsdag: Back Extension, Ab Roll overs, Knees to Elbow Woensdag: Bb ab rollouts, Plank with reach, Russian Twist Donderdag: Back Extension, Ab Roll overs, Knees to Elbow Vrijdag: Bb ab rollouts, Plank with reach arm, Russian Twist Weekend: Back Extension, Ab Roll overs, Knees to Elbow Donderdag 1 juni ‘17 3 Rounds AFAP 1. 15 deadlift (60-40kg) 2. 20 box jumps 3. 25 pull ups Vrijdag 2 juni ‘17 3 Rounds AFAP 1. 20 pull ups 2. 40 push ups 3. 60 air squats Weekend Za 3 & Zo 4 juni 4 Rounds AFAP 1. 15 deadlift (60-40kg) 2.