Leo Mol, Artist 1915-2009

Leo Mol was born in the small Ukrainian village of Polonne, a community of potters. By 11, he was working almost full-time, modelling clay for his father who made his living producing family wares to be sold at the local market. At 15, he left Ukraine for Vienna then Berlin and The Hague. By 1948, when he and his wife Margareth left for Canada, Mol had a flourishing pottery and stained-glass business and a strong desire to focus on sculpture. In Winnipeg, as early as 1952, Mol was modelling brilliant small figure studies in terra cotta and working on portraitures creating, over the years, more than one hundred portrait subjects. As his reputation grew, Mol received international recognition, ultimately carrying out commissions of world figures including Pope John Paul II, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Queen Elizabeth II and Sir Winston Churchill. His sculpture of PM John Diefenbaker graces Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Leo Mol’s career as a sculptor has been one of extraordinary success. He has also completed more than eighty major stained glass windows in churches throughout Winnipeg. A winner of countless awards and honours, it is the Leo Mol Sculpture Garden in Winnipeg that best illustrates his outstanding contribution to the sculpture tradition of Canada. In 1989 Leo Mol was appointed an officer of the Order of Canada in recognition of his artistic contributions to his adopt- ed country. With files from the Loch Gallery and Partnera websites

Різдвян+ диво Зоряна Живка Ось воно — диво спасіння: відтепер не в далекому небі а в вертепі в пелюшках на сіні Бог. Цілий світ вернувся на виворіт, і тепер до неба один крок. Й хоча невгасно танцюють зорі і янголи в хорі, але Бог — це Дитя у яслах. Незбагненною тайна здається: Бог завжди на небі… але Небо в вертепі, а вертеп у моєму серці!

Photo by Randall Zyla Harder, art courtesy of Archbishop Emeritus Michael Bzdel Âiä êðàéîâî¿ ãîëîâè X From the National President X

Дорогі Членкині! Dear Members,

Сердечне вітання вам з A cordial greeting to you with the great feast of Різдвом Христовим. Christ’s Nativity. Це моє третє вітання My Christmas greetings to you, dear members, are як голови Крайової ЛУКЖК до вас, дорогі Член- blessed with many events. It was an honour to serve кині, сповнене милими подіями. Ми досягаємо все as your National President. Our organization, step by більшого признання від інших жіночих організа- step, is being recognized by other organizations and цій і виглядає, що наш труд за 65 років діяльності the 65 years of our activity is visible to others. стає помітним в очах інших. There are not many who followed the Christian Сьогодні мало таких, що стоять на Християн- principles and were themselves a good example to ських принципах і впродовж довгих років були others. прикладом цих ідеалів. May the Newborn Jesus, who came for us into this За вашу віддану працю по всіх закутинах Кана- world, bless you all in all the corners of Canada with ди нехай Новонароджений Ісус, що для нас прий- peace in our parishes, and harmony and permanent co- шов у цей світ, дарує у ваших парафіях мир, гар- operation, and when the time comes to retire may you монійну і постійну співпрацю, а на схилі життя also have the inner peace and security to be worthy of нехай дарує вам свідомість, що ви гідні Його Не- the Eternal kingdom that the good Lord has prepared бесного царства. for His dedicated servants. Христос Ро=ився - Славімо Його! Christ is born - we glorify Him! Завжди з вами, In unity with you all, Люба Ковальчик Luba Kowalchyk Крайова голова ЛУКЖК National President, UCWLC T T T T T T Наталя Любиченко Christmas Acrostic

Приймай вітання C is for the Child born that night to be our light. (John 8:12)

Тримаю ручки я на серці, H is for holy is His name. (Rev. 4:8) Моя душа — як у люстерці, R is for rejoice with gladness and joy. (Luke 1:14) Зігріта теплотою Бога, I is for Immanuel, God with us. (Is. 7:14, John 1:14) Q У ній любов, а не тривога. S is for the star that led the Wise men to Him. (Matt. 2:2) is for the truth and grace that was sent our way. (John 1:14) Повітря ніжно обіймає, T Бо Сам Господь благословляє M is for Mother Mary laying Him in swaddling clothes in the manger. (Luke 2:7) Мої думки, мої прохання. A is for angels singing songs of joy. (Luke 2:14) О Господи! Приймай вітання! S is for salvation. — Johnnie DesRochers

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 3 A Christmas Special UKRAINIANS CELEBRATE AROUND THE WORLD! Christmas Різ=во unites us ALL об’єднує СМАЧНОЇ КУТІ від УКРАЇНЦІВ по СВІТІ! Photo from http://www.genova.boom.ru/rizdvo_2006.htm Різдво Христове: Матір всіх свят Ольга Михно і Галя Юрків

За тисячолітню історію сирою картоплею, вареники з сніп пшениці «дідух» — символ християнства в Україні релігій- капустою, смажена риба, солоні врожаю. ні свята стали частиною жит- огірки, квашена капуста, пиріж- На кутках стола — зубці час- тя українського народу. На їх ки з маком. Найважливіші обря- нику — символ здоров’я і бо- основі з’явилися народні звичаї, дові страви — кутя, узвар. Кутя ротьби з злими духами. А під традиції та обряди. готується з пшениці, розтертого­ столом сіно, бо на ньому наро- Різдво Христове називають маку, меду і горіхів, а узвар — із дився маленький Ісусик. «Матір’ю всіх свят». Значен- сушених яблук, груш і слив. У Дуже люблять діти сидіти ня святої ночі, в яку народився цей вечір всі члени родини по- під столом, квокати як квочки і Ісус Христос, настільки велике, винні бути вдома, інакше їм ці- шукати у сіні горішки і копійки. що навіть весь хід історії та лі- лий рік доведеться десь блукати точислення ведеться від Різдва по світу. Не можна сваритися в «Кво, кво, кво на Різдво, Христового. цей вечір, а добре було б поми- А три квочки на гніздо» Святкування Різдва почина- ритися з усіма, щоб мир і спокій ється напередодні — у Святий панував у хаті і в душі. А який святвечір без коляд- вечір 6 січня. Здавна в Україні Здавна в Україні цей день ки, яка тихого зимового вечора Святий вечір був днем приго- відзначається особливим по- лунає звідусіль по українських тування до Різдва Христово- стом. Цього дня не снідають і селах. го і відзначався особливими не обідають. Зі сльозами пригадує наш традиціями. А коли з’являється перша дідусь свята, проведені на за- До великого свята люди на- вечірня зоря, яка сповіщає усім сланні в далекому Сибірі, і ти- магаються прийти чистими про велике чудо — народження хенько наспівує: душею і тілом: прибирають Ісуса Христа, сина Божого, по- в оселі, допомагають бідним, чинається спільна вечеря всьо- «Бог ся рождає по світу цілому роздають гостинці сиротам. го роду. За повір’ям на святій Тільки Україна в жалобі сумному. За давньою традицією у вечері невидимо присутні на- Скрізь арешти і тюрми, Святвечір готують дванадцять віть душі померлих родичів, Муки і катування. страв. Це останній день зимово- яким залишають кутю і узвар Кров українських синів го посту — Пилипівки. Тому го- після вечері. Із сльозами матерів тують лише пісні страви: борщ А ще по всіх хатах горять Мов той цвіт багряний гряне із квасолею і грибами, голубці з свічки, які є символом життя. У Українська молодь встане. гречаною, пшоняною кашею або кутку під образами ми ставимо В тюрмах , в муках і на чужині.»

4 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 Наро=ився Бог на санях

Слова: Богдан-Ігор Антонич Музика: Василь Жданкін

Народився Бог на санях В лемківськім містечку Дуклі. Прийшли лемки у крисанях І принесли місяць круглий. (2)

Тешуть теслі з срібла сани, Стелиться сніжиста путь. На тих санях в синь незнану Дитя Боже повезуть. (2)

В ніч у снігові завії, Крутяться навколо сни. У долоні у Марії, Місяць золотий горить. (2)

Сходить сонце у крисані, Спить слав’янськеє Дитя. Ідуть сани, плаче Пані, Снігом стелиться життя. (2) o

А мама обов’язково згадає здійсниться те, чого бажають їм Закінчується нічна урочис- про брата Богдана, розстріля- діти. та Різдвяна Служба. Втомлені, ного поляками у 17-річному Надовго залишається у проте радісні люди поверта- віці. Серце стискає жаль, бо пам’яті святкова Різдвяна ніч: ються додому. досі не змогла помолитися на багато схвильованих лиць, На Різдво вся сім’я збираєть- його могилі. світіння вогнів у церкві, зе- ся за столом. Кожна господиня Цього вечора після вечері лена ялинка увінчана Вифле- готує найулюбленіші страви, до кожної хати у селі завітає ємською зіркою або хрестом, докладає і душі і вміння, щоб «вертеп». Молоді хлопці і дів­ урочистий, радісний спів. Різ­ уся родина була об’єднана уро- чата відтворюють виставу на- двяна Служба Божа відбува- чистим настроєм і надією на родження Ісуса. Тут присутні ється вночі. Замовкає спів, чи- щасливе і довге життя. три царі зі Сходу, Ангел, Ірод, таються урочисті вірші про те Ольга Михно і Галя Юрків — Смерть, Пастухи, Жид і Сура. як Спаситель прийшов на Зем- це бабуня і внучка. Оля, Щиро і сердечно приймають лю і приніс мир, радість, лю- переселена в час акції «Вісла» селяни колядників і вірять, що бов, надію. до Теребовлі, де Галя учителює.

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 5 Ukrainian Christmas in Southern California By Natalka Klymkowych

Oh! What joy in anticipat- In Los Angeles we enjoy ing Rizdviani Sviata: the Birth the annual Christmas con- I|'s Christmas Time of our Saviour, the warmth of cert by “Kob­zar” Ukrain- family gatherings, the trad- ian National Choir of Los Again itional Sviata Vechera and the Angeles, directed by Greg first koliada. Boh Predvichnyj Hallick. This year ‘Tis the by Bob Lazzar-Atwood is the same wherever Ukrain- Season’ features the Los ians live. But let me share the Angeles Doctors Symphony Put your problems on probation highlights of the season that Orchestra and the Lithu- Run your troubles off the track, are unique to us. The City of anian Choir of Saint Casi- Throw your worries out the window San Diego hosts an annual mir. You will delight to the Get the monkeys off your back. International Christmas Fes- strains of traditional Ukrain- Silence all your inner critics tival in Balboa Park, which is ian and Lithuanian Christmas With your conscience make amends, nestled in the heart of Amer- carols including a new, dy- And allow yourself some happiness ica’s Finest City. This clas- namic arrangement by Greg It’s Christmas time again! sic two-day event attracts of “Schedryk” for full sym- over 400,000 visitors. The phony. Gloria Kaye, a talent- Call a truce with those who bother you celebration (the first week- ed and accomplished Ukrain- Let all the fighting cease, end in December) includes ian Canadian performer, will Give your differences a breather ethnic food, international be the special soloist. And declare a time of peace, choirs, and music and dance Our children have con- Don’t let angry feelings taint presentations. tinued to gather the four The precious time you have to spend, generations of our clan to And allow yourself some happiness welcome the Babe in Bethle- It’s Christmas time again! hem Ukrainian style. We start h with a pyrohy-making party, Like some cool refreshing water borsch tasting and Cajun Or a gentle summer breeze, The House of Ukraine, a fish barbeque on Christmas Like a fresh bouquet of flowers cottage in the Park complex Eve, all to the tunes of the Or the smell of autumn leaves, of 32 countries, acts as an Bandurist Choir Kolia­dy. Our It’s a banquet for the spirit ambassador of Ukrainian cul- Sviat Vechir culminates in Filled with family, food and friends, ture, history and heritage. We celebrating the Birth of Christ So allow yourself some happiness welcome the visitors with our with Utrenia and Midnight It’s Christmas time again! joyful koliadky accompan- Mass at the Ukrainian Cath- ied by a bandurist. The trad- olic Church in Hollywood. itional Ukrainian food, which Smachnoji kuti! we serve, is the rave of the Natalka Klymkowych lived in public. Our cottage is a great Winnipeg before marrying an opportunity for us to be the Edmontonian and settling in window to the world. Southern California.

