Glendale High School

Explosion Vol. 103, No. 2 1440 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205 Thursday, October 25, 2018 Homecoming breakdown

By Natalie Rosales football team will be introduced to the Co-Editor-in-Chief crowd at both rallies. Later in the day, starting around 6 p.m. On Thursday, Oct. 18, the Homecom- the Homecoming Courts from both schools ing Court was announced. ASB advisor will be introduced in a pre-game ceremony. Jon Livingston made the announcement Then the varsity football teams of over the PA system that senior princesses Glendale and Hoover highs will meet in are Genevieve Garcia, Ani Muradyan, Li- football for the 89th straight year begin- ana Palmiery, Xcaret Salvador, and Saku ning at 7 p.m. at Moyse Stadium. Yoshioka. Both schools have not had a lot of The princes are Rouben Aghajanyan, success this season, winning just one game Benjamin Do, Sebastian Duran, Trent each, but tonight the teams will play for the Lousararian, andArchawin Nim Anong. city championship and the winning school Underclassmen get involved on the gets to keep the prized possession; the Vic- court too. They are duchesses and dukes. tory Bell. It costs $5 for students and $8 for The duchesses are freshman Caitlin adults to attend the game and a large crowd Calica, sophomore Susanna Poghosyan, is expected. and junior Hannah Garcia. The dukes are Homecoming would not be complete freshman Hovanes Muradyan, sophomore without mentioning the highly anticipat- Lanfranco Marenzi, and junior Andrew ed dance. This year’s dance will be next Do. week. It is on Nov. 3 and it will be held The court will also be introduced to at the Avalon Hollywood. The dance starts the school at this morning’s pep rallies held at 6 p.m. and finishes at 9:30 p.m. But the in the big gym. Also scheduled to happen first 400 people who purchased a ticket at the rallies are performances from the will get a special ticket that takes them to cheer, dance-drill, and color guard teams. the Bardot Room and their fun won’t end This year’s Homecoming Dance will be held at the Avalon Hollywood on And there will be games and contests be- until 11 p.m. The tickets cost $60 with an Saturday, Nov. 3, starting at 6 p.m. Tickets are available at the student tween the grade levels. The entire varsity ASB card, and $65 without ASB card. store. Ticket prices are $60 with ASB card, $65 without ASB card. Round Up worth the wait By Ayda Ateshian drumline. Co-Editor-in-Chief All performances were outstanding and they all did an amazing job. People seemed to be having lots of fun. Many After a while of delay due to weather of the attendees were former students. issues, Round Up was a successful event Many teachers came out as well to after all, being held on Tuesday of last show support and they were surprised week. as to what a great job all the clubs had The annual school carnival was origi- done and the effort that was put into the nally scheduled for Oct. 3 but the treat of event. Amaras Gogoshian, the ASB di- rain in the forecast forced the ASB to re- rector of clubs, organized the event and schedule it. did an amazing job The event started at 6 p.m. and ended Jon Livingston, ASB advisor, said, at 9 p.m. There was a $3 entry fee. Around “I am so proud of all the hard work put 700 people attended which was less than forth by all of our clubs, teams, and the usual, but it was still definitely a big groups in planning and carrying out this crowd. There were 52 groups/clubs, 43 out year’s event. Their enthusiasm and ded- of 52 of them sold food. ication are the reason I keep doing this Not all clubs necessarily sold food, job.” some did other fun activities such as ka- He continued, “And I want to espe- raoke, a photo booth, a jail, and a wedding cially recognize Amaras Gogoshian for booth. These clubs did extremely well all of her hard work and organization. Photo Courtesy of Stylus and people loved it. There were live per- This event could not have happened Madalyn Fabian serves up some delicious pizza at Round Up. formances by dance drill team, cheer, and without her.” Rangel wins Grammy honor NEWS In Brief By Natalie Rosales ing the instruments, music purchasing, and Co-Editor-in-Chief other expenses. Glendale High is an amaz- ing school with amazing students and I am Glendale High School’s longtime in- proud to be a part of it.” *Glendale High School will be having an important informational night regarding vaping. Vaping is rapidly becoming one of the largest concerns facing schools today. Parents/Guard- strumental music instructor Amy Rangel Rangel oversees the instrumental mu- ians are encouraged to attend. You will learn the physical and medical dangers cause from was selected as one of 25 nation- sic program which includes Vaping, what the Vaping instruments look like, how kids are using them, and what the con- al semifinalists for a 2019 Music marching band, color guard sequences are from Vaping. Parents/Guardians and any family members from our feeder Educator Award sponsored by and drumline, concert band, elementaries and middle schools are encouraged to attend. The date/time of the event is Oct. the Recording Academy, pre- string orchestra, symphonic or- 30, 6 p.m. in the John Wayne Performing Arts Center. senters of the Grammy Awards, chestra, and jazz band. and the Grammy Museum on Rangel was one of 25 teach- *Student’s School E-mail Passwords have been wiped out. All students can access their Wednesday, Oct. 10. ers from 24 cities and 16 states account at: Students will need to log in using the instructions below. And last week Rangel was out of a pool of 2,800 hopefuls Once in, it will prompt students to create a custom password that only they will know. at the Grammy Museum in Los as the competition was open to Please make sure to save your password. Angeles receiving another high instructors from kindergarten User Protocol for Secondary Students: Username: award. to college. Amy Rangel First initial of first name + first 3 letters of last name + last 4 digits of ID# + She and her music pro- She was the only nominee Example: [email protected] or [email protected] gram were selected to receive a from Los Angeles County. Password: 2018 Grammy Signature Enterprise Award, GHS Principal Ben Wolf said, “What gusd + Stu ID# + ! (exclamation point at the end) which is a three-year grant that totals an amazing year for Ms. Rangel and the Example: gusd123456! (Their GUSD student ID #) $22,500. She has already gotten a check! GHS music program. Last week we won the Secondary Students will be forced to change password upon first log in Rangel said, “I am surprised and hon- Grammy Signature School Award and Ms. ored for Glendale High School to be cho- Rangel is a finalist for the Grammy Music *The yearbook staff will begin accepting senior Baby Pictures and Senior Quotes for the sen as a Grammy Signature School and that Educator of the Year. 2019 yearbook on Monday, Nov. 12. Come down to room 6110 and submit your cutest baby I have made the semi-finals of Grammy “Both of these are a reflection of the picture and also pick up a senior quote form. And it’s not too late to have your senior portrait teacher of the year. The grant money from terrific music program Ms. Rangel has built taken. Make a senior portrait appointment at the awards will really help us with repair- here at Glendale High.” Thursday, October 25, 2018 Opinion Glendale High School Explosion 2 Staff Editorial by Ayda Ateshian Staff Columns 2 Governor Brown vetoed a Senate Bill that would have required many CA schools to start after 8:30 a.m. Do you agree with the governor? No, I support SB 328 By Edwin Abramian On Sept. 30, Governor Brown vetoed an act that would prevent all middle and high schools in have to start school before 8:30. The typical start time for middle and high schools in America is 8:00. I believe that this proposition (SB 328) should have not been ve- toed but instead taken into effect. First of all, SB 328 gets the approval of from sleep scientists, as they argue that starting school at the normal time which is 8 o’clock, leads to sleep deprivation and is an overall det- riment to the student’s overall mental and phys- ical health. I think I can speak on behalf of most students when I say that they would not mind an extra half hour or so of sleep each night. Start- ing a half an hour later