Municipal Services Improvement Project Services Municipal

World Bank World

Strumica, April 2021



The of Strumica has signed the agreement for sub-loan No. 22 with the Ministry of Finance on 26.12.2019 in the amount of 91.600.315,00 MKD for the project “Project for replacement and installation of house horizontal/vertical and ultrasonic water meters with upgrade by the equipment for distant mobile reading and integration of the water meters in the system of distant reading in the Municipality of Strumica and Project for extension of the secondary gas distribution network in Strumica”.

The total project amount of the loan is 91.600.315,00 MKD including VAT, or 1.489.436,02 EUR. After the successful bidding procedure, the contract was awarded to the bidder JV - “DGT ZIKOL DOOEL Strumica” and “DOOEL Tehnoskop ”, which offered the price of 88.703.950,85 MKD with VAT or 1.442.340,66 EUR and the contract for performance of the works was signed on 09.04.2020. The project is in inplementation and 70% of the works are completed so far.

In the context of the verification of the grant for poverty / social inclusion, and in order to properly allocate funds from the program for improvement of municipal services from the MSIP2 project, a Methodology for assessment and selection of the most deprived settlements for investment from this program was developed.

According to the analysis, an identification, scoring and ranking following the given criteria was made to 28 settlements in Strumica. The final results obtained from the ISPI table and analysis gave the scores for each settlement. The settlements Chepeli, Tri Vodi, , Ormanli, Memeshli, Zleshevo, Dorlombos and Belotino are with very low density, small number of and aging population and that is why as per the Urban audit of Strumica they are not considered further in the analyses. Further, in the preparation of the UA document, the Municipality of Strumica is not taking into consideration the settlements Gabrovo and Sidovica even though they are one of the lowest ranking because they have been priority in the recent investment planning period for capital investments of the municipality. Thus, the lowest ranking settlements selected by UA Strumica are Sofilar, Tursko-Romska Maala and Egejska Maala. These settlements are the most deprived with quality of life given the poor municipal infrastructural improvements. Therefore as a result of the UA was recoommended that Sofilar should be the one of the three that has to be improved infrastructuly thus the area is poor and socialy excluded, has no urban infrastructure and has a lot of households and families that live there and are cut off the necessаry conditions for normal and quality eveyday living.

The Council of the Municipality of Strumica adopted a Decision for adoption of the urban audit of the Municipality of Strumica, with arch. No. 08-2936 / 1, 22.05.2020 published in the Official Gazette of the Municipality of Strumica No. 8, 26.05.2020.

The Council of the Municipality of Strumica adopted the Decision for determining the priority for realization of grant project for Construction of two service streets and construction of three sewerage collectors in the settlement Sofilar (under the MSIP2 project for improvement of municipal services - grant funds for poor areas/ social inclusion), and municipal contribution for realization of project for Construction of two service streets

2 and construction of three sewerage collectors in the settlement Sofilar , with arch. No. 08- 1183 / 1, 24.02.2021. The municipal contribution is allocated in budget of Municipality of Strumica – JI Programe for Construction of drainage systems and wastewater treatment.

Municipality of Strumica as beneficiary of sub-loan funds from the MSIP2 project for improvement of municipal services can use grant funds for poor areas/ social inclusion after 10 % of construction works from the sub-loan agreement No.22 are implemented. According to the draft urban audit which was prepared and verified for the use of these Grant-funds for the realization of a project for the settlement Sofilar, Municipality of Strumica has prepared technical documentation for the Project for infrastructural arrangement of Sofilar, Municipality of Strumica and submitted the technical documentation to the Ministry of finance which has approved the first phase- preparation of the technical documentation.

The project consists of works for streets construction, stormwater drainage and fecal sewage or improvement of the existing infrastructure in this settlement. The technical documentation consists of two projects that as a whole will improve the infrastructure in this area which is very close to the city but in terms of infrastructure is an underdeveloped area and currently has dirt roads. With the implementation of this project, the goal of the project will be fully achieved, ie modernization and improvement of the infrastructure in poor areas in the municipality.

According to the project documentation and bill of quantities calculations, the financial framework of the project is the following, the total amount of the project is 25.881.622,00 MKD with VAT, out of which the total grant funds is 23.950.067,00 MKD with VAT ( 27% of the contracted amount for implementation of the MSIP2 sub-loan project) and the municipal contribution is 1.931.555,00 MKD with VAT.


Area of the project activities

Picture 1. Sketch of an updated geodetic base for the Sofilar settlement

Sofilar is a suburban settlement that in years developed with irregular housing that is almost connected with the urban part of Strumica thus, causing urban challenges for the 3 municipality: roads are not asphalted. The legalization in the process of the irregular housing together with the design of the detailed urban plans might help to set up the platform for much needed investments for the supply of the basic communal services to the citizens of this settlement (especially roads and sewage) and thus, rising the contrasts of quality of life living between this settlement that is neighboring the urban part of Strumica.

There is a water supply with a secondary water supply line from another street connected to a pipe F160PVC, which in turn is connected to the primary water supply line with profile F300. Most existing users use septic tanks that are periodically emptied. Sewerage is not fully realized.

From the analysis and the recording of the terrain, the following data for Sofilar is obtained in relation to this project: • For a total of 146 family houses and auxiliary facilities • Total population in the settlement Sofilar is aproximately 440 inahabitants; • Target group of this projects is the overall population of Sofilar having in consideration that the service streets that are part of this project and one of the main and bigest streets in this settlement. So the final beneficiaies of the project are the population of the settlement Sofilar, or approximately 146 family houses and around 440 citizens ( 52% women and 48% men).


Traffic/road infrastructure for (Sofilar)

Block 39 and Block 40 areThe settlement Sofilar is connected by one street from the south- eastern part, with the city of Strumica. The rest of the streets/roads are not realized(are dirt streets) with set path on part of the streets/roads.

Hydro technical infrastructure:

Water supply system

The water supply is solved with secondary water supply line from str. "No.15” with pipe F160PVC, which is connected to the primary water supply line with profile F300.

SewageSewage and storm drainage water

Sewage The sewage is not completely realized. Infrastructure has been built on the basis of infrastructure projects, but most of the existing users use septic tanks that are emptied periodically.

Storm sewerage network which is an acute problem in the city of Strumica is not solved in Sofilar.


Picture 2: Service street in settlment Sofilar Picture 3: Part of Service street in settlment Sofilar

present situation before project implementation

Picture 4: End of service street in KP 6778 in present situation before infrastructural works

With MSIP2 poverty social inclusion grant funds the municipality plans to finance the projects:

1. Project for Construction of a service street in the area of Sofilar

➢ Basic project for Construction of a service street in the area of Sofilar, with tech. no. 092/20-P from February 2020, made by SMI Hidroengineering DOOEL Strumica, with arch. No. 08-35 / 1 from 04.03.2020. ➢ Basic project Infrastructure with tech no. 034-3006 / 2020 made on 06.2020 by DPGIDA Vector 90 Tome DOOEL Strumica. ➢ Report on the performed audit of the Basic project for construction of a service street in the area of Sofilar, Municipality of Strumica with tech no. 08-35 / 1 from March 2020, made by Koning Gradba DOOEL Strumica with arch. No. 08-35 / 1 from 04.03.2020.


➢ Building permit with UP1 No. 20-128 from 09.09.2020.

