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44 ASTBURY. CHESHIRE. [ KELLY"s MORETON. Holland Thomas, farmer, Lodge farm Austin .!lfred, gamekeeper to Col. Sir .Ackers Mrs. New l\Ioreton hall . Laithwood James F.R.C. V.S. farmer W. G. Shakertey hart Breeze William Chamberlain, gardener Proudlove Henry, farmer, Top farm Cliff Jas. blacksmith,Pecklow smithy to Mrs. Ackers, Eastern house Yates George, farmer Ford John, farmer, Lightwood Buckley Thoma>', farmer, New road Yates Sarah (Mrs.) (exors. of), far- H~ll Joseph, farmer, Loachbrook Camplin Robert, farm bailiff to Mrs. mers, Wood farm H1ll Joseph, land agent to Col. Sir .Ackers, Home farm SOMERFORD. W. G. Shakerley <baMI Cartlidge Frederick, blacksmith, Shakerley Col. Sir Waiter Geoffrey Wainwright John Thomas, farmer, Brownlow smithy hart. J.P. Somerford park Somerford farm AS TON -BY-BUDWORTH, on the high road from' charity alsD provides [2 13s. wd. yearly for sermons. Knutsford to Northwich, is a chapelry and scattered I and the same sum for education; 22 pairs of blankets township in the parish of Great Budworth, 6 miles north- are distributed annually amongst the poor of the follow east from :Northwich station, 6~ west-by-south-west from ing places :-Aston-by-Budworth and Comberbach (9), Knutsford station, on the Cheshire lines and London Great Budworth (6), Crowley (2), Cogshall (r), Pick and North Western railways, 10 south-west from .Altrinc- mere (3), Tabley (1). Piers Egeroon-Warburton esq. ham, and 3 from Great Budworth, in tlie Knutsford who is lord of the manor, and Lady Leighton-Warren, division of the county, eastern division of the hundred of Tabley House, are the sole landowners. The soil is of Bucklow, Bucklow union, :Xorthwich county court dis- mixed, and the subsoil is clay and sand. The chief trict, and in the petty sessional division of Bucklow. crops are wheat, oats, turnips, and potatoes, and some The chapel of St. Mary, adjoining .Arley Hall, and erected land in pasture. The area is 2,924 acres of land, 33 nf in 1845, is an edifice of Runcorn freestone, in the Deco- water; rateable value, [4,984; the population in rgor rated style, consisting of chancel, nave and north aisle, was 423. and has one stained window: the Rev. Joseph Hooker Post, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel Toogood 1\LA. of Corpus Cbristi ~liege, Cambridge, Post, S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office, .Arley.- has been chaplain since 1900. Arley Hall, the seat of !Mrs. J a ne Charlton, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive Piers Egerton-Warburton esq. J.P. is an Elizabethan from Northwich at 7.30 a.m. & 5.50 p.m. & are dis- mansion situated in a beautifully wooded park of 300 patched at 6. ra p.m acres, and in front of the mansion is a lake of consider- Schools, .Arley Green (boys, girls & infants), for 86 boys able extent. .Arley Gr~en is beautifully situated. Cbari- & 64 girls & infants; avernge attendance, 36 boys, & ties of [12 16s. 7d. yearly value are distributed yearly 46 girls & infants; George Orton, master; Mrs. Elizh. by the overseers to the poor of the township ; Glover's Ireland, mistress ; Miss Edith Ireland, asst. mistres& Egerton-Warburton Piers J.P. & Hon. Eaton George, farmer, Yew Tree farm Moore Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, .Antoinette Elizabeth, .Arley hall Foster George, shopkeeper & farmer Lower Feldy Green farm Toogood Rev. Joseph Hooker •l\:I.A. Garner Joseph H. farmer, The .Ashes Pennington Peter, cowkeeper (chaplain) Gerrard Jn. Edwin, farmer,.Arley moss Percival Chas. farmer, West Feldy f1m COMMERCIAL. Gerrard Wm. farmer, Stockley farm' Percival John, farmer, Gore farm Gough Owen, farmer, Whethall farm I Prescott John, miller (water), .Arley .Armstrong Jubn, farmer Hamman John, butcher mill Blackshaw John Thos. farmer, Pinfold Haspell Edwd. farmer, Nettlegate frm Prescott Richard, tarmer, New farm Cheshire (Earl of Chester's) Imperial Holland Samuel, cowkeeper Preston .Artbur, farmer, Hill Tup farm Yeomanry (0 Squadron; C-apt. Hu HornbyRd.frmr.& overseer,.Aston p&.rk Robinson Jsph.farmer,Hield House fm bert M. Wilson, commanding; Hulme James, farmer Rowlinson Thomas, farmer,East Feldy Lieut. R. R. B. Verdin, second in Jackson William, farmer Sherwin John, farmer, Kay's farm command; Squadron Sergt.