Building Academic Capacity and Expertise in the Health Effects of Violence and Abuse A B L U E P R I N T FOR ADVANCING PROFESSIONAL HEALTH EDUCATION ACADEMY ON VIOLENCE AND ABUSE (AVA) MISSION The mission of the Academy on Violence and Abuse (AVA) is to advance health education and research on the prevention, recognition, treatment, and health effects of violence and abuse. VISION By expanding health education and research, AVA will integrate knowledge about violence and abuse into the training of health professionals, promote the health of all people, protect the most vulnerable, and advance health policy that promotes safe families, workplaces, and communities. AVA LEADERSHIP Board Chair: Board of Directors: F. David Schneider, MD, MSPH David Corwin, MD Tasneem Ismailji, MD, MPH President: Lisa James, MA David McCollum, MD Susan Kelley, PhD Richard Krugman, MD President-Elect: Connie Mitchell, MD, MPH Robert Block, MD Charles Mouton, MD, MS, FAAFP Philip Scribano, DO, MSCE Secretary: Amy Sisley, MD, MPH Bruce Ettinger, MD, MPH Zita Surprenant, MD Treasurer: Ellen Taliaferro, MD Marie Christensen, MD, FACS Former Board Members: Executive Director: Elaine Alpert, MD, MPH Michael Callahan Jacqueline C. Campbell, PhD, RN Jacqueline Hauser, MBA Debbie Lee Therese Zink, MD, MPH To contact or become a member of the Academy on Violence and Abuse: Mailing address: 14850 Scenic Heights Road, Suite 135A Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Email:
[email protected] Website: Building Academic Capacity and Expertise in the Health Effects of Violence