Tenphel Ling presents PROGRAM 2015 STL January PROGRAM Conducted by Rating Confirmed (continue from December) Gongkar Choede of AP: Monastery VP Thu 1st Jan Sangdu Lai’u Gyepa STL Main Hall 2sessions: (The Secret Assembly of Eightfold Puja of Guru ) 1) 10am – 12n 2) 2.30pm – Tsog and Nectar offering to Guru Rinpoche. Nectar Pills to 4.30pm consume after Puja. Distribution of Tsog, long-life sweets & nectar and also long-life vase blessing.” This is done only in the last day. 8.00pm Anniversary of Sonam Tsemo: Guru Offering Puja ( Choepa) Sat 3rd Jan Anniversary Day with light decorations STL Main Hall around the Temple. Sapan Lama Choepa (Long Guru offering to Sakya 3pm – 6pm Pandita) 7pm – 9.30pm Short Lama Choepa Offering together with members and Circumambulation Lamp Offering Sun 4th Jan 6 hour Long Lha (Diety) Sang ( Incense ) for New Year. STL Main Hall 9am – 12 noon Incense Offering Puja to all Deities and Protectors and Temple 1 pm – 3pm With break (All are welcome) Compound 3 pm – 6 pm Medicine Buddha Puja (Regular monthly session) STL Main Hall continue Long Lha (Diety) Sang ( Incense ) for New Year. STL Main Hall Thanksgiving and Temple Compound Teaching: Conducted by Sakya Rating: Status: To The Four Common Preliminary Practices Centre Dharma give Ngawang Gyaltsen (M) invitation 19 January to 01 February 2015 letter WG: Sun 18th Jan Arrival from India Mon 19th Jan 8pm Meeting with P&S group Wed 21th Jan STL Main Hall 8 - 9.30pm Common Preliminary Practices 1 Fri 23th Jan STL Main Hall 8 - 9.30pm Common Preliminary Practices 2 Sat 24th Jan STL Main Hall 3 - 6pm Common Preliminary Practices 3 with break Sun 25th Jan STL Main Hall 3 - 6pm Common Preliminary Practices 4 with break Wed 28th Jan STL Main Hall 8 - 9.30pm Common Preliminary Practices 5 Fri 30th Jan STL Main Hall 8 - 9.30pm Common Preliminary Practices 6 Sat 31th Jan STL Main Hall 3 - 6pm Common Preliminary Practices 7 with break Sun 01st Feb STL Main Hall 3 - 6pm Common Preliminary Practices 8 with break Thanksgiving Speech Thu 05th Feb Departure Centre Ritual Program: Conducted by Rating Status: of WG: 1. Akshobhya Jangchog Resident monk and Sakya College AP: 2. Vajrakilaya Phurdog and Gutor Entourage 6 of 7 1. Akshobhya Jangchog (12 – 14th February) Thu 12th Feb STL Main Hall 3 - 6pm Akshobhya Jangchog Day 1 Fri 13th Feb STL Main Hall 3 - 6pm Akshobhya Jangchog Day 2 Sat 14th Feb STL Main Hall 3 - 6pm Akshobhya Jangchog Day 3 with prostration and purification of deceased 2. Vajrakilaya Phurdog and Gutor (15 -18th February) Sun 15th Feb 2 STL Main Hall - 7pm Vajrakilaya Phurdog 1 Mon 16th Feb STL Main Hall 2 - 7pm Vajrakilaya Phurdog 2 Tue 17th Feb All throwing 2 - 8pm Vajrakilaya Gutor 3 should be done This day is a Big th th before 5pm (from 4- Note: This day is the 29 day of the 12 lunar month which 5pm) or after 7pm. Gutor day as it is is the biggest gutor day (called the big knife day) of the the 29th day of Tibetan 12th lunar year. Gutor performs on this day will overcome obstacles of month. the Centre and all things and being associated with it for one year. The torma throwing time is specific and will be announced later. Throwing time after 7pm. CHINESE NEW YEAR CELEBRATION Conducted by Rating STATUS: Resident monk and of AP: Confirmed Sakya College Popular WG: Entourage Eve of Lunar New year (18th February 2015) Countdown Wed 18th Feb Heart Sutra Recitation (Tib, Eng & Ch.) & Dro La Day STL Main Hall 10.30pm – Kyid Prayer, Countdown to New Year at 12 midnight 12 mn Lighting of Lamp Chinese New Year day 1 celebration (Tibetan Day 1) Thu 19th Feb 8am Lighting of Lamp offering STL Main Hall 9.30am Puja 11.15am Water offering to Jambala 11.30am Buffet lunch Chinese New Year day 2 celebration (Tibetan Losar Day 2) Fri 20th Feb 8am Lighting of Lamp offering STL Main Hall 9.30am Tara Puja 11.15am Water offering to Jambala 11.30am Buffet lunch Chinese New Year day 3 celebration (Tibetan Losar Day 3) Sat 21st Feb 8am Lha Sang & Lungta Flag Raising STL Main Hall 9am The Great Dedication Prayer of Monlam and Temple (Samanthabadra) Compound Note: Raising of prayer-flags and sang offering on the third day of Losar is done either collectively or individually. This is, perhaps, one of the biggest incense burning occasions. Each family in their fineries gather for the incense offering and hoisting of prayer-flag in all pomp and show. After the incense offering, they do traditional gorshe or circle-dance many times. Chinese New Year day 4 celebration Sun 22nd Feb 9.30am Tara Puja STL Main Hall 11.30 - 1pm Lo Hei Buffet and Lion Dance 1.00pm Amitabha Buddha Chanting and Circumambulation Visiting Program of Sakya College: Conducted by Sakya Rating STATUS: College of AP: WG: 3 Weekend Program 2 of 7 White Tara Long life Puja (23 – 25th February) Mon 23rd Feb STL Main Hall 9 - 11.30am 9 deity Amitayus Longlife Puja Day 1 Tue 24th Feb STL Main Hall 9 - 11.30am 9 deity Amitayus Longlife Puja Day 2 Wed 25th Feb STL Main Hall 9 - 11.30am 9 deity Amitayus Longlife Puja Day 3 White Mahakala Wealth Invoking Puja (26 – 28th February) Thu 26th Feb STL Main Hall 10am - 4pm White Mahakala Wealth Invoking Puja Day 1 Fri 27th Feb STL Main Hall 10am - 4pm White Mahakala Wealth Invoking Puja Day 2 Sat 28th Feb STL Main Hall 10am - 4pm White Mahakala Wealth Invoking Puja Day 3 Drolma Yuldog (2 – 9th March)

