Dimension 2008 Languages for the Nation Dennis R. Miller, Jr. David Alley Denise Overfield Edwina Spodark Patricia Early Peter B. Swanson Marat Sanatullov Rosalie Cheatham Elvira Sanatullova-Allison Lisa F. Signori Editors C. Maurice Cherry Furman University Carol Wilkerson Western Kentucky University Selected Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Conference of the Southern Conference on Language Teaching and the South Carolina Foreign Language Teachers’ Association ii Dimension 2008: Lauguages for the Nation © 2008 Southern Conference on Language Teaching Lynne McClendon, Executive Director 165 Lazy Laurel Chase Roswell, GA 30076 Telephone 770-992-1256 Fax 770-992-3464 http://www.scolt.org
[email protected] All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without written permission from the publisher. ISBN 1-883640-22-9 Carolyn L. Hansen DLLC-Spanish Program University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Review and Acceptance Procedures ............................................................ iv 2008 SCOLT Editorial Board ..........................................................................v Introduction ................................................................................................ vii Acknowledgments......................................................................................... x Drama in the Classroom 1 and Improved Academic Performance …………………....………………….....1 Dennis R. Miller, Jr. An Analysis of the Teaching Proficiency 2 Through Reading