-Major King Henry, private organist & choir Smith John, head gardener to Piers Hopper, drill instructor), .Arley master to Piers Egerton-Warburton Egerton-Warburton esq Clarke Thomas, hay cutter esq. J.P . .Arley Green Tickle Joseph, farmer, LiLley farm Cook Elizabeth (Mrs. ),frmr . .All Fours Lambert William (Mrs.), farmer, Tomkinson George, head gamekeepe:r Curbishley llumphrey, wheelwright Gravestone house to Piers Egerton-Warburton esq Edg-erley Clifford & Ernest, farmers, Lewis John, e~late joiner Walton William, farmer, The Kennels Guide post :\{iller William, far mrr, Crossfields ASTON-BY-SUTTON is a parish, formed May 3, .A School Board of 7 members was formed on June z, 186r, from the paris~s. of Great Budworth and Runcorn, r87J, f01r the United District of .Aston-by-Sutton with and includes the townships of .Aston, Sutton, Weaver and Middleton Grange, .As ton Grange & Sutton Weaver; .As ton Grange, in the N orthwich division of the county, Charles E. Linaker, sen. Frodsham, clerk to the board Bucklow hundred, Runcorn petty sessional division, Board School (mixed), for qo children; average at union and county court district, rurnl deanery of Prod tendance, roo; James Robinson. master sham and archdeaconry and dioce;;e of Chester. Aston-by-Sutton (including Middleton Grange) is a .AS TOX G RA~GE :is a small township in Runcorn township and village on the river Weaver, about I~ parish, consisting of two farms, 5 miles from Runcorn. miles from Sutton Weaver station on the London and The acreage is 458 ; rateable value, £716; the popu North Western railway, and about the same distance lation in 1901 was 40. from Halton station on the London and North Western Letters through "\Varrington via Preston Brook, which and Great Western joint railways, 4~ south-east from is the nearest money order & telegraph office Runcorn and 7 from Northwich. The church, supposed • to have been dedicated to St. Peter, is a plain building SUTTON WE.A. VER is a township and village in Run- of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, north and south corn parish, on the high road from Warrington to Cheste:r porches, and a western turret containing a clock and and on the river "\Veaver, 2 miles north-east from Frod one bell: there are mural monuments to the .Aston sham and 4~ south-east from Runcorn, with a station family of this place, knights and baronets, dating from on the London and North Western railway. Halton sta the year r6oo : the church affords 250 sittings. The tion, on the London and North Westem and Great ll"egister dates from the year 163 6. The living is a Western joint railways, is also in this township. There vicarage, net yearly value £r9o, in the gift of .Arthnr is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel here. .Arthur Hervey Hervey Talbot esq. J.P, and held since 1896 by the Rev. Talbot esq. of .Aston Hall, is lord of the manor and Charles Wray M . .A. of Jesus College, Cambridge. Bec chief landowner. The soil and the subsoil are clay. kett's charity oi1 [2 r8s. Bd. yearly is for fuel and cloth The chief crops are wheat, oats and potatoes. The. area ing; .Shaw & Hough's charity amounts to IIS. Bd. a is 1,189 acres of land, including 20 of wateT; rateabl~ year. .Aston Hall is the resndence of .Arr-thur Hervey Tal value, [7,165; the population in 1901 was 405. bot esq. J.P. and .Aston Lodge that of Mrs. Dickson. TherP Post Office. Miss .Ann Ormson, sub-postmistress. is no lord of the manor. The land belong!! to A.rthur Letters arrive from Warrington at 5.15 a.m. & 4 p.m.; Hervey Talbot esq. The chief crops are wheat, oats and despatched at 9-50 a.m. & 8. 25 p.m. The nearest potatoes. The soil is loamy; the subsoil is clay. The money order & teleg!1lph offices are at Frodsham area of the township is 1,386 acres of land and 22 of Bridge, Preston Brook & Halton, 2 miles distant water; rateable value of the township is the [5,232; Wall Pillar Box, .Aston Lane end, cleared at 7 a.m. & population in 1901 was 249, and of the parish 694· 8.20 p.m.; sundays, 8.20 Parish Clerk, John Illidge. Letters through Warrington via Preston Brook. Wall FRODSH.A~f RRIDGE is a small hamlet in SuttoD Letter Box cleared 6.45 a.m. & 6 p.m. week days 'Veaver township, on the hank of the Weaver, which only. Preston Brook is the nearest money order & divides Frodsham from this township. Here are steam telegraph office, 2 miles distant corn and oil cake mills and bone works. .