Lilt --AT the Center the Area Is a Square Support- of Nn N.I.Ti.R Niuittoiii-Jellna- Or Fmntema Ing a Pyramid
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THE DEMOCRATIC NORTHWEST, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, lb8I. G RITES OP PBESIUE5TS. on tbe feces of the shaft are inscrip- tions in memory of the President end ITber the Ilneteen Deal Sen Who the different members of his family. ROC EH IE Mate the Ualttd States Tbe monument rises at the head of his e Were LaidJrtie Best. Grave: a great Norway spruce casts its Washington's remains were in 1877 shadow on the foot. Pierce's grave is sr removed from tbe old vault where in the Minot inclosure. adjoining the xthey had hitherto lain to a roomy old cemetery at Concord, N. A. Above trick vault, simple and substantial. it is a monument of pure Italian mar- "'His body and that of his wife are in- ble, a spire with a cap, die and plinth closed coffins of Pennsylvania mar- resting on a base of granite and .sur- teen in Shas Bros. ble, one bearing an American shield, rounded by a draped cross. 'Pierce' is Wash on tnero a the other the words, 'Martha carved the plinth, and is IlaTe no of the larfret atock. ef ington.' mese are piacea in me brief inscription on the panel of the die. vestibule of the vault proper, which is His wife and their two sons are buried dosed against the public with an iron near aim. liucbanan t wmo is in 5i ! gate. John Adams and his son, John Woodward Hill cemetery, U Groceries and Provisions Quincy Adams, sleep side by side be- Lancaster, Pa. It is inclosed BEARD BROS:, - Proprietors. neath the Unitarian Church of Quincy, by a fence of black iron with posts of ugars, Coff es, Teas, Mass., their wives with them. The mottled granite, the iron bars being Flour, Meal, Potatoes, tomb is an apartment in the front part interlaced by a fragrant hedge of roses. Engineers and Steam Fillers, of the cellar, walled in with large The grass within is velvety and dotted Ikigll., Canned Fruits, Dried Fruits, . mi l i blocks of roughly-face- d granite, and WltU roseDUsne8. lae oouy rests in a Smoked paid Ham and Dried Beef and ErerythiDr usually Ktpt ia a First-Cla- ss having for a door a granite slab seven vault of heavy masonry covered with Special Attention to Job Work, urocery more. feet by three, with massivo hinges and large limestone flags. A base of New Titer alao earrj one of the fineet etoeka of lock of wrought irom. In the church Hampshire granite supports a monu- Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Etc., above on either side of the pulpit, are ment in the Roman style a single promptly. We solict a share of your tablets of clouded marble, each sur- block of Italian marble, wrought, with Furnished Glass and Queensware mounted by a bust and inscribed with heavy moulded cap and base, carved erer brought to Henry the familiar epitaphs of the only father with an oak branch studded with eountj. and son that ever held the highest leaves and acorns, and simply inscribed. office in the gift of the American Lincoln's monument is a great pile of Cash Paid for all kinds of Country Produce. pie. marble, granite and bronze, in Oak Satisfaction Guaranteed. Jefferson and his wife and daughter Ridge cemetery , at Springfield, 111., We keep on hand ill kind of STOCK ! GOODS! IMPURE GROCERIES! were buried in a thick growth of with the description of which all Are among the many inducements offered to woods a few hundred yards to the American readers have been made Valves,OilCups,WaterSteam Guages Customers. Char-lottavill- e, familiar from time to time. The body right of the road leading from Wrought ana muugs. Remember the place. Washington St., NAPOLEON, O. Va., to Monticello, in a small of the President lies in the catacomb Iron Fipe ripe private cemetery about one hundred in a leaden coffin, inclosed in a cedar sarcophagus of rich white feet Bquare. It was time that its care case within a BUY n should be undertaken by the public, marble, having carved on one end the W for the New York World's correspon word 'Lincoln.' Johnson's grave is LOOK OUT dent visited the spot two years ago he on the summit of a lofty cone shaped rii'MJl eminence a mile southwest of StandllPfl 0 -:- halt Til FOR:- found the inclosure matted with weeds, the walls breached, tbe graves trodden Greenville. Tenn. The manument is level with the ground, and the coarse of marble on a base of granite. From A.t New York "Wholesale Prices. granite obelisk over Jefferson's resting piers on each side of the grave of place chipped and battered by relic