Towards a New Code of Canon Law?
TOWARDS A NEW CODE OF CANON LAW? Abuja, Nigeria The Canon Law Society of West Africa November 11-15, 2019 INTRODUCTION I am delighted to be able to be here in Nigeria and to share some thoughts with you concerning the future state of our canonical legislation. I hope that what we will cover here will be interesting, yet also helpful to you as canonists. But, before proceeding, I wish to thank you for your most gracious hospitality and kindness since I arrived in your country a week ago. Msgr Pius has spared no effect to make my visit as enjoyable as possible, and I am truly grateful to him for everything – including all he did behind the scenes to make it possible for me to obtain a visa to visit Nigeria. The fact that you are beginning, as it were, a new Canon Law Society, identified with West Africa, is a sign of hope for all canonists. There are already such societies in Southern Africa and in East Africa, and, hopefully, strong relations will develop among all these sister societies, as well as with the other ones established in various parts of the world. - - - No one can say that Canon Law never changes! In fact, it is most difficult to keep up with the various interpretations, the jurisprudence, and, obviously, the new legislative texts. To date, around 100 canons have been changed by recent Popes or have been the object of authentic interpretations, without mentioning the jurisprudence that has developed throughout the years since the Code’s promulgation. Likewise, numerous Vatican documents have adjusted the way in which Canon Law is to be applied (for example, Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela, Vos estis, Vultum Dei, Cor orans, Sanctorum Mater, norms for the election of the Pope (Normas nonnullas), Pastor bonus, the Ecumenical Directory, Dignitas connubii, Mitis iudex, and so many others).
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