Legislative District 27 Organization

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Legislative District 27 Organization LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT 27 ORGANIZATION Position Name Chairwoman Tracy Ireland 1st Vice Chairman Jeremiah Cota 2nd Vice Chairman Daniel Reyes Secretary Alice Lara Treasurer BOARD APPOINTED OFFICERS and / or Committees: Sergeant at Arms PC Training/education Social Events Chairman Parliamentarian team (AD HOC) Bylaws Chaplain Meet and Greet Committee Ways and Means Hospitality (AD HOC) Nomination Chairman Website/Communications Committee Legislative research DUTIES OF ELECTED OFFICERS DISTRICT CHAIRMAN The District Chairman is responsible for the overall operation of the Legislative District. District Chairman appoints the Committee Chairman, holds Executive Board meetings with the District Officers, and presides at Legislative District 27 regular meetings. The District Chairman represents LD 27 at the Executive Guidance Committee monthly meetings and is responsible for informing the District of the proceedings, events and note pertinent items which transpire at the EGC. FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN The First Vice Chairman shall perform all duties of the District Chairman in his absence. The First Vice Chairman shall assist District Chairman in organizing the District and in the training of the Precinct Committeemen/PC Captains in accordance with the State and County guidelines. SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN The Second Vice Chairman shall perform the duties of District Chairman or First Vice Chairman if both are absent and shall assist in working to organize the District and assist with the monthly meeting programs. Some Districts have a Third Vice Chair option: The Third Vice Chairman (Voter Registration Coordinator) shall implement voter registration programs to maximize Republican registration. SECRETARY: The duties of the Secretary shall be to take minutes at both the regular and special district meetings and the regular and special Executive Committee (Board) meetings. The Secretary shall also keep an up-to date Roster of Officers, Coordinators Precinct Captains and Precinct Committee men the Secretary shall maintain necessary correspondence (including meeting notification) and organize and retain the District's permanent records. TREASURER: The treasurer shall receive and be the custodians of all District funds, pay bills upon authorization, keep account of said transactions, submit an annual report to the District and submit any other reports which are required by law. The treasurer will work with appointed Ways and Means Chairman and/committee with fund raising projects. State Party Structure ARIZONA REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CHAIRWOMAN Ronna McDaniel NATIONAL ARIZONA STATE NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN CHAIRMAN COMMITTEEWOMAN Bruce Ash Kelli Ward Lori Klein-Corbin SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN FIRST VICE CHAIRWOMAN THIRD VICE CHAIRWOMAN Ray Ihly Pam Kirby Leanna DeKing SECRETARY ASSISTANT SECRETARY Cyndi Love Shirley Dye TREASURER ASSISTANT TREASURER Bob Lettieri Josh Askey SERGEANT at ARMS ASSISTANT SERGEANT at ARMS Alberto Gutier Chris King "If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.” Thomas Jefferson Is there no virtue among us? If there be not, we are in a wretched situation. 'No theoretical checks - no form of government can render us secure. To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea, if there be sufficient virtue and intelligence in the community, it will be exercised in the selection of these men. So that we do not depend on their virtue, or put confidence in our rulers, but in the people who are to choose them." James Madison We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Ratified in 1789 Republican Committee By-Laws Of Legislative District 27 Of the State of Arizona LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT 27 BY-LAWS TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I: General 3 Section A. Name of Organization 3 Section B. Affiliation and Arizona Law Requirements 3 Section C. Bylaw Applicability 3 Section D. Bylaw Effectiveness 3 Section E. Parliamentary Authority 3 ARTICLE .II: Objectives 3 Section A. The objectives of the District shall be: 3 ARTICLE III: Membership 4 Section A. Precinct Committeemen 4 Section B. Number 4 Section C. Duties 4 Section D. Endorsement of Non-Republican Candidates 4 ARTICLE IV: Meetings 5 Section B. Regular Meetings (odd years) 5 Section C. Special/Executive /Precinct Captains 5 Section D. Statutory Organization Meeting 5 Section E. Quadrennial Convention Delegate Election Meeting 5 Section F. Meeting Notice 5 Section G. Quorum 5 ARTICLE V: Organization 6 Section A. Officers/Executive Committee 6 Section B. Duties of Officers 7 I. The duties of the Chairman 7 2. The duties of the First Vice-Chairman 8 3. The duties of the Second Vice-Chairman 8 4. The duties of the Secretary 8 5. The duties of the Treasurer 8 Section C. Audit of District Books 9 Section D. Precinct Captains 9 