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ELUL. 5745 SF.PT .. 1985. VOL. XVHL NO. 8 8 The Yeitzer Hora Re-examined, Rabbi Aaron Brafman

PRESIDIUM 11 Rosh Hashana - The Revelation of Speech, A. Scheinman Rabbi Chaskel Besser: Rabbi Shmuel Faivelson: Rabbi Yitzchok Feigelstock; Rabbi Efya Fisher; Rabbi Yoseph Harari-Raful: Rabbi Levi Yitzchok 15 Rabbi Ezra Attia, Builder of , L. M. Reisman Horowitz; Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Levin; Rabbi : Rabbi President 21 Signposts, Dr. Aaron Twerski Rabbi Moshe Sherer Chairman vaact Hanhala Rabbi Yoseph Frankel 23 The Mishna-Halacha Yomis, Michael Robinson Vica Chairman j Avrohom Halpern VICE PRESIDENTS 27 A Minyan, Rabbi Hillel Goldberg Mendel Berg·, Or. Emst L. BodenheimM; Rabbi Leib Cywiak; Ben-Zion Fishoff: Eugene fiJCler; Louis Glueck: Rabbi Yaakov Goldstein: Chaim 29 " ... " (With and Without Comment) Hertz: Klein: Julius Klugmann; Rabbi Shlomo Oppenheimer; Chaim Alter Roth: Seeking Inspiration, Reform-Style Shmuel Roth; Menachem M. Shayovlch TREASURERS At Ried8f"; Aaron Seif: David Singer; Nochum 30 Letters to the Editor Stein SECRETARIES Eli Basch: Mordechai Friedman Poetry GENERAL SECRETARY Joseph Friedenson 35 A Tribute to an Israeli Shoemaker, Arleen N. Habshush EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Rabbi Baruch B. Borchardt 36 My Heart is in the East, Chani Rubin ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR Rabbi Shmuel Bloom OFFICERS AT LARGE Abish Brodi: Rabb"1 Reuven Feinstein: Eli Flnk; Jacob Fink: Jacob l. Friedman; Avrohom Fruchthandler; Or. Bemard Fryshman; Rabbi David Greenzweig: Chaim Gross; Rabbi Edwin Katzenstein; Eric Katzensteln; Rabbi Menachem Lubinsky·, Moshe Neiman; Joseph Neomann; Mordechai Neustadt; Rabbi Yehuda Oelbaum: Akiva Piotrkowski; Shlomo Rieder; Afan J. Rosenberg; Zev Schlesinger; Avrohom Schon­ berger; David H. Turkel; Prof. Aaron Twerski; Willy Wiesner REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENTS Chairman, Rabbi LeizerLevin; Reuven 0essl8f", C/el/fl/ancl: Isaac Friedman. Phlll/lclfl/phia; Rabbi Jacob Friedman, Los Ange/ft; Rabbi Avrohom Groner, Miami; Ems1 Gutman, Baltimore; Prof. Laurence M. Katz, Be/timore; Dov Loketch, Detroit; Henry Lowenthal, C/eVfllancJ; Rabbi Simcha Lyons, St. Louis; Rabbi Shlomo Margolis, Boston: Joshua Moshet, DenW1r; Moshe Nussbaum. Toronto; Fred Pfeiffer. Montreal; Rabbi Chaim Schmeltzer, Chicago; Rabbi Elimelech Schwartz, Los Angeles V@ FACTS FROM FREEDA

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A mature understanding of man's inclina­ tions toward evil is essential to battling them successfully. The greater the man, the greater the battle - in ways that may seem surprising.

very once in a while, we hear of an Therefore the drtve to attain wealth or ostensibly learned, observant Jew even Torah knowledge is propelled, at E committing some homble crime or least in part, by the yeitzer hora. Perhaps sin. And we wonder: How could It have this sheds light on the explanation ofReb happened? What happened to the Torah Chaim Volozhin (In his Ruach Chaim and he studied? Isn't Torah the antidote to the Nefesh Hachaim) on the statement: "A yettzer hara - the "evil inclination"? .... • person should always engage in Torah Why Is it that many a person who sets study shelo lishma - for 'impure mo­ out to earn money with the hope of using tives,' for he will graduate from Impure the proceeds to support Torah, has his motives to lishma - pure ones." good Intentions fall by the wayside? Why Reb Chaim does not accept this don't his noble, Torah- Inspired motiva­ prescrlption as ex postfacto advice - to tions protect him from selfishness and cor­ do what one can with one's shortcomings ruption? In searching for an answer to if one has no choice - but as a requisite for these questions I developed a somewhat success in Torah growth: one must always deeper understanding of the concept of begin with the shelo lishma, In a working yettzer hara than I had In the past. partnership of sorts with one's yeitzer There are many concepts In the Torah hora. that we fail to comprehend properly be­ Such a course is surely a hazardous one. cause we retain the immature under· and. indeed, Chazalsaythat Torah study, standing of them that we had when we which is the sam hachayim - potion of first encountered them in our childhood. life for those who merlt it, can become the As a result, the Impact of these ideas is sam hamoves - poison. to those who do diminished and we fail to relate them to not. This duality is confusing. Isn't the To­ our real life situations. The yettzer hara is rah always the antidote [tavlln) against the one of the most powerful ideas that we yettzer'? Chazal say: "I have created the should endeavor to understand properly. yeitzer hora, and I have created its anti­ dote - Torah." What extra factor comes ling us to evil, or the natural desires within into play that involves "merlt" and "Jack Classical Interpretations each individual that drtve him towards of merit"? their fulfillment at all costs. Perhaps one To be sure. Torah can serve as the anti­ n his Iggeres Hamussar, Reb Yisroel can add to these with another level of un­ dote to the yeitzer. even when it is not Salanter discusses at length the two derstanding: that all of men's creative am­ purely motivated, but not if Torah be­ I prtmary views found In our seforim bitions and drtves are part of his yettzer comes an instrument of the enemy itself. about the yettzer hara. The yettzer is hora. The desire to accomplish - and IfTorah study becomes a vehicle for evil - viewed as either an external force propel- thus all that is accomplished - reflects the if it is used as a means of gaining power yeitzer hara. Creativity - yetzira - is the over others, for instance - then the Torah very life force of man. This expresses itself loses its redemptive power for the in­ Rabbi Brafman is menahel of Dert-'Ch Ay­ son, Far Rockaway, N.Y. His "Countdown to the Day in biological reproduction as well as In in­ dividual and becomes a sam hamoves - After" was featured in JO April '84. tellectual or creative accomplishment. spiritual poison.

8 The Jewish Observer/September, 1985

~-- The Undoing of "Acher" greater stature, but it can be understood pression one gets from our dis­ on a very simple literal level as well. cussions regarding Gedolin1 is his is perhaps the underlying 'J'he greater the person, the greater are that they were born full-fledged thrust of the Yerushalmi's the creative forces within that individual giants. Everyone talks about the T explanation of the downfall of and the greater is his ego. It is remarkable purity of speech of the Chofetz "Acher." Acher (literally. "another") refers how true Gedolei Yi.sroel throughout the c:haim. But who knows about to the Tanna Elisha ben Avu ya who aban­ ages lived normal lives. within the limita­ the battles and struggles. the doned a life of1'orah. He wa<;, however, so tions and directives of the Torah, in con­ stumbling. the slumps and great that even after he forsook Torah. trast to the geniuses of the secular world. regressions the Chofetz Chaim Rabbi Meir continued to learn from him: There. the greater the man. U1e greater he encountered along the way in his and ultimately Acher was saved from Ge­ was in breaking all conventions of conduct battle \Vith the yeitzer hinnom by his talmidim. Acher is often and behavior. The massive egos and crea­ hora .... The result is that the in­ cited as a cla<;,._c;;ic example of a man of great tive forces of so many wiiters. artists, mu­ dividual who a5pires to sphitual stature who falls to the depths of sin. In an sicians and even scientists drove many of heights and fails at ttmes is ready attempt to analyze what went wrong - them to break all the rules. So1ne "spent" to give up - he considers himself pinpoint the flaw or fault in Acher's back­ their lives when they were young and hopeless. For he believes that ground which led to such a disaster - ended up either in institutions or as sui­ flourishing in the Iiouse of Chazal* describe an incident that took cides. This is substantiated in any biogra~ !iashem means to repose with pla<.-e at his bri.s' His father. Avu ya, had ob­ phy of the great personalities that shaped calm spirit, enjoying the light of served Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua v.rorld culture. the Shechina, such as tzaddikirn talking in divrei Torah and was struck hy enjoy in Gan Eden .... But vou the sight of a heavenly fire that sur­ shCniid know. my dear fnCnd. rounded them. He said: ''Ifthe Torah is so that your soul will grow not in the poweiiul. then my son will devote his life Why do so many tranquility of the yeitzer tau but to Torah!'' Tosafos explains that his moti­ in the battle for the yeitzer vation proved to be a fatal shortcoming in creative people tov .... Your letter shows that you the requisite lishma - the study of Torah are a fighter. .. you certainly will purely for its own sake. But why ls this so break all conven­ stumble .. .lose battles. but \Vin tenible a flaw? tions of morality \vars .... Perhaps Elisha's father's fault wa<; in ''The wisest of all men not saying. "How great is Torah that it and decency? (Sh lo mo Hamelech) says in Mis­ produces such giants of the spiiit! I want h lei. 'The lzaddik falls seven my son to be one of them.'' Such an am­ times and Iises' - l~he fools be­ bition would have been an admirable one. lieve that it means that the tz.ad­ Instead, he marvelled at the l'orah 's power Only the study of Torah provides that dik, even if he falls, will rise again. - ··If the Torah invests people with so factor which can elevate geniuses ofl'orah But the \Vise ones know that t11e muC'h power, I want it for my son." This is and enable them to function "\Nit:hin its essence of growing into becom­ not merely a lack of purity in the lishma, confines. But: it involves a battle supreme. ing a lzaddik is through the proc­ motivation - this was a corruption of To­ We cannot comprehend the ferocity of the ess of the 'falling seven tirnes. · '' l rah itself. using it as a tool for self­ struggle - but Chazal recognized this for j aggrandizement. Now this was Abuya's what it is, and in their customary candor motivation, not Elisha's - at the start_. described it as just that: rnilchen1es The Nature of the Struggle Children are not piisoners of their parents· hayeitzer - an on- going battle over con­ shortcomings. but it often takes a con­ trol of one's destiny. In our lmmatwity. \Ve foolishly can be convinced that we have al­ f reaching for greatness is an on-going scious, determined effort to become totally struggle, and the essence of greatness free of their grip. And apparently Elisha ready \Von the battle with the yettz.er hara. or - equally foolish - we are afraid to ad­ I is the ability to harness stormy forces, failed in this effort. mit that we have one. then falling from greatness can mean plunging to the depths of depravity. One Rabbi Hutner, '"~'t in his collected let­ ters (pg. 217 - letter #218) has an inspir­ can thus understat1d a phenomenon evi­ Sinners of Stature ing discussion on this topic. (Much of the denced by both individuals and our nation beauty of the writing is lost in translation. as a whole at various historical junctures. ne might think that Acher's Torah but the idea comes through.) Rabbi Hut­ So often the first step after breaking away greatness should have helped him ner is writing to a talrnid who is struggling fro1n tradition is to fall precipitously into overcome the liabilities of his up­ to grow in his ruchnius and has become immorality. For instance. upon abandon­ O ing 1'orah, Acher immediately went to bringing, yet the Talmud says that "Who­ discouraged by many setbacks. He says, ever is greater than others has a greater visit a zona (prostitute). Similarly, Chazal "We suffer from a mistaken tell us that the only worshipped the yeitzer" - that is. a stronger drive.* This idea when we talk and \Vrite Golden Calf to permit illicit relationships. ' is often interpreted in terms of the loftiness of the temptations that challenge people of about our Gedolim, for v.1e al­ All those who in the recent past led the ways focus on the ultimate level many anti-Torah "isms" - or followed of their attainments. We talk of them - made tmmorality an integral part their achievingshleimus - per­ of thetr "enlightened" lifestyles. This is so 1 * Yerushaln1i, cited by Tosqfos in Chag­ fection in this or that area - and because the ego and the id, the submission 1 iga(TB) 15a. ignore the inner struggle that of the intellect and the senses are all l "'Succa52a. raged within their souls. The irn- inter-related.

TheJeu 1iefi Ohsen!l'r/\lptember, 1985 9

~.- •• --~ .•-.,<"'."" The Restless Search for Integrity section in the Torah on tzitzis says: 'I am Tailor-Made Temptations the Lord your G-d' twice - once to inform n individual of great potential us that lie will punish the wicked, and hazal define a man of strength as cannot be at peace with himself ont.-e that He will reward the righteous." a person who has the ability to A unless he is involved in elevating Not surprisingly. the scholar returned to C "rule his inclination (yitzro)"* - and directing his potential along Torah the mainland and re-joined his old not the inclination, but his.... The yeitzer guidelines. This becomes evident in my yeshiva, but - quite remarkably - the hara is individualized. It confronts each understanding of an explanation by Rabbi woman sold all her belongings. giving one person differently. Since its assignment is Gedalia Schorr. ~"" of a Gemora (Megilla portion to charity and another to the to seize control of each individual's poten· 13a) that pinpoints the causes for G-d's government. and followed him to the tial and destroy it. it must challenge each consent to Haman's decrees to annihilate study hall. When she met Rabbi Chiya person in his particular area of vulnerabil­ the Jews: they were guilty of immorality, and asked him to convert her to , ity. Moreover, each person's gift for through attending Achashverosh's feast Rabbi Chiya asked her what had in­ creativity - surely a very individual field {he had courtesans mingle with the terested her in becoming a Jew. After she for each person - is also the source of his guests). and idolatry, when they bowed told all that had transpired, Rabbi Chiya weakness. 1'hus, one person may be sub­ down to an idol built by Nevuchadnet.zar. personally supervised her conversion to ject to bouts of depression, while another The Gemora fmds allusion to these sins in Judaism, and told his disciple to mmzy is distracted by tendencies toward frtvol­ Haman's description of the Jews, to justify her. "For shunning the prohibited, you ity. For one. seeking recognition is his fa· his proposal: "There is a certain people may take her when she is permitted - as tal flaw, whereas for another. excessive scattered abroad and dispersed among the your reward in this world. But who can humility can be destructive. It is for this people," which has been interpreted to re­ fathom how great your reward will be in reason that the movements of Mussar and fer to a lack of unity amongst the Jews the next world!" (See Menachos 44a) Chassidus in their earlier stages each themselves. produced giants with very different ap· In Ohr GedaLia. Rabbi Shorr demon­ proaches and emphasis in Avodas strates that the phrase also refers to a lack Hashem. (This becomes evident when of wholeness within each individual Jew. studying the specific approaches of the This fragmentation of the personality is If there was a force early talmidim of the Maggid and those of the source of both idolatry and immoral­ Reb Yisroel Salanter's talmidim.) ity. for both come from a lack of a sense of stronger than the We. too, must find our areas of weak­ wholeness and oneness that the individual ness and build on them. This is vital to should have. The fragmented person height of passion, one's healthy growth - not an exclusive seeks many godsandexperimentswithall feature of youth, but an essentJal part of forms of sensual gratification. It is a she wanted to know every Jew's dally life: challenge and desperate attempt at soothing the driven what it was. growth. Without identifying one's in­ feeling, but it does not work. The person is dividual areas of weakness, one can ex­ merely drawn to seek one thrtll or new ex· pend energies on the wrong target. a perience after another, to assuage his feel­ wastefulnes.s which in itself constitutes a ings of self-alienation. But only the Torah, victory for the yeitzer hara. A rabbi or which springs from the ultimate source of Among the many lessons that Chazal mad.rich who can deal with a person as an unity, can heal the fragmented personal­ teach us with this anecdote are some ob­ individual is so vital to this task. Rabbi ity and help the individual still all of his vious ones: first, the strength of the spiritu· Yaakov Karnenetzky and Rabbi Yaakov desires, yearnings and needs by integrat­ ally protective powers of the mitzva of Yitzchok Ruderman, N"\'.rt'JYJ. both talmi­ ing the conflicting aspects of his psyche lzilzis; second, that even a tnlmid of Rabbi dim of the Alter of Slobodka Rabbi Nasson into a healthy, unified whole. Chiya was not above the temptations of Tzvi Finkel, 'Jn.~n - have told us on the yeitzer hora. But what needs further numerous occasions of the Alter's ability explanation is the reaction of the woman. to direct each of his talmidim in the direc· What moved her to become a Jewess and tion he should pursue both in Torah study Where Spirituality and Depravity accept the entirety of Torah? and in Avodas Hashem. Undoubtedly, Meet Perhaps one can suggest that she was that is why he succeeded in producing so overwhelmed when she realized that there many Gedolim. he Talmud tells of a bizarre inci­ was a force within this scholar that was In summary, those of us who take our dent involving a Torah scholar - more powerful than the height of passion: Judaism seriously and aspire to grow as T a talmid of Rabbi Chiya - who something that was able to provide a per­ individuals in Avodas Hashem, must was especially meticulous in keeping the son with such inner strength that the recognize what and where the battle is. We milzva of lzilzis. He had heard of a courte­ scholar, despite his fallen state, was able to have to gain a mature understanding of san on a distant island who charged 400 rise above the morass - and whatever our individual make·up and how the To· gold pieces for her favors. He sent her his this force was, she wanted it. She. too, had rah understands us. fee and travelled across the seas to keep been driven and drifting without any In an era when temptation and im· his rendezvous with her. He found her mooring or meaning in her life. and when morality is rampant, we cannot live with awaiting him, and as he approached her, she witnessed the power of Torah to make the illusion that we are beyond their reach. his tzitzis brushed across his face, and he her feel complete, she was ready to accept One major recourse is to study Torah in suddenly felt repelled by her. She asked it in its entirety. And lastly, Rabbi Chiya such a manner as to draw upon its him what he found objectionable about rejected neither her nor the talmid. The redemptive powers, so they infuse us with her, and he replied that in truth she was whole experience was turned into a new enough strength and insight to win the unsurpassed in her beauty, but the lzilzis opportunity to build a stronger life of To­ war. • reminded him of his higher calling: "The rah and mi"tzvos. *Avos4,1.

10 Tbe}t>u•ish Observer/September, 1985 ROSH HASHANA: THE REVELATION OF SPEECH

The day when every person's very humanity is judged, the focus is on the essence of his humanity, represented by the power of speech.

