Jennifer Beaudette

Manager – IT Business Analysis, Applications & Development Fish & Richardson *Served as Project Manager for Windows 7/Office 2010 Rollout

11 Offices 1100 Users 400 Attorneys

Generic Timeline & Checklist Wednesday, September 22, 2010 10:24 AM

Office Name Deployment Date (3 weeks before) - [Date] Initial Communication Email to Office Project Manager Management Draft End User Initial Communication Marketing Lead

Training Equipment Hardware Check Local IT

End User Hardware Check Local IT

Finalize Deployment Team and Announce Project Manager

Travel Schedules Finalized and Approved All Traveling Team Members

Marketing Materials Drafted & Sent For Approval Marketing Lead

Marketing Materials Produced Marketing Lead

(2 weeks before) - [Date] Initial Communication Email to End Users Project Manager

Plan and Announce Promotional Event Marketing Lead

Resend User Survey to Prior Users Project Manager

Marketing Materials Received and Displayed Local IT

Production of all Pre-Approved Training Marketing Lead Materials/ Ship to Assigned Trainer Training Schedule Drafted and Sent For Approval Training Lead

Promotional Materials Double-Checked Local IT

Any New Equipment Tagged and Delivered Hardware Lead

Submit Any Changes/Updates to Project Team Manager Training Schedule Finalized and Entered into Training Lead Online Learning System Begin User Scheduling for Upgrade Time/Day - Local IT Entry into SharePoint Delivery Pre-Upgrade Information Sheet to End Local IT Users Arrange and Book Conference Rooms for Local IT Training/Alternate Working Space (1 week before) - [Date]

Office Timelines-Checklists Page 1 Email Communication with Commercial to End Project Manager Users Email Users Training Offerings/Sign-Up Marketing Lead

Training Materials Sent to Deployment Site Marketing Lead

Hold Promotional Events at Deployment Site Local IT Complete User Scheduling into Upgrade Local IT Day/Times Ask Office Management to Reinforce Training Project Manager Attendance/Sign-Up Send Office Management "What to Expect" Project Manager email Deployment Week - [Date] Welcome to Upgrade Week Email to End Users Project Manager

Conduct Training Assigned Trainer

Deliver Materials to End Users Local IT

Commence Upgrades per Logistics Plan Deployment Team

Training Attendance Finalized Assigned Trainer

Send Training Evaluations to Attendees Assigned Trainer

Floor Support and Helpdesk Triage Deployment Team

Send We Missed You Email Project Manager

Triage Feedback as Necessary Project Manager

Ship Hardware to Next Deployment Site Local IT

(1 week post) - [Date] Complete Floor Support Checklist Local IT

Conduct One-on-One Training Sessions Assigned Trainer

Complete Remaining Upgrades on Unassigned Local IT Machines or Delayed Users Hold Debrief Meeting for IT Team Project Manager

Draft Make-Up Training Plan Training Lead

Hold Debrief Meeting for Office Management Project Manager

(2 weeks post) - [Date] Make-Up Training Schedule Finalized and Assigned Trainer Entered into Online Learning System Commence Weekly Tip Program & Send Archived Project Manager Tips Gather Reports & Metrics Project Manager Email Users Make-Up Training Offerings/Sign-Up Marketing Lead (3 weeks post) - [Date]

Office Timelines-Checklists Page 2 Conduct Task Based Training (Finalize Assigned Trainer Attendance and Send Training Survey) Send User Feedback Survey to End Users PM **All Generic Emails to be Sent from "Desktop Support & Training" email

Office Timelines-Checklists Page 3

Janice Calfee

Support Analyst, Balch & Bingham LLP Served as Project Manager for Windows 7/Office 2010 Rollout 6 Offices, 239 Attorneys, 459 Total users Windows 7, Office 2010, Opentext DM5.3; Payne Forms Assistant, Metadata Assistant, Numbering Assistant, Workshare Compare


1. Define the scope of your project by taking a look at your entire network, including all servers, printers and third-party apps. Make a list of all hardware and software which will need to be upgraded to support your new Windows 7/Office 2010 environment.

2. Examine your current hardware and determine what will need to be replaced and what can be upgraded. Determine the amount of time needed to be allowed for delivery.