means that school would end 30 minutes later. A better night’s sleep can give a boost to the child’s overall performance and attitude at school. I just believe that passing this propo- sition is beneficial to all those involved. Over time it can be a huge positive for the students and teachers, as they get thirty more minutes to plan or rest. Those going against SB 328 claim that changing start times to 8:30 would result in a complete overhaul of the school buses sched- ule so that they can be more effective. Also, it would have to accommodate the parents’ work schedules. I would have loved to have seen SB A clean campus... it’s within reach 328 be taken into effect. Speaking from experience, many high schools differ in terms of campus sanitation. Having been a student at Clark Magnet High School three years ago, then transferring to Glendale High School, I witnessed a large Yes, let the schools decide difference between the schools in the amount of trash students leave behind after snack and lunch. Clark was By Mary Salmastyan SPOTLESS. After lunch, you wouldn’t see any trash outside of the trash cans. Later moving to Glendale High the The majority of high schools and middle amount of trash left everyday on the ground was shocking to me. A friend of mine who attended Clark with me schools start at 8 a.m. However, Senator Antho- and also transferred to Glendale High, Jerry Ttuyan, saw the same differences that I saw. He said, “I was surprised ny Portantino introduced the Bill SB 328. It re- when I saw the massive differences in cleanliness.” We were both surprised that many Glendale High students quires that all schools must start no earlier than 8:30 a.m. This bill should be vetoed and was by would throw their trash anywhere except in the trash cans. Government Jerry Brown. The principal at Glendale High, Dr. Benjamin Wolf, was tired of a dirty looking campus everyday, there- What difference is 30 minutes going to fore he came to a conclusion that something needed to be done. He decided to create a program where students make? School starting an hour or two later would be understandable. Even in that scenario, would be encouraged to throw away their trash, by rewarding them with something most students really want... if school starts later, that means that it ends lat- Off-Campus lunch. er. This results in having less time to do home- Wolf said that when he first came to Glendale High three years ago and saw his first snack and lunch, the work and relaxing. I would opt for school to end as early as possible. I personally would much garbage was really bad. Since then, the staff has been trying to think how they can solve the problem. When GHS rather school end as early as possible so that we started PBIS this year, he was thinking “how can we find a way to reward the students for keeping the campus have more time to get work done, see friends, or clean. Since Off-Campus lunch was the most requested thing in a survey students took at Glendale High in the overall just relax. In addition, people who play sports at 2017-2018 school year, he decided to make it the reward for keeping the campus clean. “And that,” he said, “is school would have to stay later than they al- how we connected the two together.” If the campus looks clean, students earn two points, if it looks moderately ready do. It would not be fair for them. They al- clean, then no points added, if the campus looks dirty, then students get deducted two points. When the points ready stay out late for practice. If school ended later, their practices will also end later. reach 20, then it’s Off-Campus for all, freshman to seniors. If people want more sleep, they should It seems to be working great. After lunch, the quad looks much cleaner than it used to look a couple of years go to sleep earlier. Many people who complain back and students have already earned one off campus lunch. Wolf stated that he is much happier with how better about not getting enough rest are those who stay up extremely late. Studies show that teens need the campus looks, but it’s not perfect yet. “We really want to aim for perfect,” he said. nine hours of sleep. Many students try their best to keep the campus clean to earn their Off-Campus lunch. It’s not hard. No one Studies also show that teens wake up is asking students to pick up other people’s garbage. If students just pick up their own trash and throw it in the around 7 a.m.. If they sleep at 10 p.m., they will get a perfect nine-hour rest. If school started lat- trash cans, the problem will largely be solved. er, but still managed to end either at the same Currently, janitors are not spending as much time have to clean up the quad and cafeteria, since they are get- time that it already does, or even earlier, I would ting a much welcomed helping hand from the students. Instead, janitors can now spend most of their time finding definitely be for the bill. Although, in this case, other things to polish and shine and make the school look spotless and squeaky clean. it does not. By Sevan Asatryan Glendale High School No, we should not be starting schools a half hour later. Even though research may show Explosion that teenagers would benefit from getting more The Staff believes it is our duty to report campus news, to inform students of affairs in the surrounding community and world, to explore issues, and to offer sleep, the reason most teenagers aren’t getting constructive criticism where necessary. By-lined articles reflect the views of the writer, while editorials reflect the majority opinion of the editorial board. enough sleep isn’t because of the time school Explosion welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must be signed and in good taste. We reserve the right to edit for space or clarity. starts, it’s because they choose to go to sleep so Advertisements contained in this publication do not reflect the endorsement of such products or services byExplosion , Glendale High School, or the Glen- late. Glendale High School starts at 8 a.m. and dale Unified School District. ends at 3:10, if school were to start at 8:30, then Explosion, in its 103rd year of production, is published six times during the school year by the production journalism staff of Glendale High School, 1440 school would have to end at 3:40. East Broadway, Glendale, California 91205, (818) 242-3161, ext. 86110, Fax- (818) 244-6309, under the auspices of the Glendale Unified School District. Many students who go to sleep at an ap- Explosion no longer has a printed version. Instead, it is only available online at propriate time don’t want to leave school a half Patrick Lancaster, in his 27th year as advisor of Explosion, can be reached at [email protected]. hour later because other students want to stay up extremely late. If students really need to get an extra half hour of sleep, they should go to 2018-2019 Explosion Staff sleep a half hour earlier. In addition, many stu- dents are in a sport or in an activity that they Editors-in-Chief Opinion Editor Copy Editor have after school which would keep them from Ayda Ateshian Ayda Ateshian Natalie Rosales going home until an even later time. Aimy Portillo The responsible students shouldn’t have to pay for the other students who have a lack of Natalie Rosales Entertainment/Features Editor Staff Photographer Aimy Portillo Kariken Stepanian responsibility. Also the current starting and end- ing school time are already built to fit in with News Editor parents’ work schedules. The decision to have Natalie Rosales Sports Editor Adviser Natalie Rosales schools start at a later time has already been ve- Patrick Lancaster toed by Governor Brown last month so a new law making schools start later won’t be happen- Staff Reporters: Edwin Abramian, Kaylin Araki, Evlene Arutyunyan, RaffeyAsatryan, Sevan Asatryan, Althea Denise Bobias, ing any time soon. Levon Chaglasian, Heidi Colindres, Marc Justin Dailo, Mary Darmandjian, Anthony Garbers, Brianna Grandes, Anahit Hakobyan, It should be the school district’s decision Yelena Hovhannisyan, David Kubeserian, Hovanes Perloshyan, Wynter Raab, Rita Sairoob, Mary Salmastyan, Ankeen Sami, to decide what’s best for their students and what Melani Sanamyan, Joseph Tay time they should start school, it shouldn’t be a state law. 3 Thursday, October 25, 2018 Entertainment Glendale High School Explosion 3

