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·.WEEK· OF JANUARY 19, .1994 . IS.SUE 16 . ~ . : . " ~ What Ollie is reading this week:

'ffiGH PORTS Musketeer sweeps the shootouts. : ,Page 7

·Q)EWs : Brutally -cold weather and snow close. school but only for a day.. Page3

'._'.lfp, 1,//.1 andt1UJQy:·Je.ff Massey soarsfor two o/IW 20points in Xavier~ 84-78 win over Cincinnati. . ·Tiu! Musketeer /Jasket/JOll teallU swept t/uJ crosstown shootouts, Tiie women won Tuesday·84-68. THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE - WEEK OF JANUARY 19. 1994 - PAGE 2 EWS Oub budget.process ready to go N BY AMY HELMES until sUmmer. · According to Jackson, clubs THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE are going to have less leeway this In the coming month SGA Sen­ year in terms. of. meeting dead­ Student Shootout attendance down ate will begin the annual budget lines. Also, clubs '.indivi~ual budget student attendance will he down this year process to appropriate funds fo. ·· p·ackets ar.e going to be looked at according to Ticket Manager Andy Barry. In 1992, when the student clubs. much more vigorously than in Shootout was last held at Xavier's home court, the Cincinnati Senator Scott Jackson, chair years past. Gardens, tickets were distributed to approximately 1,300 stu­ of the B~dget Committee, said "Clubs will have to he more dents. As of Tuesday afternoon, Barry said he estimates between clubs and student organizations specific o:ri what they are going to 1,000 and 1,100 tickets have been given to students. should not anticipate any in­ creases in their budgets for next use the funds for," said Jackson. year . All club presidents or execu­ SHOOTOUT BLOOD DRIVE: The Xavier University and . Last year, Senate granted ~p­ tives are expected to attend one of athletic departments are co-sponsoring a proximately $1.38, 700 to v~rious rue pholo two "Budget Briefing Seminars" blood drive on Monday, J an.24, at the Xavier Terrace Room in the campus groups: and this figure where they will receive instruc­ Scott f ackso!l University Center from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Tuesday, Jan. has remained ,~elativety· un- tions on filling out the budget 25, at UC's Tangeman University Center (TUC) room 401 from changed. , . packets and will set up times to 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. . . The addition of several new make their budget defenses. clubs als~ means budget money "We want to make this process for ne'xt y~ar will have to stretch This year the budget process is as painless as possible for clubs," BOARD MEMBE.R HONORED: The Cincinnati.chapter of the a little furiher. starting ~arlier and should wrap said Jackson. Public Relations Society of America will honor Xavier Board of Jackson said priority will g~ to up by the end of February. Trustees member Clement L. Buenger with the annual ~resident's those clubs which have been "' Clubs will he informed of their Budget Brier.ng Seminars: Award at· a luncheon Tuesday, Jan. 25. Xavier Presideitt Rev. arouncrilie longest and are most . budgets in early March while in Jan 26th 7:00 p;m. 319 Alter James E. Hoff, S.J., will participate iii the program to honor established. the past they were left hanging Jan 27th. 7:00.i:'.m. 318 Alter ' ...... , .. Buenger;- Buenger received his bachelor's degree from Xavier in 1950. In recent years, he headed the Buenger Commission, which studied the problems of local public schools. RESERVE OFFICERS' TR A I ,NIN G CORPS

SKEET SURFING: Tourism officials hi FI~rlda s.ay ~~~eg~;~iti~~ dents are expected to agaiil flood the state. for this ye~r's spring break despite the murders of nine foreign tourists last year. Florida remains the No. 1 spring break destination for college students on spring break, said Stuart Himmelfarh, vice president of Roper Starch Worldwide, which conducts surveys for Roper College Track, a New York-based marketing firm. In April 1993 Roper CollegeTrack surveyed 1,200 full-time undergraduate students, and 32 percent of the respondents-said they had taken a vacation during spring break, with 29 percent traveling in the United States. Of those students who stayed in the country, Florida was t~e No. 1 destination, Hinunelfarh said.

College Pre88 Senice

HELPING HAND: The YWCA Alice Paul House Shelter for Battered Women is currently accepting applications for its Winter Volunteer Training Program. The training will he held Tuesday• Feb. 1, 1994, 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the YWCA, 898 Wahiut Street. Volunteers are needed to assist in several areas of shelter operation including: working with children, providing support, assisting with donations, sewing special projects, providing clerical support, and performing light maintenance. GETMOm FROM YOUR UNCLE INSTEAD. Your Uncle Sam. Every year Army fees. They even pay a flat rate ·for text­ MASSIVE EXPOSURE: About 300 male and female students · ROTC awards scholarships to hundreds pooks and supplies. You can also receive stripped naked and sprinted through 25-degree weather at Princeton of talented students. If you qualify, an allowance of up to $1000 each University in New Jersey to celebrate the first snowfall of winter. these merit"based scholarships can school year the scholarship is in Naked runners skidded around the icy campus Jan. 4 while help you pay tuition and educational effect. Find out today if you qualify. clothed spectators cheered and the strains of "Chariots of Fire" wafted from a dormitory window. Joggers in the Nude Olympics took some precautions from the cold, however. They wore shoes, socks, hats and gloves, and one donned a football helmet. Not all wa~ ARMY ROTC· fun and games, though. Two students were taken to a nearby hospital, one for treatment of extreme intoxication and the other for TIE SMAR~T COttmE·C01JRsE IOU CAI TAD •. lacerations of the back and legs. A third student was treated for a~ ankle injury at the school infirmary. College Pre•,~fvic~ For details, visirSt. Barbara Hall or call . 745-3646 T H E X :. . E R NE\'. S 1'1 I R E - WE E K 0 F J A N U A R Y 1 9 , 1 9 9 4 - p A G E 3