3. Evaluate your staffing situation and define what additional staff you will need to handle a 30-40% increase in workload. Bring on additional staff, whether permanent or temps, at the beginning of the project to ensure they are up to speed on the entire project.

4. Research technology to find out what is available to reduce the staff workload. An example of such technology is drive duplicators.

5. Map out a timeline for the entire upgrade process, beginning with the first server upgrade. Build in allowances for events such as delayed deliveries and third- party software readiness.

6. Take a look at your entire timeline, and plan your upgrade announcement/kickoff for no more than six months in advance of your actual start date.

7. Assemble a team of users to be involved in the planning of the actual desktop, including any third-party apps needed, as well as default settings in Office programs. It is very helpful to include at least one representative from each practice group or department within the firm. This group can also help you with testing and can be your pilot group.

8. Encourage pre-learning. Even if your firm doesn’t have an LMS or elearning content, offers tons of elearning tutorials located here, They also offer an interactive guide for each Office program which allows you to select a command in Office 2003, then it shows you where to find the same command in Office 2010. Hero is a game you can download which helps make learning the Ribbon lots of fun.

9. Be diligent and do your homework. Research both software and hardware changes. If you decide to go virtual, hardware makes a big difference in performance.

10. Manage user expectations. Don’t promise what you can’t deliver. Educate users about learning curves and differences in environment, and let them know that while the new system may alleviate some issues they are experiencing on their old system, the new system will have issues of its own – that’s just the nature of technology!

Jerry Nguyen

Director of IT Systems and Development 1100 users across the US, China, and Europe Windows 7, Office 2010, Non-Matter Centric Desksite 8.5; Payne’s Metadata, In-house Templates

Scrubbed RIBBON

To comment on any button, you can reference it by three criteria: the ribbon name, group name, and button name. For example, the highlighted button is the “Send Rightfax button, in the Other Tools Group, on the {Scrubbed} Ribbon”

1. New Documents Group

 Blank: Creates a new blank document.

 {Scrubbed} Letter: Runs the General Letter template.

 {Scrubbed} Memo: Runs the General Memo template.

 Templates Menu: Opens the full Templates menu.

2. Open/Save Group

 Open: Runs a File →Open

 Save: Runs a File → Save

 Save As: Runs a File → Save As

 Replace Original: Runs our custom Replace Original process. This replaces the red disk save option added to Word 2003. Documents will be saved in the same way as selecting the “Replace Original” save option from the File →Save As menu.

 Local Save As: Runs the Save As prompt used to save files locally.

 Local Open: Runs the Open prompt used to open files locally.

 Save As Template: Runs our custom menu to save document templates to your profile.

3. Font Group

This organizes basic Font options. The same group appears on the Home ribbon.

4. Paragraph Group

This organizes basic Paragraph options. The same group appears on the Home ribbon.

5. Desksite Tools Group

 Insert Doc#: Inserts the Doc# into the footer, if working with a file checked out from DeskSite.

 Remove Doc#: Removes the Doc#, if present.

 Print Final: Prints the entire document to the default printer without the Doc#.

 Launch DeskSite: Starts DeskSite, if not already running.

6. Other Tools Group

 Add Letterhead: Adds firm letterhead to the current document.

 Remove Letterhead: Removes firm letterhead, if present.

 Clauses: Runs the Clauses menu, from which several common phrases can be inserted into the header.

 Send RightFax: Sends the current document by RightFax.

 RightFax Status: Starts RightFax to reveal the status of sent and received faxes.

 : Organizes the fillable form tools from Word 2003.


For the QATs, you can reference them by the type of QAT (see attached document as a reference). For example, “Please add Replace Original to the Word QAT” or “Please add forward to the Outlook - New Mail QAT”.

1. Word

New, Open, Save, Save As, Close, Print Preview, Undo, Redo, Spell Check, Style Assignment

2. Excel

New, Open, Save, Save As, Print Preview, Undo, Redo

3. PowerPoint

New, Open, Save, Save As, Close, Print Preview, Undo, Redo

4. Outlook – Main

New E-mail, New Appointment, Print Preview, Undo

5. Outlook – New Mail

Save, Undo, Redo, Next Item, Previous Item

6. Outlook - Reading Mail

Save, Undo, Redo, Next Item, Previous Item

7. Outlook – New Appointment

Save, Undo, Redo, Next Item, Previous Item

8. Outlook – New Contact

Save, Undo, Redo, Next Item, Previous Item


1. TaskBar

2. Notification area

Should we show all icons by default (ie. Not hide them)?

