The"""""- thundcr-Word Fob. (1.1963- Highline Col!ege Thunder-Word After-6ame Highline Needs You Official newspaper of . Printed monthly and One of the most important thingsthat P successful colleg_eneeds , produced by the Journalism class. Address: 2634 S. 142nd Dance Is from its students is co-operation and a willingness to lend a hand. Street, 88, Wash. Highline is a new college and therefore must have extra help from Editor ...... 1~aComl)t~Slwrry its students to get clubs and activities established. It takes much more ...... Sports Editor Dick I+ttwon than just 3 handful of persons to do all the wrk in establishing these I'hotographer ...... Tom oaklcy .An after game dancesponsored clubs and activities. All the organizations need students to help paint Adrcrt ism$ Manager ...... Roy Scha(,lt*r posters, to decorate for dances, and to do other jobs, Many even need Business Xmagcr ...... Suzannc lkr: by the Social Committee will be held in the Glacier High School more members and interest among the studentsto make various Reporters: Wtty Berg. Bill C'olcnran. Tom C'arlson. organizations function efficiently. Jhiton.!rr COP. F.'lizal)cth Ilonofrio. Tom Fortllram. cafeteria on Saturday, February Susan Hurnphrc~*. Gary Knllto. .lo~w Dortero. .lo(* 9, from 9:30 p,m. to 12midnight, Better attendance, more pep and interest is desparately needed at all our basketball games One of the things that is admired C dl Mirantc. I,srry Knutscn. Er;r t j!tvswr. C'hnrles Pondcr. Taped music will be provided . schools is a "peppy"student body that goes all out in support.ts ('harlt.5 Sw. (;cor.gc Stcphcns. (;w;t I'urvinskis, Dwa!.nv for dancing andrefreshments will \\'cich. James\h'c.ncll'c*lclt. iicw Sitw,l. .loan )Z.tllcW he served, team. The team also needs your interest and support. ._. . - . . "".."" -"."" -" - Admission will be free and So next time you're asked to join a club or paint a poster, try to presentation ofastudent body find time to lend a hand.And remember, to give all your support Letters To The Editor card is required. A student anda to YOUR team. west may be admitted on one \!'hat?? Xo mail again toddy! Impossible, with all theActivi- card, Students from the guest ties goingon around the campus now days, you would thinkthat school are also invited and they someonewould have something to say. Only one letter has been will be admitted on their student CAMPUS CROWD 1 recei\*ed bythe THUNDER-WORD staff since September, and body card or asa guest on a they haveput out three newspapers,Kind of one-sided:,wouldn't student cardfrom Highline JonAnn Steckcr Bob Noble you say? College. Everyone is asked to JonAnn Stecker stands out come in school dress. Nave you met Bob Noble Cheer leaders, don'tyou have any comments on our basket- among the Highline College who is our Associated Student ball tear.2, sportsmanship, or general gameattendance? After dl, "" we have been pretty busy in the sports department. leaders so we hail her as one mody President? He is 24 years Two Games Set of the first Cam- old and former- Club presidents, whathave you beeti doingto promote mem- !- bership and growth in your organization? Many of you coulduse ''" pus Crowd. Jon- ly attended Ed- help in the projects you have planned. For the Weekand Ann is not hard monds €Ii g h Theart club is undertaking to catalog as many art reproduc- Tonight the Highline College to spot with her School. This is tions as it can in order to create a reference file for the art ap- Thunderbirds travel to the Seat- bright, s p a r k- his second year preciation class, It's quite ajob they've set up for themselves, tle Center arena to try to topple ing blue eyes at Highline Col- and a lot of good hard work will go into this endeavor. the Seattle Uniuersiyt Frosh. md friendly lege and pv-o A sumey requesting theopinions of students inregad toan The Thunderbirds lost their his second . annual is being circulated through-outthe school. Are there no opcninggame of thc wtson to JonAnn start- A. S. B. Prd- definite preferences in this field thatcan be expressed? Are stu- thePapooses by the score of ?d at Highline dent. "Highline dents content merely to sign their name to a simple questionaire? 