APRIL 13, 1957 THE BILLBOARD OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT DIRECTORY 75 Cincinnati -Ice lance. outdoor, artificial, 3.116 square feet; Bill Wade. manager. Cleveland- Broadmoor Ice Palace. Cleveland- Cleveland Areno. Lakewood- Wlnterhursl Rink. Carnival Roll Call Ice Skating Rinks Tolend -Sports Arena. Oklahoma Continued from page 74 Tulsa -Fairgrounds Skating Rink. (Private and nIUni(ilsall Upr rated) Gopher Stale Shows. Art E. Foncier, owner - Tractors: 8. Semi -Trailers: F. Rob Oregon mgr.: Donald Fortier. asst. mgr. Maio, Tall: 1. Corvallis -Ice Palace. Rides: 3. Kiddie Rides: 4. Semis: 2. Ideal Rides. Paul T. Robertson, mgt. Evokth- Erelelh hippodrome, indoor, arll- Salem -Salem Ice Arena. Flan; 3. Van: 1. Two-Wheel Trailers: 2. Imperial Shows. No. 1, Mr. and,Ahs. Wit' Arizona Shows. mgr. Ijam 00115115, man. Phoenix- fictal, 16.150 square feet. Pennsylvania Grain Belt Charles K. Rudisill, Iceland. Grand American Shows. L. O. Wearer, Inland Empire Shows. Halfock- Ilallosk Ice Arena. Allentown- Albeth Ice Rink. Phoenix -The Coliseum. owner-mar.; Howard H. Weaver. conces- Island Manor Shows. Lawrence Tama:so. Hibbing- Memorial Arena, indoor, arllll. Hershey -Sports Arena. mgr. Major Rides: 8. Kiddie Rides: owner California dal. 2.000 square feet. McKees Rock -Ras Arena. sion 4. Office-owned I. T. Shows. Phil loser. mgr. Berkeley- Iceland. Minneapolis- Minneapolis Arena, artifcial, Philadelphia- Arena. shows: 6. Trucks: 20. Grand Pacific Shows. Buell D. Jones, owner. Jan Amusements. Ted Jannsc. ourler -mgr. Blue Jay -Blue Jay Rink. indoor. 16.000 square feet, Lyle Wright, Philadelphia- Suburban ke Rink. -Fresno 'mgr. Jansen'. Midway Shows, 1.. W. Jansen. mgr. Fresno ke Arena. manager. Pittsburgh Gardens. -the Greater Dixieland Exposition. James L. Johnny's United Shows. John Prnenront Sr. Lout Angeles -Polar Palace. Minneapolis- University of Minnesota ke Rhode North Sacramento- Iceland Skating Rink. Rink. Island Henson. owner -mgr. Major Rides: 6. a Jr. and Jimmy Bush. owners: John Providence -Rhode Island Auditorium. mgr.; Paramount -Iceland. St. Paul- Municipal Auditorium. Indoor. Kiddie Rides: 4. Offlceowned shows: 3. Portemont, Sr.. Pen. John Ponem.mr, Sr., aasisl. Pasadena -Pasadena Winter Gardena anifi.ial, 22,100 square teet, E. A. Furnl, Tennessee Trucks, Trailers: 25. mgr.; Jimmy Bush. sen. :cp. Ban Diego -Glacier Gardens manager. Memphis- Fairgrounds Skating Rink. Great Western Shows. Ray Cox. owner -mgt.; Major Rides: 7. Kiddie Rides: 4. Offka San Francisco -Sutra Baths. A Ice Rink. Rochester -Mayo Civic Auditorium. Texas Dewey Blair. loi soli. Major Rides: 7. owned shows: 4. Semi- Trucks: y9. Kiddie Rides: 5. -owned shows: 1. Straight Trucks: 3. Colorado Thief River Falk- Municipal Ice Arena. Beaumont -Texas ke Palace. Dffice Tractor Trucks: 12. Trailers. Jolly Shows- William Enrol , mgr. Colorado Rink. Dallas- Dallas ke Arena. Springs- Broadmoor Ice Missouri -San Griggs Bros.. Charles Griggs. owner. Joyland Midway Shows, Roscoe T. Nods, Denser- Stockyards Stadium. Kansas San AnhoNO Pedro Park Iceland. City -Pl. -Mar Arena. Ilagensick's Midway of Fun, C. E. Hagen - owner, Denver- Unisersity of Deno, Arena. Sr. Louis-Winter Gardens, Indoor. artifi- Utah sick. owner. Kelly Bros.' Show. Cuunlond end ru.nk Solt Lake City-Emigration Park ke Rink. Connecticut cial. 211.00 square feet; Ruth English. Halls Shows M Tomorrow. Fern M. Hale, Kelly, owner. owner. Sall Lake City- HYgeia Iceland, Norwalk- Crystal Ice Rink. owner: W. T. Hale. gen. mgr.; Glenn Kellogg, Robert D.. Shnwx. W05111ugton District of Columbia Montana Hale. secy.