6 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 Ukrainian Christmas in Italia By Taras Semenyuk

Christmas is one of the most Різдво important Christian Holy Days of the year. Waking up on Christmas morn- Леся Храплива ing is perhaps one of the fondest memories many of us have. Fami- Надворі темніє, lies gather annually around the table Сніг густий паде, for Christmas. Christmas brings to Стежкою в завії all open hearts a spirit of joy, sing- Хтось до нас іде. ing, and enjoying the Christian tradi- T tions. With the Nativity of the Christ, Двері відчинились, we celebrate Jesus bringing new Блиснула звіздар! hope to the World and a light for the celebration according to own tradi- Школярі це милі, future. tion, in the way they know. Ms. Ma- З ними — коляда. Christmas unites family. Uk­ ria says, that in the past two years in rainians, from old times until now, Rome, Christmas was special. Ця сама колядка, honour majestically this feast by “In foreign land nobody wants to Той світків спів, celebrating different traditions and understand you and your traditions. Що в отроків княжих, rituals of Christmas. But, we, Ukrainians, commemorate В джурів козаків. But nowadays many Ukrainians, Christmas for all of us. For us it is for various reasons, go out abroad important to feel the spirituality of Ту саму колядку looking for a job. Therefore they Christmas. Italians celebrate Christ- Почерез віки can’t be with the family for Christ- mas differently than in Ukraine. Принесли нам в хату mas home in Ukraine. Italy is one of They do not go carolling from house Нині діточки: the European Union countries where to house, they don’t make a vertep. many Ukrainians live. These are the Italian Christmas dishes are not re- Що лежить на сіні so-called fourth wave of immigrants ally good. However, when we gather В яслах Божий Син, from Ukraine. together and some Italians celebrate Мир дасть Україні, Italy is still the second country in with us, they are amazed by our tra- Іроду — загин! the European Union there the num- ditions, carols and dishes they ex- ber of Ukrainian workers. Some half perience for the first time. This has million Ukrainians live in the Apen- changed their attitudes. Italians nines but some 60 per cent have no praise our culture.” legal status. Most are middle-aged Ukrainians that live in Italy gath- women from 35 to 45 years of age, er together at Christmas in the for the most part housekeepers. church. There, after Vespers, they There is also a considerable num- set the festive Christmas table. Ev- ber of Ukrainian youth in Italy who eryone brings dishes from home: live with parents, or alone, and work kutia, pyrohy, holubtsi, bors­hch. hard. Some, who study at the univer- During Holy Supper people sing car- sity or secondary schools, live in Mi- ols and after supper, according to lan, Rome, Napoli, Breshia, Firenze, Ukrainian Christmas tradition, they as it is easier to find a job in the city. go from house to house where their However, being far from the home- friends live and greet them with best land does not undermine Christmas wishes for New Year. As a highlight,

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 7 Ukrainians carry the Vertep to St. Peter’s Square A personal story of an 18-year-old in Vatican and sing carols. who received a kidney transplant. In Genoa, the Ukrainian church community What if there had not been one available? decided to make vertep. The priest Father Vitaliy said, “The first year was very hard to organize a vertep because we did not have the costumes. So we made them. A Chanc+ Someone made costumes for angels, others for the kings. Everybody modelled! It was fun. All |o Live A=ain of us wanted to make Christmas like it was at home.” By Kathy Tachynski In Rebibbia, Rome’s metropolitan station, every Sunday Ukrainians gather together to talk and share problems. Here they meet buses, I'd like to share a personal perspective of life which bring different things to Italy from Ukraine. with kidney disease and the gift of life I received There’s Ukrainian beer, sausages, newspapers, through a stranger’s selfless gift of organ dona- books. During Christmas celebration, in Rebib- tion, and how God has been with me every step of bia groups of youth travel from Ukraine to pres- the way, strengthening my faith along the way— ent the vertep. through the good times and the difficult ones. During the last five years an interesting ten- I was a typical, healthy 18-year-old in my first dency has developed: marriages between Ukrain- year of university when suddenly, over a period ian women and Italian men. Ms. Maria tells us that of two days, I became extremely tired, nauseated, mixed families celebrate Christmas twice a year— pale, lost my appetite, and then began to experi- according to Catholic and Orthodox calendars. ence extreme lower back pain, forcing me to the “Italians respect Holy Supper in our rite. They nearest hospital emergency. After a series of tests, tell us we have beautiful traditions. They receive I was diagnosed with acute renal disease—my kid- with pleasure our people with carols and from neys had stopped working! A shock to me and my time to time sing with us,” she explains. Religious feasts comprise traditions and also bring with them a deep spiritual content. Feasts T T T in church calendar point out events, which have changed the world and have changed our daily life. Ms. Maria remembers that one Christmas Добрий вечір тобі, пане господарю! she met a woman worker from eastern Ukraine. Добрий вечір тобі, пане господарю! “She celebrated Christmas for the Радуйся! Ой радуйся, земле, — first time there, in Italy in our church Син Божий народився! community. I was shocked. To my regret she didn’t know about Christ- Добрий вечір всім вам, що живуть в цім домі! c mas, but in Italy she opened heart to Радуйся! … Jesus, she felt the beauty and great- Застеляйте столи та все килимами. ness of the Holy Supper.” There are many such personal stories that we Та кладіть колачі з ярої пшениці. don’t know about all. In Italy, so far away from Бо прийдуть до тебе три празники в гості: our native land, we couple our hard life here with А що перший празник — Рождество Христове, the tenacious Ukrainian spirit. Ukrainian songs and culture have a life here which will go on. А що другий празник — Святого Василя, Christmas links us all to one family. А що третій празник — Святе Водохреща. Deacon Taras Semenyuk studied at the Holy Spirit Добрий вечір тобі, пане господарю! Seminary in Ottawa. He is completing studies for the priesthood in Rome while ministering Радуйся! Ой радуйся, земле, — to the Ukrainians living there. Син Божий народився!

8 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 family. There had been no prior history of kidney not the pale, anemic colour I had learned to accept disease in our family. over the many years on dialysis. My new kidney was The dialysis treatments began immediately and working! I thanked God for making the surgery a suc- for the next six and a half years, I would learn to live cess. I looked over to my mom sitting in the chair in with kidney disease. my room, waiting for me to come out of surgery. She Having to receive dialysis treatments at the hos- was smiling and a tear fell from her eye. No words pital three times a week for four hours at a time and were spoken at that moment. We both knew what having a very restricted diet was physically drain- the other was thinking. Our tears were of sorrow for ing. Because my kidneys had stopped working, I was the family who was grieving their loss and also tears not producing enough red blood cells and needed of joy because I was going to be healthy again. to rely on blood transfusions every 4-6 weeks to A day doesn’t go by that I don’t think of my donor provide my body with energy and to oxygenate my and his family—they are special to me and forever tissues. The transfusions were emotionally draining, will be. Without their gift, I would not have been too. I knew that with each one, I would become a able to accomplish the things I have done, including more difficult match for a transplant. The most dif- returning to university two weeks after my trans- ficult part was to see my family, especially my mom, plant to finish my degree. I now work full time and worry about me so much. volunteer my time promoting awareness of the im- portance of organ donation awareness through the Kidney Foundation’s Speaker’s Bureau, as well as the Canadian Transplant Association, participating in National and World Transplant Games. I am also U an active member of St. Josaphat Ukrainian Cath- olic Cathedral in Edmonton, singing in church choir, I’ll never forget the day, almost 19 years ago, serving on parish council, and singing with my twin when I came to the hospital for another dialysis sister and two very good friends together as Her- treatment, when one of the nurses told me that a uvymy Ukrainian Female quartet. successful match for a kidney was available. I felt I try to live my life to the fullest because I have so many emotions—shocked that a match had been been blessed with a second chance because a family found, happy and overjoyed that my turn had finally made the decision to ‘talk about it’—to talk about come. There were questions how my life was going their wishes regarding an organ donation for me. to change, fear of the possibility of kidney rejection. The gift I have received is one that I will treasure Then a great sadness came over me: I was about to and take care of for as long as I possibly can and give gain so much from someone whose life had come the very best of my life. to a sudden end and whose family was suffering a Kathy Tachynski is a patient care manager in the renal terrible loss. I couldn’t even imagine the pain they program, University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton and a were going through at that time. The thought of member of the Heruvymy Ukrainian Female Quartet. that family’s enormous compassion to put their grief aside and think about helping someone with a T T T second chance at life never left my mind. As I was taken on the stretcher to the operating room in the quiet of the early morning, I remember Щиро колядую praying for my surgeons, for God’s guidance, and Наталя Любиченко for my family so that they wouldn’t worry. I prayed for my donor and donor family, asking God’s bless- Я в матусі донечка — ing for them and the gift I was about to receive and Мов краплинка сонечка. to bring them peace. The decision they made would Щиро колядую, make a very sick young person healthy again. Новину віщую: The next thing I remember is waking up in my “Ісус народився! hospital room. I slowly opened my eyes. My hands Світ благословився!” S were crossed over my chest and I saw a miracle! The Ви радійте новині, colour underneath my fingernails was pink again, А гостинчики — мені.

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 9 Наша Зміст  Contents Дорога 11 letters  Листи

XXXIX – 4(35)/2009 Різдвяна частина  Christmas Section Nasha Doroha 3 christmas Greetings from the National President Квартальний журнал Ліґи Українських  Різдвяні привітання від крайової голови Католицьких Жінок Канади Quarterly publication of the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada Christmas Special La Journal de la Ligue des Femmes  Catholiques Ukrainiennes du Canada 4 Різдво об’єднує Christmas unites us all National Executive mailing address: Ukrainians celebrate around the world Luba Kowalchyk, President 15317 131 St NW, Edmonton, AB T6V 1B5  Смачної куті від Українців по світі Phone: 780-478-7683 Різдво Христове: Матір всіх свят Ольга Михно і Галя Юрків [email protected]  Ukrainian Christmas in Southern California Natalka Klymkowych We welcome your letters and written contributions.  Ukrainian Christmas in Italia Taras Semenyuk Вітаємо співучасть. Просимо пересилати дописи,  листи до редакції. Please send to: A Chance to Live Again Kathy Tachynski Редактор/Editor Оксана Башук Гепбурн d Oksana Bashuk Hepburn Спеціальні статті  Special Features 1360 ch. d’Aylmer Rd, Gatineau, QC J9H 7L3 Phone: 613-769-5996 [email protected] 12 spirituality  Наша духовність Технічна обробка/Technical Production Митрополит Андрей Шептицький (1865-1944) Самвел Азізян Ігор Кодак • Ihor Kodak 234 Cochin Cres, Saskatoon, SK S7K 4T2 Phone: 306-934-7125 14 з України  From Ukraine [email protected] Разом нас багато  Razom nas bahato Україномовний коректор/ Президентські вибори – 2010 – Presidential Elections Ukrainian language proofreader q Люба Андріїва • Luba Andriyiv Маркетинг та Адміністрація/  Marketing & Administration Organizational Items Організаційні справи Р. Нагнибіда • Rosemarie Nahnybida 20 Greystone Cres, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 3E4 Phone: 780-467-4710 19 від моря до моря  From sea to sea [email protected] Петруся Дець • Patrice Detz 24 Eternal Peace  Вічная пам’ять 110 St, Regina, SK S4R 1L7 Phone: 306-543-1740 Fax: 306-924-5961 [email protected] 27 многая літа! Висловлені погляди не конечно відповідають C Редакції. Матеріали не повертаються. Opinions of  authors are not necessarily those of the Editorial Closing Features На кінець Board. Material will not be returned. People in photographs are identified left to right. 30 наша молодь  Our Youth Copyright © UCWLC. All rights reserved. First Vows of Sr. Nadia Tkaczuk, SSMI Sr. Christine Dudych, SSMI  return undeliverable In the Footsteps of My Ancestors Андрій Водославський Canadian addresses to  Літом в Україні Олександер Лящук  Unity 2009 in Ancaster NASHA DOROHA from August 13-16 David Lisowski  Manitoba and Saskatchewan 110 Toronto St Regina SK S4R 1L7 UCY Hold Inter-Eparchial Retreat in Yorkton Tamara Lisowski ISBN 1-894022-75-0 34 arts and Entertainment  Культура і розвага Documentary Films: Ukrainian Subjects  Kobzar Literary Award

Printed by PrintWest Communications Benefits Canadian Literary World Christine Turkewych, Ph.D. 1150 8th Avenue, Regina, SK S4R 1C9  Review of The Grain Store (staged by Royal Shakespeare Theatre) Phone: 306-525-2304 Fax: 306-757-2439 38 останнє слово  Last Word Верхня обкладинка / Front cover Glass painting by b Ihor and Eleonora Bilinski, 1995 39 Q&A ~ Запити та відповіді Віктор Морозов, перекладач Harry Potter на українську мову

10 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 The newest issue of is great. My Ukrainian Catholic only question is the cover. Would have Women’s League of Canada Листи been nice to identify head-shots and their connection to UCWLC and . NATIONAL CONGRESS . . . Letters Thanks for a great job. 2010 Evhenia Sherman HLM, Winnipeg “WOMEN IN THE Reading your comments in fall, The archives’ photos are of CHURCH” I add mine regarding the lack of UCWLC members or of contribu- (Firm in Our Faith) UCWLC nomination for the Taras tors. ­— Ed. Ramada Hotel Shevchenko Award and other awards. and Conference Centre The suggestion is not new. I first 11834 Kingsway proposed this action 10 years ago. Per- Вітаю вас і ґратулюю за якісне ви- Edmonton, Alberta haps it is time to revisit the idea. If we дання журналу ЛУКЖК . Monday, July 5 – award Honorary Life Membership (the Звертаюся з проханням зробити Thursday, July 8, 2010 League’s highest award) to deserving маленьку поправку в моєму дописі Start planning now to attend women, then, I believe, these women про вишивання рушника з приводу our 2010 Congress! are automatically deserving of a nomin- 65-ліття ЛУКЖК ( літо, 2009 р.). Come a few days early or stay a ation for the Taras Shevchenko Award. Написано: The fourth Band and the few extra days to explore and enjoy Your idea of having the Eparchial top motif ship/church is Bukovyniаn Alberta. Take the opportunity to visit Executives designate an individual to as the first immigrants to Canada were family, enjoy Ukrainian culture in research and provide the information from Bukovyna. Це помилка: перши- Alberta and experience our beautiful to the National Executive is an excel- ми іммігрантами до Канади були з mountain resorts of Jasper and Banff. lent way to begin. Let’s nominate all Галичини, а відтак з Буковини. our Honorary Life Members (begin- Також під англійським текстом ning with 1995) for Taras Shevchenko допису подано: Nadia Cyncar, HLM Award. Will they all be selected? Prob- and Hetman Award recipient, is a long- ably not! But for those who are, what a time director of the UCWLC museum, great honour and what great public re- Edmonton. Прошу вилучити HLM, бо lations exposure for our organization! я не маю цього почесного ступеня.

Jayne Paluck, Past National President Надя Цинцар, Едмонтон Ліґа Українських  Католицьких Жінок Канади КРАЙОВИЙ З’ЇЗД Ukraine House will operate during 2010 the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver “ЖІНКА У ЦЕРКВІ” Ukraine House, under the patronage of the Embassy of (Впевнені в Нашій Вірі) Ukraine, Ukrainian Canadian Congress and Canadian Рамада Готель і Friends of the Ukrainian National Olympic Committee, will Конференційний Центр officially open February 11 at the Ukrainian Catholic Centre 11834 Kingsway at 3150 Ash Street in Vancouver. Едмонтон, Альберта Ukraine House will be open to the public every day with a few Olympic ceremony exceptions. Від 5 – 8 липня 2010 р. Activities are planned throughout the opening, including the Ukrainian Приготовляйтеся до Olympic Ball, a Youth Dance, large TV screen coverage of the Olympic крайового з’їзду 2010 р. events, performers from Ukraine and Canada, auction of sports memorabil- Приїжджайте кілька днів скоріше ia such as the runners worn by pole-vaulter, Sergei Bubka, when he broke або лишіться довше, щоб the world record which stands to this day, and other events. стрінутися з родиною і приятелями Ukrainian food and Ukrainian alcoholic beverages will be available for та пізнати нашу українську purchase as well as athletic clothing souvenirs. культуру в Альберті.

