North-Western Journal of Zoology Vol. 4, No. 1, 2008, pp.108-118 [Online: Vol.4, 2008: 21]

Deinothere and from the Brukenthal Museum Natural Science Collection

Vlad CODREA1 and Rodica CIOBANU2

1. “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Department of Geology-Palaeontology, 1 Kogălniceanu Str., 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Rumania 2. Brukenthal Museum, Natural Science Branch, Sibiu, Romania * Corresponding author: Codrea, V., E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Among the vertebrate collection at the Brukenthal Museum of Natural Science in Sibiu, there are a number of cheek teeth and a single deinothere premolar. Some of these are rare in Romania, documenting species as Deinotherium giganteum or angustidens. Another fragment, which could be related to arvernenis, originates form Cheile Dâmbovicioarei. Its origin is strange, because this locality is devoid of Late or younger deposits, where this species should occur. All these Probiscidean localities are new for Romania.

Key words: Deinothere, mastodons, Transylvanian Basin, South Carpathians, Middle Miocene, ?

Introduction Sciences Society in Sibiu (Siebenbürgische Verein für Naturwissenschaften zu In 1841 as a consequence of Hermannstadt). This new society con- progress in natural history research in ducted research in all natural sciences Transylvania, some Sibiu intellectuals, realms, trying to spread knowledge founded the Society for research of among all those interested in natural Transylvania (Verein für Siebenbürgische sciences. The society members did their Landeskunde), whose aim was to best in forming new collections focused continue research concerning both the on different biological and geological history and natural sciences of the area. samples. As a result the Natural Therefore, the society included several Sciences Museum in Sibiu was opened naturalists whose research results were in May 4, 1895. Among these issued in the review Archives of the collections, the palaeontological section Society for Transylvanian knowledge rapidly expanded so that by 1852 it (Archiv des Vereins für Siebenbürgische already included 1800 items, available Landeskunde). Gradually, their number to the general public. soon increased and after eight years As a result of this rapid expansion, they founded another society, de- the museum building becomes dicated exclusively to the natural disorganized with, some collections sciences, the Transylvanian Natural being stored in other buildings in Sibiu.

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The repeatedly transfers of specimens could not succeed in finding either the from one location to another as well as donator names, or the years when these two world wars and the absence of fossils reached the society collections. It professional palaeontologists for a is possible that the society may have number of years led to gaps in registers bought large collections of fossils data, with some registers being lost, including the Proboscidean items. whilst others now only contain incomplete details on each finding of fossils. Therefore, the actual problem is Systematic Palaeontology not how many inventory numbers a fossil has, but the lack of synchrony Order Illiger, 1811 between the labels and registers and Family Bonaparte, 1845 the scantiness of data for a number of Genus Deinotherium Kaup, 1829 samples. Deinotherium giganteum Kaup, 1829 The fossil Proboscideans we de- cided to study are actually curate at (Pl. I, Figs. 1-3) Brukenthal Natural Science Museum in Sibiu (abbreviated, BkNSMS). They Description (the dental nomen- originate from the south Transylvanian clature according Harris, 1975) Basin and from a doubtful locality in This deinothere is documented only the Southern Carpathians (Fig. 1). by a right p4. According to its label, the Their inventory numbers are mention- originated from Vurpăr, a village ed in a register made around the located 26 km NE of Sibiu. The old middle of the last century. However, in inventory number is BkNSMS 839 (now an older register dating from the labeled BkNSMS 32620). In the second half of the 19th century, there collection registry the specimen is are also older numbers for the same labeled as “Mastodon”. samples. As bad luck would have it we The premolar is composed only of its crown, with the roots broken on their proximal thirds. The tooth is biradiculate. The crown is damaged, being broken on its mesio-lingual side. A strong pressure mark can be seen on its distal side. The morphology of the tooth has nothing to differentiate it from similar teeth already described (e.g. Tobien 1988, Gasparik 1993). It closely resembles the p4 mentioned by Codrea

Figure 1. Location of the new Probocidean et al. (1991b) in Minişu de Sus (Arad localities within Romania. district). The Vurpăr premolar is more worn, in a most advanced wear stage

North-West J Zool, 4, 2008 110 Codrea, V. & Ciobanu, R. compared with Minişu de Sus: the Codrea 1994). Some authors rejected wear figures are extended on the whole the latter of these species (e.g. Harris protolophid, and more than a half of 1978, Huttunen 2002a), while others the hypolophid. Only the entoconid is (Codrea 1994, Göhlich 1999) consider it still pristine. The protoconid is by far valid. the largest and tallest cusp. It is well known that in European Dimensions (mm): Deinotherium representatives, the cheek-tooth morphology is extremely L Wa Wp H conservative. In these circumstances, a ======distinction of the genus’ species based 69.5 +54.5 55.6 43 on morphological features is a hopeless task (Gasparik 1993, Huttunen 2002a). L - length; Wa – anterior width; Wp Therefore, the different species are – posterior width; H – height; + - distinguished by the size of the teeth. incomplete. In Europe, this genus is restricted to The Vurpăr tooth is highly elon- only two species, D. giganteum and D. gated in comparison to the p4 at proavum Eichwald, 1835 (D. gigantissi- Minişu de Sus, but its width is nearly mum Ştefănescu, 1892 is a junior the same. The comparisons with other synonym of this species; for details, see p4 are given in Fig 2.

