Original Research

Variation in Position Relative to Shoulder and Foot Anatomical Landmarks Alters Movement Efficiency


1The Center for Preventative Medicine, La Palestra, New York, NY, USA, 2Department of Athletic Training & Physiology, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, TX, USA, 3Institute for Clinical Exercise & Health Science, University of the West of Scotland, Hamilton, Scotland, UK

‡Denotes professional author, †Denotes graduate student author

ABSTRACT International Journal of Exercise Science 5(3) : 183-195, 2012. The purpose of this study was to determine if either of the two starting positions would yield a more efficient movement than the other; (1) the traditional Olympic lifting and deadlift starting position with the barbell over the metatarsalphalangeal joint and under the acromioclavicular joint or (2) an experimental alignment with the bar over the navicular bone and under the most inferior and medial aspect of the scapular spine. This second starting position, developed as a teaching convention, differs from the historical alignment of toes-barbell-shoulder joint and is also proposed to reduce horizontal displacement of the bar thus minimizing the amount of work needed to complete the movement. It was hypothesized that the experimental alignment would produce a more efficient pulling movement compared to a traditional starting alignment. Efficiency was defined as a barbell path approaching linear movement, with larger horizontal displacements being considered less efficient than smaller displacements. Six intermediate level weightlifters, 23.8 ± 1.9 years of age, 164.7 ± 7.9 cm in height, 81.5 ± 31.9 kg in body mass, completed a series of under both alignment conditions with 90% of their self-reported 1RM (169.0 ± 58.17 kg). Posterior horizontal barbell displacement was measured by video- analysis. In the traditional alignment (metatarsalphalangeal-bar-acromioclavicular) displacement was 66.7 ± 12.9 mm and was 37.5 ± 13.7 mm in the experiment alignment (navicular-bar-scapular spine). The noted 43.8% reduction (29.2 mm) in horizontal displacement in the experimental alignment condition was statistically significant (p = 0.0001) and supports the hypothesis in regards to improved lifting efficiency.

KEY WORDS: Strength performance, , exercise anatomy

INTRODUCTION lifting objects in competition are quite meaningful, descriptions of the human Strong men have competed in informal and movements used to lift implements or formal competition throughout history and weights has not been a consistent feature of this has been well documented in available literature. In essence, a critical archaeological and historical records. While analysis and resultant description of the depictions and cursory references to men elements of proper lifting technique is ANATOMICAL ALIGNMENT AND DEADLIFT EFFICIENCY

missing. It is likely that this pedagogic and press, the , and the clean & jerk. Each scientific omission is a product of lift was discriminated from the others by competition format, as historically the technique in which it was completed. whomever successfully raised the heaviest The press consisted of pulling the bar up weight over head by any means won. This onto the shoulders followed by a second approach to lifting technique and movement where the shoulders and elbows competition became problematic at the 1896 were extended thus raising the weight Olympics, the first modern Olympic overhead. The snatch was a single Games. In that competition, Launceston movement lift requiring the weight to be Elliot of Scotland and of pulled from the floor up to completely Denmark tied for first place by lifting the extended arms overhead. The clean & jerk, same weight in a two-handed lift, 110 kg. as its name implies, is a two movement lift. At the time there were no uniform rules in In the first movement, the barbell is pulled place regarding the techniques to be used in to the shoulders, as in the first movement of competition. As a result of the tie, the the press, this is the "clean" portion. In the observing official, the Crown Prince of jerk, the knees and hips are used to produce , ruled that Jensen had lifted the a very rapid and shallow and weight in a better style and was thus extension that propels the barbell overhead awarded the gold medal. This was later where it is caught on extended shoulders protested by the Scottish contingent on the and elbows. grounds that no documentation was present as to what was considered a “better It is at this point in history that the style”. The appeal by the Scots was evolution of the problem addressed in this unsuccessful (3). project begins. The official rules regarding all three lifts prohibited touching of the bar Shortly after the first , a against any part of the body except for the governing body, the International hands that grasped it and the shoulders on Weightlifting Federation (IWF) was created which the bar transiently rested upon in the to oversee and regulate the of press and clean & jerk (1). The rules specific weightlifting (17). From its creation in 1905 to the pulling of the bar from the floor until the present day, the IWF develops and disallowing any contact with the body was enforces the technical rules for the sport, a limitation in performance. Elementary contested in and between 167 affiliated physics mandates that the mass of the nations. To prevent occurrences similar to barbell will move towards the center of the 1896 tie, the IWF created a set of mass of the body supporting it, to a point competitive rules and regulations for each where the combined center of mass (barbell competitive lift. At the beginning these and human) is supported over a point rules were broadly constructed as there midway between its most anterior and were many different lifts included in posterior points of support. Because of the Olympic competition, both dumbbell based prohibition of thigh-bar contact, the and barbell based. Eventually the menu of position a lifter of the era would assume lifts were narrowed to three barbell lifts relative to the bar was to place the toes that all began with the weight on the floor (phalanges) or the ball of the foot and finished with the weight overhead, the (metatarsal-phalangeal joint) directly under

