37 AustraliaAus BelgiumBel CanadaCan CzechCze Republic ChinaChi Trio Motion Technology Ltd. ColombiaCol Shannon Way, Tewkesbury, Glos. GL20 8ND. UK DenmarkDen Tel: +44 1684 292333 FranceFra Fax: +44 1684 297929 Email:
[email protected] GermanyGer Website: www.triomotion.com GreeceGre IndiaIndiaIndi IrishIrishIris RepublicRepublic Trio Motion Technology LLC IsraelIsraelIsra 1000 Gamma Drive, Suite 206, Pittsburgh PA 15238, USA Tel: +1 412 968 9744 ItalyItalyItal Fax: +1 412 968 9746 KoreaKor Email:
[email protected] NetherlandsNet Website: www.triomotion.com NewNew Zealand NorwayNor Trio Shanghai Poland PolandPol Tompson Centre RomaniaRom 118 Zhang Yang Road, B1701, SingaporeSing Pudong New Area, Shanghai, 200122, CHINA SouthSou Africa Tel/Fax: +86-21-58797659 SlovakSlov Republic mail:
[email protected] Website: www.triomotion.com SloveniaSlov SpainSpa SwedenSwe SwitzerlandSwi ThailandTha TaiwanTaiw TurkeyTur UnitedUni Kingdom USAUSA PRODUCT BROCHURE version 2-product brochure-2009 CONTENTS 1 THE TRIO CONCEPT 2 TRIO VALUE 3 TRIO SOFTWARE 6 SYSTEM BUILDING 11 MOTION COORDINATORS MC302X 12 MC206X 14 MC464 16 PCI208 22 EURO205x 24 EURO209 26 MC302-K 28 ANCILLARY RANGE AXIS DAUGHTER BOARDS 30 DIGITAL DRIVE DAUGHTER BOARDS 32 FIELDBUS DAUGHTER BOARDS 33 CABLES AND ACCESSORIES 34 THE TRIO NETWORK 36 ©Trio Motion Technology 2009. All Trademarks are acknowledged. Specifi cations may be subject to change without notice. E & O.E. THE TRIO CONCEPT 2 Trio Motion Technology’s range of Motion Coordinators, All Motion Coordinators, whether PCI, panel mount, daughter boards, I/O modules and keypads are designed to rack mount, DIN-rail mount or a custom design format*, enable the control of industrial machines with the minimum incorporate a CANbus interface to allow for digital or of external components.