Compendium : Academic Year 1994/95

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Compendium : Academic Year 1994/95 ** * EDUCATION TRAINING YOUTH TEMPUS Compendium ACADEMIC YEAR 1994/95 Phare >■ EUROPEAN COMMISSION TEMPUS Compendium ACADEMIC YEAR 1994/95 Phare Trans-European cooperation scheme for higher education between Central/Eastern Europe and the European Community Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1994 ISBN 92-826-8871-2 © ECSC-EC-EAEC, Brussels · Luxembourg, 1994 Reproduction is authorized, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Belgium The Tempus Programme Tempus (trans-European cooperation scheme for higher education), now in its fifth academic year of existence, was adopted on 7 May 1990·*. The second phase adopted on 23 April 1993^, covering the period 1994-1998, is currently in progress. Tempus forms part of the overall community assistance programme for social and economic restructuring of the partner countries of Central and Eastern Europe (known as the Phare programme), and since 1994, also the assistance programme for economic reform and recovery in the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union and Mongolia (known as the Tacis programme). In the context of these reforms, particular emphasis has been put on the development of human resources, an essential instrument in cooperation between the European Union and the partner countries in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in the former Soviet Union. Tempus was created in this perspective in order to promote and support the development of the higher education systems in the countries concerned. This Compendium concentrates exclusively on projects running in the academic year 1994/95 in the context of Tempus (Phare). Joint European Projects (JEPs) are the main vehicle for cooperation between the countries eligible to participate in Tempus (Phare) and the Member States of the European Union. This type of project requires the participation of at least one higher education institution per partner country involved, one higher education institution in an EU Member State and a partner organisation (higher education institution, enterprise or organisation) in another EU Member State. Financial assistance is granted for activities which respond to the specific needs of the institutions concerned. These projects should aim to achieve a structural objective or concentrate on student mobility over a maximum three year period. Parallel to this type of aid, Individual Mobility Grants (IMG) for teaching and administrative staff and trainers from higher education institutions, senior ministry officials and education planners, can be obtained to cover teaching assignments, practical placements and continuing education and retraining. Complementary Measures Grants (CME), which cover parallel activities related to the development of higher education, are also available. Having reaching the end of Tempus funding, the best Joint European Projects can benefit from supplementary funding through a Joint European Network (JEN) grant. This type of project which lasts for two years, aims to disseminate and maintain the results achieved by the JEP. In the framework of Tempus (Phare), financial support can be granted for cooperation between the European Union and Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. 1 Cf. Council Decision (EEC) no. 90/233 of 7 May 1990. O.J. no. L 131/21 2Cf. Council Decision (EEC) no. 93/246 of 29 April 1993. O.J. no. L 112/34 Tempus budget The table below illustrates the evolution of the budget for Tempus (Phare) since 1990. 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 Total in MECU 23.16 70.5 98.3 129.15 95.9 No. of countries 3 6 10 11 11 involved Tempus (Phare) projects accepted in 1994/95 Joint European Projects The transition to the second phase of Tempus has lead to a series of important modifications to the Programme and as a result, also to this Compendium. Project selection is now carried out in two stages, the first of which is based on compatibility with the priority areas set by each partner country and the second takes into account the opinions of experts on the quality of the project, who look at factors such as the extent of the links which already exist between the partners, feasibility of the project, the prospects for the continuation of the achievements after the end of Tempus funding and the impact of the project on the different levels implicated in the realisation of the objective, both within the institutions involved and society in general. In accordance with this approach, the Compendium is now presented by partner country. Each chapter starts with an introduction in English on the country concerned. In total, 1,365 new JEP applications were submitted for the 31 January 1994 deadline, 762 of which were in accordance with the priority areas for cooperation. 239 were finally accepted for financing (17.5% of the total number of applications, 24.5% of applications in priority areas). The majority of these applications were for structural JEPs (1,220, of which 206 were accepted), while 67 were for mobility JEPs, 22 of which were accepted for support. The average grant allocated to the JEPs starting in 1994/95 is 400,000 ECU. JEPs accepted in 1990 and 1991 have now completed their maximum three years, while the projects accepted in 1992 and 1993 along with the new projects starting this year makes a total of 463 JEPs currently in operation. Individual Mobility Grants Apart from staff mobility carried out within Joint European Projects, staff from higher education institutions also have the opportunity to apply individually for a Tempus grant. The table below illustrates the mobility carried out under IMG over the last three years of Tempus (Phare), and the overall budget for this activity per academic year. Selection round Mobility 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 