Mon 2nd Mar Drolma Yuldog Setup STL Main Hall Tue 3rd Mar Drolma Yuldog Setup STL Main Hall Wed 4rd Mar STL Main Hall 2 - 6pm Drolma Yuldog Day 1 Thu 5th Mar Miracles of Sharvasti (Chotrul Duchen) STL Main Hall 10am – 12nn Adornment of Robes Ceremony, 16 Arhat Puja and Lamp Offerings 2 - 6pm Drolma Yuldog Day 2 Fri 6th Mar STL Main Hall 2 - 6pm Drolma Yuldog Day 3 Sat 7th Mar STL Main Hall 2 - 6pm Drolma Yuldog Day 4 Sun 8th Mar STL Main Hall 1 - 6pm Drolma Yuldog Day 5 and Effigy Burning Thanksgiving Speech (no monies involved) Sun 29th Mar Upper Hall 2.30pm AGM 2015 (non-elective)

Centre Ritual Program: Conducted by Rating Status: Shabdrung of Ap: Invitation Qing Ming Festival: Chenrenzig Jangchog & Om Rinpoche and 7 of 7 sent Mani Padme Hum Chanting Jamchen Lhakhang WG: Entourage Fri 3rd Apr STL Main Hall (Good Friday) 3 - 5.30pm Chenrezig Jangchog Day 1 Sat 4th Apr STL Main Hall 3 - 5.30pm Chenrezig Jangchog Day 2 Sun 5th Apr Tomb Sweeping Day: STL Main Hall (Qing Ming) 9.30am Tara Puja 1.00pm Medicine Buddha Puja 3.30pm Chenrenzig Jangchog Day 3 with prostration and purification of deceased at 5pm Om Mani Padme Hum Chanting Retreat by HE Shabdrung Rinpoche (6 – 12th April) Mon 6th Apr 4 arm Chenrezig Jehnang with STL Main Hall 8 – 10pm Explanation of Sadhana (Requirement: 2 day Chaya and above Wang Chen) Tue 7th Apr STL Main Hall 8 – 10pm 4 arm Chenrezig with Mahamudra Meditation (Chinese) Wed 8th Apr STL Main Hall 8 – 10pm Explanation of Chenrezig and Mahamudra Meditation Thu 9th Apr STL Main Hall 8 – 10pm 4 arm Chenrezig with Mahamudra Meditation (English) Fri 10th Apr STL Main Hall 8 – 10pm Sadhana with Om Mani Padme Hum Chanting Sat 11th Apr STL Main Hall 9 - 11am Sadhana with Om Mani Padme Hum Chanting 1 - 3pm Om Mani Padme Hum Chanting 4 - 6pm Om Mani Padme Hum Chanting Sun 12th Apr STL Main Hall 9 - 11am Sadhana with Om Mani Padme Hum Chanting 1 - 3pm Om Mani Padme Hum Chanting 4 - 6pm Om Mani Padme Hum Chanting and Dedication Guru Visit: Conducted by Rating Status: HE Shabdrung Visiting Program Shadrung and of Ap: Invitation Jamchen Lhakhang VP Sent Entourage WG: Namtosey Chhayang Wealth ritual (13 – 15th April) Mon 13th Apr STL Main Hall 9 - 11.30am Namtosey Chhayang Day 1 8 – 10pm Namtosey Jehnang Tue 14th Apr STL Main Hall 9 - 11.30am Namtosey Chhayang Day 2 Wed 15th Apr STL Main Hall 9 - 11.30am Namtosey Chhayang Day 3 8 – 10pm White Mahakala Jehnang Parnashavari Puja to avert Epidemic Diseases (17 – 19th April) Fri 17th Apr STL Main Hall 2 – 4pm Parnashavari Puja Day 1 8 – 10pm Parnashavari Jehnang Sat 18th Apr STL Main Hall 2 – 4pm Parnashavari Puja Day 2 8 – 10pm Two armed Hayagriva Jehnang Sun 19th Apr STL Main Hall 2 – 4pm Parnashavari Puja Day 3 Thankgiving Speech Teachings Main Event 1: Conducted by HE Rating To reconfirm International Vesak Day Celebration Khondoong Ratna of AP: with HE Vajra Sakya 1 of 