
Cell Differentiation in the Early ______

• Shortly after fertilization, the of the egg ______into cells allows different fates to begin to develop in different populations ______• Different species use different strategies to determine the fate of individual cells and groups of cells during cleavage ______• Remember: differentiation means choosing a different set of to express from the DNA ______that you (and everyone else) inherited ______


III. Early Cell Differentiation ______

A. Differentiation in individual cells is all ______about choosing which DNA to Express B. Levels of Commitment to Differentiation ______A. Staged Commitment B. Specification C. Determination ______C. Three Major Strategies of Specification A. Autonomous B. Conditional ______C. Synctitial ______















B. Levels of commitment to any certain fate... ______

• Much the same idea as competence.... ______– A cell may be capable of differentiating to a certain cell fate: “competent” ______– It may have gone far enough to be able to adopt that fate in a neutral part of the embryo: “specified”

– It may have gone far enough to be able to adopt that ______fate in an antagonistic part of the embryo: “determined” ______– It may express all of the known characteristics of that fate: “terminally differentiated” ______


Compare these terms to terms of “potency” ______• Many overlaps between competence and potency.... ______– A cell capable of differentiating to all fates: “totipotent” = complete competence ______– A cell capable of differentiating to fewer fates: “multipotent” = partial competence = specified? ______– A cell capable of differentiating to a single fate: “single potency” = determined

– A cell expressing that single fate: ______“terminally differentiated” ______

______C. Specification of Limited Potential in the Early Embryo ______

• Three Basic Strategies ______– Autonomous Specification: you become the cell types dictated by the egg cytosol you get ______– Conditional Specification: you become the cell types dictated by the signals you receive ______– Synctitial Specification: autonomous specification without the membranes ______• Most organisms use a combination of strategies one and two ______


Autonomous (mosaic) specification ______Sea Squirts ______




A cell doesn’t need contact with other cells to fulfill its fate ______


Conditional specification ______

Sea Urchins ______





______Conditional specification ______What matters is the signals in any given location: if cells are transplanted they adopt the fate of the new position ______



If cells are removed, others adopt their fate ______




• Most signals in the cleavage stage embryo reach most or all of the cells ______

• They tend to form gradients from high to ______low from the point of their release ______• In a pure “Conditional Specification” different cell fates would result from ______different concentrations along the gradient ______



• In the “Combination Specification” a ______greater complexity would form as signal gradients interacted with cells that got different starting material from the egg ______




______Gilbert’s Flag deal.... ______

Pure “Conditional Specification” ______






Gilbert’s Flag Deal... ______

The “Combo Specification” The gradient is ______specifying to the cells but they each have their own history ______

______If you transplant them to a new place, they will become those ______cell types but will display their historical nature ______


Part Figure II.10 Syncytial specification in Drosophila melanogaster ______

Insects reproduce ______their nuclei during cleavage without making new cell membranes ______

Their nuclei then express ______proteins into the common cytosol based on what TF’s ______that region inherited from the egg cytosol. ______








IV. ______

A. Background Information ______B. Invertebrates 1. Sea Urchins 2. Snails ______3. Tunicates 4. C. Elegans 5. Drosophila melanogaster ______C. 1. The Frog ______2. Zebrafish 3. The Chick Embryo 4. ______



______Gastrulation is a developmental process that takes the organism from the blastula stage through the gastrula stage ______

______Structure Æ Process Æ Structure ______


______Gastrulation is the formation of the three germ layers ______

Terminology of cell movements in gastrulation: ______






Gastrulation is the formation of the three germ layers ______

Terminology of cell movements in gastrulation: ______






Gastrulation in the ______

blastula ______



______gastrula (pluteus larva) ______

______Gastrulation in the sea urchin ______

______Skeletogenic Mesenchyme ______


Invaginating ______Endoderm



Gastrulation in the sea urchin ______

Non-skeletogenic ______Mesenchyme






Figure 5.15 Entire sequence of gastrulation in Lytechinus variegatus (Part 3) ______






