GEDAC Agenda 2019-05-28



AGENDA Tuesday, May 28, 2019 4:30 PM Council Chambers


“We would like to begin today’s meeting by acknowledging that the Town of Georgina is located over lands originally used and occupied by the First Peoples of the Williams Treaties First Nations and other Indigenous Peoples and thank them for sharing this land. We would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our close neighbour and friend, one with which we strive to build a cooperative and respectful relationship.”






Pages 1 to 5 (1) Meeting minutes from Tuesday April 23, 2019



(1) Former Subcommittee Berenice presentation.



Page 6 to 7 (1) Ms. Cheung's Class, Pink Shirt Day

GEDAC Agenda 2019-05-28

Page 8 to 9 (2) Rebalancing the Opportunity Equation - United Way Greater Toronto Report (

(3) York Region police investigate anti-Semitic graffiti found in Vaughan ( investigate-anti-semitic-graffiti-found-in-vaughan.html)


(1) Discussion - Community Response To Hate Slogan (ongoing item). ( response-guide)

Pages 10 to 27 Resources for Anti-hate slogan (deferred for further consideration):  Saskatoon ( heritage/cultural-diversity/race-relations-city-policy)

Pages 28 to 30 (2) Education and empowerment event (prelude to diversity dinner).

 Other fall event dates (Page 28)  Ted talk suggestion (page 29)  Keynote Speaker suggestions (page 30)

Pages 31 to 32 (3) Multi-faith dates

(4) York Region Pride Parade, June 15, 2019, Newmarket

(5) Bursary/education award (ongoing)

 Committee to discuss the criteria, who will judge, and prize to be awarded

(6) Communication strategy (ongoing)

Pages 31- 40 (7) Music in the Streets 2019- Saturday June 23, 2019. Discussion on level of participation.

(8) Diversity Dinner (ongoing)


13. MOTION TO ADJOURN GEDAC Minutes 2019-04-23



MINUTES Tuesday, April 23, 2019 4:30 PM Committee Room


The meeting was called to order at 4:30 PM.

“We would like to begin today’s meeting by acknowledging that the Town of Georgina is located over lands originally used and occupied by the First Peoples of the Williams Treaties First Nations and other Indigenous Peoples and thank them for sharing this land. We would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our close neighbour and friend, one with which we strive to build a cooperative and respectful relationship.”


The following Committee members were in attendance: Karen McGill, Chair Kyle Stipanic, Vice Chair Mayor Margaret Quirk Berenice Ruhl Lily Pourzand

The following Committee member was absent with Regrets Alicia Lauzon, York Region Police

The following staff members were in attendance: Cathy Tustin, Senior Human Resources Consultant Sarah Brislin, Committee Services Coordinator



Moved by Kyle Stipanic, Seconded by Lily Pourzand


Page 1 of 40 GEDAC Minutes 2019-04-23

That the Georgina Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee waive the rules of procedure move Item 11(8) Music in the Streets ahead of all other business.


Moved by Kyle Stipanic, Seconded by Bernice Ruhl


That the April 23, 2019, Georgina Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee agenda be approved as presented.




(1) Meeting minutes from Tuesday March 26, 2019

Moved by Kyle Stipanic, Seconded by Bernice Ruhl


That the minutes of former Georgina Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee meeting held on March 26, 2019, be adopted.






(1) Public Heroes Awards 2019 (Keynote Speaker Wendy Cukier) and Meet Your Neighbour Dinners

(2) IAP – (a former GEDAC) sub-committee – package for review.

Moved by Kyle Stipanic, Seconded by Bernice Ruhl


Page 2 of 40 GEDAC Minutes 2019-04-23

That the Georgina Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee receive the following communication items:

1. Public Heroes Awards 2019 (Keynote Speaker Wendy Cukier) and Meet Your Neighbour Dinners 2. IAP – (a former GEDAC) sub-committee – package for review.



(1) Music in the Streets

Moved by Bernice Ruhl, Seconded by Kyle Stipanic


That the Georgina Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee approve a budget of $1500.00 towards the 2019 Music in the Streets festival to facilitate and compensate for the ceremony and performances of the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation. Further that the funds as provided be allocated to cover following in the order as listed:

1. Request traditional knowledge keeper 2. 4 traditional dancers 3. Big drum, and 4. hoop dancers


(2) Discussion - Community Response To Hate Slogan (ongoing item) The Committee previously discussed the possibility of proposing Council pass a statement resolution that will denounce hate with an additional objective of asking other York Region Municipalities to adopt the same or similar type of resolution.

Members reviewed the municipal and government resources for Anti-hate slogans and agreed to review the Saskatoon resource before the next meeting.

(2) Diversity Dinner with education and empowerment piece (continued discussion)

Moved by Bernice Ruhl, Seconded by Kyle Stipanic


Page 3 of 40 GEDAC Minutes 2019-04-23

That the Georgina Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee organize an education and empowerment event for the community in the fall.


(3) Step-up program discussion (include with previous item)

The Committee discussed the idea of encouraging active by-standers or ‘up- standers’

(4) Multi-faith dates

YRP has confirmed they have a Multi-Faith Calendar they can share.

(5) Bursary/education award

The Committee discussed creating an anti-hate award. The Committee to discuss the criteria, who will judge, and prize to be awarded

(6) Communication strategy

(7) Former Subcommittee discussion

Bernice Ruhl offered to present at next meeting.

(8) Additional Meeting date

Moved by Bernice Ruhl, Seconded by Kyle Stipanic


That the Georgina Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee added an additional meeting October 8th 2019.


