1. Games will be 6 ; 4 complete will make a complete game in case of rain. Games ending in a tie may be continued if both coaches agree.

2. Each team may play with 10 defensive players; however, only 4 infielders and 4 outfielders. Free substitution will be applied though whole game.

3. Everyone will bat and the order will remain constant through the entire game. No player will sit on the bench for more than 2 innings in a game. Late comers to the game will be added onto the end of the line-up.

4. All games will be forfeited 15 minutes after scheduled game time if a team does not have the required number of players present. A team may play with as few as 8 players in a game.

5. Score sheet should be completed before the game starts. Each coach should report to the other bench with their line-ups. Scores should be compared after each .

6. No hidden ball tricks.

7. No steel spikes allowed.

8. No will be called.

9. All players and equipment must remain on the bench or behind the bench area.

10. Runners may not advance once the has the ball and is within the pitching area.

11. A 5 /inning rule will be enforced.

12. Batting helmets will be worn by all batters and runners. Both teams will share their batting helmets.

13. Runner at 3rd cannot advance on an overthrow to 2nd or 1st, but may advance if played upon at 3rd and there is an overthrow or a ball that goes of play.

14. A pitcher cannot more than 3 innings per game. If occur, a pitcher will be allowed 1 extra inning.

15. Any pitcher that hits 2 batters in one inning must be substituted for and will not be allowed to pitch in remainder of game.

16. Base paths will be 65 feet and pitching distance will be 48 feet.

17. need not third strike. No leading off base until the ball reaches the plate. 1st offense per team = warning. 2nd offense per team= runner is out.

18. All runners may advance on overthrows 1 base, unless played upon. (over) 19. It is illegal to advance to second base after completion of a walk in a continuous motion.

20. The Pony League Strike zone will be expanded from top of shoulders to the bottom of knees. The Strike Zone will be measured before the batter crouches.

21. The fly rule will not be enforced.

22. Battering down of opponents will not be tolerated. 1st offense the runner will be out, 2nd offense will be ejected from the game.

23. The may not block the plate unless he has the ball.

24. Penalty for deliberate throwing of the bat is an automatic out for the side. Penalty for swearing is ejection from the game. Batting helmets should also never be thrown.

25. Any verbal abuse against an by an entire team, parents, or members of either team, after 1 warning will or may result in forfeit of game to the non-offending team or suspension for repeated violations. Please remember the games could not be played without the volunteer efforts of these people. They deserve the greatest respect and gratitude of all of us involved in this program.

26. No smoking by those involved with the teams playing (coaches, scorekeepers, etc.) in the playing area.

27. No razzing of players. If team in field is razzing batter, ump may award first base to player. If batting team yells at pitcher, and out can be awarded.

28. It is highly recommended that you wear long pants or sweat pants. The wearing of athletic cups for protection by catchers is greatly recommended.

29. The National Federation of State High School Rules shall apply.

30. Players registered late will be added as they come.

31. If defensive fielder is in position to make the tag, the runner must avoid the collision by sliding.

Play Hard! Play Fair!