-treit, Major Rides: 5. Kiddie Ken -Penn Amusement Co., Ralph D. Sod. Bremerton- Iceland. Rides: S. Office-owned shows: 2. Truck: ers, owner -mgr.; Corny Shoemaker. sire Washington -Uline Ice Palace. Balle-Clete Auditorium. Arena. Great Falla -Civic Center Arena. .l'catlle -Ice I. Tractors: 12. Trailers: 12. show mgr.; D. Sander, olfkesonceoi,m Idaho Spokane -Spokane ke Arena. (lames, Bill, Shows, W. II. (lames. gen. mgr. Major Rides. 7. Kiddie Rides: 5. Bun Valley -Sun Valley Ice Rink. Nebraska racoma- Lakewood Ice Arena. mgr. Office -owned shows: 2. Trucks: 23. Illinois Omaha -Coliseum. Yakima- Yakima Ice Arena. outdoor. artl- Hammond. Bob. Shows. Bob Hammond. Key City Shows. C. S. Peck. mgr. aumpaigne- Unisersity of Illinois Ice Rink. ftcial. 16.000 square feel; McLaughlin mgr.: Bob and Mabel Hammond. owners; Kile, Floyd 0., Shows. Floyd and Inca 1: ",e, New Jersey Machine Works. Chkago -Kirby ke Skating Bowl. Orange -Orange ke Rink. owner. Eugene Hammond. asst. togs.- electrician. owners; Floyd 0. Kile. Pen. mgr.: Iva 0000: Chicmo -Tower Cabana Club. outdoor. PJincetnn- llobart Baker Memorial Rink. Wisconsin \lajor Rides: 10. Kiddie Rides: 5. Office- Kole, Ireos. Manor Rido': 0. Kid- 2. artificial. 17.000 ouare feel; Oscar Ros- Superior- \iunicival Curling A. Skating owned shawl: 4. rooks: 18. Toiler: 18. die Rides: Semi= trailer: P. Short man. manager, New Mexico Rink. Hannah Amusements. C. A. Hannah. owner. Trucks: 2. Panel: 1. ' to Grange- Crystal Ice Skating Rink. Albuquerque -Ice Arena. Wauwatosa- Recreation Buildiss. indoor. Itannum, Morris. Shows, Morris Hannum. King Bros.' Shoos. Joe 1. Kiss. ono. Rockford -Rock Ice Rink. New York artificial, 8.400 square feel. rut)+ owned. mgr. mgr. Major Rides: 4. Kiddie Rides: 4. Iowa Brooklyn- Brooklyn Ice Palace. Alaska happy Attractions. happy Puwetson, 000e1; Trucks: 10. Trailers: S. indoor. Homer Snediker Richard J. Klein Amusement Klein, Iowa City- Melrose 1 eke Ice Rink. Clinton-('limon Arena. artificial. Anchorage -Ice Arena. gen.. mgr.; Comm,. henry Indiana 16.000 square feel; E. W. Stanley, man Griley. gen. rep. Major Rides: 9. Kiddie owner -mgr. aver, Rides: 4. Trucks: 12. Klenke Amusements. Muncie -Gibson Ice Arena. CANADA It Trailers: Great Neck -Great Neck Ice Skating Rink. Ilappyland Shows. Ire.. John F. Reid, mgr.; LaCross Amusements, Paul 1 arrows. nor. Kansas Grossinger- Grossinger Skating Rink, out- Alberta Virgil Dickey. cool. mur Major Rides: Lagasse Amusement Co.. Oreille L. Wes:ey, Wichita- Alaskan Ice Palace. door. artificial, 14.401 square feel. Edmonton- Edmonton Gat den. 12. Kiddie Rides: 6. Trucks. Traites: M. mgr, Maryland Ithaca -Janus 1 .)rah Arena. indoor.f artin. Lethbridge -Lethbridge Arena. liansook Brus' Shows. Walter liarterek, Latin American Showy, Francis Priddy.:varr, Baltimore -Iceland. cial, 16.000 