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 11 Íàøà Äóõîâíiñòü Spirituality

To mark the anniversary of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky’s death, the Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, featured a comprehensive conference highlighting new research about the leader of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. offers some of the topics and excerpt references to the Metropolitan’s courageous assistance to Ukrainian Jews living in Ukraine during WWII. Perhaps the most familiar association will be the harbouring of Adam Rothfelt, former Minister of Foreign Affairs for Poland and husband to the well-known writer for The Washington Post, Anne Applebaum. Both items are gleaned from the Religious Information Services Ukraine (RISU) site.

Митрополит Андрей Шептицький (1865-1944)

Вибране з Випробування віри: рятування євреїв українськими та вірменськими душпастирями під час Другої світової війни Самвел Азізян, здобувач відділу національних меншин

о проголошенню незалеж- покійному і все ж живому у священики Вірменської Ïності 30 червня 1941 року, Вічності митрополиту Ан- церкви Львова також допо- Львів було окуповано військами дрею Шептицькому за на- магали галицьким євреям нацистської Німеччини. Оку- дання допомоги тоді, коли уникнути жахливих переслі- пація тривала три довгих роки. вони були переслідувані на- дувань. Нагадаємо, що сам Сталінські репресії змінилися цистським режимом. Митро- головний рабин Львова під нацистським терором, спрямо- полит робив це дуже щиро. час окупації переховувався ваним проти мирних громадян. Наприклад, у нас побував у резиденції митрополита Уже з першого дня окупації поча- Адам Ротфельд, котрий ще Андрея Шептицького, на те- лися переслідування на політич- кілька років тому виконував риторії греко-католицького ному й національному ґрунті. обов’язки міністра закордон- собору Св. Юра. Про те, що них справ Польщі. Під час інші члени його родини пе- ● Ось що розповіла праців- нацистських переслідувань реховувалися у католицьких ниця собору св. Юра сестра він був скерований з інши- священиків, рабин Давид Володимира Максимів, що ми єврейськими дітьми до Когане згадує у своїй знаме- завідує криптою, де похо- Польщі і таким чином ма- нитій книзі про жахи львів- вані великі духовні світочі. ленькою дитиною був урято- ського гетто. Однак тільки «Інколи трапляється, що від- ваний митрополитом. після війни стало відомо, що відувати крипту приїжджа- секретар Вірменської церкви ють євреї — чи то з куточків ● Мало хто знає, що, за прикла- Львова о. Казимир Ромаш- України, чи то з Ізраїлю, чи з дом українських греко‑като­ кан, що був цинічно обви- тих країн світу, де вони про- лицьких і римо-католицьких нувачений співробітниками живають — щоби подякувати священиків, парафіяни і НКДБ (російською мовою

12 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 НКГБ) у зв’язках із гестапо і засуджений у 1946 році на 15 Liberty – Peace – Love років сибірської каторги, усю The Greatest Achievement війну, ризикуючи власним життям, переховував у своє- The greatest achievement of the human spirit, му помешканні на території to live up to one’s opportunities, through liberty вірменського кафедрального By the rule of law and transparencies of peace собору 15-літню дочку Берти to make the most of one’s resources with love Когане й видавав її за свою To serve there with my maker and present my true account. власну племінницю Христи- There is that murmur that soon replies. ну. За що згодом і був визна- God does not need—either man’s work or his own gifts— But only to bear his own yoke—they who serve him best— ний гідним почесного зван- ня — Праведник Світу. It is not the things said that go in one ear and out the other that hurt so much as the things that go in one ear without rule of law and transparencies ● Однак у 1943 році на вікарія and get all mixed up, before they slip out of the mouth as such. Діонісія Каетановича доне- Some blunders and some absurdities no doubt will creep into the life of man. сли, він потрапив під підозру For he is made up of action and endurance. і був заарештований гестапо His life is fruitful in the ratio in which it is laid out for him. Be it noble action or in duty of patient perseverance. саме за хрещення і видачу We do the best we can. вірменських християнських We never know what miracle is brought and left at hand метрик євреям. Мотив аре- In our own life, or the life of another friend. шту вікарія — “перехову- So be not dismayed nor be surprised вання євреїв” — вважався, за If what I do is criticized німецькими окупаційними Mistakes are made I’ll not deny законами, дуже серйозним But only made by US who try злочином. Саме тому геста- O No! My friend you are not your own півці пішли на надзвичай- You live by the help that others gave ні заходи — арешт вищого No man can live by himself alone ієрарха Католицької Церк- from the cradle to the grave. ви. У зв’язку з гучним аре- For those to seek God’s Light is the real task штом настоятеля вірменської Working for peaceful solutions—many share the toil and risk— церкви митрополит Андрей ’Tis only when we remember we all serve the Lord and his people Humbly we kneel down at the steeple Шептицький, що тимчасово опікувався справами вірмен- O, Lord, forgive us for being so insensitive about the things that should ської церкви, негайно через But why? we rather be so sensitive to the things that do not matter and do no good. папського нунція в Берлі- Be it your will, Lord, as it should. ні довів до відома Ватикану Many tests and many trials про те, що трапилося. Увесь He permits to come our way час, поки йшло розслідуван- Only help to build and strengthen For our work along life’s way ня, вікарій Каетанович пе- ребував у будинку ізолятора Tests and trials are a man’s portion львівського гестапо. Тим ча- None upon this earth are free сом, не очікуючи результатів If we trust the blessed Saviour He’ll give added strength to thee дипломатичної переписки, Now each is given a bag of tools, митрополит Андрей Шеп- A shapeless mass, a book of rules, тицький самостійно почав And each must make, before life is flown переговори із представника- A stumbling block or a stepping stone ми місцевої німецької влади, Faith takes up the cross наполегливо вимагаючи як- Love binds it to the soul найшвидшого звільнення ві- Patience bears it to the end карія. Only God will console. With thanks to Sylvia Wasylyshen

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 13 Президентські вибори – 2010 – Presidential Elections Ukrainians vote for a new president on January 17. The ratings, at print time, are about 30 per cent for the pro-Russia candidate Viktor Yanukovych, ± 20 per cent for Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, and about 5 per cent for President Victor Yushchenko, who failed to live up to the Orange Revolution promises—most importantly, to “put the criminals in jail.” З УкраїниFrom Ukraine Despite current squabbling among the Orangistas, the courageous stand taken by Ukraine in 2004 in defence of freedoms has had a lasting effect globally, ranging from being one of the most liberal democracies with a free press to the Honda Fit Sport model’s fiery colour being dubbed “Orange Revolution Metallic”. And yet, the words to the song that immortalized the Orange Revolution then are satirized today. brings you both versions. Ðàçîì íàñ áàãàòî  Razom nas bahato 2004 Сьогоднішня версія Today’s version Слова: Олег Ланяк Слова: Cтепан Пасічник Музика: Роман Калин Разом сперечались Ви не могли згодитися Разом нас багато — Ви вже подолались Щоби співпрацювати Нас не подолати! Олігархи вкрали Ще між вас корупція Все що хочуть мати В посадах скористати Фальсифікаціям — ні! We were once united Чи ви тільки урядовці Махінаціям — ні! Now we’re all divided Чи нові провідники? Понятіям — ні! Fat cats make illegal gains Ну тепер з’єднайтесь Ні брехні! But no one takes the blame Україні помогти! Там на майдані Ющенко — так! Комплікації? Так! За що ви всі кричали? Ющенко — так! Конспірації? Так! Невже ж ці урядовці ваші Це — наш президент. Різні Партії? Так? Зовсім забували? Різні Фракції? Так? Так! Так! Що єдність це є сила! Демократія Так! І це знають вороги. Ми — не бидло, Наш герой наш Президент Якщо ви це забудете, то Ми — не козли. А колишня коліжанка Боже Борони! Ми — України Вже противний елемент. Доньки і сини. You couldn’t just see eye to eye It’s an election yet again To find a better way because Зараз чи ніколи — And it’s so complicated when Corruption is the force that binds you Годі чекати! There’s different fractions all Each and every day Разом нас багато — Suggesting plans of action yet again Do you see yourselves as mandarins Нас не подолати! But for democracy it’s yes! Or leaders of a nation? because we’ll take no second guess Or do any of you really care Although our former coalition’s About our situation? Demolition left a mess. Did any of you feel (2-ии приспів:) That revolution last December? Разом сперечались Or is it more convenient Ви вже подолались To say you can’t remember? Олігархи вкрали That unity is strength and this is Все що хочуть мати Well known by your foes We were once united Forget this at your peril Now we’re all divided You will reap just what you sow! All they really care about Is keeping things the same. 2-ий приспів

Presidential candidates 2010 C. Пасічник © S. Pasicznyk, http://www.the-ukrainian.co.uk, http://www.myspace.com/ukrainians

14 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 ►►► Action Item Важливі справи Are legal euthanasia and assisted suicide coming to Canada? FAQs of euthanasia and assisted suicide

What is euthanasia? An action or omission by one person to directly and in- tentionally kill a person who is gravely ill or suffering, usually by medical means. It is considered murder under What is death with dignity? the Canadian Criminal Code and subject to a maximum The Church teaches that all human life is sacred and that life sentence. people have a right to decency and peace in their final days, facing a natural death with faith and courage and What is assisted suicide? sustained by compassionate care, prayers and the sacra- An intervention by a third party to help someone kill them- ments. That is death with dignity. selves. It is legal in some European countries and Amer- ican states but is a criminal offence in Canada subject to a What is palliative care? maximum jail sentence of 14 years. The ministering of care, compassion and comfort to a per- son who is suffering or dying to ensure they are provided What is social euthanasia? with every medical, physical, emotional and spiritual need. A situation in which a sick person feels lonely, abandoned or a burden and, in a state of depression, seeks euthanasia. Can medical treatment be refused? Provided nothing is done to deliberately cause death, What is mercy killing? when there is little hope of recovery it is acceptable to dis- A deliberate act to kill someone without their consent continue medical treatments that are unduly burdensome when they are too ill or disabled to speak for themselves or no longer effective even when refusing treatment can but, presumably, would have chosen to die. hasten a natural death. What is the church position on euthanasia, assisted When can medical treatment be discontinued? suicide and mercy killing? Treatment should be sustained while there is a reasonable Catholic teaching is unequivocal: life is our greatest gift hope of benefit and for as long as it can be administered from God and Catholics are called to respect and sustain without excessive pain, expense or serious inconvenience. life from the moment of conception until natural death. Euthanasia, assisted suicide and mercy killing are never Can all types of care be discontinued? permissible. No. Medical treatment can be halted but it is not permissible to deny nutrition, water, warmth and hygiene to even the most gravely ill patient. No one should be killed by neglect. Bill C-384 (which, when passed, will legalize euthanasia Are large doses of painkillers permissible even if they and assisted suicide) has been introduced in the Parliament may hasten death? of Canada. The First Reading occurred in October, Second Yes. Patients in great pain can receive medication that Reading, around the middle of November. There will still be could have the secondary effect of hastening death pro- a Third Reading and a vote. vided the primary intent is pain relief and not end of life. The Eparchy of Toronto UCWLC has started a letter- writing campaign to MPs, and encourages all eparchies Isn’t that the same as euthanasia? and branches to do the same. Postcards protesting the No. The difference is the intent. The primary intention of bill, sample letters and a list of MPs can be found at www. pain medication is to comfort a patient; the primary inten- euthanasiaprevention.on.ca. We need to stand up for the tion of euthanasia is to kill a patient. most vulnerable in society! Get involved today! Courtesy of The Catholic Register (www.catholicregister.org). With thanks to Tanya Choly

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 15 The Catholic Position on the Morality of War Catholic teaching recognizes the right of nations to defend themselves against unjust aggression and pro- Two additional criteria affirmed by Catholic tect essential human rights. The Second Vatican Coun- teaching relate to the moral limits during war. cil states that as long as the danger of war persists, if The first, sometimes called “proportionality of means,” demands that the degree of force used there is no international authority with the necessary must be reasonable in light of the military goal. competence and power, and all peace efforts have The second, the principle of discrimination failed, nations have the right to defend themselves. (noncombatant immunity) forbids targeting civilian This teaching is rooted in the New Testament, populations. The Second Vatican Council taught, which sometimes speaks of civil authorities as legit- “Any act of war aimed indiscriminately at the de- imately wielding “the sword” to suppress evil. struction of entire cities or of extensive areas along Legitimate defence is with their population is a crime against God and not only a right but also man himself. It merits unequivocal and unhesitat- a “grave duty for one ing condemnation.” who is responsible for the lives of others,” and “the Are there any Special Considerations with regard defence of the common to Modern Warfare? good requires that an un- Today, more than any time in the past, the principles of just aggressor be rendered proportionality and discrimination are vital. Nuclear, unable to cause harm” biological and chemical weaponry has led popes, be- (Catechism of the Cath- ginning with Pius XII, to condemn the modern theory olic Church, No. 2265). of total warfare, which holds that any means neces- sary to achieve victory may be used. What are the Criteria for Going to War? Modern nations engaging in warfare must take Historically, the five criteria for the legitimacy of go- special care to ensure that the evil caused by the war ing to war are the following: is not greater than the evil the war is designed to elim- inate. While the principles of just war are part of the  One must have a just cause, such as the protec- Catholic tradition, they are now utilized by men and tion of basic human rights or the defence of the in- women of all faiths to evaluate the morality of war. nocent from unjust aggression. War cannot be used for settling a grievance, for personal gain, for domina- tion, or acquisition of land or goods ❝ While the principles of just war are  One must have a “right intention” in seeking to part of the Catholic tradition, they are now restore order and justice. Even those with a just utilized by men and women of all faiths to grievance cannot go to war out of hatred or a thirst evaluate the morality of war. for vengeance  The use of force must be ordered by a compe- tent and lawful authority with responsibility for Let us pray for: the common good. Because war is an action between  Those in legitimate authority, that the Lord will guide nations, an individual acting alone cannot legitimately their decisions regarding conflicts between nations declare war  Those in the military, that God will give them pru-  There must be a reasonable probability of suc- dence to do what is moral in all circumstances cess, and the expected benefits must be proportion- ate to the human and other costs of war. A war that  Those who are enemies, that their hearts and minds will cannot be won is not just be opened to resolving differences by peaceful means   All peaceful means of resolving the conflict must Those who are the innocent victims of war, that the be exhausted. War must be a last resort. War must Lord will give them strength to bear their burdens never be the first choice. It may be entered into only after Excerpted and abbreviated all other methods have been thoroughly exhausted Our Sunday Visitor, 2003 Huntington, IN, USA

16 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 Òàºìíèöÿ “Ðåéìñüêîãî ðóêîïèñó”

1853 р. помер уродженець Во- показали реймську диво­ви­жу, лині, археолог і знавець давньої перший заявив, що це давньо­ писемності Л.К. Ястржемб- слов’янські письмена. ський. Його ім’я пов’язане з ди- Про цей рукопис писав І.С. вовижною історією так званого Тургенєв. Згодом Реймс відвідав “Реймського рукопису”. історик С.М. Строєв і встано- У Реймському соборі здав- вив, що частина загадкової кни- на зберігалась пергаментна, ги написана кирилицею. завтовшки з палець книга, пе- Завершуючи всі ці дослід­ реплетена в червоний сап’ян. ження рукопису на місці, Л.К. Сорок сім її сторінок ряхтіли за- Ястржембський довів, що в ньо- гадковими рядками з кольорови- му переважала глаголиця. ми початковими буквами. Вчені Найдавніша частина кни- Західної Європи сприймали їх ги виникла не пізніше 1053 р. в за сирійські, кавказькі чи індій- Чехії і була пов’язана з іменем ські письмена. слов’янського просвітителя Про- Вісім королів Франції — копа. Потім вона була доповнена від Франциска II до Людовіка в 1395 р., а років через півтора- XVI — при коронуванні урочис- ста потрапила до Франції.