Johnson and his wife springs a granite L. M. HALL, hunters till only two lines of the in- arch of thirteen stones; on this rests the FILL plinth GOODS scription were decipherable. Madison monument proper, a suitably Dealer in the Old Reliable Standard Organs. w Con- 11 reposes in such a scene and amid such inscribed, a die carved with the stitution ' (minus the Fourteenth and surroundings as the mention of his ask. Are vou ready to buy an Organ ? If so, then it is to your interest to Having Juet returned from a two weeka vialtin New Tork where we hare taken advantage of t ana We recent name would lead one to took for- - f ifteenth amendments) an open examine our roods before you purchase elsewhere. iseiim new iorK wnoiesaie Montpelier, near Orange, Vs., in the Bible on which rests a hand as if in prices. The Hanaaru vsrgttu in wuajr all and Very Low Prices in Domestic and Staple Dry Goods center of a" softly picturesque region the act of taking an oath, a taper ing shaft of marble .festooned at the is a fair and trim estate, and tbe cem Organ and very heavily, eonnty top with American flag and sur The Leading in the World having pare hated we dealre to give the people of Henry aome rare bargain!. We etery lot in the center of a level field, the art'ima weeK opening up an unusually nne assortment, aua aa uvury auliar. wurtn uuaerwent a perao&a out-stret- claimed by best musical judges in America. I call your wo are bound to pleaae everybody. cau well and neatly turied. From a mounted by an eagle with Rflcauae it is so the st Yon kept tention to the beautiful designs of cases, which are pronounced unsurpassed by pedestal of four pieces rises a graceful ed wings. , Garfield's remains, as all lie in Lake any in the market. ' and slender obelisk inscribed with our readers know, View your w tuuo buo ai io SAVE MONEY! i esDeoiaiiv cau atwniiun tue vi uhwumu viKtiu. iuii by oomlng tons where new gooda await yon at very low prlcea. Thelatertetylein Madison's name and birth date, while cemetery, Cleveland, Ohio. round and resembles the pipe organ tone. The stop action is the finest, and imp finest and most by its side a less lofty Bhaft marks the ble to get Out of order. Interior works are the durable. All of the From Emporium. vnrv latest imnrovements. 1 resting place ol the iairest oi.KepuD - ii j n.. uno-uca- i n i Geo. Dodge, Sr., a well-kno- citizen I10. If nas anew Biop caiieu tttiupmiciia,, iwunuu uir wbavco ui ucub ijj lican queens, Dolly Madison. Mon of Emporium, writes that one of his men perfect harmony with the reeds. This instrument is destined to be the leading organ roe's body reposes in Hollywood (gam Lewis) whilst working in the woods nf t.lin pnnntnr. Goods? Organ, because it is the best. Buy it, because it is used in Dr Buy Standard ess Cemetery, Virginia, on an so severely sprained bis ankle that ho the eminence Musical Academies. Buy it, because thou- J tut from the Old World, bealdea all the extreme southwestern could scarcely get home, bnt after one our schools, Colleges, Semenaries and near its limit, sands of families are using them in this and foreign countries. Buy it, because it commanding a beautiful view of Rich- or two applications of Thomas Eclectrio Novelties in Cotton Fabrics of American Manufacture. Oil, he was able to go to work next day. is an Organ worth one hundred cents on tne aonar xor every aoiiar you pay tor it, We have a full line and the most mond and the James. Above the body f or sale bv J. u. saur. iy fianos reniea so inai rent a m pay iur uiem. is a huge block of polished Virginia tsj My prices are the lowest of any dealer in Western Ohio. This is for you to Cent. Address, CLOTHING marble supporting a coffin shaped C. M. Moseman & Bros' office is the know only by correspondence. Send forpnees and Stvt 200 Per FASHIONABLE aale anyone. block of granite, on which are brass head-cent- for all prominent horsemen offered for by City, a recent L. M. HALL, of New York In letter of Makes of Boots and Shoes and Largest plates suitably inscribed. The whole date says; " We are perfectly eatisfled.that Wholsale Dealer in Pianos & Organs The Best the Stock ofNotlons. is surrounded by a sort of gothic tem- there never was anything made the equal plefour pillars supporting a peaked Kendall's Spavin Cure, nor can there be H. F. NORDEN & CO. ,roof, to which something of the ap- anything to take its place, as it removes no remedy can do more.' pearance of a bird cage is imparted by the trouble, and FURNITURE filling in the interstices s with iron ' ! Furniture gratings.' ': i '.