Tigh-an-Drochaid, Kilchrenan, &Yll, PA35 1HD.

Mr. A. MacASkill, UlliniSh, Balvicar, BY , ,

PA34 4TE. 1 December 200 1~ .

Dear Allan,

ProDosed Wind Farm - An Suidhe R8.TiTo. 01 703 18/DET

Once again we wish to object to the above Wind Farm.

Our reasons are the Same as last time. Please find attached. I am sure, of course, that we will receive the new up-dated Maps, Diagrams, Photo Montages, etc., very soon.

We should be grateful if you would, therefore, inform the appropriate departments of Council, or failing this, let us know to whom we should write.

Yours sincerely,

Marilyn Henderson, Secretary.

P.S. It's all go here. Three causes for concern.

(1) The New Water Treatment Plant. (2) The Roads Winter Maintenance between Dalavich and Ford. The an Suidhe (3) ,Proposed Wind Farm at AVICH & KILCHRENAN COMMUNITY COUNCIL

Tigh-an-Drochaid, Kilchrenan, AGYll, PA35 IHD.

Scottish Executive Reporters Unit, 2 Greenside Lane, EDINBURGH. 24th August 200 1

Dear Sirs,

Proposed Wind Farm at an Suidhe. kgy!! Obiection

Once again, we wish to place an objection to the above. The following are our reasons: -

Visual Obiections

1. From the Maps, Diagrams and Photo Montages, it is evident that the places where the proposed Wind Farm will be most conspicuous are two of the outstanding vistdviewpoints on the public road from Kilchrenan to Ford at (a) What was at one time “OSPREY VIEWPOINT” above Kilmun - shown as Visualisation 4 and (b) Kilrnaha Viewpoint - Visualisation 2. BUT According to Map 6, both of these sites are outwith the ‘Zone of Visual Influence to Hub Height” - which makes Map 6 a complete nonsense! !

2. Notwithstanding this fact - great emphasis has been made in the reports (ref. NTS 39 - 42) on how the visual effect mav affect the South Eastern shores of Loch Fyne. no mention has been made in the reDort of the visual effect on North West Loch‘Awe-side, which is half the distance away and will suffer fiom full lenczth ffontal views! !

Adding insult to injury, it is noted that The Environmental Statement may be viewed at LOCHGILPHEAD, GLASGOW, IN-VERARY, COVENTRY, and STRACHCR, but nowhere on the North-West side of Loch Awe which is undeniably the area which will be worst affected! *

Technical Obi ections

1. Wind generation as a way to reduce CO2 emissions is flawed, as the contribution is minimal, A better way wouId be to issue a FREE energy saving light bulb to each household, This action would reduce CO2 emissions to a far greater extent than covering the unspoilt countryside with wind generators. It would also save the building of fbxe Fossil Fuel Power Stations.

2. Wind generators are very inefficient, producing only approximately 15-20% of the installed capacity.

3. More research on other “green” methods of energy production, such as wave power, would be more fruithl in reducing CO2 emissions.

4. It is laughable to suggest that Wind Farm construction provides employment for local people; in general the construction labour is imported and the maintenance also carried out by workers fiom outwith the area. These workers are often from the Republic of Ireland.

5. The energy used in the construction and the pollution caused by building the turbine foundations means that the payback time for wind farms is very long both in financial terms and in terms of pollution.

6. There has to be a better way for Government to use the subsidy money, without which fewer wind fmswould be built.

We hope that the above objections wiIl be taken into account when Planning Application for the above Wind Farm is submitted.

Yours faithhlly,

Marilyn Henderson (Mrs.), Secretary, Avich & Kilchrenan Community CounciI. A(,* v“ 5 .- .- LEAC NA BAN, TAYVALLICH, LOCHGILPHEAD, ilRGYLL, , PA31 8PF Phone & Fax : 01546 870 310 file ccourier 52 1, Lorne Campbell Court Campbeltown Argyll PA28 6SZ Tel . ;0 I586-552677 7 December 2001 Mr N. McKay Dept Devel & Environ Services Argyll & Bute Council Kilmory Lochgilphead Argyll PA31 8RT

Dear M r McKay,:

Title : Windfarms are vital to Argyll

All councillors should support the proposal for the 24-turbine An Suidhe wind farm near Eredine Forest, as described by David Farrier (Letter, in Campbeltown Courier, 7 December.) Our priority is to prevent global warming, by cutling down production of 02. The more wind turbines we have the more we can reduce coal burning.

After the closure of the Jaeger factory. Vestas became the salvation of Kintyre and desewes full support in Argyll. When produdion of turbines starts in the spring, there is potential for export to Ireland, England and even America. But we must have an all-year ferry service. Mr McKay, can you please tell me how things are progressing with the ferry?

Increased employment will boost the whole economy. While Argyll & Clyde NHS Board has a deficit of €5.4Million we are in trouble. Our councillors are responsible for creating wealth and cutting waste, so that our council tax will not increase over the rate of inflation.

Anybody wanting ta set up turbines deserves full support. Let us have some on every island. They are beautiful and sound like a breeze in the trees. Mr McKay, please promise me that you will campaign for more windfarms including the one at An Suidhe, so we can save the environment.from global warming. I look forward to receiving your reply by email please. to save time & reduce costs.

Yours sincerely,

lan Macadam [email protected] 7 Dec 01 Development & Environment Services ./

10 DEC 2001

Loc hgi 1phead Argyll PA31 8QN Mr N McKay Tel/Fax: 01852 500689 Development & Envirnonmental Services Argyll & Bute Council 8th December 200 1 Kilmory Lochgilphead PA31 8RT .- Dear Mr McKay, Planning Application - AN SUIDHE Windfarm

I am writing to express my support for the above application which I understand is to be considered on the 14th December.

Construction of windfarms is essential in order to provide non polluting electricity. In this country our lifestyles are very dependent on electrical energy, but unfortunately all methods of producing it have some undesirable features - which we have to accept if we want the electricity. Visual intrusion is generally considerd to be the main objection to windfarms, but this is insignificant compared to the emisions from coal and oil fired power stations.

I am a keen hill walker; earlier this year on a lovely clear day I was on Ben Duirinnis (by Bonawe) from where it was possible to see the turbines of Ben Ghlas - but they were an insignificant feature of the wonderful panorama of hill, loch and sea. I have also experienced the Ben Ghlas site in close up - yes, the machines are big, but they are clean and graceful without the dirt, smell and smokey chimney of the conventimal alternative.

Renewable energy production can become an important new industry in the West of Scotland; it should be receiving encouragement not obstacles. I urge you to support the application for An Suidhe.

Yours sincerely,

Clive G Brown C.Eng. MEE

copy: Mrs AIison Hay