2 the st, PAut, m.°M^m*mzFm>mir «o?fi the great f.eet now lyinghere is ready hauled down. It is one of the Im- Army ana Jfavy union, ana of the Mexi- be distributed to the various sta- portant lights on the island. can Veterans' are protected some to gone WAR WITH SPAIN APPROVED union to tions. The Cincinnati has to the San ASi pELI HOSE tetens by law, la that the regulations of the THREE CYCLISTS INJURED Juan blockade. fcAJPtw ftßhort fecesd tns OQofmvtfbii BOQYIIP' army and navy provide that thorn entitled ARMISTICE A CONDITION. £dmpl«t«4 till pTWWit^Mt tyl them can wear them on certain official ANOTHER BATTLE FOUGHT. Chiattep^ioii, B game absence of WHEEL- Gen. Sciiv. ;m's Troops Have a Lively ACTION OF SPANIARDS intondeat of jn*rtrum til Ftrartineni OBJECTED TO STAMPS. a With a modifications. Gamp Near Hormlgueros, Aug. 10.—Ad- Anthony partt Car vance guard, including cavalry com- NEW YORK, lAugr. Wauls feet- Street Max Hlldebrand "The lirst condition of tha protocol is mand, of this the Philippine!* Demanded. 11.-Tammany while reconnoitering near the west of Hafll, through its ier Protection* The Artistic Woman Didn't 'Want to Also Slightly armistice. This willbe im- Rosario river, near Hormigueros, developed executive committee, Bruised. an declared SPRTNGFIELD, Mo., today adopted Disfigure Her Bank Check. m iliattly.The conditions are the same a strong Spanish force, which lay concealed Aug. 11.—The resolutions uttering its in the hills north of Mayaguez. In the gen- Democratic state convention came to defiance of the bill, passed The friction In the flro From the Chicago Post. Charles E. Hamilton, an attorney liv- as tbO9S proposed by President MeKin- eral engagement that followed Lieut. Byron, election at purchase ingat 981 Hague an end shortly after 11 o'clock tonight, the special session of legislature. board ovetf the of hoae was you mean avenue, was run down ley. Sen* r Sagasta has cabled M. Cam- Eighth cavalry, my nide-de-ea.-np, was the meeting "Do to tell me." she Bald by wounded in the foot, and Private Fernberger, having nominated the following ticket: Tammany its absent at the adjourned yes- when she finally secured the at» the centra! station patrol wagon bon an authorization to sign the pro- D, — announces intention not had rldlngr Company Eleventh infantry, and one For Judge of Supreme Court (long term) to recognize it inany manner, will terday, when the difficulty was tem- tentlon bank, "that while a bicycle on East t".-.>!, to which step the queen regent other private were killed and fourteen Marshall, nar of the cashier of the street, Seventh en- William C. of St. Louis. — it name a porarily bridged by practically passing Imust put a stamp on check?" between Robert and Minnesota has already given listed men were, wounded. It is reported For Judge of Supreme Court (short term) list of names for appoint- this streets, assent. that the most, not all, of Spanish in Loye Valllant, fhematter. The trouble arose over the you not, check not shortly after 5 o'clock "The cabinet council tonight also dis- if the B. of ST. Louis. ment as deputy commissioners. The "If do the will yester- Mayaguez and surrounding country, consist- For State Superintendent of Public Schools Custom of the board to advertise lor good," replied day afternoon. Fortunately Mr. cussal the instructions to be given the ing of 1.000 regulars and 200 volunteers, took —William I. Carrlngton. of Green county. resolutions state that Tammiany hall only be the cashier. Ham- part in enemy two brands of hose, named the "But is such a pretty check," she ilton escaped serious Injury, though negotia- the engagement. We drove the For Railroad and Warehouse Commission- believes the bill an unconstitutional this Spanish commissioners for the from his position, and, is believed, county. White Anchor and Maltese protested. "Don't you know that Ipainfully it in- er—William E. McCully, of Macon enactment "of the most reprehensible the Cross bruised about the left thigh, tion-: of peace. The question of the flicted heavy loss. A wounded lieutenant The platform, as reported by the brands. Manufacturers of brands nicked out this bank to put my money but his bicycle was completely was found in the field and brought in our character, tending to annul the repub- other your wreck..d Philippines will be the chief point for committee, was adopted without desired to bid for the contracts, and in because the engraving on under the heavy consideration, lines. Conduct of officers and men was be- lican form of government as enjoyed checks is so artistic? It'B an outrage to wagon. wheels of the patrol and on this the precise yond all praise. change. by every the question was discussed at some Ipropose to continue my against district of the state, and an in- have to spoil It." intention.