The street is with a total length of 269.04m, width of 5.50 m and sidewalks on both sides of the street with a width of 1.50 m. The storm water drainage is designed with a length of 402m with corrugated pipes and different diameters from DN200mm to DN500mm. Along the storm drainage line 11 manholes and 11 gullies are planned for construction. The cost of this project accoding to the bill of quantities is 7.284.299,30 denars with VAT.

2. Project for construction of a service street in the area of Sofilar on KP no. 6778

➢ Basic project for Construction of a service street in the area of Sofilar on KP no. 6778, with tech. no. 112/20-P from August 2020, made by SMI Hidroengineering DOOEL Strumica, with arch. No. 08-155 / 1 from 22.08.2020. ➢ Report on the performed audit of the Basic project for construction of a service street in the area of Sofilar, Municipality of Strumica with tech no. 08-155 / 1 from August 2020, made by DGUT Koning Gradba DOOEL Strumica with arch. No. 08-155 / 1 from 22.08.2020. ➢ Building permit with UP1 No. 20-372 from 09.09.2020.

This street is with a total length of 380m, width of 5.50 m and sidewalks on both sides of the street with a width of 1.50 m. The storm water drainage is designed with a length of 380m with corrugated pipes and different diameters from DN200mm to DN400mm. Along the storm drainage line 6 manholes and 10 gullies are planned for construction. The cost of this project accoding to the bill of quantities is 9.581.250,72 denars with VAT.

3. Project for Construction of sewage collector F2, F6 and F3 in the settlement Sofilar

➢ Project for Construction of sewage collector F2, F6 and F3 in the settlement Sofilar with tech. No. 018/2018-К. ➢ Basic project for Construction of main sewage collector for Strumica with tech. No. 018/2018-К ➢ Building permit with UP1 No. 20-587 from 07.03.2019.

This project for the 3 sewage collectors F2, F6 and F3 is part of the Basic project for main sewage collector in the settlement Sofilar in Strumica with Tech.No. 018-2018- K from April 2018, made by DGTI DOMING JTD Radovish, Macedonia. The Basic project consists of construction of six sewage collectors F1-F6. This project subject to this grant proejct is only for the construction of the three collectors, F2 and F6, and F3, that are situated in the– settlment Sofilar. These two collectors are lined with the above mentioned two projects for the construction of the service streets in Sofilar and in KP6778. The Collector F2 and F6 are along the service street on KP 8026/2 (length of service street from the project is 269 m) and the collector F3 is along the service street on KP 6778 ( length of service street from the project is with length of 379 m).

The Collector F2 and F6 is part of one situation and will be implemented toghether, the length of this collector is 853 m, and the cost from the Bill of quantities for the F2 and F6 is 5.427.119,81 denars with VAT. The Collector F3 is with a length of 558 m, and the cost from the Bill of quantities for the F3 is 3.588.952,44 denars with VAT. The total amount of the project for the sewage collectors F2 and F6, and F3 is 9.016.072,25 denars with VAT.


The most important aspect of this project is also its overall objective, which is connection of the sewage collectors from settlment Sofilar to the main collector which conducts the waste water to the Waste water treatment plant WWTP – Strumica. According to the project documentation the collectors F2 and F6, and F3 will be connected to the main sewagesewage collector F1. (The collector F1 is part of the Basic project and will be implemented alongside implementation of the collectors F2 and F6, and F3 with funds from the budget of municpality of Strumica planned as part of the budget programe JI for the 2021-22). This new main sewage collector F1 will be connected and continued to the existing constructed collector K1 that passes by the industrial zone Sever and the regional road Strumica- s. . This collector K1 is with diametar DN/ID 500 mm and length L=2632 m and is connected to the main sewage collector K0, that conducts the wastewaters from the city to the Wastewater treatment plant in Strumica.

According to the project documentation and bill of quantities calculations, the financial framework of the project is a total of 25.881.622,00 MKD including VAT. The grant funds from the MSIP2 project is a total of 23.950.067,00 denars with VAT. The municapal co- financing for the project is 1.931.555,00 MKD with VAT.



A. Project for Construction of a service street in the area of Sofilar

Picture 5: Servise street in settlement Sofilar with L=269 m (marked in blue)


Based on the Project program, technical documentation has been prepared at the level of Basic project for "Construction of a service street in the settlement of Sofilar". This street mostly extends on the plot with KP no. 8026/2 in KO Strumica, in a settlement called Sofilar located in the northern part of the city, with length from 269 m. The service street directly connects the facilities and the population in that part of the city with the infrastructure network of the Municipality of Strumica. It represents important part of the street network of Strumica, which speeds up communication between the population and the downtown area. The existing street has a dirt road and during rains it collapses and is difficult to pass. According to the project it is designed to be asphalt street construction and pavement lane width of 5.50 m and sidewalks on both sides of the road with a width of 1.50 m.


According to the project task, the service street is with width of 5.50 m and sidewalks of 1.50 m, ie with a total width of 8.50 m. Because there is no prepared urban planning documentation, the axis of the street is guided along the route of the existing dirt street, while being adapted according to road design norms. The street has a total length of 269.04 m with the following project parameters adopted:

▪ Road width...... 5.50 m (2 x 2.75) ▪ Sidewalk...... 2 x 1.50 ▪ Transverse slope...... 2.50% • Projected speed...... 40 km / h

The street construction was adopted based on the requirements of the Project Task and has the following structure: • Roadway - Upper load-bearing surface of asphalt BNHS 16...... d = 7.0 cm - Buffer layer of crushed stone (0-60 mm) ...... d = 30.0 cm


• Sidewalks - Paver (behaton) elements...... d = 6.0 cm - Sand (gravel) ...... d = 6.0 cm - Buffer layer of crushed stone...... d = 20.0 cm

Based on the established parameters in the horizontal and vertical solution as and the adopted street construction are made typical cross sections in M = 1:50 and details in M = 1: 10. The cross sections are made in scale M = 1: 100 based on recorded natural cross sections, the parameters given by the horizontal and the vertical solution, as well as the typical cross- sections with the adopted pavement construction and details. The transverse slope of the street is projected at 2.5%, with a one-sided slope along the entire route.

Picture 6: Review situation of service street in Sofila with L=269 m

Picture 7: Service street situation in the settlement Sofilar


Бехатон Ископа хумус - 30 sm плочки - 6.0 sm Носечки слој од Ризла - 6.0 sm асфалт БНХС16 - Тампон од 7.0 sm Тампон од дробен камен - дробен камен - 30 20 sm Насип од sm Насип од природен природен шлунак шлунак

Picture 8: Characteristic cross section of the service street in Sofilar

3.3. STORM DRAINAGE WATER The drainage of the street construction is done through a newly designed storm drainage system and a street gullies. The storm drainage includes construction of the main collector along the service street with the mark "KA1", collector "KA2" which should cover the service street which joins KM 0 + 013 m, and collector "KA3" which covers the pocket of the service street. The collector KA1 discharges the entire collected drainage water in Sv. Ilija torrent. Because the transverse slope of the road along the entire route has a one-sided slope to the left of the street, the gullies are also on the left. Storm drainage will be constructed from sewerage polyethylene corrugated pipes with double wall and semicircular rib, stiffness class SN8, couplings, all according to standard EN 13476-3. The pipes are placed in a pre-prepared trench on a layer of granulated sand with a thickness of 10 cm with compaction of 95% per proctor. Up to 30 cm above the top of the pipe the sand layer will be placed and over it the trench is filled manually with selected excavation material. A total of 11 manholes and 11 street gullies are planned along the pipeline route. The revision manholes are prefabricated polypropylene according to standard EN 13598. The average height of the manholes is 1.28 m together with a metal cover - heavy type (400kN) anchored in RC slab at the top of the manhole. The gullies are made of RC pipes F400 / 1000 m, with cast iron grates 400 x 400 mm, class C250.

