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J2P and P2J Ver 1 APRIL 13, 1957 THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 75 Cincinnati -Ice lance. outdoor, artificial, 3.116 square feet; Bill Wade. manager. Cleveland- Broadmoor Ice Palace. Cleveland- Cleveland Areno. Lakewood- Wlnterhursl Rink. Carnival Roll Call Ice Skating Rinks Tolend -Sports Arena. Oklahoma Continued from page 74 Tulsa -Fairgrounds Skating Rink. (Private and nIUni(ilsall Upr rated) Gopher Stale Shows. Art E. Foncier, owner - Tractors: 8. Semi -Trailers: F. Rob Oregon mgr.: Donald Fortier. asst. mgr. Maio, Tall: 1. Corvallis -Ice Palace. Rides: 3. Kiddie Rides: 4. Semis: 2. Ideal Rides. Paul T. Robertson, mgt. Evokth- Erelelh hippodrome, indoor, arll- Salem -Salem Ice Arena. Flan; 3. Van: 1. Two-Wheel Trailers: 2. Imperial Shows. No. 1, Mr. and,Ahs. Wit' Arizona Shows. mgr. Ijam 00115115, man. Phoenix- fictal, 16.150 square feet. Pennsylvania Grain Belt Charles K. Rudisill, Iceland. Grand American Shows. L. O. Wearer, Inland Empire Shows. Halfock- Ilallosk Ice Arena. Allentown- Albeth Ice Rink. Phoenix -The Coliseum. owner-mar.; Howard H. Weaver. conces- Island Manor Shows. Lawrence Tama:so. Hibbing- Memorial Arena, indoor, arllll. Hershey -Sports Arena. mgr. Major Rides: 8. Kiddie Rides: owner California dal. 2.000 square feet. McKees Rock -Ras Arena. sion 4. Office-owned I. T. Shows. Phil loser. mgr. Berkeley- Iceland. Minneapolis- Minneapolis Arena, artifcial, Philadelphia- Arena. shows: 6. Trucks: 20. Grand Pacific Shows. Buell D. Jones, owner. Jan Amusements. Ted Jannsc. ourler -mgr. Blue Jay -Blue Jay Rink. indoor. 16.000 square feet, Lyle Wright, Philadelphia- Suburban ke Rink. -Fresno 'mgr. Jansen'. Midway Shows, 1.. W. Jansen. mgr. Fresno ke Arena. manager. Pittsburgh Gardens. -the Greater Dixieland Exposition. James L. Johnny's United Shows. John Prnenront Sr. Lout Angeles -Polar Palace. Minneapolis- University of Minnesota ke Rhode North Sacramento- Iceland Skating Rink. Rink. Island Henson. owner -mgr. Major Rides: 6. a Jr. and Jimmy Bush. owners: John Providence -Rhode Island Auditorium. mgr.; Paramount -Iceland. St. Paul- Municipal Auditorium. Indoor. Kiddie Rides: 4. Offlceowned shows: 3. Portemont, Sr.. Pen. John Ponem.mr, Sr., aasisl. Pasadena -Pasadena Winter Gardena anifi.ial, 22,100 square teet, E. A. Furnl, Tennessee Trucks, Trailers: 25. mgr.; Jimmy Bush. sen. :cp. Ban Diego -Glacier Gardens manager. Memphis- Fairgrounds Skating Rink. Great Western Shows. Ray Cox. owner -mgt.; Major Rides: 7. Kiddie Rides: 4. Offka San Francisco -Sutra Baths. A Ice Rink. Rochester -Mayo Civic Auditorium. Texas Dewey Blair. loi soli. Major Rides: 7. owned shows: 4. Semi- Trucks: y9. Kiddie Rides: 5. -owned shows: 1. Straight Trucks: 3. Colorado Thief River Falk- Municipal Ice Arena. Beaumont -Texas ke Palace. Dffice Tractor Trucks: 12. Trailers. Jolly Shows- William Enrol , mgr. Colorado Rink. Dallas- Dallas ke Arena. Springs- Broadmoor Ice Missouri -San Griggs Bros.. Charles Griggs. owner. Joyland Midway Shows, Roscoe T. Nods, Denser- Stockyards Stadium. Kansas San AnhoNO Pedro Park Iceland. City -Pl. -Mar Arena. Ilagensick's Midway of Fun, C. E. Hagen - owner, Denver- Unisersity of Deno, Arena. Sr. Louis-Winter Gardens, Indoor. artifi- Utah sick. owner. Kelly Bros.' Show. Cuunlond end ru.nk Solt Lake City-Emigration Park ke Rink. Connecticut cial. 211.00 square feet; Ruth English. Halls Shows M Tomorrow. Fern M. Hale, Kelly, owner. owner. Sall Lake City- HYgeia Iceland, Norwalk- Crystal Ice Rink. owner: W. T. Hale. gen. mgr.; Glenn Kellogg, Robert D.. Shnwx. W05111ugton District of Columbia Montana Hale. secy.