I. MAN, THE CREATURE THAT SPEAKS These actions are open, obvious. and readily perceived by others. But no one can say whether they are mechanical, accidental. or the e refer to Rosh Hashana, the frrst day of the year, as "the product of a definite will and plan. The connection between will beginning of Your creation" (Musscifservice), Actually, and action lies in speech, the power of verbal communication. W creation began five days earlier, and Rosh tlashana which reveals the intelligence behind the action. (On an intema* marks the aniversary of the creation of Man. which took place on tional scaJe. when a country accidentally intrudes on its neighOOr's the sixth day. Yet, in the view of the Ghazal. it was the emergence tenitory. it may plead "error." but when it has issued a declara* of Man that marked "the beginning." tion of war. its every action is deemed hostile. The declaration links Which of man's features puts him into a class of beings that sets action with intent.) A person who commits an aveira (sin) cannot I him apart qualitatively from all other creatures, so as to make his be punished by the rabbinical courts unless he verbally ac· 1 appearance on earth of such overshadowing significance? One knowledges his intent, accepting a warning and then defying it - would be tempted to answer, "his supelior intelligence." Yet in sa­ save for those exceptional cases where the intent is so obvious it J cred literature, man is always contrasted with other living crea­ needs no verbal underscoring. tures as being the ''medaber - he who can speak.'' This is also "Life" (as in nefeshchaya) refers to the power of speech: Before reflected in Targum Onkelos's interpretation of the Torah's he is born and after he dies, a soul possesses some intellectual and description of Adam at his formation as "nefesh chaya - a living emotional awareness in one form or another, somewhat similar to soul: ruach memallela, soul that speaks.·· during his lifetime. (i.e,, The neshama galns knowledge from a It seems strange to sum up man's superiority in terms of his malach before birth, and in MesiVta D'Rakiya - the Heavenly power of speech. Is not speech but a utilitarian faculty in the same Academy m his afterlife: in addition, it experiences pain and pleas­ sense as is, say an opposable thumb, which enables man to wield ure in Gehinnom and Gan Eden. Although these phenomena as tools? Wouldn't it be more appropriate and more precise to cite they actually take place are beyond our comprehension, the very man's capacity to think and conceptualize as the feature that dis# fact that these familiar terms are used to describe a person's state tinguishes him from other levels of creation? Don't many other does demonstrate that before and after mortal life there is an ex­ creatures also possess some piimitive form of communication? perience analogous to thought and feeling in the conventional sense.) A person's physical actions, which surely show life, may not differ from those of any other creature. and as such do not ex* WORDS THAT FORM LINKS press his humanity. It is when these actions are the manifestation of a neshama*level decision, made apparent to us by his speech, ne can approach this topic by dividing man's awareness that life in its fuUness is manifest. No wonder, then. that ''domeim," which means "mute," is a synonym for the dead - and ~ai:acit~ for expr~ssion ~to three strata: On one level are his mtelhgence, his emotions and dlives. By their very (Tehillif11_1Hallel: 115): 0 .;il'.ln '11' D'nl'.l;i And indeed the frrst nature, these are hidden from view and are not generally percept# 7:i x71 .,, 17'5;-p x7 ible to the observer. At the opposite end are a person's actions. sign of life is the cry of the new~born infant - the emission of which can be taken to be a reflection or expression of his thoughts. Because it is the nature of speech to endow actions with a hu* man dimension and a depth of meaning. the Anshei Knesses Rabbi Scheinman, a frequent contributor to these pages, studies in aJenisalem Hagedolah decreed that a bracha be recited for the performance Kolle!. of every mitzva. thus declarit1g that human intelligence is at work,

Thejeu1ish Oh<>L>rver/September, 1985 11 manifesting itself in the act to follow. This also is the reasoning be­ by G-d Himself (such as Sarah's birth of Yitzchak) are written in hind the "Lashem " formula composed by Kabbalists to be the Tanach. (Yocheved's birth of Moshe was not prophesied in ad­ said before performance of a mitzva. Verbalization links the vance.) Divine revelation lies not in the miracle per se, but in the neshama with the simple actions of man. giving them an extra combination of miracle with the prophecy that predicted it. spirituality.


I he importance of speech as the distinguishing mark of man peech is a force tl1atcan be effective in a number of ways, I may be extended by analogy to be true of the Divine. in assuming a number of roles. But there is a particular posi­ some way. Puny man. created in the image of G-d, must, S tive value that lends itself exclusively to speech, and thus T speech in turn is as.<;0ciated with it. While a person may perform in his every aspect, somehow reflect his Creator. Thus. the power of speech must also in some way refer to some similar attribute of a kindness with well-spoken words. the primacy mode of perform­ ~ the Creator. on a Divine scale. ing kindness is by deedo and while one may speak profundities, the To be sure, the Creator's essence is totally beyond our realm of seat of wisdom is undoubtedly the mind. Emes - truth, however, perception. Man, as an intelligent being, can interact with the Di­ is a virtue exclusively associated with communication ... speech. vine intelligence, yet the Torah. which is an expression of Divine Truth may seem to be but the absence of falsehood and not a wisdom, is beyond his full comprehension. Torah is not a compel­ positive value as such. But it is much more. In fact. Emes is the ling reality to those who choose to ignore its truth. So we have the very essence of speech at its optimum. When a person speaks ! possibility of accessibility without total comprehension. On the one Emes, he has forged the link between his higher faculties and the I hand. Avraham Avinu succeeded in recognizing the validity of the actions that serve as their manifestations. By contrast. when he Torah from the whole of Creation, and he even lived his life accord­ lies, he creates a gulf that separates his thoughts from his actions. ing to its principles. On the other hand, even the most spectacu­ When a person's convictions are of one stripe and his actions of an­ lar acts of Divine intervention have always left room to be inter­ other, then his physical actions are not linked to his neshama, and preted as being "natural"" phenomena, attributable to mechanical in some ways are not different from those of an animal. processes of natural cause and effect. Even the Splitting of the Sea In fact. Emes must be a positive force, for the have taught (Yam-Sufi during the Exodus from Egypt was ascribed by some that "the Divine seal is truth . ., When reading a letter one may sur­ to the "strong east wind" that had blown all night....Eliyahu's mise who wrote it from various clues. If signed. the signature may miracle..() at Mt. Carmel could have been attributed to sor­ be genuine - or it may not. But when the letter bears the seal of cery .... This, then, leaves us with a question: is there ever a clear. the sender. we can be certain of who dispatched it. G-d made the unchallengeable case of Divine Revelation? world through the medium of speech - the Asara Ma 'amorim, The Rarnbam in Yesodei HaTorah says that Israel's belief in G-d the Ten Statements through which the world \Vas created. And we was not a direct result of the miracles that J-ie had performed for attest to this phenomenon in our daily prayers when we say: them, for every miracle leaves some room for doubt as to its cause. "Baruch she'arnar. .. Bles._...ed be He who spoke and the world came Only at the revelation at Sinai, when our eyes saw Moshe Rab­ into existence.·· Indeed. the \vorld is a manifestation of the Divine beinu walk into the fog and "we heard Him tell Moshe thus and Word and l-Je continues to reveal Himself to us through the thus," as it says: "Face to Face did lfashem speak to you" - only mediurr1 of Emes - through activity linked to Divine plan by the then wasG-d's presence an unequivocal reality. liearing the Divine rnedium of His spoken word. proclamation confirmed the ultimate truth. Indeed this is the only place in the Torah that the description ''LivingG-d'' is used: ''I•~or TEST OF THE PROPHET who of all flesh hac; heard the Voice of the LivingG-dspeaking frorn the midst of fire .... ·· When we hear the Divine Voice in c i.cuitv. whCit previously had been a hidden belief now becomes a li\· ing~rcality. hen a person present..:,; himself as a navi. a prophet (not Just as speech is the distinguishing feature of living 1n3ll so is it incidentally. the Hebrew word "navi" derives from the hallmark of "Elokim Chaim - the Living Deity.'· "niv," \Vhich rneans "verbal expression"), the Torah For that matter, any miracle that involves G-d·s "spc·~ch" has tells us that he is riot tested through performing a miracle. Rather. added significance; the Ramban in Vayechi cites the spoken \Vord he den1onstrates his status as a navi by predicting a future event. as the criterion for detem1ining which miracle..c; were recorded in If the event occurs as predicted, he has demonstrated that. as a the Written Torah as opposed to those transrnitted as part of the bearer of Emes, he is a prophet. This is implicit in the bracha Oral Torah: Although Yocheved had given birth to her children at recited before reading the Haftorah (which are selections from the a far more advanced age than had Sarah. it is not rncutioned in the Prophets): f1tlK'.J oiitiKJil Oi11iJ.iJ. i1Yi1 " - And He is pleased Tordh, for only those iniracles foretold in advance by a prophet or with their words that are spoken in truth." To be sure. this is not

12 The }l'll'isb Observer/September, 1985 mear1t to praise the prophets for not lying; rather this affinns the fron unfulfilled vows. And again we usher in Yorn Kippur with Kol prophets in their role as caniers of G-d 's word - Emes itself. Nidrei. The concept of a neder, a vow, is to empower man wit11 the The pivotal role of verbal expression in endowing an event with ability to use speech in a mitzva performance: In advance ofbiing­ special significance is evident in Rashi's explanation of Lail ing a saclifice, one must first sanctify the animal with a verbal Shemurim, which desciibes the first Pesa.ch as a ''watched night'': declaration. a neder. He promises to offer the animal, and fulfills ''For G-d was watchfully waiting to fulfill His promise to take them his vow, in keeptngwith the Tordh'scommand. (Even Rabbi Meir. out of Egypt. .. who discourages making vows, holds that in the abstract it is l'he redemption from Egypt was a monumental event, yet the preferable to first pledge chartty and then give it - except that peo­ crux of the event was that it was the fulfillment of a prophecy, a ple are likely to forget their pledges.) Should someone fail to fulfill vow spoken toAvraham. It was marked to be one of the most po­ a neder, not only has he committed a sin, he has corrupted the very tent revelations of Emes of all time. essence of his humanity - his speech .. .leaving a declared inten­ This also explains why an angel was dispatched for the sole pur­ tion aborted. unlinked to an action. pose of informing Avraham ofYitzchak's birth a year later. It would Three events crucial to Israel's development took place on Rosh not have been enough to give A vraham a child; the event was en­ Hashana - and all of them were connected to verbal expression: dowed with additional significance as a fulfillment of a promise, for Israel's forced labor in Egypt came to an end on this day, and this it was then incorporated into the realm of Emes. • • was the beginning of the fulfillment ofG-d's promise to Avraham; Yoseif was freed from prison on Rosh Hashana to become Pharaoh's advisor. a position that as a key requirement called for IV. THE ESSENCE OF HUMANITY mastery of seventy languages (as is evident in Tehillim, * where this one feature is underscored): The first event that was a fulfill­ ment ofa promise took place on Rosh Hashana: Sarah's conecep­ osh Hashana is the day when the breath of life was first in­ tion the birth of Yitzchak. Thus the Torah reading on Rosh stilled in man. when speech and speaker first appeared on Hashana begins: "And G-d remembered Sarah as He had said." earth. This is the day when we look up to the Creator as I R Rosh Hashana is a day t.11at commemorates the creation of the the G-d of truth, proclaiming: "For You are the true G-d, and Your being that is distinguished by his faculty of speech, placing tremen­ I word is true and established forever (Rosh Hashana Amida). The dous emphasis on spoken integrity. It is a day marked by service tools we use to worship Hashem are the human voice in prayer with human speech and the sound of the shofar, affording man an and the sound of the shofar. combined in response to G-d's com­ opportunity to reflect the Divine attribute of speech as the prime ~ mand: "Say before me Malchuyos, Zichronos, and Sha.fros - Maj­ medium of projecting Emes - the Divine Seal. It is on this day that esty, Memolies and Shofar Blasts.'' man can utilize the pO\\'Cr that sets him above the rest of creation, Speech is so potent and Emes so dear that - amongst all the and - blidging the ethereal world of thought with the concrete concerns we might address on the eve of a New Year - we prepare world of action - start the New Year on a level that can direct him ourselves for Rosh Hashana with llatoras Nedarim - the release until its closing moments, when he inaugurates its succeeding j New Year with verbalized hopes and articulated aspirations. ww * * While the deluge of Noach's time had also hcen prophesied. the prediction was 1 issued asa wan1!ngto inspire lf'Sfuiva. in the hope that it would be rescinded. rather * }J>J'llN 1n}J1"1 N'J n!:l'll ... <)OliPJ nn}J~ He irnposed it as a testiniony for Yosdf. .. · than as a pledge intended to be kept. understood a langu:cige I never knew .. (81 :5.6).

As we go to press, we have received word of the passing ofthe Gaon and tzaddik, Rabbi Yaakov Yis· roe! Karlievsky, the Stiepler Rav,'".lit In Bnei Brak, I& rael, on 23 Menachem Av/August9, after a brief illness at the age of 86. He was revered as a giant in .Torah scholarship as evidenced in his many published volumes on Talmud, , Rashkafa (Torah thought) and Ralacha (Torah law). His personal sanctity, profound wisdom, and ex­ traordimuy concern for others combined to make him an outstanding figure. His prayers and counsel were sought by the great and humble alike on matters ranging from personal problems to major communal issues. A brother-ln·law of the Chazon Ish'".llt, he was in many ways considered his successor, and headed the Kolle! that carried the Chazon Ish's name. His passing represents an irreparable loss. A fuller appreciation of the life and accomplishments of the Stiepler is planned for a later issue of THE JEWISH OBSERVER.

The.feu'tsh Obst'n'l:.r/St..ptember, 1985 I '

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""""' --· . ------~- - - - -~ L. M. Reisman RABBI EZRA ATTIA BUILDER OF TORAH

uite literally. Rabbi Ezra Attia built the foundations of twentieth cen­ Q tury Sephardic Jewry. In forty-five years as Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshiva! Porat Yosef, he trained thou­ sands of talmidim, many of whom serve Sephardi kehillot in Israel, the United States, Latin America, and the Orient. I They and their talmidim constitute the bulk of today's Sephardi Torah leadership. I In a culture where only the elite engaged in full-time learning past bar mitzva age, Rabbi Ezra introduced, aimost single­ handedly, the concept of universal higher yeshiva education, and his efforts raised the stature of the yeshiva student in the Sephardi world. Rabbi Ezra achieved all this with ex­ traordinary efforts and by his own per­ sonai example. His life was completely devoted to Torah; he took nothing more from this world than what he needed to sustain himself. In his years at Porat Yosef. he invariably went from morning to night with nothing more than a glass of tea for breakfust and tea with a piece of matza for lunch. Of this. he left half the matza un­ eaten. Moreover, from the way he taught Torah. his talmidim learned a unique per­ spective and a way of life.

The Allepian Way '

abbi Ezra Attia was born on 15 Shevat, 5645 (1885). in Alleppo R (Halab), Syria, known as a Torah center since ancient times. Rabbeinu Saadya Gaon lived there for several years. and the Rambam once wrote. "In all the Holy Land and Syria, there is one city alone - and 'it is Halab - in which there are those who are truly devoted to the Jewish religion and study of Torah." When Rabbi Ezra was born, the commu~ nity. several thousand families strong, supported approximately fifty rabbis. many through Issachar-Zevulun arrange­ 4' ments. The Alliance Israelite Universelle, I Mr. Reisman, an accountant. wrote "Hacham Shaya's Simhat Torah .. (JO Sept. '84). In deference to the subject matter. the transliteration of Hebrew l words is presented in Sephardi pronunciation. I

Thejeu1i.W ObsL:.rtx:.r/September, 1985 15 He came to the attention of "Send your boy back to yeshiva. I will work Jerusalem's rabbonim at an im­ portant gathering in the house of for you for nothing." the president of the Bucharian kehilla. Present was the Av Beth Din Sefardi of Jerusalem, the Gaon Rabbi Yedict haLevi, author of numerous sefwim. He asked a question on a Gemora, which many attempted to answer, but Rabbi Yedid refuted them all. Rabbi Ezra sitting in the rear of the room. rose and said, "Ifthe chachamim will allow, I belic'Ve I have an answer." He then gave an answer which Rabbi Yedid refuted. The question remained unanswered. Seated opposite Rabbi Yedid was Rabbi Shelomo Laniado, who knew that the host to the gathertng kept an excellent li­ brary with copies of every sefer published in the Middle East for several centuries. He asked a ser­ vant to brtng him a very old and virtually forgotten sefer. Mish­ moret Kehunah. In it. Rabbi Laniado found the question, Rabbi Ezra's explanation, and Rabbi Yedid's refutation. The sefer concluded that in spite of the refutation the answer was valid. Rabbi Laniado slipped the open sefer under the table to Rabbi Yedid. Rabbi Yedid read the page, and asked aloud, "Who gave me that last answer to my question?" Rabbi Ezra rose ner­ vously. Rabbi Yedid then said, "Rabbotai, this young man has given the only valid answer to my question." a destructive force elsewhere in the Middle distraction, supported them by cleaning Up From Obscurity East, claimed only 10-15 percent of the houses. Years later, Rabbi Ezra would re­ city's Jewish children: the vast majority call. "When l was young. 1 studied Torah abbi Ezra applied to join Rabbi learned in the traditional kuttabim under impoverished circumstances. Yedid's . but Rabbi Yedid (cheder- like schools). Through G·d's mercy. my mother and I R told him that he did not need a Rabbi Ezra's ancestors included, merited to have aw hole pitah. Sometimes. shiur, and Iostead studied Choshen among others, Rabbi Shemtov Attia, a we'd have a whole egg and divide between Mishpat prtvately with Rabbi Ezrn - as a talmid of Rabbi Yosef Karo, who quoted us. half for my mother and half for me. I colleage rather than as a talmid. him in Avkat Rokhel. When Rabbi Ezra's was never bothered by hunger." Rabbi In 1907, Aleppian Rabbi Ezra Harart­ father took him as a young boy to learn Ezra's mother had to borrow a coat for him Raful founded Yeshiva Ohel Moed. Rabbi under Rabbi Eliahu Dweck, one of to wear to his wedding - he could not af­ Ezra - only twenty-two at the time - Aleppo's renowned melamdim, Rabbi ford one of his own. joined the faculty of the new institution Dweck told his father after two weeks, that In his youth, H.abbi Ezra would arise at with Rabbi Yedid, Rabbi Laniado, and he couldn't add to the boy's knowledge midnight and go to the Beis Midrnsh Rabbi Avraham Ades. Rabbi Ezra became and understanding. When Rabbi Ezra was Shoshannim 1-eDavid, learning and pray­ very close to Rabbi Ades, but continued to sixteen years old, his family moved to ing until sunset the following evening, attend the shiurim of many of Jerusa­ Jerusalem, joining a growing community when he would eat his only meal of the lem· s gedolim. of rabbis from Aleppo. Soon after, his fa­ day. As a result of this demanding sched With the outbreak of World War I. the ther died. ule he mastered vast amounts of the Turks began harassing the Yeshiva's stu­ His widowed mother, determined that Gemora with commentaries and major dents. Rabbi Ezra with his wife and family her sons would be able to study without poskim. fled to Btitish-occupied Cairo, where he