Black Ops 4 Destiny 2: Forsaken iPhone XS By Raffey Asatryan By Anthony Garbers By David Kuberserian

The 15th game that Treyarch has developed, Black Destiny 2’s third expansion, Forsaken, will leave you Apple released its newest edition of their famous Ops 4. Black Ops 4 is a first person shooter game that is wanting more and more as you progress in the game. Fol- iPhones. On Sept. 21, the iPhone XS came out along with developed by Treyarch and published by Activision. It was lowing a disappointing release of Destiny’s sequel, bungie its big brother the iPhone XS Max. released worldwide on Oct. 12. put together a fantastic, fun version of the game. It adds The new iPhone is said to be amazing. It features a ton You can run this game on many different platforms tons of new loot to collect, gear to grind for, and quests/ of new things from Memoji, in-Depth Camera, and even a like Microsoft Windows, Playstation 4, and Xbox One. story missions to complete. Forsaken comes with two new faster Face ID scan. The last Black Ops that came out was back in 2015 so all playable areas, a new game mode, and a new PVP expe- The phone comes with the new A12 chip which is su- the gamers were waiting for this one to come out. rience. per fast and makes things smooth. The iPhone XS has a For the first time ever they did not include a campaign The Tangled Shore and The Dreaming City are the longer battery life and a Super Retina OLED Display. The mode for Black Ops 4 which kind of let down some of the new areas to explore. The Tangled Shore is a dark, menac- iPhone XS Max is pretty large with a 6.5” Retina Display people that have been playing Call Of Duty games since ing, gloomy planet. It’s ran by all the enemies, but separat- and both iPhones come in three colors Space Gray, Gold, the first ever one. ed by sections of the map they control. The Dreaming City and Silver. At the same time they didn’t let down the community is a beautiful, mysterious place ran by the new enemies The capacity of the phone comes with 64GB, 256GB because they added a new game mode called Blackout. The Scorn. and a whopping 512GB. There is also another new phone Blackout is a battle royale mode where you can get into Unlike The Taken, The Scorn aren’t reskinned char- coming out from Apple also and it’s the iPhone XR. a lobby with 99 other people and battle to be the last one acters we already know. It’s a revamped version of them, Remember back in 2013 when Apple released the alive. resembling both Fallen and Hive. iPhone 5c? Well that’s exactly what the iPhone XR is but I feel like they added Blackout because battle royale Gambit is the new game mode implemented into For- in a iPhone X format. The phone comes with six colors at games are the most played games right now. Another game saken. Gambit is a combination of what every PVE player about $750. mode that Black Ops 4 has to offer is zombies which has loves, and what PVP players love as well. Gambit plays You can pre-order the phone on Oct. 19 but the phones been in Call of Duty for a long time. out with two teams of four racing to be the first to spawn in will come out worldwide tomorrow (Oct. 26). There are You basically play a game to survive, and to do that, a big boss to kill by eliminating base enemies prior. some other companies that are in “war” with Apple and you have to use weapons to kill zombies and there’s many Destiny’s Crucible has always been one of the main one of them is Samsung and their Galaxy series. The bad levels you go through and the higher the level, the harder focuses thoughout the series. thing about the new iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max is how it is to survive. In the Crucible, weapons now more emit damage, much they cost. In my opinion it was a great game that was added on then previously. Also with the new weapon system you The iPhone XS costs as low as $999 and the iPhone onto the rest of the Call Of Duty games and I really enjoy can customize your loadout to however you want. Players XS Max costs as low as $1,099. It’s a pretty pricey phone it. Without a doubt, I highly recommend it to you and your can now run three of the same weapons, or build some- but, other than the price, this phone is amazing and I am friends. thing more suited towards your character. very excitied about it.

