DANVEER SINGH YADAV Assistant Professor Livestock Production Management College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (NDVSU) MHOW  : The milk may be defined as the whole, clean

to fresh lacteal secretion obtained by the complete

of one or more healthy milch animals.

 Milk is an almost ideal food.

 It has high nutritive value.

 World milk day 1st June. Species Water Fat Protein Lactose Ash

Cow 86.6 4.6 3.4 4.9 0.7

Buffalo 84.2 6.6 3.9 5.2 0.8

Goat 86.5 4.5 3.5 4.7 0.8 Standards for different classes of milk Species Milk fat SNF Cow 3.5 8.5 Buffalo 5 9 /Sheep 3 9 Standardized 4.5 8.5 Toned milk 3 8.5 Double Toned milk 1.5 9

Skim milk 0.5 8.7 Composition of colostrums and milk S. No Component Colostrums Milk 1 Total solids % 22.5 12.5 2 Fat 3.5 4 3 Protein 14.5 3.3 4 Lactose 3 4.6 5 Ash 1.8 0.8 Clean Milk Production

 Clean milk is defined as the milk drawn from the udder of healthy animals Healthy Livestock

 Free from diseases

 Free any discharge Clean animals  Free from extraneous matters like

 Dust

 Dirt

 Flies

 hay manure, extraneous water and drug residues Washing of udder and flank

 Before milking clean udder Method of milking  Stripping

Clean, sterile utensils

 Milking ken

 Milk bucket

 Milk measures' Control flies

 Netted door and ventilation Clean surrounding

 Standing space

 Drainage

 Milking passage The milker’s cleanliness

 Clean hand, finger, cloth

 Healthy milkmen Type of milk pan

 Clean

 Dry Feeding of Dairy Livestock

 Ideal moisture contain in feed

 Toxin free Cool and store milk properly

 At least 4 C should be maintain cool and storage milk Grade Total plate count of milk( standard plate count per milliliter )

Very good Not exceeding 0.2 milliliter

Good Between 0.2 to 1 milliliter

Fair 1 to 5 milliliter

Poor Over 5 milliliter Factor altering quality of milk

 The quality of milk is highly influenced or altered by various factors like Factors Affecting Composition of milk

1. Individuality

2. Breed

3. Species 4. Interval of milking

5. Completeness of milking

6. Frequency of milking 7. Irregularity of milking

8. Day-to-day milking

9. Portion of milking 10. Stage of

11. Yield

12. Feeding 13. Season

14. Age

15. Condition of cow at calving 16. Excitement

17. Disease and abnormal conditions

18. Administration of drugs and hormones THANK YOU