Route 79 : Aloo Gobi

The effects of feeling hungry on the way home

December 23 2003

Delicious Aloo Gobi

My turn to cook tonight - as always. Aloo Gobi this time. (Aloo= and Gobi=cauliflower.)

Get the following items together:

1 large cauliflower - stripped of leaf, washed and broken into bite-sized florets 2 large onions chopped into coarse chunks 3 medium potatoes, peeled and chopped into bite-sized chunks Chunks of frozen, pre-pulped , and green-chillie Spices: (halidi), Garam Masala, Ground , Salt, Dried methi (fenugreek) Seeds: Onion seed and (Jeera) seeds. Some splashes of concentrated lemon juice A large karahi (large pot a bit like a wok) in which to pour 3 or 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil Heat the oil in the karahi until hot. Add the onion and cumin seeds and watch them pop and fizzle for around 20 seconds. Then add the coarsely chopped onions and fry until they are translucent.

Then add the pre-pulped garlic, ginger and chillie which you have stored away in your freezer - and stir fry until they are infused in the oil. Then add the powdered spices: 3 teaspons of garam masala, 2 teaspoons of ground coriander, 2 teaspoons of turmeric (haldi) and 1 teaspoon of salt. Stir it all up until well mixed up.

Then add the chunks of potato - stir until well coated in spices and then put the lid on the karahi and let it simmer on a very low flame for around 15 mins. This will soften the potato a little. Then add the cauliflower florets and stir until fully coated and yellow looking. Again: put the lid back on and let heat on low simmer for around 20 minutes more.

After that - stir gently but thoroughly and turn flame off - and sprinkle on a generous handfull of fresh coriander leaf. Then put lid back on for around 10 minutes to rest. It’s then ready to serve! Serve up with fresh (chapatti) or if you’re feeling lazy like me tonight - some warmed pitta breads - and a side salad of onion, cucumber, tomato and carrot all tossed in a few dashes of vinegar. Simple - but heavenly.

Delicious Aloo Gobi!

Enjoy. ps - the above final picture is shown with 50% of the aloo gobi removed - I put around half of it away in a glass bowl - which I covered in clingfilm and put in the fridge to eat tomorrow. This can be eaten with toast (just like with the roti or ) - or as a toasted sandwich - or if you know how: as “gobi ” with achaar and cucumber yoghurt - which you will have to take my word is simply exquisite and is a “lunch to die for”.

Have you tried this? Even if you haven't - let me know what you think! You can leave a comment on this recipe by clicking here.