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the bar. This made the distance the bar had during the initial pulling movement from to cover before it touched the legs the the floor. maximum possible. Any more of a forward displacement (beyond the toes) A perusal of the literature relevant to the significantly reduces the efficiency of the pulling motion in weightlifting operating lever arms to a point that only demonstrates a very limited research pool. lighter weights can be lifted. Virtually all published accounts of pulling research focus on the path the bar takes Another part of the bar-thigh touch during Olympic style weightlifting without solution of the time was in joint movement consideration of the anatomical sequence. Under the early and mid- construction and physical relationships of twentieth century rules, the actual pulling the body that is lifting it. Only a few papers motion used by lifters consisted of nearly consider the pulling lift examined here, the simultaneous knee and hip extension. The Deadlift, in any manner (5, 9,14). Although combination of a bar-forward starting the dearth of literature in regards to the position and simultaneous joint extension topic is perplexing, it is understandable. set up a shallow forward arc in barbell path There is no history of weightlifting that prevented the bar from coming in performance research being supported by contact with the thighs. grants from governmental or private funding agencies, as strength and sport As the quest to lift more and more weight performance have been historically thought continued, the rules were softened or to be irrelevant to most health and evolved. By the mid-1960’s, it had become commercial research enterprises, or at least legal for the bar to come in contact with the thought to be less important than shins and the thighs. This provided a endurance and thus less fundable. performance advantage as the barbell's mass could now be placed in a more It was not until 2007 that a consideration of favorable position in order to apply more combined human anatomy, physics, and muscular force to it. An interesting thing pulling a barbell off of the floor received happened in regards to lifting technique, or even cursory attention. In the second rather did not happen that may have edition of the book Starting Strength (15), a limited further increased lifting conceptual framework was proposed for an performance. Instead of modifying the bar- association existing between the foot, the foot spatial relationship at the start of the bar, and the scapula in any pulling motion lift to reflect a more efficient technique, off of the floor. Originally conceived as a efficiency defined as movement method of teaching reliable, repeatable, and approaching a straight line, weightlifting efficient pulling technique, the scapular coaches continued to, and still to this day, alignment model the authors proposed teach a bar over toes and shoulder joint intended to both normalize teaching over the bar starting position that was methods and to improve the efficiency and appropriate in the first half of the twentieth performance in the deadlift. The century (6). A start position that is known cornerstone of the teaching technique was to induce rearward horizontal displacement placing the bar over the mid-foot and under the middle of the scapular spine, a straight

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line connecting the three points. This which the barbell was suspended (11). In starting position, which differed from the that study, the bar was positioned over the historical alignment of toes-barbell- navicular bone as the anatomical landmark shoulder joint, is proposed to reduce for the "mid-foot" placement described horizontal displacement of the bar (make within the theory (figure 1) and then the the bar path more closely approximate a location where the bar was suspended straight line), thus minimizing the amount during lifting from the floor was localized. of work needed to complete the movement. It was determined that the barbell assumed Use of the alignment was suggested to a position under the most inferior and reduce the amount of extraneous muscular medial aspect of the scapular spine (figure work done which did not contribute 2). directly to lifting the barbell. In concept, this improved efficiency might make the deadlift more reproducible between repetitions and allow more weight to be moved by the lifter. The usage of the term efficiency here, movement of a body or an implement that approaches a straight line, is the same as in previous literature (7, 22).

Figure 2. The scapular spine runs across the posterior surface of the scapula. The barbell, in any system of pulling, will become suspended under the most inferior and medial aspect of the spine.

