social sciences $€ £ ¥ Article The Interlocking Processes Constraining the Struggle for Sanctuary in the Trump Era: The Case of La Puente, CA Gilda L. Ochoa Chicana/o Latina/o Studies, Pomona College, Claremont, CA 91711, USA;
[email protected] Abstract: By 10 January 2017, activists in the predominately Latina/o working class city of La Puente, California had lobbied the council to declare the city a sanctuary supporting immigrants, people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. The same community members urged the school district to declare itself a sanctuary. While community members rejoiced in pushing elected officials to pass these inclusive resolutions, there were multiple roadblocks reducing the potential for more substantive change. Drawing on city council and school board meetings, resolutions and my own involvement in this sanctuary struggle, I focus on a continuum of three overlapping and interlocking manifestations of white supremacist heteronormative patriarchy: neoliberal diversity discourses, institutionalized policies, and a re-emergence of high-profiled white supremacist activities. Together, these dynamics minimized, contained and absorbed community activism and possibilities of change. They reinforced the status quo by maintaining limits on who belongs and sustaining intersecting hierarchies of race, immigration status, gender, and sexuality. This extended case adds to the scant scholarship on the current sanctuary struggles, including among immigration scholars. It also illustrates how the state co-opts and marginalizes movement language, ideas, and people, providing a cautionary tale about the forces that restrict more transformative change. Citation: Ochoa, Gilda L. 2021. The Keywords: white supremacist heteronormative patriarchy; neoliberal diversity discourses; institu- Interlocking Processes Constraining tionalized practices; Latinas/os; activism; sanctuary struggles the Struggle for Sanctuary in the Trump Era: The Case of La Puente, CA.