Section E. State Committee1nen 10 1. Number 10 2. Selection 10 3. Duties 10 Section F. Quadrennial Convention Delegates 11 1. Number of Delegates and Alternates 11 2. Selection 11 3. Duties 11 1 LD27 Bylaws AR TI CLE VI: Elections 11 Section A. Nominating Committee 11 Section B. Credentials & Tally Committee 12 Section C. Nomination of Officers 13 Section D. Nomination of State Committeemen 14 Section E. Nomination of State Quadrennial Convention Delegates 14 Section F. Voting and Election 15 1. Eligibility 15 2. Voting Method 16 3. Proxies 16 4. Conduct of Elections 16 5. Nominating Speeches 16 6. Election to Office 16 7. Certification of Election 17 ARTICLE VII: Bylaws Amendment Procedure 18 Section A. Introduction of Amendments 18 Section B. Amendment Ratification Meeting 18 Section C. Amendment Ratification 18 Section D. Reintroduction of~ Failed Amendment 18 Section E. Effectivity of Ratified Amendment 18 ARTICLE VIII:. Standing Rules & Procedures 19 Article IX - Current Bylaws Certificate 19 Amendment History Original Bylaws --- 6-26-2012 Index of Amendment Changes 2 LD27 Bylaws LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT 27 BY-LAWS ARTICLE I – General Section A. Name of Organization The name of this organization shall be the REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE OF LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT 27, hereinafter referred to as the "District". Section B. Affiliation and Arizona Law Requirements The District shall be organized and governed pursuant to A.R.S. 16-823, as it may be amended from time to time, and shall be affiliated with the State Republican Committee and the Maricopa County Republican Committee. Section C. Bylaw Applicability These Bylaws shall conform to and be subject to the State, and County Republican Committee Bylaws and the Arizona Revised Statutes. Section D. Bylaw Effectiveness These Bylaws shall take effect at the close of the meeting at which they are adopted and shall continue in effect until amended in accordance with ARTICLE VII. Section E. Parliamentary Authority Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern this District in all matters of procedure not covered in these Bylaws. ARTICLE II – Objectives Section A. The objectives of the District shall be: 1. To elect Republican legislators in District 27; 2. To elect Republican candidates at all levels; 3. To promote an informed electorate through political education; 4. To foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to maintain and promote its principles; 5. To increase the effectiveness of Republican workers in the cause of good government through active political participation; 6. To promote Republican awareness and support Republican appointments to appointed offices, commissions, and committees, at all levels. 3 LD27 Bylaws ARTICLE III – Membership Section A. Precinct Committeemen The membership of this organization shall consist of all duly elected and appointed Precinct Committeemen of the District. Precinct Committeemen are elected in accordance with A.R.S. 16-823 at the party primary election held before each General Election. Additional Precinct Committeemen may be appointed to fill vacancies left following the election. Appointment and certification begin following completion of District, County, and State Statutory Organization meetings. All District Precinct Committeemen are also members of the Maricopa County Republican Committee. Section B. Number Each precinct may elect at least one Precinct Committeemen plus an additional one for each 125 Republican voters (or major fraction thereof) registered before March 1st of the General Election year. Section C. Duties The duties of the members of this organization shall be: 1. To attend all regular or special meetings of the District; 2. To attend all County statutory and mandatory meetings in person or by proxy; 3. To attend all State statutory and mandatory meetings in person or by proxy, if elected to serve on the State Committee; 4. To campaign and carry petitions in their respective precincts on behalf of Republican candidates; 5. To organize registration campaigns and at all times to offer assistance to those who wish to register within their precinct and the District; 6. To organize and assist workers within their precinct and the District to tum out a maximum Republican vote; 7. To help develop, maintain, and support a permanent Republican precinct organization. Section D. Endorsement of Non-Republican Candidates No member of this organization shall lend an endorsement to a non-Republican candidate in any election contest in which a Republican candidate is also running. Should an LD27 member give such an endorsement, that member will lose his voting privileges, including proxies, for the rest of his term. 4 LD27 Bylaws -: ARTICLE IV – Meetings Section A. Regular Meetings (even years) In even numbered years, no fewer than ten (10) regular monthly District meetings will be held. Section B. Regular Meetings (odd years) In odd number year’s no fewer than six (6) monthly District meetings will be held.
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