Winter 2008 Horef 5768

just teaching us how a leader must Rabbi’s Message act; he was showing us how each and every one of us must act in our is one of the characteristics that daily lives. Eliezer Kreiser made Moshe into such a great leader. We all read and hear about differ- We have just One would think that any Jew ent situations that our Jewish breth- begun Sefer living in those times would naturally ren face. Israeli soldiers being held Sh’mos in the feel the distress that the Jewish peo- in captivity, the living in Sderot weekly Torah Por- ple were feeling at that time. Why under a constant barrage of Kassam tion. does the Possuk stress this as being rockets, the plight of the Iranian In Parshas Sh’mos, we read about an exceptional trait of Moshe’s? Let Jews,...The list goes on and on. Yes, Moshe being saved by the daughter us keep in mind the story of Moshe’s we do feel pain at their circum- of Pharoh and his subsequent up- life up until this point. He had been stances. But are we really internaliz- bringing in the palace of Pharoh. brought up by Pharoh’s daughter, ing their pain, or is their pain just at When Moshe grew up, the Torah and raised in the royal palace. He the edge of our consciousness? Only tells us that Moshe saw the hard- was not brought up amongst the Jew- when we truly identify with them, ships of his brothers. ish People. The environment in the way that Moshe Rabeinu did, which Moshe grew up was a far cry will we be able to follow Moshe’s Moshe went out to his brothers, from the bitter life that his brethren lead and take action on their behalf and he saw their hardships. Rashi were living. Yet he identifies so the way that Moshe did for his explains the words “vaya’ar b’siv- strongly with his brethren that he brothers at that time. The more that losom” that he did not just observe leaves his life of luxury to go out and we internalize their pain, the more their pain, he connected with it. The be amongst them and share in their we will do on their behalf. pain of his brothers caused him ac- pain. tual distress. This deep feeling for Let us broaden and deepen our his fellow Jew is what spurred Moshe exhibited selflessness and knowledge and feelings toward the Moshe into action on his behalf. This a deep concern for others. These are plight of our fellow Jews. This can ability to actually feel another’s pain essential traits for a leader of the and should lead to us doing more on Jewish Nation. But Moshe was not their behalf.

has) a large Israeli Orthodox com- Ezras Israel’s Next Annual Dinner—February 10th munity. But they liked the Gaithers- burg/Rockville area from a previous By Michael Richman minyan, and served from time to summer visit, and had heard there Ezras Israel’s next annual dinner time as Chazzan, Shaliach Tzibur was a small Orthodox community in is coming up on Sunday, February and Torah reader. Like other, more the area (they may not have appreci- 10th – not much more than one recent visiting Israelis, they came ated how small). So they came to month away. Our honorees this with two children and left with three Rollins Park, becoming, they said, year, having graciously agreed to (a fourth followed later). probably the only Israeli Orthodox serve in that role, are Ron and Tami Their second extended visit oc- family in the area at the time living Unger, visiting scientists from Reho- curred in 2001-02 when they both outside the Warwick (the large apart- vot, Israel – and from time to time of had a sabbatical year – Ron from Bar ment building at the intersection of Rockville, Maryland. Ilan University and Tami from the University Boulevard and Arcola Avenue in Kemp Mill). Ron and Tami first came to our Weizmann Institute. By then, the community in 1990, as post-doctoral shul had changed significantly, now They do not regret their decision. fellows following their graduation in a house of its own and with a In the past 17 years, they say that with Ph.D. degrees from the Weiz- rabbi, Rabbi Kreiser. They have Ezras Israel has come to feel like mann Institute of Science. During now reached another sabbatical year, home, and the people in the commu- the following four years, they were so they are back with us for a semes- nity like family. As we feel about active in our community, joining ter, returning to Israel just after the them, which is why we have chosen what was then a relatively small shul dinner. them as our honorees this year. (even compared to our current size) When they came as post-docs, Also, like another recent visiting meeting in a nursery school at the they had to consider where to live, Israeli scientist, they have left their corner of Rollins and East Jefferson. with Kemp Mill being an obvious (Continued on page 2) Ron was counted on as part of the choice – Kemp Mill had (and still

welcomed and encouraged.