то присягали на реймській книзі. Історичний Календар 1998 р., Title page from the 1582 Петро Великий, коли йому Київ, 1997 р. Douai-Rheims New Testament

Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada National Executive

The Vera Buczynsky The Mary Dyma Ukrainian Studies Scholarship Religious Studies Scholarship The National UCWLC is offering one scholarship The National UCWLC is offering one scholarship of $500 to a person of Ukrainian Catholic of $1000 to a lay woman of Ukrainian Catholic descent who is planning to enroll in descent who is planning to enroll in Ukrainian Studies at the post-secondary level. Religious Studies at the graduate level. Applications are available from Applications are available from and should be submitted to and should be submitted to The Vera Buczynsky Ukrainian Studies The Mary Dyma Religious Studies Scholarship Committee Scholarship Committee Barbara Olynyk, Chair Barbara Olynyk, Chair 3457 Hillview Cres. 3457 Hillview Cres. Edmonton, AB T6L 2C9 Edmonton, AB T6L 2C9

Deadline for receipt of complete applications is October 1

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 17 From our history  З нашо¿ ³стор³¿ Êíèãîçá³ðíÿ âîëèíñüêîãî êíÿçÿ

Волинський князь Володи- за змістом і структурою є про- Книги з цієї бібліотеки бра- мир Василькович (близько образами анотованого бібліо- лися для читання і перепису- 1220‑1289 рр.), племінник Дани- графічного опису. У згадано- вались підданими Володимира ла Галицького, славен був і рат- му списку вказано 23 книги 14 Васильковича. Так, наприклад, ними подвигами, і відновленням найменувань. тивун Володимира Петро пере- зруйнованих та закладанням но- Про світську літературу в писав збірник повчань. вих міст, і як дипломат. А все ж списку немає згадки, але про неї Світло книжкового слова роз- головною його пристрастю були інформує сам текст літопису. У ливалось з Володимирової біблі- книги. Зібрана ним бібліотека ньому — наявні цитати з двох отеки на всю Західну Русь. То вважалася найбільшою у Київ- десятків іноземних і руських чому ж про таку чудову, ретель- ській Русі, принаймні вона най- творів. Вони теж мусили бути в но описану бібліотеку так мало ретельніше описана. бібліотеці Володимира, бо ж при відомо? З одного боку, тому, що Володимир Василькович при- його дворі укладався Галицько- за недавніх часів, коли діяла док- йняв князювання, коли над Руссю Волинський літопис. Можна при- трина про Московську державу тяжіло татарське володарювання. пустити, що цією великою спра- як єдиного спадкоємця Києва, Сил для політичного визволення вою займався сам князь. Перша оповідати про західноукраїн- не було, тож Володимир вирішив частина літопису, що розповідає ський осередок культури було б якомога повніше вберегти неза- про молодість Володимирового не на користь доктрині. З іншо- лежність духовну, те, що й визна- дядька Данила (1201-1264 рр.), го — далося взнаки те, що укра- чає обличчя народу. Він збирав, має характер скомпільованого їнська історична наука творилась зберігав, примножував книжкові з різних джерел зводу. Зрілість у Києві та Львові, тож волинські скарби Русі, понищені татарами. Данила Володимир бачив сам, князі відійшли в тінь, а в істори- Церковна частина Володими- а те, чого не бачив, йому оповів ків, що всіляко вихваляли Дани- рового зібрання по його смерті батько. Писав Володимир і про ла, до них “не дійшли руки”. перейшла за заповітом до різ- смерть дядька та батька (1264 Тим часом історія бібліотеки них руських церков. Галицько- та 1268 рр.), про події в країні за Володимира Васильковича му- Волинський літопис подає ре- період свого князювання. Закін- сить увійти і в навчальні курси, тельний опис цих книг. До речі, чила ж літопис дружина Володи- і в народну свідомість, бо прова- цей опис теж славний в історич- мира Ольга Романівна. В описах ли в пам’яті культурної нації — ному відношенні. Це — один з хвороби Володимира, його муж- неприпустимі. перших наших бібліографічних ньої смерті є подробиці, про які Сергій Синюк, Історичний списків, а деякі його фрагменти могла знати лише вона. Календар 1998 р., Київ, 1997 р.

More Church funnies ● This evening at 7 PM there ● Weight Watchers will meet ● Low Self Esteem Support will be a hymn-singing in the at 7 PM at the Ukrainian Group will meet Thursday park across from the Church. Catholic Church Hall. Please at 7 PM. Please use the back Bring a blanket and come use large double door at the door. prepared to sin. side entrance. ● The eighth-graders will be pre- ● Ladies Bible Study will be ● The pastor would appreciate senting Shakespeare’s Hamlet held Thursday morning at it if the ladies of the Congre- in the Church basement Friday 10 AM. All ladies are invited gation would lend him their at 7 PM. The congregation is to lunch in the Fellowship electric girdles for the pan- invited to attend this tragedy. Hall after the B.S. is done. cake breakfast next Sunday. With thanks to Olya Danylak

18 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 Від моря до моря  From sea to sea

New Westminster Eparchy

New Westminster Eparchial UCWLC President Lillian Saranchuk (left) and UCWLC National President Luba Kowalchyk hold the Prosphora made by convention participants as His Excellency Bishop Ken Nowakowski, Eparch of New Westminster, and other members look on after the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral feast day Divine Liturgy on the final day of the eparchial convention, June 7, 2009.

Saskatoon Eparchy

Messages of giving as the Regina Branches Celebrate Appreciation Day

“Have you ever been hungry? Have you ever been lonely? Have you ever been cold or not had enough money to buy what you really needed or not had a friend? Appreciation Day participants in Regina That’s why we’re here. We pro- vide food, friendship, warmth, against. She began her work in years, it now has 19 houses, 200 clothing.” This was the beginning the ’30s working and helping the members, and administers to the of a talk given by Marge about underprivileged in Toronto, Har- underprivileged in Canada, USA, their work at the Marian Centre in lem, New York, etc. They were West Indies, Ghana, Europe and Regina. called Friendship House and even- Russia. Trudy, also with the Centre, tually Madonna House Apostolate How blessed we were to hear spoke about the beginnings of was born, of which Marian Centre about their work (with no pay) Marian Centre and about Catherine is a member. providing essential needs to the Doherty, a refugee who, with her The Centre relies totally on do- less fortunate and relying on family, fled Russia and commun- nations for food, clothing (even for God’s providence providing for ism with nothing. Catherine knew personal use) and all other needs, these needs. what it was to be hungry, home- yet provides for these needs daily There was much more of less, lonely, and discriminated to the less fortunate. After many what they spoke at St. Basil’s and

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 19 St. Athanasius’ UCWLC members the importance of paying hom- wished them success in the future. annual UCWLC Appreciation Day age to the Blessed Mother on this He said that our Branch is for- held in May. It began with bilin- Appreciation Day. She explained tunate to have in its midst Helen gual liturgy celebrated by Mon- how the UCWLC was formed Kushner, a charter member who signor Rudolph Luzney at St. in 1944 and its evolution to the joined the UCWLC in Portage Basil’s followed by lunch and present. la Prairie. The celebration ended presentations of long service pins Our Eparchy of Saskatoon has with the serving of a 65th anniver- and welcome to new members. 1,080 members out of 5,000 na- sary cake and the singing of the Over 80 members participated. tionally. Fr. Lazurko congratulated League hymn. A. Krenosky and A. Krushelniski the ladies for their hard work and M. Gelleta

Moose Jaw UCWLC Appreciation Day

Our Branch celebrated the annual Member Appreciation Day in May, acknowledging the 65th Anniver- sary of the UCWLC. Liturgy was celebrated by Fr. Yurij Lazurko, followed by the WUCWO Day of Prayer Service. Brunch was host- ed by the Parish Council. Branch President Gloria Leniuk stressed Appreciation Day in Moose Jaw h y /K aren P idskalny Ph otograp KMP

20 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 The House of Peace is fund- Archeparchy Winnipeg Guest speakers in Winnipeg raising for a third floor onto their present structure to offer transi-  Claudia Kuryk-Serray, a Winnipeg Archeparchy’s retired nurse educator, spoke tion housing for women who are on “Forgiveness”: why forgive, being trafficked. 34th Convention whom and how to forgive. “For-  Diane Phillips is an educa- giveness is a strength, not a tional facilitator and trainer, and was held in October with 80 dele- weakness,” she acknowledged, presenter of workshops relating gates from 20 branches attending. while Father Richard Soo, to leadership, collaboration and Special guests included repre- Spiritual Advisor, spoke about team-building. sentatives from the CWL Mani- the task of the laity in Evangel- After the two-hour workshop toba Provincial Council and the ization. “We are here for ac- covering leadership qualities and St. Boniface Diocese. tion. We should ask ourselves, different styles of leadership, ‘What will I do for Christ?’ and Sonia Wawryk opened the participants developed a “wish” then do it. Otherwise we could list, including: younger church first session with flags ceremony just stay home and watch ‘The members to join the organiza- and prayers after which Metro- Young and the Restless’. The tion; good communication is ne- politan Lawrence welcomed the Ukrainian Catholic Church was cessary on all three levels of the delegates and spoke on the theme once a great evangelizer bring- organization; and more leader- of the Convention, “Evangeliza- ing Christianity to Russia and ship workshops. tion – The Task of the Faithful”. the Slavic countries. Women “Evangelization is the man- like Saint Helen and Saint Olga It was decided that the UCWLC brought Christianity to Ukraine. date of every Christian. Baptism branches contribute $1,500 each Let us follow their example.” confers not only honour but also to furnish one room at the House responsibility,” he said. In our or-  Sister Lesley Saucoman of Peace. The members voted to ganization “every member needs helped found Rossbrook continue the Immaculate Heart to be alert and attentive during House—a 24‑hour drop-in cen- of Mary School scholarship tre for young people who need meetings, take part in discussions fund, Ukrainian Charities Fund and help form resolutions and a refuge—and worked there for 31 years. and the Ukrainian Catholic Re- plans of action. Every individ- Presently she is the direc- ligious Education Centre. ual is called to Evangelization in tor of the Holy Names House his/her personal life, as well. In- of Peace, an international faith Reelected as President was dividual conflicts interfere with community, which provides a Olesia Kalinowich. Others on the task of carrying out the task safe home for many women the Executive are: V-P Pat Sirski, of the faithful. We need to open from different countries requir- Recording Secretary Florence ourselves up to the Holy Spirit to ing assistance in their transition Gingera, Treasurer Bertha Stoyko, come into our lives to help us in from an abusive relationship to Constitution Theresa Zaretski. carrying out our mission.” a life free from fear. Stephanie Bilyj

Delegates to the Winnipeg Archeparchy Convention, 2009

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 21 Service Pins Presented On League Day celebrations of the Blessed Virgin Mary UCWLC branch in Winnipeg, four mem- bers were presented with years of service pins.

50 years service pins were presented to Jean Sherman, HLM and Julia Bielak

In 2009 Habitat for Humanity was building eleven homes in Winnipeg. The Blessed Virgin Mary UCWLC members, along with other organizations in the community, provided lunch for some 200 volunteers. It was wonderful to support Habitat For Humanity as it continues its work of changing the lives of people in need.