84-60. Came time is 6 p.m. :allege the first is great,"says ASB and class officers, where are thecomments and questions Tomorrow night Highline v:dl luarter last . . Bob. from you? Have younothing to say to the other members of the meet in a game Bob went to Europe two sum- student body? What plans are being made for graduation this spring? to be played at Glacier High. Instructors and other faculty members are also a part ofHigh- Shesaid "I can still remem- mers ago, on money saved Startingtime for this game is ber the members of the faculty while working. $Hemet a young line College. Their views andcomments areesrxially important 8 p.m. in a preliminary game. in that they often notice thingsthat students overlook, andthey see referring to us aspioneers." man on the boat heading for the Highline College Fernfinks Europe and they joined up. many situations in a different aspect. will meet the Higblinc College JonAnn's m;).jor is in Physical of yet, no definite place hasbeen designatedto receivelet- They visited IS different coun- As ASB Officers, gam time is 6:30 Education but she has also ters from the student body--there has been no need to. tries traveling in all 12,500 Letters may bebrought tothe staff's attention by giving them p.m. thought about specializing in miles. Amving back in New to Miss Strehlau or to one of the .staff members. Theymay also *Following tonight3 basketball Handicapped Children. JonAnn York he purchased a motor- be turned into the main office and placed in the newspaper advisors action there will be ;I student has quite a collection of hobbies cycle and rode it back to Seat- mailbox, dance. .which include dabbling in mo- tle. When he reached Seattle when the mail load Sets large enou;-h to warrant it, a mail box saic art. Shesays she likes he had only a few cents in his will be setup in the studentlounge and checked regularly bythe tennis and alsobelongs to the pocket. staff. Choir Joins Others Highline C o 11 e g e Bowling .. -,-.- .""_ .. "." ,- ,- "_ . ". . -. - - "-. - . - League. Bob enjoys fishing, golfing, In Concert Feb. 24 and baseball. He is interested W.E.A. Students Her future plans include go- in politics and is headof the College ficuhy The Highline College Choir ing to Central Hove Full Schedule will be included among1300 Democratic Precinct in his dis- Plans NatioroaC Meet College of Gducation next year. trict. After graduating from Activities for the student participants who will sing in a The 43rd annual conwantion She also said she plans on going Highline College, Bob plans to branch of the Wmhington Edu- nhoral concert at the Univer- for the American Association of to Japan in '64 for the summer attend the University of Wash- Junior Colleges will be held in cation Association at Highline sity of Puget Sound field house Olympics. College have been scheduled on February 24. ington, continuing his studies the Olympic Hotel on February in Political Science. He is em- for February 1963. Conducting the Youth Sym- Shesaid, "I've heard about 25-28. 1963. p\oyed at Sears Roebuck and On February 12. Barbara phony Orchestra of Seattle will the need for U. S. Guides; I The Staff of Highline College Company in the Renton Shop Krohn, Assbtant Editor of the be Vilem Sokol who is head of hope I get a job like that." is rnponsiblefar the arrange- ping Center and lives at home. ments of the convention this "State Journal" for the Wash- music at the University of JonAnn, along with being a year. ington Education Association. Washington. The choir director very active person on the cam- Bob is anoutstanding student will speak at Highline College will be Wayne Hertz from Cen- pus. also holds down a job as a and excels in all the college All 12 junior colleges of on the part the. Washington tral Washington College where telephone operator. Shesays, Washington plus junior colleges Education Association plays in he is in charge of music "it's quite a job!" activities which take up almost of the entire United States will the field of education. activities. all of his spare time. He has be represented. She graduated with the class On February 27 and 38, the In the concert which begins a terrific personality and is One of the speakers will be convention theof American of '61 at Highline High School at 3:30 p. m., there will be well-liked by all the itudents. Dr. Charles Odegaard,, president Association of Junior Colleges singers from church choirs and nowHighline Junior Col- of the Universityof Washing- will be held at the Olympic fromall over the state. The lege is lucky enough to have Undoubtedly he will succeed in ton. Another speaker will be Hotel. Student members of Highlinechoir consisting of ' her. all that he undertakes.