Things you might want to try to Capture:

ODBC Data Sources: Regedit /E %DSTDrive%\XPDrives\odbc-HKLM.reg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI Regedit /E %DSTDrive%\XPDrives\odbc-HKCU.reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI

Get the Current Default Printer Function GetDefaultPrinter() sRegVal = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\Device" sDefault = "" On Error Resume Next sDefault = objShell.RegRead(sRegVal) sDefault = Left(sDefault ,InStr(sDefault, ",") - 1) On Error Goto 0 GetDefaultPrinter = sDefault End Function

The Lastest NK2 file from their profile.

rem Copying latest NK2 File... setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion pushd "%xpprofile%\application data\microsoft\outlook\" for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ('dir /b /od *.nk2') do (set newest=%%a) copy "%xpprofile%\application data\microsoft\outlook\%newest%"

Copying personal Templates xcopy /s /y "%xpprofile%\application data\microsoft\templates\*.*" "%appdata%\Microsoft\templates\" >> %logfile%

Copying Custom Dictionaries xcopy /s /y "%xpprofile%\application data\microsoft\proof\*.*" "%appdata%\Microsoft\UProof\" >> %logfile%

Copying Signatures xcopy /s /y "%xpprofile%\application data\microsoft\signatures\*.*" "%appdata%\Microsoft\signatures\" >> %logfile%

Users PST Files and other mailboxes that they are connected to: Manually open Outlook to examine.

PC Migration Steps:

Important: Make sure you place a check mark in EVERY box as you complete the steps!!

I. Capturing user Settings

[_] 1) Login as User

[_] 2) Export Cookies

a. Open Internet Explorer then Click File > Import & Export and run through the wizard to export cookies to H:\transfer\cookies.txt. If you don’t see the file menu, hold down the ALT key.

[_] 3) Run w:\{scrub}\1-Copy Up.bat. (See addendum for Special Migration Types)


[_] 4) Double click on W:\ {scrub}\Outlook and

a. Click “Enable Macros” when prompted and answer the questions.

[_] 5) Open Outlook

a. Minimize all of the mailboxes in the folder list and note what other mailboxes they are connected to.

b. See if the user has any PST files mapped by using File | Data File Management.

c. Align the Data File Management Window (Red.) in a way that you can still see the folder list (purple). Make sure to also capture the Favorite Folders (green). Take a screen shot of the whole desktop and paste it into the Word document.

[_] 6) Take a screen shot of all of their Printers and paste it into the Word Document.

- 2 - [_] 7) Wait for the script to finish and you see the screen below. Remember to cut and paste this into the Word document. The number of files in C:\transfer minus the number of files in My Music should equal the number of files in the {scrub}Ie (221-28=193)

[_] 8) Save the Document. It should already be named “H:\Outlook and Printers.doc.”

[_] 9) Print the Word document and staple it to this check list.

[_] 10) Re-image the PC

[_] 11) After imaging the PC, the mini-setup will start, name the PC with the following convention:

%{scrub}. Generally, you can find the old name in the document you just printed out.

Old Name: {scrub}-> New Name: {scrub}.

[_] 12) Once you named the machine, login in as {scrub} (pw: {scrub}) and let a PowerShell script run that puts the machine name on the network and in the correct OU. Reboot the PC.

[_] 13) Place a yellow dot on the monitor and leave the guidebook.

[_] 14) Return printouts to Rollout manager.


II. AD migration (To be performed by Shift Leader)

[_] 15) Using Active Directory Users and Computers, Move user account to | {scrub}

[_] 16) If the PC is not in | Computers | {scrub}, move it there. (you can’t move the PC until you image it and add it to the domain).

[_] 17) Remove the old PC from Active Directory


III. Configure the New User (After the shift leader completes step 14)

[_] 18) Log in as the User… (be sure the userID and machine have been moved to the appropriate OU) You may have to click “Switch user” then “Other user” to get to the correct login screen

- 3 - a. The login script will run and various applications may get installed.

