Quiemonis and the Epichoric Anthroponymy of Ig
Arheološki vestnik 67, 2016, str. 321–357 321 Quiemonis and the epichoric anthroponymy of Ig Quiemonis v luči avtohtonih ižanskih osebnih imen Luka REPANŠEK Izvleček Prispevek obravnava osebno ime Q(u)iemoni(s), izpričano na novoodkritem nagrobnem spomeniku iz cerkve sv. Janeza Krstnika v Podkraju, ki kot hapax legomenon predstavlja izjemen doprinos k poznavanju avtohtonih osebnih imen rimskodobnega Iga. Imenu se posveča s stališča epigrafike in etimologije (predlaga se izpeljava iz praindoev- ropskega korena *k eH1- ‘umiriti se, spočiti si’ s približnim pomenom latinskega ‘quiētus’), posebna pozornost pa je namenjena njegovi umestitvi v sklopu obširne in zahtevne problematike onomastičnih plasti ižanskega imenskega fonda. Ključne besede: Slovenija, Ig, Podkraj, rimska doba, epigrafika, osebna imena, etimologija, metodologija Abstract The main focus of the article is the personal name Q(u)iemoni(s), recently discovered on a tombstone found in the Church of sv. Janez Krstnik (St. John the Baptist) in Podkraj. Recognising its profound importance for a better under- standing of the autochthonous onomastic tradition of Roman-period Ig, the etymological and epigraphic approach to the name (recognised as a derivative of the Proto-Indo-European root *k eH1- ‘(have a) rest’, probably close in meaning to Latin ‘quiētus’) are coupled with a critical and refined insight into the layered nature of the epichoric anthroponymy. Keywords: Slovenia, Ig, Podkraj, Roman period, epigraphy, anthroponymy, etymology, methodology INTRODUCTION latter is due to the peripheral position of Ig2 within the wider North-Adriatic Namenlandschaft, which The onomastic tradition handed down on the most notably comprises the Venetic, Histrian and numerous epigraphic monuments originating from the territory in and around present-day Ig1 is fa- immigrant families from the Ig area (Šašel Kos, personal mous for its conspicuously local character.
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