(9) Respectful Engagement Strategies for Engaging Equity-Seeking Populations (Page 228).

Moved by Kyle Stipanic, Seconded by Mayor Quirk


That the Georgina Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee approve allocating the funds needed to cover the cost of registration and travel for committee

Page 4 of 40 GEDAC Minutes 2019-04-23

member Bernice Ruhl to attend the Respectful Engagement Strategies for Engaging Equity-Seeking Populations workshop.




Moved by Bernice Ruhl, Seconded by Lily Pourzand


That the Georgina Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee April 23, 2019, meeting adjourn at 5:46 PM.


______Karen McGill, Chair

______Sarah Brislin, Committee Services Coordinator

Page 5 of 40 Wednesday, April 1 0, 201 I

Dear Mr. Frank Sebo,

We are a grade 3, 4, and 5 class fl'om Sutton Public School. We are writing to tell you about Pink Sh¡rt Day. We want to explain that the Day of Pink is a day where we wear pink to stand up against bullying. lt all started when two ' teenagers bought 50 pink shirts to school to wear to stand up for a boy who ' was bullied for'wearing pink.

There are a few things we were wondering. We want to ask if your office could fly a pink flag under the tow¡r's flag every Day of Pink. Would you also be able to put information on the Day of Pink in the local newspaper to teach others about the day? Maybe in the mayor's column? Could you also put up Day of Pink posters around the town or on the town's website? We are also thinking about a free program that teaches people about the Day of Pink. We are also thinking about a story writing contest for the Day of Pink.

We want to thank you for accepting our letter and considering our requests. q I c Sincerely, L, Scz .to e Ms. Cheung's Grade 3,4, and 5 Class 9 .¡n: c,h \f Page 6 of 40 Urhlr 1" ì

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Page 7 of 40 Sarah Brislin

From: Phil Rose-Donahoe Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2019 10:27 AM To: Sarah Brislin Subject: FW: Rebalancing the Opportunity Equation - United Way Greater Toronto Report

Can you please share the email below with GEDAC members?

Thanks, Phil

Phil Rose-Donahoe, B.A. Hons, MMSt Cultural Services Manager | Recreation & Culture 26557 Civic Centre Road, Keswick, ON | L4P 3G1 905-476-4301 Ext. 2224 | Follow us on Twitter and Instagram Like us on Facebook

Confidentiality Notice This e-mail may be privileged and/or confidential, and the sender does not waive any related rights and obligations. Any distribution, use, or copying of this e-mail or the information it contains by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is unauthorized and may breach the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you received this e-mail in error, please advise the Town of Georgina by replying to this e-mail immediately.

From: Kajendran, Vinothini Sent: May 7, 2019 3:49 PM To: Adeney, Kim Subject: Rebalancing the Opportunity Equation ‐ United Way Greater Toronto Report

Hello Municipal Diversity and Inclusion Group Members:

Yesterday, United Way Greater Toronto released the Rebalancing the Opportunity Equation Report, which looks at income trends between 1980 - 2015, as well as the income gap between young people, immigrants, racialized groups and the rest of the population in Peel, Toronto and York regions. The findings paint a stark picture of who has access to the opportunities to succeed, and who is being left behind because of circumstances they can’t control.

Key findings include:

 Young adults in the GTA are more disadvantaged today than ever before.  In the GTA, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in Canada, the fact that you weren’t born here means that you are earning less.  The racial divide in the GTA has reached a historic high.  The report outlines several recommendations that all sectors can act on to ensure everyone can participate in society, enable people to get ahead and make life more affordable.

To view the full report click here: .

1 Page 8 of 40 Please feel free to share with your networks.

Kindest Regards,

Vinothini Kajendran | Senior Policy Analyst, Accessibility Strategies and Partnerships Branch, Community and Health Services ------The Regional Municipality of York| 130 Mulock Drive| Newmarket, Ontario Mail to: 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, ON L3Y 6Z1 O: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 74982 | [email protected] | Our Values: Integrity, Commitment, Accountability, Respect, Excellence

2 Page 9 of 40 Sarah Brislin

From: Kuffner, Becky Sent: Friday, March 29, 2019 3:49 PM To: Sarah Brislin Cc: Thomson, Tenille Attachments: CDRR policy.pdf; C01-025 Anti-Harrasment.pdf; PROOF_iamthebridge_billboardx4.pdf

Hi Sarah,

The City of Saskatoon has two policies that state zero tolerance for racism and discrimination. I have attached both. The City of Saskatoon also has developed an anti‐racism strategy with a public education element. The branding slogan we have used is “ I am the bridge…to ending racism.” ‘I am the bridge’ has been selected as the common theme to represent the important cultural diversity, race relations and immigration work being done across the corporation. ‘I am the bridge’ puts the onus on all Saskatoonians to think about their part in making everyone in our community feel welcome; it also incorporates the reference to Saskatoon’s reputation as the iconic bridge city. These are a examples of some of the public education posters that we developed as part of initiative.

Thanks for the inquiry.

Have a great weekend!

1 Page 10 of 40

Becky Sasakamoose Kuffner Race Relations Coordinator Treaty Six Territory City of Saskatoon 3130 Laurier Drive (O)306.975.7826 (C)306.270.8500


POLICY TITLE ADOPTED BY: EFFECTIVE DATE City of Saskatoon Anti-Harassment Policy and City Council December 18, 2006 Investigative Procedures for Members of City Council and Senior Administration ORIGIN/AUTHORITY CITY FILE NO. PAGE NUMBER Clause 1, Report No. 17-2006 of the Executive Committee CK. 255-1 1 of 7


The purpose and objective of this Policy is to ensure a respectful working environment free of harassment, including sexual, sexual orientation, racial, religious, verbal or physical harassment.