.~ '.-, «~'';:- ~ "': • • ;.;:.,. ' '"' ';.~ ~", ,.,.::X:~~ ,. ,,' , :': •:;.;_• ,::•• • ''·;.-(.: .. ·, ~ -.:• ~....,. •:,··~~,· • ,, • ~> =>> ., '. ,~ ""-:":« ,, 11. '°*·~· ve """':;'::':",. 't'-" :{' "»:<-, ·v:;:: • ~..._..,., ~' " , . • ~:$».._~. ~:...°'>• .. :_·~'*~::;m,.v. ..;.;:<:, ._ W Wmterweather forces cancelled classes Security Cold snap, snow put Notes

campus Tuesday, Jan. 18, noon The Cincinnati Fire Depart­ ·in deep-freeze. ment responded to a CBA fire alarm that was accidentally BY DAN SIGWARD pulled by a university em­ TIIE XAVIER NEWSWIRE ployee.

Monday, Jan. 17, 4:30 a.m. For the first time in two years, A student reported her siX dis Xavier cancelled classes due to compact disc player was stole dangerous winter weather. from her room on the fourtl Classes ·were cancelled from floor of Kuhlman Hall. 3:00 p.m. Tuesday through Wednesday, and resumed this Sunday, Jan. 16 morning. Three chairs were broken on "It wasn't an arbitrary deCi­ the fifth floor lounge o sion. Calling off school is a major Kuhlman Hall. decision," said Dr. Blindschuh, vice· president of Academic Af­ Monday, Jan. 10 fairs, who makes the decision to A case of assorted soft drinks cancel classes. was stolen from a kitchenette .Qundschuh said he monitored· in the Cohen Center. travel and weather conditions closely all day Monday. He said · Anyej]'ortstotravel~car, evenjwtacrosstown, werenuideincredihlydif.Twultt!Usweekaseightinches compiled by Dan Sif;wanl the roads around his home in one efsnow feU on the city.' But it could be worse-:the low ~~~perature in Tyler, Minn .. Tuesday was -44. of Cincinnati's· eastern suburbs were in good condition. . Also, .With the low temperature Jlun~chuh said he called Physi- .Tuesday night predicted to reach·. .. ~afPllliifandSafetyandSecurity Close· to fifteen below zero, IRINGINTHENEWYEAJlWimEXTRAINCOME!! IBURKE to make sure the roads and park- Bundschuh said he was not sure if · ing lots around campus were in travelwouldimprovebyWednes~. ·BURKE MARKETING RESEARCH is looking for regular part-time Market Research good conditjon before allowing day, so while c~celling Tuesday · classes to begin T~iesday morn- evening classes · he cancelled Interviewers to conduct telephone surveys regarding consumer awareness, usage, and ing. Wedne.sday Classes. also to make attitudes on various products in the marketplace. INVOLVES NO SELLING!!! "They did a tremendous job sure.students knew cl8fiiies were Schedules can be flexible and are ideal for students and supplemental incomes! clearingthecam1ms parking lots," cancelled in advance of travelling said Michael Couch, chief of to campus.· CONVENIENT WALNUT HILLS LOCATION -ALL SHIFTS AVAILABLE Xavier Safety and Security. "With ·the terrible cold, we 9am4pm:12pm-7pm (Mon-Fri) "Campus was in much better weren't sure what to expect for 6pm-10:30pm:6pm-12:30am (Mon-Fri) shape than the rest of the city," · Wednesday," he said. 10am-4pm(Sat):2pm-8pm(Sun) But as sub-zero temperatures Bunclshuh said· he takes his $6/HR WAGE PAID TRAINING!! persisted Tuesday, responsibility to determine if througho~t TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAMS!! some professors of night classes . classes will meet during inclem­ indicated they would not he able . ent weather very seriously. · . . fomakeittocampus. Therefore, "S~dents pay a lotofmoney Qualified applicants will have a high school diploma, have at least 1 year of Bundshuh cancelled evening and we want to make sure we public contact/work experience, 6 months of computer experience and have classes Tuesday. . .. pr0vide the best jnstruction pos- · excellent telephone communication skills. · "We did not want to.have stu- sible," he said. dentscomingin the evening when Also, Bundshuh said he is re­ Our representatives will be on campus on it is. really getting cold if their sponsible only for the decision to Wednesday, January 19: · llam-2pm by the Musketeer Inn pf'.ofessorswerermtahletocome," cancel CI~sses, not for the d~ci- he said. sion to close the university. OR apply or submit resume to: BURKE MARKETING RESEARCH Acquaintance Rape Survivol'S Doctoral Research Attn: Marta R. Smyth 2621 Victory Parkway Research participants are needed for a Ph.D. dissertation on th,e · Cincinnati, OH· 45206 lives of women who were ACQUAINTANCE raped a year or Fax# 559-7555 · more ago, preferably during college matriculation:

· Please phone Ann at (513) 723-5444 (VoiceMail). · You will be·· To be the most respected and pre-eminent · asked to leave a name and a telephone number. I am the orily· · ·. provider of Survey Research Services and person with acces5 tp your message. Your confidentiality an.d. - ·to .demonstrate· commitment to the growth anonymity will be maintained throughout the researc!t. ·I am .. and .fulfillment of its people. an experienced rape-crisis volrmteer advocate.