-treit, Major Rides: 5. Kiddie Ken -Penn Amusement Co., Ralph D. Sod. Bremerton- Iceland. Rides: S. Office-owned shows: 2. Truck: ers, owner -mgr.; Corny Shoemaker. sire Washington -Uline Ice Palace. Balle-Clete Auditorium. Arena. Great Falla -Civic Center Arena. .l'catlle -Ice I. Tractors: 12. Trailers: 12. show mgr.; D. Sander, olfkesonceoi,m Idaho Spokane -Spokane ke Arena. (lames, Bill, Shows, W. II. (lames. gen. mgr. Major Rides. 7. Kiddie Rides: 5. Bun Valley -Sun Valley Ice Rink. Nebraska racoma- Lakewood Ice Arena. mgr. Office -owned shows: 2. Trucks: 23. Illinois Omaha -Coliseum. Yakima- Yakima Ice Arena. outdoor. artl- Hammond. Bob. Shows. Bob Hammond. Key City Shows. C. S. Peck. mgr. aumpaigne- Unisersity of Illinois Ice Rink. ftcial. 16.000 square feel; McLaughlin mgr.: Bob and Mabel Hammond. owners; Kile, Floyd 0., Shows. Floyd and Inca 1: ",e, New Jersey Machine Works. Chkago -Kirby ke Skating Bowl. Orange -Orange ke Rink. owner. Eugene Hammond. asst. togs.- electrician. owners; Floyd 0. Kile. Pen. mgr.: Iva 0000: Chicmo -Tower Cabana Club. outdoor. PJincetnn- llobart Baker Memorial Rink. Wisconsin \lajor Rides: 10. Kiddie Rides: 5. Office- Kole, Ireos. Manor Rido': 0. Kid- 2. artificial. 17.000 ouare feel; Oscar Ros- Superior- \iunicival Curling A. Skating owned shawl: 4. rooks: 18. Toiler: 18. die Rides: Semi= trailer: P. Short man. manager, New Mexico Rink. Hannah Amusements. C. A. Hannah. owner. Trucks: 2. Panel: 1. ' to Grange- Crystal Ice Skating Rink. Albuquerque -Ice Arena. Wauwatosa- Recreation Buildiss. indoor. Itannum, Morris. Shows, Morris Hannum. King Bros.' Shoos. Joe 1. Kiss. ono. Rockford -Rock Ice Rink. New York artificial, 8.400 square feel. rut)+ owned. mgr. mgr. Major Rides: 4. Kiddie Rides: 4. Iowa Brooklyn- Brooklyn Ice Palace. Alaska happy Attractions. happy Puwetson, 000e1; Trucks: 10. Trailers: S. indoor. Homer Snediker Richard J. Klein Amusement Klein, Iowa City- Melrose 1 eke Ice Rink. Clinton-('limon Arena. artificial. Anchorage -Ice Arena. gen.. mgr.; Comm,. henry Indiana 16.000 square feel; E. W. Stanley, man Griley. gen. rep. Major Rides: 9. Kiddie owner -mgr. aver, Rides: 4. Trucks: 12. Klenke Amusements. Muncie -Gibson Ice Arena. CANADA It Trailers: Great Neck -Great Neck Ice Skating Rink. Ilappyland Shows. Ire.. John F. Reid, mgr.; LaCross Amusements, Paul 1 arrows. nor. Kansas Grossinger- Grossinger Skating Rink, out- Alberta Virgil Dickey. cool. mur Major Rides: Lagasse Amusement Co.. Oreille L. Wes:ey, Wichita- Alaskan Ice Palace. door. artificial, 14.401 square feel. Edmonton- Edmonton Gat den. 12. Kiddie Rides: 6. Trucks. Traites: M. mgr, Maryland Ithaca -Janus 1 .)rah Arena. indoor.f artin. Lethbridge -Lethbridge Arena. liansook Brus' Shows. Walter liarterek, Latin American Showy, Francis Priddy.:varr, Baltimore -Iceland. cial, 16.000 square feet; Paul Patten. British Columbia mgr. Lee Amusement Co. Baltimore -Spans Center. manager. Kelowna= Memorial Arena. indoor, artifi- Heller's Acme Shows. (tarry Heller. owner. Lee United Shows. Charles I. re, owner. Massachusetts Lake Placid -Olympic Arena. cial, I5 _00 square feel; Percy 000015n, lieth Shows. Floyd R. IleIh. owner -moo Lewis. red. Shows. Ted Lewis. owner -moi. Lynn -North Shore Sports ('einer. New York- Iceland Rink. Madison Square manaer. At Kano. toge.: Keith Chapman. legal rep. Lone Star Shows. M$r11e McSpaddcn. rarer, Michigan Gardens. Nanaimo- Nanaimo Civic Arena. Indoor. Major Rides: 17. Kiddie Rides: 10 Of- Lindle Amusement, New York -Rockefeller Skating Pond. 14,400 fice -owned shows: 10. Tractors, Trailers: Loos. J. George. Greater (roiled Shows. J, East Lansing- Michigan State University artificial_ square feet; W. S. Rockefeller Plana. 