square feet; Paul Patten. British Columbia mgr. Lee Amusement Co. Baltimore -Spans Center. manager. Kelowna= Memorial Arena. indoor, artifi- Heller's Acme Shows. (tarry Heller. owner. Lee United Shows. Charles I. re, owner. Massachusetts Lake Placid -Olympic Arena. cial, I5 _00 square feel; Percy 000015n, lieth Shows. Floyd R. IleIh. owner -moo Lewis. red. Shows. Ted Lewis. owner -moi. Lynn -North Shore Sports ('einer. New York- Iceland Rink. Madison Square manaer. At Kano. toge.: Keith Chapman. legal rep. Lone Star Shows. M$r11e McSpaddcn. rarer, Michigan Gardens. Nanaimo- Nanaimo Civic Arena. Indoor. Major Rides: 17. Kiddie Rides: 10 Of- Lindle Amusement, New York -Rockefeller Skating Pond. 14,400 fice -owned shows: 10. Tractors, Trailers: Loos. J. George. Greater (roiled Shows. J, East Lansing- Michigan State University artificial_ square feet; W. S. Rockefeller Plana. 46. George owner. Rides: Ice Arena. loos. Major If. New Vork- W011man Memorial ke Rink. Hiawatha Shows. Olen lVyble. mgr. Kiddie Rides: 10. Escanaba- Municipal Ice Rink. Nelson-Nelson Civic Center. indoor, arti- D. R)e- Playland ke Casino. Shows, P. Lynch. Bill. Shows. %Villiant P. I inch. Flint -Flint Ice -(.and Rink. ficial, 14,400 square feet; Jack Morgan, Hills Greater Mr. A Mrs. II. Hilt owners: 11. P. 1011. Carl MaIestk Greater Shows. Sam Goldsum, Good Rapids -Grand Rapids Sporn Arena. North Carolina manager. gen. too.; Noble, lot mgr. Rides: mgr, tronwnod- Colonial Skaleland. Raleigh -Brooks Arena. Victoria -Victoria Memorial Arena, indoor, Major 13. Kiddie Rides: 12. Office -owned shows: 7. Manning, Rose. Shows. Ross Manning, MarquetteJ- Palestra Ire Palace, indoor, North Dakota artificial, 17.000 square feet; Joe Dukuw- manager. Trucks: 30. owner artificial. 15.553 square feet; L- G. Mc- Farmrs -Fargo Arena. ski, Amusement Co., F. Hollingsworth, Marvel Show's, Edward flake) Merriman, Kie, manager. Grand Furls -Winter Sports Building. Vancouver- Vancouver Forum. (lolly mgr. owner -mer.; Mrs, (oOsn Morrimen, Ault Ste. Pillar Ice Stadium. Marie- Ohio Ontario R1ds+: 4. Blind River -Blind River Arena. Hoard A \luths Amusement Co. sal. Major Kiddie Rides: 3. Minnesota Cincinnati- Cincinnati Gardens. indoor. arti- Trucks: R. Kirkland Lake- Kirkland Lake Arena. Holiday Amusement Co.. Fielding Graham. Crookston -Winter Sports Arena, indoor. ficial. I 7,000 square tot; Alex Sinclair, owner. Mercier Attractions. Don Mercier, Newmarket- Newmarket Slcmorial Arena. owner, natural, 15.300 square feet. Manager. Shows. B. Minh, Esther 1.. Port I iodle. Bull. N. I1Wtle, owoer. Midway of Sper.mi. mgr. Arthur-Port Arthur Arena. Shows. Schumacher- McIntyre Community Bnlld- m gr.; Kenneth Rector, asst. mgr.; Jack Miller. Ralph R.. Flynn, ooncession Ruol o Dunn, Mo-Ark Shows, Lewis mgr. ing. indoor. artificial, 14.800 square lot; mss.: Garnir. show. mgr. No. 2 Major R;Jcs: 18. Kid- Model Shows of Canada, Joe G. E. Lister, manager. Heals. inner. die Rides: ill. Officeowned shows: 4, Monarch Exposition Shoos- Mr. and Mo. Quebec l rucks, Trailers: 33. Straight Trucks: 4. E. 1., Winrud. mars. Quebec City -te Coliseum. indoor, Panel Sound 'trucks: 2. Moores Modern Shows.
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