Differences in anthropometric structure between individuals requires consideration Figure 1. The navicular bone represents the mid- point of the base of support for the foot and in the in lifting . Some anthropometric scapular alignment model is the point above which measurements, longer than normal arms for the barbell is placed at the beginning of a pull. example, may predispose someone to being better at a pulling movement regardless of In the scapular alignment model it is the technique used for the pull. In the case further proposed that this anatomical of longer than average arms, this reduces alignment and its benefits could be applied the vertical displacement the barbell must to the pulling components of the Olympic travel to deadlift completion and the lifts as other authors have suggested the resultant hip, knee, and ankle lever angles start positions and pulling motions to be at the start of the lift are more open and nearly identical among the three lifts (9, 19). mechanically advantageous than that of a This model was further investigated to shorter armed individual. Although there is determine the point on the scapula under no data to support this conjecture, the

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scapular alignment model is assumed to exercise performance. All previous research produce optimal joint angles and has involved observation and movement efficiency across all characterization of native subject technique anthropometric variations. and has not manipulated body position. The purpose of this study was to determine The deadlift is a competitive if two different anatomical orientations event and is the simplest of the pulling relative to a barbell altered movement movements with a barbell. In the deadlift, efficiency during the deadlift. Specifically it the barbell is lifted from the floor until the was of interest to evaluate how the knees, hips, and shoulders are locked out traditionally used starting position, the bar (normal anatomical extension is assumed). over the metatarsal-phalangeal joints and All competitive lifts currently contested in under the acromioclavicular joint, the Olympic Games, the snatch and the compared to the bar path following clean & jerk, include essentially the same alignment of the bar over the navicular movement in their initial stages. So for all bone and under the inferior and medial that utilize a pulling motion off of aspect of the scapula. The present study the floor as an event or portion of an event, provides data that represents a first step in an understanding of how to most efficiently such an undertaking by examining the perform the movement is critical to success effects of two different anatomical and safety. But pulling motions are not orientations on pulling efficiency in the solely the realm of competitive strong men. deadlift. The data herein will assist in Each of the exercises described so far are moving the teaching of weighted exercise commonly used in strength and forward by enabling objective explanation conditioning programs for virtually all of why an exercise is executed with a sports and they are used in fitness specific technique, rather than the programs for the general population. historically limited, arbitrary, and subjective approach ("we've always done it However, it is occasionally a source of this way") presently in practice. It was injury from being performed improperly or conjectured that, in the deadlift, a starting it is entirely left out of strength programs position with the bar directly over the because of the inability of coaches to teach navicular and directly under the most it correctly or because it is a very hard lift inferior and medial aspect of the scapular by virtue of the amount of weight that can spine would produce a more efficient be used (15, 18, 21). Therefore, it is (linear) pulling movement compared to a warranted to determine if the anatomical starting position with the bar over the positioning proposed for the starting metatarsophalangeal joint and under the position as suggested in the scapular acromioclavicular joint. alignment model of teaching the deadlift is any more or less efficient than the historical METHODS starting position. Participants There is a tremendous void in the literature Six intermediate level competitive evaluating anatomical orientations of the weightlifters (4 male and 2 female) between body and their effects on any barbell the ages of 18 and 30 years of age

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volunteered for the study. All participants strip of marker tape was oriented parallel gave informed consent for participation in and directly beneath the bar. The tape the experiment. The project was reviewed spanned the width of the platform and was and approved by the Midwestern State used as a marker for precise anatomical University Human Subjects in Research alignments of the feet. The high speed Committee. video camera was placed, leveled, and aligned to the right side (from the subjects Protocol view) of the barbell - the field of view of the In order to examine the potential effects, an camera was perpendicular to the barbell experiment was conducted comparing two and the marking tape. This orientation anatomical alignments of the body in allowed for detection of any bar relation to the barbell during execution of displacement in the anterior-posterior the deadlift exercise. The two specified start plane. Prior to filming the first subject, the position alignments were: (A) alignment of vertical dimension of the field of view was acromioclavicular joint, bar, and set so that the maximum height of the metatarsophalangeal joint, the historically tallest subject was accommodated and was adopted start position, and an experimental unchanged for the duration of the study so start position where (B) alignment of the that the scale of the video would not differ scapular spine, bar, and navicular (figure between subjects. 3). Data was collected by high speed video that was manually digitized for analysis of Prior to data collection, each subject went bar movement for efficiency. through four sets of deadlifts as a warm-up. All warm-up weights were calculated as a percentage of 90% of their 1RM deadlift. The first warm-up set was 5 repetitions with 30%, the second set was 3 repetitions at 50%, the third set was 3 repetitions at 65%, and finally a single repetition was done at 80%. For example a reported 150 kg 1RM would require a warm-up with 45kg for 5 repetitions, 75kg for 3 repetitions, 97.5kg for 3 repetitions, and finally a single repetition with 120kg.

