Java Script

abelski Introduction

© 2008 Haim Michael What is Script?

 Java Script is a scripting language running within the browser.

 Java Script appeared for the first time in 1995, as a scripting language supported by Netscape Navigator.

 JScript is Microsoft's variation for JavaScript.

© 2008 Haim Michael ECMA Script

 In 1997 Java Script 1.1 was submitted to the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA).

 ECMA Script, defined by ECMA-262, is the standard Java Script language.

 ECMA Script defines the very parts of the language, including the following: Syntax, Types, Statements, Keywords, Reserved Words, Operators and Objects.

© 2008 Haim Michael ECMA Script

 Each browser implements ECMA Script in a different level. Some implements ECMA Script edition 1, some implements edition 2, some implements edition 3 and some implements edition 4.

© 2008 Haim Michael HTML

 We can embed Java Script code within our HTML page using the