RESEARCH BULLETIN MARCH 26, 2019 U.S. Companies Continue to Represent Largest Share of Fabless IC Sales Chinese companies log fastest growth since 2010 and now hold a 13% share of fabless IC sales. IC Insights published its updated 2019-2023 semiconductor market forecasts and top-40 IDM and top-50 fabless IC company sales rankings in its recently released March Update, the first monthly Update to the 500-page, 2019 MORE INFORMATION edition of The McClean Report—A Complete Analysis and CONTACT Forecast of the Integrated Circuit Industry. Bill McClean President Figure 1 depicts the 2018 fabless company share of IC sales by Phone: +1-480-348-1133 company headquarters location. With 68%, the U.S. Email:
[email protected] companies continued to hold the dominant share of fabless IC sales last year, just one percentage point less than in 2010. !"#$%&'()*++%,-./'01%2,%3')*+%(1%% ,-./'01%4*'567'89*8+%:-;'<-0%=>#"?@ABC%% 789&(,)*$ ;)()*,-,$ =>5,9$%&'()*+,-$ %&'()*+,-$ %&'()*+,-$ <40$ 40$ %5+*,-,$ :0$ %&'()*+,-11$ 460$ !"#"$%&'()*+,-$ ./01$ 2)+3)*,-,$ %&'()*+,-$ 4.0$ %%%%%%%!"#"% D@3@%%%%%%%E?F% G'HI'0%#JF% ,KH0'%%%%%LF% 1N9&)F?&'$?E)--+O,F$)-$)$!"#"$?&'()*P$ M78-/*%%%AF% 11C0$,D?E8F+*B$+*>,9*)E$>9)*-G,9-$&G$ N'/'0%%%%%#F% #&89?,@$A%$A*-+B5>-$ O9K*8%%%%%AF% H+#+E+?&*$IH8)3,+JK$L27K$)*F$M)>)*B$$ 1 Figure 1 Since 2010, the largest fabless IC marketshare increase has come from the Chinese suppliers, which held a 13% share last year as compared to only 5% in 2010. In 2018, four of the top five fastest growing COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY IC INSIGHTS, INC.