International Union for Conservation of Nature

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International Union for Conservation of Nature International Union for Conservation of Nature Country: Guinea Bissau PROJECT DOCUMENT Protection and Restoration of Mangroves and productive Landscape to strengthen food security and mitigate climate change BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Mangrove ecosystems cover a major part of the Bissau-Guinean coastal zone and the services they provide to the local population are extremely valuable. However, these ecosystems are at risk and face several challenges. In the past, many mangrove areas were turned into rice fields by the local population. During the independence war of Guinea Bissau (1963-1974), many of these mangrove rice fields were abandoned but they were never restored, leading to both mangrove natural habitat and land degradation, and their respective impacts in terms of loss of biodiversity, decrease in natural productivity and local food insecurity. In response to the above challenges, the objective of the proposed project is to “support the restoration and rehabilitation of degraded mangroves ecosystems functionality and services for enhanced food security and climate change mitigation”. The overall strategy is built around policy influence and knowledge sharing which will lead to replication and scaling up of the approaches and results. It is structured into four components. The first component will support knowledge-based policy development and adoption that promotes mangrove and forests restoration. The second component of the project, promoting a participatory land use planning and management approach at the landscape level, focuses on the restoration and rehabilitation of degraded land in mangrove areas. The third component will contribute to improving the institutional and financial context of mangroves and forests restoration in Guinea Bissau. It will strengthen the national stakeholders’ capacities for fundraising, scaling-up and replicating restoration initiatives on wider landscape in other regions of the country based on lessons learnt and successful approaches experimented in the field by the project. Lessons learned from the three component will feed in the fourth component, which is focusing on the project monitoring and evaluation, as well as on knowledge management. The outcomes of the projects are as follows: • Outcome 1.1: The three targeted mangrove ecosystems benefit from a restoration strategy; • Outcome 2.1: Traditional knowledge and local natural resources management systems are recognized and integrated in the restoration of mangrove and the rehabilitation of rice fields; • Outcome 2.2: Local communities’ livelihood resources are sustainably improved; • Outcome 3.1: Bissau-Guinean institutional and coordination capacities are strengthened in order to scale-up and finance restoration; and • Outcome 4.1: The project is implemented according to results-based management principles, lessons learned are disseminated within The Restoration Initiative and applied to future operations. 1 List of Acronyms Acronym Definition AAAC Environmental Assessment Competent Authority (Autoridade de Avaliaçao Ambiental Competente) AFD Agence Française de Développement AfDB African Development Bank CBD UN Convention on Biological Diversity CSA Climate Smart Agriculture DENARP II Second strategic document on poverty reduction DGA General Directorate for Agriculture (Direcçao General da Agricultura) DGE General Directorate for the Environment (Direcçao Geral do Ambiente) DGEDR General Directorate for Engineering and Rural Development (Direção Geral da Engenharia e Desenvolvimento Rural) DGDD General Directorate for Sustainable Development (Direcçao Geral de Desenvolvimento Duravel) DGFF General Directorate for Forest and Wildlife (Direcçao Geral da Floresta e Fauna) DNVA Direction nationale de Vulgarisaçao Agricole DENARP II Second strategic document on poverty reduction DRADR Regional Office of Agriculture and Rural Development (Delegacias Regionais da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural) FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FLR Forest Landscape Restoration GCCA Global Climate Change Alliance GIS Geographic Information System GPC Coastal planning Office (Gabinete de Planificaçao Costeira) HH Household IBAP Institute for Biodiversity and Protected Areas (Instituto da Biodiversidade e das Areas Protegidas) IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IGA Income Generating Activities INDC Intended Nationally Determined Contribution INPA National Institute for Agricultural Research (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa Agrária) IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature KAP Kite Aerial Photography MADD Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Ministerio do Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Duravel) MADR Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Ministerio da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural) M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MESA Monitoring for Environment and Security in Africa MRV Measuring, Reporting and Verification NAPA National Adaptation Plan of Action NSPA National System of Protected Areas PACO Central and West Africa Programme PADES Southern Economic Development Support Project (Projet d’Appui au Développement Economique du Sud) PASA Jovem Promotion of Rice Production for Young People Project (Projet de Promotion de la Rizculture en Faveur des Jeunes PPRFJ in french) PIR Project Implementation Review PNC Cantanhez National Park (Parque Nacional Cantanhez PNLC Cufada Lagoons Natural Park (Parque Natural Das Lagoas De Cufada) PNTC Cacheu River Mangroves Natural Park (Parque National Tarrafe do Rio Cacheu) PPRFJ Promotion of Rice Production for Young People Project (Projet de Promotion de la Rizculture en Faveur des Jeunes) PPG Project Preparation Grant PRCM Partenariat Régional pour la Conservation de la zone Côtière et Marine en Afrique de l'Ouest 2 PY Project year RBM Result Based Management ROAM Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology TRI The Restauration Initiative UNCCD UN Convention to Combat Desertification WFP World Food Programme WRI World Resources Institute 3 Table of contents 1 Project Profile ................................................................................................................................ 6 2 Project Results Framework ......................................................................................................... 7 3 Background and situation analysis (Baseline course of action) .......................................... 11 3.1 Background and context ................................................................................................... 11 3.1.1 Environmental context ............................................................................................... 11 3.1.2 Socio-economic context ............................................................................................ 18 3.1.3 Institutional, sectoral and policy context ................................................................. 22 3.2 Global environment problem ............................................................................................ 26 3.3 Threats, root causes, and barriers analysis ................................................................... 28 3.3.1 Threats ......................................................................................................................... 28 3.3.2 Root causes ................................................................................................................ 29 3.3.3 Barrier analysis ........................................................................................................... 30 3.4 Stakeholder analysis .......................................................................................................... 31 3.5 Baseline analysis and gaps .............................................................................................. 37 3.5.1 Past and planned national actions and projects .................................................... 37 3.5.2 Past and planned regional actions and projects, and GEF interventions .......... 40 3.5.3 Gaps to be filled .......................................................................................................... 41 4 Intervention strategy (alternative) ............................................................................................ 42 4.1 Project rationale and expected global environmental benefits .................................... 42 4.2 Project goal and expected impact .................................................................................... 43 4.3 Project components, their expected outcomes and outputs and planned activities 45 4.4 Risk analysis and risk management measures ............................................................. 59 4.5 Consistency with national priorities and plans ............................................................... 60 4.6 Project alignment with IUCN Programme ....................................................................... 61 4.7 Incremental cost reasoning (for GEF projects) .............................................................. 62 4.8 Sustainability ....................................................................................................................... 67 4.8.1 Financial and economic sustainability ..................................................................... 67 4.8.2 Institutional sustainability .......................................................................................... 67 4.9 Replication ..........................................................................................................................
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