2.1 City Council – means the Mayor and Councillors.

2.2 Executive Committee – means a committee consisting of all members of City Council, in camera.

2.3 Senior Administration – means the City Manager, the City Solicitor and the City Clerk.

2.4 Sexual and Sexual Orientation Harassment- behaviour related to sexuality or sexual orientation that may be verbal or physical and is offensive, unsolicited and unwelcome. It is not limited to, but includes:

• unwelcome banter, teasing or jokes; • innuendoes or taunting about a person’s clothing, body or sexual activities; • displaying of pornographic or sexually explicit material; • sexually related leering or other gestures, or unwelcome physical contact or invasion of personal space; • condescending or patronizing behaviour, threats, promises, innuendos or reprisals whether direct or indirect, relating to a person’s sex or sexual orientation; and • refusing to work with or have contact with others because of their gender or sexual orientation.

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POLICY TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE NUMBER City of Saskatoon Anti-Harassment Policy and December 18, 2006 2 of 7 Investigative Procedures for Members of City Council and Senior Administration

2.5 Racial and Religious Harassment – behaviour which disrespects or causes humiliation to people because of their race, colour, national or ethnic origin, or the adornments and rituals association with religious beliefs. It is not limited to, but includes:

• slurs, gestures, innuendos or taunts about a person’s racial or religious background; • unwelcome banter, teasing or jokes relating to a person’s race or religion; • displaying racist, derogatory or offensive pictures, materials or graffiti; and • refusing to work with or have contact with others because of their racial or religious background.

2.6 Verbal Harassment – behaviour which is aimed at denigrating, intimidating or threatening a person, whether directly or indirectly. It may or may not overlap with other forms of harassment. It does not include spirited, but respectful expressions of opinion or debate not aimed at the individual, or his or her personal attributes, background or beliefs.


3.1 This Policy has as its goal the creation and maintenance of a respectful working environment, and the eradication of harassment.

3.2. Every employee of The City of Saskatoon, Civic Boards, Commissions, Authorities or Committees has the right to a respectful working environment free from harassment. Harassment is a form of discrimination, which violates people’s human rights and dignity. Everyone in the working environment has a responsibility to ensure that all persons are treated with respect, and to ensure that harassment does not occur. Harassment of employees or the general public will not be condoned or tolerated.

3.3 This Policy is meant to augment all Provincial legislation relating to harassment free workplaces for employees, City of Saskatoon Workplace Harassment Policy A04-016 and The City of Saskatoon Respectful Workplace Policy A04-022, which policies The City of Saskatoon has adopted in relation to its employees.

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POLICY TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE NUMBER City of Saskatoon Anti-Harassment Policy and December 18, 2006 3 of 7 Investigative Procedures for Members of City Council and Senior Administration

3.4 Members of City Council and Senior Administration are the leaders and role models for The City of Saskatoon, Civic Boards, Commissions, Authorities or Committees and should lead by example and conduct in building and maintaining a working environment that is respectful and harassment free.

3.5 Members of City Council and Senior Administration should be vigilant in working to prevent disrespectful behaviour and harassment before its starts, by being polite, courteous and respectful and should practice good conflict resolution methods in dealings with employees, other members of City Council, Senior Administration and the public.

3.6 Members of City Council and Senior Administration, both individually and as a group, should attempt to deal with concerns as they arise so that such concerns are resolved without the necessity of complaints having to be made.

3.7 Members of City Council and Senior Administration who believe employees have been harassed have a responsibility to bring these concerns to the attention of the Executive Committee. Members of City Council and Senior Administration who are in breach of this Policy may be subject to sanctions as set out in this Policy, or The Cities Act.

3.8 People who threaten to retaliate against a complainant or a witness for taking part in an investigation will be subject to sanctions.

3.9 Complainants will not be uprooted from their workplace or have their working conditions changed as a result of remedial action against a harasser.

3.10 Malicious complaints may result in sanctions being taken against the complainant.

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POLICY TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE NUMBER City of Saskatoon Anti-Harassment Policy and December 18, 2006 4 of 7 Investigative Procedures for Members of City Council and Senior Administration


4.1 To protect the interests of the complainant, the alleged harasser and any others who may report incidents of harassment, confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigatory procedure to the extent possible.

4.2 All records will be kept confidential except where disclosure is required by the sanction, or other remedial process, or as required by law.

4.3 Confidentiality must be distinguished from anonymity. It is fundamental that individuals accused of a breach of this Policy, and subject to possible sanctions, be informed of the allegations; this information will include the identity of the complainant. The complainant who wishes his/her complaint dealt with must, therefore, be prepared to be identified.


5.1 General Principles

(a) All complaints shall be treated seriously and shall be investigated appropriately according to the circumstances through the process set out in this Policy. However, this is not meant to prevent the Executive Committee from refusing to investigate or discontinuing the investigation of a complaint that is malicious, vexatious or trivial;

(b) People accused of harassment must be informed of the complaint against them. They shall receive fair treatment, including appropriate supports, and be kept informed throughout the process, including being given access to any written complaints;

(c) At any stage in the investigation process, both the complainant and the alleged harasser have the right to consult with and be represented by anyone of their choice; and

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POLICY TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE NUMBER City of Saskatoon Anti-Harassment Policy and December 18, 2006 5 of 7 Investigative Procedures for Members of City Council and Senior Administration

(d) Investigation appropriate to the circumstances will depend upon the nature and severity of the circumstances, and may include:

(i) Informal resolution – which may include face-to-face discussions, facilitated or mediated discussions, verbal or written statements and may be concluded with or without formal reports; and/or

(ii) Formal investigation: • will be used if informal resolution does not work, or is inappropriate for the circumstances for any reason; and • a formal investigation will result in a report being made to and a determination made by the Executive Committee as to the complaint.