25 years of service pins were presented to Barbara Kutcher and www.ucwlc.ca Antoinette Kolodiejchuk

В суботу була майстерня на заборонені церквою; звернула Торонтонська Епархія тему — “Знайдім себе у діяль- увагу, що багато людей просять ності ЛУКЖК”. Добр. Маруся закінчити їм життя, бо вони по- Барщик пригадала делегаткам чуваються непотрібними (social ÏÐÀÖÞÉÌÎ Ó Â³Ð³, ÍÀij¿ ÒÀ 4 головні цілі нашої організа- euthanasia). Українські католиць- ËÞÁγ — ÃÀÑËÎ 27-ÎÃÎ Ç’¿ÇÄÓ ції — духовний розвиток, пле- кі жінки повинні дати духовну кання української мови і куль- і фізичну допомогу потребую- ËÓÊÆÊ ÒÎÐÎÍÒÎÍÑÜÊο ÅÏÀÐÕ³¿ тури, харитативна діяльність і чим, щоб вони відчували хрис- З’їзд відбувся у жовтні в примі- суспільний розвиток. Слідували тиянську любов, а не розпач. щенні залі при церкві свв. Пе- групові дискусії. Були доповіді Кир Стефан Хміляр, який тра і Павла у Скарборо. На з’їзд про молитву і Рік Священика, дав дуже влучні пасторальні прибуло 62 делегаток з 18 відді- проголошений папою Венедик- вказівки, присутність владики і лів. 20 відділів (з існуючих 28) том. Обговорено із звітами різні о. Петра Двірника, духовного вислали звіти. В п’ятницю, піс- способи, якими можна вшано- дорадника Епархіяльної Упра- ля звітів та надання абсолюторії вувати та підтримувати наших ви — все це дуже піднесло дух уступаючій управі, делегатки священиків молитвою, гостин- усіх присутніх. Значною спра- мали нагоду поділитися успіха- ністю і запрошенням до себе до вою було писання листів до пар- ми та невдачами своїх відділів. хати на вечерю. ламентарів проти Bill C-384 — Були цікаві проекти — одно- Добр. Таня Чолій поясни- проектy закону, який легалізує денні реколекції, дні духовної ла термінологію та науку церк- евтаназію в Канаді. обнови, вечори для подружніх ви про евтаназію (т.зв. білу Резолюції випливали з дис- пар. Серед проблем називались смерть) — навмисне вбивство кусій і потреби розвивати ду- такі — кількість членок змен- хворої чи немічної людини або ховне зростання членок. Де- шується, старші вмирають, мо- допомога у вчиненні самогуб- легатки зобов’язали відділи лодші не зацікавлені. ства (assisted suicide) строго продовжувати молитися за

22 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 прославу Митр. Андрея Шеп- тицького, Патр. Йосифа Слі- пого і блаженних мучеників; в особливий спосіб відмітити Рік Священика; активно включити- ся у боротьбу проти Bill C-384; продовжувати нашу харитатив- ну діяльність і працю в охороні життя. Справи музею та архівів розгляне наступна управа. За- питники, які виповнили деле- гатки під час З’їзду, дадуть но- вообраній управі вказівки для Participants of the Toronto Eparchy’s 27th Convention with the подальшої праці. beginning of the National UCWLC Rushnyk Головою обрано добр. Ма- русю Барщик. На святочному головну доповідь виголосила Крайова Голова ЛУКЖК добр. В українській громаді за- ÒÀÍß ÊÎÃÓÒ Люба Ковальчик, яка брала служена та обов’язкова, по- повну участь у З’їзді. Велика чесний член ССУК, Філії ÊÎÎÐÄÈÍÀÒÎÐ ÍÀØο ÄÎÐÎÃÈ, подяка уступаючій Голові, пані Торонто, заступниця голови ÒÎÐÎÍÒÎÍÑÜÊο ÅÏÀÐÕ³¿ Марті Хомин, та Управі за ве- Крайової Централі ССУК. Дру- лику та віддану працю за мину- жина о. крил. Івана Барщика та Я є членкою лі два роки. мати Олександра. ЛУКЖК вже по- Таня Чолій В наступній каденції бажає над 10 років і продовжувати успішну спів­ належу до Від- ÌÀÐÓÑß ÁÀÐÙÈÊ працю між членками ЛУКЖК ділу при пара- та допомагати розвивати духов­ фії Св. о. Мико- ÍÎÂÎÎÁÐÀÍÀ ÃÎËÎÂÀ ËÓÊÆÊ, не життя кожної членки у кон- лая в Торонто. ÒÎÐÎÍÒÎÍÑÜÊÀ ÅÏÀÐÕ³ß тексті Української Католицької Кілька років я виконую різні Церкви, її обряду. обов’язки на управі відділу, а в Членка ЛУКЖК Вірить, що через актив- 2006‑2008 рр. була головою на- понад 30 років, ну участь в організаційному шого відділу. Понад 15 років Маруся Барщик громадському житті членки працюю секретарем Шкільної займала по чер- ЛУКЖК Торонтонської Епархії Ради при КУК Торонто і є актив- зі різні посади у своєю відданістю та витрива- ною членкою Пластової Стани- відділі, Епархі- лістю докажуть, що все можна ці Торонто. Належу до УПЛДМ яльній та Крайо- осягнути через працю у вірі, на- (Українські Працівники Літера- вій управах — секретарки, ре- дії та любові. тури для Дітей і Молоді) і до- ферентки духов­но-суспільного помагаю з організацією Свята розвитку та голови комітету Книжки, яке кожного року від- статуту і законодавчих поста- бувається в першій половині нов. За професією соціальна Deadline for spring листопада. працівниця, закінчила маґістер- issue submissions Радо буду співпрацювати з ку в ділянці суспільних наук у редактором , Торонтонському університеті, •• •• Оксаною Башук Гепбурн, і з Бо- працює в Catholic Charities of 15.II.2010 жою допомогою буду старатися the Archdiocese of Toronto для пересилати статті, щоб журнал добра родин та дітей, старається Річенець дописів був не тільки цікавий читачам, спрямувати обслуги та допомо- на весняний номер але й помічний в нашому духо- гу установ. вному розвитку.

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 23 Вічная пам’ять Прийдіть, браття, попрощаймося з померлою, і подякуємо Богові, вона бо відійшла від рідні своєї і до гробу спішить. Вже не журиться про суєту світу і про многострасне тіло. Come, Brothers and Sisters, let us bid a last farewell to her who has passed away, and also let us thank God. She is leaving her relatives and is hastening to the grave. No longer is she concerned about the vanity of the world and her human passions. Where are her relatives and friends? Behold we are parting now. Let us pray to the Lord for her repose. Eternal Peace

The Passing of a learning. However, Canada’s attrac- accomplishments won her the City National President tion remained strong. In 1959 Cath- of Edmonton Certificate of Merit for erine returned to sell real-estate—a Community Service. A member of rare career for women at that time— the Alberta Catholic School Trust- and complete a three-year course for ees Association, she served on the realtors through a University of Al- Edmonton Catholic School Board berta extension program becoming, for six years, once as chair, twice as for the next nine years, a legal sec- vice-chair. She entered municipal retary and executive assistant in an politics in 1989 as alderman. Edmonton legal firm. Catherine was a great supporter During those years Catherine be- of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, came involved in the UCWLC. No working towards UCWLC’s direct stranger to Edmonton’s St. Josaphat’s membership there and carrying out Cathedral, where she had been an board member and later presidential  active UCY-er and member of its duties of the UCC Provincial Execu- Catherine Chichak winning debate team, her climb to tive for six years. She initiated the 7.X.193l–6.IV.2009 national leadership began with the idea that UCC should have its own The 21st National President of the branch presidency. She was noticed building and organized a couple of Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League and elected Edmonton Eparchy outstanding conferences—one on was a woman of many virtues. She president, and, in 1992, chosen to youth. gave tirelessly and humbly, provid- lead UCWLC as President of the Catherine Chichak was an excep- ing Christian leadership as she in- National Executive. For her work tional leader. She inspired. I am one tegrated different roles—business- and 45 years of service, the UCWLC of many enriched by this remarkable woman, organizer, politician, public honoured her with Honorary Life woman. Disciplined, capable, always servant, community leader, and a Membership in 1995. stately looking but ever approach- powerhouse in the UCWLC at all Also, Catherine had a long, dis- able, she treated all with respect organizational levels. And she was a tinguished career in Alberta’s provin- and sensitivity. I valued her friend- devoted wife to Stan—his princess. cial and municipal politics. A talented ship and admired her many talents Catherine Shular, one of eleven and gifted speaker, she was Edmon- and achievements. I have many fond children, was born in Wynyard, Sas- ton’s MPP in the provincial legisla- memories remembering our shared katchewan. Following high school ture for 11 years, chairing regular laughter and tears. I cherish the many she took bookkeeping and secre- and special committees. She had the years of working together in our tarial studies in Edmonton to work ability to combine her Ukrainian, UCWLC, handling challenges, dis- as secretary, restaurant manager, personal and political assets. Rec- appointments and accomplishments. and in a transportation company. In ognized as a Ukrainian community As I bid farewell to Catherine 1958 she was struck with wanderlust leader, and fluent in both languages, Chichak, I pray that God will accept and a desire to let the world expand she welcomed Archbishop Josyf her soul in the heavenly kingdom. her horizons. For fourteen months Slipyj, recently released from Siber- Lena Sloboda she travelled Europe working and ia, to Alberta’s Legislature. Her many 

24 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009  Annie Wawrykowich Battleford, Saskatchewan since 1965, 11.VII.1915–28.XI.2008 serving on the executive and many committees, she received the Eparch- ial Jubilee Award. Marie was pre- deceased by husband Joseph and is survived by three sons, three grand- children and five great grandchildren. Anna Prystupa 

 Mary Iwanchuk 8.I.1921–16.VII.2008 employed as an Activities Director at River Heights Lodge. She won many was born to Nick and Mary Gabruck awards for her handicrafts. She was in Marlin, Saskatchewan. A dedi- the great aunt of Bishop Ken Nowa- cated member of All Saints Ukrain- kowski, Eparch of New Westminster, ian Catholic Church and UCWLC in who was main celebrant at her funer- North Battleford, SK for 33 years, al. She is survived by sons Roman, she was honoured with the Eparch- Nestor and Joseph, nine grandchil- ial 50th Jubilee Medal and Honorary dren and eight great children. Sisterhood in the parish. Predeceased Anna Prystupa by husband Peter, Mrs. Wawryko-  wich is survived by children Mike, Olga and Mary, 11 grandchildren, 17 was born in Starhorod, Sokal, Uk­ great grandchildren and one great- raine to Miron and Malania Dzwon-  Maria (Mary) Lasiuk great granddaughter. kowski, immigrating to Canada 16.III.1920–12.VIII.2008 Anna Prystupa seven years later. She married Peter Iwanchuk and settled in North Battle- ford, Saskatchewan in 1948. Mary was a founding, active, devoted and  Marie Pidwerbeski generous member of the parish and 10.IV.1919–6.VI.2008 UCWLC. Mrs. Iwanchuk is survived by daughter Amelia, two grandchil- dren and two great grandchildren. Anna Prystupa 

 Anne Brunwald was born in Krydor, SK to Peter and 25.XII.1909–28.VII.2008 Ksenia Lasiuk. She was a caring and compassionate nurse for 33 years in Born in Hafford, SK to Theodore the Emergency Department of Battle- and Wasylyna Zipchen, she married ford Union Hospital. A faithful mem- Philip Brunwald in 1933 and settled ber of All Saints Parish, North Battle- was born to Paul and Yagne (Edna) in North Battleford in 1942. A found- ford, SK she was an active member Kowal in Benito, Manitoba. An ing member of All Saints Parish and of the UCWLC for 15 years. active and dedicated member of All UCWLC, she held the presidency Anna Prystupa Saints Parish and UCWLC in North and other positions. Anne was 

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 25  Ola Mary 1939 and settled in the Canora area,  Pauline Dubyk (Stratychuk) Kowal raising sons Neil and Modest and 4.IV.1929–8.VIII.2009 Second Ukrainian woman to graduate actively participating in the church from the University of Saskatchewan and community. Ola was recognized 15.XII.1912–23.VII.2009 with a Nation Builder Award from the Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Saskatchewan Provincial Council in 1998 for contributions to the de- velopment of the Ukrainian com- munity in Saskatchewan. In 1946 she was elected the first president of the Canora Branch of the UCWLC, and led members in raising funds for charity, church building, camps and cultural displays. In addition, Ola was born in the Whitkow, Saskatch- was involved in varying degrees in ewan district to John and Michalina numerous other Ukrainian Catholic Rawlyk. Since 1976, she was a dedi- was raised near Canora, SK. A and cultural organizations through- cated member of All Saints Parish woman ahead of her time, Ola set an out the years. Ola moved to Saska- and UCWLC in North Battleford, example for her children and grand- toon in 1977 and in 1987 became one SK. She was predeceased by first children by attending the University of the first residents of St. Volody- husband Michael Duhan and second of Saskatchewan, receiving a B.Sc. myr Villa. An avid reader, she also husband Morris (Myroslav) Dubyk. in 1931 and post-graduate teacher perfected crocheting, cross-stitching She is survived by four daughters, training at a time when few women and baking traditional desserts, es- two sons, and several grandchildren attended post-secondary institu- pecially anything chocolate. and great-grandchildren. tions. Ola was the second Ukrainian­ Throughout life Ola enjoyed the  woman to graduate from the Uni- company of numerous dogs and re- versity of Saskatchewan. She began membered them all, even in her senior teaching in a one-room schoolhouse years. Ola was blessed with two sons A human life is near Cudworth, SK, then in Canora and daughters-in-law, six grandchil- a story told by God. where she retired in 1973. dren and four great grandchildren. — Hans Christian Andersen Ola married Michael Kowal in 

Q&A ~ Запити і відповіді діамантами, а кілька рольок кльозетового паперу, яко- з ³êòîðîì Ìîðîçîâèì (продовження з стор. 39) го тоді не можна було придбати в жодній крамниці! Отож українці виробили собі стійкий імунітет до НД: Коли Вас питали, як Україна переходить будь-яких криз, труднощів і рецесій, і саме це дає на- економічну кризу, Ви відповіли, що Україна дію на те, що і з цієї кризи вони вийдуть ще міцнішими, вічно в кризі. Що це значить? загартованішими й незламнішими, ніж досі, попри всі ВМ: Як дають собі раду з економічною кризою укра- економічні, політичні та інші прикрощі й негаразди. їнці? Я напівсерйозно-напівжартома відповідаю, що НД: Було б цікаво довідатися, скільки книжок про цілком спокійно, адже для них це абсолютно нормаль- Гаррі Поттера продано у світі та в Україні та ний і звичний стан речей. Життя за часів совєтського де і як їх можна купити. режиму було суцільною й безперервною економічною кризою, коли людям бракувало не тільки грошей, але У світі продано понад 400 мільйонів книжок про Гаррі й найнеобхідніших товарів і продуктів. Скажімо, коли Поттера, а в Україні близько мільйона. Купити їх мож- моя майбутня дружина вперше приїхала з Канади в на в інтернет-крамниці видавництва „А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА- Україну (це був 1991 рік), то найкоштовнішим дарун- МА-ГА” (www.ababahalamaha.com.ua) або в торонтській ком для неї були не квіти, не парфуми, не обручки з книгарні “Koota Ooma” (www.kootaooma.com).