~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ." Dr. GrantMorrison, former di- WEA atHighline will help twentysne members willbe 7 ~ rector of junior colleges for the withthe arrangements. singing withfour tenors, four state, who is now supervisor of They are: Kathy Stokes, Pa- sopranos,, four altos and nine Earn 5 Credits While Traveli-ng junior colleges forthe United tricia Huttenmier, D o r e e n e basses. In Highline College's First . . States Office of Education. Quealy, Julia HlggJns, Loretta For all music lovers interc Esko, and Susan Ross. ANNUAL TRAVEL SEMINAR Support Your ested, the admission is free. Political Party See the Lounge! by Tom Fordham You in .A recent interview with Mr. Have youseen the newly painted Smdent Lounge? Yes, the Co- Wendell A. Phillips, advisor to ~rtsClub has painted it; and made and hung draperies. the "Young Democrats Club", Thanks to the members of the Co-Arts Club and the voltmteer& Total prompts this reporter to advise wenow have apleasant place to meet and greet friends, tostudy, that it would be more aptly named or to just relax and unwind. * 'Youth Doesn't Care". Also to help makethe Lounge more comfortable, Mr. Leonard 0 England Apathy on the part of themem- Johnson, Bookstore manager, had vending machines for pop and 0 Wales hrs, poor organization, and what candy installed. These have been very successful with thestudents. is most disturbing of all, no Thank YOU, Mr. Johnson. 0 Scotland "Young Republican Clob" 'to op- You are alwayswelcome tocome and relax or study in YOUR pse, makesone wonder if the Student Lounge and Bookstore. We wish to express our thanks to the Ireland present form o f government can Co-Arts Club andthe volunteers who painted the Lounge.You did a sur\*ive. fine "lob. - Freedom is not only a privilege Director: Wendell A. Phillips it is J duty, Stucivts in this Highlint Colleqc col1c;:e are apprxtching the itgc: ENGINE REBUILD CUSTOM WORK-" to exercise the franchise thdt "" every gtneration has :acrificec! C;I~CCTS, property, and life to presc.r:c..!om is cnjoycd by ail, Is i: fair to put the IwrJcn of swing Tuneup Brakes Please send me further information onthe tour i: on a fc:v! Lack of intvrt+stand for July 19 to August 29. lack of cncrgy brings the downfall Name...... of .I political state and i)ossil)ly thc end of a civilization, Addrcsa...... l'hc goals of frccdom cannot bc xhicvcd !>y a 1: opulation Phone...... YATES BROS. GARAGE" sr;lotherc.d with ail "! don't carc Leave Coupon in Mr. Phillips' BOX in tho Administration Office attitude,'.,\ction is esscntial to 8855 9th S. W. Near White Center WE. 54200 accornplishrnerrt, 1

c cob. & 1- The Thunder-Word needs hand. SPORTS from I * GAB^ more these paint By DICK PETERSON need Sports Editor, Highline College Thunder-Word rious Meet the 1963 Highline College Thundcrbird basketball team: Larry Andraron-Larry is a freshman at Highline College anda past gmduate of Highline High School. Larry made 2nd team All-Conference in the PU- , get Sound Leagueand was :ry to voted his high sohool tern's 1ppon Inspiration award. Larry, a standout at fomd, is leading the Thunderbird team in points with an average of 14.8 for the season and a 15.5 in conference action* * * Jim Hrlt-Jim led the Kent- oble Meridian Royalsto a 23-1 rec- dent ord in "61" and was namcdto 'ears the All-State team. Halte, since mer- joining the tam in the winter Ed- quarter, hasbeen averaging 10.7 points per game playing at .d : a forward slot. year Greg Wilsodreg, a sopho- Col- +'eo more Highlineat College, played high school ball at Oak *est- Harbor wherehe was All-Conference, All-District and All-State lline class A. Greg, a 6'6" center, pkayed ball at Western Washington Thunderbirds Thunderbirds In Game Review says Collegclast year and camedown with Coch Hubbard. Wilson Highline vs Columbia Basin is a-ing 11 points for the season and is a mod m-bounder. Fall to Rangers Fred Miller-Fred helped Mt. Si to second place in the "61" The ltighline College hoopsters playing one of the poorer games um- of the season fell before a strong Columbia Basin basketball team on Vd Class A tournament, and was named to the All-State team. Fred The Highline CollegeThun- derbirds playing without Larry Jan. 18 by the score of 79-58 in a game played at the Basin. lung is one of the better all-round players on the Thunderbird team Columbia Basin jumped off to a big lead early inthe game behind for Anderson whowas sick took and is averaging 10 points a game, but is shooting over 50 per their worst basketball beating the outstanding