16 The Jewish Obsen.;erj.\'epternber, 1985 - --~ -

spent the war years. Far from tntenupting large yeshiva in Baghdad. The Ben !sh his work, it was the beginnningofhis im­ Chai's advice: build it in Jerusalem oppo­ portant life-accomplishment: the renai& site the Kotel. Mr. Shalom died in 1911, sance of Torah among the Sephardim and leaving his entire estate to establish and Eastern Jews. maintain a yeshiva - in Jerusalem, oppo­ Rabbi Ezra arrived in Cairo almost to­ site the Kotel - a task assigned to Rabbi tally unknown. Attempting to go into busi­ Ben-Tzion Chazan, a talmid of the Ben !sh ness. he exhausted his limited funds in a Chai. The dtificulties were many. All land short time, and found himself in difficult around the Kotel was owned by the Is­ straits. On the brink of starvation, he met lamic religious authonties, who only sold Nissim Nachum, a wealthy refugee who after protracted. delicate negotiations. The provided him With support and introduced discovery of archeologieal artifacts, which him to community leaders.• by law called for a complete excavation, Rabbi Ezra opened a Yeshiva, Ahaba posed further problems. Finally, in 1923, veAchva. in the basement of the Cairo rab­ Yeshivat Porat Y osef, named after its binate. The yeshiva grew to over one hun­ benefactor, opened. Ohel Moed merged dred students, some of them transferees with the new institution; Rabbi Shelomo from the secular school. Many who en­ Laniado became its rash hayeshiva, and tered barely knew how to read Hebrew; Rabbi Ezra Attia its mashgiach. • within two years, they were all studying The yeshiva was barely two years old Talmud. Classes that he had organized for when Rabbi Shelomo Laniado died at the workingmen grew as well, increasing the age of 48. Upon the invitation of the Torah consciousness of the community, yeshiva's directors, Rabbi Ezra succeeded and inspirtng many baalei teshuva in the him as rash yeshiva, a position he held for process. 45 years. building Porat Y osef into an out­ standing institution and inspiring many A Tearful Farewell to Cairo more yeshivot. Porat Yosef was unlike any Sephardi y the end of the war, Rabbi Ezra yeshiva then in existence. Until it opened. was one of Cairo's most respected advanced Sephardi yeshivot were housed rabbis. Besides the yeshiva, he sat in and rarely had more than B thirty students. Porat Yosef had its own on the beth din. and was consulted regu­ larly by the community. He returned to building, and initially had no space limita­ Jerusalem With a tearful farewell from a tions. YosefShalom's estate provided an grateful community, but his relationship endowment which allowed it to support with Cairo continued for many years poor students and compensate teachers thereafter. In 1947, in response to the on a regular basis. These factors allowed it city's request. he sent two of his finest answer. "Rabbi Ezra Attia." In the early to grow. Starting With fifty talmidim, by 1930 it had 200 talmidim ranging from talmidim to Cairo: Rabbi Shelomi Kassin, 1950' s. Calro's JeWish community began ten-year-old boys to men in . Ten who was expelled by the Egyptian govern­ to disintegrate under the pressures of years later, it had expanded to 300, and 1 ment for ''Zionist'' activities soon after he emigration and Nasser's anti- Jewish re­ was severely straining its endowment. By arrtved, and Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, who gime. Nonetheless. Ahaba functioned un­ 1950, several branches were opened to ac­ stayed for three years, in spite of tremen­ til the 1960's. commodate its continued growth. dous government pressure. Rabbi Ezra returned to Yeshiva Ohel The Jews of Cairo kept Ahaba alive. A Moedin 1919, togivearegularshiur. He 1947 visitor saw a vibrant institution studied with the dean of Sephardi A Sephardi Approach to Torah and where 200 boys. ages 17-20, learned To­ mekubalim, Aleppian Gaon Rabbi Chaim Mussar rah on a higher level. He met the melam­ Shaul Dweck, and later with the Saba dim. who impressed him with their learn­ Kadisha (Rabbi Shelomo Eliezer Alafendrt: abbi Ezra sought to rebuild ing and yirat Shemayim. When he asked 1815-1930) when he moved to Jerusalem. Sephardi Torah leadership from them who taught them, they all had one This pattern was only slightly altered R within, to train Sephardic when, in 1923, Yeshivat Porat Yosef talmidei chachamim to serve communi­ • Rabbi Ezra met Nissim Nachum in an Un· opened, fulfilling a fourteen-year-old ties around the world. He involved himself usual way. After Mincha at a shiva minyan. dream. personally with each student of the Rabbi Ezra was asked to teach some Mishna. yeshiva. He examined the youngest boys His explanations were so clear, the entire min­ From Calcutta to Baghdad, to every two or three months. Older boys yan requested that the short lesson continue Jerusalem heard his shiur daily, in addition to in­ for forty minutes and that he return the next dividual sessions With him every other day. One of those present then told Nissim ometime before his death in 1909, week or so. Kollel men had shiurim With Nachum of the new rabbi in Cairo who "made Rabbi Yosef Chaim, the Ben !sh him each evening. On Thursdays, he ad- the words of the Torah as sweet as honey and S Chai,• was approached by Y osef clear as water." Shalom. a wealthy Iraqi Jew living in Cal­ • According to one of the yeshiva's original Nachum. who knew Rabbi Ezra from Jerusa­ cutta, who offered to build and endow a talmidim, Rabbi Laniado originally refused the lem, said, "Rabbi Ezra Attia here in Egypt? I position, asking the directors to appoint Rabbi must see him!" • See JO. Dec. '76 Ezra instead.

Thejeu1ish Obsen;er/'ieptember, 1985 17 dressed the entire yeshiva with a mussar lecture, sometimes for as long as two "For $1,000 you will cancel your meeting, hours. He always carried a copy of the mussar classic Chovoth Halevavoth but not for G-d's holiday!" [Duties of the Heart) on his person. and ad­ vised students to do the same. He once said, "Without Torah and mussar, we'd all be lost, G-d forbid!" In accordance with his directions, every class in the yeshiva began each day with a short mussar lesson."' He once declined an invitation from an organization whose Torah obseIVance he felt was suspect. When questioned about it. he replied, "After I've lived my 120 years, I will stand before the heavenly court.'' He displayed his copy of Chovoth Halevavoth from his pocket and con­ tinued, "I do not want the author of this sefer to ask me 'Why did you take me there?''' Rabbi Ezra stressed learning the simple meaning of the Gemora. In keeping with Sephardi tradition, he taught his students tofirstmasteranentiresugya with the ex­ planations of Rashi and Tosafot, the Ma­ harsha and Maharam Schif.f. Then, thoroughly learning the Rif and Ran, he would proceed to the Rambam, the Rosh and the Tur. He had a gift for pilpul, but avoided using it. He once started an in­ volved pilpul and abruptly stopped in the middle, saying, "Sounds good? I don 'tlike it. I like the emmet. Let's go the simple way." His talmidim absorbed his ap­ proach; and even those that later followed a different derekh in learning still used his explanations in their own teaching. The Chazon !sh visited Porat Yosef twice; on both occasions, he asked Rabbi The Yeshiva building before its destruction in the War of Independence. Ezra to say divrei Torah. Years later, he , told his talmidim that Rabbi Ezra"... is not public. He compared attempts at evaluat­ implications. After World War II, Chief from this generation. He belongs to doros ing previous gedolim to weighing large Rabbi Isaac Herzog went to Rome to plead rishonim [earlier generations).'' The Saba rocks on a tiny gold scale. In guiding a (unsuccessfully) with the Pope to return Kadisha, Rabbi Alafendri, was said to have talmid's learning, he would never dis­ Jewish children hidden in monasteries ~ called him "the best rabbi we have." The parage asefer or its author: only his silence during the war and being raised as Chlis­ Rishon Le-Tzion, Rabbi Ben Tzion Uziel, or recommendation of other sources tians. Rabbi Ezra summoned the talmi­ sought his opinion frequently, as did would indicate his disapproval. In discuss­ dim of Porat Yosef to welcome Rabbi Her­ many Ashkenazl gedoUm including Rabbi ing personalities of the previous genera­ zog at the airport, saying "He has been Shimshon Polansky, Rabbi Tzvi Pesach tion. he once remarked, ''Who are we in laboring for Klal Ytsrael." Although he did Frank. and Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel comparison to those Rabbis who had ru­ not like to leave the yeshiva, Rabbi Ezra f Kanievsky (the Steipler), '"" . ach hakodesh?" He held they had a direct accompanied his talmidim to greet Rabbi His greatness was complemented by his line of mesorah from the Anshei Knesset Herwg on the runway when he descended l unusual modesty. In spite of some very Hagedolah. With them, it ended; he and from the airplane. strong opinions. he never criticized other his generation had preseIVed only the As devoted as Rabbi Ezra was to his gedoUm, even among his contemporaries. remnants. talmidim, he would extend himself even r' He never expressed his disagreements in further for a new student. I Klal uPrat - Public Affairs and "' Many mussar classics were written by Individual Needs A poor boy from Iraq once re­ Sephardim and Eastern Jews. several in Ara· quested admission to the bic, and only later translated into Hebrew, hile strongly identified with a yeshiva, but there was no money while those written in Hebrew were translated non-compromising attitude in to support him. Rabbi Ezra ap­ into Arabic or Ladino to make them more ac­ W Jewish affairs, he could show proached Rabbi Chazan, the cessible. Throughout the Middle East, mussar his support for worthy efforts in a visible yeshiva's founder and secretary, was studied widely by all Jews. public manner, without regard to political and offered to reduce his own sal~

18 Thejewisb Observer/September, 1985

·----~- ary to admit the boy. Rabbi Rabbi Ezra wanted the honor the Chazan, torn between Rabbi Sephardim traditionally give thetr rabbis Ezra's dedication and fiscal real· extended to all tnlmidei chachamim and ity, reduced his salary as well, to b 'nei yeshiva. It was his fervent hope that accept the boy, who became an as the community would feel that it had a accomplished tnlmidchacham. part in the yeshiva's work, Torah study would increase among the general popu­ lation. He encouraged a tnlmid learning to Hard times and economic read the Torah in his shul, saying that pressures would have forced there are people in the community who many tnlmidim to leave the will never understand the Gemora, but yeshiva ifRabbi Ezra had not in­ can appreciate the contribution of the tervened. He confronted the fa­ yeshiva in providing them with a baa! ther of a brilliant tnlmid who was koreh. taken from Porat Y osef to work in the family store. "We just can't Seated in a place of honor at a afford it, Rabbi," explained the fa­ prestigious gathering, Rabbi Ezra ther. "Jfhe works With me, that's noticed a young talmid one less workman I have to pay, chacham entering. There were and we need that extra money. no empty chairs, and no one Rabbi Ezra nodded, put on an offered the young man his. Rabbi apron, rolled up his sleeves, and Ezra called the young man over said, "Send your son back to the and whispered, "I suddenly feel yeshiva. I will work for you for ill and must leave. Will you take nothing." my chair'?" Shocked, the father refused, and sent his son back. Today he The young man accepted and is one of Israel's most prominent Rabbi Ezra left the room. rabbis. "y;ou have passed your He would rise to greet every visitor, no matter how unlearned, and escort him Rabbi Ezra worked to build the examination on Four dated ammot, often over his visitor's pro­ self-tmage of his tnlmidim. tests. He set aside several hours each One tnlmid described how af­ Sections of Shulchan morning for people who had questions in ter a difficult session With the halacha or personal matters. Although he rabbi, he was very depressed. Aruch. Now go master spent and Yam Tov away from Rabbi Ezra, ignoring the time of the yeshiva, his house was always open. night and his own frail condition, the Fifth." walked the tnlmid home. This same talmid recalls how. when An American rabbi now living he was fourteen years old, Rabbi in Jerusalem recalls how, as a Ezra felt he was too insecure to young boy learning in Haifa, he withstand the pressures of Porat went to Rabbi Ezra's house to ask Yosef, so he sent him to another htm for a psak halacha. "He yeshiva for several years to build stood up for me, shook my hand, his self..confidence. offered me a chair, and told me how honored he was that I crune to see him. I was a nineteen-year~ Once he was walking with a old yeshiva bachur, and he young tnlmid through the streets treated me like a great tnlmid of Jerusalem; the tnlmid was chachamt'' wearing a short- sleeved shirt and no jacket. For five minutes or so Accessibility, however, did not mean they walked; Rabbi Ezra, deep in automatic leniency. A businessman once thought. seemed to have a press· asked for a heter to permit him to shave on ing problem. Suddenly he Chol Hamoed. He could not postpone an smiled; his problem was solved. important meeting, and he could not ap­ He turned to his tnlmid, held up pear unshaven. Rabbi Ezra asked him, "If his bare arm, and said, "The hot I offered you a thousand dollars to miss sun wil bum your arms. Don't your meeting. would you?" you need protection?" Flustered. the businessman answered Says the tnlmid, "His problem yes. "For a thousand dollars you was to tell me that it was not in could miss this meeting, but not for your keeping with my dignity to go holiday which G-d gave you?" outside without a jacket, and still The businessman postponed the not hurt my feelings." meeting.

Thejewish Obserwr/September, 1985 19 Reaching Out to Others ganized the yeshiva in several syna­ Sephardim the world over, all prayed for gogues, but this time, there was no return his recovery. In his final days. surrounded e once explained the verse in Ko­ to the building; it was burned to the by his talmidim, he regained his con­ helet, "Greater than Kohelet' s ground. Lost in the fire were Rabbi Ezra's sciousness. On the I 9th of lyar, H wisdom was that he taught the unpublished writings. He refused all en­ 5730(1970), early in the morning, Rabbi people. The more he knew. the more he treaties to rewrite them; he felt in was an Ezra Attia passed away. taught." Isn't this a normal progression? omen that they were not meant for publi­ His monument is his talmidim, who asked Rabbi Ezra. No. because the more cation. His talmidim would be his sefarim carry on his work with their own. His one knows, the more one seeks out those - his lifetime work, and his gift to future legacy is shared by tens of thousands of of equal or greater learning to talk to. Ko­ generations. Sephardi yeshiva students, no matter helet' s greatness was that as he learned Rabbi Ezra maintained the yeshiva in where they learn. To the outsider who more, he still kept in touch w1th the com­ New City synagogues for several years. never experienced his greatness first mon man, and was able to teach the com­ However, by this time, the yeshiva's en­ hand. Rabbi Ezra's personality remains mon man what he knew .... This explana­ dowment had lost much of its original something of a mystery; unable to ex­ tion could well serve to describe Rabbi value, and could no longer sustain the perience his greatness first hand, we look Ezra. yeshiva, let alone support construction of with little success. for stories that will il­ Rabbi Ezra avoided personal honors as­ a new buildling. Yosef Shalom's will luminate his life and work. An American siduously. When the Jerusalem Beth Din provided that the ye.shiva could not accept talmid's recollection of his last meeting was in need of a dayan (rabbinical judge), financial support from any outside source. with Rabbi Ezra may tell us why. Rabbi Uziel pleaded w1th Rabbi Ezra to Rabbi Ezra consulted poskim as to how The talmid visited Rabbi Ezra serve. After refusing, Rabbi Ezra finally the yeshiva could broaden its financial several months before his death. agreed with two conditions: his service base w1thout violating the will. A solution Rabbi Ezra's w1fe warned that he was only temporary, and he would not was found: the endowment could support had been in a coma for three days serve as Av Beth I.An. While serving as a only a limited nwnber of talmidim, which and had spoken to no one. The dayan, he did not lose sight of his primary would comprise the yeshiva under the talmid entered the room where role as a teacher, and he brought along a will. Additional talmidim would be part of he lay, and his wife called out, '~ talmid to serve as an investigator, mean­ a "different" yeshiva. for whom contribu­ "Rabbi, Rabbi - ·z· is here from I while learningatfrrsthand the fundamen­ tions could be accepted. Sephardi commu­ America to see you." At that tals of dayanut in practice. nities the world overcame to the yeshiva's point, Rabbi Ezra stirred from his I Rabbi Ezra believed the yeshiva had a aid, and a new building was built.* coma, and gave the talmid a responsibility to kehillot the world over, short drasha on a passage from not just in Israel. Porat Yosef quickly be­ Final Days the "Shema." He then slipped came the source for rabbis and teachers back into the coma. What was for Sephardi communities in places as far­ ge and weakness forced Rabbi the drasha? The talmid smiled. flung as Egypt, South Africa, Holland, and Ezra to give up much of his "I'm sorry," he said, "but it was the United States. A demanding schedule at the personal." Counselling his fledgling rabbis, Rabbi yeshiva, yet he still maintained his avail­ Personal. There is no better word to dew I Ezra urged them to stand fast in their ad­ ability to his fellow Jew. Both in the fine Rabbi Ezra's life and teaching. The herence to halacha, but to understand yeshiva and at home. he welcomed visi­ Torah was so integral to his life that his that he could not teach them everything tors, answered questions, and gave advice personal communications were divrei To-­ f they would need to know. After giving a as before. To his last days, he kept a spe­ rah. To his talmidim, his divrei Torah group of men semicha, he told them, "You cial account for the support of a poor were personal communications. So much have learned Arba Turim ('The Four talmid chacham; his own family was un­ of his work was on an individual level, yet Gates' of the Shulchan Aruch); now you aware of its existence until shortly before in sum, he instructed thousands. His spirit must learn TurChmnishi (The Fifth Gate) he died. is present wherever Sephardim and East· on your own." Asked what he meant, he In those final years. he saw his labors em Jews gather to learn Torah. • replied. ''Common sense.·· bear fruit abundantly as the talmidim of Exile In the New City Porat Y osef became the leaders of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND Sephardic Jewry. They sought his advic-e REFERENCES ifficult times and political instabil­ regularly. They visited him whenever pos­ On the life of Rabbi Ezra Attia: ity marked much of Rabbi Ezra's sible; in the words of one, ''They felt he leadership of the yeshiva. The was like the ." He. in turn, Aharon Soraski's "Rabbi Ezra Attia, D Porat Yosef." Oros HaMtzrach. (B'nai B'rak, 1974), 1939 Arab riots in Jerusalem cut off ac" treated them with the utmost respect. be­ translated into English by L. Lange as Lights From cess to the yeshiva huilding. Rabbi Ezra lieving that no matter how great his stat­ the East. quickly moved the yeshiva to several syn­ ure, no matter what his role was in their Shelomo Ben Shimon. "HaGaon Rabbi Ezra Attia." agogues in the New City of Jerusalem, training, they were the leaders of in HaMaasef. Trunmuz. 5743. delegating advanced talmidim to give Sephardic Jewry. Rabbi Ezra Basri. Av Beth Din of Jerusalem and classes. while he went from location to lo­ In 5729, Rabbi Ezra became seriously editor of HaMaasef. for a letter to the author contain· cation supervising the functioning of the ill. He was confined to his bed, and drifted ing personal recollectlons of Rabbi Ezra. yeshiva, working incessantly from morn­ in and out of a coma for a full year. I-Iis Several of Rabbi Ezra's talmidim. who requested anonymity. shared their recollections with the author. ing to night. When the riots ended, the talmidim. talmidim of Porat Yosef, yeshiva was able to return to its building On the Jewish community of Aleppo; without having suffered interruption. Joseph A. D. Sutton's Magic Carpet: Aleppo in • I{abbi Ezra took fund raising very seriously. Flatbush. The 1948 war cut off the en­ When the first campaign started. he consented Mr. Irving A. Safdieh. whose aid, encouragement, tirely. and the yeshiva building with it. to po_<>e forphot()graphs (which he disliked do­ and enthusiasm were indispensible contrtbutions to Once again, Rabbi Ezra quickly reor- ing) to be used in soliciting funds. this article.