President’s Message I also want to take this time to invite

the women of our congregation to a new Dear Friends, Additionally, we always need for any- women's study group that is beginning on one and everyone who has the time to January 7th. It is my hope that this group I hope this note help with any aspect of the dinner, from becomes an important part of Ezras Israel finds all of you well. planning to decorating to making calls to and becomes very vibrant. It is important friends and family inviting more people There are a lot of exciting and impor- for Ezras Israel to provide an opportunity to come, to please volunteer. Clearly hon- tant events that are approaching in the for the women of our shul to study the oring the Ungers and the 60th anniversary next few months in the Ezras Israel com- texts of our tradition. It is my hope that comes along only once in a lifetime, so munity. First and foremost, our Annual the women’s study group connects to the please join me and my family in making Dinner will be February 10th. We have women of the shul and any other women this evening a spectacular event for Ezras the great privilege of honoring two very of the community who are interested in Israel. important people of Ezras Israel: Tamar learning, and that it continues for many and Ron Unger. Not only are we honoring Along with the Ezras Israel Annual years to come. them, but we are honoring the 60th anni- Dinner, the Board would like to arrange It is my hope and prayer that these up- versary of the establishment of the State other activities to recognize the 60th anni- coming events in our community will of Israel as well. This dinner is an oppor- versary of Israel. If anyone has any ideas make Ezras Israel even a more vibrant tunity for everyone at Ezras Israel to as to how to commemorate the anniver- place than it already is. I look forward to honor both the Ungers and Israel in a sary, please contact me or any Board working with as many people as possible most unique and special evening. I hope member, and we will be sure to try and in all of these activities. With thanks in that everyone reading this will be first and implement your idea into our celebra- advance from myself and the rest of the foremost present on February 10th. At- tions. We are at this time thinking of Board. tending the dinner will show support not sending a delegation of Ezras Israel mem- only for the Ungers and their dedication bers to a community wide event at the Kol Tuv, to Ezras Israel, but it will do our part in Mall that is currently being planned. We Michael, Nechama, Kaylee showing our support for the land of Israel. also hope to have our annual Yom Haatz- and Arielle maut Picnic as well. Any other ideas are

(Continued from page 1) Upcoming Women’s Pro- All women are encouraged to attend mark on the shul – they played a role in these learning opportunities; no previous adding two familiar features to the shul’s gramming and Tefila Shiur knowledge required. Bring a interior. More on that in the dinner jour- friend! Please stay tuned to in-shul an- nal. We are pleased to announce that Ezras nouncements and/or the weekly e-mail up- Honoring the Ungers is part of our Israel will be moving forward with a date for further details. For any questions, celebration of “Israel at 60,” a community learning program just for women. First, a or to receive personal notification about -wide series of events and festivities af- Tehillim (Psalms) discussion group women’s programming scheduling, contact firming our commitment to Israel’s well- will be meeting on selected Monday nights Riva Borbely at [email protected] being and its centrality to our lives. They at 8:15 pm (approximately every other or 301-816-8966. are, of course, just one prominent exam- week). We will be looking at classic ple of the exchange program we have had commentaries, as well as our own per- with the State of Israel over the past 30 sonal responses to the the holy poetry of years. More on that in the dinner journal David Hamelech. Amanda Denemark has as well. graciously volunteered to lead our first The dinner will also feature a guest discussion, on chapters 16 and 126, speaker, Dr. Irwin Arias of NIHCD and a starting January 7th at 8:15 pm. Those friend and colleague of the Ungers, who who wish to prepare for the discussion will speak about “Chaim Sheba and the can access the full English text of the Genetics of Jewish Migrants Popula- Judaica Press Complete Tanach online at tions.” Dr. Sheba was one of the pioneer- (Or any other ing founds of Israel’s public health sys- edition of Tehillim you have lying tem and for whom Tel HaShomer, Is- around.) Or feel free to come just to lis- rael’s largest hospital, is named. ten. Additionally, Rabbi Kreiser will be As with past dinners, we are soliciting offering a shiur on the structure and personal and business messages for the dinner journal. You should by now have meaning of the prayer service, also on received a letter to reserve ad space. Monday nights, starting at a date and Please do so by January 10th. For more time to be decided after his return from information, please contact the dinner Eretz Yisrael. chair, Rachmil Jacobovits.

2 Learning Schedule  Shabbat mornings, Rabbi’s shiur on the weekly Parsha, 8:15am at the shul. Open to all.  Sunday mornings following Shacharis, Rabbi’s Class at the Ring House. (Men only.) Light breakfast served.  Tuesday Learning Nights at 8pm at the shul (men only), followed by Maariv.  Women’s Study Group on selected Mondays at 8pm at the shul (women only) (beginning January 7th)

Gift Shop by Mordechai Yahoodain Mazel Tov 301.881.0647 To Ilene and Rick Van Houter and their fami- lies on the engagement of their son Andy to Support Israel—buy Israeli products To Amanda Denemark and Jonathan Mizrahi Samantha Danzig Skin care, jewelry, Judaica, and more. and their families on their engagement To Liat and Jordan Chill, and the entire Chill 10% of profits go to Congregation To Sheerlee and Yossi Kuttner and their fami- and Kreinter families, on the Bat-Mitzvah of Ezras Israel lies on the birth and bris of their son Yair their daughter Daria Amy (Daria Ahuva)

