CwftS'LAAS— 953 (o 6 CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE LABORATOIRE DANALYSE ET ©’ARCHITECTURE DBS SYSTEMES S.L ENGINE IDLE CONTROL IMPROVEMENT BY USING AUTOMOBILE REVERSIBLE "ALTERNATOR” L. KOUADIO, P. BID AN, M. VALENTIN, J.P. BERRY LAAS REPORT 95268 JUNE 1995 DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS INJURED FOREIGN SALS PROHIBITS) ftn 6& LIMITED DISTRIBUTION NOTICE This report has been submitted for publication outside of CNRS It has been issued as a Research Report for early peer distribution DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document S.I. ENGINE IDLE CONTROL IMPROVEMENT BY USING AUTOMOBILE REVERSIBLE “ALTERNATOR” L.K. Kouadio, P. Bidan, M. Valentin, J.P. Berry L.A.A.S./C.N.R.S., 7 Avenue du Colonel ROCHE, 31077 Toulouse Cedex FRAACF. Phone: (33) 61.33-64-17; Fax: (33); e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract. This paper describes an original method for engine idle improve ment. It is well known that inappropriate idle-speed control increases fuel consumption, pollutant emissions and also reduces the idle quality. To prevent engine stalling and improve its performance during idling it is proposed a strategy based on two control loops such as that of the tra ditional air-flow ratio and an other providing an external supplementary torque via the automobile’s reversible “alternator”. Hence engine stalling is prevented due to the faster torque response and secondly Fuel/Air ratio is easily controllable due to the slow variation of the intake air-flow.