. / THE X:..1ER N£::1S1'11RE - WEEK OF JANUARY 19. 1994 - PAGE 4

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©Copyright 1994 Circulation 3000 There are times when all of us are reminded of what a gift and a privilege life is. This week, the peci.aliar nature of this gift has been Editor-in-Chief tragically revealed to us as we feel the impact BRYAN R. POWElL of the loss of a friend; General Manager Xavier senior Karen j&rc was killed in a car DWIGHT MIMS accident Tuesday afternoon. As she and roommate Zeenat Sheikh were traveling on Business Manager Reading. Road south of Swifton Commons CHARLES ZEPP shopping center, their car slid on the icy road left of center and was struck by an oncoming Advertising Manager vehicle. CAROLE McPmwPs All of us extend our deepest sorrow and sympathy to those whose lives w~re touched-by. Production Manager HowE McRAE Karen. Also, our prayers are with Zeef!at, who as Dislrihulion Manager of Wednesday was still reported in critical OPEN condition at University Hospital, and we ask that all members of the Xavier community Adviser \ ~_J111 pause for a moment to pray for the friends and MIKE KAISER family of both young women. May their period ~1··· . of grief he followed by peace and a renewed awareness of life and its· preciousness .. News Dan Sigward Amy Helmes -S.B.

Perspectives· Sarah Buzzee Jesse Lahey .. ~-.. ·"'

