SUITING YOU Iiatuijfater Leuf Nittg Ralii

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SUITING YOU Iiatuijfater Leuf Nittg Ralii A t the meeting of Campbell Coun­ HERALD COOKING SCHOOL AGAIN TOMORROW, ^tATE THEATER, 9:45 A: cil K. of C., held loot night eight names were added to the rolls of membership. Six of these were new AVERAGE DAILY OIROITLATION THE WEATHER -------------a n a fun baa FarMost of O. S. Wcuthet ^ af iMthar Learieai from tbo members and the other two were re­ tor the nMHitk e( Febroory, 1985 am i Imtharaa chureh wUl at- instatements of former members. Hartford All membera of the deftea team of Five applications of new membera tba aaaual Ckrtatiao Confer- Ifancheater Tent, No. 2 Kaighta of HOSniiU. NOTES af tba Now BnilaiMl Oonfar- The postponed meeting of Trinity were read for the flrat time and one Don't Miss the Musical Event of the Yearl Rain tkia oftamoou, ' generally the ICaccabeea, win meet at Depot Past Grands aaaocldtlon will be held for the second time, in addlUon to Prises in bridge, whUt and oet- 5,486 fair end warmer tonJglii. Friday Lntbar Laacua at Cambrldfa, Square tomorrow night at 7 p. m. back will be In cash tonight at S t Monbar of tke Audit ‘ . aa Saturday and Sunday, Tuesday, March 26, in Odd Fellows the application for the depositing of Charles Whitmore, o f 177 East Procure Your Tickets Now For The M r ood oHghtiy eeMer. and go to Hartford, where they wlU James’s hall on Park atreet. There Buieuu of Obeulatioua iiatuIjFater lEuf nittg ralii Mwah so and Si. Only a fear aaata ball, RockvUle. a withdrawal cord of a Manchester Middle Turnpike, Joseph Macker- Initiate a clasa of candldatea for man, a former member of a council will also be a door prize. Mrs. Pat­ verts of Wapplng, Mrs. Eva Moro- a n atOl available and mambera rick Tierney ia chairman of the plmmlni: to attend abonld notify Hartford Tent, No. 1. The Junior Sons of Italy will hold in the Panama Zone. wisky of 80 Burnham atreet, Mra. committee and play will start at 7ih ANNUAL CONCERT Artbur Andaraon, taL 447S, not an Important meeting tomorrow 8:15. Susan Simonia of 83 Oak atreet and VOL. UV., NO. 146. (Otaweiaed Advertlelag ea Page 14.) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1935. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT* later than Friday of thla wade. The Sawing club of the Women of night at 7:SD o’clock at the Birch Mrs. Clorlbel Carlson oi 109 Sprues the Ifooae wUl meet tomorrow night street clubhouse. All members are Tonight all membera of Company street were admitted and Gaynora K wUl attend the final drill of the ’i'' third and Snal alttlnf in the at 8 o’clock at the home of Mra. requested to be present. The held Its weekly meet Luurtsema of 86 Wells atreet was of C Clef Glee Club Haael Snow of Cumberland atreet. company before the annual Federal discharged yesterday. aatback tounament playaO between inspection at the State armory, Fri­ Ing at the home of Miss Rose the Spniee Street Tavern team and Lorraine, 13-year-old daughter of Patelle of 152 School street last Mrs. Arthur Benson and infant The regular monthly meeting of day night The uniform for to­ daughter of 127 Prospect atreet, at AUTO SHOW AT the Ooaat to Ooaat team, will be Mr. and Mrs. George Delaney of 36 night's drill will be Melton, o. d. evening. A spaghetti supper was playad at the Spruce Street Tavern Company No. 2 of the Mancheater Durant atreet is able to take a few served. The next meeting will be Mra. Earl Goalee and infant son of HORSE RACII^ BILL shirt, Perahing caps, russet shoes iofdfh t Hie Coaat to Ooaat team Are dep^m ent wlU be held 'Thura- steps about her room after being lU held at the home of Miss Anne Cata­ 76 McKee street, were discharged FRENCH AND ITALIAN and legglns. today. EMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH loat to the Army and Navy team day evening In fire headquartera at for the past nine weeks with neuri­ lano of 316 Center street AU ARMORY OPENS m iaat nisht. Main and Hilliard atreeta. tis. members are urged to he present. The hospital census today is 55 Seth Lealte Cheney, a Spanlab- patients. PASSED BY< SENATE American War veteran and son of Tuesday Evening, March 26 Information that tbs woolen mill the late Col. and Mra. Frank W. Mary C. Keeney Tent Daughters LEGISLATIVE HEARINOB. ON WEDNESDAY In Broad Brook, which has been Cheney, la seriously 111 at hla home of Union Veterans of the Civil War, State Capitol, Hartford, March 20. PROTESTS IGNORED BY T ^ V a w a 4 wa « freak, grit-free closed for several weeks, was to re­ on Hartford road. A bad cold has wlU hold Its regular meeting tomor­ — (A P )— The finance committee Admission 75 cents I II A I A 1 K | Hrdaeye SPINACH at the open resulted In a number of Man developed Into pneumonia and so row night In the State armory. The day announced that It would hold BY VOTE OF 27 TO 8 "T X V X SPBCIAl. U)W PRICE t _ Chester people, formerly employed bad was bis condition last night business session will open at 7:30 hearing April 4 on the income tax Exhibit of Home Appliances OF ............................... 