5.2 Receipt and Investigation of Complaints

(a) Complaints Against City Council Members

(i) Any complaint against a member of City Council by an employee of The City of Saskatoon, including the Senior Administration, or by a member or an employee of a Civic Board, Commission, Authority or Committee shall immediately be forwarded to the Executive Committee, excluding such member;

(ii) The complaint shall be investigated by the Executive Committee as per this Policy, using the services of an independent investigator experienced in investigating this type of complaint;

(iii) The Executive Committee is authorized to utilize or retain such internal or external agencies, or solicit such internal or external legal advice as required;

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POLICY TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE NUMBER City of Saskatoon Anti-Harassment Policy and December 18, 2006 6 of 7 Investigative Procedures for Members of City Council and Senior Administration

(iv) Immediately upon conclusion of the investigation or receipt of any investigative report, as the case may be, the Executive Committee shall meet to consider the matter, including any report or legal advice received;

(v) The member of City Council whose conduct is the subject of the complaint is entitled to make submissions to the Executive Committee regarding the subject matter of the complaint; and

(vi) If the Executive Committee concludes that the allegations are well-founded, the Executive Committee shall determine if sanctions are warranted. Without limiting the generality of the following, sanctions may include removal of the member from any Civic Boards, Commissions, Authorities or Committees, restriction of access to civic services or City Hall (except as absolutely required in the execution of his or her electoral duties), removal of any privileges, remuneration or salary, or any sanctions or actions as may be permitted or authorized by The Cities Act.

(b) Complaints Against Members of the Senior Administration

(i) Any complaint against a Member of the Senior Administration shall be forwarded to the Executive Committee;

(ii) The complaint shall be investigated by the Executive Committee as per this Policy;

(iii) The Executive Committee is authorized to utilize or retain such internal or external legal advice as required;

(iv) Immediately upon conclusion of the investigation or receipt of any investigative report, as the case may be, the Executive Committee shall meet to consider the matter, including any report or legal advice received;

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POLICY TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE NUMBER City of Saskatoon Anti-Harassment Policy and December 18, 2006 7 of 7 Investigative Procedures for Members of City Council and Senior Administration

(v) The person whose conduct is the subject of the complaint is entitled to make submissions to the Executive Committee regarding the subject matter of the complaint; and

(vi) If the Executive Committee concludes that the allegations are well-founded, the Executive Committee shall determine if sanctions are warranted. Sanctions may include discipline up to and including dismissal of the person.

5.3 Cooperation with Investigation

Every member of City Council or the Senior Administration must cooperate fully with an investigation under this Policy, whether or not he or she is the subject of the complaint.


POLICY TITLE ADOPTED BY: EFFECTIVE DATE Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Policy City Council February 9, 2004 ORIGIN/AUTHORITY CITY FILE NO. PAGE NUMBER Clause 3, Report No. 2-2004 of the Planning and CK. 225-40-9 1 of 5 Operations Committee


The City of Saskatoon recognizes that Saskatoon has always been a society composed of people from many different backgrounds and this diversity will continue. The participation and contribution of all citizens in the development of our community is vital to meeting the challenges of the future.

TheU Vision Statement:U

The City of Saskatoon will work with community organizations, business and labour, all orders of government, and other stakeholders to create an inclusive community, where ethno-cultural diversity is welcomed and valued, and where everyone can live with dignity and to their full potential, without facing racism or discrimination.

OutcomeU Statements and Indicators of Success:U

The community will work together to achieve the following outcomes:

a) The workforce will be representative of the population of Saskatoon.

IndicatorsU of success:U

The ethno-cultural groups represented in the workforce in Saskatoon and within the Corporation of the City of Saskatoon will reach levels that represent the demographics of the city.

MonitorU :U (Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey, Federation of Canadian Municipalities) • Rates of employment by ethno-cultural groups. • Underemployment by ethno-cultural groups in regards to work in jobs below skills and training. • Retention of ethno-cultural groups by employers over the long term.

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POLICY TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE NUMBER Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Policy February 9, 2004 2 of 5

b) There will be zero tolerance for racism or discrimination in Saskatoon.

IndicatorsU of success:U

Reported incidents of racial discrimination in the community have decreased.

MonitorU :U

• Police statistics and other organizations, such as the Human Rights Commission, of reported incidents of racism.

Coordinated systems of reporting may need to be developed with a variety of organizations. The City of Saskatoon develop and publicize a system that is user friendly and non-intimidating to people wishing to report incidents of perceived racism as they apply to civic programs and workplace. Non-confidential aspects of tracking, actions taken, and reporting on results of investigations should be a part of the process.

c) Community decision-making bodies will be representative of the whole community of Saskatoon.

IndicatorsU of success:U

The number of people from a variety of ethno-cultural backgrounds who are participating in local government, such as City Council, committees advising Council, Community Associations, School Boards, etc. has increased.

MonitorU :U

• Composition of Council and committees by ethno-cultural background. • Monitor increase in participation on decision-making bodies based on the demographics in neighbourhood profiles. • Monitor and report the extent to which the City has become a leader in achieving the outcomes of the policy within its own organization.

