Classics 24 Myths and Legends of the Trojan War Fall 2010 MWF 3:00-3:50 Votey 105 Robert Rodgers 481 Main Street, Room 103
[email protected] 656-4626 Office hours: M 9:30-10:30, W 1:00-2:00, F 1:30-2:30, and by appointment COURSE OBJECTIVE: Introducing students to a careful reading of ancient works of literature which deal with the general theme of the war between Greeks and Trojans. The theme of the Trojan War was a part of the Greek sense of self-identity, and it was used again and again as the historical-mythological background against which Greeks and their successors turned in recurrent searches to know themselves. Textbooks: Susan Woodford, The Trojan War in Ancient Art The Iliad of Homer, trans. Richmond Lattimore Homer Odyssey, trans. Richmond Lattimore Aeschylus I Oresteia, trans. Richmond Lattimore Sophocles Plays Euripides Ten Plays Virgil Aeneid, trans. Fitzgerald Week 1 (30 Aug.-3 Sept.) Introduction Weekly Quizzes Weeks 2-4 (8-24 Sept.) Homer's Iliad Homer paper due: 15 October Weeks 5-7 (27 Sept.-15 Oct.) Homer's Odyssey Midterm Test: 15 October Weeks 8-10 (18 Oct.-5 Nov.) Athenian drama Drama/Virgil paper due: 8 December Weeks 11-14 (8 Nov.-8 Dec.) Virgil's Aeneid Final Exam (cumulative): 11 December August M 30 Introduction: Synoptic story September W 1 Epic as genre; Homer; Dates F 3 Homeric narrative M 6 LABOR DAY W 8 Homer's Iliad, Books 1-3 F 10 Homer's Iliad, Books 4-6 M 13 Homer's Iliad, Books 7-9 W 15 Homer's Iliad, Books 10-12 F 17 Homer's Iliad, Books 13-15 M 20 Homer's Iliad, Books 16-18 W 22 Homer's Iliad, Books 19-21 F 24 Homer's Iliad, Books 22-24 M 27 Homer's Odyssey, Books 1-3 W 29 Homer's Odyssey, Books 4-6 October F 1 Homer's Odyssey, Books 7-9 M 4 Homer's Odyssey, Books 10-12 W 6 Homer's Odyssey, Books 13-15 F 8 Homer's Odyssey, Books 16-18 M 11 Homer's Odyssey, Books 19-21 W 13 Homer's Odyssey, Books 22-24 F 15 MIDTERM TEST.