20 The Jewish Observer/September, 1985 Aaron Twerski SIGNPOSTS ... >l!J>J\(Jn Dl':l by positing a hypothetical question. He asked Moshe Rabbeinu. "Whether a tallis pn1r.i mpr.in 11N Ni'l that was entirely colored in the blue of "And behold it was the third day and techeles requires tzitzis and whether a A vraham raised his eyes and he saw the house full of Sifrei Toras requires a place (makom - i.e .. the MountofMoriah) mezuza." Moshe responded in the affirm­ from afar." ative to both questions. Korach found the The Maggid notes that Makom means answers ludicrous and used them to heap place. But, we know that it is also one of ridicule and scorn on Moshe's teachings. the ways used to refer to G-d. Makom The law was basic. Korach sought to de­ refers to G·d as "the place of the universe." fine Kedushaas a state of being. Torah de­ He thus interprets the Biblical phrase to "Mommy. what's that?" asked fines it as a state of becoming. Korach mean, "And it was the third day - when my four-year-old son. He was found "The entire nation all Holy." But Avraham was coming close to the mitzva. looking at the "Shir holiness is not a state of being. It is an awe­ He raised his eyes and he perceived the I Hamaalos'' that were being pasted on some never-ending struggle. Other Shechina - but he perceived it to be dis· , each side of my new grandson's crib. The religions focus on saints with halos around tant from him." custom of pasting the text of the !21st their heads or in states of nirvana. Holiness Such is the Jot of the servant ofG·d. The Psalm is an ancient one. An infant prior to is perceived as something static. One has closer he comes the greater he perceives his bris is a precious commodity in need of arrived. Moshe Rabbeinu sought in vain to the distance to be. special care and watching by Hakadosh teach Korach that man is presented with Baruch Hu. So my wife answered that the a set of opportunities to wage battle to ac­ A MEZUZA FOR THE ROAD "tzetelach (leaflets) are for Hashem to complish greater contact with the watch the baby." Senderlooked up some· Shechina. For some, it is leadership, for what puzzled. "But Hashem watches him some the Kehuna (priesthood). for others Yes, a house full of Sifrei Torah needs a I anyway. Youdon'thavetoremindHim." the service in the BaiSHamikdash (the Le· mezuza. Perhaps those who live in such a 1 No one thought of an appropriate an· vite); for each - his own struggle. But home need constant reminding that they swer to respond to Sender's direct ques­ there is no status called Kedusha. have not arrived but that they are still "on tion. 'fhe answer, of course. is obvious and Kedusha is not a title. it isa descliption of the road." Those who would wrap them­ worth reflecting upon. man's momentary encounter with G-d. selves in a tallis of techeles need that one The Maggid of Koznitz in Avodas Yis· blue string among the others of white wool roel makes this point in an unforgettable to signify that they need yet remember fashion. People have asked, why is the that blue as distinguished from white is to "Behold the Guardian of Israel does not mesiras nefesh of Avraham Avinu in per­ remind us of the hue of Heaven and the sleep nor slumber." We need not jog his forming the Akeida so glorified. Who, if hue of the Heavenly Throne. memory. A "Shir Hamaalos" is not a they heard the voice of G-d ordertng them And we need to be reminded that we neon sign with a flashing directional signal to biing one's child as a sacrifice, would need to be reminded. That tzitzis and - reminding Him to "Watch This Crib." not obey without question? The Maggid mezuza are not simply badges that grant - Nor does the crib become sanctified by explains that when man is tested, he hears Divine protection. Their efficacy stems not surrounding it with holy writing. It is we the command from G-d with great clarity. from the words on the doorpost or from who need to remem berto acknowlege that But then G·d, so to speak, steps back and the fringes themselves, but from their abil· Hashem is the Guardian of Israel. We the command ls veiled. It becomes some­ ity to penetrate the psyche of thos who must be worthy of DiVine proteetion. And what distant and opaque. It is that chasm seek the commitment they portend. so we need signposts to remind us of how which Man must cross to accomplish dvei­ Mitzvos are not holy things. They are an precarious is the lot of Man who stands na­ kus. The Avodas Yisroel notes that the invitation to a magn!flcent sturggle. My ked before the winds of nature and that Torah reveals that this is the process of ev­ Sender was right. We need not remind only in the hands of Hashem is there true ery ntsayon. G·d. • security.


Then it came to me. Korach had predi­ In Chaim Shapiro's article "Shadchanim" UO, June '85), the sen­ cated a rebellion against Moshe and Aaron tence on p. 38 regarding the thousands of divorces the

The }etPisb Obsen;er/September, 1985 21 Dea!' Parent, We are sorry to inform you that we have no room fo~ our son Moshe m ~ur school this year·......

3,000 New Children Already Enrolled. The 1985-86 enrollment requires us to open 6 new schools and 18 This isn't a bad dream. new kindergartens in areas that didn't have Tor ah schools before, and to It's a living nightmare. It is a nightmare happening today. Thousands add 50 new classes to existing schools, to make room for these 3,000 of these letters are waiting to be mailed to parents al\ across the land of chlldren. If we had the funds, we could enroll another 50,000children • Israel. Only the names of the children have not been filled in yet. today . i' l"!1l:I' •r.ii :'l'l'l' 'l:I Chinuch Atzmai's Terrible Dilemma. , The government budget cutbacks have thrown the Chinuch Atzmai Now, instead of accepting new children, we face going in the opposite Tor ah Schools system into the severest crisis of its existence. Entire direction. After years of great personal sacrifice in bringing thousands of f schools, many in outlying areas where no other Torah schools exist, and children in all corners of Israel into a real Torah Chinuch environment classes in every one of the 300 schools and kindergartens in Israel, stand and increasing our enrollment steadily to over 40,000children, we may to be cut. We are faced with the terrible choice of deciding :;·n· "':': have to tell these children to go back-back to the wilds of a world which child will be given the chance to live, to learn Tor ah and without Torah, without meaning, back to the streets where crime and rm:· ·;.:; -- which child will be turned away to a life empty of our sacred depravity run wild. Torah heritage. "Is Torah only for And yet if we had the money we could Benai Brak and Jerusalem?" That is the cry of these panic stricken parents who face the chance of accomplish more than ever before. losing their child's seat in our schools. Our resources are stretched to the Today in Israel greater opportunities exist than ever before. A new limit. We need teachers, books, classrooms, buildings. powerlulspirit of "T eshuva" is sweeping the !and. Every day we get hun­ dreds of phone calls from parents-many of them with no religious Two million dollars today can save backgrounds-begging, crying, requesting, demanding, that we make room for their children in our schools. "Help us! Save our children! Give future generations for Torah. them a chance to learn Torah!" You make the choice! Torah for One Dollar Per Day It costs us one dollar tor------subsidize a child's Torah learning for one day. I TORAH SCHOOLS FOR ISRAEL CHINUCH ATZMAI "'IO •Hm>m iunn ,,,o I 167 Madison Avenue, New Yo,k. NY 10016 (212) 889-0606 I Yes, I want to buy Torah for a child In Israel. Please send me: ' I 0 a year ofTorah for_ child/children @ $360 ' 0 a half year of Torah for_ child/children@ $180 I 0 1 month of Torah for_ child/children @ $30 I 0 _ day I days of Torah for _ child/children @ S 1 Our goal Is to reach eve.y I Jewish child In eve.y community and settlement In Israel. I Michael Robinson


It Started in Lublin A Fitting Memorial in virtue of Mtshna study." Further. we have in Vaytkra Rabba, "Only in the n 1931. Rabbi Aryeh Zvi Fromer, af­ abbi Yonah Stencel. student and mertt of Mishna study will all the exiles be fectionately known as Reb Leib cousin of Rabbi Framer. left Po­ I Hirsch. became the successor to the R land in the early 1930's for Eretz famed Rosh Hayeshiva and founder of Yisroel with the blessing of the Chofetz • Chachmei Lublin, Rabbi Meir Chaim, ~"". Following the war, Rabbi Shapiro,~"". Rabbi Fromer, formerly the Stencel. bythenamemberoftheTelAviv­ Rabbi ofKozhiglov, introduced a number Yafo Chief Rabbinate, cast about for a fit­ of innovations to the cuniculum of his ting memorial to the victims of the Holo­ yeshiva. Conspicuous among these was caust, which included most of his family. the Mishna Yomis study program. Characteristically, he found no more­ The Mishna Yomis was the natural off­ perfect remembrance than Torah study it­ shoot of the DafYomi, the popular folio-a­ self - specifically the study of Mtshnayos. day Talmud study program introduced by Why Mtshnayos? Because Mishna and Rabbi Shapiro at the First Knessia Gedola neshama (soul) are written with the same of Agudath Israel, in 1923. The Mishna Hebrew letters - and one enhances the Yomis complemented the DafYomi by ad­ other. On Shavuos, 1947, Rabbi Stencel ding to it Sedartm Taharos and Zeraim formally organized the present-day - most of which have no Babylonian Tal­ Mishna Yomis program. Unlike its precur­ gathered together." And, finally. accord­ mud - and Meseches Eduyos. Previ­ sor of the same name, the new study ing to the Shlah Hakadosh (Rabbi ously, these portions of the Shas had been scheme encompassed the entire Shas. Yishayahu Horowitz, 16th Century Kab­ neglected even by students of the Daf The ortginal schedule of two Mishnayos a balist), one who is expert in Mtshnayos Yomi, and now that deficiency in Torah day was retained, thus completing the cy­ will never see Gehinnom. scholarship could be effectively remedied. cle in about six years. September 1, 1939, the day the Nazis While there are nwnerous passages in Toward Improved Shabbos bombarded Warsaw, signaled the begin­ the Talmud and commentaries on the im­ Observance ning of the end of the magnificent Euro­ portance of Mishna-study for its own sake s chairman of the Shrniras pean Jewish civilization and the vast To­ as well as for mastery of Gemora, • there Shabbos Division of the Tel Aviv­ rah scholarship that it encompassed. The are several references that make it espe­ A Yafo ChiefRabbinate, Rabbi Sten­ Jewish community of Europe was not cially relevant to current times. The last cel met from time to time with the Chazon again in our age to be resurrected to its Mishna Meseches of Sotah catalogues the Ish, ? 11 ::n, to discuss ways of promoting past glory. worldy misfortunes that will herald the ad­ Shabbos observance in Israel. On one vent of Moshiach, and the descrtption such occasion, the Chazon Ish advised seems very appropriate to today's society. Michoel Robinson is one of the many grandchil­ Rabbi Stencel to organize a study program dren of Rabbi Yonah Stencell;111 :::tl, founder of the What better way is there to speed the com­ based on the Drach Chaim. the section of ! present-day Mishna-Halacha Yomis. ing of Moshiach than through the study of the Shulchan Aruch that deals with the ' On the 26th day ofTammuz. (which was July 15) Torah and, in particular, Mtshnayos? For, halachos governing a Jew's daily activi- Jewish communities throughout the world celebrated in the words of the Chida (Rabbi Chaim the siyum of Orach Chayim. the completion of the seventh and start of the eighth cycle of the Yosef David Azulai, an 18th Century • Baba Metz.la 33a-b, See Rashi, Maharsha. Ahavas ' Mishna-Yomls. Sephardi authortty), "Moshiach will come Alsan. AJso Sanhedrin 42, Taanis 8. i

Thejeu1ish Ob...r/September, 1985 23 ties as well as Sabbath and holiday obser· numbers of young people in Israel who 'fhe success of the Mishna-Halacha vances. These laws constitute the basic participate in the Mishna Yomis program Y01nis program is largely due to the en­ minimum an observant Jew must know in connection with cuntests and other thusiastic endorsements of the gedoli1n of in the performance of his day-to-day activi· projects under the auspices of Harnifal Israel and the United States. 'fhese in· ties. Thus was Halacha Yomis founded. Haolami Lelimud HaMishna VaHalacha elude. among others. the Beis Din Tzed­ The widespread increase in Torah HaYomit. The organization is presently dek of the Eida Hachareidi of Jerusalem, study of the last two or three decades - in headed by Rabbi Shlomo Stencel. son of the Gerrer (past and present). Rabbi Israel, the United States, and elsewhere - the movement's founder. lsser Zalrnan Meltzer, the Chebiner Rav. has been truly remarkable. Those growing It will be of interest to Mishna students Rabbi Herzog. Rabbi Unterman. J"". and. up a generation ago could not have fore­ to know that the popular and widely ac­ '"J' i::~.abbi Moshe Feinstein N""'''ll. seen the current resurgence of Yiddishkeit claimed Mishna commentary, Mis­ Mishna study is a learning experience - paradoxically coincident with rampant hnayos Mevoeres, by Habbi Pinchas Ke­ that car1 be enriching to both talmidei intermarriage, cultural assimilation and hasi, 7"~l. now in its ninth printing. was chachamim and novices alike. And daily widespread social disintegration in the originally prepared as a Mishna Yomis study of halacha is prescribed as a sure general Jewish population. The establish· text. way to achieve Olam Haba (Tanna Dvei ment of Torah study groups, yeshivas and Eliyahu). It therefore is no surprise that so batei midrashim, publishing houses, and New Mishnayos Study Projects many have joined the Mishna- Halacha all sorts of ancillary Orthodox organiza· Yomis program. The New York area, al"). lions is a phenomenon that stirs the imagi­ ishna Yomis projects in recent ready with many participants. is targeted nation. Playing its part in this outpouring years have expanded into new to become - in the very near future - the of religious exuberance throughout the M areas. In Israel, these include first. AmeiiC'..an locality to receive telephone Jewish world, are the Mishna and regional and national Mishnayos ba 'al and radio shiurim, similar to the already Halacha Yomis programs. In Israel. for ex· peh examinations in which thousands of existing successful DafYomi arrangement ample. 60,000 people tune in each morn­ children take part: the awarding of the - joining London and Zurich, where the ing to the Mishna Yomis broadcast over ra­ Mishna pennant (Degel HaMishna) to the broadcast shiurim have been available fOr dio Kol Yisrael - the first program of the educational institution distinguishing it­ a while now. Mishna-Halacha Yomis: a day. This fuftlls the words of the Arizal: self in Mt.shna inst.ruction. the founding of key to greater Torah knowledge and that a shiur in Mishnayos should precede evening yeshivos !Or working people. and deeper spiritual awareness, a means of all else, for through this a man renders publication of recorded cassette shiurim. ushering in Moshiach, and an entree to himself truly deserving of his neshama. Also, calendars and schedules for Mishna Olam Haba.. .in just a few minutes a day. Especially heart-warming are the large and Halacha are published regularly. A rather choice package. B


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24 The.feu•isb Obserl.!er/:;epternber, 19HS What do Chaitn Berlin, Lakewood, Mir, Ner Israel, Telshe and Torah Vodaath have in C01Dtll0Il~ Talmidim from ...... • ObrSornayach! That's right. Ohr Somayach alumni are among the finest talmidim at major Yeshivos in North America and Israel. And there are thousands more following their professions-who are committed and active members in Jewish communities throughout the world. Ohr Somayach is the largest international network of colleges and programs for introductory Jewish studies. Thousands of students and pro­ fessionals have rediscovered Jewish learning and living at Ohr Somayach programs through­ out Israel, North America and around the world. This year marks the 13th anni­ versary of Ohr Somayach. Thir­ teen years of effectively reaching out to young Jews and introduc­ ing them to Torah and Mitzvos. Come celebrate with us at the ' Ohr Somayach Bar Mitzvab Simcha and Scholarship Dinner Sunday, 5 PM October 27/12 Chesvan 5746, at the New York Hilton.

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A minyan, a commonplace term, yet a mysterious just that a minyan enables Kaddish, Kedusha, Borechu, and concept. Torah reading; more so, they enable the minyan. They tie its parts together, allow its prayers to emerge as the collec­ A minyan, a gathering of ten men to pray. Nine is not tive efforts of the microcosm of Israel, allow prayer to pro­ enough, and 10,000 are no different from 10. With 10 a cu­ ceed publicly, allow the individual to tie his private offer­ rious metaphysical entity is created. Certain kinds of ing to the offering of the microcosm of entire body of Israel. praises of the Creator, and reading from the Torah, are permitted only with a minyan. The question is not: what In Eretz Yisroel there is one additional prayer which only is a minyan? But: who is a minyan? a minyan can contain: the priestly blessing. A what is a thing; a who is a personality. A minyan is a I stand, daily, to recite the priestly blessing, given the an­ personality, for only a living person, not a thing, can praise cestry of my father and his father and his, stretching all the the Creator or read from His Document. A minyan is an way back to Aaron, the high priest, the first priest. embodiment of the entire body of Israel, the entire Jewish The priestly blessing: one of the few, last remairung ves­ people. tiges of the holy Temple, the Beis Hamikdash , in Jerusalem, • Strange, this minyan. If it is an embodiment of the entire one of the few, poignant reminders of the abundance of ' Jewish people, then who is that minyan existing alongside sanctity of the ancient times, one of the few, concrete con­ it in the next room, the next , the next city, or nections to the world as it was, the world as it will be. country? Can there be two embodiments of the entire I often wonder what my fellow priests think about as body of Israel? Is that a contradiction? I prefer to look at it they recite the blessing. Do they think, as I do, about this way: 10 men, Jews, whoever they are, wherever they whether our voices are coordinated, about whether we are, have the power to constitute themselves as a micro­ sound cacophonous or united? Do they think, as I do, cosm of Jewish eternity - ofJews now, Jews everywhere, about Aaron the High Priest, about our common identity of the past, of the future. To step into a minyan is to step with him, with antiquity, with the service in the ancient into the nitz'chius, the eternity, of the Jewish people. Temple, with the grandeur that will be its restoration? Do But, of course, to step into a minyan is to pray. And that, they think, as I do, about the prohibition of having any together with the concept of the minyan as a microcosm of particular individual in mind while reciting the blessing, Jewish eternity, means that the eternity of Israel is tied to of the necessity of having in mind, say, a sick relative only the prayers of Israel, and that, of course, means simply by amplifying one's intention, one's kavana, for the entire that the eternity of Israel is tied to the G-d, the Eternal One, body oflsrael, as a whole? Do they think, as I do, about the who created and selected Israel and hears its prayers. mystery of this blessing, about how it cannot occur with­ It makes sense, then, that those prayers which can be out us yet cannot have any meaning except as it transcends us, issuing from the origin of all blessing, G-d Himself? recited only with a minyan read like this: The Kaddish: the most sublime, sustained, ethereal A minyan. A few precious moments of prayer. A link to praise of the G-d of Israel, of eternity. all Israel, to all eternity. Suddenly, as with a flash oflight, The Kedusha: "HASHEM shall reign forever - your the illumination is gone. The day to begin, or end. Into G-d, O Zion-from generation to generation, Hallelukah!" eternity, out of eternity. Into the higher world, into the The Borechu: "Bless G-d! He is blessed." Response: lower world. "Blessed is G-d the blessed One, for eternity and eternity. And yet, even to partake in a minyan, in the higher The Torah reading: The prism through which we link world, is dialectical, for in that higher world we hope for our diversity into the one, eternal will of G-d, the stream sustenance in the lower world. A minyan, ultimately, is of pure light. both worlds, so many worlds: now, then, and tomorrow; The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It is not the material, the spiritual; speech, and silence; commu­ nity, and aloneness; a microcosm oflsrael, the macrocosm of Israel. Rabbi Goldberg isa residentofHarNof, Jerusalem, and Senior Editor of the Denver Intermountain Jewish News. A Minyan.•