Quavo Huncho iridescence On the Run II Tour By David Kubeserian By Anthony Garbers By Mary Salmastyan

Quavo Huncho, I’m pretty sure a ton of people recog- Brockhampton’s 4th studio iridescence is This past summer was an exciting time for Beyonce nize that name. If you don’t then Quavo is a Georgia born a genre bending, introspective, loud, colorful mesh of and Jay-Z fans, as the iconic duo came together for the rapper commonly known from the famous 3-man group sounds. Following last year’s “SATURATION” trilogy, On The Run II Tour. On Sept. 23, I attended their sold-out known as . Quavo released his latest solo debut al- the boyband changed their sound. Iridescence is an exper- concert at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. bum which is self named. imental hip hop album, and is one of the three from the Looking through Beyonce’s instagram pictures, my “QUAVO HUNCHO” was released on Oct. 12, and “Best Years of Our Lives” trilogy. This is their first project expectations for the duo’s performance was very high. me personally not being a big fan of rap, this is one hell without ex-member Ameer Vann. On this album they men- During the concert I was blown away by the amazing of an album. tion problems with sexuality, friendships, and the price it quality of visuals and entertainment. The tour has received His album features songs such as “FLIP THE pays being famous. the most appreciation for its visual aesthetic by fans. Each SWITCH (feat. )” “RERUN (feat. )” Standout tracks on this LP are NEW ORLEANS, song had its own back drop, at times fire would be blowing and many more including my favorite song from his al- WEIGHT, J’OUVERT, and SAN MARCOS. NEW ORE- off the sides of the stages, other times fireworks lit up the bum “SWING” featuring ex-Fifth Harmony member Nor- LANS is an in your face banger. The mixture of blaring sky. Beyonce and her dance crew worked the stage beauti- mani Kordei. horns, heavy percussion, and rapid verses are a great com- fully alongside Jay-Z. Migos is a 3-man group with members Quavo, , bination. Plus, the transition into THUG LIFE is some- More times than I could count, Beyonce had breath- and . They have made many songs together but in thing else. WEIGHT is the most reflective song, where taking outfit changes. Each visual was put into perspective my own opinion I think Quavo is the one that stands out they reminisce on past experiences. It opens with a verse of the audience member so that someone sitting in the back the most, aside from Offset then Takeoff. from Kevin who talks about critics, and missing the days row would be able to appreciate the power of the show the Quavo is featured in other singers songs like “No before fame. He ends mentioning a girl he dated who he same way as someone from the front row. Jay-Z was also Brainer” by DJ Khaled and “No Know Better” by Major wasn’t attracted to, and how he felt wrong. This leads to able to put up a high energy, crowd pleasing performance. Lazer. an upbeat dance instrumental and verses from Dom and The iconic duo came together many times, the first According to Billboard, seven tracks off of Quavo’s JOBA. J’OUVERT is the most whacky, experimental, being the opening act in the show. This opening visual was new album made it onto the Billboard Hot 100. And the fun song. The track has great verse from JOBA, who is astonishing as the two levitated down from four stories album Quavo Huncho peaked at #4 this week on the latest vulgar, nasty, and assertive. He opens up on trust, fame, onto the concert floor holding hands. The tour had many ranking released on Billboard. and himself. SAN MARCOS is a personal track they talk fans from all over come together for these two musicians’ Other members of Migos have released solo songs too about their own personal demons they’ve overcome. Matt appreciation of music, their connection drew people’s at- but Quavo’s is one of a kind. and Dom touch anxiety, while JOBA talks depression and tention. Quavo’s Album costs $12.99 on the iTunes Store and suicide while others contribute on hooks. Iridescence is I would highly recommend seeing Beyonce and Jay-Z some people aren’t fond of the album but if you’re a fan of an amazing album; everyone will love at least one track live to anyone who wants to have a good time, all while Quavo or Migos then what are you waiting for! or more. being highly entertained by extremely talented artists. 4 Thursday, October 25, 2018 Royalty Glendale High School Explosion 4 Meet the 2018 Homecoming Court Senior Princess Genevieve Garcia