Sports Emmett Prosser -Equal rights in 1994: would King be pleased? Kipp Hanley . BY DWIGHT MIMs modern parallels. As long as he spoke out room for improve~ent in the area of under­ Diversions against the evils of discrimination and standing each other's history. Hewould Pamela Leahigh THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE racism, he was allowed to live, hut when he probably think that i~ is still of gl-eat impor- '" ·~ Photography/ January heralds the observance of the spoke out against the Vietnam War, he was . tance for people to know that the world's first Graphics birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated. university was the Temple. of Karnak in' Holly Brooks The slain civil rights leader's life stands as a The FBI and 1Jlartin Luther King is an . Egypt, which is in Africa~ African people Michelle Schmenk reminder that we can all rise beyond our excellent hook that talks about Operation were the world's first philosophers, physi­ own douhis and fears to make a positive ·· Cointelpro, an FBI operation that targeted cians, archite~ts, and artisans. If this were Calendar impact in the world around us;·. black leaders for. assassination. . taught in the classroom's, whites might see John McHale I get angry when I hear people referring . If Dr.: King were alive today would he he blacks in a better light.and blacks would Advertising "to Dr. King as adreamer. A dreamer is one • pleased with the progress ofthe world in the respect themselves more. ·. Scott Kolbe who does not deal mreality'. Dr. King deitlt ·area of'equitl rights for.all people? He would I think that Dr. King woiild alSo want men, very much iti reality. The sociopolitical probably say that there is stilla lot of room regardless oftheir color, tO treat womeri with Staff · climate iti this country thirty years ago was for improvement in the area of r~ci~ greater dignity a~d respectO,W~men are to he Nicole Taylor · quite different than what it currently is ·equality; In 1994, African Amencans are ·respected as the·inothersof civilization· and . today. Blacklnen, women, and children still striving to achi~ve equality in all phases the hearers of.life. They are our queens and Accounts Receivable · Julie Korte could be lynched and bilrned ~t the stake of.American life. ·J:or .those ~fyou who think must he treat~ as such. · simply by virtlle of the~ color~ · .that this is not a true statement, then ask ."A man not willing to die for something Tltt! Xavier Nekl•wire i1 publilhed "Separate but equal" was the slogan of yourself why Jesse Jackson was the "black" ·that he believes in is not fit to live" is a very throu1hout the 1chool ye•r, except those times. ·We have all heard the' horrible presid~ntial c·andidate instead of just a plain powerful statement that the ciVil rights leader during vacation and final e1am1 1 by the 1tudent1 or Xavier Univenity, 3800 stories of the Jim Crow laws that 'prohibited candidate~ . . · · . once said. When you stand on the pillars of Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45207- 2129, blacks from entering eert;.m establish- . The next time you watch television, count ·truth you must be prepared for hardship. The 1ta1ement1 and opinion1 ofTA"' Xavier Ntiw•w;rt! are· not nece11arily ments. The black'church and many grass tlte numher ofhlackdramas that there are in Evil people will say horrible things about you tho1e of the 1tudent body, faculty, . roots organizations jomf;d forces to deal comparison to the ntimher of bla~k comedies and will try to discredit or even kill you. or •dmini1tration of Xavier, State· ment.I and opinloh1 of columni1t1 do with the injustices that were-pervasive not that you 'see. wlieri you watch the news, look I submit that giving your lire in the pursuit not fteC'e"Harily renect lhoee of the editors or general 1t1ff. only in the deep south, but in northern at how many guns are prevalent in our of truth is a very small price to pay when it Sub1Cription rate. are ·130/year ·or cities as well...... society. J?rugs, drive-by shootings arid gang comes _to empowering the masses to rise above 815/1eme1ter within the USA ond ore pro•roted. Sub1crlptlon inqulriH It is interesting to note that while Dr; violence have always been perceived as their petty fears, jealousies, and prejudices to 1hould be directed lo Charl<1 Zepp, Bu1lne11 M1no1er (513-745-3130), King was alive, he was considered to be a problems related to black people: Now create a true melting pot. These are the · . Adverlillng iaquiriH 1hould be di· · . radical and a trouble maker. He was dealt children in_ Iowa are killing each other in things that one who is rooted in reality . reeled IO Carole McPhlllip1, Adverlillag Manogor (513-745·3561). . with negatively in the press, the way Al gang-r~lated activitles. DraiWi are destroying achieves and is _something a dreamer only X•ri•r Unlver1hy i1 an ~cademic eommunhy commllled 10 equal Sha..Pton, Louis Farrakhan, or Nelson. a great number of this country's children. dreams of. Peace be unto you and your opporlunily for au peraoal ••prd• Mandela are dealt with now, .~o draw Dr.'King would probably say that there is . families. ·.1~ · - of .,., Ha, race, reJlaio•, ....0.ap, or HdOHI orltl•• THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE - WEEK OF JANUARY 19. 1994 - PAGE 5 Letters to the editor Off-collrt contenders make a peaceful resolutiOn inappropriate comments have on the chil­ crs, as the Cincinnati media reported. For Gillen calls a dren, parents, alumni, and other fans of Enthusiastic .that matter, we have !lever ever thrown Xavier University. anything at anyone or onto the playing 'family'- forum I want the Gardens to he a tough floor, and we condemn anyone's doing so. homecourt for visiting teams to play, but I fan makes We also did not jeer the injured player as It has been my very great pleasure to want them to know that we respect them was reported. The reason Coach Gillen serve as basketball coach at Xavier Uni­ all, players coaches, and officials alike. apology took to the P.A. system to scorn us was versity for the last eight years. I feel very I've often said that I want the Gardens because of our profanity clircctecl at an lucky to be able· to work with the fme to rock with Xavier spirit, like some of the As a member of the Rat Pack student .assistant coach of New Hampshire, who student athletes who represent Xavier on other farnous arenas around the country, section, I need to write for several reasons. was yelling hack at us. the court, the outstanding faculty and ad­ hutnotattheriskof . I need to apolo­ Finally, I need to address the sports · ministrator·s who create au academic envi­ harming our repu­ gize and to sctthc statistician who wrote this misinformation. ronment focusing on excellence, and with tation as an institu­ record straight. in a Letter to the Editor [ J'heXa vier News­ the many students and other fans who tion of 'class and First of all, I wire, Jan. 12, 1993]. If you missed _two support the efforts of the men's basketball good sportsman­ would like to minutes of a basketball game and returned team. At Xavier, I believe we are truly a ship. aj)ologizc for the to hear that Brian Grant had just sco reel 30 family: I challenge all of events that took points and made 20 rebounds, would you Like any family, however, sometimes the Xavier student · placcatthegame report this information without further there are problems. Those at the New fans to develop on January 9. looking into it? Heck no, you wouldn't. Hampshire game on-Sunday, January 9, loud, c 1·eati ve, We were out But you reported to the Newswire the know I was disappointed in the behavior of wholesome cheers of line with our ridiculous information you got about us a few of our fans. As coaches and players, and to treat all of profane and. throwing ice without looking into it. we· appreciate the cheers, support, and our visitors with ~he abusive Ian- You also note how we begin each game encouragement our fans offer, but I was respect they de­ b'lJagc. We have by greeting each player with a "YOU upset by the negative, personal, and vul­ serve. sent letters to SUCK!" Apparently, none of those other gar comments and actions clirected toward I know you will , Jeff "150 basketball games" you 'vc been to the visiting players and coaches. continue.to support Fogelson and have been XU games. At the January 9 . This situation created the threat that us this year as we Father Hoff to game was the first time we said anything New Hampshire would walk off the com·t face the toughest apolobrizeforour profane during the introchiction, and it is and forfeit the game. I know Xavier stu­ part of our season actions. We also the last time it will happen. dents and fans would share with me the schedule. You arc · will clean up our \V c arc cleaning up our act. Let's hope embarrassmenl of such an outcome, and the sixth man on the act in the future you and the Cincinnati media do the same that concern prompted me to publicly ad­ Xavier bench. We so the game can before more damage is done, anu before monish those few individuals who ,\.ere . . . will do our best on be.cnjoycdby all the Muskies loose their best and most de­ creating the disturbance .. · and off the co':'rt to bring pride and honoi· the fans. voted fans. I want to ask you to continue to demon­ to om· tmiversity. Second, I need to clear up what actually strate your su'pport, loudly and often, but Pete Gillen happened that night .. First of all; we.did Eric Kroger with an increased awareness for the effects Men's Basketball Coach 1wt throw ice at the New Hampshire play- Senior EPU researcher opens our eyes Snow job? ThefocusofyourDec.1,1993 are some, but allow me to put 3] . .If between November 17 issue on the effects ofE Plurilius them in perspective. Your re- and December 1. the total, We applaud the univer~ity's decision to cancel classes due Unum ["One year later: Campus ported sample ("twelve respon- amount. of responses was 12, to the hazardous ·road and weather conditions. However, evalUates E' Phirihus Unum"] dentstotheXavkrlVewswiretele- a review of.your .pc~cedure is requiring administrative staff to report to work is'illogical and drew my attention, and. I am phone poll") cannot in a~y way, definitely in order. demoralizing. Those staff afraid I am forced to comment. shape or form he considered rep- While it . is true that EPU unable to work because of The results of the evaluation, resent~tive of the 500+ EPU par- has its flaws, it is unfair to weather and road conditions bothqualitativeandquantitative, ticipants whose opinions were those who participated in it are forced to use vacation time. show .that the vast majority of used to compile the final report. to write it off as "drawing Is this right? EPU participants found the· Youaremakingsweepingcon- mixed reviews." By doing The uruversity needs a course to be a "positive_," "mov- clusions based on an inappropri-. so, you force those individu­ severe weather policy to govern ing," and an "educational" expe- ate_, unscientifically selected als who had positive learning situations involving the safety rience. Comments by the stu- sample. To put it another way, · experiences during EPU to and well-being of our superb dents such as "EPU opened my you obtained a "sample" or'the reevaluate those experiences. Xavier community. The eyes to. the true nature of ideas population, while we used the This could cause a backlash decision requiring administra­ and concepts which I thought I . entirepopulation. Isitrealisticto and a possible reversal ef­ tive staff to work came two and a half hours after the decision understood, when in reality I did accept the opinions of those 12 feet. This needs to he avoided. to cancel classes. This caused unnecessary confusion and ill­ not" are typical of the responses (valid as they may be) as repre- You are drawing a conclusion will. offeredaftertheEPUexperience. sentative? Can your method of based on incomplete evidence In 'the future we hope that decisions concerning Had you seen fit to develop the obtaining these 12 opinions be without properly researching the human safety .will be extended to staff as well as to research background for this ar- accepted at face value as scien- development of the project you students and faculty. ticle more tho~oughly, this would tific and worthy of merit? are reporting on. Next time, con- . Betty Porter have become.clear .to you.. The only information avail~ sider the ramifications of your Amy Rolfes The article focuses on thenega-. able to the critical reader is that a writing. Alice West tive remarks .concerning' E telephone poll was conducted Stephen H. Wesler· Vicki Young Pluribus Unuin. Of course there [ Newswve Nov. 17; 1993, page Member EPUreiearch team mr~.:mrmmmr,r.&#~m?m~w-~,w~~~... "J..,.'thmmm1iim-mr:tims"'mm1wJtirt-miiMrm.=*~m~,1?r1-».<1mimiimi'.&'rn