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Chofetz Chaim Anthology across the globe along with a wealth of features highlighting facts and insights into Jewish his­ A richly illustrated Yiddish language edition tory not available elsewhere. Take advantage of commemorating the 50th Yahrzeit of Rabbi Vis· this opportunity to acquire the four special issues roel Meir HaCohen-the Chafetz Chaim-one of listed above completely free by subscribing now! the outstanding saints of the past generation. Features scores of photographs and illustrations Clip this coupon and mail today: of the Chafetz Chaim and other Torah leaders in portraying the history of the sage's life and times. Price: $3 per copy ($4 outside U.S.) .------Dos Yiddishe Vort 3. Churt>an {Jngam Issue 5 Beekman Street This special issue was published last year on New York, N.Y. 10038 the occasion of the 40th Yahrzeit of the decima· (Tel. 212·791-1800) tion of Hungarian Jewry. It features in·depth des· criptions of the glorious Jewish life, the pulsating Please send me: ' communities, and the famous Torah personali­ D Yomim Noroim Almanac. Enclosed is$) per copy ties in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and parts of ($4 outside U.S.). Romania, and the subsequent destruction dur­ D Chafetz Chaim Anthology. Enclosed is$) per copy ing the Holocaust. ($4 outside U.S.). Price: $3 per copy ($4 outside U.S.) D Churban Ungam Issue. Enclosed is $) per copy 4. Forty Years Since the Liberation of the ($4 outside U.S.). "Shearis HaPleitoh" (Remnants of the Churban) D 40 Years Since the Liberation. Enclosed is $)per copy ($4 outside U.S.). This issue describes in word and picture the collapse of Hitler's "Thousand Year Reich," the D Send me all of the above free. Enclosed is my miraculous redemption of the Jewish survivors, check of $10 ($] 5 outside U.S.) for a one year's sub· and the rebuilding of Torah life after the Chur­ scription to Dos Yiddishe Vort. ban. Containing almost 80 pages of history and illustration, this edition will be a treasured addi­ tion to your home library for many years to come. Address ______Price: $3 per copy ($4 outside U.S.) City --5tate,_____ ~,ip _____ centered, and that lame attempts at substituting Christian-style rituals or social activities will not keep the con­ ,, gregants in the fold. We only wish that the Reform leadership would realize that 1nitzva means ''com­ mand," and, by definition, implies a '' a "Commander" ... who is­ Metzaveh, with and without• • • comment: sued 613 mitzvos. The Jew, the met­ zuvah, as the object of these com­ mands, will always suffer discontent - a void of sorts in his soul - until he Seeking Inspiration, is united with mitzvos and the Met­ zaveh. Recognizing the centrality of Reform Style mitzvos to Judaism is a small step in the right direction, but it is still woe­ Far be it from me to disagree with failure, so that in short order Reform fully inadequate. • W. Gunther Plaut (Holy Blossom Jews clamored for an even more con­ Temple, Toronto), outgoing president venient time. One hundred and ten of the Central Conference of Ameri­ congregations, by far the majority, can (Reform) Rabbis, when he says went to Sunday morning services as that "even the Almighty must find their chief worship experience of the the Friday evening service utterly bor­ week. But that too fizzled because the OTLIN ing" (New York Times, June 24, '85). new members who joined our move­ TO JERUSALEM l I, for one, have never attended one, ment could not relate to Sunday In lime of illness, surgery or I and neither, I'd venture, has the Al­ mornings and demanded that there crisis, special prayers will be mighty. But that does not take away be a Sabbath experience. So back we recited al the Western Wall and from the validity of the critique. went to Friday night, though the suc­ at our Yeshiva in Jerusalem. 1 Plaut' s assessment of the Friday cess was all but inspiring .... CALL 24 HOURS night service came as part of his " ... Reintroduce a meaningful Fri­ [718) 871-4111 valedictory charge that the Reform day night experience at home. What A FREE PUBLIC SERVICE or movement change its focus. We a magnificent success this would be: The American Rabbi Meir quote (in part): the majority of your members observ­ Baal Haness Charity "The chief mitzva of a Jew is not ing more than merely the recital of a KOLEL llMERICll 'Come to the synagogue'; the chief fevv lines over candles and wine and mitzva of the Jew is 'Lead a Jewish bread, but indeed devoting a half ! life.' A journey to the temple is also a hour or per chance even an hour to K1t.IDIDI~M. j mitzva, but it is just one and in no wise something that pertains to the spirit of Mishnayolh, Yizkor & Yortzeit begins to cover the demands that a Shabbat. ... observed wilh a minyon in our Jew must make upon himself or "Given the choice between Yeshiva Heichal Rabbi Meir Baal Haness in Jerusalem. 1 herself .... celebrating Shabbat meaningfully at "In 1869, when they were first in­ home and coming to the synagogue, CALL i troduced in Louisville, Oeveland and I would opt for the former and not for (718) 871-4111 Cincinnatti, they were quite openly the latter, and I think so in your heart ' . l adopted for the sake of secular con­ of hearts do you .... 132 Nassau St.• N.Y., N.Y. ID038 ' venience, giving in to the demands of "Mitzva must be the center of our I members who wanted their Sabbath teaching, however you may define it mornings either for work or for other theologically. I for one have no prob­ personal non-religious activities. lem believing that mitzva is my way of THE WORLD FAMOUS ~ "Isaac A. Wise, in his newspaper expressing partnership with God in DIGEST OF MEFORSHIM The American Israelite, was quite tikun olam, and to inspire His people '!01i'7 il'\:l '!01i'7 • frank about it. He introduced a seven to keep tl1is consciousness alive in 1:i~r ivto1:iN '7Hio~ ., i"nne 1 . ' o'clock Friday evening service, he their every-day existence." Available at ; said, in order to make it possible for (from a transcript published in LEKUTEI INC., c/o I. Rosenberg his members to come to the temple Boston's Jewish Advocate, July 18, 10 West 47th Street, Room 702 . and then go on to the place to where '85) NYC 10036/(212) 719,1717 20 Volumes on Torah, Granted that this thumb-nail his­ they really wanted to go, the weekly Pere_k, Tehilli_m, concert of the Cincinnati Symphony. tory of the Friday night service reveals Medrash, Megilos &. Talmud. Go to the Symphony, he wrote, but volumes about the depth of Reform Proceeds of sales distributed among stop at the temple first. ritual and commitment. But we can't Yeshivas and used for reprinting "It should quickly be added that the help but take note of Gunther Plaut' s of volumes out--of~print Friday experience was even then a recognition that Judaism is mitzva- PRICE $8.00 PERVOLUME

Tbe }eli'ish Obst'n'l>r/Septe1nbt>r, J9H5 29

------< -- "'""- ,--~'--"'~ - " - - ~ --- --c-· """"----~-----'-~""~-----"""'· Letters ••••••••••• to the ••••••••••• Editor I ~ Jewry without benefit of the conver­ miracles, they got here (I still do not sion necessary to resolve grave ques­ understand how they did it!). tions of their yichus. To be sure, the Many of us tend to look down at prevalent view of halachic authorities them because of their primitive life­ that we must endeavor to save their style and lack of education. I find that lives in spite of doubts as to their Jew­ rather foolish. They are more special ishness, would apply similarly to (as a group) than many people who avoiding causing them anguish have all sorts of academic degrees. We through words. But the yichus prob­ are so busy observing their customs lem is a public problem, and leaving and lifestyle that we don't realize it to the occasional questioner would something of great importance: they leave it unchecked and unresolved. It are not subject matter for observation! must be dealt with publicly, if it is to They are people who consider them­ be resolved at all. It is for this reason selves Jews, who have risked their Offending Ethiopian Jews - that the very same poskim have seen it lives to keep whatever part of Judaism A Torah Offense necessary to publicly call for a cam­ that they knew, and we can also learn To the Editor: paign to inform the general popula­ things from them, not only about them. tion of these questions. It is ga 'avo (arrogance) to stand and I believe that we Orthodox Jews are At this time, very little is being done judge them from the sidelines. collectively guilty of transgressing the regarding educating the Ethipian Unfortunately they do not know Torah command lo sonu, which pro­ • Jews of the necessity for giyur. Only many things that we keep. But what­ hibits hurting someone through through mobilizing public awareness ever they do know they keep with un­ speech. will a large-scale educational cam­ usual devotion. I am always im­ The Mishna states that one is not paign ever be launched. Publishing pressed by their unusual chessed. (For permitted to say to a Baal Teshuva: articles about Ethiopian Jews without example, 500 people recently at­ remember your former actions, or to somehow qualifying this description tended a funeral of a simple woman!) a descendant of proselytes: remember confers Jewish status on a group that They have a special tznius (personal what your ancestors used to do. just may not be entitled to it. No pub­ modesty) that we can scarcely If the "Falashas" are Jews (and I lic discussion, no awareness, and no fathom. And many other exceptional certainly am not using the term giyur is a sure course to disaster, with middos that are just like the Mussar "Falasha" derogatorily) then we have ultimately much more anguish in books we possess. no right to challenge their tradition store for the Ethiopian population in I, who am among those who spend that they are Jews, and are guilty of Israel than candid discussion, which most of our time with them, cannot ona 'as devorim by saying so and sug­ is aimed at creating awareness, lead­ judge them. Can someone from a dis­ gesting that they convert. ing to giyur. tance criticize them? ... If a non-Ethiopian Jew would want to intermarry with an Ethiopian Jew, Saving Ethiopians from Spiritual They are people who came to Israel it is the problem of the non-Ethiopian Extinction full of emunah - strong faith. They to ask for a ruling whether he, or she, heard that there is a way to get to Is­ is permitted to do so. To the Editor: rael from Sudan and risked their lives When you write (on page 8) Ethio­ I live in Israel and as a member of a to get here. Many died on the way. pian "Jews" in quotation marks, you group called" Ami Chai," I spend all They were certain that they were may be guilty of the same offense of my free time (even some time that coming straight to the rebuilt Beis when an Ethiopian Jew reads the I don't have free) trying to give new Hamikdash. Upon being brought to article. olim from Ethiopia a Jewish education. the Kosel, they happily chanted "Oh, ELIJAVITS Unlike what many journalists are at last we've come to the Beis Hamik­ Monmouth, N.J. reporting, most of the Ethiopian Jews dash!" When they were told that be­ did not come to Israel to be fed, be­ hind the Wall there are mosques, they cause most of them were not missing could not believe what they were told. Response to Eli Javits anything physically. In fact, their How many of us still cry over the Kial Yisroel is faced with a crisis of trouble only began from the moment sights of the Arabs travelling through historic proportions - the imminent they decided to go to Israel, and since the Kodesh Hakadashim on their don­ possibility of thousands of members then they were persecuted. But they keys? How many of us have this of the Beta Israel entering the ranks of stubbornly went on until, with great en1unah?

30 Thejeu•ish Obsen 1er/"i'eptember, 19H5 --- pen to gain the social respectability We have so much to learn from Sara Schenirer and the Men and intellectual stature for Ba1s them! We must stop judging them Behind the Movement Yaakov, so necessary to break the unkindly for being insulted when told magnetic attraction of a "Gymnasill1;1 to convert. The following suggestion To the Editor: education." (See Joseph Fnedenson s can help solve the serious problem of Your coverage of Sara Schenirer' s "Surviving the " in their personal identity: 50th Yahrzeit was both inspiring and JO, Mar. '83 - editor} They have a strong thirst for Torah informative. It makes one want to An observer of the Bais Yaakov and mitzvos, but we, the religious know more about this courageous scene from its period of greatest community, have abandoned them woman and her innovative undertak­ growth commented: "The Gerrer and left them to the control of people ing, which she conducted in accor­ Yungerleit leading the Bais Yaakov who neither understand nor appreci­ dance with daas Torah. Movement did not look at women. ate Torah values and the Jewish way As mentioned, the blessings of the But they certainly knew how to speak of life and try to quench their Torah­ late Belzer Rebbe and the active en­ towoffien.'' thirst with the salt-waters of the so­ couragement of the Chafetz Chai';' WOLF ABRAMOVITS cialism they are being taught, teach­ gave impetus to Frau Schernrer s Brooklyn, New York ing them that the secret of happines landmark founding of her Torah I lies in good pay, intellectually school for girls - first in Crakow, and I stimulating jobs, a new car and a color then in other locales. But there were Mrs. Yissachar Also a Zevulun? TV. This is salt water to a thirsty man others, as well. I recall Chaim - spiritual murder! May Hashem Shapiro's fascinating "Dr. Leo To the Editor: have mercy and activate us to save Deutschlander, Father of the Bais The title of the article "Torah Study them from this, in stark contrast to Yaakov Movement,'' which appeared and its Support" (JO May, 1985) Jews of earlier aliyas who were in JO, June '75. caught my eye, and I got ready to read deprived of Torah and now populate In addition, Frau Schenirer sent a what I thought was a long overdue the Israeli jails! kvittelto the Gerrer Rebbe, xxx, appris­ recognition of kollel wives. Imagine The Orthodox communities must ing him of her plans. He not only en­ my surprise when I finish_ed the ~rt1- unite and do something. We must couraged her, but took unmed1ate ac­ cle (which did prove to be interesting} demonstrate our Ahavas Yisroel to­ tion, persuading the vast maJonty of without finding any mention of these ward them and lovingly teach them his followers, and indeed much of N'shei Chayil! l do not mean to belittle Torah. By uniting we will be strong, Polish Jewry, to support Sarah the importance of Yissachar-Zevulun and by teaching them Torah_lovmgly Schenirer by entrusting their own partnerships, which turned out to be we will gain their trust and bnng them daughters to her care. the topic of the article, but I strongly to understand that we want them to At the very outset of Frau feel that at least some mention should convert because it represents the ulti­ Schenirer' s remarkable work, Rabbi have been made of wives who sup­ mate good (not because of our preju­ Mordechai Luksenburg, a Gerrer port their husbands' learning - dice!}. We must save them from Chasid of Crakow, conceived the idea Yissachar-Zevulunis, or shall we say spiritual murder! of spreading the s~hools on a wide Akiva-Rochel partnerships. YACHAT SCHARF scale, naming this movement in There are hundreds of young P.O.B. 2446 memory of his father, Rabbi Yaakov women who encourage and support Netanya, Israel Luksenburg. - even mold their husbands to be Rabbi Yehuda Leib Or!ean ran and . true b'nei Torah. They juggle jobs with developed the multifaceted Bais care of the children and the home; Yorn Kippur Query Yaakov movement during Sarah they willingly give all for a share _in the Schenirer' s life and assumed her or­ mitzva of limud Torah. In add1t1on to To the Editor: ganizational position after her .death, enduring monetary limitations, these As a point of interest to your leading the movement, which by wives forego spending time with their readers, I would like to mention that then numbered in the tens of thou­ husbands and encourage them to today's market is flooded with many sands, until World War II. learn even at night. varieties of running shoes and Reb Alexander Zusia Friedman, While no donor plaques adorn their sneakers, quite a few of which contain ta/mid chacham and dynamic leader in walls - in fact they are often ridiculed leather and may therefore be forbid­ Zeirei Agudath Israel, and later by "friends" who question their den d'Orai1sa on Yorn Kippur. It is in­ Agudath Israel, and dedicated Gerrer lifestyle - we cannot underestimate cumbent upon anyone who wishes to chassid (author of Maayana shel Torah), the credit due these "Zevulunios." In wear such footwear on Yorn Kippur also lent his power of inspiration, im­ this era of selfishness the time has to ask a she' eila of his rabbi in order to pressive organizational abiilities, ~is come to get up and laud the true ex­ determine if the particular shoe in pen and his contacts to the budding amples of modem day selflessness - question is permissible. Bais Yaakov Movement. our kollel wives. Reb Eliezer Gerson Friedenson, one of the leading askanim in and MALKA KAGANOFF YITZCHOK SCHERISH a noted figure among the adherents of l Williamsville, N. Y. Mountaindale, New York the Imrei Emes, lent his intellect and I I 31 The }eu1i5'.1 Ohsent>rj!)'eptember, J9H5

- ' ..,. _____ ,_ II I 11!11 ti i I I 11&.£ I 11111 2 I 11111111 111121111 THE VOICES OF TC Founded and directed by Rabbi I 4533 16th Avenue, Brooklyn, r ~ R'chovEvenHaezel #lO, POB #54 t was with great pride and pleasure that we celebrated the ground-breaking ceremonies in Ramot-the new and upcoming section in I the hills of Jerusalem. This new, vibrant Tshechenov community is recreating the spirit, the learning, and the love of Torah that once existed in the original Tshechenov Shtetel in Poland. That Shtetel was destroyed in the holocaust. A new Torah and Tefillah Centre is now under con­ t struction there to serve Ramot and its surroundings, ~ which are presently bare of such facilities. Our yeshiva is B"H expanding at such a fast rate that we must embark on the awesome task of enlarging and updating our facilities. It is our fervent hope that we can count on your continued support. At this time of introspection and Tzedakah giving-won't you please help? Every child enabled to learn Torah, every person given the proper surroundings for prayer, advanced study and elevation towards "HaShem" will ask "His" bles­ sings for you and all your dear ones. As the new year is approaching, the student body of our elementary school boasts of an enrollment of t more than five hundred children. I" The new class of youngsters are eagerly attacking their first Aleph-Bais pages, while the Kol Torah of the older children is already echoing throughout the hallways. These children are taught and super- vised by outstanding Rebayim, who are profession­ als and experts in their fields of education. Our "Chosen Mishpat" Kolle! is comprised of more than sixty brilliant Torah scholars, dedicating their time and energy to the study of business law. These Torah scholars are preparing to become our much needed Dayanirn and Poskim of the near future. Our administrators and staff support and encourage tirelessly to bring out the best in every child, scho- ~ lar, and situation. L'shonah Tovah and best wishes to you all! Rabbi Menacbem Sblomo Beckerman ASK ''How~ i Dean of Tshechenov Institutions CONTACT OUR CENTRAL< ii 1111rn11 n Hliil&.261 I llWliil HiiilH 1IBWI liillliilliiillllll2liliil1Hllliiliilllli&lli RAH ARE CALLING :enachem Shlomo Beckerman wYork 11204 (718) 438-2100 , Jerusalem, Israel Phone: 813-118 •o'',, TSHECHENOV INSTITUTIONS SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

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Shiurim on Chulin by Rav Shamshon Brodsky Due to intolerably poor postal delivery of The Jewish and Yoreh Deah by Rav Asher Zimmerman Observer to our C.anadian subscribers, we are upgrad­ ' leading to Semicha. ing all delivery to First Class mail. We hope that this will Now forming Orach Chaim Chabura· appreciably reduce the time between publication and ' delivery in your mail box. Mesechta Shabbos Orach Chaim This wiH involve an increase in expense, which will For registration or information call be reflected in all future subscription billings-here­ , after, at $20 per year, U.S. funds, drawn on a U.S. bank I Rav Wilder at (718) 998-3201 only. The JO will absorb the increased cost in regard to ' Prepare for a career seiving Kial Yisrael all existing subscriptions. in Chinuch or Rabbanus.

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One day you stopped coming to the wooden shack. It fell to neglect, then to thieves, then to a bulldozer. In their haste, the wreckers overlooked the tiled floor.

Tiles of testimony to forty years of labor in Jerusalem ... We used to sit on the wooden bench in your little shop, absorbing your tales of work, and the neighborhood you helped to build in 1 Israel.

The Promised Land's winter was warmer next to the old kerosene stove. The rain fell, but you made our world more comfortable and pleasant.

Everything we did, you had done before us. You, too, had loved, laughed, and sung. You, too, had awaited the arrival of Spring and flowers.