3.4. SIZING OF STORM DRAINAGE PIPELINE The flow quantity of the drainage water is calculated depending of the catchment area, rain quantity and retardation coefficient. The diameters of the pipes have been chosen on the base of flow quantity, the slope of the pipes and presented in the table below.

Table 1: Hydraulic calculations Collector Flow Slope J DiametarI Hydraulic parameters section Qатм D (OD) V h/d h [l/sek] [%] [mm] [m/s] [mm] IG-RS1 62 0.5 275 (315) 1.17 0.84 231 RS1-RS4 102 0.5 348 (400) 1.35 0.74 275 RS4-RS7 146 0.5 432 (500) 1.51 0.64 271


Picture 9. Layout of the storm drainage water pipeline

Picture 10: Drawing: pphm revision manhole detail (shahta)

Picture11. Drawing of details of a gutter (slivnik)


B. Project for Construction of a service street in the area of Sofilar on KP 6778

Picture 12: Service street in settlement Sofilar with L= 379 m (marked in blue)

3.5. BACKGROUND Based on the Project Program, technical documentation was prepared at the level of the Basic Project for “Construction of a service street in the area of Sofilar on CP no. 6778 “. This street mostly extends on the plot with KP 6778 in KO Strumica, in the settlement called Sofilar which is located in the northern part of the city, in a length of 379 m. The service street directly connects the facilities and the population in that part of the city with the infrastructure network of the Municipality of Strumica. It is an important part of the street network of Strumica, which accelerates the communication between the population and the central city area. The existing street has a dirt road and during rains it collapses and is difficult to pass. According to the project task, construction of a street with asphalt road with a width of the road lane of 5.50 m and sidewalks on both sides of the road with a width of 1.50 m are required. No valid urban planning documentation has been prepared for this settlement. 3.6. DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNICAL SOLUTION According to the project task, the service street has a width of 5.50 m and sidewalks of 1.50 m, ie with a total width of 8.50 m. As no urban planning documentation has been prepared for this street, the axis of the street is guided along the route of the existing dirt street, adjusted according to the norms for street design. The street has a total length of 379.02 m with the following project parameters adopted: ▪ Road width...... 5.50 m (2 x 2.75) ▪ Sidewalk...... 2 x 1.50 ▪ Transverse slope...... 2.50% • Projected speed...... 40 km / h


The road construction is adopted based on the requirements of the Project task and has the following structure: • Roadway - Upper load-bearing surface of asphalt BNHS 16...... d = 7.0 cm - Crushed stone buffer layer (0-60 mm)...... d = 30.0 cm • Sidewalks - Paver (behaton) elements...... d = 6.0 cm - Sand (gravel)...... d = 6.0 cm - Buffer layer of crushed stone...... d = 20.0 cm Based on the determined parameters in the horizontal and vertical solution as well as the adopted road construction, typical cross sections are made in M = 1:50 and details in M = 1: 10.

Picture 13: Review situation of service street in KP6778 in Sofilar with L=379 m

Бехатон Ископ на хумус - плочки - 30 sm 6.0 sm Носечки слој од Ризла - 6.0 асфалт sm БНХС16 - Тампон од Picture 14: Characteristic cross section7.0 sm of the service street in KP6778 in Sofilar дробен

Тампон од камен - 20 дробен sm Насип камен - 30 од sm Насип 13 природен од шлунак природен шлунак

3.7. STORM DRAINAGE WATER Drainage of the road construction is done through a newly designed storm drainage system and a street gullies. The storm drainage includes construction of a main collector along the service street, which is connected to the RS8 manhole, provided in the technical documentation for "Street 1 in Sofilar" marked "KA1", through which the entire collected storm water is discharged into St. Ilija torrent. Because the transverse slope of the street along the entire route has a one-sided slope to the left of the street, the gullies are also on the left. The drainage of the yards that are lower than the street will be done through house connections, for which at this stage connection pipes will be left outside the body of the street. The storm drainage pipeline will be performed from sewerage polyethylene corrugated pipes with double wall and semicircular rib, stiffness class SN8, joints with capling, all according to standard EN 13476-3. The pipes are placed in a pre-prepared trench on a layer of granulated sand with a thickness of 10 cm with compaction of 95% per proctor. Over 30 cm from the top of the pipe, the trench is filled manually with selected excavation material. A total of 7 manholes are envisaged along the route of the collector (including the connection manhole RS8, provided in the technical documentation for Street 1. Drainage of the street will be performed through 8 street gullies. The revision manholes are prefabricated polypropylene according to standard EN 13598. The average height of the manholes is 1.12 m together with a metal cover - heavy type (400kN) anchored in RC slab at the top of the manhole. The gullies are made of RC pipes F400 / 1000 m, with cast iron grates 400 x 400 mm, class C250. The sizing of the storm water pipes is done in the technical documentation and the diameters of the pipes have been chosen on the base of flow quantity and the slope of the pipes.

Picture 15: Situation of the storm drainage water


C. Project for Construction of sewage collectors F2, F6 and F3 in the settlement Sofilar

Picture 16: Situation of the main sewage collector (Included F2,F3 and F6) and connection to the main collector marked in light blue that leads to the WWTP- Strumica


This project for the 3 sewage collectors F2, F6 and F3 is part of the Basic project for main sewage collector in Strumica with Tech.No. 018-2018- K from April 2018, made by DGTI DOMING JTD Radovish, Macedonia. The Basic project consists of construction of six sewage collectors F1-F6. This project subject to this grant project is only for the construction of the three collectors, F2 and F6, and F3, that are situated in the Settlment Sofilar. These two collectors are lined with the above mentioned two projects for the service streets in Sofilar and service street in KP6778. The Collector F2 and F6 are along the service street on KP 8026/2 (length of service street from the project is 269 m) and the collector F3 is along the service street on KP 6778 ( length of service street from the project is with length of 379 m).

The Collector F2 and F6 is part of one situation and will be implemented toghether, the length of this collector is 853 m, and the Collector F3 is with a length of 558 m.

The collectors F2 and F6, and F3 will be connected to the main sewage collector F1. (The collector F1 is part of the Basic project and will be implemented alongside implementation of the collectors F2 and F6, and F3 with funds from the budget of municpality of Strumica planned as part of the budget programe JI for the 2021-22). This new main sewage collector F1 will be connected and continued to the existing constructed collector K1 that passes by the industrial zone Sever and the regional road Strumica- s. Dobrejci. This collector K1 is with diametar DN/ID 500 mm and length L=2632 m and is connected to the main sewage collector K0, that conducts the wastewaters from the city to the Wastewater treatment plant in Strumica.