must keep him PORTS BY EMMETf PROSSER away from the three THE XAVIER NEWSIRE point line. He's shooting 44% from Xavier shoudn 't need a l'ea­ the arc. #3 rifle wins real son to get pumped up for Evans­ Reed Jackson, . ville Saturday, but if they need who. never scored one they need only to recall last much last season, is Crosstown Shootout March. the number two op­ UE made life a living heU for tion this season. BY STACY RECKER XU after denying them an auto­ Jackson is also a THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE matic bid to the NCAA tourna­ good three point Even though the Xavier rifle team easily defeated their cross­ ment with a 80-69 win at the MCC shooter. He moves town rival, Cincinnati by a 2282-1879 margiri, it was obvious that championships. Waiting24hours well without the they struggled. for an at-large selection was the ball. The Musketeers appeared to lose some of there early season . longest day of Jamie Gladden's UE is lean in the career. middJe. Freshman ~ momentum. Jason parker who led the team with a score of 588 Q agreed. Gone from UE are Parrish Jeff Layden and e "West Viginia came at a had timcforaUofus,hu_tthenumherone Casebier;-Sascha Hupmann and Sophomore Scott c;. spot is still within our reach." Scott S.hreffler. Casebier, 'MVP Sparks split time at ~ Bill Caldwell feels the team just "lost it's edge," because UC just of the MCC · two years ago, is center. they aver- S irreplaceblc. age 10 points and S is not on Xavier's level. When better competition hits the Armory, Q Caldwell feels the team will be ready. UE runs a motion offense simi­ nine rebounds he- i. "' tween them. The L;;;....;...;;...;.;...;._..:;.::..;._...;.....;._...;...... ;...,;;._..;._...;...:.;.:.,;.;..;._..;._..;._._;..i "When the tough teams· come, the team will step up to the lar to ln~R,iia 's. They backscreen you to death. They are good Musketeers should Lookbt{fllp: LarrySykesamJXavierseem challenge," he said. headed 1i1 the right direction. Coach Ala'n Joseph says the line-up will he changed. V cteran Jill shooters from the outside and they he able to attack Caldwell has come alive towards the end of the season. She shot a play great defense. hel'C. 575 on Sunday. Her twin brother Bill shot 570. · The main gun for the Aces is Either Steve Gentry o~ Michael He always seems to have great Next week's line against Kentucky in Air rifle will include the Andy Elkins. A 6-7 s~gman Hawkins will probably be in for a games against the Musketeers. always consistant performance of Andrea LOrenz. with tremendous shooting abil­ long night. Todd Cochenour will JermaineBallis UE'sloneflllsh Joseph emphatically denied ideas about lost momentum; ·.He ity. His 20 point per game av~r­ guard one of them and he is stingy of quickness. He leads the team remains optimistic that the new line-up will bring the tea1111eontfu­ age is ~o joke.. 1.'.he .. M'u.sketeers ; on the· defensive side of tlie ball. in assists and steals. ued success at the end of the season and on 'into th~. NCAA. championships. Xavier vs. Evansville THIS WEEK IN SPORTS

Game time: 8:30 p.m. Saturday Projected Xavier Record: 12-1 (1-0) Men's basketball: Place: Roberts Stadium Projected Aces Record: 11-5 (2-0) Saturday at Evansville 8:30 p.m. (channel 9) TV/Radio: Channel 9/700 WLW Series Record: XU 24~13 Monday at Dayton? :30 p.m. (WLW) AP Rankings: XU 22, UE none Last meeting: 3/13/93, UE 80-69 Women's basketball: Saturday La Salle 1:00 p.m.