A member of the varsity lacrosse team, Gene- vieve is an outstanding leader in the school. She is the “Genevieve is exceptional ASB vice president and a leader for the Nitro Crew. She coaches lacrosse at both Wilson and Roos- in every way.” evelt middle schools and also volunteers at a food bank. ­—Jon Keefer

Genevieve Garcia

Senior Princess Ani Muradyan

Ani Muradyan is a gymnast who has competed internationally. She has given four years of her ser- “Ani is a wonderful student vice to the Armenian Club, and participated at Round Up. and person. She always has a positive and sweet attitude and gets along with her peers.” ­ —Cheryce Kurtz Ani Muradyan Senior Princess Liana Palmiery

A member of the varsity cheerleading squad, Li- ana is also part of the club Hunger Heroes. She vol- “Liana has shown unteers at Glendale Adventist Memorial Hospital and at homeless shelters. kindness, creativity, determination and positive reinforced leadership.” ­—Noelle Buarenos

Liana Palmiery Senior Princess Xcaret Salvador

Xcaret spends much of her week involved with lacrosse. One of the top lacrosse players in the area, “Xcaret is what being a Xcaret lends a helping hand coaching the Roosevelt and Wilson middle school teams. She also does some Dynamiter is all about.” officiating in lacrosse. In her spare time she is a tutor and volunteers at a local humane society. ­—Nicoleta Soris-Masouris

Xcaret Salvador Senior Princess Saku Yoshioka

Varsity team captain Saku Yoshioka is a driv- ing force behind the volleyball team’s success. Saku “Saku is the best! Sweet, spends many hours a week playing club and high school volleyball. At school she is a member of the bright, motivated, and an KEY Club and an officer in Best Buddies. all-around excellent young lady.” —Lisa Keefer

Saku Yoshioka The Duchesses- Freshman Caitlin Calica, sophomore Susanna Poghosyan, and junior Hannah Garcia. 5 Thursday, October 25, 2018 Royalty Glendale High School Explosion 5 Meet the 2018 Homecoming Court Senior Prince Rouben Aghajanyan

Rouben is a member of the Armenian Club and enjoys dancing. “Rouben is a hard working and responsible student.”

­—Lucin Hayrikyan

Rouben Aghajanyan

Senior Prince Benjamin Do

Ben Do is a member of the varsity water polo team and also serves in ASB as the director of multi- “A Boy Scout, a media. He is a KEY Club member and is a Boy Scout. community service man, an academican, a great writer, thinker, etc.! He is a gem.” ­ —Kelly Palmer Benjamin Do Senior Prince Sebastian Duran

Sebastian Duran is a member of the varsity base- ball team. “He is such a great kid. He is responsible, friendly, and always ready to learn.”

­—Julie Sarhadian

Sebastian Duran Senior Prince Trent Lousararian

Trent Lousararian is a three-sport varsity letter- man at GHS. He is the starting quarterback on the “Trent is respectful, football team, a center on the varsity basketball team, and the baseball team’s top pitcher. grounded, and hard- working. He is a true asset to this school.” ­—Natasha Belou

Senior Prince Archawin Nim Anong Trent Lousararian

A four-year member of the varsity lacrosse team, Archawin Nim Anong has maintained a 4.0 GPA. He “An exemplary student and is the president of the Numerical Engineering Club. athlete, Archawin has an advanced work ethic and positive attitude. One of the best I have ever had.”

­—Joe Campbell

Archawin Nim Anong The Dukes: Freshman Hovanes Muradyan, sophomore Lanfranco Marenzi, and junior Andrew Do. 6 Thursday, October 25, 2018 History Glendale High School Explosion 6 Hoover vs. Glendale Football Scores- Glendale Leads the Series, 51-36-2 1930 Hoover 12-6 1931 Glendale 15-0 1932 Hoover 7-0 1933 Hoover 15-6 1934 Glendale* 6-0* 1935 Glendale 13-2 1936 Glendale 40-0 1937 Tie, Glendale+ 6-6, 12-0+ 1938 Glendale 2-0 1939 Glendale 7-0 1940 Hoover 12-7 1941 Hoover 25-19 1942 Glendale 25-6 1943 Hoover 19-7 1944 Tie 0-0 1945 Glendale 25-6 1946 Hoover 27-7 1947 Hoover 14-6 1948 Hoover 7-6 1949 Glendale 34-7 Bob Reinhard, GHS Class of 1938, was a 6’ 4”, 234 lbs. lineman who 1950 Glendale 7-6 Chuck Arrobio, GHS Class of 1962, played five professional seasons. 1951 Hoover 6-0 The Victory Bell was donated to the schools played at USC and with the Minne- 1952 Hoover 26-7 beginning with the 1950 game. sota Vikings. 1953 Hoover 20-14 1954 Hoover 13-7 1955 Glendale 14-12 1956 Glendale 21-12 1957 Glendale 38-12 1958 Glendale 33-7 1959 Glendale 19-6

1960 Hoover 14-7 1961 Glendale 21-0 1962 Glendale 33-0 1963 Hoover 16-0 1964 Glendale 19-0 1965 Hoover 21-6 1966 Hoover 28-12 1967 Glendale 27-20 1968 Hoover 30-27 1969 Hoover 30-23

