Corporate Presentation (2018-2019) 1) Introducing Myanmar in Brief “Your Premium Travel Specialist” 2) Business Overview
Myanmar Tourism Services Co.,Ltd (MTS) Corporate Presentation (2018-2019) 1) Introducing Myanmar in Brief “Your Premium Travel Specialist” 2) Business Overview - Profile - Principle of Management - Our Strength 3) Trade Show Activities 4) Opportunities 5) Business Contact Introduction The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Brief General Information Land A total land area of 676,577 sq. km; and stretches over 2090 km from north to south and over 925 km east to west. It has a 2832 km long coast line on the Indian Ocean. Time (GMT) + 6.5 Hours Nay Pyi Taw Climate Myanmar enjoys tropical climate, Yangon divided into three seasons, the monsoon or rainy season from May to October, the cool dry season from November to February and the hot season from March to May. Population The Union of Myanmar has a population of over 57 million. It is made up of over 100 national races. The major racial groups are Bamar, Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Rakhine and Shan. Language The official language is Myanmar. English is widely spoken and understood. Religion Over 80 percent of Myanmar embrace Theravada Buddhism. The rest are Christians, Muslims, Hindus and some animists. Major Economic Sectors Agriculture, Manufacturing, Mining, Oil and Gas, Trade and Services. Major Industries Agro-based industries, Wood-based industries, Textiles industries, Heavy industries, Steel mills etc., Accessibility By Air By Land By Sea Destination Photos Destination Photos Destination Photos Destination Photos Destination Photos Headquartered in Yangon, Myanmar and having been in the travel services industry for over 10 years, the MTS is currently one of the leading travel agents in Myanmar.
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