I West ■=> East 91 404 64 East ■=> West 439 977 589 II West ■=> East 182 223 X East ■=> West 694 538 X 1406 2142 Total budget in 3.9 4.2 1.8 MECU Complementary Measures The table below shows the number of projects accepted over the last three years as well as the overall budget for Complementary Measures by academic year. Selection round 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 I 24 9 14 Π 17 10 X Total 41 19 X Total budget 408,000 ECU 188,595 ECU 147,825 ECU + χ Joint European Networks From the JEPs which came to an end last year, 30 received an extra grant for the dissemination and maintenance of the results achieved during their three years of existence. How to use this Compendium This Compendium covers all the Joint European Projects currently being financed, including projects which started in 1992/93 and 1993/94 and the new projects launched in 1994/95. It also contains information on Joint European Networks as well as Complementary Measures Grants. All data is presented by partner country. All the information contained in this document is based on data available on 31 August 1994, corresponding to the financial aid approved by the European Commission. This Compendium does not attempt to provide a complete set of data on any part of the Tempus programme, but simply aims to provide the user with the essential elements about the approved projects and the necessary details about the contact person. Anyone wishing to obtain further details about any particular project is advised to contact the coordinator of the project directly. The JEPs, JENs and CMEs detailed in this Compendium are those which have benefited from Tempus funding. The 463 JEPs currently running are presented by partner country in numerical order (renewed projects retain their original number). They are followed by JENs and CMEs also in numerical order. At the end of each chapter, a list of all participating institutions and their corresponding project numbers is provided and there is also an index of all Joint European Projects and Joint European Networks by subject area at the end of the document. For each entry the reader will find the title and the objective of the project, the name of the coordinating institution, the country codes, the names and towns of all other participating institutions and finally the name and address of the coordinator. Le Programme Tempus Tempus (Programme transeuropéen de coopération pour l'enseignement supérieur), désormais dans sa cinquième année académique d'existence, a été adopté le 7 mai 1990^. Une deuxième phase adoptée le 23 avril 1993, couvrant la période 1994/1998, est actuellement en course Tempus fait partie du programme communautaire général d'assistance à la restructuration économique et sociale des pays éligibles d'Europe centrale et orientale (connu sous le nom de Phare), et depuis 1994, également du programme communautaire pour le redressement et la réforme économique des Etats nouvellement indépendants de l'ex-Union soviétique et la Mongolie (connu sous le nom de Tacis). Dans le cadre de ces réformes l'accent a été mis en particulier sur le développement des ressources humaines, un instrument essentiel de coopération entre l'Union européenne et les pays partenaires d'Europe centrale et orientale ainsi que les pays de l'ex-Union soviétique. Tempus a été créé dans cette perspective et afin de promouvoir et de soutenir le développement des systèmes d'enseignement supérieur des pays concernés. Ce compendium reprend exclusivement les projets en cours pour l'année académique 1994/1995 dans le cadre de Tempus (Phare). Les Projets Européens Communs (PEC) constituent le principal instrument de coopération entre les pays partenaires aux termes de Tempus (Phare) et les Etats membres de l'Union européenne. Ces projets nécessitent la participation d'au moins une université par pays partenaire impliqué, une université d'un Etat membre de l'Union européenne et une organisation partenaire (institution d'enseignement supérieur, entreprise ou organisation) dans un autre Etat membre de l'UE.
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    Salzburg Seminar UNIVERSITIES PROJECT FINAL REPORT 1997–2002 For more information Information and materials about the Salzburg Seminar are available at the Seminar’s offices listed below and on the Internet at Session descriptions and Faculty listings are updated regularly. Inquiries about the Salzburg Seminar may be directed by email to [email protected]. An online version of this publication is available at Salzburg Salzburg Seminar Schloss Leopoldskron Box 129 A-5010 Salzburg, Austria Telephone: +43 (662) 839830 Fax: +43 (662) 839837 Vienna Salzburg Seminar Schmidgasse 14 A-1080 Vienna, Austria Telephone: +43 (1) 4058470 Fax: +43 (1) 4058445 Middlebury Salzburg Seminar The Marble Works P.O. Box 886 Middlebury, VT 05753 USA Telephone: +1 (802) 388 0007 Fax: +1 (802) 388 1030 The Salzburg Seminar complies with applicable provisions of state and federal law of the United States that prohibit discrimination in admission or access to its educational programs, activities, or facilities on the basis of race, age, ethnicity, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, or sexual orientation, as well as other classifications protected by state or federal laws. Salzburg Seminar UNIVERSITIES PROJECT FINAL REPORT 1997–2002t The Universities Project is made possible by a generous grant from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The Salzburg Seminar is deeply grateful to The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation for its sustained support of the Universities Project. Beginning with a planning grant in 1996 and continuing with program funding from 1997 to 2002, the Hewlett Foundation’s vision of and commitment to practical discussions on higher education reform have guided the work of the Universities Project.
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