Rifle: Saturday at Kentucky . UE has disiplined guards in Todd Cochonour and Andy Elkins: Cochoenom· is one of the best defensive bruards in the MCC. Elkins Swimming: has the range to hit the tlll'ee. He rarely misses. Lack of a fast break Friday Wright State 4 p.m. I will hurt the Aces. The Musketeers will run often. OFFICIAI~LY OFFICIAL: Xavier will stay in the Midwestern ~:,~:~l\\ll~!i! UE_1os;, Sascha !lupinann to gradnati~n. Hupmann ~a~ a la~ge Collegiate Conference next season. Xavier, which was hoping {',Fi,;;};!;! part of UE sclcfens1vescheme. 1-Ieblockedalotofshots. W1thoutlum to have the option to go to the Atlantic 10 if it wished, decided · ,'~~.. ::: Grant and Sykes sho~ld be able to intimidate. . to stay with the MCC after The A-10 decided not to expand. The MCC will look differ·ent next season. Six public schools Jinr Crews and Pete Gillen m·e the two most intense coaches in the join. They are: Cleveland State, Wright State, Wisconsin MCC. Two years ago, they got into a shouting match at midcourt at Milwaukee, Wisconsin Green Bay, lllinois-C~cago and _the . Crews played and coached for Bob Knight. Even Northern Illinois. They will join Xavier, Butler, La Salle, Gillen has been MCC coach-of-the-yea~ four times, Crews thrne. Detroit Mercy and Loyola. Xavier has decided to commit to I the MCC for one year, the 1994-95 season. The Atlantic 10 The loudest crowd in the MCC is the Roberts stadium bunch in JJ>_,.. . : . . h~s not ruled out expansion for seasons beyond next year. Evansville. This is the Aces' biggest game of the year and XU is the ,-· only ranked team on UE's schedule. 'They will he p~ped. There ·. . I.;~. . . is no way XU will be as high for this game as last night's. . ..·. ' WISH GRANTED: Brian Grant won MCC-player-of-the . (J . week with the help of a 26 point 10 rebound performance at · It is important that XU doesn't suffer a let down after such an emotional contest win or lose. UE's Butler. season probably. restson this game. Losses by the Aces to We~tern Michlgan and Southern Illinois at home give the edge to the Musketeers. XU cannot afford a let down after the UC victory. E.P. • THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE - WEEK OF JANUARY 19, 1994 - PAGE 7 _- ,: ..•· - ~ .):..' \ ~ . 1994 CROSSTOWN SHOOTOUTS FINALLY! After three years, Xavier beats UC BY Emmrr PROSSER part of the game. THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE Enter Massey and Grant. Massey hit a double pump 18 Pete Gillen says every year foot leaner with Damon Flint in that the Crosstown Sh~otout is is his face. After Darnell played up a little hit too much. Burton hit two free throws to tic Too much french pastry. the game at 69, Flint put in a Too much frosting ·on the cake. missed shot with 14 seconds left. Too· much mustard. · "They threw daggers into This year, he was· wrong. our hearts all night," said . It was perhaps Xavier's best Gillen .. "After we would hit a shootout performance ever. A big shot, they would." game of multiple clutch baskets. With four seconds left, A hack and forth brawl that Tyricc Walker put up an airball resembled a Holyfield-Bowe that Grant was able to get in boxing ~atch. Nobody let their position for and send the game guard down, Nobody ever quit. into _overtime. "It was like goingJ5 ro~ds _::,,.~'I.~idn'tkno_w how much._ . and then having to go an~·th~r . time was left," said Grant. "I round after the hell rang," said just knew I had to get into XU coach Pete Gillen. position.'·'· And when it was over, · Xavier won the game with Xavier was standing in the defense, perimeter shooting and center of the ring, ah court. XU rebounding. The Bearcats 82-76 over UC. packed in the zone and they "It all came together after paid at times. Everhody said three years," said Brian Grant. our guard~ couldn't shoot," It was a game of big plays. said Grant. "Gentry and No.ie more huge then the Jeff Massey responded." Massey 21 foot jumper in Stev.e Gentry hit two huge overtime.that gave XU a four treys. One late in the second point lead with 24 seconds left. half and one in OT. "Now I know what this .is all "They left us open so we just about," said Massey. · made them," said Gentry. "Jeff Massey didn't hack Walker was his usual self down tonight," said Gillen. ''It with 16 points on an assortment was like he was on the play­ of shortjumpers, clw1ks and ground. He and Flint got-into lay-ups. some verbal interludes." · · Grafit finished with 16 points Massey led Xavier ~th 20 and 17 rebounds. points. Both teams played their B~1t there were many more usual great defense. Neither big time hoops. team shot 40%. . La Zelle Diirden of the After the game Bearcats drilled A deep three to didn't shake hands with Gillen. put UC up 65~61 with 4 minutes The 1·eason given was verbal · to play. XU fans saw the game battles between the two coach­ slipping away. The Musket_ecrs ing staffs during the game. had blown a 10 point halftime "I was dissappointcd," said lead. Gillen. "I would have gone "We played like a real fine · over to shake his hand if I had team in thcr first half," said:· lost." Gillen. ·~we weren't aggressive XU had no time to shake. in the first five minutes of the ba1_1cls, they were mobbed as the second half; that was a crucial buzzer sounded. THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE - WEEK OF JANUARY 19, 1994 - PAGE 8