7 Ratna Vajra Rinpoche Rinpoche Mon 1st Jun 1. (6.30am) Adornment of Robe Ceremony STL Main Hal (15th lunar 2. (6.40–7.30am) Sojong: Taking the 8 precepts STL Main Hall day) 3. (7.30–7.55am) Blessing the Sponsors’ shrine, Temple Compound External Shrine and Release of Life (symbolic) Temple Compound 4. (8.00– 8.45am) Light breakfast for preceptor and Upper Hall preceptees Temple Compound 5. (9.00–11.00am) Shakyamuni & 16 Arhat Puja Upper Hall 6. (11.30am) Vegetarian Lunch STL Main Hall Those who are Taking 7. (1.00–2.00pm) Tara Puja Refuge vows for the first time are to 8. (3.00–3.30pm) Taking Refuge register with office. Subjected to Changes STL Main Hall Temple Compound Temple Compound 9. (3.30–4.30pm) Jingdak Ngasol 10.(4.30–5.30pm) Evening circumambulation & Prayers for Happiness of All Sentient Beings 11. Clean and pack-up by various work groups (Note: Deeds done on this day will multiply by a million Tibetan Vesak Day: Saga Dawa Duchen Tue 2nd Jun The Long Sixteen Arhat Puja by Resident Monk and STL Main Hall 10am – 12nn Visiting Entourage Lineage Guru Visit: KL Lam Dre Rating Status: st Entourage?? of AP: Confirmed His Holiness The 41 Visit VP WG: (9 – 15 June 2015) Wed 10th Jun Arrival STL Main Hall Anniversary of Mahasiddha Virupa: 8 – 10pm Guru Offering Puja (Lama Choepa) Thu 11th Jun Upper Hall 10 – 11am Consultation 7 – 7.45pm Committee Meeting with His Holiness 8 – 10pm Tshok (Only Initiates may attend) Fri 12th Jun Upper Hall 10 – 11am Consultation 7 – 10pm Hevajra Path Empowerment (Only Hevajra Cause Initiates may attend. Participants to register with office) Sat 13th Jun STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Long Mahakala Kangsol Puja 8 – 10pm 21 Tara Jehnang (Open to Public) Sun 14th Jun STL Main Hall 2 – 5pm Amitabha Sleeping Yoga Transmission and Teaching (Open to Public) & Thanksgiving 7pm STL/ SBSS 50 Dinner Mon 15th Jun Departure to India Pre Vajrakilaya Event: Conducted by Rating Status: Sakya Centre of AP: Confirm Joint Program With Sakya Centre Monastery: To VP with HE confirm which WG: monastery Kurukulle Magnetising Puja (18 – 21th June) Thu 18th Jun STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Dakini Kurukulle Magnetising Puja Day 1 Fri 19th Jun STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Dakini Kurukulle Magnetising Puja Day 2 8 – 10pm Arapacana Manjushri Jehnang Sat 20th Jun STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Dakini Kurukulle Magnetising Puja Day 3 8 – 10pm White Manjushri Jehnang Sun 21st Jun STL Main Hall & 2 – 6pm Dakini Kurukulle Fire Puja Temple Compound (Fire Day) Mon 22th Jun STL Main Hall 8 – 10pm White Saraswati Jehnang Wed 24th Jun STL Main Hall 8 – 10pm Black Manjushri Jehnang Damtsig Kangsol (25 – 27th June) Thu 25th Jun STL Main Hall 9am – 12nn Damtsig Kangsol Day 1 2 – 6pm Fri 26th Jun STL Main Hall 1 – 7pm Damtsig Kangsol Day 2