[_] 19) Run newuserdefaults.cmd. Click on “yes” for all of the regedit Prompts.

[_] 20) Start the Copy down Script: 2-copydown.bat

[_] 21) Setup the Outlook profile by right clicking on the Outlook Icon on the desktop and choosing Properties. The profile should be named the same as the username. If a profile called “outlook” already exists, Remove it.

a. Click Add, and name the Profile as the User’s login ID. DO NOT choose “Manually configure…” on this screen.

b. Click Next and allow Outlook to setup the User’s mailbox.

c. Check the screenshot to re connect any other mailboxes

[_] 22) Import Cookies, verify they are in H:\cookies

a. Open IE and hit Alt-F and choose Import and Export.

b. Choose H:\transfer\cookies.txt.

c. After importing the cookies, Open H:\, right click on the Cookies folder

i) {scrub}

d. Choose “Always Available Offline”.

e. Please re-apply “hide protected operating system files”

[_] 23) Check to make sure that the Favorites copied over.

[_] 24) Open Outlook

a. Setup their PST files: (File | Account Settings | Account Settings | Data Files | Add…)

b. Open the folder called Contacts | Suggested Contact to make sure it is not empty. If it is, make sure the proper nk2 file is in %appdata%/microsoft/outlook and then run outlook.exe /importnk2.

c. Right-click on the Mailbox and choose Data File Properties

d. Click on Upgrade to Color Categories and then click on Yes.

[_] 25) The copydown process should have added most of their printers back automatically. Compare the installed printers with your print out.

[_] 26) {scrub}

[_] 27) {scrub}

[_] 28) Setup Custom Software (see {scrub}Application Installs.doc)

[_] 29) Verify Applications

- 4 -

[_] 30) Bring printed sheets to Rollout manager for review.

- 5 - I. Special Migrations Types

A. Converting unused temp accounts or users who don’t have PC’s

You can covert temp accounts/non-PC accounts with any Windows XP computer and Windows 7 computer.

1. {scrub}This skips all of the PCbased file capture and copy of C:\transfer

2. Login to a Windows 7 PC as the user and perform all steps. Use the normal 2-Copy down in Step #20

B. Converting Multi-user Computer

1. {scrub}

C. Converting Computers that will be replaced.

This set of Scripts will copy the files directly to the new computer rather than to the network. It will copy C:\nrportbl, c:\nrtecho, C:\outlook\*.pst, and C:\transfer directly to the C:\drive of the new computer. Other captured files will go into C:\ {scrub}

1. {scrub}

- 6 - Upgrade Document Windows 7 + Office 2010


1.1 ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS Note: You can look at DC | Computers | {scrub} and DC | Win7Users as models.

Create a computer OU called {scrub} under your Computers OU.

This will house all of the computers that will be using the Windows 7 image. [_] Add the Windows 7 Computer Policy to this OU [_] Add the Applications 2010 Computers Policy to this OU [_] Create a W7 Computers Policy (ie. PH W7 Computer Policy) GPO and make sure: [_] It has the highest Priority [_] The User Configuration portion is disabled

Create a User OU called {scrub} under your OU

This will house all of the users that will be using the Windows 7 image.

[_] Make sure to {scrub}of all GPOs. [_] Add the Windows 7 User Policy to this OU [_] Add the Applications 2010 User Policy to this OU [_] Add the FirmWide Internet Explorer{scrub}-Win7 to this OU [_] Create a {scrub}Users Policy GPO (ie. {scrub}W7 Users Policy) and make sure: [_] It has the highest Priority [_] The Machine Configuration portion is disabled

Note: The OU’s must have the name exactly as listed above, due to a {scrub} Online script that runs.


The Group Policies above are documented in attached HTML files, as seen in the following table. The general strategy is to use the Policies as they are, and create a Location Specific Policy to handle and differences.