26 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 eyes, and a perennial sense of humour, an optimist—despite fa- cing many life’s hardships—she Многая літа! is young in heart and spirit. Proud of her Ukrainian heritage, encour- Helen (Stack) Lynn Turns 90! aging and kind to the younger gen- erations, she has been a mother elen, born in Lamont, substitute to women who have lost HAlberta December 9, their own. 1919 to Ukrainian­ par- Helen has spent thousands of ents John and Julia hours over the years volunteer- Skubleny, spent her early ing at the Calder Senior’s Centre, years working hard on the St. Michaels Extended Care, Rain- family farm in the St. Mi- bow Society, Ukrainian Social chael area. She married Services, St. John Ambulance and Paul Stack (d. 1971) in as a member of St. Vladimir’s Par- 1938. They had two chil- ish and UCWLC, where she has dren Walter and Patricia, served in various roles, including five grandchildren and branch president and volunteer— five great-grandchildren. thousands of hours—in the par- In 1941, the family moved ish hall kitchen making Ukrainian to the Calder area of delicacies. Edmonton, where Helen We have been truly blessed to worked for 35 years at the have this wonderful, special friend local hotel. in our midst for all these years. Devoted parishioner and hard- this remarkable lady has been a Mnohaya Lita. working UCWLC member of source of inspiration to many. Gen- St. Vladimir’s UCWLC, St. Vladimir’s Parish since 1950, erous, hospitable, with twinkling Edmonton Alberta

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Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 27 Federal Government Inaugurates Senator Paul Yuzyk Award for Multiculturalism By Irene Wolyanskyj

ver 300 people gathered at considered to be an undesirable In addition to the children and OToronto’s Roy Thomson Hall foreigner, unworthy to teach the grandchildren of the Yuzyk and in June to celebrate the inaugural children of ‘real’ Canadians. Vera Yaremko families, the event was presentation of the Senator Paul described how, rather than giving attended by representatives of both Yuzyk Award for Multicultural- in before such discrimination, her the Ukrainian Catholic and Ortho- ism announced by the Hon. Jason father vowed to bring an end to dox Churches and of Ukrainian- Kenney, federal Minister of Cit- such attitudes in Canada. He dedi- Canadian and other ethnic organiz- izenship, Immigration and Multi- cated his life, both as a teacher and ations. In keeping with the spirit of culturalism, in a speech to the history professor and as a federal diversity and multiculturalism that Winnipeg Canadian Club in Nov- Senator following his appoint- inspired the event, Marci Ien (who ember 2008. The Yuzyk Award ment in 1963, to the promotion is of Trinidadian background) acted was established by the federal and broad acceptance of multicul- as Master of Ceremonies while en- government to recognize the im- turalism, diversity and inclusive- tertainment was provided by Yarko portant contribution to the def- ness as pillars of Canadian soci- Antonovych on the bandura and inition of the Canadian identity ety. Senator Yuzyk saw his efforts Cameroon-born singer and Can- made by Senator Yuzyk, known come to fruition with the adoption adian Idol semi-finalist, ERTA. as the father of multiculturalism, of the federal multiculturalism Irene Wolyanskyj is a former federal through his lifelong work to pro- policy in 1971, later enshrined in public servant, a League member, and mote multiculturalism and divers- law through the Canadian Multi- President, Ukrainian Canadian ity as cornerstones of Canadian culturalism Act (1988). Professional and Business Club, Ottawa. society. Fittingly, the first recipient of the Award was another promin- The Senator Paul Yuzyk Award for Multi- ent Canadian of Ukrainian des- culturalism will be presented annually cent, John Yaremko, who through to an individual or organization that has his 25 years of public service as demonstrated excellence in promoting a Member of Ontario’s Legisla- multiculturalism and will alternate be- tive Assembly and Ontario Cab- tween two categories: Lifetime Achieve- inet Minister, tirelessly advocated ment and Outstanding Achievement. for education, human rights and The Paul Yuzyk Award in the Lifetime . yu z yk com multiculturalism. Mr. Yaremko’s Achievement category will be given to an award, presented by the Hon. individual who has demonstrated ongoing www Jason Kenney, also recognizes his dedication to promoting a strong multicultural society in Canada philanthropic activities, in par- over a period of at least ten years. The Paul Yuzyk Award in the ticular the 2002 creation of the Outstanding Achievement category will be given to an individual or John and Mary A. Yaremko Pro- group who has made a significant contribution to Canadian multi- gram in Multiculturalism and Hu- culturalism within the last five years. The monetary component of man Rights at the University of the award, a grant of $20,000, is directed by the federal Department Toronto’s Faculty of Law. of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, Multiculturalism Vera Yuzyk, daughter of the Program to an eligible, registered, not-for-profit organization or as- late Senator, spoke movingly sociation chosen by the award recipient. about her father’s experience as More information about the award and the procedure for a dedicated young teacher who nominating candidates is available at http://www.cic.gc.ca/multi/ was denied employment because, paulyuzyk/award-eng.asp. although born in Canada, he was

28 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 Maryka’s Treasures! What are they? By Marissa Dudych Canadian. It’s Gotta Be Borscht takes us into Baba’s kitchen. Chabluk, a music teacher, is a UCWLC member of St. Anne Ukrain- ian Catholic Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Her family attends the Ukrainian liturgy each Sunday, singing in the choir. She teaches catechism and directs the Soloveyko Children’s Choir. Recently, she produced a 50th Anniver- sary concert and DVD featuring 200 children performing songs from the Maryka’s Treasures CD. Maryka has performed in Europe, Japan, Australia and North America. She has to her credit three very suc- cessful Ukrainian folk recordings with Duet Maryna: one, a tribute to Can- adian Pioneers; the second, lively folk songs; and the third, favourite Ukrain- aryka Gulka-Chabluk’s eyes glow with ex- ian Christmas carols sung in Ukrainian and English. Mcitement, when she talks about her treasures. Her family’s band, Molodtsi, has a CD of “Ukrainian Chabluk, a singer, , dancer and educator, Dance Melodies.” Some might say making music is a holds four treasures nearest to her heart: her faith, big part of her life! her family, her culture and her music. The culmina- Chabluk is no newcomer to performing. At a tion of these cherished spheres is Maryka’s Treasures, colourful live performance in Toronto, as part of the Chabluk’s new children’s album. Bloor West Festival (where over half a million people “Many popular children’s albums are English, attended), children of all ethnic origins joined in the French or Aboriginal,” explains Chabluk. “Here is fun by playing rhythm instruments, making borsch something new and different.” and wearing folk costumes. Children are attracted to What’s different? Chabluk seamlessly weaves her like bees to honey, and it’s often hard to tell who is Ukrainian language into her songs, which are fla- having more fun—Chabluk or the children. She has a voured with folk stories, fun characters and her Chris- very interactive and energetic style of performance. tian faith. What’s in the future? Maryka will be performing “This CD is for Ukrainian Catholic children, who her children’s music and Ukrainian folk repertoire primarily speak English,” explains Chabluk. at festivals, schools and concerts. She is developing “These children have a “Baba,” and know what learning activities for school and home use, as well as “borsch” is, and now they can have fun learning more computer programs to accompany her songs. In this Ukrainian words. Children who know Ukrainian will way, she is fulfilling her God-given purpose. sing along instantly, since all the lyrics are available “Music is my calling, and I rely on my faith and online. prayers to guide me,” she proclaims. “The song God is Good reminds us that we can Her passion will keep Maryka Chabluk on stages dance, sing, laugh and learn, knowing that God is al- from Kyiv to Kelowna, Rome to Regina, for many ways with us! This realization is my most precious years to come. treasure of life,” shares Chabluk. Canadian Pride For information please visit www.MarykasTreasures.com has children marching in a parade and waving flags, or phone 204-663-0789. demonstrating that Ukrainians are very proud to be Marissa Dudych is a journalist in Winnipeg.

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 29 The May 2009 UCWLC National Your Turn !! Ваша Черга!! Executive Plenary called for greater participation of the Ukrainian Catholic Youth and others on the pages of . our Youth We begin… Починаємо нову частину в , де віддзеркалюватимуться молодші наша Молодь дописувачі чи молодші теми.


By Sr. Christine Dudych, SSMI

ister Nadia Tkaczuk com- Sr. Nadia’s postu- Mary School and pastoral visiting at Spleted her novitiate and lancy, the time of “en- Holy Family Nursing Home, two in- pronounced her first temporary tering”, of experien- stitutions run by the SSMI. The pro- vows of obedience, chastity and cing Community life, nouncement of her first vows begins poverty in the Congregation of was held in Calgary, a series of temporary vows, renewed the Sisters Servants of Mary beginning in 2006. annually for about five years. Immaculate. This solemn cere- Her novitiate, includ- During the Divine Liturgy, 15 Sis- mony took place Sunday, Au- ing a more intense ters Servants and over 20 Associates gust 2, 2009 at her home parish time of prayer, study processed Sr. Nadia to the front of of the Dormition of the Mother of and ministry, was held in Winnipeg, the church singing a psalm of praise. God in Mississauga, ON. where she was involved in catechet- Rev. Roman Pankiw, pastor and cele- Now 26 years old, Nadia was ical work at Immaculate Heart of brant, presided, as she expressed her born in October 1982 to Edward and commitment with her vows to Christ Daria Tkaczuk, of Mississauga, the before the Blessed Sacrament. Sis- fourth of five children. She was edu- ter Theresa Matwe, Vice-Provin- cated at St. Sophia Ukrainian Cath- cial Superior, received her into the olic School, and completed her high Community and presented her with school at Ignatius Loyola Catholic the community cross. Official docu- School in Mississauga. As president ments were signed before the entire of the parish’s UCY, she became ac- congregation, who sang the Blessed quainted with the Sisters Servants of Mother’s song of thanksgiving, the Mary Immaculate when one of the Magnificat. The Liturgy continued Sisters visited the youth group to and a reception followed in the par- recruit singers for the annual Mar- ish hall. ian Pilgrimage in 2000. Deepening Sister Nadia will continue her mission in her prayer life in personal strug- in Winnipeg, where she will begin her gles, she grew in her attentiveness to pursuit of formal studies in education. God’s call. Her experience at World Youth Day 2002 in Toronto made it clear to her that she wanted to serve Life has no the Lord Jesus exclusively, and it was Rev. Roman Pankiw presents Sister Nadia limitations, except to the SSMI community that she felt with an embroidered icon of the Mother of God of Czestochowa, on behalf the ones you make. the Lord was calling her. Thus began of her home parish, Dormition of the — Les Brown her aspirancy. Mother of God, Mississauga, ON.

30 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 IN THE FOOTSTEPS where my mother’s family once lived OF MY ANCESTORS and worked. Beside each grave and landmark, he would stop and explain Андрій Водославський the significance and tell the life stor- ies of the people associated, while I his summer I visited the ancestral recorded everything on film. Thomeland of my mother’s family During this leg of the journey, in modern Poland. many tragedies and injustices were Many would immediately ask, revealed. The church in Tsetulia “Why in Poland?” as our family (Pol: Cetula) that my grandfather doesn’t at all identify with Poles. helped build in his teen years is now a My family is from the border region Polish Roman Catholic church. Where of Peremyshl (Pol: Przemysl) and once there existed a patriotic Ukrain- Yaroslav (Pol: Jaroslaw), lands which ian community, now only Polish is were long ago part of the Ukrainian Andrew, next to the grave of his great heard. Where libraries, Ukrainian-run Medieval state of Halych and Rus’. great grandmother, Antoshka Dubik stores and the Prosvita cultural centre 1854‑1944. The gravestone is found deep Unfortunately, for the last several cen- in a very old cemetery of Molodycz, close once stood, there are now bare lots. turies, these lands have been part of to a wooden Ukrainian Catholic church, The worst insult was yet to come. various Polish states, typically repres- long since converted into a A large section of the Ukrainian cem- Polish Roman Catholic kostel. sive of Ukrainian institutions and cul- etery in Tsetulia was demolished, ture. In 1947, after the Second World where I met with our family. They while the grave of the man that ac- War, the Polish government enacted had escaped assimilation, thanks to tually destroyed the ancient grave- the infamous operation “Akcja Wis- being at “the end of the line”, where stones is buried in a well-kept, granite la”, a policy of forced resettlement. all those still left on the resettlement affair in the middle of the cemetery. The military confiscated land and pos- train were left, and in a relatively high The themes brought up by this sessions of Ukrainians in the border- concentration. This allowed the fam- trip were very painful, but essential lands, and scattered residents across ilies to create a small community for for even a partial understanding of the length of Poland (along the river themselves, although relatively soft- my family’s history. I encourage all Wisla, hence the name). The resettled spoken against the passive discrimin- families to put effort into preserving families were left with very little to ation that is still rife in Poland. the struggle of their ancestors, before restart their lives, and were in many In the company of my relatives, there is no one left to recall it. cases unable to resist assimilation. we drove to the area of the city of Andrew Wodoslawsky is a I began my journey in northern Yaroslav, 12 hours away. My aged university student and member of Poland in Gdansk and Braniewo, uncle guided us through the villages St. Demetrius Church, Toronto

Літом в Україні Олександер Лящук

ього літа я вирішив краще вив­ Львова не лише на три тижні, а на що налічує 180 семінаристів! Цчити українську мову при Укра- шість! Я виїхав 18 червня до землі, Під час першого семестру було їнському Католицькому Універси- яку мої дід і бабуся залишили май- приблизно 30 студентів. У нас був теті у Львові, де хотів пробути три же 70 років тому. Переліт до Укра- тригодинний клас уранці та півтори тижні. Я знав, що ця програма буде їни був довгим, бо немає прямих години з репетитором по обіді. Три корисною, тому що хочу служити рейсів до Львова з Північної Аме- рази на тиждень ми ходили на вечір- священиком в Українській Като- рики. Я мав пересадку у Варша- ні екскурсії по історичних місцях у лицькій Церкві. ві та зі зміною часу прибув через Львові. Ми вивчали українську мову, Декілька організацій і приват- двадцять годин після того, як ви- історію, культуру. Студенти були них людей були такі благородні, їхав з Торонто. В Україні я перебу- різного походження і з різних країн що надали мені змогу поїхати до вав у Семінарії Св. Духа у Львові, — два студенти були семінаристи з