!VERSIONS Movie guide to help you decide BY PAMELA tt. LEAHIGH wants to keep his adopted creaturre and his life is trans­ formed as he becomes a wolf. THE XAVIER NEWSWIR.E daughter hut When her biologi­ cal parents want her hack, Steve With Jack Nicholson, James It seems like a new movie is Martin is determined to keep Spader, Christopher Plummer popping up everyday. Herc is his little girl and redefine the and Michelle Pfeiffer. a quick guide to give a head word family. City Slickers II- Mitch (Billy start in trying to figure out Ed :Wood - This is a poignant Crystal) finds a treasure map in which movies you'd like to see story of the friendship between Curly's ha·t and goes off in this year. B-movie film maker Eel Wood search of gold only to meet up Holy Matrimony - Patricia (Johnny Depp) and Bela Lugosi with Curly's twin brother Duke Arquette (True Roma~ce), a (Martin Landau). Also starring (Jack Palance). woman hiding from mobsters Patricia Arquette, Sarah Jes­ North - Eleven year old hides in a Huttcrite commu­ sica Parker, and Bill Murray. North (Elijah Wood) is feeling. nity where she must many Angels in the Outfield - A unappreciated by his parents twelve year- file pholo old Zeke (Jo­ Heavy "1Ietal l:loms to play at ]P's place · seph Gordon­ Lcvitt) in rir­ dcr to stay. Horns will rock Cincy Their married life begins as BY p AMEL.A. H. LEAHIGii they search TnE XAVIER NEWSWIRE for money The weather outside is no excuse to miss the Heavy Metal hidden in ·the Horns, a funk band from Bcantown playing tomorrow night at town. JP's Place. They'll get you up out of your scat and keep you The Tool Shed .,, . warm all night by making you dance ti! you drop from their funky rhythms and heavy horns. L a w .r· e ri 'c e Heavy Metal Horns do not play as their name suggests Fishbudie heavy metal. They play almost everything else though. (Boyz in'' the Whether it's an instrwnental like "Hang Up Your Hang Ups" · ,, Hood), Ellen or a grooving song like "Caught in the Middle", you can easily . "i . Barkin(Sea of" dance along or sing along with these Boston rockers. Love). Crowe After completing a world tour with the hand Extreme (Fishburne) is Director Leo!laredMilloywillbebni~"1i1gyouHoly Matrimony starniigPatricia ("More Than Words"), they signed a recording contract with hired by the Arquette (right) alld Josepli Gordo!l-Levitt. . the Japanese record label Polystar. HMH have been able to CIA to· infil- pack clubs around the nation starting with their debut in New trate a fortune 500 private es­ down-and-out baseball team so he declares himself a free Orleans at the famous Tipitina's. Their explosive performance pionage company. 'His agenda gets some divine inspiration, a agent.and goes in search· of the at the Saratoga Springs' Newport Jazz Festival made them the is switched when he is seduced team ofreal angels. With Danny best parents in the world. Also shock hit of the whole event. by Margaret (Harkin). Glover, Tony Danza, Joseph starring Bruce Willis. Heavy Metal Horns began in 1987 with the teaming up of It's Pat - Julia Sweeney Gordon-Levitt. The Road to Wellville- Set John Vanderpool (sax and vocals) and Henley Douglas (tenor brings .her SNL character to Angie, I Says - Angie at the famous Battle Creek Sani­ and baritone sax) to play back up for some Boston area bands the bi,1~ .s~recn. Dave Foley Scacciapensicri 's (Geen a Davis) tarium and starring Anthony including the Del Fuegos and they even played in some radio (Kids in' the Hall) stars as decision to keep her baby hut to Hopkins, Matthew Broderick and TV commercials. her ... uh his.;uh its significant not marry the father creates and Bridget Fonda, explores the Later in 1989, they joined with the rest of the band mem­ something:or~:other. Their an­ quite a stir in Brooklyn neigh­ country's fascination with bers to form what is now known as the Heavy Metal Horns. drogyn~us i~'V~ is injeo~~rdy borhood. health fads at the turn-~f-thc "We're very different people of different nationalities," as Pat searches for its true I Love Trouble -Julia Rob­ century. says Douglas of the band. "We have musicians from Japan, meaning in life. erts and Nick Nolte arc rival Sugar Hill - Wesley Snipes Trinidad, St. Kitts and the east and west coasts of the U.S. The Inkwell -A teenage boy reporters for Chicago's two pa­ falls in love with Theresa Just look at the hand memberes and hear the music--mutual . comes to realize he's not as pers and almost kill themselves Randall and decides that he respect, musically and personally, is the message behind confused as he thought when to get the best lead story. wants out of the crime empire Heavy Metal Horns." he spends a summer at Inkwell The Saint of Fort Washing­ he and his brother Michael In total, HMH is Douglas, Vanderpool, Garret Beach in Martha's Vineyard in ton - Danny Glover and Matt Wright have built. Savluk(trumpet and vocals), Hikaru Tsukamoto (trombone), the seventies. Dillon star as two homeless men PCU - Finally a movie that Thaddeus Hogarth (guitar and vocals), John Matthews When a Man Loves a who brive each other a little hope pokes fun at political correct­ (keyboard and vocals), Hudson Samuel (tenor pan/percussion Woman - When a serious prob­ during their short friendship. ness. 'This film stars Chris and vocals), Ed Spargo (bass) and Jim Sturdevant (drums). lem threatens their marriage My Girl 2 - This is the con­ Young, Megan Ward, and Jer­ They have received many invitations to play over the past Alice and Michael Green (Meg tinuation of Vada Sultenfuss' emy Piven as Droz. three years including opening the 1991 Boston Globe Jazz ·Ryan and Andy Garcia) try to (Anna Chlumsky) life as she now Bad Girls - In order to get Festival. The critical acclaim that has followed them led to a stay together even though .the goes through puberty and tries their money back and get even, nomination for the Best Local CD in the Boston Phoenix/ old rules no longer apply. to find out more· about her four girls (Madel~ine Stowe, WFNX Best Music Poll. • . The Lion King - Disney's mother, who passed away when Mary Stuart Masterson, Andie J. Barry Mothcs of the Portland Press Herald says "This is 32nd full-length animated fea­ Vada was born,so Vada heads MacDowell, . and· Drew the kind of band that thrives on live shows. Their brassy ture set in the jungles of Af­ off to L.A. where her mom grew Barrymore) become old West blend of rhythm and blues, reggae, jazz, soul and funk has a rica. It will be amazing. Enough up. gtinslingers and travel to New way of turning rooms into a romp." . said. Wolf - Will Randall is bitten Mexico in search of the men What more can you say? Twist of Fate -Steve Martin by an e.vil werewolf-type_ who took it from them. EXhibit shows new side of Peru