46. George owner. Rides: Ice Arena. loos. Major If. New Vork- W011man Memorial ke Rink. Hiawatha Shows. Olen lVyble. mgr. Kiddie Rides: 10. Escanaba- Municipal Ice Rink. Nelson-Nelson Civic Center. indoor, arti- D. R)e- Playland ke Casino. Shows, P. Lynch. Bill. Shows. %Villiant P. I inch. Flint -Flint Ice -(.and Rink. ficial, 14,400 square feet; Jack Morgan, Hills Greater Mr. A Mrs. II. Hilt owners: 11. P. 1011. Carl MaIestk Greater Shows. Sam Goldsum, Good Rapids -Grand Rapids Sporn Arena. North Carolina manager. gen. too.; Noble, lot mgr. Rides: mgr, tronwnod- Colonial Skaleland. Raleigh -Brooks Arena. Victoria -Victoria Memorial Arena, indoor, Major 13. Kiddie Rides: 12. Office -owned shows: 7. Manning, Rose. Shows. Ross Manning, MarquetteJ- Palestra Ire Palace, indoor, North Dakota artificial, 17.000 square feet; Joe Dukuw- manager. Trucks: 30. owner artificial. 15.553 square feet; L- G. Mc- Farmrs -Fargo Arena. ski, Amusement Co., F. Hollingsworth, Marvel Show's, Edward flake) Merriman, Kie, manager. Grand Furls -Winter Sports Building. Vancouver- Vancouver Forum. (lolly mgr. owner -mer.; Mrs, (oOsn Morrimen, Ault Ste. Pillar Ice Stadium. Marie- Ohio Ontario R1ds+: 4. Blind River -Blind River Arena. Hoard A \luths Amusement Co. sal. Major Kiddie Rides: 3. Minnesota Cincinnati- Cincinnati Gardens. indoor. arti- Trucks: R. Kirkland Lake- Kirkland Lake Arena. Holiday Amusement Co.. Fielding Graham. Crookston -Winter Sports Arena, indoor. ficial. I 7,000 square tot; Alex Sinclair, owner. Mercier Attractions. Don Mercier, Newmarket- Newmarket Slcmorial Arena. owner, natural, 15.300 square feet. Manager. Shows. B. Minh, Esther 1.. Port I iodle. Bull. N. I1Wtle, owoer. Midway of Sper.mi. mgr. Arthur-Port Arthur Arena. Shows. Schumacher- McIntyre Community Bnlld- m gr.; Kenneth Rector, asst. mgr.; Jack Miller. Ralph R.. Flynn, ooncession Ruol o Dunn, Mo-Ark Shows, Lewis mgr. ing. indoor. artificial, 14.800 square lot; mss.: Garnir. show. mgr. No. 2 Major R;Jcs: 18. Kid- Model Shows of Canada, Joe G. E. Lister, manager. Heals. inner. die Rides: ill. Officeowned shows: 4, Monarch Exposition Shoos- Mr. and Mo. Quebec l rucks, Trailers: 33. Straight Trucks: 4. E. 1., Winrud. mars. Quebec City -te Coliseum. indoor, Panel Sound 'trucks: 2. Moores Modern Shows.
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    The Moody Blues Tour / Set List Project - updated April 9, 2006 compiled by Linda Bangert Please send any additions or corrections to Linda Bangert ([email protected]) and notice of any broken links to Neil Ottenstein ([email protected]). This listing of tour dates, set lists, opening acts, additional musicians was derived from many sources, as noted on each file. Of particular help were "Higher and Higher" magazine and their website at www.moodies- magazine.com and the Moody Blues Official Fan Club (OFC) Newsletters. For a complete listing of people who contributed, click here. Particular thanks go to Neil Ottenstein, who hosts these pages, and to Bob Hardy, who helped me get these pages converted to html. One-off live performances, either of the band as a whole or of individual members, are not included in this listing, but generally can be found in the Moody Blues FAQ in Section 8.7 - What guest appearances have the band members made on albums, television, concerts, music videos or print media? under the sub-headings of "Visual Appearances" or "Charity Appearances". The current version of the FAQ can be found at www.toadmail.com/~notten/FAQ-TOC.htm I've construed "additional musicians" to be those who played on stage in addition to the members of the Moody Blues. Although Patrick Moraz was legally determined to be a contract player, and not a member of the Moody Blues, I have omitted him from the listing of additional musicians for brevity. Moraz toured with the Moody Blues from 1978 through 1990. From 1965-1966 The Moody Blues were Denny Laine, Clint Warwick, Mike Pinder, Ray Thomas and Graeme Edge, although Warwick left the band sometime in 1966 and was briefly replaced with Rod Clarke.
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