70 Vurpăr 65 Minişu de Sus

60 Hungary

Kettlasbrunn 55

Width Belvedere

50 Oswaldgasse

Wilfersdorf 45 Montredon 40 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 Length

Figure 2. Last lower premolar (p4) L/W (mm) scatter diagram for different Deinotherium giganteum localities. Data from Bachmayer & Zapfe (1976), Tobien (1988), Codrea et al. (1991 b), Gasparik (1993), Huttunen (2002 b).

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Discussion mentions the presence of “Tapirus giganteus” at Guşteriţa (= Hammers- Deinotheres first occurred in Europe dorf). “Tapir gigantesque” is the former in the Early Miocene (Tobien 1986, name of Deinotherium, as used by Göhlich 1999), more exactly in the MN4 Cuvier (p. 174; 1822). Surprisingly this unit (Orleanian; Steininger et al. 1985), taxon had never been mentioned in this or MN 4a subunit (Tassy 1990). Their locality in previous, or subsequent cradle was in Africa, where they had a contributions by Ackner (1848, 1854). long geological history, from the Late The geological age of the Guşteriţa Oligocene until the Early . Formation Lubenescu, 1981 is Panno- In Romania, the oldest known nian s. str. (Popescu et al. 1995). deinothere is the one at Minişu de Sus The museum registers do not give (Codrea et al. 1991b), found in Lower any data about the rocks where the Sarmatian (Volhynian) diatomite. The fossil originated. However, the assemblage already known geological map of the Vurpăr region (1: from the Minişu de Sus diatomite 200 000, folio 27; Dessila-Codarcea & includes, apart from this deinothere: Dimitrescu 1968) indicates there is an Gomphotherium angustidens (Cuvier, area where only Pannonian rocks are 1817), Allicornops simorrense Lartet, exposed. This geological age is in 1851, Anchitherium aurelianense Cuvier, accordance with this deinothere 1812, Dorcatherium crassum Lartet, 1851, species’ stratigraphic extension. Its size Listriodon splendens splendens von is slightly larger than the specimen Meyer, 1846 (Codrea et al. 1991a, b, from Minişu de Sus and could be 2007, Codrea 1992, 1996). It is a typical interpreted as a more progressive Upper Astaracian Anchitherium fauna evolutionary stage. (MN 7+8), indicative of forested The presence of this fossil at Vurpăr environments, riparian to a brackish- is important for interpreting the water gulf. Pannonian Transylvanian paleobiogeo- D. giganteum is also mentioned in graphy too. It documents the existence the Middle Sarmatian (Bessarabian) at during the Pannonian of a lake with Deleni-Hârlău (Macarovici & Zaharia low levels tendency episodes and an 1967), in a poorly known stratigraphic extension of land environments on the level (probably Kersonian or Meotian) south Transylvanian Basin border. The at Drăgeşti (Şova 1963) as well as in paleogeographical reconstructions al- younger formations as in Derna (Latest ready issued (Magyar et al. 1999) are Pannonian or Pontian; Jurcsák 1973b, pointing out just a variable relationship 1983). between the submerged vs. emerged In the Sibiu region, only one re- land, at the boundary between the ference could be linked to deinotheres. Transylvanian Basin and the South An anonymous list of fossils in Michael Carpathians. The Pannonian littoral Ackner’s collection (issued in 1850) shoreline oscillations allowed the pre-