When a man's real Spring comes, he begins a Heavenly Life. Relatives distribute his earthly clothing and (He plied his trade in a little wooden shack near possessions to the needy ... the corner of Rehov Shmuel Hanavi and Rehov All except his shoes. Yechezkel in the city of Jerusalem.) The religious don't wear shoes of the departed. "Shoes?" Your hair has grayed, but you still stand tall and strong. Can one man ever fill the shoes of another? Your mind has clouded, but you remember us, We remove leather shoes on Yorn Kippur. don't you? Shoes make the difference between a man standing on Earth and a man standing The two tears that rolled down your cheek before the King of Kings. when we met in the park ... Of course you remember, Avraham. When your turn before the Alm-ghty comes, Avraham, simply say, You were the neighborhood shoemaker, "I was honest. I was gentle. I was kind." Shmuel Hanavi Street. And if the Alm-ghty asks us to testify, we11 Our ears heard the magical hum of your sew­ tell Him the same. ing machine. Our eyes tried to count the nails, clips, and Arleen N. Habshush leather scraps in your little shop. Mrs. Habshush formerly of Rochrsfer, N. Y., lives in Jerusalem

Thejeu1ish Observer/September, 1985 35 My Heart Is In The East n1t}'.):i ):i?

0''.71'Jn', I want to walk your streets At this time we And hold your hand And step back down to admire. would like to wish Your sun is warmer Your buildings are older our many friends a Your sky is a bridgeway and not a separation. happy and healthy O'Jl'Jn', I ache to meet you New Year To greet you To get to know you. I think that once I do, I will feel like we are old friends, I And even now I sometimes miss you r Like I miss an old friend. I 0''.71'!1"1', your age is your beauty r You are distinguished by your motherhood­ Those arms that reach out and embrace And stretch to hold more and more children All coming home to you, their mother- My mother, too- Familiarly enveloping in a new and old embrace.

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TheJeu•io;h Obsen!er/September, J9H5 37 I

Abraham 1.. fischweicher Vice Presid~nt-Investments .

101'1!'1!'11 i::icn:;n M:l1ll) I'll~ · · Best Wishes to all our friends and relatives for a · flappy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year Mr. l!f Mrs. Chaim ll. Leshkow.itz Mr. ·lit Mrs; l'ossie teshkowUz

Mr. 8t Mrs. Chaim J, Banker wish one and all a Mr. tit Mrs, Rlldy Taubet Kew Oardens !fills, New York M:l~e ~'nrn n:'h~ rr.onnhii.::n;:,n n:lim i'TlfQ1? -.--- ,:-, ',' to ~b~i4~~... $~· Berish Fiwhs Rabbi Moshe 'Sh~rer. ",'y ' and his di~ting~ished staff .•·... wi$h:al~'?I th~i~·.••···· to friends of AguE,ath Israel fri~nds and relati~~=······ and all ofKlt;d Yisroel . itol"ll"lJ"llj:lJ"\~J"lrt:li~ i"tl~~ Mt. & Mrs~ l"a.t:tkovR.iede't and family·

Bestw.tsb,es{o;ray~ar ofgoodhealthShaJ?piness. ··.·...... 1'!,..• ,IJ~/tl~·.f ...... > Jeffrey § Sa:ra. Webs(er :.Paptd~t11.ger8:1J.t1:> aiyear.of af'ld pro.'§p~rlt!f.•· ...... To all ofol1r{rierJ.d$ 4mongst ;alloft!J.laf Yisroei Shalom 8.Helen·Ma.rk l"i!:llt!l ... no\111".ii .n~,n:i

.. t:l'i.ll'n ilmnni 1:n:n nlliti nJl.l'? We exhlnd fo all t>f Best Wishes to all ~ Kial YtnP'J. t>ur si.iJcerilSt .wisltesJbi. 8' Mts. Max Carmen Niiffoli;

BestWishe•.Wailcour ftiemls and.1el

rr!iw~ 'ttltb~ 1 ~nl:ii:~ l'.'ll~ ~nn from Mt. aild MYS, &papi>rt .Lellrish Mt. & M 1)l'll o~)n\:! "ll'l5J·~5 1>Jtinn1·.1:ln:>n·.·n:n6 i"l'.lY)? ...· t:i~v>.1:\f ..,w ..•).,st1 to atl relatives and friends · Dr;. &Mrs. Sheldon.Zinn jo52'(lwH~:!.11"i ll'l,~11 ,\:l';Nt il'lJt.1 PhoeniX, Arizona )J'll;\!lVJl:ll '11.5)l1) ll11"1!lYJIJ)

T1:11\:Y j'l)llij\hlT1:1'tl'.:> To all of our friends ·····•Mt.& ~LMei Wattellb~arut . Mr. S Mrs. Baruch Katz ·ayear··df of good health&happiness G 8 ~ons J>ept. StOre 48tfr.St &New nl::>'l'lnl\"l:l,li::> MT. & Mrs~ Abra.ham Roth Brooklyn, NY.

The Bestofeite ~ really good year for 1r.innn' i:in:m n::n" mVh from the entire community n))l'IJ'l n'.7\Nl n3w People who Cate Channelle, Avrohom :i1" ::>:n.nn'.7i1n Llikefront Gonvalescent Pinchas, and YechielPollak Mt•. &. Mrs. I'{, Berlfamin · ·Center and Parents . Perlman, C.P.A. s c.F.P.

Best wiShes for a n::m' m::imm n:i•n::i Rabbi·[) MIS. n:i1" ni:3>nn1 n:i•n=> Mn':li1tn n::i1:i :mw to~Uourfrien9s & relatives MeitShanunai ·· The.Frlederwilzers Rabbi 8 Mrs. Y. Shemano Rennert ofStat1mlstand s wish Kla.!Yisroel FamUy .· h-m:iri :O>':lwh>:i nx:in ·n)\!l':I nvw>1 n'.71N) .n>w

n::n" nr.i>nt1i n:im::i n:i'" nr.:1•nn' n:i>n:i Judaism find TorahForeuer fr<:>m from Happy New Year Mr. & Mn;.. Diluid M, Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Strahl Rublnst.eill & famUy and family Bernard Kupersteln ... tf/itoler/3eU,.:l:la~lf fJ!1fl.!1f!?~h ti S:h~epiltf!ad.~11 2~()9 ~qe. (,}, l3ro[!JklYt;i. tf.Y., 332·91(}() .... 11.ndt!tthe atlJSpl~e!f of · · · · ··.f1ar;i.~.8eris:hSyhppit:() Ui~h¢§alli!§.(dWJ:dS, ..•·. 51fPpt>tt.ers~nd··f!ili!lhb,c>1'$a ·n::1ii:i.r.n n:n\:> ti~'1)1"1J )'1:i.1ri::i iiVlW~l nl'llNl 11)\ll ./ .. pli.ily Mlnydr;1inf(jr t11~ri -s1_~_}1_~,~:i~,~~-:1ryf))tt;;t1Yif'l¥J / DafY6trJ1ShiwDailyfiP,M. ··•··..... 1'1~111idirr;Prr:>gr1;11r1f6tBoJJS 9yrs & older

. ~estl.VIShes:for a )bl'\hm ·i:l'!'l5l'\ 11:11\:r nl\!17 . ••. )~:lltl l'.Jb'1if'll tll>}1!) j'j)l\~lfl'\~ll'I) n)\!i to aU.(!1.urfriendSSr,elatives lltl ';>!)ll'lhlr.lll'! · JI/fr. 6 'Mrs.Moshe Leoitln.

.fill" nr.l>nrw 11:vi;1:, l'l5'J~ . < ii::!)\.? i'ID'l'lm lJ:J)Jl:l n.i:iint11• fl:1\\.'> tt>w <:Jll!>?n ·1>,Wl ·nlllj!llllrt rov;5'. Jlflro.nt ~ Jlfetldg Pro[esors~ · Rabbi li'aalc:OO $ C8fen l'l!1X.lj1ll1-t t:!51;>" \jll)ll)" ~Spt,li,YOS!ji~&}\ri Marr···•· ".ti)l!J!tDl 1mn.n)l!>i6 Sfatel! lsia:lld; N.Y. . !Olah Ac;:1derriy Rab... ·.· btl>i&Mrs.Mlll(flidPultJa .. · Minl!eafX>lts,M.lnnes6ta ' ' '' '', ,,',,'' ' ,, __ ,

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IM!'O~TEDBYTAAMJOVFOODS INC, BROOKLYN,N.'(: 112i13 DJ', l!l Mrs. Boruch Adler wlSh all their friends and relatl.ves a .. ' n:ne nr.Nirn n::i'n::i ' ; 'T"t:Jl "Shana Tova" to wish· one and afl a Kial YISroel n:i.ie n~"fJiMi n:"rt=' Anonymous

· Tiie Sllmuel Oelbaums n:m:> nr.l>:nni n:i.>n:> from wtslt friends and relatives Shea Lerner npiril'!), n:lie ifltv and family

M!lie n~"nm M::l'ltl!i to all friends, relatives flfr. l!t ,.,,,,, and clients lllmlhllm Lleberlllllll Mr. l!t flfts, Juda/I Dick andfilmllg andfamllg

Shana Tova flsl'Od l!t Reyna lll!Jlger Dr, Yosef S. llosenslreln and family family l!1 Children Counse!lng wtsh one and all a 85J.1/JOI) . it::l~t!) nti"flti' tt::l:~·n:

Sincerest Wtshes for a Rabbi lit MI'S; Menai:hem LUIJlnskg and family 'nn!lYJoi C'it>N M'Jnt:'''T l'i7~Nl liltt' ,,,.,i' Lribinskg·SClllld llssotlates ,cn>:r•"t>l cn>:n"lp 5:>7 c>~Nf.l Mr. l!t Mrs. /Yochum l'lshman 475 fifth Avenue •np1nr.i1 n:lll:> n)l!J 5N1'P' n>::t ''" New York1N.Y. 10017 .. ~ I


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Protracted controversy over a year-and­ one-ha!f old Illinois law guaranteeing the right of observant Jews to burial on Sundays and legal holidays was put to rest on July 2, 1985, as the United States Supreme Court NEW YORK COURT OF APPEALS the Mayor he may not unilaterally force us to refused to hear an appeal by gravediggers' STRIKES NEW YORK CITY "GAY choose between continuing to provide social unions challenging its constitutionality. At­ services on behalf of the needy on the one torneys for the Illinois chapter of the Agu­ RIGHTS" EXECUTIVE ORDER hand, and remaining faithful to our religious dath Israel Commission on Legislation and In vvhat a spokesman for Agudath Israel of principles on the other - for, given such a Civic Action, which had led the drive toward America described as a ''major victory for the choice, we would have no choice. The real vvin­ passage of the law, hailed the Court's rejec­ causes of pluralism and religious freedon1," ners are the thousands of needy persons v.,1ho tion of the appeal as a" major victory for the New York State's highest court held on June 28 have come to rely on Agudath Israel for the right of all citizens to practice their religion that New York City Mayor Koch had no provision of quality social services." without encumbrance." authority to promulgate Executive Order 50, According to Mr. Zwiebel, the Court of Ap­ As explained by Mendel Singer, Chairman which prohibits entities doing business with peals' holding was especially significant inas­ of the Chicago branch of the Agudath Israel the City from engaging in employment dis­ much as the courtexpresslyrejected the argu­ Commission, the Illinois law invalidates any crimination against homosexuals. ment that any entity receiving money from contract between cemetery and workers One year ago, Agudath Israel, the New York government must adhere to the san1e stan­ that totally prohibits Sunday burials. Before City Catholic Archdiocese and the Salvation dards of non-discrimination as government it­ its enactment, Illinois Jews could be barred Army each filed lawsuits challenging the con­ self must adhere to. Mr. Zwiebel quoted the ar­ from fulfilling the religious obligation of stitutional validity of Executive Order 50. David gument presented to the Court of Appeals by immediate burial of the deceased by cemeter­ i Zwiebel, Esq., Agudath Israel's Director of Professor Aaron Tvverski, Chairn1an of ies that had entered into such contracts. I Government Affairs and its counsel in the law­ Agudath Israel's Commission on Legislation A crucial provision of the law ,according to suit, stated that the lower courts had split on and Civic Action: "To say, as the Appellate Di­ Mr. Singer, makes it a misdemeanor to "re­ the issue prior to the latest ruling, with State vision has, that a religious institution receiving strain, prohibit, or interfere with the burial of Supreme Court Justice Alvin Klein upholding government funds may not discriminate if the a decedent whose time of death and religious the religious agencies' position last September state may not do so is to say that from this day tenets or beliefs necessitate burial on Sun­ and the Appellate Division upholding the fonvard no government funding may go to any days or legal holidays." City's position this past May. religious organization that is committed to en­ After passage of the measure, which legally In today's ruling, the State's highest court, listing employees for sensitive positions who took hold in January 1984, several cemetery the Court of Appeals, agreed vdth Justice Klein are faithful to its dictates ... That is plainly and workers' unions commenced litigation chal­ l that the Mayor had exceeded his authority in simply wrong, a monstrous interpretation of lenging the statute. Through several rounds insisting that City contractors pledge not to dis­ executive power." of appeal, the Illinois courts uniformly re­ criminate in employment on the basis of'' sex­ "Perhaps the most significant part of the jected the unions' challenge. The groups t ual orientation or affectional preference." The Court of Appeals' holding," Mr. Zv.,1iebel then appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, I decision came on a 6-1 vote, the majority opin­ stated, "is its implicit adoption of Professor which refused Monday to hear their case. ion being written by Chief Judge Sol Wachtler. Twerski's reasoning. This means that Agudath Israel has been in the forefront of t Rabbi Moshe Sherer, President of Agudath Yeshivos, for example, which benefit from cer­ the law's defense from the outset, with Israel, expressed the sentiments of the organi­ tain forms of government aid, need not mix the COLPA attorney Erwin Katz also filing zation in the following terms: '' Agudath Israel sexes simply because government may not dis~ briefs on behalf of several Chicago area con­ is gratified that the Court of Appeals has told criminate on the basis of sex." gregational and rabbinic groups.

A boy of a family of 10 souls was hit by a truck. Shomer l\UL CtiA.,,IM Shabbos driver was not in­ sured. Boy lost speech, is in UVCti~,T~ wheel chair, mother depressed. Need is great. Kindly issue tax ~ deductible check to Bikur Cholim Inc. and mail to: RABBI AVROHOM BLUMENKRANTZ 814 Caffrey Ave. Far Rockaway, N.Y. 11691 BAL Tl MORE MARYLAND

T/)(! }ctl'i:r/5eptetnber, 1985 45 • The Torah World ' A fascinating and inspiring collection of biographical sketches. In these pages, 25 great Torah leaders - the shapers of today's Torah world - flash before your eyes, penetrate your heart, shape your thinking. o Rabbi shaping Torah learning in America. O The lubavltcher Rebbe facing communist jailers. o The humility and the genius of the Tshebiner Rav. Reb Boruch Ber, the Mirrer Mashgiach, Rabbi , Rabbi . Rabbi Joseph Breuer. Rabbi Elya Meir Bloch and more and more and more. This is a book that will enrich every Jewish home. It will make you proud and humble. Nine of these articles are by Chaim Shapiro, the popular chronicler of pre-War life whose wit, insight, and narrative brilliance have made him one of JO's most popular writers. Four sketches are new, written especially for this book - on Rabbi Meir Shapiro, Rabbi Menachem Ziemba, the Lubavltcher Rebbe, and the Tshebiner Rav. Many articles are from The lewlsh Observer. Edited by Rabbi Nlsson Wolpln. t Published by Mesorah Publlcatlons, Ud. in conjunction with Agudath Israel of America ' hard cover $12.95 paperback $9.95 Of special Interest for your Tishrel reading: Seasons of the Soul Perspectives on the Jewish year and its milestones. Including Yomim Noraim and Succos essays from the thoughts of Maharal, Sefas Emes, Rabbi E.E. Dessler, Rabbi , Rabbi and many others. hard cover $12.95 paperback $9.95

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--- __ ,..,,,,__ . ------~ DATELINE ••. DATELINE.• •• TISHAB'AV YOUTH PINCUS MANDEL WARM RESPONSE TO CALL JEP SHABBATON PROGRAM Cemetery Consultant FOR TISHA B' AV MOURNING CAPS YEAR Of OUTREACH Over 30 Years of Dedicated FOR HOLOCAUST VICTIMS TO JEWISH CHILDREN Service to the Orthodox Jewish A nationwide outpouring of warm appre­ Over the course of 24 weekends during Community ciation has met the re-issued call of distin­ the past academic year ,Jewish children from guished Torah scholars for the inclusion of a non-observant homes across the mid-Atlan­ Karka available on Kinah/Lamentation on Tisha B'Av to mark tic region and as far away as Atlanta, Geor­ all cemeteries in the tragic losses suffered by the Jewish peo­ gia, were brought to Orthodox neighbor­ ple during World War II. The call was articu­ hoods in the New York area for the oppor­ Eretz Yisrael controlled and lated last year in various forms, including a tunity to experience first-hand the flavor of maintained by the proclamation from the Moetzes Gedolei a Shabbos atmosphere. The "Shabbatons" are Chevra Kadisha • HaTorah (Council of Torah Sages) of Agu­ one facet of a multi-pronged outreach effort of each community, ' dath Israel of America, which includes Rabbi sponsored by the Jewish Education program Jerusalem, Tiberias, Tzfas, Moshe Feinstein, Rabbi , OEP), highlighted in a year-end report deli­ Rabbi Yisroel Spira (Bluzhever Rav), Rabbi vered this week to Agudath Israel of Amer­ Miron, Holon, etc. Yaakov Yitzchok Rluderman, Rabbi Morde­ ica, the agency's parent body. Recommended by chai Gifter, and letters from Rabbi Shlomo In an interview in New York,JEP director Gedolai Hador- Halberstam (Bobover Rebbe), Rabbi Chaim Rabbi Mordechai Katz emphasized the cru­ here and in Eretz Yisrael Meisels (Sorvarsher Rav), Rabbi Moshe Stern cial role of the Shabbatons in the total pano­ for honesty-integrity (Debreciner Rav), Rabbi Yochanan Sofer rama of the Jewish Education Program's and responsibility (Erlauer Rav) and Rabbi Shmuel Wosner work. "Most people have heard of our re­ NO compromises in kovod haniftar (Rav, Zichron Meir~Bnei Brak). lease-hour sessions in the public schools,"he as evaluated by a ~ The proclamations were compiled by the said, "and our Seforim and records have made cemetery expen. I Committee to Perpetuate the Memory of the a big hit. But few realize that the experiential A seroice from the beart­ Martyrs of European Jewry, of which Mr. angle is the meat and challa of our efforts, with a bean Pinchos Herzka of New York is the chair­ and the key to our success." man. Distribution of a brochure published 1569 47th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11219 That success, he says, is measured in by the Committee, including the full text of Day and Night Phone-(718) 855-5121 the various statements issued by the Torah terms of the number of children placed in Torah summer camps-some 60 this year­ 1 scholars as well as sample Kinos composed I over the past several years to mourn the and the percentage of public school youngs­ World War II losses, was coordinated by the ters touched by JEP who eventually enroll in RABBI ZAlMAN ANDERSON Commission on Holocaust Remembrances yeshivos. "Beyond that," the energetic direc­ 0 11 nu i!:nu of Agudath Israel of America. tor added, "there is an often unheralded area In calling for a widespread adoption of the of encouraging day school students from marginally observant backgrounds to con­ additional Kinah, the proclamations left it to )>::»!)r1 • il'11r1 'l!)tl the rabbi of each shul and community to tinue their Torah studies in yeshiva high select an appropriate text. Since last year, schools and further." The Shabbatons pro­ m7>m1 • mmr.i with the first publication of the proclama­ vide a forum and a framework in which the Checked and sold­ youngsters can explore their commitments tions, many communities throughout the Same day selVice available nation have introduced reciting such Kinos. in an informal and personal way with advi­ sors and group leaders. The texts being used include Kinas composed New Location- by the late Rabbi Michael Ber Weismandl At times, the JEP office will be called by 1644 East 3rd St.­ zt"I (Nitra), Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam, (the principals of even non-Orthodox schools, side entrance Bobover Rebbe), Rabbi Elchonon Heilpren who sense, says Rabbi Katz, that "only an (London), Rabbi Raphael Blum (Kashui), and exposure to authentic, vital Judaism will (between Aves. 0 & P) Rabbi Shimon Schwab (Khal Adath Jeshur­ ignite the spark of Yiddishkeit that's there B'klyn, NY 11230 un, New York). waiting to be fanned into a bright flame." 718/375-1793 The brochure containing the declarations "But the big surprise," added Rabbi Katz, and sample Kinas were mailed to rabbis "is the thank-yous from our home-hospital­ Recommended by the throughout the country to alert them to the ity hosts. I think they get as much out of Vaad Mishmeres Stam call by the revered Torah scholars. giving as the kids to receiving."