Picture 17: Situation of sewage collectors F2 and F6

The collector F2 and F6 are with a length of 853 m’ and go along the service street from the first project. The specification of the pipes in collector F2 and F6 are three-layer polypropylene PPHM smooth sewer pipe, profile type A for sewerage, hardness class SN 8, made of high performance PP material. The pipe should be made in accordance with the standard EN 13476-2. The pipe must have a quality certificate issued by an accredited European certified company. The dimensions are DN 200 mm, DN 250 mm, DN315 mm. The connection will be with pressing couplings and adjustment with standard color seals. The laying of the pipes will be done on a previously prepared and properly leveled layer of fine sand or gravel with a thickness of 10 cm. The manholes need to be made in accordance with the standards EN-13598-1, EN13598-2, EN-14802, made of high quality PP / PE material. The base of the chessboard is made in a monolithic form with injection molding technology. The extension of the manholes should have integrated pp / pe stairs for lowering in the manhole at a distance of 250 mm. of the supervisory body. Sewage audit manholes have a diameter of 1000 mm made of 100% PP-HM polypropylene according to standard EN-13598-1 / 2. The manhole cover is a heavy type (400 kn). The examination of the sewerage will be performed in accordance with the standards EN1610. In this line of the collector F2 and F6 there will be 24 manholes along the route of 853 m.

Picture 18. Situation of fecal collector F3


The specification of the sewage collector F3 are the following: pipes will be three-layer polypropylene PPHM smooth sewer pipe, profile type A for sewerage, hardness class CN 8, made of high performance PP material. The pipe should be made in accordance with the standard EN 13476-2. The pipe must have a quality certificate issued by an accredited European certified company. The dimensions are DN 200 mm, DN 250 mm, DN315 mm. The connection will be with pressing couplings and adjustment with standard color seals. The laying of the pipes will be done on a previously prepared and properly leveled layer of fine sand or gravel with a thickness of 10 cm. The manholes need to be made in accordance with the standards EN-13598-1, EN13598-2, EN-14802, made of high quality PP / PE material. The base of the chessboard is made in a monolithic form with injection molding technology. The extension of the manholes should have integrated pp / pe stairs for lowering in the manhole at a distance of 250 mm. of the supervisory body. Sewage audit manholes have a diameter of 1000 mm made of 100% PP-HM polypropylene according to standard EN-13598-1 / 2. The manhole cover is a heavy type (400 kn). The sewerage test will be performed in accordance with the standards EN1610. In this line of the collector F3 there will be 14 manholes along the route of 558 m.

Picture 19: Sketch of the F2; F6 and F3 collector (marked in red –left), connecting to the EXISTING main sewage collector F1 (marked in blue) and connection to the existing K1 that goes COLLECTOR to the WWTP- Wastewater Treatment Plant in Strumica (marked in green). TO THE WWTP


Sewage revision manholes are with diameter of ID1000 mm made of 100% PP-HM polypropylene, environmentally high quality materials in accordance with the standards EN- 13598-1 / 2. Manholes should be with compact walls reinforced with stiffening ribs with input /output connecting elements welded to the manhole. The manholes should have reinforced concrete ring and ring rubber for accepting loads according to the norms DIH 19584 and EN 124. To have connections for different types of pipes and in the lower part of the base and the body to have horizontal and vertical joints with a rib height of 40- 60 mm. The manholes will be 14 with 14 lids with dimensions (8 with hight of 1.5-2.0 m and 6 with hight of 2.0-2.5 m) on the F3 collector. The manholes will be 24 with 24 lids with dimensions (14 with hight of 1.5-2.0 m and 10 with hight of 2.0-2.5 m) on the F2 and F6 collector.



Picture 20: View on Settlement of Sofilar from google maps

According to the Review of Urban Audit for verification of Poverty/Social Inclusion Grant for Strumica by the given methodology and selected criteria a targeting of the poorest and marginalized settlements for the fund allocation was selected and ranked. The mapping was made to the 28 settlements in Municipality of Strumica.The mapping of population of Strumica reveals that some of the settlements are with irregular housing (households have no access to road, sewage, water, solid waste management and schooling and other settlements have a mix of fully and not fully served households. An Infrastructure and service programming inventory (ISPI) analysis of Strumica was made to the settlements out of which the final scores as per ISPI ranking illustrate relatively high discrepancy between the urban and rural settlements as well as the investment priorities which are mainly in the segment of access to infrastructure (environmental sanitation) and access to superstructure facilities (schools, kindergartens, and commercial facilities, health care). The scoring of settlements was also made for the accessibility of public services. According to the final results obtained from the ISPI analysis, all settlements are ranked and scores are given from 0 to 16. In the methodological approach of assessment, there are settlements where the score is from 0 to 4. This small index is due to the fact that in the last few decades, due to the low living conditions and development of these settlements, a large number of the population has migrated to the urban part of the city. The settlements Chepeli, Tri Vodi, Raborci, Ormanli, Memeshli, Zleshevo, Dorlombos and Belotino are with very low density, small number of and aging population and that is why as per the Urban audit of Strumica they are not considered further in the analyses. Further, in the preparation of the UA document, the Municipality of Strumica is not taking into consideration the settlements Gabrovo and Sidovica even though one of the lowest ranking because they have been priority in the recent investment planning period for capital investments of the municipality.


Thus, the lowest ranking settlements selected by UA Strumica are Sofilar, Tursko-Romska Maala and Egejska Maala. Given the fact that for Sofilar there was technical documentation for construction of infrastructure and issued building permits, and also was targeted as a priority project by the community on all the meetings and citizens forums Sofilar was selected for applying for the Grant fund. High social risks for carrying out of this project cannot be perceived. This project is about infrastructural works for construction of two service streets in the settlement Sofilar, both of which start in point on existing asphalt street Cvetan Dimov after which it separates in two direction for each street alongside the main two existing dirt roads in this settlement. The project envisages construction of storm and sewage sewage system on the both streets which will overall solve one big problem of the population of this settlement, also will contribute for development of communal infrastructure and improving the quality of life and protection of the environmet. The Project for infrastructural arrangement of Sofilar, Municipality of Strumica will provide direct benefit to more than 146 households (or around 440 citizens -52 % women and 48% men) as main target group most of which the high concentration of households is on situated on the two main streets that are subject to this project, as seen in the picture above. The land on which the project will be implemented is mostly on private owners’ exept for the main dirt roads that are property of RNM, but there are part of the main dirt roads that are uzurpated by the private houses and yards. A procedure for expropriation started and is in progress and will be finished until the start of the project activities implementation. All land expropriation matters or property–legal issues, will be solved therefore the realization of the project will be secured. The legal property issues are not solved yet and therefore ARAP has been prepared and is in attachment to this PAD.

High participation has been secured with а meetings during the past decade for urbnanization and infrastructural arrangement of this settlement therefore there are households that are built in this settlement before 20 years. The question of infrastructural arrangement of Sofilar has been raised in many meetings, community forums, debates through the past years and there is is a high interest of the citizens who live there to have the basic conditions for urban living and good quality of live. Many children study in the near by school Sando Masev and need to go every day through dirt roads to school, to the nearby park, playgrounds etc. This has been an issue that was also raised on the last Community forum Project- Forums in the community 2019-2020 (Budget Forum) that was held during five forum sessions starting on 03.10.2019- 28.11.2020 in the premises of Municipality of Strumica. On these sessions the citizens by direct participation and voting system have voted this project as project of high priority and was implemented in the annual programme of Municiaplity of Strumica as well as the funds were projected in the budget of Municipality of Strumica for 2020-2021. Also, it’s very important to point that inhabitants with different ethnic background (Macedonian, Roma, Turks etc) participated and were consulted for the projects implementation, as all of thiese minor groups were part of the community forums meetings. Residents of different social groups (minorities, gender, language, social and economic status) living in the settlements are subject to this social assessment. The inhabitants did not identify an increased presence of persons at social risk in the overall structure of the residents who will be affected by this project. Citizens are of the opinion that the infrastructural arrangement of Sofilar will improve basic living conditions of the population, will provide better acsses to the other part of the city, and will improve protection of the enviorment and reducing overall pollution in area. Investing in local infrastructure in the near

19 future will improve the economic activity of the population, especially among young people, but will definitely increase the quality of life of permanent residents. The municipality has well established practice of citizens’ engagement activities in monitoring project implementation process. This includes placement of feedback drop box, annual public consultations with published results, and designated citizens’ hours for meetings with the Mayor of the Municipality and Council members. This participative practice ensures the possibility of residents to influence on municipal authorities in the process of decisions related to investments.