1 / C by the E. E. Hilliard Company, go­ that oxygen was resorted to. sharp to allow for an entertainment billa and April TO on the soles tax Assisted By ing to Broad Brook today looking to follow. A one-act play and a measures. Both hearings will be in Taaty Baooa Wrapped for work. Several Manchester wool­ variety of musical numbers and the House Chamber. to Be Held m Conjunction; REICH; CRISIS GROWS en workers are now employed In Shining Light and Inasmuch cir­ readings wUI be given. Refresh­ THE CONNECTICUT TRIO Approves Measure Legaliz­ cles of Junior Kings Daughters will It haa set April 9 for the hearing SEEK CHANGES East Glastonbury and some are ments and a social time will follow meet tonight at 7 o’clock In Center on liquor, cigarette and amusement Henry Schaller General LAMB PATTIES Patties working in Addison. and each member haa the privilege tax measures in the Senate chamber. from Hartford School of Music ing Pari-Mutuel Betting b 29c church house. of inviting a friend. i League Observers Say Sitoa* The tax study comnflaaion bina on IN STATE LAW Chainnaii. Ground Freeh Sooerkrant Veal Chops Nick Angelo, Ralph Russell and State; Now Goes to Gover­ U. S. Remains Silent Be«f l^ ^ y Maloney spent the week-end tioD Is Serious— Loudon Spore RHie lOc lb. Veal Ctttlete m New York and Brooklyn and while there took the opportunity to 28c lb. Fraakfurte nor for His Signature. TO HELP AGED Manchester’s 1935 , Automobile S lbs. 25c Stowing Veal go to Gravesend Bay and view the On Affairs in Europe and Washmgton Continue ruins of the Morro Castle which Is and Home Appliance show in the anchored in the bay. A real good KNITTING INSTRUCTIONS State Armory, beginning next Wed­ Eat More Fish For Health! view Is not possible as It is quite state Capitol, Hartford, March 21. to Be Cautions— Paris Fmance Committee Suggests nesday afternoon, at 1 o'clock and Washington, March 21.— (A P )—,^hls government still had made no First Buck Shad of the Season, weighing 1 3-4 lbs. to away out but the local boys bad the Given free with all yam purchases. Start that — (A P )—The Senate concurred with ending Saturday evening, March 30, use of a pair of opera glasses which t w c o President Roosevelt and his advis­ decision concerning what, if any, 2 3-4 lbs. ............................................................. 3 3 e I JWHAU the House today and psussed the gave them an idea of the tragedy summer knit dress at once. (Main Hoor, rear). Different Taxation Provi­ will bring to this town learly all of ers on foreign affairs today studied action the United States may take, Startled by News from that must have taken place. Nick We Give Out Green Stamps Horse Racing bill after a two hour the popular mokea of cars which a report from the American Em­ although the possibility of a protest Fresh Scallops. 44c pint. Fresh Oysters. lost his bearings in the vicinity of fight. sions in Bfll Which Is Now have been shown at all o f the larger bassy In London giving the British against Germany’s rearnrxment as a Berlin — Rome Waits the Bronx and had the unusual ex­ Advocates voted down three Sen­ metropolitan automotive displays official version of the situation violation of the German-Aroerican Fresh Haddock Filets — Smelts Mackerel perience of having a police escort ate amendments and approved five and in the home appliance field, all created by Germany’s re-arroament peace treaty, admittedly has been until he had hit the right route. A It’s A Hale Specialty...... For Sheer Beauty— of the better known nationally ad­ n ’ff Bluefish. 15c lb. House amendments before the meas­ Under Consideration. plans. under consideration. Mnssolinrs Views On tbe Butterfish, 18c lb._______________Strictly Fresh Halibut. cruising police radio car kindly led ure legalizing pari mutuel betting vertised and Improved 1935 ap­ . The first report to be made to this State Department officials declin­ the iocal party through the Bronx. Accessories in Connecticut was approved 27 to pliances. government on direct conversations ed to comment on reports that, tn The New Gotham 8. Many Exhibitors on the subject, the dispatch came preparation for such an eventuality, Subject ARMOLTR^s c o r n e d b e e f .
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