9 – 11.30am HE Gyana Vajra Rinpoche Birthday: 3 Long life Deity Puja offering to His Eminence with 7.30pm Khatag Offerings. 8 – 10pm Birthday Cake Cutting Hevajra Tsog Sat 27th Jun STL Main Hall 9am – 12nn Damtsig Kangsol Day 3 2 – 6pm Main Event 2: HE Gyana Rating Status: To Rinpoche and of AP: reconfirm The 7-Day Great Vajrakilaya Drupchod With Sand Sakya Centre 4 of 7 with HE Entourage WG:

Mon 29th Jun Preparation and Drawing of the Day 1 STL Main hall 1 – 9am (Starting at 1am and complete by 9am) with Puja and Invocation Tue 30th Jun to STL Main hall Sat 4th Jul 9am – 12nn 2 sessions Vajrakilaya Drupchod (Day 2 to Day 6) with 2 – 6pm Long Life blessing in the morning Wed 1st Jul STL Main hall 8 – 10pm Vajrakilaya Torma Empowerment Sun 5th Jul 9am 2 sessions Vajrakilaya Drupchod Day 7 with STL Main hall – 12nn Long Life blessing in morning 2 – 6pm (Break for dinner together before dismantling of mandala ) 6 – 7pm Witnessing the Dissolution and Destruction of the Mandala 7pm onwards Thanksgiving Speech Visiting Event: Conducted by the Rating Status: Sakya Nunnery of AP: Pending Joint Program With The Sakya Nunnery Entourage Entourage VP WG: Maha Pratisara Puja (So Sor Trangma) (13 – 15th July) Mon 13th Jul STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Maha Pratisara Puja Day 1 Tue 14th Jul STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Maha Pratisara Puja Day 2 Wed 15th Jul STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Maha Pratisara Puja Day 3 Nyungnay Retreat (17 – 20th July) Fri 17th Jul Nyungnay Retreat : Registration and Preliminary STL Main Hall (Hari Raya Puasa) Preparation: 7pm Check-in 8pm Loong on Thousand arm Chenrezig 8.30 – 9.30pm Transmission of the Nyung-nay Text Sat 18th Jul Nyungnay Retreat (Day 1) STL Main Hall No food after 12 noon Sun 19th Jul Nyungnay Retreat (Day 2) STL Main Hall No food and drinks Mon 20th Jul Nyungnay Retreat (Day 3) : Dedication and Concluding STL Main Hall 6.30am Breaking Fast and Dedication 10am – 12nn 1st Turning of Dharma Adornment of Robe Ceremony, 16 Arhat Puja & Lamp Offering Shri Vajrayogini Drupchod (22 – 26th July) Wed 22nd Jul Shri Vajrayogini Sand Mandala Setup STL Main Hall Thu 23rd Jul Shri Vajrayogini Sand Mandala Setup STL Main Hall Fri 24th Jul STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm ShriVajrayogini Drupchod with Tsog Day 1 Sat 25th Jul STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Shri Vajrayogini Drupchod with Tsog Day 2 Sun 26th Jul STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Shri Vajrayogini Drupchod with Tsog Day 3 Dissolution of Sand Mandala 8 – 10pm Hevajra Tsog Pre- Mahavairocana Changchog Event: Conducted by Rating Status: Sakya Centre of AP: To chk Joint Program With Sakya Centre Monastery VP monastery coming with HE. WG: Collection of Dharani, Gya-zhi and Sherying Dudthog (8 – 10th August) Sun 9th Aug STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Lenchag Torma Mon 10th Aug STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm (PH) Shernying Dudthog Puja Sat 11th Aug STL Main Hall 8am – 12nn Recitation of Collection of Dharani session 1 2 – 6pm Recitation of Collection of Dharani session 2 Shri Hevajra Drupchod (13 -16th August) Thu 13th Aug STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Shri Hevajra Drupchod Day 1 Fri 14th