Policy Type Documentation Key Policies to review to place into the and Settings File specific GPO’s Windows 7 Windows Components/Windows Update Computer Policy -Specify intranet Microsoft update service location Applications {scrub}Computer Policy Windows 7 Users Windows Settings|Scripts|Logon -> Set/Verify login script Policy Windows Settings|Desktop| Advanced -> Desktop Location

Applications Outlook 2010/Miscellaneous/PST Settings {scrub}Users -Default Location of PST Files Policy %office% W7 Users -Setup Folder Redirection for your: Policy - Desktop. (be sure to use the correct AD group for your office, refer to the Windows XP User Policy) - Favorites

Steptoe & Johnson LLP 1-1 Information Systems and Technolog y Confidential 8/3/2012 Upgrade Document Windows 7 + Office 2010

- Links - Searches - Setup Logon script in this policy. - It will also be used to contain Office specific differences from the standard policies. -Drive Mappings (In preferences section) -Environment Variable (in Preferences Section) -Regional options (in Preferences Section) %Office% {scrub} - {scrub} Computers Policy -Setup Windows Update pointers to your (W)SUS server. It will also be used to contain Office Specific Differences from the standard policies

{scrub}should prevent programs meant for the normal Windows XP machines.

1.3 THE LOGIN SCRIPT Please create a separate Win7 folder within your OU to house a Windows 7 specific Login Script. We will have to consult with Jamie on this. See %logonserver%\Netlogon\DC\Win7 for example files.

File Type Purpose Actions Example file. Processes We want to start a %logonserver%\Netlogon\{scrub}\....cmd updates and new {scrub}, but is run from make sure that the login “everytime” items are script still run and re-added Main Login Create a login Script %logonserver%\Netlogon\{scrub}vbs Script that that references the does drive new files you create mappings, for robocopy and group Upflag. Remove any related. processes that are no longer applicable. Syncing This runs non-startup items that Template syncs as can occur well as cleanup items after the that can happen in the user has background. logged in.

Syncs just Startup templates the startup need to be in place templates before the user opens any application. Sets up the Edit for any office default specific settings. Use User the “if /I %office% == PH” line to specify PH only edits.


Steptoe & Johnson LLP 1-2 Information Systems and Technolog y Confidential 8/3/2012 Upgrade Document Windows 7 + Office 2010

The Firm standard templates had to be adjusted to work with Office 2010 AND the new Interwoven Desksite 8.x suite. There are some major changes to the structure of how the templates work.

Template Type Server Location Workstation Location Notes Firmwide Standard C:\program files\microsoft These are sync’d via Workgroup office\templates postlogin.cmd, so that it Templates won’t delay the login. Office Specific C:\program files\microsoft There is a short cut to Workgroup office\OfficeSpecific- these directories in the Templates Templates corresponding Standard Template files. This is so that the two directories will show up in the {scrub} (etc) tab all together.

These are sync’d via postlogin.cmd, so that it won’t delay the login. Firmwide Startup C:\program files\microsoft These are synced during Templates office\Office14\Startup the login.

-… XLSTART AppData Templates %appdata%\microsoft\templa This is where the tes baseline normal.dotm and normalemail.dotm reside. OfficeUI files %appdata%\Microsoft\Office These are the default Ribbon and QAT files.

Script File Server Location Notes 2010….cmd Refreshes the Normal*.dotm for users 2010t…….cmd Resyncs the Standard, officeSpecific, and Startup Templates W7-t……...cmd Restores all default templates, toolbars, and QAT files to the original defaults.


2.1 COPY OVER SERVER BASED FILES The following files must be copied your office’s “P:\” drive: unless you plan to use it from the W: Drive. Note: Most Domestic offices should be fine with running it from W: unless otherwise noted.

Directory Program

Steptoe & Johnson LLP 2-3 Information Systems and Technolog y Confidential 8/3/2012 Upgrade Document Windows 7 + Office 2010

:\Install\Office 2010 Proofing Tools Foreign Dictionaries for Office 2010 :\Install\Interwoven Desksite and Filesite :\install\Workshare Professional Deltaview 2.9 :\util\PCMigration\ Scripts for Copying up the and down key Data. Look in 1-copyup.bat for an explaination of what the files do.


Programs Settings Example File or Action

Workshare Professional The default Interwoven This should only be needed for integration must be set to your the International Offices. local Worksite server, and Automatic Logon Setup. Accuroute Uninstall Rightfax Re-Install from your own Rightfax Servers. Time Zone Adjust Time Zone DTE Re-install DTE according to your Office’s setup Keyboard Settings Edit the keyboard settings if you Control Panel | Regional and have a foreign Keyboard. O Language Options

Foreign Language Dictionaries Install Office Foreign Language Copy Dictionaries as needed P:\install\Office 2010 Proofing Tools MSI Repointing Re-Route MSI’s to point to your Uninstall.reg (not yet completed) local Server Antivirus You may have to uninstall the Antivirus Client and install it from your AV server.