North-West J Zool, 4, 2008 112 Codrea, V. & Ciobanu, R. sence of such land vertebrate repre- advanced stage, wearing mainly the sentatives at Vurpăr. first two pretrite half-lophids, where trefoil-shaped wearing figures are occurring (wear stages XX-XXI; Tassy, 1996 b). The dentine on the third Family Gomphotheriidae Cabrera, 1929 anterior pretrite conule is nearly Genus Gomphotherium Burmeister, 1837 completely covered by enamel. Due to attrition and wear stage, the highest Gomphotherium angustidens Cuvier, 1817 part of the crown is on the postero- (Pl. II, Fig. 1) labial side. The pretrite conules obstructing the Description (the dental nomen- transverse synclines are of a large size. clature according Tassy, 1996 a) In this manner, the molar is different An isolated left m2 crown from the Artenay teeth (Tassy 1977). represents this mastodon species. The The crown is devoid of lateral fossil originated from Viscri (= cingulums. However, one cannot Weisskirch bei Reps), a village nearby completely exclude the possibility that Rupea (on the southern side of the a small vestigial cingulum could exist Transylvanian Depression). The old on the antero-lingual side, between the inventory number is BkNSMS 838 (now lingual endings of the two first labelled BkNSMS 32621) and the posttrite half-lophids (where the crown specimen is labeled as “Mastodon is broken). As observed in the Artenay arvernesis, Levantine strata”. specimens, or in those from Portugal The crown, devoid of its roots is illustrated by Bergounioux et al. (1953), damaged on mesial (the anterior on the Viscri tooth one can distinguish cingulum was destroyed), distal and the advance of the posttrite half- lingual sides (it is presumed that the lophids on the pretrite ones, an tooth could have been reworked either anancoid feature. before its burial, or in an actual process Only a mesial pressure mark can be induced by the erosion of the deposits observed. The distal cuspules are the fossil originated from). The distal broken, but still visible. lophid had been filled with plaster in a previous restoration, and the middle Dimensions (mm): one has also several small breaks. In occlusal view (Pl. I, Fig. 1) the L W1 W2 W3 molar has an elongate rounded ======rectangular outline. The bunodont +105.5 51 60.2 64

cones are forming three transverse L – length ; W1, W2, W3 – width of lophids. The largest is the distal one. first, second and third lophids. Each of them is divided into two half-

lophids - pretrite and posttrite - by the In comparing the Viscri molar with median sulcus. The attrition is in an other similar discoveries (Fig. 3) we

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have to allow for the damaged status of comparing it to the Artenay and this tooth. In particular its length Simorre fossils (Tassy 1977). Obviously, should be initially slightly greater. vs. the representative from Quinta das However, even in these circum- Pedreiras (Zbyszewski 1949) our stances, compared with the specimen mastodon tooth is considerably larger. from Serbia (Burovac; Petronijević 1967), the Viscri tooth is smaller. It is smaller than the m2 from Balcic Discussion (Sarmatian, Bulgaria; Bakalov & Nikolov 1962) too. The specimens from In Europe, the “trilophodont Hungary, at Káposztásmegyer and ” G. angustidens is a Sajókaza (Schlesinger 1922) have closer species restricted to the early Middle to lengths, but they are slightly narrower. early Late Miocene (MN 5-MN 9; Among the m2 originating from Tassy, 1990; Göhlich, 1999). various sites in Portugal (Bergounioux It is rather common in the European et al. 1953), the Viscri tooth has an faunas. Around our country, it has intermediary size. The same is valid if

90 Viscri Simorre 85 Artenay

80 Burovac

75 Balcic Kaposztasmegyer 70 Sajokaza

65 Quinta das Pedreiras Width 60 Quinta das Flamengas Quinta da Farinheira 55 Quinta Grande

50 Casal das Chitas

45 Quinta da Raposa Courelas do Covao 40 70.00 90.00 110.00 130.00 150.00 Length

Figure 3. Second lower molar (m2) L/W (mm) scatter diagram for different Gomphotherium angustidens localities. Data from Schlesinger (1922), Bakalov & Nikolov (1962), Zbyszewski (1949), Bergounioux et al. (1953), Petronijević (1967), Tassy (1977).

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been mentioned in several localities in In the Early Sarmatian, the East and Serbia (Petronijević 1967), Hungary South Carpathians, as well the Apuseni (Schlesinger 1922), Bulgaria (Bakalov & Mountains formed an archipelago area Nikolov 1962, Nikolov 1985) and the inside the Paratethys Sea (Rögl & Republic of Moldova (Lungu & Obadă Steininger, 1984). This land/sea con- 2001). figuration evolved under the influence In spite of its wide geographic of sea level oscillations. Krézsek & distribution, in Romania the species is Filipescu (2005) and Krézsek & Bally surprisingly rare, being restricted to a (2006) mentioned in the late Early single locality. Nicorici (1976) mention- Sarmatian a lowstand sequence (LST 6) ed a lower tusk fragment originating that could explain the presence on this from the Lower Sarmatian diatomite at fossil so far inside the basin, as a Minişu de Sus. consequence of the land environ-ments Schlesinger (1922) mentioned an m2 expansion on the southern border of fragment from Bănia (Caraş-Severin the Transylvanian Basin. dept., in SW Romania) probably be- longing to a related gomphothere species, G. subtapiroideum (Schlesinger 1917), which he considered then as a G. Genus Anancus Aymard, 1855 angustidens subspecies. As Göhlich Anancus cf. arvernenis Croizet & Jobert, (1999) stressed, this species “is object of 1828 never-ending taxonomic discussions” (Pl.II, Fig. 2) (p. 162). In these circumstances, Viscri is the Description second locality in Romania where G. This molar fragment was found at angustidens is documented, the speci- Cheile Dâmbovicioarei by Gheorghe men is better then that collected in Mi- Căpăţînă in June 19, 1977. Its inventory nişu de Sus, where the tusk fragment number is BkNSMS 55871. mentioned by Nicorici (1976) is There is a posterior right m3 half however, less diagnostic. molar crown, with obvious anancoid The paleobiogeographic interpreta- features, with an odd difference tion of this mastodon specimen is very between the posttrite half lophfids and similar to that of the previous the pretrite ones. Four small cuspules deinothere. The geological map of the are located at the tooth distal extremity. Viscri region (1: 200 000, folio 20; Ianovici & Rădulescu, 1968) indicates Dimensions (mm): there is an area containing only Lower L W1 W2 W3 and early Middle Sarmatian outcrops. ======In this case, one can suppose that these +981 72.2 64.7 55.5 deposits are probably comparable with the ones at Minişu de Sus. 1 - incomplete

