\!rbe ~askell ~ocietp Miniature portrait of Elizabeth in 1832, THE GASKELL SOCIETY HOME PAGE has all the latest information on meetings. by William John Thomson of Edinburgh http://gaskellsociety.co.uk If you have any material or suggestions for future Newsletters, please contact Mrs. Helen Smith, 11 Lowland Way, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA 16 9AG. Telephone - 01565 632615 E-mail:
[email protected] Hon Treasurer: Brian Williams, 15 Cawley Avenue, Culcheth, Warrington, Cheshire WA3 4DF NEWSLETTER Membership Secretary: Miss C. Lingard, 5 Moran Crescent, Macclesfield SK11 8JJ Sprin~ 20 11 - Number 51 ISSN 0954 - 1209 Editor's Letter Helen Smith 2010 has been an exciting and eventful year for the Gaskell Society. Exhibitions, entertainments, feasts and festivals have all contributed to the junketings throughout 1 the year. Elizabeth Gaskell entered Poets' Corner in time for her 200 h birthday. Knutsford celebrated 29th September with traditional sanding, bell-ringing, lecture at Brook Street Chapel followed by lunch at the Belle Epoque Brasserie beneath the Gaskell Memorial Tower and then a Gaskell walk. On the following morning, Joan Leach died. Tributes appear in this Newsletter and have been published elsewhere. Our founder, Joan, has been the galvanising force behind the Gaskell Society for 25 years. In November 1865 The Manchester Guardian ended its obituary of Elizabeth Gaskell with the sentence: "Her death leaves a blank that will not easily be filled." In some respects these simple words could be applied to our dear friend Joan. To end on a more positive note, 84 Plymouth Grove has now replaced the "pestilential drains" and continues to improve.