greatest desires, flying and BY ANDREA HANNON North Coast, emphasizes the photography, Bridges is largest architectural com-. THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE admired around the world for plexes found anywhere in preserving what she calls "the North and South America While flying; did you message of man" in her work. ~efore Christ in the second notice the sight beneath you? She has also published millennium. Did you ever say, "Oh God- Marilyn Bridges; The Sacred Together, these three 1 wish I had a camera to take and the Secular and Mark­ sections trace Pre­ a picture of:thilt?" Well, ings: Aerial Views ofSacred Columbian Peru's immense coming to the Cincinnati Landscapes. architecture and engineer­ Musetim of Natural History ·Planet Peru is composed ing; while also making known on January 22 is an photo­ of 70 photographs, taken from the ancient builders' respect graphic exhibit that her latest book by the same for the landscape capture's this breathe taking title. Planet Peru- An Aerial desire. Dividing Peru into three Journey Through A Timeless Planet Peru-An Aerial sections (the Highlands, the Land, runs from January 22 Journey Tkrolllfk a Timeless south Coast and the North through May 1, 1994. Land, an exhibition of Coast), Bridges presents a Admission is free with photograph by Marilyn "picture" of this South admission to ·the·Cincinnati Bridges, will be on display American country meant to Museum of Natural History . until May 1, 1994. cJ:iange anyones view. ($4.95 for adults, $2.95 for This amazing photogra­ She captures on film the children ages 3-12k pher/pilot intelligently breathtaking and strange The Museum of Natural captures black and white formations and huge shapes of History is located at the · images of the awing land­ the haunting Peruvian Museum Center at Union scape of Peru from 10,000 landscape .. Terminal off of 1-75 and is feet' above the earth from a The first. section of her open Monday through plane. exhibit, the Highlands,· ·Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 Beginning in 1976, she's features Inca sanctuaries and p.m. and S~nday from 11 travelled to this South settlements lining the valleys a.m. to 6 p.m. A_merican country eight times near Cuzco. Check out.other.January in o~der to fully compiete her . .. s~~ondly, the s~uth coast . evenis including Bagels a11d docunientation .. covers the Nazca Lines. The Di11os on Sunday at 10 a.m. Combining her two third section of the exhibit the New movie reveals inhumane treatment of .animals

liefs of the tached to their udders. mit. It's about the deadness BYJAY KAIAGAYAN Animal Lib­ . The a~imals are kept in of the mind that can commit THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE eratfon Move­ darkness an·d are never al­ these atrocities ·without m e n t lowed to move from their blinking." Humans have been on this (A.L.M.). The stalls. The film's main purpose is planet a relatively short time A.L.M.. has Processes of pig and not to point out the abuse in comparison to the age of been gather­ · chicken farming are also and things hidden from our the Earth.itself. In this short. ing. footage presented with· violently eyes, but to provoke and un­ span, humans have evolved from the U.S. cruel techniques, settle our attitudes towards to becmne the dominate spe-. and Britain. The film use animation of animals, to suggest alterna­ . cies. Some people .believe Directed by funny farm scenes and tives, and to inspire a·ctivity God put us here and gave us· Victor moves th~o~gh one abuse and change. the' donifoiori' oY.er a:Il the Schonfeld and scene after another. The A.L.F. believes the Earth's•c~.~~tu~~~;.·Through Myriam Schonfeld also enlists the wearing of fur or leather, the this idea of ~uperior'ity, Alaux, shows aid of people who are op­ use of.certain make-up, and mankind: has. used ani~als us the direct violence we have cameras and some of it was posed to the exploitation of eating certain types of food of all en.virrinments for food, towards animals, from dog­ restricted to the general animals, including scientists is a direct result of the ex­ clothillg;


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The Cru~h Bar, formerly Eli.'s in the .. -historic-Longworth Buil~g, features. - two floors of Modem.Dance Music and· _is Tiffi place to party Friday from SPM;.. ~:30AM, Saturday from 8PM-2:30AM. _

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• ;l~justi~es are made jusnoday at 3:00 p.m. at the Dorothy Day Ho11sfl'. .O~ yeah! Amnesty International is the group you 'II visit. • The_MusicI>epartment annolinces the Senior Recital of Melanie

·Chave_z. Selcc_tions from Verdi, Strauss and Schuhcr:t will he per­ ·' formed. S~ow up at the University Center Theate~ at 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY

• Channel 9 (WCP~), that fine, almost infallible T. V. station, will ·.:.. .. · h~oadcast the men's basketball game against Evansville. The cover- age hegiiis ~at 8:30-p.m. · .------;....-- Featuring . .. ------• !hewomen'shaskethall team has a game today at l:OOp.m. against SPECIAL TICKET PRICES Li~alle. Take the walk up to and do some good! Check Out Th~se Grea't Savings F_or All College Stude~ts: Emp_loyees, and Alumni. (With JD) REGULAR PRICE COLLEGE PRICE SUN DAY $8.00 f; ss:oo $6.00 ? $3.00 ., . • Hu~siari poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko and Iris hand of wild dancing TO PURCHASE YOU}\ TICKETS (With St111/e111, Employee; or lllu11111i ID) giraffes move their way into Cincinnati; .Please travel on over to IN ADVANCE: Cincinn•I! G_ardens BoK Onicc 10 •m • S pm Mon .• Fri. DONATO'S PIZZA SLl::D RACE Christ Chiircli C~thedi-ai in th~ heart of downtoWII Cincinnati. Subject To;crvice C_h•rge Of S 1.0_0 Per Tick~t. .. . · . · During lhc lirsl. intcrminion, 1ckc1eJ GROUl'S ZO OR MORE: Cyclones' O.ffice-Cincinna1i'Gardens 8:30 am. fpm Mon.-Fri. rcprcscn1:uives from~ each school wall o•· p.utii:ipalc in i pizza delivery sled f3CC. · ~ Call SJ I-PUCK For More Details (No Service Ch•rgc) The winner will ltECEIVE 10 TICKETS GAME NIGllT: Prcscnl College ID_ Al Ticket Boo1hs lri Th~·o~rdcn~ Lobby. 10 a future Cyclonc1 iamc, · iilclUdinlC :1 _(No Service Charge After 6:Sl0 PM) ··11t:t:: uo.~A'ro•s PIZZA rAttl'\' MONDAY .it bi: fore the ~am.: The Gardens, ·• Moii~ntlieabsence6C-Fraitk;AI~aift1Dan:Cr'omyou~·M:onilayriighr~ ..:. __ ,______:....:. ______;_____ :_;,_ ... .:::...... ::...... - ... . diet a~c,f,,prepar~ yourself for the NFL, 90210'. -

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