The planned activities for Project for infrastructural arrangement of the suburban settlement Sofilar in the city of Strumica – Municipality of Strumica consists of implementation of the following activities:

• Construction of servise street in settlement Sofilar with length of 269 m with storm water sewage system • Construction of servise street in settlement Sofilar on KP 6778 with length of 379 m with storm water sewage system • Construction of sewage collector for communal waste waters F2, F6 and F3 in urban block 40,41 / 2 and 42 in the settlement Sofilar in the length of 1.411 m (F2 and F6 – 853 m and F3- 558 m)

Picture 21: Situation in settlement Sofilar; Drainage system (marked with blue) New streets (marked with red)

Locations of these construction activities are in the settlement Sofilar, as presented in Picture 22. Project locations are surrounded by individual residential houses. In this area there are no schools, kindergadens, ambulance, commercial objects, there are only individual households, some small buissnes objects (bakery, shop etc) and some warehouses. There are aproximately total of 146 households in the settlement Sofilar.


The impacts on the environment from the realization of this project are given in the table 2 below.

Table 2: Activities for infrastructural arrangemnt of settlement Sofilar Types of activities with potential ENV Potential impact

impact on the environment

- soil excavation - Service street in Sofilar - making a subsoil with length 269 m with - making embankments

storm water sewage - tests of embankment material - emissions of dust and system - Import and filling exsaust gasses from - compaction machines and various -Service street in Sofilar - benk arrangement consruction works; - drainage and drainage of the road body on KP 6778 with length - Increased noise; 379 m with storm water - vegetative protection of slopes of incisions sewage system and embankments, sidewalks and green - Construction (inert) belt waste shall be well - bankins managed and - Construction of sewage - upper layer, asphalting and other works documented collector F2, F6 and F3 on the streets

in urban block 40,41 / 2 - procurement and installation of concrete

and 42 in the settlement curbs Sofilar - storm sewage installation works - sewage sewage installation works

During construction works, it is not envisaged removal of city greenery, or other vegetation. Whatever existing urban equipment or electric poles or transmission lines are removed they will be brought in their shape as before the construction. Relocation of 13 wood foundations (banderi) and 7 concrete foundation (electric poles) will be required, on the path of the two service streets and they will be removed and relocated and put in before construction situation as requested and stated in the technical specifications of the project. From urban equipment there are only metal waste containers.

During the project implementation, there could be short-term, local, and major adverse health and safety and environmental impacts. All construction activities will be located within the settlement Sofilar, thus the impact will be on local level with significance on occupational health and safety for workers engaged by the contractor as well as for the local population, increased level of noise and vibrations (produced by operation of heavy construction machinery) and improper waste management before disposing to the landfill. If the prevention and mitigation measures are applied in full and with due diligence, the impacts could be minimized.

In the operational phase, no adverse environment impacts are expected.

Main environmental impacts and sensitive receptors The good construction practice should ensure several mitigation measures proposed mainly to overcome the occupational health and safety issues and waste management issues during the execution of the construction works for extension of the secondary gas distributive network. The proper protection of workers from the disposal material, proper selection of waste at the spots and appropriate waste management plan are crucial

21 measures to be applied. At the same time, the measures to avoid and minimize the health and safety risks for local inhabitants should be applied during construction work.

The Contractor should prepare and implement the OH&S Plan with main aim to propose the preventive measures of possible injuries during construction works for the workers and local people within the community. The Contractor should mark out and secure the site (placement of alert signalization, adequate warning tapes and information signs around etc.). Considering the current situation with pandemic COVID-19 infective disease in the country, in addition to the measures for safety and protection at work, the OH&S plan should also include measures for prevention of COVID-19. The Contractor is required to follow/update and implement the measures that are currently in force and adopted by the Government as binding at national level, as well as the Guideline considerations provided by the World Bank through the MSIP/PIU. Official site for information related to COVID-19 on national level is .

The Information Note/Press is important and should be prepared and announced via local TV, radio or municipal web page , prior the start of project activities in order to inform the general public for the duration and type of the project activities. Transparency of the Project will be provided by the Municipality by announcing the implementation of works on the local media as well as other ways of informing suitable and practical for the municipality (leaflets to be placed at nearby markets, ambulances, bus stops, etc., billboards, local newspapers, etc). The available public Complaints Dropbox within the municipal administration building shall also be used to initiate feedback from the community and to provide constructive response mechanism.

In case the Contractor needs to place a camp for keeping and maintaining the mechanization equipment, worker’s facilities for accommodation, catering and bathrooms, etc., it shall ensure that wastewater collection and treatment (communal as well as washout of the mechanization), hazardous materials storage, clearing of soil and vegetation and collecting any waste generated, shall be rehabilitated without any damage to the environment.

Construction phase

During the construction phase, the operation of construction machinery and equipment can cause air emissions (CO , NOx, PAH, SO and suspended particulates PM , PM ) as 2 2 10 2.5 result of excavation and disposal of soil as well as combustion in the machinery. In order to reduce air emission impact, the Contractor should implement mitigation measures given in the Table Mitigation Plan. The supervision engineer will have a right to prevent operation of obsolete machinery that may cause harmful effect during the works.

The operation of the heavy construction machinery and tools could generate increased level of noise and vibrations. According to the level of sensitivity prescribed by the Rulebook for locations of the measurement stations and sites (O.G. No.120 from 23.09.2008) and Rulebook on the limit values of noise in the environment (O.G. No.147 from 26.11.2008) all sub-project locations have been identified with area of II degree of noise protection and the noise limit values for area with II degree of noise protection should not exceed 45dBA for night and 55dBA for day and evening. Therefore, during sub-project activities the Contractor should respect these noise limits and should undertake mitigation measures in order to prevent adverse noise impacts on the local inhabitants. The national noise exposure limit values are in line with the WHO guideline values for community noise in


specific environments as well as with IFC noise level guidelines provided in the General EHS Guidelines: Noise Management. The Contractor’ machinery and equipment (trucks, excavator, loaders) will not exceed level of generated noise higher than 85dB and 102dB respectively, in compliance with the Rulebook on closer types of special noise sources as well as conditions that need to be fulfilled by facilities, equipment, installations and equipment, installations and devices that are used in open space in terms of noise emission and noise protection standards (“Official Gazette of RM”, No.142/2013) during the working hours from 07 to 19. The Contractor shall submit to the Supervisor for approval a list of intended machinery for use, with data on relevant technical features concerning air and noise emissions in the environment. Also, procedure for providing construction materials (concrete, earth material, asphalt etc) from the facilities (quarries, borrow pits) that have obtained IPPC permissions from Municipality or MoEPP shall be implemented. The materials that will be used in construction must have natural origin.

