Alumni History and Hall of Fame Project
Los Angeles Unified School District Alumni History and Hall of Fame Project Los Angeles Unified School District Alumni History and Hall of Fame Project Written and Edited by Bob and Sandy Collins All publication, duplication and distribution rights are donated to the Los Angeles Unified School District by the authors First Edition August 2016 Published in the United States i Alumni History and Hall of Fame Project Founding Committee and Contributors Sincere appreciation is extended to Ray Cortines, former LAUSD Superintendent of Schools, Michelle King, LAUSD Superintendent, and Nicole Elam, Chief of Staff for their ongoing support of this project. Appreciation is extended to the following members of the Founding Committee of the Alumni History and Hall of Fame Project for their expertise, insight and support. Jacob Aguilar, Roosevelt High School, Alumni Association Bob Collins, Chief Instructional Officer, Secondary, LAUSD (Retired) Sandy Collins, Principal, Columbus Middle School (Retired) Art Duardo, Principal, El Sereno Middle School (Retired) Nicole Elam, Chief of Staff Grant Francis, Venice High School (Retired) Shannon Haber, Director of Communication and Media Relations, LAUSD Bud Jacobs, Director, LAUSD High Schools and Principal, Venice High School (Retired) Michelle King, Superintendent Joyce Kleifeld, Los Angeles High School, Alumni Association, Harrison Trust Cynthia Lim, LAUSD, Director of Assessment Robin Lithgow, Theater Arts Advisor, LAUSD (Retired) Ellen Morgan, Public Information Officer Kenn Phillips, Business Community Carl J. Piper, LAUSD Legal Department Rory Pullens, Executive Director, LAUSD Arts Education Branch Belinda Stith, LAUSD Legal Department Tony White, Visual and Performing Arts Coordinator, LAUSD Beyond the Bell Branch Appreciation is also extended to the following schools, principals, assistant principals, staffs and alumni organizations for their support and contributions to this project.
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