shootingof Bob Antuloh andled at half-time 39-22. The UP. cent from the field. Miller is also an outstandingballhandle@ of the seasonwhen they fell second half, Highline kept pace with Columbia Basin but was unable loun- and is a ballhawk on defense. to close the gap and went down to a tenth defeat of the season, 79-58. .,m before the powerful Olympic Greg Wilson led Highline with 18 points, followed by Ron Kniss 12, RonKniss-Ron is a "60" graduateof Highline where he College Rangers by the score of vew Larry Andreson- 10, Jim Halte 8, Fred Miller 7, and Dick Layzell 3, played ball for three years. Ran is another outstandag ball- 89-59 in a conferencegame Itor- Bob Antulobled all scorers* with 26 pointsfor the *Hawks. Seat- handler and is averaging 13.3 points per game in conference played at Olympic last Saturday. attle play and ohas a seawn high of 22 points against Yakima. Highline's lass Olympicto Highline vs CentrGia his Dick Layzell-Dickplayed ballat Belingham High School. gave them a record of three The Highline Thunderbirdswon their fourth gameof the season and Dick at 6'2'' c811 play center or forward nad can hit &om tlme wins and four losses in confer- their third in conference play when they out-ran the outside or from theinside. Lazyell is averaging 9 points per ence play and pushed them into Trailblazers on Jan. 23 by thescoreof 88-83 on the Glacier High court. mg: fourth phce in the northern The first half was close all the way with Highline keeping a slight game for the seasonand is anoutstanding rebounder. sted division standings. lead throughout most of the first half and holding a 48-44 half time Dan Swanson-Dan is afreshman at Highline allege and the Olympic playing standouta marffin, The second half both teams played fairly even ball with four dis- played high school ball at Enumclaw. Dan is probably the best defense kept the Thunderbirds PhYerS doing just about all the scoringfor Highline. The Thunderbirds kom ballhandler on the cluband is deadly with his behind-th&ack in the hole right from the start held Off a late game push by the Trailblazers to capture an 88-83 win, - to pass- and after ten minutes of play, High pointmen for Highline were Larry Andresonand Mck 'ash- Bill Bryant-Bill is another boy out of Highline High School Highline was virtually elim- Lamell who each netted 21 points, followed closely by Ron Kniss with dies and can handle the ball well in the clutch. inated from winning the game. 18 and Jim Halte whohad 17. Greg Wilsonand Dan Swanson each em- At one point in the first half, Scored 2 points, High man for Centralia was Wayne Dykeman who hit and John H.rmon"John is a fmeshman at Highline and phyed 22. basketball at Mt. Rainier High. John has a good jump shot Olympicstole the ball three * * * hop .times in a row and went in for Dme. from about 20 feet and can go at dthea guard or faward. easy baskets. The halftime score Highline vs'Skagit Valley FloN Gay-Floyd opas ateammate of Fred Micler'e at stood at 45-31. 'ent Mount Si and has a tine outside shot and is a petty fair ball- In the second half Olyldpic .lege hndler. The Highline College Thunderbirds conference basketball record kept right on rolling and with was evened at three wins andthree losses when theywere beaten by the most Mike Byre-lEke graduated fmm Re- but played no little less than ten minutes northern division leaders, on Jan, 29by the has high school ball. Mike can play forward or center and is a real left in the game, Olympic SCO~of 78-62, is hustler. mved out to a 75-41 lead. The Skagit Valley, led by LowellScott and BobKfldall, got off to a slow mts. Bill Turnw-Bill is &om .h\enklin High ia Seattle and play8 East five minutes ofthe game start, but midway through thefirst half began to find the range and took Highline went into a stall, ap a commanding 40-32 lead at the half. The second half saw Scott and * in the pivot po&ion. Bill likes to really firpIt it out amk tb bckboardsandbaremlwurker. parently to keep the score un- Klldall hitting the basket to keep increasing the Skagit lead. By the end of the game there was a 16 point difference and a 78-62 win for George Valmon-George is a hoopster from the east side of der 100. Skagit Valley who pushed their conference record to 6 wins and NVO the mountains playing high school Jmll at Cashmere.George is Olympic 'had five men in double figures (and Highline had losses. another .fine ballbander in the clutcb but caste OlEf at the four. Double figure men for the Kfldall paced theSkagit attack with 27points with Scott right basket too o&m. Rangem were Jim Hunter with behind at 25 points. Leading scorer for the Thunderbirds was Greg Steve Yadteve joined the club at the quart& tmd am 22, Terry Easter with 18, John Wilson with 14, Larry Andreson and RonKniss each had 12, Fred Miller had11, Dick Layzell 6, Jim Halte 5, and John Hennon 2, dymove the" around. Steve is hmRtwevelt lffiah in Henderson with 14, and Dam1 Seattle wbre be wls (1p1All-City player in Iweeball. Miltonwith 11. Leading the