1970 Glendale 14-7 1971 Hoover 28-6 1972 Hoover 27-14 Jaiya Figueras, GHS Class of 1993, 1973 Hoover 7-6 was all-conference for the Oregon 1974 Glendale 10-0 George Musacco, GHS Class of 1947, was George McGowen, GHS Class of Ducks. 1975 Glendale 15-13 a four year All-American at Loyola and was 1966, was voted into the Canadian 1976 Hoover 20-13 picked in the NFL draft by the Chicago Bears. Football Hall of Fame. 1977 Glendale 17-12 1978 Glendale 27-15 1979 Glendale 27-8 1980 Glendale 28-0 1981 Glendale 15-14 1982 Glendale 7-0 1983 Hoover 48-6 1984 Hoover 34-0 1985 Hoover** 33-9** 1986 Glendale 7-0 1987 Hoover 3-0 1988 Glendale 10-6 1989 Hoover 20-14 1990 Glendale 35-6 1991 Glendale 51-0 1992 Glendale 13-3 1993 Glendale 49-7 1994 Glendale 21-14 1995 Hoover 15-14 1996 Hoover** 48-34** 1997 Glendale 25-7 Mike Black, GHS Class of 1979, 1998 Glendale 21-6 kicked in the NFL for six seasons. 1999 Hoover 21-10 Damon Bame, GHS Class of 1960, Roy Vujovich is GHS’s winningest football was so good that he was selected 2000 Glendale 35-21 coach. He coached in the ’50s and ’60s. to USC’s All-Century team. 2001 Glendale 28-14 2002 Glendale 31-0 2003 Glendale 28-8 2004 Hoover 42-28 2005 Glendale 35-21 2006 Hoover 22-15 2007 Glendale 35-7 2008 Glendale 55-7 2009 Hoover 15-7 2010 Glendale 54-19 2011 Glendale 55-49 2012 Glendale 44-13 2013 Glendale 49-6 2014 Glendale 19-0 2015 Hoover 41-14 John “Jack” Smith, GHS Class of 2016 Hoover 49-12 1935, played at Stanford University 2017 Hoover 35-25 and then two seasons in the NFL. He is one of the oldest living former ** Hoover forfeits- ineligible player NFL players. He turned 101 years * Glendale forfeits- ineligible player + Tie breaker to determine league champs Michael Davis, GHS Class of 2013, now plays for the Los Angeles Chargers. old this year. 7 Thursday, October 25, 2018 History Glendale High School Explosion 7 89 years of Glendale-Hoover football Where Legends Are Made

Frankie Albert, GHS Class of 1938, is in the College Football At 6’ 7”, 293 lbs., Brett Miller, GHS Class of 1976, played 10 seasons in the NFL. Hall of Fame. He played seven seasons in the NFL. After GHS he played at GCC and then at the University of Iowa.

Duane Bickett (50), GHS Class of 1981, played 12 seasons in the NFL. He was the NFL’s Rookie of the Year in 1985. The record holder at running back is Pathon Rucker, GHS Class of 1992. 8 Thursday, October 25, 2018 Football Glendale High School Explosion 8 Nitros to watch tonight

