Drc Integrated Hiv/Aids Project
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DRC INTEGRATED HIV/AIDS PROJECT PROJET INTEGRE DE VIH/SIDA AU CONGO (PROVIC) YEAR 1 ANNUAL REPORT October 2009-September 2010 Contract #GHH-I-00-07-00061-00, Order No. 03 Photo s: ProVIC staff LIST OF ACRONYMS AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome AMITIE AIDS Mitigation Initiative to Enhance Care and Support in Bukavu, Lubumbashi, and Matadi AMO-Congo Avenir Meilleur pour les Orphelins au Congo ART antiretroviral therapy BCC behavior change communication BDOM Bureau Diocésain des Oeuvres Médicales C-Change Communication for Change CCLD/Midema Corporate Commitment for Local Development/Minoterie de Matadi CODILUSI Diocesan Committee in the Fight Against AIDS CoP Chief of Party COP Country Operational Plan COTR contracting officers’ technical representative CRS Catholic Relief Services CSR Centre de Santé de Reference DRC Democratic Republic of Congo DIVAS Division des Affaires Sociales ECC Eglise du Christ au Congo EGPAF Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation EID early infant diagnosis FFP Fondation Femme Plus FHI Family Health International HBMM Hôpital Biamba Marie Mutombo HCT HIV counseling and testing HGR Hopitale General de Reference HIV human immunodeficiency virus HSS health systems strengthening IHAA International HIV/AIDS Alliance IR intermediate result M&E monitoring and evaluation MARP most-at-risk population MINAS Ministère des Affaires Sociales MSH/SPS Management Sciences for Health/Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems MSM men who have sex with men NGO nongovernmental organization OVC orphans and vulnerable children PATH Program for Appropriate Technology in Health PCR polymerase chain reaction PEPFAR US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief PICT Provider Initiated Counseling and Testing PROVIC YEAR 1 ANNUAL REPORT OCTOBER 2009–SEPTEMBER 2010 ii PLWHA people living with HIV/AIDS PMEP Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Plan PMTCT prevention of mother-to-child transmission PNLS Programme National de Lutte contre le SIDA PNMLS Programme Nationale Multi-Sectorielle de Lutte contre le SIDA PNSR National Reproductive Health Program PNT Programme National de Tuberculose (National Tuberculosis Program) ProVIC Projet Intégré de VIH/SIDA au Congo (Integrated HIV/AIDS Project) PSI/ASF Population Services International/ Association de Santé Familiale PSSP Progress and Health Without a Price (Progrès Santé Sans P rix ) SAF Strategic Activities Fund TB tuberculosis UCOP+ Union Congolaise des Organisations des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH UNC University of North Carolina UNFPA United Nations Population Fund TOT training of trainers USAID United States Agency for International Development WHO World Health Organization This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development and was prepared by the PATH Consortium. The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. PROVIC YEAR 1 ANNUAL REPORT OCTOBER 2009–SEPTEMBER 2010 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS ........................................................................................................... ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... v INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1 SECTION 1: REPORTS BY TECHNICAL COMPONENT .............................................. 3 Result 1: HCT and prevention services improved in target areas .................................. 3 Sub-IR 1.1: Communities’ ability to develop and implement prevention strategies strengthened ....................................................................................................................... 3 Sub-IR 1.2: Community-based and facility-based HCT services enhanced ....................... 8 Sub-IR 1.3: PMTCT services improved ............................................................................ 15 Result 2: Care, support, and treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS and for orphans and vulnerable children improved in target areas ........................................... 22 Sub-IR 2.1: Care and support for PLWHA strengthened ................................................. 23 Sub-IR 2.2: Care and support for OVC strengthened ...................................................... 23 Result 3: Strengthening of health systems supported ..................................................... 29 Sub-IR 3.1: Capacity of provincial government health systems supported ...................... 29 Sub-IR 3.2: Capacity of NGO providers improved .......................................................... 32 Sub-IR 3.3: Strategic information systems at community and facility strengthened ........ 32 SECTION 2. OVERVIEW AND GENERAL CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES .................... 35 Progress toward results: Project monitoring and evaluation ........................................ 35 Grants management ........................................................................................................... 43 Administration and finance .............................................................................................. 46 Gender ................................................................................................................................. 49 Environmental compliance ............................................................................................... 51 SECTION 3. THE FUTURE ................................................................................................. 52 ANNEX A. FINANCIAL REPORT ..................................................................................... 54 ANNEX B. STAFFING ORGANIGRAM ........................................................................... 55 ANNEX C. TRIP REPORTS ................................................................................................ 56 Franck Biayi ......................................................................................................................... 56 Monique Widyono ............................................................................................................... 80 Anh Thu Hoang.................................................................................................................... 92 Charles Zouzoua ................................................................................................................ 102 ProVIC Consortium Partners ............................................................................................. 109 PROVIC YEAR 1 ANNUAL REPORT OCTOBER 2009–SEPTEMBER 2010 iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The main objective of the Democratic Republic of Congo Integrated HIV/AIDS Project (ProVIC) is to reduce the incidence and prevalence of HIV/AIDS and mitigate its impact on people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and their families in the four provinces of Bas Congo, Katanga, Kinshasa, and Sud Kivu. ProVIC was awarded by USAID on October 1, 2009 to PATH, and its consortium, which includes Chemonics International, the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF), the International HIV/AIDS Alliance (IHAA), and Catholic Relief Services (CRS).1 This report on the first 12 months of ProVIC catalogues the many achievements and challenges associated with the start-up of activities for this complex and innovative project. Coupled with the realities of this post-conflict environment, the project made remarkable progress and inroads in such a short period. While achievements were registered, many challenges remain to be faced in the near future. During the first six months of operations, an annual work plan, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (PMEP), and the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Country Operational Plan (COP) were developed and approved. Fully-functional field offices were opened in Kinshasa, Matadi, Lubumbashi, and Bukavu. All local personnel were hired in all four provincial offices, although we are currently seeking to fill the home-based care specialist position vacated by Catholic Relief Services (CRS). All offices are fully equipped with new administrative vehicles and office and communication equipment, including satellite phones for use in case of emergency. An emergency operations plan has been established in all four provincial offices and appropriate security awareness briefing completed for all staff. An organigram of ProVIC’s key personnel is provided in Annex B. During its first year, the project has built an impressive list of trusted partners at the central, provincial, and local government levels and among numerous grassroots communities, civil society, and the private sector. Through many interactive meetings, discussion groups, and workshops, the project team has shared its vision and strategies and explored numerous opportunities for close and active collaboration. To ensure the continuity of some critical services provided under previous programs, ProVIC has issued a number of timely bridge grants to maintain activities in HIV counseling and testing (HCT) and provide support to PLWHA and orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). The project has also provided direct funding to many government health facilities and nongovernmental organization (NGO) implementing partners in an effort to compensate for delays in issuing new grants during the year. These direct interventions provided very important contributions to the targets