~ " Highline attack was Fred Miller STATE JUNIOR COLLEGE who pumped in 15 points, Greg NORTMCRN SOUTMCRN Wilson with 14, Jim Halte with DIVISION blVISl0N New Teams SWAN'S AUTO ELECTRIC #lland Dick Layzell with 10. UfIighline hit 21 free thmm Play "Prelim" compared to Olympic's 10, but REBUILT EBINES the Rangers hit 35 field goals STARTERS to the Thunderbirds' 19. Basketball GENERAT- Two new basketball teams made their debuton campus January TRANSMISSIONS 29th. The "Ferndocks" andthe TUNEUP ALL FOR YOU "Ratfinks"played the pre- BRAKES liminary game to the Highline 6:30 a.m. to CollegeSkagit Valley game. The 15863 Des-Moines Way CH. 3-9292 "Ferndocks" were victorious by 12:30 a.m. a score of 46-42, The"Ferndocks" consist of 14 Pancake Choices "Kool" Keith Adarns,"Metrical" RESEARCH 0 7 Waffle Dishes 10 Egg Specials Ron Siegel, "Jaguar" Jon Snyder, AND Crisp Salads "Stompin" Steve \Vood\varu, Sandwiches "Dainty"Dick Wcgsmoen,and DEVELOP" '*.-\ctive" Art Taylor. 0 Plenty of Parking The "Ratfinks"include . ss "Tricky" Dick ikterson, "Cor- Always Quick Service giousDDCySoderli nd, NORTHWEST'SLARGEST "Dangerous"Doug Rohertson, "Speedy" Kip Galhraith, DYNOMETER "0a r in g " Doug I-cact~,and Highway 99 and "Rarnhlin" Hod 'Tdylor. Dealer for the A. C. Ford Cobra Any group wishing to ch.tllc.n:L Chef South 152nd St, these two te3n.s m.1) contact I;\-.: 15010 1st So. In Burien ai. 3")m elark's Pancake Siegel or Dick I'cterscn. Fabaa 1- Writing Club Meets Ski Club Dinner bv @anUlk W8d- dt& New Corm To mlieve kodoru built up held ib iint meeting 011 Jmu- Is College Success during the quarter, consider the rrJr22Thepurgmetofthedub A wbtti dh~tt,&I fa- following definitions as a form it to dimur the amtk Offered in B.A. ion show, and ski movies were of mtribution. e%&--& h8VO The BusinessAdministration featured io an all-clommunity Chem-A game a dsy keeps prodllCt9d. department at Highline College social sponrorad byHighline tbe grades 8WaY. With seven people present, is growingconsistently; every College'8 Ski Club may, Jm Sleep-That period of the day policyand publiciW was db quarterthere are newcourses uary 25 in Glacier High school'8 whichincludes an eight a.m. cussed. Among things pmposed addedto the curriculum. The Cafeteria. Cb. was the passibility for a maga- most recent of these new offer- sped81 films were nom in Pencil-Aninstrument often zine of selected works of in@ is Business Law which was fmm Hdlywd md fashion8 broken after fintab. membem. so sought after that a larger *em provided by Arb Sporting Instructor- Human counter- Wajn 61 impmdng different classroomwas acquired; there Goods in tbe Burien district. part of a broken record. stories urd posmo were men- 8- now over fifty daytime and Student models were Suzanne Class notes-Excellent fk- tioned ob various members read thirty-five evening studentsat- Berg, SuzannePetts, JonAnn place paper. their mve creation^. MM. tendingthe class. Mr. Forrest Stecker, Doreene Quedey, Steve Library -mere particular Carol ffrll, faculty advisor, Price, the only day-time pmfes- Dillinghm, Paul Centvoort and people congregate. said more people are invited to sot teachingBusinem Admin- Mike Martin. Lecture clss- Where two join; the ow requirement b a istration, is the instructor. Ski Club officersare Bud types of people are, found: ac- desire to compose literature or Other business administration Wilder, president; liked Wolf- tive instructors and paissive pu- Poet= classes that are offered include stone,vice!-pmidcnt; Swanne Pm** accounting,business organiza- Petts, secretary; andSharon fhscussionclass-Where stu- Walker, treprsurer, dentsbecome instructors and Ski Club HdsTrii " tion,economics and secretarial training,the latter being in- instnrctom become students. Sevenmembers of the Ski Administration -The prison Club spent theday at crgstcrl structed by Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Mountain onJanuary Gibson. hierarchy. 