Any user specific changes should be made while logged in as “ADMINISTRATOR”. This is the default template from which new profiles are created.

After setting up ADMINISTRATOR the settings need to be copied to the default user as described in the Image build documentation.


Note: We are going to give people "fresh" profiles and we are assuming that Desktop is on H:\Desktop; the Profile is in H:\profile; and the Cookies are in H:\cookies

The steps to re-imaging a machine and creating a Windows 7 user are found in Doc# 2413114 v.2.


Steptoe & Johnson LLP 2-4 Information Systems and Technolog y Confidential 8/3/2012 Upgrade Document Windows 7 + Office 2010

Generally, we will convert over the Citrix server near the end of the rollout. Users will be able to access the old Citrix environment without a problem because the profiles used for the normal login and the Citrix login are different. We will be on the old version of Office on the Citrix Servers for a short period of time.




Team Discussion Board:

Pilot Feedback Center: Example image of one Team’s Collaboration Page.

Steptoe & Johnson LLP 3-5 Information Systems and Technolog y Confidential 8/3/2012 Maritta Terrell

Trainer & Application Support Austin, Texas. 38 Attorneys; 85 users Windows 7, Office 2010, Autonomy’s iManage’s Matter Centric 8.5; Payne’s Metadata, Numbering and DocID, Litera ChangePro

Lessons Learned from Office 2003 Rollout

 Do not skimp on testing time prior to rollout of ANYTHING

 Do your testing on exactly what you are rolling out

 Pilot groups make good testing

 Set scheduling expectations properly (give your team plenty of time)

 Document your build

 Good trouble-shooters do not play favorites (Anything can be trouble!)

 Team work works! Hi, Maritta!

For our FileSite rollout we did the Survival Camp theme. It was a way to make everyone realize that they could survive, but that they needed some basic training: e-learning followed by some classroom training, all in preparation for a cutover. To make it more compelling, each office was a “camp” with their own nicknames, and they competed to see who could get the most people through training. The office that won got a pizza party or something. There were also individual winners for things like first one to complete the four required e-learning lessons.

I’ve attached an example message.

Jeff Ward Fulbright & Jaworski Theme Ideas

“Don't get tangled up in those ribbons” or “Where in the World is . . .” “The X Files….” (doc to docX)

And then depending on WHEN you do it, or what your city/country culture is…. One of these instead?

New Year Snow  Top Hats  Winter gift bags  Clocks  Snowflakes  “wands”  Snowmen  Toboggans Animal  Zoo or Farm Autumn/Fall  Animal figurines  Leaves  Animal ties  Pumpkins  Animals (little stuffed animals)  Scarecrow Sports – Football  Mini corn, squash  Mini footballs Flowers / Spring  BIG footballs on wall  Flowers  Helmets  Confetti flowers  Whistles  Flower slinky’s (“springs”!)  Seeds Summer Sun Texas/Western  Sun  Cowboy hats  Sunflowers  Cowboy boots  Sunglasses  Jeans  Palm trees  Bandanas  Wild west – guns Fishing  Cactus  Fishing nets  Sheriff badges  Fishing poles  Wagon wheels  Fish  Pool Party Hawaii – Luau  Hollywood  Grass Skirts  Rock’n’Roll  Leis  Parrots  50’s theme  Coconuts  60’s theme  Tiki head  70’s Disco theme  Safari (Africa) Butterflies  Movie Night  Balloons of butterflies  Butterfly pins  Confetti  Butterfly note pads

2178944.1 Week 11 Week 8-10 Week 6-7 Week -5 Week – 4 Week -3 Week – 2 Week -1 Week 0 Week + 1+ Nov. 8 Dec 6 Dec. 20 Jan 4 Jan 10 Jan 17 Jan 24 Jan 31 Feb 7 Feb 14 Theme and Technology Pilot Group Pilot Group Pilot Group Pre- Hands-on Deployment Coaching On-going communication “Commercials” Training start testing reports/ fixes learning and Demo & Floor education Strategy & WOW! needed to be for rest of classes Support classes Sessions (Sneak done – done firm Peeks)

Have Invitations from leadership instead of IT or training for the WOW! Sessions (i.e., at attorney and staff meeting) Office 2010 – why are we moving to Office 2010??