Communal waste and demolition waste (excavation of soil, cutting of concrete and asphalt, removal of street curbstone etc.) are the main waste streams generated during the infrastructural arrangement of project activities. In order to provide proper waste management, the Contractor should prepare and implement the measures given in the Waste Management Plan, followed by a proper record-keeping during the construction works. The Waste Management Plan should be developed based on the national waste related legislation (Law on waste – general waste management, List of waste – identification of non-hazardous and hazardous waste and its waste code) and taking into account the hierarchy of the waste management – selection on spot, recycle, re-use of waste, collection, transportation, treatment and final disposal. The estimated quantities of waste generated are shown in Table 3 in accordance with the bill of quantities of the Technical Project Design.

Table 3: Estimated generated waste quantities during the project activities Quantity of waste Quantity of Quantity of Code according waste waste Legal entity for to the List of Project for handling waste and Type of waste types of waste service Project for Project for location of waste (Official Journal streets in storm water sewage disposal (landfill) No. 100/2005) Sofilar network network

At the landfill „Sapkar” Excavated material near Dobrashinci (13.5 – soil, rubble and 1395,4 m3 741 m3 963 m3 17 05 04 km road distance from mud the central area of Strumica town)

The landfill „Sapkar” near Dobrashinci (13.5 km road distance from the central area of Strumica town) is under operation of CSE “Komunalec”, for the whole municipal solid waste, and construction/demolishion waste as well. Regarding oils and other hazardous waste, the responsibility should be undertaken by the authorized company for hazardous waste management with signing a Contract between Contractor and the Company. In case of incidents, such as spill out of oils, lubricants, fuel, other substances that may be considered as hazardous waste, the Contractor shall proceed with authorized entity for handling of such waste of the list on: content/uploads/2014/11/Registar-za-Transport-opasen-otpad.pdf.


Implementation of activities is in urban area, and there are no endangered animal or plant species, or protected areas and habitats in the closer vicinity.

In the course of the planned construction activities, sanitary-technical wastewater from the workers who will perform the construction works is expected, and therefore the Contractor must install prefabricated mobile toilets that will be serviced according to an Agreement between the Contractor and a licensed collector/processor company for this type of waste. The hydrographic network in this area consists of river Strumica with its tributaries as the main recipient on the water from the towns and . The flow is tipical wide and shallow. The average flow rate is 6.1 m3 / sec., With the highest water in early spring and the lowest water in August and September. Also near is the river Vodochnica, regulated in the lowlands and in the right half of the north side of the city around the city. The highest flow rate is presented with a flow rate of 1.64 m3 / sec.

In the course of the planned construction activities, sanitary-technical wastewater from the workers who will perform the construction works is expected, and therefore the Contractor will install mobile toilets that will be serviced according to an Agreement between the Contractor and a licensed collector/processor company for this type of waste. Since the river Vodochnica is running about 1.5 km near the project locations, there is a possibility that the water quality will deteriorate as a result of illegal waste disposal or possible leakage of oil/fuel from the construction machinery. According to the Decree on the categorization of watercourses, lakes, reservoirs and groundwater (“Official Journal of the Republic of Macedonia” No. 18/99), the river Vodochnica is categorized with a water quality of Class III at the given location. The categorization indicates rivers with moderate eutrophic status, with higher organic load and increased primary production (this river is not suitable for fish stock cultivation and use for recreational activities without its prior treatment: filtering, coagulation, etc.). In order to prevent possible deterioration in the quality and status of this water recipient, the disposal of waste generated in or near the riverbed during the project activities is prohibited.

Collectors F2, F6 and F3 will be connected to the existing main sewage collector F1. On the main sewage collector directly next to the passage under the river Vodochnica, construction of a pumping manhole (manhole) (Sh4) is planned, because it is not possible to conduct water by gravity to the connection manhole. In case of a defect, additional safety is planned by construction of an overflow pipe, from which the water will be poured by gravity into an outlet pipe. The connection of the facilities to the sewage system will be in the manholes themselves. Collectors F2, F6 and F3 will be gravitationally connected to the main collector F1 which is connected to KO-the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Strumica. The JPKD Komunalec Strumica has issued a Document for hydrotechnical conditions for Project for Construction of main sewage collector for new urban blocks No.35-42 in Strumica, with No. 10-261/2 from 29.03.2018, as basis for the Main Design.

The Council of Municipality of Strumica on 15.03.2019 has concluded a Decision for granting permanent use and management of thе WWTP – Strumica to JPKD Komunalec Strumica with No. 08- 2074/1 from 18.03.2019.

In the WWTP- Strumica the waste waters are treated according to the methodology for quality of effluent urban wastewaters before entering the recipient (Permit issued by Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning with arch. No. UP1 -11 /5- 1072/ 2017 on date 20.10.2017 according the Rulebook on requirements for collection, transport and

24 treatment of the wastewaters1 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 73/11), according to which the WWTP- Strumica operates. An agreement notice for conduction of the sewage collectors to the main collector that leads to the WWTP will be issued once the collectors are biult. Once the collector is constructed all the necessary approvals, permits and other documentation will be issued in shortest time notice.

Operational phase

During the operational phase environmental and social impacts are not expected. Overall positive environmental and social impacts are expected with realization of the project.

Overall environmental and OH&S management

For the proposed construction works, an Elaborate for Environmental Impact Assessment was prepared for the three projects as follows:

1. Elaborate for Environmetal Impact Assessment for project for Construction of a service street in the locality Sofilar with No. 0802-1/1 and No.UP1 24-13 from 01.04.2021 prepared by EK Planetum –Strumica. The Decision for approval of the elaborate for environmental protection for implementation of the project for Construction of a service street in the locality Sofilar was issued by Department for Environmental protection in Municipality of Strumica with No. UP1 24-13 from 05.04.2021. 2. Elaborate for Environmetal Impact Assessment for project Construction of a service street in the locality of Sofilar on KP 6778 KO Strumica with No. 0802-1/2 and No.UP1 24-12 from 01.04.2021 was prepared by EK Planetum –Strumica. The Decision for approval of the elaborate for environmental protection for implementation of the project for Construction of a service street in the locality Sofilar on KP 6778 KO Strumica was issued by Department for Environmental protection in Municipality of Strumica with No. UP1 24-12 from 02.04.2021. 3. Elaborate for Environmetal Impact Assessment for project for main fecal collector for urban blocks No35-42, UU 5 in Strumica, with tech.number 027/2018-K from May 2018 was prepared by from Doming JTD- Radovish. The Decision for approval of the elaborate for environmental protection for implementation of the project Construction of Fecal Collector for new urban blocks 35-42 urban unit 5 Municipality of Strumica was issued by Department for Environmental protection in Municipality of Strumica with No. UP 1 24-04 from 20.02.2019.

The proposed mitigation measures are presented in Tables of Mitigation and Monitoring Plan which should be implemented by the Contractor. The Supervisor has main obligation of providing monitoring of their implementation. The good communication between: Contractor, Supervisor, Environmental Inspector, Communal Inspector, and other relevant persons from Municipality of Strumica (PM, Civil Engineer, Mayor) is essential for good and timely project implementation.