-! of the American government march' The resolutions platform length at a previous meeting of the help that, The accident happened while Mr Mayaguez at an early hour tomorrow. indorse the sult to the honesty, patriotism and sense "We can't madam." an- Hamilton was on way are not known. The impression pre- Sehwan. —Miles. adopted at Chicago in 1896, and demand board. Commissioner Walther argued swered the law says the home from of the citizens of Greater New that cashier. "The his office in the Manhattan building vails here, however, that the powers the free and unlimited coinage of silver York. all firms be allowed to offer bids. there must be a stamp on the check." who pride on the purity and One firm, O. Allen & Co., The patrol wagon, driven by willnot regard the prvblem of the Phil- ALLEGED PEACE TERMS. and gold at the ratio of 16 to 1 themselves William of "Oh, well, if you Just cashed mine Fraser, responding Prank without fairness of Minneapolis, offered to place 500 feet of stamps," insisted, was to a call, the ippines with the same passivity as they waiting for the consent of any other their elections." without the she "the horses going at a rapid hose in service with a guarantee for law wouldn't know anything about it. pace. Mr showed towards Cuba and Porto Rico. The Points Said to Ite Covered by nation. Confidence inWilliam J. Bryan NOVEL FEATURE. one year. This offer was yesterday Idon't care anything about the two Hamilton failed to see the approaching The American and Spanish delegates ac the leading exponent of these princi- declined, and the board to no- cenrts, you know," add, team, and claims there was no sound the Protocol. decided she hastened to of gong on wagon will meet immediately in Paris, the ples is expressed. The Republican party tify the different manufacturers that to the the in time for NEW YORK, Aug Soldier Vote Causes a Tie Ina Penn- "but Ido hate think that when Ihim to get out of the way. cabinet at Washington urging expedi- 11.—A special from was censured for the non-enforcement whenever the next purchase of hose send the check for my next quarter's The hors^ Washington says following sylvania was bids might be struck him on the shoulder, throwing tion." is a sum- of anti-trust laws. Issuance of interest Convention. made considered dues for our card club the secretary of the from all parties. Wal- and president him to the pavement out»of the way mary terms of the p:ace protocol : bearing Pa., Aug. Commissioner the will both see that though bicycle SPANIARDS OX SHOW. bonds is condemned. Soldiers TONAWANDA. 11.—At ther handed In the business card of C. ugly stamp and on my lack of the wheels, his went The cession of Porto Rico to the United and sailors are thanked for their heroic Bradford county Republican conven- Co., comment under the horses' feet. States, together with other West India isl- A. Bennett & of Minneapolis, with of taste." Witnesses of ands, not including Cuba. work. The platform then says: tion an entirely new feature was intro- the request that this firm in particular "I'm sorry, madam," the accident carried Mr. Hamilton to of (lie returned the a nearby store, he, Two rri.Hi-MHire Out to a. The relinquishment of sovereignty over "We assert that the dcc:ara.ion of war duced by the admission by the conven- be notified of the action. cashier wearily. where in a measure, Cuba. against Spain justified by A recovered from the shock, he was Dime Mnnenm. of was the causes tion of the votes of the Republican communication was received from "There isn't any place for the stamp, whew The cession an island in the Ladrones. which called it forth. We direct attention the Humane society protesting against either," taken to his home in the patrol wagon. Mass., Recognition that the United States shall to Republican Isoldiers of this county of Company M, she argued. "Ican't put it injured BOSTON. Aug. 11.