To ensure that foot placement conditions Figure 3. The traditional alignment (left) has the bar were identical across subjects, the over the metatarsal phalangeal joint and under the acromioclavicular joint. The experimental alignment participants were placed in appropriately (right) has the bar over the navicular and under the sized Dynamo weightlifting shoes (VS inferior and medial scapular spine. Athletics, San Luis Obispo, CA). Prior to lacing the shoe, the navicular bone and Deadlift Procedure: A York International metatarsalphalangeal joints were palpated Standard Olympic barbell was placed on a and their positions were marked on the top platform loaded with 90% of the self- and side of the shoe with tape. The subject reported 1RM (in kg) for each subject. A then approached the platform and barbell

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loaded with 90% of their 1RM deadlift. The at 60 frames per second. The camera was two anatomical alignments were randomly placed 3 meters from the end of the bar on a ordered between subjects. To place a tripod with the lense at a height of 1 meter. subject in a correct alignment they were The field of view was oriented to precisely first instructed to place the appropriate align with the direction of the bar (looking shoe marking tape (navicular or at the proximal bar end). An Image Mixer 3 metatarsophalangeal joint) directly over the SE transfer utility (Pixela Corporation, floor marking tape. They were allowed to Osaka, Japan) was used to transfer the use their otherwise normal stance. Subjects video to a computer. A Pixela Application were then coached into the correct shoulder Image Mixer 3 SE video tool (Pixela alignment position. For the traditional Corporation, Osaka, Japan) was used for deadlift start position, subjects were editing of the raw video data to remove allowed to assume their "normal" start non-data segments and also used for position and were then adjusted to ensure playback during the digitization process. that the acromioclavicular joint was above the bar. For the experimental start position A bar tracing was produced for each lift to the subjects were first crudely positioned determine the displacement of the bar by coaching them to a position where the during the Deadlift. A 4x4 mm grid on clear axillary crease was over the bar and then acetate was placed over the digital image. they were quickly palpated to confirm the Scaling of the grid was set for 4 mm on the position of the inferior and medial aspect of digital video image being equal to 50 mm of the scapula. All alignments were confirmed body or barbell movement. The original by the researcher before for each of two start position of the bar on the platform trials at 90% of 1RM deadlift. Upon served as the anchor source of the vertical completion of the two trials in the first axis from which displacements were assigned alignment, the subject then measured. The path of the barbell end proceeded to the second alignment. A three (center point of the bar – identified on each minute break between each set was frame), from the floor to lockout, was enforced in order for the participant to manually plotted on the grid, measured in completely recover to ensure similar millimeters relative to the greatest preparation for each trial, and to provide horizontal excursion from the original researchers the time to realign the barbell vertical axis, then the data entered into a with the floor marking tape, and other data Microsoft ExcelTM (Microsoft, Seattle, WA) acquisition organizational tasks. spreadsheet for later statistical analysis and transfer into a line graphs for visual Measures representation of bar path. Prior to experimentation subject descriptive data was collected; age (yr), height (cm), Statistical Analysis shoe size (US scale), weight (kg) and self- The nature of the experiments dictated the reported current 1 RM in the Deadlift (kg). use of a simple paired Student's T-Test evaluating the probability that any Video data for use in displacement analysis differences in horizontal displacement was acquired with a Canon FS31 A/FS300 noted between anatomical alignment camera (Canon, Lake Success, NY) shooting conditions were not simple random chance.

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Basic subject characteristic descriptive (table 1, figure 5). Statistical analysis, a T- statistics were completed using Microsoft test for dependent samples, demonstrated a ExcelTM (Microsoft, Seattle, WA). strongly significant difference between the Experimental data was analyzed using two tested anatomical alignments, with a p Statistica statistical software (StatSoftTM, = 0.0001. This strongly suggests that use of Tulsa, OK). Statistical significance was set a the navicular-bar-scapular spine alignment priori at ≤0.05. at the starting position directly results in less horizontal displacement than the RESULTS traditional metatarsophalangeal-bar- acromioclavicular alignment. The mean age of the subjects of this study was 23.8 ± 1.9 years. The average height was 164.7 ± 7.9 cm and their weight was 81.5 ± 31.9 kg. The heaviest subject weighed 143.2 kg, the smallest subject weighed 57.5 kg thus there was a spectrum of body dimensions present in the subject pool. As pre-testing of subjects to determine 1RM deadlift was not possible given the schedule available for the research, self reported 1RM weights were used. The mean for all subjects was 169.0 ± 58.17 kg. This weight places the subjects in the intermediate stratification in published strength standards for the deadlift (12).