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Plate I. Deinotherium giganteum, p4, Vurpăr. Fig. 1: occlusal view; Fig. 2: labial view ; Fig. 3: lingual view. Scale bar: 30 mm.

Plate II. Gomphotherium angustidens, m2, Viscri. Fig. 1: occlusal view. Anancus arvernensis, m3 fragment, Cheile Dâmbovicioarei. Fig. 2: occlusal view. Scale bar: 30 mm.

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Discussion expect to find such specimens sitting neglected in other museums too. A. arvernensis is by far the com- monest mastodon species recorded in Acknowledgements. Authors thank Cristina Romania (Apostol 1968, Jurcsák 1983, Fărcaş (Babeş-Bolyai University) for her Codrea & Iuga 2006). It occurs in the contribution in processing on computer the text- Late Miocene (Derşida; Jurcsák 1973a, figures and Angelo P. Pernetta (Wareham) for his 1983, Codrea et al. 2002) and continued contribution in improving the English version of this text. We are thankful to Evanghelia Tsoukala to be present during the whole Pliocene (Aristotle University, Thessaloniki) and Peter (Athanasiu 1908, Feru et al. 1983, Holec (Bratislava University) for their valuable Rădulescu & Samson 1985). Up to now, comments and suggestions. there is no evidence of its survival in the Early Pleistocene. References However, the presence of this mastodon in Podu Dâmbovicioarei re- Ackner, M.J. (1848): Geologisch-paläontologisch- mains unlikely, since this mountainous es Verhältniss bes Siebenbürgischen Grenz- gebirges langsber Walachei. Archiv des locality is devoid of formations Vereins für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde 4 appropriate to bear this fossil (geo- (3): 228-297. logical map of Romania, 1: 200 000, folio Ackner, M.J. (1854): Beitrag zur Geognosie und 28; Patrulius et al. 1968). Therefore, it Petrefactenkunde des Südöstlichen Sieben- bürgens, vorzüglich der schichten aus dem would be desirable for additional bereich des Hermannstädter bassins. details concerning this find to be Abhandlungen der Kaiser. Leopold.-Carol. available. However, as we are dealing Akademie der Naturforscher, Bresalu und with an old donation, it is unlikely Bonn 24 (2): 899-936. Anonymous, (1850): Siebenbürgische Petrefacten these data will ever be available. in der Sammlung des Herrn Michael Ackner, The deinothere and the Middle Pfarer in Hammersdorf. Verhandlungen und Miocene mastodon are particularly Mitteilungen des Siebenbürgischen Verhand- important for documenting the pa- lungen für Naturwissenschaften zu Her- mannstadt 1: 150-162, 170-175. leobiogeography tendencies on the Apostol, L. (1968): Particularité morphologiques southern border of the Transylvanian des molaires de proboscidiens fossils Basin. The last mentioned mastodon, quaternaires de Roumanie, conservées dans originates from a doubtful locality from la collection du Musée d’Histoire Naturelle «Grigore Antipa». Travaux du Muséum stratigraphical viewpoint. However, as d’Histoire Naturelle Grigore Antipa 9: 581- long as its label mentions such an 616. origin, we decided to add it here. The Athanasiu, S. (1908): Contribuţiuni la studiul area would be worth the trouble of an faunei terţiare de mamifere din Romania. Anuarul Institutului Geologic al României 2: additional survey. 379-434. All these fossils prove nothing else Bachmayer, F., Zapfe, H. (1976): Ein bedeutender but the potential of the old Romanian Fund von Dinotherium aus dem Pannon von natural sciences collections: one can Niederösterreich. Annalen des Naturhisto- rischen Museums in Wien 80: 145-162.

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North-Western Journal of Zoology Vol. 4, No. 1, 2008, pp.108-118 [Online: Vol.4, 2008: 21]

North-West J Zool, 4, 2008 Oradea, Romania