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TheJeu•ir;b Obsen1er/September, 19R5 47 take exams on the Sabbath, and a law that Washington. Mr. Lewin served as attorney DATELINE •.. would obligate employers to make "reason­ on behalf of COLPA in the Supreme Court's able accommodation" for the religious prac­ recent hearing of the case. SACRAMENTO tices of employees, including Sabbath observ­ According to David Zweibel, Director of TWO SABBATH BILLS PASS ance. Agudath Israel of America's Office of Gov­ The latter measure is particularly notable ernment Affairs, the language of the Cali­ CALIF. SEN. COMMITTEES in that it was formulated in a way that con­ fornia legislation speaks only of an obligation NEW MEASURE CONFORMS forms to guidelines set in June by the U.S. to "reasonably accommodate" Sabbath ob­ TO HIGH COURT RULING Supreme Court. In a decision at the time, the servance when it entails no "undue hard­ Two separate bills designed to protect the high court struck down a Connecticut law ship" to the employer. Commenting on the rights and interests of observant Jews were protecting the rights of Sabbath-observing significance of the measure, Dr. Irving passed by committees of the California State employees because of the statute's recogni­ Lebovics, co-chairman of the California Senate on one day early in July, clearing the tion of such rights in absolute and unquali­ chapter of the Agudath Israel Commission way for their consideration by the entire fied terms. The California bill was tailored by on Legislation and Civic Action, noted that legislative body later this summer. The mea­ the national office of Agudath Israel of since the Supreme Court's Connecticut deci­ sures, drafted at the behest of the California America in consultation with Assemblyman sion there has been a marked change in the branch of the Agudath Israel Commission on Tom Hayden, sponsor of the legislation, and attitude of some employers toward accom­ Legislation and Civic Action, include a bill prominent consitutional lawyers through~ modating the needs of Sabbath observers. barring penalization of students who cannot out the country, including Nathan Lewin of "A perception has been created in the public mind," he said, "that the law no longer requires employers to be sensitive to Sab­ bath and religious holiday observance. That is simply not the case, and this legislation is crucial in underscoring the point." Choose a school While patterned after federal law, the California measure goes further in stipulat­ ing that employers who would suffer no ' as if your future undue hardship must allow employees to work extra hours as a way to compensate for depends on it time lost due to religious observance. The bill was passed Wednesday by a 5-0 vote of the Senate Industrial Relations Committee after it heard testimony by Dr. It does Lebovics and Mr. Claude Morgan, Vice Pres­ ident of the Church State Council, a Cali­ fornia-based Seventh Day Adventist group. The other Sabbath bill, which protects the right of university students to have their D At the leadin~edge of computer training since the heginnin~<>oithe 'Computer revolution', COPE has heen training professional computer programmers sirn:e 1977. [J Our personalized exams rescheduled when they conflict with pro):l;ramrning course runs 20 weeks-;-fi(I() hours. J\'ith each student rerPiving hands-on Sabbath or religious holiday observance, was training on IBM persona! computers and CRT terminals accessing an IB~1 state-of-the-art passed by the Senate Education Committee mainframe computer. D Classes are srna!!. texts are constant!~· updated, and instnictors are by consensus vote. Both measures, which experienced rrofessionals with hoth teachin~ and practical husiness hackgrounds. D You come before the full Senate in mid-summer, learn COBOL. the most commonly used computer !ani:;ua~e-as well

CORRECTION AND APOLOGY Affrt'dited lw thc -\ssona!inn of !nderwndcnt In the annual journal which was published COPE Cn!lcgcs & Schools on the occasion of the 63rd anniversary lxensed h,· dinner of Agudath Israel of America, the INSTITUTE !lw N\>wYork names of the honorary Vice-Presidents were The Computer Programming Training Stale Educational Center to Business And Industry !)(>partment inadvertently !eft out. We are herewith list­ ing their names: Mr. Naftali Baruch, Mr. A Division of -1419 l~!h Avenue Hrnokl}TI. NY !1204 Agudath lsr;iel Moshe Dyckman, Mr. Leibel Einhorn, Rabbi (718) 436-1700 of Am!.'ri(a f)avid Fishman, Mr. Irving Schonburn, Mr. Pesach Dovid Schonfeld, and Mr. Leiser Schreiber. This inadvertent error is regret­ ted. ~The Administration

48 The/<.>u·i.~h Obs<.>n'<.>r/Septembt.-r, 1985 According to Mordechai Neustadt, Chair­ New York have applied through Agudath DATELINE ... man of the Vaad, the newly arrived group Israel's encouragement, to Yeshivos and Bais SACRAMENTO was part of a large contingent of young refu­ Yaakov schools for girls in New York, Balti­ gees served by a special kosher kitchen and more, Miami and California. KOSHER CONSUMER BILL youth Torah study program founded by The immigrations processing for the refu­ Agudath Israel in Vienna last January. The gees is arranged by the Hebrew Immigrant PASSES CALIF. LEGISLATURE purpose of the project, he said, is to enable Aid Society O-HAS) and partial funding of the A forceful bill aimed at curbing fraud and the youth "to find their way in a new and Vienna center is provided by the Joint Distri­ misrepresentation in the labeling of kosher sometimes bewildering world while preserv­ bution Committee. food products completed its passage through ing the heritage that has set them apart as New Torah Edurnlor in Vienna the California Legislature on July 15, as the Jews in the first place." In a separate development, Agudath Israel State Senate approved the measure by an Many of the refugees coming to Vienna announced the arrival in Vienna of Rabbi overwhelming margin of 33 to 0. The Cali­ are boys and girls in their teens who, says Yitzchok Afro of the Ner Israel Yeshiva in fornia chapter of the Agudath Israel Com­ Neustadt, would find themselves "alone and Baltimore who will join the Torah studies mission on Legislation and Civic Action, adrift with no parental guidance" and with staff of the Agudath Israel program. Rabbi which spearheaded an extensive campaign their attachment to their spiritual moorings Afro replaces a kollel couple from Ner Israel, on behalf of the legislation, hailed the vote as "under great threat," if not for the program. Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Khoshkherman, a "major victory" for the rights of observant "But we are not content to watch out for who returned to Baltimore after months of Jews in the state. them in Vienna, and then forget about them service. According to StanleyTreitel, co-chairman when they !eave for the U.S.," Neustadt Funds for the kosher kitchen and Tor ah of the regional Agudath Israel Commission, emphasizes. "A big key to our work is the study program in Vienna are provided by the Governor George Deukmejian is expected follow-up of an international network." Agudath Israel organizations of the United to sign the bill into law shortly. A majority of the youth arriving today in States, Switzerland, Belgium, and England. Conceived to embody legislative authority for state investigation into kosher consumer deception, the measure was originated in the Did you know that the most powerful legislature earlier this year by Assemblyman tool against secularism and eventual Tom Hayden at the request of Agudath Israel. It soon won bi-partisan backing in the assimilation is to spread the teachings Assembly, with Republican minority leader Pat Nolan and Assemblyman Robert Naylor of authentic Yiddishkeit?! joining in the effort leading to its passage in the lower house. The bill subsequently advanced through Torah V'emunah is the largest, most comprehensive the legislative stages of the Senate, largely International organization dedicated to furthering authen­ through the work of Senator Herschel Ros­ tic Jewish Heritage! enthal, aided with the backing of some 15 Reach out to Jews who want to join the "Golden Jewish organizations mobilized by Agudath Israel. Chain" of Jewish Heritage. The Senate Health and Human Services Annually, in the spirit of the Yomim Noroim, Gedolai Committee approved the measure by a 5 to 1 Yisroel and world famous personalities proclaim the margin, and after a 7 to 0 vote in the bill's "Sharsherres Hazohov" (Golden Chain) Campaign to favor by the Finance Committee Monday morning, it moved immediately to the floor benefit TORAH Y'EMUNAH. of Senate where it was passed unanimously. They have made generous contributions and invite you to join them and forge yet another precious link in the . chain, the chain of Jewish Heritage. This is your chain! DATELINE •.• Strengthen it! Lengthen it! NEW YORK ------YES! I would like to forge a Golden Link in the chain of}ewish REFUGEES GREETED Heritage! Enclosed is my donation for the amount of IN NEW YORK BY INT'L HATZOLOH GROUP Donorsof$360 or more will receive a beautiful framed certificate. Sixteen young Jewish refugees from Is­ Donors of $50 will receive FREE the recording "Songs of lamic persecution were greeted today upon their arrival in New York by representatives Achdus Hanoar" of Agudath Israel's Vaad L'Hatzolas nidchei ______Please send more information. Yisroe! and Yeshiva Ner Israel of Baltimore. The youth, who spent several months' so­ TORAH V'EMUNAH Mail your tax deductible contribution to: journ in Vienna awaiting resettlement in the 20 Rechov David Friends of Torah West, were beneficiaries of a unique interna­ Jerusalem, Israel V'Emunah tional project aimed at the spiritual and Tel. (02) 228-116 4902 Thirteenth Ave. material welfare of young emigres, SpDn­ Brooklyn, NY 11219 sored by the Agudath Israel World Organ­ (718) 854-4252 ization. '' Th





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Telex,754869 EKP MFLT UD ?llw .J/~d ;;7,,,.,1;x1.1riP11ie ,;,, .J(,,4/,,,, :1},,,/1;11 mid :ifoMl-0. mission on Legislation and Civic Action, its members on a Sunday morning in July DATELINE .•• although the New York City Board of Educa­ received the full cooperation of the local tion by law provides school bus transporta­ gravediggers' unions. Arranged through a ALBANY tion for eligible non-public students, such liaison marked Orthodox Jews' first testing service has not been available until now on of a new Illinois law protecting their rights to NYS TRANSPORTATION BILL days when public schools are not in session. Sunday and legal holiday burial, since an FOR YESHIVOS PASSES The newly passed measure, which now goes appeal by the unions challenging the sta­ AFTER YEARS-LONG EFFORT before Governer Mario Cuomo for signa­ tute's constitutionality was refused a hear­ Years of effort on behalf of a measure ture, would mandate transportation for up ing by the U.S. Supreme Court early this before New York State lawmakers that would to five days from among a designated list of month. Agudath Israel was instrumental in "rectify an imbalance" in New York City dates when the public schools are dosed. drafting the law and was in the forefront of provision of school bus service for yeshiva "The new law," he said, "will alleviate much its defense over the last year and a half at the students culminated in last minute approval of the disruption, inconvenience, and confu­ various stages of the appeals process. of the legislation at 1:45 a.m. Sunday morn­ sion to parents, schools, and students, that As related by Mendel Singer, local chair­ ing, June 30. The bill, which authorizes existed under the old system." man of the Agudath Israel Commission, the transportation for non-public school students In addition to praising Senator Donovan deceased passed away at 4 a.m. on Sunday, on a specified number of days when public and Assemblyman Kremer for their leader­ July 14, and after receiving a call from the ' schools are closed, was drafted by attorneys ship role, Mr. Prager applauded the work of family of the departed, Agudath Israel con­ for Agudath Israel's Commission on Legisla­ Speaker of the Assembly Stanley Fink, As­ tacted the funeral home and ascertained the tion and Civic Action and the New York sembly Ed ucatlon Committee Chairman Jose agreement of the cemetery workers to pre­ State Catholic Conference. Serrano, Assemblymen Daniel Feldman, pare the burial site. In the past two weeks, the bill advanced Dov Hikind, and Sheldon Silver, and Sena­ "We are very pleased," he said, "at the rapidly through the legislative process after tors Frank Padavan and Norman Levy in readiness of the cemetery unions to cooper­ having passed the New York Assembly Edu­ assuring passage of the legislation. ate. For the first time in 40 years we can now cation Committee in a crucial vote in mid~ be confident that the added aggravation of June. Passage of the legislation by the entire postponed burial will no longer further exac­ legislature was secured in an agreement on UPDATE .•• erbate the grief of stricken families." the final language of the bill reached through CHICAGO Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Levin, Rosh Ye­ the efforts of its prime sponsors in both shiva of Telshe*Chicago and member of the houses, Senator James Donovan, Chairman CEMETERY WORKERS Nrsius {Presidium) of Agudath Israel of Amer­ of the Senate Education Committee, and COOPERATE IN TEST CASE ica, noted in his eulogy at last Sunday's fun­ Assemblyman Arthur J. Kremer, Chairman OF NEW ILLINOIS LAW eral the historic accomplishment of the res­ of the Assembly Ways and Means Com­ tored ability of Illinois' Jews to preserve the mittee. Reactions of relief and gratification were sanctity of the dead, and called upon obser­ As explained by Shmuel Prager, Esq., expressed by members of the Orthodox Jew­ vant Jewry to continue its efforts to secure General Counsel of Agudath Israel's Com- ish community here, as the burial of one of protection of it sacred religious practices. famous the dairy restaura11t 222 West 72nd Street (212) 595-8487 Cholov Yisroel - Shomer Shabbos Under the Supervision of K'hal Adath Jeshurun Open for Breakfast, Luncheon and Dinner Catering - Parties - Meetings

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''Chapter 1" funds to provide remedial edu­ benefits in the form of educational vouchers DATELINE •.. cation to "educationally deprived" school­ to be distributed to parents of eligible child­ C"hildren from poor neighborhoods. The Chap­ ren. David Zwiebel, Director of Agudath WASHINGTON, D.C. ter 1 !aw mandates that program benefits be Israel's Office of Government Affairs, indi­ AGUDATHISRAEL TO EXPLORE provided to nonpublic as well as public school cated that his office was studying the details students. VOUCHER OPTION TO of the voucher proposal as a promising In New York City, the Board of Education means of avoiding the Supreme Court's OVERCOME SUPREME COURT sought to satisfy its oblig.:itions under Chap­ objections to the existing Chapter 1 pro­ BAN ON RELIGIOUS ter 1 by sending public school teachers to gram. He stated that vouchers were concep­ SCHOOL PROGRAM nonpublic schools, including parochial schools, tually akin to the program of tuition tax Stating that "we must now go back to the to conduct secular remedial classes in class­ benefits that was upheld by the Supreme drawing board," attorneys for Agudath Israel rooms from which all religious symbols had Court in 1983, and that they might prove to of America, which serves as an advocate for to be removed. The program had been in be an acceptable way of delivering important Orthodox Jewish schools (Yeshivos) across operation since 1966. According to Agudath educational benefits to needy parochial the country, announced today that the or­ Israel General Counsel Steven Prager, Esq., school students. ganization was carefully exploring a prop­ students at approximately SO Yeshivos in The Agudath Israel attorneys stated that osal for an educational voucher program New York City have benefitted from this they will participate in high level meetings that would supplant the parochial school aid program. But now, Mr. Prager stated, "the with representatives of other interested program struck down by the United States Supreme Court's ruling that this arrange­ groups at both the local and national levels in Supreme Court. ment violated the constitution means we an effort to develop a workable alternative to The July 1 ruling of the Supreme Court have to find some alternative means of deliv­ the existing Chapter 1 program. The Com­ invalidated remedial education in New York ering necessary remedial education to eligi­ mission on Legislation and Civic Action of City and Grand Rapids, Michigan whose ble Yeshiva students." Agudath Israel of America represents the primary effect, according to the Court's Among the various options being consi­ interests of Yeshivos from elementary majority, was impermissibly to promote reli­ dered is a proposal being advanced by the through graduate schools before govern­ gion. These cases involved the use of federal Reagan Administration to provide Chapter 1 mental and legislative bodies.

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52 TheJf!u•isb Ohsen•c.>r/September, 1985 -- baa/ti feshuva, the desire to immigrate to Israel Kollel-a Torah institution in Jerusalem DATELINE .•. is inextricably bound up with the desire to founded by and for Russian Jewish immi­ broadly enhance their knowledge of Torah grants-the Vaad l'Hatzolas Nidchei Yis­ JERUSALEM .. and the fineries of Jewish practice. Remarka­ roel has already helped arrange for spedally­ bly, one of their primary concerns imme­ tailored Torah learning programs for many RUSSIAN BAALEI TESHUVA diately upon their exodus from the Soviet of the adults, as well as children, of the arriv­ ARRIVALS LINK UP Union, has been to establish a link with the ing families. The Vaad has also set up a fund WITH RELIGIOUS LIFE mainstream of Torah-abiding Jewry and to to provide scholarships for adult members of take up the task of "catching up" on the the group who want to pursue Torah studies Judaism of which they had to snatch bits and full time. A unique group of baa/ei teshuva from Rus­ pieces in their native land, often after a Experience has proven, in the case of many sia has arrived over the last two weeks at Lad belated start, and over the span of years. observant Russian refugees who came to Airport, forming one segment of the tiny A group that is intimately involved with Israel in past immigrations, that the religious trickle of emigration that has been permitted these baalei feshuva, and actively concerned commitment forged under negative circum­ to leave the Soviet Union over the recent with their "spiritual absorption," is the Vaad stances has often blossomed in the free air of period. Six families-twenty-one souls-con­ L'Hatzolas Nidchei Yisroel, an arm of the Israel, and produced Torah scholars of sub­ stituting a symbol of the growing movement Agudath Israel world movement. From the stantial standing, reconnected to the main of returnees to observant Judaism quietly office of Agudath Israel of America in New trunk of Talmudic scholarship. expanding behind the Iron Curtain, have York, and through contacts in the transit city In the words of the chairman of the Agu­ realized their fondest hopes and reached the of Vienna, the Vaad has maintained touch dath Israel Vaad, Mordechai Neustadt, on land of their forefathers. with the Russian emigres in th!? course of his departure on July 16, 1985 from New But the fulfillment of another aspect of their journey, and its represE'ntatives were York for Jerusalem to meet with the new their dreams, nurtured in countless clandes­ on hand to greet the new arrivals at Lod in baalei teshuva group: "We owe it to these Jews tine Tor ah classes, is not as precipitously Israel. of Mesiras Nefesh to give them the oppor­ accomplished as the physical finality of their Working with established baalei feshuva tunity now to achieve the ultimate in their landing on Israeli soil. For with the Russian yeshivas in lsraE'L including the Shvut Ami religious aspirations."