20. Campus Walkways-hthsof With two inchesof powder Mr. Rice was born in Tulsa, snow and 8unny skies, the Oklahoma and compleled a B.S. A busy 8chedUe is planned for righteousness. this year by the Highline Students -The only inmates weatherwas excellent for ski- in BusinessAdministration at ing and picture taking.Mem- Engineering Club. It has already required to have a social secur- the University of Tulsa in 1949. bers on the trip included Joe Mr. Rice hadnot planned on elected its officers who are: ity number. tarry Cobb, President;Jon Mirante,Bud Wilder, Fred beinga professorand upon Wolfstone, John Thomas, Mike graduation from college went to Decker, Program chairman; and John Kelly, secretary. Martin, Gary Randall, and Clau- work for theTexas Pipeline Student Stranded dia Bean. Company;three years hter he Durlng their last meeting on tried a banker's job which did Jan, 8,1963 the membersviewed not appeal to him either. With a film emtitled "More Power To For Five Days You"produced by Seattle City Dwayne Welch, freshman stu- someknowledge of an oil coma Ligh~This film pointed out how panyS operation which had been dent at Highline Cotlege, left the powercompanies use December 20 on whatwas sup- acquired at Texas Pipeline, Mr. engineers in all different phases @* SPECIAL Price joined the Union Oil Com- posed tobe a pleasant fishing of work, such as the measuring trip butended in near tragedy panyand moved to Seattle in of the snow depths, the evaluation 1951and attending the U. of as he sat stranded for five days of the 1~ off, right down to the in the middle of a river. 5-WAY WHEEL ALIGNMENT W., received a mastersdegree connection tohouses and in- in 1953. After working for Dwayne said he left his home EVERGREEN RAMBLER IN BURIEN dustrial plants. in Burien early Thursday morn- Union Oil foreight years, Mr. The club has planned anumber Rice accepted a position at ing beforeChristmas and ar- of field trlps to be taken during rived at a point about 20 miles 15025 1ST SO. Highline College.Besides his the year tosuch places as regular teachingassignment at foundries, assembly lines, power above the Rocky Reach Dam at Highline, Mr. Rice is attending and telephone insulations, approximately l2:OO noon. CH. 3-0700 the U. of W. working on a doc- bridges,dams, and other He thenset up camp and tors degree which he will com- construction projects. wentto do some fishing. After pletethis year. Mr. Larry Blake, Faculty ad- about 3 hours he was ready to visor, suggeststhat any quit when he hooked alarge With teaching,studying, tak- trout anddropped his fishing MOST CARS ing care of a wife and four chil- Engberkrg student interestedin joining this club shouldcontact pole. He dove in aft= the pole dren, it is obvious that Mr. Rice andwas caught by the swift $6.95 is a very busy man. the club president who will pm vi& the data and qualification current. He was then pulled for becoming a member. into the middie of the river and into the rapids. Activity Council Somehowhe managed to get Coordinates Eve& Darries Berries a hold on a rack and there he On Jan. 24, 1963 theActivi- stayed for 5 days. ties Council of Highline College When their son did not show met.The Committee's primary lead league up for Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Welch became worried and can- function is scbedulingevents. As ofFebruary 1, "Darries Dan Ursino, VicePresident of tacted the authorities. A search Berries" pulled outof a pre- party was formed and the search the ASB, presidesover the viousweek's tie to first place meetings. 'began. It didn't takelong to standing in the intramural bowl- find him for he was still in the Representatives f r o m the ing league with 10wins and 2 rapids sitting on a rock. When ASB office, yell staff, news losess. the rescuers got him ashore and Open 24 Noun paperand all clubs are sup The High Team Series is held dried him off, his first words posedto attend the meetings. by the "Playboys" with 1337 were, 'When do we eat, I'm hun- The Publicity Committee Chair- and "Dames Berries" with lZll, v?" man and theSocial Committee The High Individual Series in- Chairman also attend t h e cludesJohn Satterfield, 379; meetings. John Thomas, 358; Wally Wheat- Activitiesthat have been mun,351; Donna Lamoreaux, planned for Winter Quarter 316; Lonnie Smith, 290. M PICK 'UM UP HOT w are a dance on February 9 and High Gameresults for the a fireside at Normandy Cove on end of February are: Bob Dierst, 0 Char-BraiId Burger ,244 February 15. Both events will 202;John Thomas, 197; Dave . . . follow basketballgames. The Scott, 194; John Satterfield, Spring Formal has Been set for 191-188; Donna Lamoreaux, 165 Yay 18. 151;Bonnie Smith, 161.

.. 4


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