Baseball in America the All-American Sport? an Interdisciplinary Unit for the Intermediate Levels (Grades 5-8)
Baseball in America The All-American Sport? An interdisciplinary unit for the intermediate levels (Grades 5-8) Developed by With the support of Lisa Sax, NIE Coordinator/ Curriculum Writer Melanie Jivoff, Special Educator, Vicki Krisak, NIE Coordinator, Lincoln Middle School, The Post Standard, Syracuse, NY The Post-Star, Glens Falls, NY Syracuse City School District Anne Marie Voutsinas, Director, Layout and Design by Deborah Melfi, Science Educator, Syracuse Teacher Center, Syracuse, NY Lincoln Middle School, Jill Emery, Circulation Promotion Artist, The Post-Standard, Syracuse, NY Syracuse City School District Reviewed by Kelvin Chase, Special Educator, Mary Miller, NIE Coordinator Project funded through a grant from Lincoln Middle School, New York Newspaper Publishers the New York Newspapers Foundation, Syracuse City School District Association, Albany, NY in collaboration with The Post-Standard and the Syracuse Teacher Center Table of Contents Introduction..............................................................3 New York State Learning Standards...........................4 Learning Standards in Specific Lessons.......................5 Lesson 1 The Words of Baseball.................................8 Lesson 2 The Culture of Baseball...............................9 Lesson 3 The World Series......................................10 Lesson 4 Home Field Advantage..............................12 Lesson 5 Baseball Ethics...........................................15 Lesson 6 The Negro Leagues...................................17 Lesson
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