Universal Improvements Works better with Exchange 2010 (which we are using now) to better utilize all the Exchange features – such as Room Reservations, OOO, etc. All the Office programs use the Ribbon interface now – a unified interface and user customization options. ALL programs have the new Backstage view to perform a lot of the old “File Menu” (new, open, save, print, program options, file information, recent files, and send the file to a new format) One Note integration with the other office apps is amazing (i.e., can send an email to the OneNote note book, including attached files) Users are now able to customize the ribbon to add their own tabs and commands. Just as with the Quick Access Toolbar, users can scroll through a list of commands and simply click Add, which will add them to the tab or group of their choice or create a new tab for their own commonly used commands (see Figure 1). Improved Track Changes throughout all the applications Search in Outlook is better, and the Conversation view for emails is very useful and works Enhanced styles, text formatting and image editing in Word Enhanced formulas and in-cell graphs (sparklines) in Excel Enhanced video imbedding; and view when giving a PowerPoint; as well as ability to copy animations in PowerPoint to other items. Outlook add-in resiliency (better stability with add-ins, such as DMS and Metadata) Outlook 2010 integrates with social media websites (LinkedIn, etc.) Improved PDF conversion Purported to run faster than Office 2007 Will not likely upgrade Office again until somewhere between 2015 and 2016 Figure 1. Customizing the ribbon.

Back stage – The big Office button in the top left has been replaced with a new “File” button allowing users to access the “Backstage” of all the different options for what to do with a file once it has been edited / completed. This has many of the save and print options you will have seen before along with some new options. Under print options you are now automatically shown a print preview of the document prior to printing. This features a beautiful, full-screen menu containing all the actions that pertain to a file as a whole such as save, open, print and the file's properties. The most useful aspect of this view is the improved print view, which combines all the previously buried printing and layout options and places them next to a sleek print preview of your file

Most applications within the Office Suite now have the ability to insert a screenshot or screen clipping from within the application. PowerPoint, Word and Excel all have new and improved image-editing capabilities where users can apply a variety of artistic effects. In 2010, users can see some additional SmartArt layouts to choose from, as well as more options for editing SmartArt, including the ability to convert SmartArt to simple shapes. Best of all, creating and controlling gradient stops when formatting the color within shapes is a lot easier to do than it was in previous versions. Rather than a drop- box controlling the color and position of a stop, users see a more intuitive sliding bar, which gives them a live preview of their gradient as they make changes. One final universal addition to the suite is the Paste Preview feature, which allows users to see a live preview of what they're pasting before they actually paste it.

Conversational view – Outlook now has a conversational view which groups any email conversations you may have had into one item within a folder and it can also strip out redundant information (such as when an email has gone back and forth several times with the original content being copied and added to each time). Added to this is an “Ignore” option which allows a user to opt out of following a particular conversation and therefore stop receiving emails about it. Video and photo editing - Greatly improved in Word and PowerPoint 2010 with many more options for effects and transitions. Videos can also be edited / cropped within a PowerPoint slide (including brightness and contrast).

Navigation pane – Word now has a navigation pane on the left hand side (much like you may have seen in Adobe Reader) which displays thumbnails of each section / page. These can be used to drag and drop pages into a different order or even move specific sections. The search functionality is also greatly improved in a document.

Excel spark lines, slicers and PowerPivot – Spark lines allow a tiny graph to be placed within a cell to show trends in data without the need for a separate chart. Slicers can be used to automatically filter data within a table (adding a handy menu with clickable buttons to your spreadsheets to control what data is displayed). PowerPivot is a power tool for analyzing large volumes of data quickly and easily – you can now have literally millions of rows of data within a single spreadsheet!