______Figure 5.16 Ingression of skeletogenic mesenchyme cells ______



______Ingression from the : Snail TF causes micromeres to downregulate e-. ______



Figure 5.17 Formation of syncytial cables by skeletogenic mesenchyme cells of the sea urchin ______The syncytial cables are the site of calcium carbonate deposition for the sea urchin skeleton ______



______VEGF and FGF are chemotactic guides for mesenchyme. ______


Figure 5.19 of the vegetal plate ______






______Figure 5.21 Mid-gastrula stage of Lytechinus pictus, showing filopodial extensions of non- skeletogenic mesenchyme ______




______Without the filopodia and pulling of the non-skeletogenic mesenchyme the can only get 2/3 of the way! ______


Figure 5.22 The imaginal rudiment growing in the left side of the pluteus larva of a sea urchin ______







Gastrulation in molluscs ______



______A very different strategy: Epiboly of the surrounds the presumptive ______endoerm and cells ______

______Figure 5.32 Formation of a glochidium larva by the modification of spiral cleavage ______


______In fresh water clams, you either evolve or you can only spread downstream ______




Figure 5.33 Phony fish atop the unionid clam Lampsilis altilis ______







Gastrulation in the tunicate ______

Endoderm ______invagination


Mesoderm involution ______

______Ectoderm epiboly ______

______Gastrulation is the formation of the three germ layers ______

Terminology of cell movements in gastrulation: ______






Convergent extension of the tunicate notochord ______

Tunicate notochord has 40 cells ______



Starts as 4x10 End up as They migrate to the midline sheet of cells row of 40 ______



Gastrulation in C. elegans ______

Starts early: 24-cell stage Most movements are single cells ______


Cell fusion is unique ______

______186 cells of skin fuse into just 8 cells ______

______Gastrulation in Drosophila ______

______• A little more complex from this point on! ______– Occurs in a ~hard egg case

– 2 main series of steps: ______

• segregation of germ layers ______• final migrations to finish the larva



Gastrulation in Drosophila ______

______Fate Map ______

______1st mesoderm invaginates ______Mesoderm ultimately separates and forms an about the same time tube fully in the interior the head is distinguished ______


Gastrulation in Drosophila ______






______Figure 6.5 Schematic representation of gastrulation in Drosophila ______

Next the ______invaginates at both ends of ventral furrow ______





Gastrulation in Drosophila ______







Figure 6.4 Gastrulation in Drosophila (Part 2) ______






______Figure 6.5 Schematic representation of gastrulation in Drosophila ______



As the endoderm ______invaginates, the ectoderm and mesoderm extend and converge to ______wrap around the dorsal side to form the “germ band” ______



• This finishes the first series of steps ______

• The second series involves: ______

– retraction of the germ band ______– segmentation of the thorax and abdomen ______– epibolic closure of the dorsal epidermis ______


Figure 6.5 Schematic representation of gastrulation in Drosophila ______




______Germ band retracts ______

______Figure 6.4 Gastrulation in Drosophila (Part 3) ______fully extended mostly retracted ______






Figure 6.6 Comparison of larval (left) and adult (right) segmentation in Drosophila (Part 1) ______







Radial, Holoblastic Cleavage of a frog egg ______Same basic design as the sea urchin ______




It is unequal because of the large amount of yolk in the vegetal end ______

______Gastrulation in laevis ______

Adult cell fates are specified by position at the end of blastulation ______



______Endoderm and ectoderm Mesodermal precursors start in the outer layers. start in the inner layers. ______


Step 1: Blastopore Formation ______Bottle cells start gastrulation by changing shape ______and involuting. ______

They are surface cells from the vegetal- ______margin but do the same job as the vegetal pole epithelium in sea urchins ______Create the archenteron. ______


Step 2: Endoderm and Mesoderm Involute up the Inside of ______



Once the bottle cells get movement started ______they become non-essential.