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POLICY TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE NUMBER Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Policy February 9, 2004 3 of 5

d) There will be awareness and understanding in the community regarding the issues, and acceptance of the various cultures that make up Saskatoon.

IndicatorsU of success:U

Awareness and understanding regarding the issues of various cultures has increased both within the community and within the Corporation of the City of Saskatoon.

Organizations and the City are working together to create greater awareness and understanding.

MonitorU :U

• Monitor public awareness and understanding through perception surveys. • Monitor and evaluate the effect of City of Saskatoon cross-cultural awareness programs. • Monitor best practices research from agencies and other cities.

TheU City’s Role and Strategies in Achieving the Outcomes:U

The City of Saskatoon has had a role in employment equity and anti-racism in the past and will continue to have a role in the future. In order to fulfill its Strategic Plan and meet the needs of the citizens of Saskatoon, the City will be an important player in fostering good race relations and racial harmony in the community. It will be crucial that other stakeholders be involved in defining their roles as well so that the vision and outcomes can be achieved.

The City of Saskatoon will be:

a) A leader in the community by communicating the City’s vision and role in regards to the issues.

StrategyU :U InclusiveU Communication U – The City of Saskatoon will review its methods of communication to ensure that information is provided in a variety of ways to make it easily accessible to our diverse population.

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POLICY TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE NUMBER Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Policy February 9, 2004 4 of 5

b) A leader in the community by achieving the outcomes within its own organization.

Strategy: Employment Equity – The City of Saskatoon is an Employment Equity employer and commits itself to the development and promotion of policies and practices designed to eliminate discriminatory barriers in the workplace consistent with the Employment Equity Plan approved by the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission. The Workplace Harassment Policy has been established to provide a supportive environment for all employees. The City of Saskatoon will encourage and facilitate greater participation and greater access to employment by members of designated groups.

Strategy: Work-Place Training – The City of Saskatoon will provide cross cultural and cultural sensitivity training throughout the Corporation, so that both management and other employees can work towards eliminating systemic barriers and creating a welcoming and supportive environment for employees of all cultural backgrounds. As well, there is a need for education for potential employees on hiring processes, in order to assist them in accessing available jobs.

c) A facilitator to bring other agencies together to work jointly towards the outcomes.

Strategy: Collaboration and Partnerships – The City of Saskatoon will encourage and facilitate partnerships and collaboration among agencies to work towards jointly achieving the community outcomes. A first step will be to form an ongoing committee or coalition of agencies to work together on strategies and action plans.

d) A coordinator or clearing house for information sharing.

Strategy: Cultural Awareness and Anti-Discrimination Education – The City of Saskatoon will work with other agencies to share resources and develop joint public education programs to increase cross cultural understanding and to decrease incidents of discrimination.

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POLICY TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE NUMBER Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Policy February 9, 2004 5 of 5

e) A granting agency through existing grant programs.

Strategy: Analysis and Communication – The City of Saskatoon will review its existing grant program, modify them if required to include funding for race relations activities, and communicate about the grant programs to agencies in an inclusive manner.

This policy will be reviewed and evaluated periodically to determine its success.

A number of existing strategies and action plans that the City has already committed to, supplement this Policy. The City of Saskatoon has an employment equity plan, monitored and approved by the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission. The City is also developing the “Saskatoon Community Plan for Homelessness and Housing” and has in place the Innovative Housing Incentives Policy (C09-002). These should be cross-referenced in regard to cultural diversity and anti-discrimination strategies and initiatives.

Page 23 of 40 ...I have to acknowledge my own privilege and racist attitudes.


Page 24 of 40 ...I realize in this country I am not a high priority.


Page 25 of 40 I am just waiting for you to leave the store. I AM THE BRIDGE...TO ENDING RACISM.

Page 26 of 40 Growing up I felt like I couldn’t say anything. I AM THE BRIDGE...TO ENDING RACISM.

Page 27 of 40 Sarah Brislin

From: Cathy Tustin Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 10:02 AM To: Sarah Brislin Subject: RE: GEDAC task

Hi Sarah. This is what I was able to find:

October 19: Buttertart Festival October 19: Family Fright Fiesta October 25: Uptown Keswick Haunted Walk October 28‐29: One Dark Night.

I won’t be at the next GEDAC meeting. I’m on vacation. Cathy

From: Sarah Brislin Sent: April‐26‐19 12:11 PM To: Cathy Tustin Subject: GEDAC task

Moved by Bernice Ruhl, Seconded by Kyle Stipanic


That the Georgina Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee organize a education and empowerment event for the community in the fall.


Cathy to look into what other events happening in October.

C. Sarah A. Brislin, BA, Dipl.M.A Committee Services Coordinator | Clerk’s Division Corporate Services 26557 Civic Centre Road, Keswick, ON | L4P 3G1 905-476-4301 Ext. 2248 | Follow us on Twitter and Instagram Like us on Facebook

1 Page 28 of 40 Sarah Brislin

From: Karen Mcgill Sent: Friday, May 3, 2019 12:47 PM To: Sarah Brislin Cc: Margaret Quirk Subject: TedTalk

Hi Sarah,

Looking into Keynote speakers however for our first event we could also think about a TEDTalk. Here is a 20 minute TedxMileHigh that speaks to hate by Christian Picciolini. He was once leader of the white supremacist skinhead movement and speaks to how he was lured in at the age of 14 and how he was able to get out. “Picciolini has spoken all over the world, sharing his unique and extensive knowledge, teaching all who are willing to learn about building greater peace through empathy and compassion.” t

Could you please add this to our next agenda and share this email with the group? I am reviewing a series of Tedx that might speak to our anti‐hate campaign in case the group is interested.