Collaboration – Office 2010 allows users to work on the same document at the same time. Users will be informed who else is editing the document and their changes will be highlighted in real time in the document. Rollout Timeline of Office 2010 Item & Description Prep Needed Done 1. Pre-Rollout (Introduction) Trainer/App A. Prepare Forms links for Word 2010 Specialist J a Trainer/App n

B. Prepare learning plans for Pilot Group/ then all 2 Specialist 0 1 1 C. Info – meetings (previews of Outlook, Word, Excel PowerPoints prep; and PowerPoint) D. Pre-learning opportunities (Microsoft e-learning intro Power Point – 2-3 minutes long each) for both O’10 E. PREPARATION of IMAGE w/ Rick 2. Pilot Group Prepare team A. Choosing and preparing group (CLH & CCS, JSR) J a

Jan - Feb n

t h

B. Training of Pilot Group Nov. 22 Introductions, r o

training u

C. Install of O’10 on their new computers g h

D. Testing of Use of O’10 with Pilot Group January M a r

E. Analysis of Test with Pilot Group (need list of things February & March c h

to check off for the Test) 2 0 1 F. Re-Test with Pilot Group March 1 G. Sign off by Pilot Group March 31 3. Training for Everyone A. Administration Group Trainer/App Specialist to prep & B. Attorney – Communicator Group April Classes to be teach: Example through C. Attorney – Collaborator Group done in areas Schedule: May of Outlook, April 4 – Outlook; D. Paralegals through Word, Excel, April. 5– Word; June and April 6 and on - PowerPoint Excel & E. Secretaries PowerPoint, and review classes 4. Roll out!!! April and A. Installation of W’7 and O’10 on all computers May B. Floor Support May 2011 and 5. Post-Support and Training on-going Practice Area #Attorneys #Staff Week of Water 17 14 Districts 4 6 Litigation 7 9 Corporate 1 1 Real Estate 1 1 Air and Waste 7 8 Employment Law 3 3 Business Services 6 4 Energy and Utility 8 8 Government Relations 3 4 Administration 10 / Oce, Clerks 10 / November 2009 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 23 24 25 Office Closed for Office Closed Pilot Group Support Pilot Group 26 27 Support Thanksgiving for Thanksgiving

December 2009 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday NOVEMBER 30 DECEMBER 1 DECEMBER 2 DECEMBER 3 DECEMBER 4

Pilot Group Pilot Group Pilot Group Pilot Group Pilot Group Support Support Support Support Support

8:30 AM- 8:30 AM- 8:30 AM- 8:30 AM- 8:30 AM- Paralegals Part Paralegals Part 2 Secretaries Part 2 Attorney Attorneys Part 1 Training (Part 1) 2 10:00 AM- 11:30 AM- Paralegals Part 2 11:30 AM- 11:30 AM- Paralegals Attorney Training Secretaries 11:30 AM- 11:30 AM- (Part 1) Training (Part Secretaries Part 2 Attorneys Part 1) Training (Part 1) 2 1:30 PM- 1:30 PM- 1:30 PM- 1:30 PM- Secretaries Part 2 Attorneys Part 2 Paralegals Secretaries 3:00 PM-Attorney Training (Part Training (Part 1) Training (Part 1) 3:00 PM- 1) Attorney (Part 3:00 PM- 1) Secretaries Training (Part 1) 7 8 9 10 11 8:30 AM- Attorneys Part Rollout for whole Floor Support Floor Support 2 Office Begins

11:30 AM- Floor Support Attorneys Part 2

1:30 PM- Anyone Part 2 14 15 16 17 18 Floor Support Floor Support Floor Support Floor Support Floor Support 21 22 23 Office Closed 24 Office Closed Floor Support Floor Support Floor Support For Christmas 25 For Christmas 28 29 30 New Year's Eve 31 New Year’s Jan.1 Floor Support Floor Support Floor Support Trainer - vacation Day Office Closed

25017-1 Traveling Coaches Rollout Kit Office 2010

Better way of learning is a continuum of learning events….. see this black arrow line 2-3-4 months pre rollout – marketing strategy – WHY are we going to another Office program??

To win support of users (after management approval)….. less resistance later on when we get it Advertise some of the emotional benefits of the new Office 2010 over what we are using today WOW! Sessions opportunities to present to users very specific reasons to move

Learning Plans

Can do Pre-learning to catch some of the ideas NOT to learn, but to acquaint users with specific items before they go to classroom Formal learning set up for you…..reference cards

Deployment then to Coaching and Floor Support