Roman Stonemasonry Workshops in the Ig Area
Arheološki vestnik 60, 2009, str. 207–221 207 Roman stonemasonry workshops in the Ig area Edisa LOZIĆ Izvleček Abstract V članku je predstavljena hipoteza o treh rimskodobnih This article presents a hypothesis about three Roman klesarskih delavnicah, ki so bile na območju Strahomerja, period stonemasonry workshops that operated in the Iške vasi in Iga na južnem robu Ljubljanskega barja, južno area of Strahomer, Iška vas, and Ig, all of them located on od Emone. Hipoteza je nastala na podlagi formalne analize the southern edge of the Ljubljansko barje, to the south nagrobnih stel in analize njihove prostorske distribucije. of the Roman Emona. The hypothesis is based on the formal analysis of the grave stelae as well as their spatial Ključne besede: Slovenija, Ig z okolico, nagrobne stele, distribution. rimska doba, klesarske delavnice Keywords: Slovenia, Ig area, grave stelae, Roman period, stonemasonry workshops RESEARCH HISTORY to World War II; Gestrin 1994, 2; Šašel Kos 1999a, 235). The debate as to what Ig was in antiquity, The Ig area (Ižansko) covers a number of set- what sort of a history it had and who were its in- tlements that became known under this name habitants has been ongoing since the 15th century. in the post war archaeology. The archaeological Several Roman period tombstones with typical local topography of the area was already explored in characteristics had been discovered already at that 1863, when A. Müllner surveyed it in search of early time (Šašel 1957, 117). The historian J. L. epigraphic material (Pleterski, Vuga 1987, 139). Schönleben wrongly interpreted a Roman building As early as the second half of the 19th century Ro- inscription from Vrhnika (Nauportus) which led man remains were discovered at Ig, Staje, Matena, him to the assumption that Ig was called Magnus Tomišelj, Strahomer, and Iška vas (Šašel 1959, 118).
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