1 Full title of the Rulebook: “Rulebook on closer conditions for collection, transport and treatment, the way and conditions for projection, building and exploitation of the systems and stations for treatment of urban wastewaters, as well as the technical standards, parameters, standards for emission and norms for quality for pre-treatment, removal and purification of wastewaters, having in mind the method for treatment of wastewaters that are discharged in the areas sensitive to discharge of wastewaters.” 25

Table A. Emvironmental Mitigation Plan for the Project infrastructural arrangement of settlement Sofilar in Strumica Potential impact Impact scale Proposed mitigation measures Responsibility Project activity: Pre-construction phase - Project for infrastructural arrangement of settlement Sofilar on the territory of the Municipality of Strumica • Provision of the information via municipality web site ( ) about the construction activities – start and finish of • OH&S issues work for each day and location of activities and duration of work; Possible adverse • Information leaflets shall be also placed on several visible places along the project safety and health site containing telephone number for communication with public; impacts to the workers • Within the municipal administration, a Complaint Dropbox shall be available and and community due to: adequate response shall be performed on regular basis. • Contractor - At one location in Local/ short • Preparation and implementation of OH&S and community safety Plan including • Supervisor settlement Sofilar in term/major with measures for prevention of COVID -19: • Municipal staff ; high (Communal o Adequate warning tapes and information signs around the construction site - Possible injury to significance at Inspector/Construction citizens due to ongoing location Sofilar need to be provided and maintained during the construction works; /Environmental works; in Strumica o For the workers - the legally prescribed health and safety measures should Inspector) - Non - compliance Municipality be applied, like: a) use of proper protective clothing and equipment by − with national employees; b) Maintain a good level of personal hygiene; c) Health occupational health protection-first aid kits and medical service on sites need to be provided and safety at work; - Non - compliance during the works; with local community o The surrounding area should be kept clean, without waste disposed there. safety regulations. The waste needs to be collected and immediately removed; o Organize 24-hour guard watch of the sites; o The sub-project locations should be lighted during the nights.

Project activity: Construction phase - Project for infrastructural arrangement of settlement Sofilar on the territory of the Municipality of Strumica • Preparation, approval and implementation of the Waste Management Plan including type of waste streams expected, waste codes (17 05 04 – excavated b) Waste soil), separation of waste on the spot, responsible person/s for implementation management of WMP plan; for low vegetation, concrete residuals and soil, agreements with The possible authorized waste collection companies, check lists with keeping records on adverse generated waste, records on transported waste etc.); environmental • Final disposal of the demolition waste at Shapkar dumpsite in a distance of 13 • Contractor impact and health Local/ short km from the construction site; • Supervisor effects could occur term/certain to • Small quantities oil, grease, construction material could be found after the • Municipal staff (Communal due to improper happen, major finalization of the project and managed in accordance with national HW Inspector/Environmental waste management Inspector) with high legislation (collection of hazardous materials, label as hazardous waste and that could cause • CSE “Komunalec” significance give to the authorized company); direct and indirect • The contract with the CSE “Komunalec” for waste collection and transportation − pollution on waters, of communal waste should be signed; soil and will impact • The materials should be covered during the transportation to avoid waste the air quality dispersion;

• Burning of demolition waste is prohibited; • The materials that will be used in construction must have natural origin, and the sand must have an autochthonous origin.

c) Water quality Possible environmental • Possible hazardous waste (motor oils, vehicle fuels, lubricants) should be impact on bodies of collected separately and authorized company should be sub-contracted to rivers Vodochnica Local/Short transport and finally dispose the hazardous waste; and Strumica could term/ • Dismantling of the equipment (fuel reservoirs, boiler) should be done by trained occur due to ground • Contractor Medium persons in order to avoid the potential effects of oil spills on soil, which would contamination from • Supervisor significance/ contaminate the underground water; • Municipal staff the spillage of Low • The temporary/final disposal of the waste along the rivers Vodochnica and (Environmental Inspector) materials such as probability Strumica body is prohibited; vehicle fuel, motor • Import of any non-aquatic floristic and faunistic elements into any water or dry oils and lubricants, surfaces at the construction site are forbidden. different waste etc as well turbidity of the water • The equipment should be fitted with appropriate noise devices that will reduce d) Noise sound level; The construction • The level of noise should not exceed national limit values for noise level - the activities and traffic sub project sites are located in area with second degree of noise protection, will cause noise which means that should not exceed 45dB during the night and 55dB during the and vibration due Local/Short evening and day; to the machinery term/ • The construction work should not be permitted during the nights, the operations and vehicles used Medium on sites shall be restricted to the hours 7.00 -19.00; • Contractor • Supervisor for transport of the significance/ • The vehicles that are excessively noisy shall not be operated until corrective • /Environmental Inspector construction Certain to measures have been taken. materials, transport happen • List of machinery intended for use shall be listed with noise generation of workers, and characteristics compliant to the limits. Rulebook on closer types of special noise transport of waste sources as well as conditions that need to be fulfilled by facilities, equipment, produced in installations and equipment, installations and devices that are used in open constructive phase space in terms of noise emission and noise protection standards (“Official Gazette of RM”, No.142/2013)

e) Vegetation Local/ short For the purpose of • Contractor term/certain the project, the • Supervisor to happen, • To minimize cleaning of the vegetation along the locations vegetation along major with • Communal the section shall be high Inspector/Environment cleaned (trees, significance al Inspector bushes etc)

Operational phase of the Project • No environmental risks are expected • No social risks are expected • The project will improve infrastructure, storm and sewage sewage system in settlement Sofilar in Strumica.

Table B. Emvironmental Monitoring Plan for the Project for infrastructural arrangement of settlement Sofilar in Strumica Cost Responsibility Project for When infrastructural Where How Why What is the parameter arrangement is the is the is the parameter to monitored of settlement parameter to parameter parameter Construction Operations Operation be monitored? (frequency of Sofilar on the be monitored? monitored? monitored? measurement)? territory of the Municipality of Strumica Project stage: Preparation activities/ Start-up with Project for infrastructural arrangement of settlement Sofilar on the territory of the Municipality of Strumica Preparation and To provide implementation Documentation At the good of the OH&S reviewed and commencement construction Plan On and approved by of the practices Application of around the the Supervisor Contractor construction; refer to preventive construction and visual Supervisor Every working workers and measures sites monitoring day during the community against performed project activities health and COVID-19 by permanently safety all workers on the site During the Contractor The safety On the construction Supervisor protection construction activities Communal measures site at Visual checks At the beginning Inspector at applied for the location of each working the workers, locals Sofilar day during the municipality

project activities Strumica Cleaning trees, On the Visual At the beginning To minimize Contractor bushes, other construction monitoring of construction cleaning of /Supervisor/

Cost Responsibility Project for When infrastructural Where How Why What is the parameter arrangement is the is the is the parameter to monitored of settlement parameter to parameter parameter Construction Operations Operation be monitored? (frequency of Sofilar on the be monitored? monitored? monitored? measurement)? territory of the Municipality of Strumica vegetation site performed works the vegetation Municipal staff permanently (Communal and Environmental Inspectors) Contractor For residual /Supervisor/ materials To avoid and Existence of In the close Municipal staff immediately/ for minimize dust generated area of (Communal Visual checks dust generation injuries and during the construction and every day after dust construction site Environmental competition of inhalation Inspectors) work

Project stage: Construction activities – Project for infrastructural arrangement of settlement Sofilar on the territory of the Municipality of Strumica To ensure environmental Preparation Documentation protection reviewed, Monitoring and On the through approved by regularly during implementation construction proper waste Contractor the Supervisor the project of Waste site management /Supervisor and visual duration Management (according Plan monitoring the waste streams management