Endoderm and mesoderm migrate inward and upward with the endodermal cells in the lead ______

“Vegetal rotation” moves the deep endoderm into contact with inner blastocoel surface ______

______Figure 7.7 Surface view of an early dorsal blastopore lip of Xenopus ______







Step 3: Establishment of the Dorsal Mesoderm ______



______Convergent extension of mesodermal cells allows them to assume an inter- ______mediate position



Step 4: Elimination of the Blastocoel ______




Growth of archenteron and endodermal division eliminates it entirely ______


______Step 5: Establishment of Ventral Mesoderm ______




Ventral and lateral ______involution is slower ______


Step 6: Epiboly of the Ectoderm ______The “yolk plug” is made up of immobile endodermal cells that are covered by ectodermal cell division and epiboly. ______



______The remnant of the blastopore, where the endoderm and ectoderm meet, becomes the anus of the embryo. ______


Figure 7.13 Epiboly of the ectoderm is accomplished by cell division and intercalation ______






______Zebrafish development occurs very rapidly ______





24-hours from 1 cell to embryo! ______


Figure 7.40 Discoidal meroblastic cleavage in a zebrafish egg ______







Figure 7.41 Fish blastula (Part 2) ______






______Cell movements during zebrafish gastrulation ______



______Step 1: Epiboly of over yolk driven by radial intercalation of deep cells into outer layer

Step 2: Ingression and involution of (ectoderm) to form (endoderm and mesoderm) ______

Step 3: Mesoderm and endoderm migrate across yolk to final positions under presumptive ectoderm ______


Figure 7.43 Cell migration of endodermal and mesodermal precursors ______

Hypoblast formation causes Epiblast cells a thickening at the margin are multipotent called the “germ ring” ______



Mesodermal cells Presumptive start heading to the endoderm vegetal pole, then spreads out ______reverse and head randomly (!) toward animal pole. ______


Step 4: Convergence and Extension of the Entire Gastrula ______After the hypoblast is formed, many cells converge towards the dorsal side and extend towards the anterior ______




The dorsal shield is an intercalation of epiblast and hypoblast that will give rise to the chordamesoderm. ______

______Figure 7.44 Convergence and extension in the zebrafish gastrula ______







Figure 7.37 Zebrafish development occurs very rapidly (Part 2) ______




Simultaneous convergence and extension of ______other epiblast cells bring neuronal progenitors to the dorsal midline to form the ‘neural keel’ ______



Avian Gast rulat ion is dominated by the ______huge amount of yolk



Forces it to become nearly planar rather ______than typical spherical ______

______By the time the egg is laid the epiblast has ~20,000 cells )




______The blastocoel is the area between the epiblast and hypoblast ______



______• All of the cells of the avian embryo come from the epiblast ______• The hypoblast gives rise only to extraembryonic structures, such as and yolk stalk ______




______Koller’s sickle is a thickening under the epiblast at the posterior end of the area pellucida ______3-4 hours ______The epiblast above appear to stay together and travel ahead as Henson’s node cells ______

The 7-8 hours starts anterior of the ______sickle as cells increase in thickness forming the equivalent of the frog blastopore lips ______

______Mediolateral intercalation and convergent extension of the primitive streak ______








______The first cells near the edge form endoderm, the next through form mesodermal structures ______

In avian , all cells that go through undergo an epithelial to ______mesenchymal transition ______



______15-16 hours The epiblast cells that go in through Hensen’s node become midline mesoderm, such as the notochord ______



The is equivalent ______to the frog blastopore itself ______

______19-22 hours ______



The farther posterior you enter the groove, the wider ______your migration swings ______


______Regression of the streak is accompanied by organogenesis which occurs anterior to posterior

23-24 hours ______




4- stage ______


Figure 8.7 Chick gastrulation 24–28 hours after fertilization ______






______Figure 8.15 Development of a human embryo from fertilization to implantation ______







The will Form Embryo ______


This is the source of embryonic ______stem cells ______

The remainder ______is



Figure 8.21 Schematic diagram showing the derivation of tissues in human and rhesus monkey embryos ______






______Figure 8.22 formation in the early mammalian embryo ______

Implantation of the in the uterus induces development ______of both maternal and embryonic structures to establish a supply of nutrients, waste removal, shock absorption, etc. ______


Mammalian gastrulation is very much like that of ______birds and reptiles, even though we don’t have any where near the yolk content. ______


Picture the blastocyst full of yolk..... ______







Poor old Henson discovered this node as well but didn’t get the naming rights ______