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 31 до найстаріших церков і мо- чудові служби мого життя. Також настирів України. я дуже щасливий, що мав нагоду Скінчивши перший се- бути на весіллі мого товариша, пе- местр, я написав іспит і пе- ребуваючи у Львові. рейшов до другої кляси. Я мав Через шість тижнів у Львові я нового викладача і друзів, які навчився розмовляти українською швидко стали моєю сім’єю в набагато краще. Знаю, що мені ще Україні. У другому семестрі треба багато вчитися, але тепер я приблизно п’ятнадцять но- добре розумію граматику і потріб- вих студентів долучилися до но тільки практикуватися. п’ятнадцяти з першого семе- Я повернувся до Канади 2 серп- Піддиякон Олександер Лящук стру. Багато студентів були ня, якраз після Божественної Лі- біля церкви Св. Софії у Києві. українцями, інші мали україн- тургії празника св. Ілії. Не перед- Вашингтону (ДС), інший був свяще- ських дружин, ще інші просто ці- бачав, до якої міри під час шести ником зі Салема, Масачусетс. кавилися Україною. тижнів вдома в Україні мені буде Під час вихідних ми виїжджали Найприємнішою частиною мо­ так приємно… на екскурсії в різні райони Укра- го життя в Україні була зустріч з Час в Україні мене сформував, їни. У мене була нагода поїхати новими друзями, відвідування пре- і я після цього зріс. Це стало мож- до Хотина, Яремчі, Кам’янця- красних церков. Парафії в Україні ливим завдяки молитвам багатьох Подільського, Почаїва, Коломиї, зворушили мене, молодого семіна- людей. Особливо хочу подякувати Рогатина та Івано‑Франківська. риста з Канади. Було так приємно ЛУКЖК (відділ Ошави і Епархії Викладач історії і політичної на- бачити пречудові церкви, довгі чер- Торонта), Ліґу Українок Канади уки з Національного Університету ги до сповіді, чути прекрасні хори. (Ошава), Українську Католиць- ім. Івана Франка у Львові прова- У неділю вранці нікого не було на ку Освітню Фундацію (Торонто) і див нашими екскурсіями. Завдяки вулиці в центрі Львова, бо всі були п. Г. Мандзюк (Ошава) за всю фі- великодушності о. др. Михайла в церкві. Церква Св. Міхаїла в цен- нансову допомогу і молитви, що Квіатковського з Вінніпеґу я та- трі Львова, біля Студівської Лаври зробили мою подорож в Україну кож мав нагоду відвідати столицю Св. Йосифа, була моєю парафі- можливою. Нехай Бог вас всіх бла- України, Київ, де він мене привів єю на літо. Там я відбув найбільш гословить.


is the fourth gathering under this name where Ukrain- ian Catholic young adults—aged 18-35—get togeth- er for a weekend of learning about their faith and what unites them as Ukrainian Catholics. Participants share in group prayer sessions and choose among a variety of speakers and topics pertaining to young

adults today. Opportunities for fellowship abound. Each eparchy takes time to showcase its achievements. The banquet and dance are a big hit. “Everyone who has attended one of these events has always enjoyed the experience and we are looking forward to this one.” Previous Unity events were held in Winnipeg (1996), Canmore (2004), Muenster (2006) and are 32 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 scheduled to return to Winnipeg again for 2012. David Lisowski MANITOBA AND SASKATCHEWAN UCY HOLD INTER-EPARCHIAL RETREAT IN YORKTON By Tamara Lisowski, Archeparchial Youth and Young Adult Coordinator

n the weekend of March 6-8, 2009, Oyouth representing ten different parishes across Manitoba travelled to Yorkton, Saskatchewan for a week- end of prayer, reflection and building community. The retreat was entitled “Transformers: more than meets the eye” and was facilitated by Fr. Mi- chael Smolinski, CSsR and Sister Janet Kozak, SSMI. Our bus departed from the Chancery on Friday evening with our Winnipeg and surrounding area participants and continued on to Russell, MB where we were joined by four more participants and were treat- ed to a nutrition break by Fr. Darren Kawiuk. Arriving at Yorkton around Top: Participants of Unity Encounter 2009. Above: Training for the Vancouver Olympics. 11:00 p.m., we were given the oppor- encouraged to mingle on the bus and the participants said their goodbyes tunity to get to know our Saskatch- share details about one another. We and we returned to Winnipeg, a bit ewan counterparts before an evening were also each given a word to focus tired but spiritually refreshed. prayer service, after which we went on during the day so that our recrea- Thanks go to Laurie Friesen, straight to bed in preparation for the tion would also be a spiritual, trans- Fr. Mike, Sr. Janet and the entire exciting day to come. forming experience. retreat planning team as well as On Saturday, the group prepared Following our return from As- St. Mary’s Parish in Yorkton for host- to travel to Assessippi Ski Area. The sessippi, Fr. Michael and Sister Janet ing the event. Thanks also to all our opening prayer involved the bless- led the group through several spiritual chaperones and participants from ing of snow by Fr. Michael in or- reflections on Saturday evening and Manitoba. I was very happy to see der to ensure a safe and enjoyable Sunday morning, focusing on the vari- such a wide variety of parishes repre- day, which it definitely was. -Dur ous forms of transformation that occur sented! Perhaps in the near future we ing the trip to the ski hill, Manitoba in one’s life. Following Divine Lit- could host another joint retreat here and Saskatchewan participants were urgy at St. Mary’s Parish in Yorkton, in Winnipeg.


nother season of UCY is wrapped up and the youth Ukrainian Catholic Youth around Canada prepare for Unity Aare enjoying the “warm” summer. We have had a very this August, we will begin to value the effectiveness and eventful year. Everything from Kick-Off BBQs, sports, card­ goodness that is created when our organizations strive to making for seniors at Holy Family, scavenger hunts and, of achieve common values and goals. course, our Inter-eparchial retreat in Yorkton. This retreat The next pastoral year will be a big year for us. The allowed youth from Saskatchewan and Manitoba to get Ukrainian Catholic Council convention is taking place in together for their first ever retreat. We had over 50 partici- October where we will be electing a new executive for the pants in the retreat and it was a great success for everyone upcoming two years. Many thanks to the current executive involved. We would like to especially thank the UCWLC for for organizing all of the events over the past two years. donating part of the funds necessary to transport the youth Hopefully the new executive will have as much success from Winnipeg all the way to Yorkton safely. This is an- working with the UCWLC as past executives have. other wonderful example of the organizations that form the core of our Ukrainian Catholic Church helping each other Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 33 out in order to better the entire community as a whole. As Êóëüòóðà i ðîçâàãà

Огляд книжок, фільмів, A review of books, films, радіо, телебачення, концертів, radio, TV, concerts, exhibits, виставок та музики music and theatre dealing з українським змістом with Ukrainian themes Arts and Entertainment

Documentary Films: Ukrainian Subjects The Living (Zhyvi) genocide in Soviet Ukraine marking the 75th Anni- versary of the Holodomor. 75 min. From the moment Okradena Zemlya began, silence Ukrainian with English subtitles permeated the room. The story of the famine-geno- and English voice-over cide unfolded, weaving through the various political Director: Serhiy Bukovsky events based on recently uncovered documents on the Producers: Mark Edwards and subject and culminating with the famine-genocide and Victoria Bondar its inescapable tragic result, including the aftermath. © International Charitable Fund Ukraine-3000, 2008 Tension grew as the film progressed, uncovering a de- A Lystopad Film Production liberate plan to curtail any effort of Ukrainians to se- cure a country independent of Stalin’s grip. Director Serhiy Bukovsky’s and scriptwriter/produ- As the credits were rolling over the film score’s cer Victoria Bondar’s Zhyviy, The Living (Zhyvi), is music, silence continued. Slowly, clapping started, in- their recently released documentary film about the creasing to a prolonged standing ovation. The faces in Holodomor, the 1932-33 Ukrainian famine-genocide. the audience showed the emotional effect the film’s The title of the film refers to the people who, as story had on them and an appreciation the film was children, lived through the horrors of the Holodomor. made. Many in the audience were survivors. Many of them are only now beginning to talk about The powerful documentary is much needed for what they experienced—how all their families’ posses- schools and the general public to better understand the sions were taken away, how entire villages were dying, genocide. With over 40 hours of material, the editing and how they managed to survive. Among the narra- to a one hour and fifteen minute documentary required tors is Victor Yushchenko, president of Ukraine, whose difficult choices. mother was a Holodomor survivor. In one scene, he is Yurij Luhovy was called to step forward follow- shown at the burial site of Holodomor victims in his ing the film. He thanked many of those who helped native village of Khuruzhivka in the Sumy oblast. in making the documentary and asked those present The Living also recounts the story of Gareth Jones, to stand up, including Andrij Mazepa for his graphic the British investigative journalist whose reports on design, camerawoman Adriana Luhovy, cameraman the Holodomor were largely ignored in the West. Istan Rozumnyj, who just arrived from Kyiv, Luba Demko for transcriptions, Oksana Rozumna as co- Yuryj Luhovy’s Okradena Zemlya writer, Artem Luhovy and Bohdan Paska for technical support, Dr. Hennadij Boriak of Kyiv (represented by receives standing ovation his sister Lilli Boriak), and for the assistance of Ser- Over 300 people attended the Montreal premiere of hij Savchenko and Pavlo Showhaniuk of “Zustrich,” the Ukrainian-language film Okradena Zemlya, a Marika Putko, president of UCC in Montreal, and newly-released documentary on the 1932-33 famine- Simon Kouklevsky of Ukrainian Time Radio.

34 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 Okradena Zemlya, in English Genocide Revealed, have God-like surgical powers, yet to struggle against comprises amazing archival film footage, photos your own humanity? What is it like to try and save a and documents used. Holodomor expert Dr. Roman life and yet to fail? Serbyn says, “It is the best documentary recently Shot in a Ukrainian hospital full of desperate pa- made on the Holodomor.” The film increases histor- tients and makeshift equipment, The English Surgeon ical understanding of the tragedy by providing details is an intimate portrait of brain surgeon Henry Marsh of the unimaginable. as he wrestles with the dilemmas of a doctor/patient To arrange for a showing in your city or to sup- relationship. port an English-language version, please contact Writer/director Geoffrey Smith of the United King- Yurij Luhovy 514-481-5871, [email protected] dom has made over 22 films for all major broadcast- or write to 2330 Ave Beaconsfield, Montreal, Quebec ers in the U.K. He is drawn to observational real-life H4A 2G8, Canada. dramas in which ethical and moral dilemmas abound. This one is exceptional and most recently a winner of The English Surgeon the Best Feature Documentary at Hot Docs, Toronto, one of the most prestigious documentary film festi- Saturday evening’s “Spe- vals in North America. More recently, the film won the cial Presentation of an Sterling World Feature Award at Silverdocs, the most Award-Winning Docu- prestigious documentary film festival in the U.S. mentary” featured The The Ukrainian Weekly June 29, 2008 English Surgeon. The film Kino-Q Ukrainian Film Festival kicks off Soyuzivka season asks: What is it like to By Christina Kotlar

Kobzar Literary Award Benefits Canadian Literary World by Christine Turkewych Ph.D., Program Director

“Why a literary award with a Uk­ large “memory niche” for writers to something about Ukrainian Canadian rainian Canadian theme?” is a ques- research stories. immigration history, the cultural and tion asked frequently by Canadians. To understand fully the purpose of social values of that community and/ For those with a Ukrainian heritage, the Kobzar Literary Award, one has or political issues and links with the obvious answer is, “It’s a great to acknowledge and value the pur- Ukraine; or, the dynamics between idea to get Ukrainians acknowledged pose of awards generally and literary the Ukrainian community and other for their authorship.” awards particularly. An award can communities in Canada. Importantly, Authorship and theme are not al- provide encouragement and recogni- great writing can make readers of any ways linked through heritage. The tion of excellence, or an award can heritage think critically, laugh or cry, Kobzar Literary Award is expansive, foster the development of a concept, and learn. as a submitting author does not have initiate or stimulate interest in a new The Kobzar Literary Award show- to be of Ukrainian heritage and does focus. The Kobzar Literary Award cases writers’ efforts and their “pur- not have to speak the language. The serves two purposes: it stimulates in- pose” or message to readers. Once an Shevchenko Foundation will accept terest in Ukrainian Canadian themes award is established over many years submissions in English, French and within the Canadian literary world with respectable standards for adjudi- Ukrainian, and will pay for transla- and it demonstrates appreciation of cation, it raises the standards in the tions for adjudication purposes for authors who address this theme with field and, ultimately, better and bet- those works assessed suitable and literary merit. The ultimate effect on ter writing emerges. Consequently, worthy for translation. Four million the readership will be created by the the $25,000 biennial Kobzar Literary Canadians can trace their heritage works themselves. The stories have Award contributes to the develop- to Ukrainian ancestry. This is a very the potential to teach every reader ment of literary arts in Canada. →