Bar trajectories with orientation of the bar to the foot are shown in figure 4. Although there was considerable displacement of the bar to the posterior with both anatomical alignments, simple visual inspection of the individual subject figures demonstrate that the magnitude of the displacement was far smaller with the experimental, navicular- bar-scapular spine, orientation than with

the traditional bar-forward start position. Figure 4. Individual subject bar paths and The actual displacement data bears out the displacement data for both tested anatomical visual impression of smaller displacements alignments. NV = navicular bone; MP = with the experimental foot-bar-shoulder metatarsalphalangeal joint; NVD = displacement in experimental alignment; MPD = displacement in the alignment. The mean bar displacement was traditional alignment. 01 starting point and vertical nearly double in the traditional start axis of experimental alignment, 02 starting point and position compared to the experimental start vertical axis of traditional alignment. Note: Subject position, 66.7 cm compared to 37.7 cm #2, above 24 cm the trajectories are coincident.

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efficiency used here was movement approaching a straight line. The hypothesis was supported by the data of the present project as mean maximal horizontal displacement in the experimental starting position with the bar over the navicular averaged 29.2 mm less horizontal deviation than when the bar was placed over the metatarsalphalangeal joints, the traditional starting position. This 43.8% reduction represents a more efficient movement pattern and suggests that this novel anatomical alignment of the body relative to the barbell is a superior technique in the performance of the deadlift. When Figure 5. Horizontal barbell displacements by group. comparing the displacement data from the present study to those of Garhammer (7) and Vassilios, et al. (20), those Alignment Mean SD Diff. t p displacements produced using the

Navicular 37.5 13.7 traditional start position, with the bar of the Metatarso- metatarsal phalangeal joints, the results phalangeal 66.7 12.9 -29.2 -11.1 0.0001 were quite similar. Garhammer's paper reported a range of horizontal Table 1. Results for horizontal displacement displacements between 30 to 90 mm to the measures and statistical analysis for the two posterior in weightlifters in competition. anatomical alignments tested. Vassilios and co-workers reported a mean posterior displacement of 62.0 ± 22.3 mm in DISCUSSION their paper. The mean displacement noted here, 66.7 ± 12.9 mm, lends credibility to the The central purpose of this experiment was present study as effectively creating a valid to explore whether an anatomical reference condition relevant to the most alignment of the bar above the navicular commonly used starting position in lifts and the bar below the inferior medial that include pulling motions from the floor. aspect of the scapular spine at the start of the deadlift would produce a more linear, To our knowledge, this paper is the first to thus mechanically efficient, pulling prospectively examine the effects of movement compared to a starting position anatomical position variations at the start with the bar over the metatarsophalangeal position on weighted movement patterns. joint and under the acromioclavicular joint. Although the hypothesis forwarded was found to be accurate, further data must be The physical concept of efficiency is collected across all training populations reflected in the commonly used idiom, "the and across all exercises intensities in order shortest distance between two points is a to confirm these findings. Further, the straight line." Similarly, and consistent with present study analyzed the deadlift, thus basic physical law, the definition of