Yasher Koach For sponsoring a kiddush Sheldon Needle in memory of his mother Rena Sheldon Needle for coordinating the annual Judy Lowitz and Stuart & June Graff in honor Needle z"l Chanukah dinner, and those who helped him of the birthdays of Ilene Van Houter and Vahid Rabbi Eliezer Kreiser and Michael Richman in with the preparations and set-up Yahoodain honor of their being honored with the Choson Doreen Blech for sponsoring a in June Graff and Doreen Blech in honor of their Torah and Choson Bereshis aliyas, respec- memory of her husband, Bennet Jay (Ben Zion mothers’ Yarhzeits tively, on Simchat Torah ben Yaacov) Blech z"l Lazer Fuerst in honor of the shul Dov Popovici in honor of the Yahrzeit of his Jerry Roschwalb and Doreen Blech for work- mother Sara Popovici z"l ing to plan the Annual Dinner - please respond Rachmil Jacobovits in honor of the Yahrzeit of positively to their phone calls to attend or ad- his mother Misie Devorah bat Moshe Dov z"l Louis Taub in honor of the Yahrzeit of his vertise in the Dinner Journal wife z"l Jerold Roschwalb in honor of the Yahrzeit of his mother Irene Roschwalb z"l Jerold Roschwalb in honor of the Yahrzeit of his father Samuel Roschwalb z"l Are you receiving the weekly Ezras Israel e-mail update? Bea Garoon in memory of her husband Jerry Garoon z"l and in appreciation of the shul's Davening times, upcoming events, and more! To subscribe, visit support during her bereavement

ther information and a tour of the site. You Baruchim Habaim Shul News may also get additional information at www.gardenofremembrance,org. New Members Cemetery Spaces Available Rabbi Hershel & Ariel Lutch Gan Zikaron (Garden of Remembrance) is a Sponsor a New Chumash Jewish community owned and operated ceme- There are now opportunities to sponsor a new tery. Spaces are available in the section previ- Chumash for the shul - $50 to sponsor a regu- Refuah Shlemah ously purchased by Ezras Israel Congregation lar Stone Edition Chumash, and $36 for a of Rockville for $1,800 each. You will have combined Stone Chumash/Siddur Travel Edi- Rebbetzin Rifka Kreiser - Rivka bas Chaya the benefit of a tax deduction. Please contact tion. Please contact Rachmil Jacobovits (see Batsheva Morris Altschuler at (301) 770-5591 for fur- box below for contact information). Rabbi Seymour Panitz - HaRav Shmuel Men- achem ben Nechama Neche Memorialize a loved one Donate to the Donate a Machzor, Siddur or Chumash Ezras Israel Hachnosat Orchim Fund to support the Call Rachmil 301-770–4343 or hospitality the Rabbi extends to the community. e-mail [email protected]

For the holidays and all your Celebrate a special occasion! special occasions, send Sponsor a Kiddush personalized Call Judy Lowitz Chesed Cards and 301.816-9151, or reserve online at Help Ezras Israel at the same time Call June Graff 301.770.7129


Minyan Times

a.m. 8:15 Friday Wednesday, Tuesday,

Torah) read we weekdays other & Chodesh Rosh on time the (Also a.m. 8:05 Thursday Monday,

refreshments. and only) (men shiur Rabbi’s by Followed a.m. 8:30 Sunday

2: Room Activity House, Ring at Shacharit Friday – Sunday

Maariv and Shlishit Seudah by Followed above. See Mincha/Maariv

a.m. 9:00 Shacharit

status. Eruv for 1661 - 627 - 240 Call Israel: Ezras at Shabbat

Parah - Shemini 8:10 7:00 7:10 7:11 Sat - Fri Mar - 29

8:02 6:50 7:00 7:04 Tzav Sat - Fri Mar - 22


8:00) ends 5:52, begins (fast Esther Ta'anit XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXX Thu Mar - 20

Zachor - Vayikra 7:55 6:45 6:55 6:57 Sat - Fri Mar - 15

Luach HaZmanim forward hour 1 - clocks Change XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXX Sun Mar - 9

Chodesh Rosh - Shekalim - Pekudei 6:48 5:40 5:50 5:50 Sat - Fri Mar - 8

6:41 5:30 5:40 5:42 Sat) - (Fri II Adar Mevorchim - Vayakhel Sat - Fri Mar - 1

6:34 5:25 5:35 5:35 Tisa Ki Sat - Fri Feb - 23

6:27 5:15 5:25 5:27 Sat - Fri Feb - 16

6:19 5:10 5:20 5:19 Terumah Sat - Fri Feb - 9

6:12 5:00 5:10 5:11 Thu) - (Wed I Adar Mevorchim - Sat - Fri Feb - 2

6:04 4:50 5:00 5:03 Sat - Fri Jan - 26


5:57 4:45 4:55 4:55 Beshalah Sat - Fri Jan - 19

5:50 4:35 4:45 4:47 Sat - Fri Jan - 12

5:44 4:30 4:40 4:41 (Tue) Shvat Mevorchim - Vaera Sat - Fri Jan - 5

Ends Event - Chag - Parsha Day Date

Mincha Tov Tov

Mincha Yom Yom Tov Yom

lighting bat / / bat Tov Yom Erev

Shab- / Shabbat / Friday Candle

Congregation Ezras Israel P.O. Box 2281 Rockville, MD 20847