Karen McGill Student Conduct Officer +1 416.491.5050 ext. 22057

1750 Finch Ave. East | Toronto, Ontario | M2J 2X5

1 Page 29 of 40 Sarah Brislin

From: Karen Mcgill Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2019 1:43 PM To: Sarah Brislin Cc: Cathy Tustin Subject: Toni Morgan Social Change Activist/keynote speaker

Hi Sarah,

Here is a keynote speaker that might work for us…her name is Toni Morgan…I attended a conference (“From Equity to Success”) last week at Mohawk College for the Coordinating Committee for Vice Presidents, Students(CCVPS) at colleges and universities. She was our keynote and was an engaging knowledgeable speaker. I spoke to her after her presentation about what we are looking to do…she is interested…I told her we would have to ask the committee and would contact her to find out more about costs etc. should the Committee be interested.‐morgan/

The week before I was at another conference and had the pleasure of hearing keynote Dr. Robyne Hanley‐Dafoe – she was also an amazing speaker but spoke more about resiliency…something that we could refer people to if they have experienced difficult situations. Cathy…Georgina HR might be interested in her…she is really amazing in person.

The final presenter I would like to recommend is more for Cathy Tustin/HR. I wasn’t sure at first what to expect but he was so funny when driving a point home about investigations, confidentiality and disclosure. The audience was learning through humour…another amazing presentation. R. Solomon, Distinguished University Professor, The Faculty of Law, Western Ontario [email protected] 519 661‐3603

Karen McGill Student Conduct Officer +1 416.491.5050 ext. 22057

1750 Finch Ave. East | Toronto, Ontario | M2J 2X5

1 Page 30 of 40 Each York Regional Police member participates in a Places of Worship tour hosted by our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Bureau. These tours enlighten members FAITH DATES about the faiths celebrated in the community they serve and ensures that officers can better serve people with diverse cultural backgrounds.

BUDDHISM BAHÁ'Í CHRISTIANITY ISLAM JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY APRIL 01 »Temple» Day (Solar New Year) 19 »Sultán» 06 »Epiphany» (W) 14 »Makar» 01 »Laylat» al Mi'raj 10 »Linji» Memorial 20 »World» Religion Day »Theophany» (E-New) 19 »Laylat» al Bara'at 21 »Mahayana» New Year »Armenian» FEBRUARY 25 »Honen» Shonin Memorial FEBRUARY 07 »Orthodox» Christmas (E-Old) 10 »Vasanta» Panchami MAY 07 »Mulk» 14 »Orthodox» New Year (E-Old) 06 »Ramadan» begins FEBRUARY 26 »Ayyám-i-Há» 18 »Week» of Prayer for MARCH 30 »Laylat» al-Qadr 05 »Lunar» New Year Christian Unity 05 »Mahashivaratri» 31 »Jum'at» al-Wada (Year of the Pig) MARCH 19 »Feast» of Theophany (E-Old) 21 »» »Losar» (Tibetan New Year) 02 »'Alá'» JUNE 15 »Nehan-e» (Nirvana Day) »19-day» Fast begins MARCH APRIL 05 »'Id» al-Fitr 19 »» (Sangha Day) 20 »19-day» Fast ends 01 »World» Day of Prayer 06 »Navvarsha» (New Year's Day) 21 »Naw-Rúz» and Bahá 05 »Shrove» Tuesday (W) »Ramayana» Week begins AUGUST MARCH 06 »Ash» Wednesday (W) 14 »Ramanavami» 10 »Day» of Hajj 14 »Memorial» of Shan-tao/ APRIL 11 »Lent» begins (E) »» 11 »'Id» al-Adhá Zendo Daishi 09 »Jalál» 19 »Hanuman» Jayanti 17 »Festival» of Higan-e 21 »First» Day of Ridván APRIL SEPTEMBER 28 »Jamál» 14 »Palm» Sunday (W) AUGUST 01 »First» of Muharram APRIL 29 »Ninth» Day of Ridván »Holy» Week begins (W) 15 »Raksha» Bandhan 10 »'Ashura'» 08 »Buddha's» Birth date 18 »Holy» (Maundy) Thursday (W) 23 »Sri» Krishna Jayanti 19 »Theravada» New Year MAY 19 »Holy» (Good) Friday (W) NOVEMBER 28 »Nichiren» Foundation Day 02 »Twelfth» Day of Ridván 20 »Holy» Saturday (W) SEPTEMBER 09 »Mawlid» al-Nabıy 17 »'Azamat» »Lazarus» Saturday (E) 02 »Ganesh» Chaturthi MAY 24 »Declaration» of The Báb 21 »» (W) 14 »Pitru» 18 »Wesak» (Buddha Day) 29 »Ascension» of Bahá'u'lláh »Palm» Sunday (E) 29 »» begins 22 »Holy» Week begins (E) JUNE JUNE 25 »Holy» Thursday (E) OCTOBER 17 »Poson» 05 »Núr» 26 »Holy» Friday (E) 05 »Saraswati» Puja 18 »Jamyang» Khyentse Chokyi 24 »Rahmat» 27 »Holy» Saturday (E) 07 »Navaratri» ends Lodro Anniversary 28 »Pascha» (Orthodox Easter)(E) 08 »Dassehra» JULY 17 »Karwa» Chauth JULY 10 »Martyrdom» of The Báb MAY 27 »» 06 »Birth» date of H.H. Dalai Lama 13 »Kalimát» 30 »Ascension» (W) 28 »Vikram» New Year Tenzin Gyatso 16 »Asalha» Puja (Dhamma Day) AUGUST JUNE »» (Rains Retreat) begins 01 »Kamál» 06 »Ascension» (E) 20 »Asmá'» 09 »Pentecost» (W) AUGUST 16 »Pentecost» (E) 26 »Festival» of Ksitigarbha (Jizo) SEPTEMBER »Trinity» Sunday (W) Bodhisattva 08 »'Izzat» 23 »All» Saints Day (E) 27 »Mashíyyat» SEPTEMBER AUGUST 07 »»Birth date of H.H. Sakya Trizin OCTOBER 06 »Transfiguration» Day (W-New) 12 »Anniversary» of the 16 »'Ilm» 15 »Assumption» (W, E-New) Tatsunokuchi Persecution 29 »Birth» of the Báb 19 »Transfiguration» Day (E-Old) 20 »Festival» of Higan-e 30 »Birth» of Bahá'u'lláh 22 »Eihei» Dogen Kigen Memorial OCTOBER NOVEMBER 06 »World» Communion Sunday OCTOBER 04 »Qudrat» 05 »Bodhidharma» Memorial 23 »Qawl» 02 NOVEMBER 13 »Nichiren» Shonin Memorial 26 »Day» of the Covenant 01 »All» Saints Day (W) »Pavarana» 28 »Ascension» of 'Abdu'l-Bahá 15 »Advent» begins (E-New) 14 »» begins 28 »Advent» begins (E-Old) 28 DECEMBER NOVEMBER 12 »Masá'il» DECEMBER 10 »Kathina» ends 31 »Sharaf» 01 »First» Sunday of Advent (W) 25 »Christmas» (W, E-New) DECEMBER 08 »Awakening» Day 12 »Sanghamitta» Day