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the scope of the research is rather narrow evidence of the more linear bar path and might not be completely generalizeable produced by the navicular bone alignment to all weighted motions with pulling in the start position. components. Specific to weight sports, future research is needed to determine the The utility of these findings is further applicability of these data to the clean and supported by the work of Hakkinen, snatch movements. Kauhanen & Komi (10) who investigated the effect of increasing load on selected The subjects in this study were mechanical aspects of lifting technique. intermediate to advanced weightlifters (the They were interested in this as exercises Olympic sport) and were not accustomed to included in training programs in the deadlift as a training tool or as a preparation for competition are by and competitive lift. As such, although they large done with submaximal loads, less stated competency, experience, and a than 100% 1RM. However, during kilogram value they could lift as a competition the lifts are performed with maximum, it is likely that the self-reported maximal loads. Their data indicated that 1RM values were not accurate. It was some of the kinetic parameters of apparent from observation of the subjects technique, such as velocity of barbell during testing that the values they gave, movement, was significantly altered by the that were intended to calculate a load (percent of 1RM). This relationship submaximal experimental weight of 90% of was found for both novice and elite lifters. 1RM, were not accurate. All subjects In their summary it was suggested that struggled to complete two repetitions per further experimentation be done in this set, with one subject unable to lift his area with both submaximal and maximal estimated 90% for a second repetition. Four loads. of the six subjects exhibited form breaks manifesting as visible anterior vertebral Campos and associates (4) found that flexion at the thoracic level, lumbar level, or weight classes did not affect the pattern of both as the bar neared or passed the level of bar path, however they suggested that the knee. Proper technique in the deadlift athletes in the heavier weight categories requires the vertebral column to be held in were more efficient. But unlike the physics normal extension throughout the lift. based definition utilized in the present Failure to do so induces artifactual and research, they defined efficiency as force undesirable barbell displacements. This exerted on the barbell during the initial lift- was observed in these subjects. In off phase for a relatively longer duration, retrospect, a pre-test determining actual the longer duration purportedly 1RM deadlift would have been desirable in corresponding to a more strength-oriented prevention of this issue. Although the action. This seems a rather weak definition failure of the subjects to maintain proper as it is well known that as weight lifted technique throughout the experiment increases, the velocity of barbell movement prohibited a true evaluation of the potential slows (10). The question remains as to to produce a clearly linear bar path, the whether heavier lifters lifting very heavy magnitude of difference between the two loads are more likely to produce closely experimental conditions remains strong

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linear bar paths. This question has not been presented in a paper by Gourgoulis et al. satisfactorily addressed in the literature. (8), where comparison of successful versus unsuccessful lifts with the same weights by Three of the six subjects in this study the same athlete was done. The researchers showed a tendency to pull the bar, let it noted that general movement pattern did swing, or were compelled by physical not change between successful and forces acting on the bar to allow unsuccessful lifts rather the difference displacement, to the rear of the navicular at resided in the direction of the force vector some point during the lifting motion. All of in the pull off of the floor. This corresponds the subjects included in this study were somewhat to the findings of Schilling and coached by a USA Senior International co-workers (16) who found that Weightlifting Coach and had been strongly displacement of the body (forward conditioned to shift the center of pressure displacement, no displacement, rearward on the foot from the ball of the foot or toes, displacement) did not affect success rate. back to the heel, and then back forward to These researchers only examined foot the ball of the foot during the pulling displacement and suggested that the entire motion. This concept of weight shift is body should be evaluated in order to represented in the weightlifting literature in determine the cause of the rearward foot the works of Garhammer (7) and Takano displacement. (19). Both papers lead one to believe that shifting of balance from the metatarsal The tendency for rearward displacement of region to the front of the heels is a the bar towards the body has been coachable and desirable pattern of discussed for decades. Baumann and his movement. The authors further proposed research group (2) noted that that the that due to the mass of the barbell tending pathway of the barbell during lifting to be one to three times the body mass of (specifically ) has the athlete, the combined systems center of undoubtedly changed, with the bar coming pressure on the feet was necessarily more toward the lifter during the initial associated with forward and backward pull off of the floor. They followed up with movements of the bar during pulling the statement that, as a consequence of the motions. Neither paper considered the initial rearward displacement, there must actions of the bar through space to be be a backward jump during the drop under affected by the anatomical system that was the barbell. Although there has been no moving it, rather they conceived that the systematic experimentation with alternative mass of the barbell dictated the movement techniques, and as a large number of elite of the anatomical system. Regardless, the international lifters display a rearward subjects in the present study were strongly displacement it is considered a preferred conditioned to produce this movement occurrence and is recommended to coaches pattern and may have unconsciously and athletes as a movement pattern that attempted to move in the same pattern should be mimicked (16). under both anatomical alignments. There was no hard evidence found as to the The importance of limiting displacement of absolute origin of the traditional bar the barbell in competitive lifting success is orientation to over the metatarsophalangeal

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joints and its subsequent rearward alignment at the start of a deadlift, further displacement during lifting from the floor, exploration into this model needs to be only anecdotes from historical figures and conducted. If the findings here are borne rule documents. Further, the traditional out by future researchers, coaches will start position was originally specific to the benefit by having an objective and data Olympic lifts the snatch and clean & jerk. It based means of coaching pulling is not known how this start position made movements and athletes will be provided a its way into the coaching of the deadlift potential means of rapid learning of start position, other than in the early days technique and maximization of of powerlifting, it was common for athletes performance. to compete in both sports and coaches to coach in both sports. REFERENCES

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