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 35 The Ukrainian Canadian Foun- the 2010 award are, in alphabetical dation of Taras Shevchenko, with its order: , Janice Kulyk mandate for heritage retention and Keefer, and Richard cultural development, launched the Scrimger. Jurors who served in 2006 Kobzar Literary Award at Hart House and in 2008 were: , in Toronto on May 14, 2003. Several Modris Eksteins, Ph.D., Myrna Kos- Canadian writers were invited to ad- tash, Laura Langston, John Metcalf, vise the Foundation on initiating a Mieko Ouchi, Bill Richardson and literary award that would create in- Antanas Sileika. terest in Ukrainian Canadian stories The Shevchenko Foundation funds among publishers and readers. The a full Kobzar Writer’s Scholarship event launched the award to an audi- at the Humber School for Writers ence of Canadian publishers, literary Summer Workshop every year since agents, authors and Ukrainian Can- 2007. Additionally, the Foundation adian community leaders. funds an author, who is seasoned in Responsibility for the Kobzar Lit- writing and developing Ukrainian erary Award Dinner and Ceremony Canadian themes, to serve as faculty was transferred to a volunteer com- at the Humber School for Writer’s mittee on April 1, 2005. Toronto was Summer Workshop. To date, Marsha selected as the site for the award cere- Skrypuch and Janice Kulyk Keefer mony, as it is the publication centre have served as faculty, coached and of Canada. In 2006, the Shevchenko mentored novice writers. Foundation created a new position, Great achievements lead to great- that of Program Director, who de- er achievements. The Kob­zar Lit- veloped strategic goals to launch and Library, a Harper Collins publication. erary Program has evolved from establish the Kobzar Literary Award The third Kobzar award ceremony will lessons learned at every stage of de- within the Canadian literary world. be held at the Palais Royale in Toronto velopment and through every event. With the creation of this position, the on Thursday, March 4, 2010. Novice writers need scholarships to Shevchenko Foundation demonstrat- The Kobzar Literary Award ad- keep them learning and improving ed its long-term commitment to sus- judication is a peer review process their craft; shortlisted authors need tain a respected literary program. that requires all jurors to be recog- their books to sell and to be read by Rt. Honourable Adrienne Clark- nized and award-winning Canadian the public; publishers need to ac- son, Hon. Senator Raynell Andrey- authors. Submissions with very little cept Ukrainian-Canadian themed chuk, and Joy Kogawa accepted invi- Ukrainian-Canadian theme develop- manuscripts; Canadian writers need tations to the Honorary Patron circle ment, reprints and self-publications to accept the challenge to write on and demonstrated their support for do not meet basic entry require- a Ukrainian-Canadian theme. Un- the award. More recently, award win- ments. Classic standards of literary doubtedly, the Kobzar Literary Award ning author has also be- merit and theme development consti- ceremony and program evolves ex- come an honorary patron. tute selection criteria and are equally cellent books that have the potential On March 2, 2006 during the in- defining elements. Adjudicators for to be called Canadian classics. augural Kobzar Award Ceremony, the first co-recipients were Laura Langston for Lesia’s Dream and Shortlisted books in 2006 & 2008 Danny Schur for Strike: The Music-  Grekul, Lisa for Kalyna’s Song, published by Coteau Books al. After the first award was split, the Shevchenko Foundation created  Warwaruk, Larry for Andrei and the Snow Walker, published by policy whereby future awards cannot Coteau Books be split between two recipients.  Bociurkiw, Marusya for Comfort Food for Break‑ups: The Memoir of In 2008, the second Kobzar Liter- a Hungry Girl, published by Arsenal Pulp Press. Vancouver, 2007 ary Award recipient was Janice Kulyk Keefer, for The Ladies’ Lending  Fodchuk, Roman Paul for Zhorna: Material Culture of the Ukrainian Pioneers, published by University of Calgary Press, 2006 36 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009  Grekul, Lisa for Leaving Shadows: Literature in English by Canada’s Ukrainians, published by University of Alberta Press, 2005 Here are some good books Review of for Christmas giving The Grain Hardcover 1. Catholic Bible Dictionary Store Scott Hahn, editor. Doubleday Religion. A play staged by the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in 2. Rediscovering Catholicism Stratford-upon-Avon, England. About “a Ukrainian village Matthew Kelly. Beacon. during the 1930s, it encapsulates the draining of life from a village which under Stalinist collectivization sees its church 3. The Dream Manager turned into a grain store, the contents of which are left to rot Matthew Kelly. Beacon/Hyperion. while the villagers starve.” At time of writing there were over 4. A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church 4 million hits on the internet to access reviews. Here’s one. Rembert Weakland. Wm. B. Eerdmans. 5. Celebration of Hope “Heavy history but light touch” Richard J. Foster. HarperOne. By Taissa Csaky 6. The Rhythm of Life The story of mass starvation under Soviet Matthew Kelly. Beacon/Fireside. rule could make for a depressing night out 7. The Gift of Years but in fact the story is told with a light touch Joan Chittister. BlueBridge. that makes a defining and dreadful period in 8. The Seven Levels of Intimacy Ukraine’s history accessible, engaging and Matthew Kelly. Beacon/Fireside. even entertaining. 9. The Fathers, Illustrated Edition, Vol. II The play opens with party activists try- Pope Benedict XVI. Our Sunday Visitor. ing to demonstrate the evils of the Orthodox Church to villagers with a crude pantomime 10. To Bless the Space Between Us John O’Donohue. Doubleday Religion. performance. This gives the production li- cense to tell the rest of the story in a magic- Paperback realist or at least non-realistic way. The ideology-driven party activists are juxta- 1. The Screwtape Letters posed with the villagers and independent kulak farm- C.S. Lewis. HarperOne. ers who are more concerned with finding enough to 2. Mere Christianity eat than national or international politics. C.S. Lewis. HarperOne. There are some clichés: stupid, comical 3. Good News About Sex and Marriage peasants and a cold, repressed power-hun- Christopher West. St. Anthony Messenger/ gry party official (Motko). On the whole Servant. these clichés act as useful shortcuts that 4. Catechism of the Catholic Church help the story along. Doubleday/USCCB Publishing. Ukrainian traditional music—both 5. Handbook for Today’s Catholic song and instrumentals—is used beauti- Redemptorist/Liguori. fully to turn up the emotional heat and 6. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Stories of gives the play a distinct cultural atmos- Faith phere, despite the wildly varied accents of J. Canfield & M. V. Hansen. Liguori/CSSP. the villagers (Scottish, Yorkshire, RP…). 7. Compendium of the Catechism of the Music and storytelling come together Catholic Church for a compelling scene in the final act: the USCCB. starving and exhausted villagers are forced to 8. The Great Divorce rehearse a song and dance for a visiting U.S. C.S. Lewis. HarperOne. journalist. A rousing Soviet anthem lifts the 9. The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature spirits while the stumbling movements of the Classics villagers are genuinely upsetting. C.S. Lewis. HarperOne. This is history but not a lecture, skillful Source: Catholic Book Publishers Association storytelling with a truthful heart.

Nasha Doroha  winter/2009 37 Останнє слово … last word have been thinking a lot about the meaning of Christ- I mas and I keep coming back to several themes. The first is giving. There have been very fine ex- amples of that on the pages of . The kind gestures towards orphanages, ongoing gifts of Z EI MYRON PAR League members’ time and energy to our church and цьому році бyло багато новин про Україну і укра- hromada—community—and a most generous gift of a У їнські справи. В Україні Патріярх Росії заохочував million dollars by Dr. Maria Fisher-Slysh to the Ukrain- українців до приналежности Московському Патріярха- ian Catholic University in Lviv demonstrate our com- тові. Тиск триває. mitments to our causes. Голодомор відзначався збагаченою інформацією — Second, the effort devoted to works of lasting value— книжками, фільмами, конференціями, навіть yспішною writing books, making films, thinking through positions драмою в Royal Shakespeare Theatre у Великій Британії that lead our hromada forward and leave a permanent (ст. 37 ). Ідe підготовка до виборів президента. Інтернет contribution. We remember, we care, and we contribute. наповнений анти-українською політикою Росії. Інші сусі- The third is recognition. Oh, how we crave it and ди, такі як Франція та Німеччина, гостро виступають про- how positively we respond to the smallest of public ac- ти членства України в НАТО, ба навіть в Європейському knowledgements. In our League we acknowledge long Союзі. А як Україні важко, то й нашій Церкві не добре. service with pins, even honorary lifetime awards. Our Що ж робити нам і нашій малій — хоч у Канаді най- Canadian society has a vast range of awards from the більшій організації — в таких великих справах? Ось до lowest to the highest levels. They are a public thank- вашої уваги. you for public contributions—often the only one. More. Ми належимо до світових і краєвих надбудов, де плати- Recognition is a motivator for others to get into the act. мо вкладки як рівні члени і турбуємося проблемами като- Yet, Canadian awards appear to be underutilized by our лицької церкви та мирян в інших краях, таких як Африка hromada. We don’t nominate deserving people: nascho чи Азія. Можливо, варто представити там наші справи — nam? represents this lack of effort. The $20,000 Senator українські. Хай краєві і світські структури підтримують в Yuzyk Multiculturalism Award has only one nominee at Україні сиротинці та вимагають СТОП! торгам немовлят time of writing and the deadline is in February. Ukraine на донорські органи в таких країнах, як Ізраїль. offers awards too and it’s nice to see members of our ЛУКЖК (через СФУЖО) має доступ до ООН, де треба community receive them. впливати на справи. Наприклад, знання української мови But something is not quite right. Here’s my first ques- працівниками ООН в Україні. Поки що на першому міс- tion: Why are there so few hromada nominees for Can- ці стоїть знання не державної української, а російської adian awards. No nominations mean no recipients; and the мови. Чи вимагають наші делегати зміни в цій справі? conclusion is drawn that there are no worthy Canadians А через КУК та інші правоохоронні організації, чи in our hromada among the hundreds—no, thousands—of не треба в Новому році повернутися до вимоги зняття such winners. In the 65 years of the League’s existence Pulitzer Prize для Walter Duranty? Чи не варто розпочати only Mary Dyma and Katherine Crouse received Can- акцію проти одного з найлютіших ненависників україн- ada’s highest award, the Order of Canada. And that was ців і нашої Церкви Йосифа Сталіна і вимагати знесення ages ago. Let’s award some fine people in the New Year! його Time Man of the Year Award, 1933? The second question is this: why were there no awards Ось декілька справ, які потребують нас усіх і нашу Ліґу. given to non Ukrainian-Canadians by Ukraine’s govern- З нагоди Різдвяних Свят щастя вам, здоров’я і радості ment? Surely Ukraine needs friends in Canada’s main- в дім та успіхів у громаді! stream. These were notably missing from the recipient Христос Раждається! list. Something else for the League to think about. From all of us at , a blessed and wonderful Christ- mas and many good things in the New Year.

38 Íàøà Äîðîãà  çèìà/2009 Q&A ~ Запити і відповіді ³êòîðîì Ìîðîçîâèì НД: Як сталося, що видавець Іван Малкович з З „А‑ба‑ба-га-ла-ма-га” і Ви вийшли на цю ідею і що ïåðåêëàäà÷åì íà óêðà¿íñüêó ìîâó український переклад потрапляє на ринок раніше російського?

НД: Ви переклали сім книжок про Гаррі ВМ: Як я вже згадав, головна ідея полягала у спробі «укра- Поттера на українську мову. Чому? їнізації» дітей півдня і сходу України завдяки “Гаррі Потте- ру”. На жаль, коли я вже переклав першу книжку серії, ніхто ВМ: Я переклав на українську всі сім книжок із се- в Україні (ані читачі, ані видавці) ще не чув про Гаррі Потте- рії про Гаррі Поттера (4-у книжку спільно з Софією ра, тому мені довелося досить довго шукати видавців і пе- Андрухович) плюс «Казки барда Бідла», базовані на реконувати їх, що це цікава й комерційно приваблива серія цій серії, але видані окремим виданням. книжок. Але врешті-решт мені дуже пощастило, що “Гаррі Ідея перекласти “Гаррі Поттера” була великою Поттером” зацікавився засновник і директор найкращого в мірою викликана наміром “українізувати” росій- Україні дитячого видавництва «А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-МА-ГА» ськомовних дітей сходу і півдня України. Адже коли Іван Малкович, завдяки енергії та наполегливості якого ми я почав перекладати “Гаррі Поттера”, ще не існувало змогли не тільки випередити росіян, але й зробити україно- російського перекладу цієї книжки, тому я сподівав- мовні книжки про Гаррі Поттера високоякісними. Для цього, ся, що навіть російськомовні діти України захочуть однак, довелося докласти великих зусиль. Скажімо, остан- прочитати переклад популярної у світі книжки укра- ню, сьому книгу (понад 600 сторінок тексту) я переклав за їнською і таким чином поступово українізуються. 40 днів, починаючи о 7 ранку, а закінчуючи о 2-3 ночі.

НД: Який успіх та резонанс мають переклади у НД: Хто такий Віктор Морозов? світі та Україні? ВМ: Співак, композитор, перекладач. Як музикант висту- ВМ: В Україні мої переклади “Гаррі Поттера” ко- пав у відомих українських групах «Арніка» і «Смерічка», ристуються великим успіхом. Так, загальний наклад співпрацював зі славетними українськими композиторами проданих книжок наближається вже до мільйона Володимиром Івасюком та Ігорем Білозіром. 1988 року за- примірників, тоді як середній наклад україномовної снував з групою однодумців-бардів театр-кабаре «Не жу- художньої книжки зазвичай, на жаль, невеликий: рись!», учасники якого гостро висміювали вади тодішнього 5-10 тисяч примірників. У світі також неабиякий совєтського режиму. Восени 1989 року в театралізованій резонанс викликало те, що український переклад програмі «Повіяв вітер степовий» учасники театру «Не жу- останніх книжок серії з’являвся у продажу не тільки рись!» уперше виконали зі сцени Львівської філармонії за- набагато раніше за російський (що було основною боронений тоді гімн «Ще не вмерла Україна». Того ж року нашою метою), але й узагалі найпершим у світі (про «Не журись!» відвідав уперше з концертами багато міст Ка- це писала, зокрема, лондонська газета „Times”). Цьо- нади й Америки. го року я вже виступав з доповіддю, присвяченою Як перекладач відомий не тільки перекладами “Гаррі моїм перекладам “Гаррі Поттера”, на міжнародній Поттера” Дж. Ролінґ. Перекладав також таких знаних ав- конференції перекладачів у Охриді (Македонія), а у торів, як Пауло Коельо, Т.С. Еліота, Роальда Дала, Віктора вересні братиму участь у ще одній міжнародній кон- Маларека та інших. ференції перекладачів “Гаррі Поттера” в Парижі. (продовження на стор. 26)