Aug STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Shri Hevajra Drupchod Day 2 Sat 15th Aug STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Shri Hevajra Drupchod Day 3 Sun 16th Aug STL Main Hall & 2 – 6pm Shri Hevajra Increasing Fire Puja Temple Compound (Fire Day) Main Event 3 : Sakya Centre Rating Status: th Entourage of AP: To chk 7 Month Hungry Ghost Festival 3 of 7 monastery (Maha Vairocana Drupchod, Sohnchog And coming with Jangchog. Final Day On 23 Aug) HE. WG: Mon 17th Aug Maha Vairocana Sand Mandala Setup STL Main Hall Tue 18th Aug Maha Vairocana Sand Mandala Setup STL Main Hall Wed 19th Aug STL Main Hall 2 – 6pm Maha Vairocana Drupchod Day 1 Thu 20th Aug STL Main Hall 2 – 6pm Maha Vairocana Drupchod Day 2 Fri 21st Aug STL Main Hall 2 – 6pm Maha Vairocana Drupchod Day 3 Sat 22nd Aug STL Main Hall 2 – 6pm Maha Vairocana Drupchod Day 4 and Sohnchog 5pm: Prostrations 5.30pm: Burning of Minjiang Paper (Purification of the Living) Sun 23rd Aug Maha Vairocana Drupchod Day 5 and Jangchog STL Main Hall 2 – 6pm 5pm Prostrations 5.30pm Burning of Mingjiang paper (Purification of Deceased) Dissolution of Sand Mandala Thanksgiving Speech Sat 25th Aug to 4 WEEKS OF INT AND EXT AUDIT FOR ISO Suggested date to Fri 25th Sep CERTIFICATION WITH CSI liaise with CSI ext audit Admin i/c to arranged date and prepare ISO presentation with Gen Sec MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL (social) 27September Conducted by STL Rating: STATUS/ (15th Day of the 8th Lunar month) Youth Ministry with Social WG: Resident Lama Pending Confirmat- ion with youth group Sat 26th Sep STL Main Hall 8 – 9.30pm Manjushri Mantra Loong to bestow wisdom by Resident and Temple Lama Compound Lantern circumambulation (free lanterns will be given to children) Games Mooncake Tasting Lucky Draw Sun 27th Sep STL Main Hall 9.30am Tara Puja 1.00pm Amitabha Chanting and Mooncake tea session HIS HOLINESS WESTERN BIRTHDAY Conducted by STL Rating: Status: Disciples Confirmed CELEBRATION WG: Mon 7th September 2015 Mon 7th Sep Khatag Offering to His Holiness Throne STL Main Hall 7.30pm HH Long Life Prayer: Happy Birthday Cake Celebration

HIS HOLINESS TIBETAN BIRTHDAY Organized by STL Rating: Status: and conducted by Disciples Confirmed CELEBRATION WG: Mon 14th September 2015 Resident Sat 12th – STL Main Hall Sun 13th Sep 3 Long Life Deity Puja (Day 1 - Day 2) 8 – 9.30am Mon 14th Sep (His Holiness Sakya Trizin Birthday Actual Day) STL Main Hall 8 – 9.30am 3 Long Life Deity Puja (Day 3) 9.30am Annual Release of Life Prayers and outing to sea. (His Holiness Long Life Prayer will be chanted the whole day on 14th Sep with Khatag Offering to HH throne anytime of the day) 7.30pm There will be an offering of Khatags to HH’s Throne & buffet reception for all members on 14th Sep night on conclusion of the 3 Long Life Deity Puja His Eminence Luding Khen Visiting Program Conducted by STL Rating Status: To (01 Oct to 20 Oct 2015) Needs Translators of AP: invite HE VP WG: Sat 3rd Oct STL Main Hall 2 – 5pm *White Cakrasamvara Wang Chen Day 1 (Preparation) Sun 4th Oct STL Main Hall 2 – 7pm *White Cakrasamvara Wang Chen Day 2 (Main) Mon 5th Oct STL Main Hall 8 – 10pm Longlife Caturmukha Mahakala Jenang *Or replace with Guhyasamajah Akshobhya Wangchen 10 days of Vajrayogini Retreat Sessions (7 – 18th October)