Cost Responsibility Project for When infrastructural Where How Why What is the parameter arrangement is the is the is the parameter to monitored of settlement parameter to parameter parameter Construction Operations Operation be monitored? (frequency of Sofilar on the be monitored? monitored? monitored? measurement)? territory of the Municipality of Strumica hierarchy)

To separate hazardous Primary from the non- At the beginning selection of the Review the hazardous Contractor – On the site of project different waste documentation waste as well Supervisor activities streams as inert from biodegradabl e waste Authorized To improve Contractor for Collection and Review the Before the the waste collection and transport as transportation On safety transportation of management transportation well storage of list and temporary the hazardous practice on of hazardous hazardous conditions at storage waste (if there municipality waste waste (if any the storage is any) and national subcontracted occurs) facility level by the Contractor Collection On the sites Visual After the Not to leave Contractor transportation and around monitoring and collection and the waste on Supervisor and final the sites reviewing the transportation of the spot to

Cost Responsibility Project for When infrastructural Where How Why What is the parameter arrangement is the is the is the parameter to monitored of settlement parameter to parameter parameter Construction Operations Operation be monitored? (frequency of Sofilar on the be monitored? monitored? monitored? measurement)? territory of the Municipality of Strumica disposal of the transportation the solid waste avoid the solid waste and disposal on regular base environmental lists from the each day and health sub-contractor impact on local population Fulfilled To improve After the Annual Report the waste accomplishment Mayor of the on collection, management the task of municipality transportation Review of on local and Local self- collection, Strumica/ and disposal of documentation national level government transportation, Ministry of different waste – Identification To be in administration temporary Environment streams of waste list compliance disposal and and Physical with national final disposal of Planning legal waste requirements Presence of Along the Visual During the Controlled Contractor, PCE generated riverbed of monitoring construction waste Supervisor, Komunalec waste in the Vodocnica and works management PCE Strumicaa, riverbed of Strumica Pollution Komunalec Authorised Vodochnica prevention of Strumica, environme rivers Authorised ntal environmental inspector inspector

Cost Responsibility Project for When infrastructural Where How Why What is the parameter arrangement is the is the is the parameter to monitored of settlement parameter to parameter parameter Construction Operations Operation be monitored? (frequency of Sofilar on the be monitored? monitored? monitored? measurement)? territory of the Municipality of Strumica Noise To ensure measurements Monitoring of noise level the noise levels limits dB (А) with During the work according to Contractor On the site appropriate peaks, in cases regulation as Supervisor of complaints monitoring well as noise devices exposure limits JPKD Maintenance Komunalec storm and of storm and Visual, and During Strumica / sewage Prevention of sewage monitoring operation, use Mayor of sewage fire sewage devices of citizens the network network municipality Strumica


The Municipality of Strumica signed the Sub-loan Agreement No. 22 with the Ministry of Finance on 26.12.2019, in the amount of 91,600,315.00 MKD. The sub-loan reffers to financing of two municipal sub-projects i.e the project for replacement and installation of house horizontal/vertical and ultrasonic water meters with upgrade by the equipment for distant mobile reading and the project for integration of the water meters in the system of distant reading and Project for extension of the secondary gas distribution network.

After the successful bidding procedure, the contract was awarded to the bidder JV -“DGT ZIKOL DOOEL Strumica” and “DOOEL Tehnoskop Skopje”, which offered the price of 88.703.950,85 MKD with VAT or 1.442.340,66 EUR. The contract was signed on 09.04.2020 and it is expected that all construction activities will be completed until 19.05.2021. Currently 72% of the project for replacement and installation of house water meters is completed and 94% of the secondary gas network is installed, as well as 79% of the contract value is paid.

Following the Second MSIP procedure for implementation of the Social inclusion grant component, the Municipality of Strumica is eligible to receive a grant in the amount of MKD 23,950,067 (27% from the contact value). Based on the urban audit results the Municipality decides to use this grant funds for implementation of 3 (three) projects as follows:

1. Construction of a service street in Sofilar with storm drainage water, with estimated amount of MKD 7.284.299,30 MKD,

2. Project for construction of a service street in the area of Sofilar on KP no. 6778 with storm sewage, with estimatedamount of 9.581.250, 72 MKD. and

3. Construction of sewage collector F2, F6 and F3 in urban block 40,41 / 2 and 42 in the settlement Sofilar, with estimated amount of 9.016.072,00 MKD.

Table 4. Project investment value

Net value 18% VAT Total with VAT Projects (MKD) (MKD) (MKD)

Construction of a service street in Sofilar with 6,173,135.00 1,111,164,30 7,284,299.30 storm drainage water

Project for construction of a service street in 8,119,704.00 1,461,546.72 9,581,250.72 the area of Sofilar on KP no. 6778 with storm drainage water

Construction of sewage collector F2, F6 and 7,640,739.20 1,375,333.05 9,016,072.25 F3 in urban block 40,41 / 2 and 42 in the settlement Sofilar

Total project investment value (MKD) 21,933,578.20 3,948,044.07 25,881,622.30

Total project investment value (EUR) 356,643.55 64,195.84 420,839.39


The Municipal Council adopted Decision no. 08-1183/1 date 24.02.2021 that establishes realization of a projects for construction of two service streets with storm drainage water and construction of three sewerage collectors in the settlement Sofilar as priority for the Municipality of Strumica which financing will be provided with MSIP2 poverty social inclusion grant funds in the amount of 23,950,067.00 denars.

The total investment value of the projects is equal to 25.881,622,30,00 MKD. Having in mind that available grant for the municipality of Strumica (23.950.067,00 MKD) is lower than the estimated investment value of the project, the funds in the amount of 1,931,555 MKD will be co-financed by the Municipality. The Decision for municipal cofinancing was adopted by the Municipal Council with No.08-1183/1 from 24.02.2021 from Official Gazette of Municipality of Stumica No.2 from 25.02.2021.

Table 5. Financing structure of the project

Project Total (denars) Total (Euro)

Second MSIP -Social Inclusion grant 23,950,067 389,431.98

Municipal co-financing 1,931,555 31,407.40

Total financing 25,881,622 420,839.39

1 EUR = 61.5 MKD

It is assumed that procurement will take about 2 months while the construction works will last approximately 6 months, which means that all the above-mentioned investment costs will be disbursed during 2021.

The main objectives of the projects are the improvement of the municipal infrastructure and social-economic conditions of marginalized settlements and communities and improvement of the municipal services for all citizens. This project will contribute to the socio-economic inclusion of the citizens of the settlement Sofilar; thus, they will no longer be excluded from the basic infrastructural services that have been provided to other urban settlements in Strumica city. If implemented the project will fulfill the gap of inadequate infrastructure in part of the City which is so close to the urban center and whose citizens have access to the main facilities - schools, kindergartens, healthcare, commercial facilities only by dirt roads. Also, by the construction of storm water drainage and sewage in Sofilar settlement, the project will provide one of the most elementary communal services to the citizens in the City of Strumica.

The improvement of infrastructure by providing basic services and facilities as a direct economic stimulus will ensure social wellbeing and economic growth which will further result in the alleviation of poverty in the urban areas. Moreover, by regulating the stormwater and by collecting the wastewaters and their full treatment in the WWTP- Strumica, the project will greatly contribute to improving and preserving the environment, as well as will generally improve the quality of life of the citizens in the Municipality.