JAINISM JUDAISM SHINTO SIKHISM ZARATHUSHTI APRIL JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY 12 »Aymbil» Ori (First Half) begins 20 »Eve» of Tu B'Shevat 01 »Gantan-sai» 05 »Birth» of Gobind Singh Ji 04 »Ghambar» Maidyarem ends 17 »Mahavira-jayanti» 21 »Tu» B'Shevat 14 »Seijin-no-hi» 13 »Maghi» 19 »Aymbil» Ori ends MARCH 24 »»Shrimad Rajchandra Dehvilay MARCH FEBRUARY MARCH 16 »»Ghambar Hamaspathmaedem 20 »Eve» of Purim 03 »Setsubun-sai» 14 »Sikh» New Year's Day begins MAY 21 »Purim» 21 »Hola» Mohalla 20 »»Ghambar Hamaspathmaedem 07 »Akshaya-tritiya» MARCH ends APRIL 20 »Shubun-no-hi» APRIL 21 »Now» Ruz (Fasli) JULY 19 »Eve» of Pesah 14 »Vaisakhi» 26 »Birth» of Prophet Zarathustra 16 »Guru» 20 »First» Day of Pesah MAY (Fasli) »» begins 21 »Second» Day of Pesah 18 »Sanja» Matsuri JUNE 26 »Seventh» Day of Pesah 16 »»Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji APRIL 24 AUGUST 27 »Eighth» (Last) Day of Pesah JULY 30 »»Ghambar Maidyozarem begins 28 »-parva» begins (Orthodox) 30 »Oh-harai-taisai» SEPTEMBER 01 »First» Parkash MAY SEPTEMBER MAY SEPTEMBER 04 »»Ghambar Maidyozarem ends 03 »Paryushana-parva» ends 01 »Eve» of Yom HaShoah 23 »Shubun-no-hi» OCTOBER »» 02 »Yom» HaShoah 20 »Installation» of the Sri JUNE »Dashalakshani-parva» begins DECEMBER Guru Granth Sahib Ji 29 »»Ghambar Maidyoshem begins 13 »Ananta-chaturdasi» JUNE 22 »Tohji-taisai» 27 »Bandi» Chhor Divas 14 »Ksamavani» 08 »Eve» of Shavuot JULY »Dashalakshani-parva» ends 09 »First» Day of Shavuot NOVEMBER 03 Ghambar Maidyoshem ends 10 »Second» (Last) Day of Shavuot 12 »»Birth date of Guru Nanak Dev Ji OCTOBER 24 »Martyrdom» of Guru Tegh AUGUST 05 »»Aymbil Ori (Second Half) begins AUGUST Bahadur Ji 08 »Fravardeghan» Days begin 13 »»Aymbil Ori (Second Half) ends 10 »Eve» of Tish'a B'Av (Shenshai) 14 »Atmasiddhi» Rachna Divas 11 »Tish'a» B'Av 17 »Fravardeghan» Days end 27 »Mahavira» Nirvana (Shenshai) 28 »Jain» New Year and SEPTEMBER 18 »Nowruz» (Shenshai) Day of Enlightenment 29 »Eve» of 24 »Birth» of Prophet Zarathustra 30 »Rosh» Hashanah (Shensai) NOVEMBER 01 »Jnana» Panchmi OCTOBER SEPTEMBER 12 »Chaturmas» ends 01 »Rosh» Hashanah 12 »Ghambar» Paitishem begins »Dev» Diwali 08 »Eve» of 16 »Ghambar» Paitishem ends »Birth» date of Shrimad 09 »Yom» Kippur Rajchandra 13 »Eve» of Sukkot OCTOBER 14 »First» Day of Sukkot 02 »Mehregan» DECEMBER 15 »Second» Day of Sukkot 12 »Ghambar» Ayathrem begins 08 »Maunajiyaras» 20 »Last» Day of Sukkot 16 »Ghambar» Ayathrem ends »Eve» of Shmini Atzeret 21 »Shmini» Atzeret DECEMBER »Eve» of Simhat Torah 26 »» of Prophet Zarathustra 22 »Simhat» Torah 31 »Ghambar» Maidyarem begins