Azuka Ukor Antonio Alvarez Quarterback Trent Lousararian

Seth Harley

Bruising fullback Christopher Ibarra Joseph Manukyan

Andrew Issagholian The play of the offensive line will be critical to the Dynamiters’ success. 9 Thursday, October 25, 2018 Sports Glendale High School Explosion 9 Tonight’s Rosters Sports Columns What to expect from Glendale Dynamiters LeBron’s Lakers By Edwin Abramian NITROS BY NUMBER NITROS BY LAST NAME Lakers fans around the globe re- # Name Position Gr. Ht. Wt. # Name joiced when on July 1, 2018, LeBron 1 Antonio Alvarez QB/LB 12 5-11 185 19 Aldrete, Ethan James signed a 4-year max contract with 2 Darius Johnson WR/DB 10 6-1 160 1 Alvarez, Antonio The Los Angeles Lakers. Lakers fans 3 Trent Lousararian QB/DB 12 6-3 185 29 Alvarez, Kevin were going through a period of drought 6 Joshua Tomihara RB/DB 10 5-9 165 42 Apcar, Alex as landing a star player or making the Edgar Ovasapyan K 11 6-0 190 46 Biegai, Lucca playoffs seemed out of reach. 7 Now with this current roster and the 9 Joseph Manukyan WR/DB 12 5-11 165 34 Bush, Nate fans backing them up, The Los Angeles 12 Chris Juarez WR/DB 11 5-10 165 62 Camacho, Hector Lakers are looking to at least land a spot 13 Azuka Ukor FB/LB 12 5-11 210 17 Cepeda, Carlos in the tough Western Conference riddled 15 Seth Harley T/TE/DE 12 6-4 210 88 Fonseca, Jessie with tough opponents such as the even 17 Carlos Cepeda WR/LB 11 5-10 160 30 Garcia, Andrew scarier Golden State Warriors and the 19 Ethan Aldrete WR/DB 12 6-0 175 65 Gomez, Alex promising Houston Rockets. The Lakers 20 Christopher Ibarra FB/LB 12 6-0 190 15 Harley, Seth didn’t just land LeBron James this off 21 David Ruiz RB/WR 10 5-6 155 20 Ibarra, Christopher season though. The Lakers’ front office 23 Justin Padilla TE/LB 10 5-10 170 55 Issagholian, Andrew led by Laker legend Magic Johnson also 24 Isaac Leiva FB/LB 10 5-8 150 2 Johnson, Darius signed skilled veterans Michael Beasley, Julian Urquiza WR/DB 12 5-6 140 12 Juarez, Chris Rajon Rondo, Lance Stephenson, and Ja- 27 Vale McGee. 29 Kevin Alvarez WR/DB 12 5-8 155 24 Leiva, Isaac Along with these quality players, we 30 Andrew Garcia WR/LB 11 5-8 135 3 Lousararian,Trent must not forgot about their promising 34 Nate Bush FB/LB 11 5-10 175 9 Manukyan, Joseph young core. Up and coming point guard 38 Aryen Samirami TE/DE 9 6-2 190 74 Mireles, Miguel Lonzo Ball, the athletic small forward 42 Alex Apcar WR/DB 12 5-9 160 77 Mirzakhanian, Roderick Brandon Ingram, and rookie of the year 44 Dennis Perez FB/LB 9 5-10 190 7 Ovasapyan, Edgar candidate last season Kyle Kuzma are 46 Lucca Biegai FB 11 5-10 185 23 Padilla, Justin just a few to name. 52 Marc Soriano FB/DT 11 5-10 220 44 Perez, Dennis The Lakers had a shaky start to this 55 Andrew Issagholian TE/DE 12 6-3 205 73 Rodriguez, Jaime season as they started off with 0 wins and 62 Hector Camacho T/DT 12 6-3 245 21 Ruiz, David three losses, but the Lakers won their Steven Silva OL/DL 11 5-10 160 38 Samirami, Aryen first game against Phoenix tonight. Laker 64 fans are eager and anxious to see whether 65 Alex Gomez T/NOSE 12 6-2 315 64 Silva, Steven or not the hype is worth it. With rumors 70 Justin Umali G/DT 11 5-9 230 52 Soriano, Marc that we will land more superstar caliber 73 Jaime Rodriguez G/DT 11 5-11 215 6 Tomihara, Joshua players, we will have to wait and see if 74 Miguel Mireles DL 11 6-3 205 13 Ukor, Azuka these hold true. We are so excited to see 77 Roderick Mirzakhanian C/NOSE 12 5-11 285 70 Umali, Justin the Lakers become potentially one of the 87 Nolan Wong G/LB 12 5-10 190 27 Urquiza, Julian top dogs in the NBA. 88 Jessie Fonseca T/DT 12 6-0 200 87 Wong, Nolan How about those Hoover Tornadoes L.A. Kings By David Kubeserian TORNADOES BY NUMBER TORNADOES BY LAST NAME There are some hockey fans in this school and most of them are fans of the # Name Gr. Position # Name______Los Angeles Kings. 1 Andrew Rangel 12 QB/WR 19 Allen, Jamir The LA Kings are one of the 31 teams 2 Kevin Carroll 9 WR/DB 58 Arista, Cesar in the National Hockey League. Not too 3 Guillermo Corrales 12 WR/DB 66 Aviles, Cuahutemoc long ago the Kings signed a player that 4 Azul Blackbird 12 WR/DB 14 Aviles, Cesar hasn’t played in the NHL since 2013. 5 James Chang 12 WR/DB 4 Blackbird, Azul The player was a Russian native 6 Christian Mangasarian 12 WR/LB 2 Carroll, Kevin named Ilya Kovalchuk. Kovalchuk was 7 Gabe Harris 11 WR/LB 5 Chang, James drafted in the 2001 NHL Draft by the 8 Sebastian Sologaista 11 TE/LB 3 Corrales, Guillermo Atlanta Thrashers, which is now known 9 Edwin Milian 12 K/DE 22 Dizon, Jed as the Winnipeg Jets. Kovalchuk played Dominic Malone 11 WR/DB 57 Dwyer, Aiden with the Thrashers until 2009 when he 10 got traded to the New Jersey Devils. 11 Dakarri Malone 11 RB/DB 77 Escalera, William Kovalchuk played with the Devils for 12 Bryan Hong 9 WR/DB 71 Ferreras, Shawn 4 years making the Stanley Cup Finals 13 Mattis Richard 11 QB 24 Forster, Jaiden with the team in 2012. 14 Cesar Aviles 12 WR/DB 52 Ghazaryan, Armen Unfortunately the Devils opportu- 15 Fredy Salguero 12 WR/LB 7 Harris, Gabe nity of winning their 4th Stanley Cup 16 Jose Orozco 11 TE/LB 20 Hernandez, Andrew fades away as the LA Kings defeated 17 Albert Luna 12 QB/DE 55 Hernandez, Steven them winning their first ever franchise 18 Ethan Jukes 11 WR/DB 12 Hong, Bryan Cup. Fast forward one year later, Kov- 19 Jamir Allen 9 WR/DB 18 Jukes, Ethan alchuk signed with SKA St. Petersburg a 20 Andrew Hernandez 9 WR/DB 56 Linares, Michael hockey team in the Kontinental Hockey Jed Dizon 9 RB/DB 17 Luna, Albert League(KHL).He has been in the KHL 22 for nearly 4 years scoring a total of 161 24 Jaiden Forster 12 RB/LB 11 Malone, Dakarri goals. In the 2017-18 season he scored 33 Josh Pangan 11 RB/DB 10 Malone, Dominic 31 goals in the regular season with St. 50 Sebastian Sologaista 11 TE/LB 6 Mangasarian, Christian Petersburg until he decided it was time 51 Alberto Zakharian 9 OL/DL 9 Milian, Edwin to go back into the NHL. 52 Armen Ghazaryan 11 OL/DL/TE 16 Orozco, Jose Kovalchuk’s signing wasn’t the only 54 Micah Willingham-Harvey 12 OL/DL 33 Pangan, Josh exciting thing that happened to the Kings. 55 Steven Hernandez 10 OL/DL 1 Rangel, Andrew 2-time Stanley Cup Champion Drew 56 Michael Linares 11 OL/DL 13 Richard, Mattis Doughty extended his contract with the 57 Aiden Dwyer 10 OL/DL 88 Russell, Rohan LA Kings and signed the biggest contract 58 Cesar Arista 10 OL/DL 15 Salguero, Fredy in LA Kings history, he signed a whop- Abel Trejo 12 OL/DL 8 Sologaista, Sebastian ping $88 Million for 8 years. Doughty 59 won hockey’s holy grail(Stanley Cup) in 66 Cuahutemoc Aviles 11 OL/DL 50 Sologaista, Sebastian 2012 and 2014 with the Kings and is a 4 70 Jacob Zuniga 9 OL/DL 59 Trejo, Abel x All Star and a Norris Trophy winner. 71 Shawn Ferreras 12 OL/DL 72 Vartanian, Arman The Kings already started their sea- 72 Arman Vartanian 10 OL/DL 54 Willingham-Harvey, Micah son not doing so well but they can al- 77 William Escalera 11 OL/DL 51 Zakharian, Alberto ways comeback strong that’s why they’re 88 Rohan Russell 9 QB/DB 70 Zuniga, Jacob called the “Comeback Kings” 10 Thursday, October 25, 2018 Player Feature Glendale High School Explosion 10 Questions and Answers for Offensive Star SETH HARLEY #15

