AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FUND ZZZ/PARN/2000/01/REV Language: ENGLISH Original: FRENCH APPRAISAL RAPPORT NATURAL RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT PROJECT ORGANIZATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GAMBIA RIVER BASIN (O M V G) COUNTRY DEPARTMENT OCDW WEST REGION MARCH 2001 AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FUND 01 B.P. 1387 ABIDJAN 01 Tel.: (225) 20 20 44 44 PROJECT BRIEF Date : February 2001 The information given hereunder is intended to provide some guidance to prospective suppliers, contractors, consultants and all persons interested in the procurement of goods and services for projects approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank Group. More detailed information and guidance should be obtained from the Executing Agency of the Borrower. 1. COUNTRY : The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau and Senegal - Multinational: Organization for the Development of The Gambia River Basin (OMVG) 2. PROJECT TITLE : Natural Resource Development and Management Project 3. PROJECT LOCATION : The borders of the four States: The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau and Senegal. 4. BORROWERS : Republics of : The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau and Senegal 5. EXECUTING AGENCY : Project Unit of the OMVG Executive Secretariat, BP 2353, Dakar, Senegal. Tel. (221) 822 31 59. Fax (221) 822 59 26. E-Mail:
[email protected]. 6. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The main components of the project are : A. Improvement of Productions; B. Improvement of the Road Infrastructure; C. Back-Up Measures; D. Studies and Technical Assistance E. Project Management 7. PROCUREMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES : Procedures for the procurement of goods and services are summarized below: i) International competitive bidding for the sinking of wells and boreholes, the procurement of means of transport, farming implements, computer equipment and office furniture; ii) Local competition for the provision of means of transport , building rehabilitation and construction works and the implementation of irrigation works; iii) Short list for the recruitment of consultants, auditing firms and NGOs.