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Thejeu•i"1.1 Obserf!er/)epte1nht:r, 19H5 53 BORED ON AMTRAR, IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT THE METRO, OR YESHIVA & KOLLEL THE "A" EXPRESS? HARBOTZAS TORAH MESIVTA BEER SHMUEL TAKE THE "JO"! 4407 12th Avenue Registration is now being held for grades 8 thru 12 & Beth Medrash 9th grade will have the opportunity to learn by the experienced & dedicated Rabbi J. Sobwf N""''"' The I 0th grade by the experienced & dedicated Rabbi Y. Levovitz Bus Transportation-DormitoryN""''"' English Department Recognized By Board of Regents ' For More Information Please Call (718) 853-1376 or (718) 434-7118

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The}eu•isb Obsen1er/September, J9H5 55 DANIEL CLINCHOT ALLAN I. NATHANSON Assistant Vice President Vice President 84 Broadway 4901 - 13th Avenue (718) 782-9800 (718) 633-1200 W illiamsburgh Boro Park

JAMES P. JORDON ANNE C. PEL TIER JAMES BARRETT Assistant Vice President Assistant Vice President A ssistant Vice President 1505 Avenue J 446 McDonald Avenue 225 Havemeyer St. (718) 388-4611 (718) 633-7400 (718) 782-!'1100 AvenueJ Kensington Williamsburgh


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THE LARGEST COMMERCIAL,-_.._~ 0 BANK IN BROOKLYN, WITH 39 BRANCHES... informal gathering of Torah and unity." He IJA~L1NE ... noted that many come for the sake of contact with the prominent roshei yeshiva who partic¥ HOME .R.l.JACHCQUNTRY ipate, and'' simply to refresh their conunitment to Torah learning, which may tend to wane 11.-11-ENOANTS RABBI KELLER OF TELSHE­ during the relaxed summer months." CHICAGO ADDRESSES The gathering also heard greetings from needed I or ZEIREI AGUDAH SUMMER Rabbi Shmuel Bloom, administrative director of ASSEMBLY Agudath Israel of America, and YisroeJ HOUSEKEEPING ANO Greenwald, president of Zeirei Agudath Israel. PERSONAL CARE Rabbi Chaim Dov Keller, Rosh Yeshiva of Telshe~ Chicago, was the keynote speaker for lhe Saturday evening, July 13, in the Catskills, at the annual Melava Malka of Zei.rei Agudath Is­ rael of America. The yearly event, held at Camp DISABLED AND Agudah in Ferndale, New York, brought to­ HOMEBOUND gether hundreds of students and graduates of Pirchei Agudath Israel has concurrently yeshivas for an evening devoted to the eluci­ announced the opening of competition for good pay and benefits dation of Torah perspectives, with an eye for new songs "with a Torah flavor," with win­ Soto Park; Be.nsorihurst and their practical incorporation into daily living. ning compositions to be included in the sixth Ffatbush Area The assembly also heard greetings from Prichei record, currently in the planning lun~time live in positions only Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, Rosh Yeshiva in Mesivta stage. The first five recordings released by Torah Vodaath and resident Rav of Camp Pirchei Agudath Israel over the last two Agudah, who is also rabbinic advisor to Zeirei decades have sold over 100,000 copies and tnc~ Agudath Israel. have been widely acclaimed for their intro­ ProtectOHR Yosef Ashknazy, national coordinator of the duction of many Chassidic and yeshiva nig­ young men's movement, outlined the purpose gunim contributing to the ruach of the Torah (0.fficll forHornecare Reterr/ll) of the annual Melava Malka as ''contributing community. Entries for the coming record 1. 308-40th Street to the sense that the Tor ah world is all one'' by will be accepted from composers of all ages, Brooklyn, NY 11218 "enabling students from a broad spectrum of and should be submitted to Avrohom Zweig, 853-2700 yeshivas to meet and share experiences in an 1227 E. 12th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11230.

TORAR C(>MMtmlc,4TIONS Nt'tWOlU{Pl{ESENTS 1.'qr~ Pr991'ammin9 l'ol" tlle Entire Family J\,t The J?ttsh Of A. Button SAMP.LE PROGRAM fOR .. OIAL~A•SHlUR

SlJNl)AY Si!lettlor1$ (rom £IN )'MCOV NACH HAlACHA .ll!(lsn.<111 Rabbi fish:-el ·sh;athter -_Rabbi Chaiirl Dov Altusk,f ftabbi .Noach 1saa:e .Oe1ba.um "!0NDAY · .JEWISH.HISTORY OUIU>AILY TEtlLLOS INSft.RlNG sTORIES (Ehgli.{Steven}.Hill TUES~Y n::>!>l'I .. · . . ... ·. . .. . 11\lllm ni•nw .~!:lr.i 1•.,111 · (Yiddi•h) R.abbl )\Vroho.m t.. Spitz.~r· .; Rabbi M¢irfeldbrand kabbi. Mi~el $ilbet A l):IOUGHT ON TH£ SEDIW )1HllllM A STUDY Of THE.HOl<>CAUST '~.abbi :Berna:rd \IY.eln~·q;e,i'-- .:ft.abbi f>it1cos ftvl Singer ·.· ·R.abbi NosSOn ·scf\'eimitn 'tHORSDAY lJpwn Jllli'l!I ~ Wli"fl ,i!;)\r.i ,n1i'11vnn •1:1'I (\'ld.dl

REPEAt.Of THUR$DA V'SPROGRAM .. > f,(l),~~~59~1)1A~°'"SttJ~···llll,SHNAf1.Q~·1}tE·~ttONE,· DIAL·A~SH•UR •.. < \ \ · c~st: $3~ o~e. ~Inn~ 1nembership plus S6 pe,. month. T() •t:Jeara short samplecaJtf 71Sf436-5166. For general information· caU{718J 436-4999. ' •. :,;- '• '>' •.. •' • " ., .... ,•.• -- .. ., ..... '•,·• •••••• ·-· •. _.. '• .... -·- •• -,•'. " ...... ,, •• ·--·--· ••• ,, ..- .••• " •••• , ...... ,•, •••• ·" • \Re~fl')·;y;'•.. 'for.:!IJC()tflmu111q.tions ('Jetw0rk, •.·.161S-43Street, Brooklyn, N,Y. H204 ~n~los~preas.e.•find 54-2.00: ft:>ne-tifl"le •membership plus first month. for Diai.A~Shiur) \ Naine · · Tel Date ~-_,...... -'- Addfe~ . City State Zip -'--"--~-

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Thejeu'i.sb Obsen!('r/September, 1985 57

.. with their Jerusalem project comes amid a According to Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, DATELINE ... rising crescendo of voices in Israel calling director of Chizuk, "summer is a SPasm1 wlirn upon Mayor Teddy Kollek to withdraw his 11eople hmx more leisure and rnnafford more time lo authorization for its construction. Agudath alfend a seminar, or explore rx11eriN1fial aspeds of AMERICAN AGUDAH DRIVE Israel leaders in Israel also initiated contact Jewish /ivin:;;. Al the same lime, if is rhrn /he missio11arirs hit /hr s/rats i11 full forc1·, JERUSALEM PROJECT Salt Lake City, and it was at their request looking to mpitalize upon /he Sl'llrr/1 fPr meaning by A growing number of Orthodox Jewish that Agudath Israel of America began its young Jrw.' w/w hm1e no/ had a chanrc to fas/!' what leaders throughout the length and breadth mass campaign. Thus far, the aid of Orthodox real Judaism is all aboul." of the United States and Canada has been leaders in some twenty states across the con­ Part of the goal of Chizuk, as explained by mobilized by Agudath Israel of America in tinent has been marshalled. Rabbi Goldwasser, is to help the Jewishly­ recent weeks in an ardent campaign directed Agudath Israel representatives in New uneducated simply to feel comfortable in •' to President Spencer W. Kimball of the York added that the leadership of the Ameri­ Jewish surroundings, a factor which, he said, international Mormon Church headquart­ can Agudath hds also been in direct commun­ is often "a key element in a person's becom­ ered in Utah, urging him to cancel construc­ ication with Mayor Kollek urging him to ing more committed." In keeping with this • tion of a Mormon Center on Mount Scopus reverse his stand supporting the project, and aim, Chizuk's Institute of Jewish Studies in in Jerusalem. This drive, complementing has found his unbending position "a reflec­ Brooklyn inaugurated the season last week efforts in Israel to forestall completion of the tion of a total lack of sensitivity to basis with an evening entitled "Do You Feel Lost project, is harnessing Agudath lsrael's grass­ issues in Judaism." in the Synagogue?", geared to giving new­ roots constituency of activists across the comers an ability to follow the basic lines of continent. the synagogue service. The seminar wi!! be According to an Agudath Israel spokes­ CHIZUK SUMMER CAMPAIGN followed up later this summer with a regular man, the message being communicated to SLATES PUBLIC COURSE, Shahbos beginners' minyan, beginning in July, the Mormon President is that the establish­ ANTI-CULT WORK at Chiz.uk's Harry and Jane Fischel Drop-In ment of the Cen terwould stir up an interna­ Center in Fbtbush. tional controversy that would bring "irrep­ Chizuk-"The Torah Link," the Agudath The anti-missionary and anti-C"ult activity arable damage to the reputation of the Israel adu!t outreach network has embarked will center in Manhattan and Long Island, Mormon Church," and cause "unfortunate on a far-reaching, double-pronged summer with Chizuk volunteers countering the cult­ and unwanted antagonism" between Mor­ campaign this month, to include an emphasis ists directly, on the very blocks where they mons and Jews. "We are appealing to Presi~ on providing positive Jewish ('Xperience and ply their efforts. As in previous summers, dent Kimball," he said, "not to allow the education for the unaffiliated, as well as a members of the Chizuk force will fan out image of the Mormon Church to be cast as coordinated effort tn combat the incipient each weekday, prominently advertising their that of a foe of the Jewish people." tide of cults and missionaries that each "Don't Be Fooled" message ad passing out The American Agudath Israel effort to summer lure droves of unsuspecting .Jewish literature exposing the deceptive claims and dissuade the Mormons from going ahead young adults into their ranks. practices of the missionaries. • Two New Titles I The fli\lhf To Seven Swan Bay In the 'Sifrei Rimon' Series! '~ Is Stealing. Time is a Really A Crime? learnin~ find out in ... adventure! Th4i?Dink • fifteen passenl;lers have a That Stopp4i?d lot to learn-about the Th4i? Clock nature of G-d·s world. p.b $2.50 about the performance '---ti----- of mitzvot. and about them­ It will Reep your selves-when their seaplane love for Shabbos stronl;l is forced to land in a desolate To thinR of Shabbos northern wilderness. all weeR lonl;l!

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I 58 The}etrish Obserrer/1iL-ptember, 1985 - ...... ------""f

!DATELINE ..•VIENNA I ORTHODOX JEWISH SELi CH OT ARCHIVES OBTAINS INTER­ One of the W AR VIENNA JUDISCHE PRESS loneliest prayers An entire set of the ]udische Prl'ssi', the weekly newspaper of Agudath Israel pub­ we have. lished in Vienna between the two World Wars, has been acquired this month by the Although Selichot is recited Orthodox Jewish Archives, an institution for by millions of Jews all over historical documentation founded by Agu­ •' dath Israel of America. Rabbi Moshe Kolodny, the world, on public Fast director of the Archives, called the new aqui­ days and around the High sition ''a significant addition" to the inter-war Holy Day season, its complex ' European collection of the institute, that will vocabulary and poetic "further illuminate the exigencies of Ortho­ dox Jewish life in Europe in the turbulent structure, renders it largely times leading up to the period of the Holo­ incomprehensible, but to a caust." select few. The bound volumes of the journal have been donated to the Orthodox Jewish Ar­ And even fewer are aware of the origin of Selichor, chives by Rabbi Moshe Pollock, Principal of its outstanding composers, its historical develop· the Horev School in Jerusalem, and the son of a long time editor of the Prcsse. ment, and its diverse literary forms. According to Rabbi Kolodny, historians Now, English-speaking Jews in America can better and researchers will find a wealth of material familiarize themselves with this crucial, but often in the Viennese Jewish newspaper, relating neglected body of Jewish liturgy, with Rabbi Abraham to the local Jewish community of the time and its leadership-notably Rabbi Yeshaya Furst Rosenfeld's SEUCHOT FOR THE WHOLE YEAR, of the famous Schiff Schul-as well as to the just published anew by Judaica Press. broader currents of Orthodox Jewish life FEATURING: across the globe in that era. Of particular • Selichot for the entire year presented in the interest, he said, is the coverage in the paper of the Third Knessia Gedolah (World Con­ original Hebrew. complete with full translation in gress) of Agudath Israel held in Marienbad, English; Austria in 1937, which debated the issue of • highly informative annotations, with the names of • Great Britain's plan to partition the land of the composers of each piyyut (poem) and the history I Israel. The Orthodox Jewish Archives was estab­ behind it; lished by Agudath Israel of America in 1978 • biblical source reference notes appearing in the ~ as a repository of historical documents, rec­ margins alongside verses excerpted from the Tenakh; ords, and pictorial illustrations pertaining to • an alphabetical index of the composers and Orthodox Jewish life in the United States and related experience in Torah communities biographical sketches for each one; throughout the world. Beyond providing •a brief history of the origin of Selichot, its purpose, assistance to scholars and students, the Ar­ development, and variety in style and structure; chives serves as a resource meeting the •Torah and Haftorah readings for public fast days., demands of increasingly popular interest in the history of Orthodoxy in America. SELICHOT FOR THE WHOLE YEAR promises to bring A professionally designed exhibition of this seemingly distant body of prayer closer to its some 100 photographs from its collections is readers as the most crucial days of the year draw in completion, and arrangements for a travel­ ling tour of participating schools and institu­ close. 832 pages, 6" x 9 11 tions throughout the country are currently being coordinated from the offices of the Orthodox Jewish Archives in New York. Hardbound $13.95 Softbound $10.95

Available at your local Jewish Bookstore or direct from: ISRAEL BOOK SHOP, INC. MONUMENTS [)(r/U<,IV(> Un11ed Slale5 diHnbutor From Factory Rep 410 Harvard Street, Brookline, Mass. 02147 SAVE U! Tel. (617) 566-7113, 7114 Call (718) 851-1314 THE JUDAICA PRESS, INC., 521 Fifth Ave., N.Y.C. 10017

TbeJett'ish Obsert'l"r/September, 19H5 59 DATELINE •.•


The concept that brings the Daf Yomi and daily Mishna lessons into thousands of homes in over twenty cities, has introduced yet another innovation to information and edu­ great une I cation-minded Jewish families: Dial-a-Shiur, which brings listeners 13 lectures every week, from children's stories to Jewish his­ tory. All it takes to be a part of Dial-a-Shiuris a telephone, curiosity, and a nominal mem­ bership fee and monthly payment. The telephone service began operating on April 14th after a year of planning and audi­ tions. Over a hundred scholars and teachers submitted sample tapes during the course of a long selection process. The word of mouth has been so favorable that Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum, director of Dial­ a-Shiur, is planning to add more telephone lines to the several hundred that already serve the subscribers of this and the other programs under the general umbrella of the Torah Communications Network. The flash­ ing red lights on T.C.N:s electronic control console mean that people are listening, and the lights go on 24 hours a day. During peak periods, the console is approaching the satu­ ration point, which means that new lines will soon be needed. The headlines of recent weeks and months WANTED point up the importance of one of the best WANTED received of the lectures, a study of the Holo­ caust, presented by Rabbi Nosson Scher­ Bright cheerful individuals to enhance and enliven man, editor of the ArtScroll Series. the lives of homebound elderly senior citizens. No Other programs on Dial-a-Shiur deal with experience necessary. Will train. Tehillim, the weekly Parsha, medieval Jewish history, Tanach, Halacha and so on. Although GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS most of the programming is in English, one of the most popular features is the weekly Sincerity, devotion. and the ability to smile. lecture in Yiddish by Rabbi Shalom Schwad­ ron, who combines stories, commentary, BENEFITS mussar and insight in the manner that has That good feeling you get from knowing you did made him one of Jerusalem's most popular speakers for half a century. something right. plus a guarantee that you get a lot Except for Rabbi Schwadron's SS-minute more than you put in. talks, each Dial-a-Shiur segment is 20 min­ utes long-ideal for today's "on the go" peo­ CAN YOU FILL THIS AD???? ple, and each hour-long program of three segments each is repeated every hour on the CALL NOW: hour. There are new programs every day, AGUDATH ISRAEL Sunday through Thursday. On the short Friday and Motzaei Shabbos, earlier programs Bnos Bikur Cholim/Project S'fAY are repeated. ( 212) 406-4400 For information, call (718) 436-4999 or write to: Torah Communications Network, ASK FOR RONI OR TZIRI 1618-43rd Street, Brooklyn, New York, 11204.... You11 be glad you used Dial­ a-Shiur!

60 Tbe]ewish Observer/September, 1985 . !

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l Now you can have beautiful prayers too. This year the all new Metsudah Machzor for Suk­ kos can help you really fulfill "And I will worship Him with beauty." The Metsudah Machzor itself is beautiful. Quality binding and paper. Sharp, clear design and printing-elegant in its simplicity. "Rabbi Avrohom Davis has once again returned a lost treasure And just as simple to daven from. For the first time co Kial Yisroel ... For thousands of English-speaking Jews, the you'll really understand-and enjoy-the festival Metsudah Siddur ·and Machzorim have restored tefila (prayer) to the level of avoda shebalev-'service of the heart.'" prayers. -Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld, Dean Yeshiva Sh'orYoshuv • Know what you're saying when you invite the .. The style is such that our Kavanah is enhanced and the Ushpizin into your Sukkah tefilos become more meaningful. The translation is accurate and clear ... commentaries succinct, illuminating and thought- • Gain new insights from Kohel es and Mishnayos provoking ... With the aid of this Machzor, we will, hopefully, be more disciplined in our tefilos and our concentration will be Sukkah-complete with full translation and better focused.'' -Rabbi Ralph Pelcovitz explanation. Congregation Kneseth Israel '' ... Provides the solution for anyone who wishes to understand • Be guided step by step through the entire the meaning of our prayers. Especially designed for the individ­ services-including Torah readings and ual who is not completely at home with the Hebrew language .. Removes the confusion of the reader who is never quite sure Haftorah. which Hebrew phrase is being translated ... Most important, it •Know which Hoshana they're saying-and is translated by an American bom Talmid Chochom-equally I at home with the meaning of the prayers and contemporary English .. '' -Rabbi Pinchas Stolper what it means. Executive Vice President , •And when you do wind up going around in .. Because of their poetic and mystical content, the High circles in shul-you'll always know which Holyday prayers are not well understood. The Metsudah Mach­ Hakafa you're up to. zor, with its linear translation and commentary is a welcome addition to our vast sea of Jewish learning.'' -Rabbi Ephraim Sturm The Metsudah Machzor-your complete guide to Executive Vice President • the Days of Awe and the Days of Joy. National Council of Young Israel

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