DECEMBER 22 »Eve» of 23 »First» Day of Hanukkah 30 »Last» Day of Hanukkah

Page 32 of 40 YRP.CA DEEDS SPEAK Sarah Brislin

From: Karen Mcgill Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2019 1:20 PM To: Sarah Brislin; Phil Rose-Donahoe Subject: RE: GEDAC - Music in the streets

Hi Sarah,

Paul Connors got back to me today. I advised him of the Committee’s decision. He will place us at the same grass location as last year. He knows I am waiting for a response from Suzanne.

I have reached out to Suzanne Smoke and First Nation Cultural Tours to request their participation in opening Music in the Streets with a traditional knowledge keeper, 4 traditional dancers, the Big drum and hoop dancer(s).

I will let you know as soon as I speak with Suzanne.


Karen McGill Student Conduct Officer +1 416.491.5050 ext. 22057

1750 Finch Ave. East | Toronto, Ontario | M2J 2X5

From: Sarah Brislin Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 6:38 PM To: Phil Rose‐Donahoe Cc: Karen Mcgill Subject: GEDAC ‐ Music in the streets

HI Phil.

Here is the resolution, Karen agreed to reach out to Susan Smoke and Connors to arrange.


1 Page 33 of 40 That the Georgina Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee approve a budget of $1500.00 towards the 2019 Music in the Streets festival to facilitate and compensate for the ceremony and performances of the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation. Further that the funds as provided be allocated to cover following in the order as listed:

1. Request traditional knowledge keeper 2. 4 traditional dancers 3. Big drum, and 4. hoop dancers



C. Sarah A. Brislin, BA, Dipl.M.A Committee Services Coordinator | Clerk’s Division Corporate Services 26557 Civic Centre Road, Keswick, ON | L4P 3G1 905-476-4301 Ext. 2248 | Follow us on Twitter and Instagram Like us on Facebook

2 Page 34 of 40 Sarah Brislin

From: Karen Mcgill Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2019 4:42 PM To: Sarah Brislin Subject: FW: Music in the Streets 2019

Hi Sarah,

Please let the Committee know Suzanne’s response.



Karen McGill Student Conduct Officer +1 416.491.5050 ext. 22057

1750 Finch Ave. East | Toronto, Ontario | M2J 2X5

From: Suzanne Smoke Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2019 4:39 PM To: Karen Mcgill Cc: Suzanne Smoke ; [email protected] Subject: Re: Music in the Streets 2019

Hi Karen

Yes we absolutely will be there this year. Thanks for contacting us again this year. I will coordinate with Jake. We enjoy working with your group and such a great event. .

We can discuss details. Just know we are committed to your event. Suzanne Smoke Indigenous Cultural Coordinator Biindigen Healing and Arts

1 Page 35 of 40 Indigenous Coordinator for the Host Nation of 2015 Pan Am Games 2015 Performer, Speaker , Facilitator

On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 1:13 PM Karen Mcgill wrote:

Aanii all,

Music in the Streets will be held this year on Saturday June 22. We are hoping you could open the event with the following:

1. Traditional knowledge keeper

2. 4 traditional dancers

3. Big drum, and

4. hoop dancer(s)

We hope you are able to attend!!


Karen McGill Student Conduct Officer +1 416.491.5050 ext. 22057

1750 Finch Ave. East | Toronto, Ontario | M2J 2X5

2 Page 36 of 40

From: Karen Mcgill Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 4:54 PM To: Suzanne Smoke ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: RE: Music in the Streets 2018

Annii all,

We need to confirm the time for your arrival for music in the streets June 23, 2018. Music the streets begins at 10 a.m. We are hoping you are available between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Are you able to arrive at 9:50 a.m.? We will be located in the same spot as last year. We are hoping we can smudge using the sweet grass braid made in honour of Danny Wheeler. We have rented a large tent to cover the stage and audience. We will have about 40 chairs for the audience.

Please let me know if this time meets your needs.



3 Page 37 of 40 Karen McGill Student Conduct Officer +1 416.491.5050 ext. 22057

1750 Finch Ave. East | Toronto, Ontario | M2J 2X5


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From: Suzanne Smoke Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 10:49 AM To: Karen Mcgill ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Re: Music in the Streets 2018

Hi Karen,

Thank you so much for reaching out.

We would be more than happy to be part of your festival again this year.

We will set the date aside and look forward to working with you again.

4 Page 38 of 40

Chi Meegwetch

Suzanne Smoke

Executive Director

Biindigen Healing and Arts

From: Karen Mcgill Sent: November 20, 2017 10:24 AM To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Music in the Streets 2018

Aanii All,

Georgina Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee (GEDAC) are planning for music in the Streets 2018 in Keswick as we want to get our funding approved early this year. We are hoping you will be able to return to the event with the following:

Traditional Knowledge Keeper – Opening remarks

4 Traditional Dancers

Big Drum Performance with Ashunyung Singers

The event is on Saturday June 23, 2018 in Keswick. If you are able to attend this event please send me your invoice right away.


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