Wed 7th Oct Upper Hall (25th Day) 7 – 10pm Vajrayogini Chin Lab (Blessing) Thu 8th Oct Pre Retreat Preparation and Instruction Upper Hall Fri 9th – Upper Hall Sun 18th Oct 10 day Vajrayogini Mantra Recitation Retreat Morning Sun 18th Oct Upper Hall (Fire Day) Vajrayogini Peaceful Fire Puja for Retreater. 2 – 6pm Others can join in. Shri Cakrasamvara Drupchod (19 – 22th October) Mon 19th Oct STL Main Hall 2 – 6pm Shri Cakrasamvara Drupchod with Kangsol Day 1 Tue 20th Oct STL Main Hall 2 – 6pm Shri Cakrasamvara Drupchod with Kangsol Day 2 Wed 21st Oct STL Main Hall 2 – 6pm Shri Cakrasamvara Drupchod with Kangsol Day 3 8 – 10pm Kurukulle Jenang & Brief Sadhana Teaching Thu 22nd Oct Departure Shakymuni Buddha Descend from 33 Heaven Conducted by Rating: Status: Resident Monk Member Confirmed Lama Tenpa WG: Rabkey Tue 3rd Nov Adornment of Robes Ceremony, STL Main Hall 10am – 12nn 16 Arhat Puja & Lamp Offering

Main Event 4: Conducted by Rating:4 Status: Sakya Centre of 7 HE.to Medicine Buddha Puja with 52 Deity Sand Monastery confirm Mandala which monastery WG: Mon 9th Nov Medicine Buddha Sand Mandala Setup STL Main Hall

Tue 10th Nov Medicine Buddha Sand Mandala Setup STL Main Hall

Wed 11th Nov (Medicine Buddha Day) STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Medicine Buddha Puja Day 1 Thu 12th Nov STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Medicine Buddha Puja Day 2 Fri 13th Nov STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Medicine Buddha Puja Day 3 Sat 14th Nov STL Main Hall 10am-12nn Release of Life 3 – 6pm Medicine Buddha Puja Day 4 Sun 15th Nov STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Medicine Buddha Puja Day 5 Dissolution of Sand Mandala Post Medicine Buddha Event Sakya Centre Rating: Status: Monastery VP as above WG: Mon 16th Nov HE Ratna Vajra Rinpoche Birthday: STL Main Hall 9 – 11.30am 3 Long life Deity Puja offering to His Eminence with Khatag Offerings. 7.30pm Birthday Cake Cutting Tue 17th Nov STL Main Hall 1 – 6pm Prajnaparamita Sutra 25000 Verses Recitation Day 1 Wed 18th Nov STL Main Hall 1 – 6pm Prajnaparamita Sutra 25000 Verses Recitation Day 2 Thu 19th Nov STL Main Hall 9 – 11.30am Singhanada Puja Day 1 Fri 20th Nov STL Main Hall 9 – 11.30am Singhanada Puja Day 2 Sat 21st Nov STL Main Hall 9 – 11.30am Singhanada Puja Day 3 Sun 22nd Nov STL Main Hall 3 – 6pm Gya Shi Puja Thanksgiving Speech 23rd Nov to BLACK – OUT MONTH 23rd Dec Amitabha Day: 25th December 2015 Conducted by STL Amitabha Status: Chanting Group WG: Amitabha chanting group Sun 27th Dec STL Main Hall 1 – 2.30pm Amitabha Chanting Celebrating Anniversary Day of STL Conducted by Resident lama Tenpa Rabkey (Pasir Ris) and countdown year 2016

Thu 31st Dec Celebrating Anniversary Day of STL (Pasir Ris) and STL Main Hall countdown year 2016: 1. Tea Reception with drinks and finger food at 9 pm 2. Loong and Chanting of the 21 Praises of Tara by Lamas and members starting 9.45pm (Countdown to 2016 at 12 midnight and ending with Prayer of Happiness to All Sentient Beings) Welcome New Year 2016

THE SINGAPORE BUDDHA SASANA SOCIETY (Sakya Tenphel Ling) 5 Pasir Ris Drive 4 Singapore 519455 Tel: (65) 6581 3902 Fax: (65) 6581 3903 Email: [email protected] | Web: SakyaTenphelLing.org | Facebook: Facebook.com/Sakyapa