Q- How many years have you been playing organized football in your life? A- 7 years

Q- You have never beaten Hoover at the varsity level. Do you think this year will be different? Why? A- I do believe we have a solid chance mainly due to how we’ve gradually become one cohesive unit throughout the last couple games.

Q- What does a victory over Hoover in football mean to you? A- Beating Hoover would be crucial to moving our school’s football program to the next phase of the rebuild process and would gain support for years to come.

Q- Do you have a prediction for the final score against Hoover? A- I feel like both teams will hold strong through the first half, but one will pull through by the second. Glendale wins 21-14.

Q- Talk about the support that you get from your family and friends when it comes to football and school. A- We’ve received a ton of support from the parents, students, and school, whether it comes to our finances or our play.

Q- How do you want to be remembered as a GHS football player? A- I just want to be remembered as a player that impacted the game as much as possible and went 110% all four quarters.

Q- What does it mean to you to be a “Nitro?” A- Being a Nitro is attaining the trait of being able to adapt to any faced challenge. Not backing down and cowering is a strong characteristic to have in this world.

Q- On Thursday you will be putting on your Glendale High football jersey on for the last time. What emotions do you think you will have? A- I’ll be pretty emotional, but it will be very anxious too, as I want to finish off with a devastating win to get the bell back.

Q- Do you recommend that GHS students get involved in sports at the school? How has being involved in athletics been important to you in your life? A- Sports have always been in my life and quite frankly, I wouldn’t know what to do if they weren’t. I heavily encourage all students, at whatever school they attend, to join some sport that’s provided as it truly makes a difference.

Q- What does it mean to you if the team wins back the Victory Bell tonight? A- As mentioned earlier, winning the bell back would open new doors towards a more eventful program, but it would also give us bragging rights. 11 Thursday, October 25, 2018 Player Feature Glendale High School Explosion 11 Questions and Answers for Senior Fullback and Linebacker CHRISTOPHER IBARRA #20

Q- How many years have you been playing organized football in your life? A- 6 years

Q- You have never beaten Hoover at the varsity level. Do you think this year will be different? Why? A- I believe this year will be different because of the connection and chemistry our team has established with one another. The further we progress in the season the closer we get to putting the efficient offense we had one week or the effective defense we had another week together.

Q- What does a victory over Hoover in football mean to you? A- To me it’s just another game but I play a role in the outcome of the event resulting in the happiness of my teammates and supporters. It will bring a smile to my face.

Q- Do you have a prediction for the final score against Hoover? A- I keep hearing it will be a close game or that we will lose by two touchdowns. I just want to blow them out and watch my teammates play, especially my cousin.

Q- How do you want to be remembered as a GHS football player? A- I want to be remembered as just another student-athlete.

Q- What does it mean to you to be a “Nitro?” A- It means everything. It shaped me into the person I am today.

Q- On Thursday you will be putting on your Glendale High football jersey on for the last time. What emotions do you think you will have? A- A sense of sadness and relief. After high school football I will probably lose touch with a lot of the people and relief because not being able to walk for a day or interrupted by pain while I sleep will not be missed.

Q- Do you recommend that GHS students get involved in sports at the school? How has being involved in athletics been important to you in your life? A- Not just sports, any club or organized group. Ms. Palmer said it best, “clubs, sports, or team play a huge role in your high school experi- ence.”

Q- What does it mean to you if the team wins back the Victory Bell tonight? A- I think I will know in the moment. 12 Thursday, October 25, 2018 Photo Essay Glendale High School Explosion 12 The annual Round Up

Photo by Rita Sairoob Photo by Rita Sairoob

Photo by Rita Sairoob

Photo by Rita Sairoob

Photo Courtesy of Stylus Photo Courtesy of Stylus Photo Courtesy of Stylus 13 Thursday, October 25, 2018 The Dance Glendale High School Explosion 13 This year’s Homecoming Dance is at the Avalon Hollywood on Nov. 3