—Three occupy the fact that the national the display "runs" of the fire depart- anywhere on the The iwan was attended at his temporarily the city and harbor of administration, backed by the R'.publicnn Ninth regiment, now at Chickamauga. check without cov- by Spanish prisoners, brought to the navy Manila until the final decision to war, ment, such as was giving during the ering up something or other." home Dr. Abbott. The physician as the dis- majority in congress, wss opposed to While the soldier vote did said last evening that Mr. Hamilton yard by the prize steamer Hector, and position of the Philippines is reached. and yielded only after delay to the strong not effect the capitol corner stone laying festivities. "We didn't know when we had the who The appointment of a commission to de- public sentiment aroused by the. first an/1 nominations for the legislature, It caus- The communication set forth that, checks designed," explained the had sustained no broken bones, and have been locked up in the naval while cashier that his most Injury prison for week, ed a tie in the vote for the district the society recognized the effi- "that it would be necesasry to put serious was a se- over a were released ciency of the fire department, it deem- vere contusion of the left thigh. The today by attorney nomination. J- Ingham and stamps on them, or we would have left order of the navy department. DAVIES, ed the "runs" dangerous both to the a place them." left arm is also painfully bruised. Two museums, MISS DAUGHTER OF THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. L. T. Hoyt each receiving 2,21)0 votes. for Mr. are to appear in and Ingham firemen and to spectators. The com- "Isuppose so," she said thoughtful- Hamilton was at one time attor- third, Cuban, going subsequently withdrew his munication stated that several firemen ly. they ney general of Manitoba, but has for the who is a is to name. "Do you think willlook better years New York money had been slightly injured during the in the upper right-hand corner or several practiced law in this to collect for the street, the city. cause of Cuba Congressional run on Sixth and that future lower left-hand corner?" libre. Nomination*. display "runs" might result in more know," Many museum managers Mississippi— First District—"Private"" "I'm sure Idon't he replied. have tele- N. Alien. J hn serious consequences. The society ex- "But what do you she per- COLLIDED graphed or written to prisoners pressed the t^?" WITH A CAR. the at Virginia—Fifth District—Edmund (R ). desire that -the department sisted. Oto:gia— Parr indulge display Portsmouth proposing terms for their Fourth, District—Judge Wi iiiv in no more "runs" than "Ishall put mine in the upper left- exhibition as prisoners Adamson (D.). were absolutely necessary. The com- hand corner," in despera- Edward Metcalf Badly Hurt on of the war. Wisconsin- Seventn District— he answered Another enterpri9se is to organize Jilin J. Es h munication was placed on file. tion. South Robert Street. a (R.). Clark up big band of Spanish string-instrument ;,Di3trict— H. Commissioner stirred a "Then that's where I'll put them," S&th J. Davidsaa breeze when a communication from the Ed-ward Metcalf, an employe of Brown players -^Wisconsin— she said. "I'mever so much obliged to Treacy Co., and tour them throughout Kentucky— 1 city clerk was read respecting a you & living at 224 West Congr?sa Nfnth Distilc.— M.Wi 11 ms (D ). fire for al! your kindness. Isuppose street, America. The Spaniards are delighted Tsnnsssss— F,;U!th Di.trkt—C. E. Sno. g as !3 alarm bex at University avenue and was seriously injured yesterday noon, ! there's no use getting the stamps one in collision with the idea, and many of them have | Dale streets. The communication was at a time: I'd better get enough now a with a street car, at Soatb Texas— Sixth District—R. E. Burke (D.>. regard Robert street and Chicago 1 in to a in to last me." avenue. He waa no idea of returning to Spain. resolution offered the riding bicycle - council by Aid. Bantz. Commissioner "That would be way," he a and had been following b Clark said the safest nind a south bound car. In t» TO SAVE MANILA. HOW A SAIBOB'S GO. the fire board was charged told her. get ahead c-f the he endeavor!ns WA&E3 ! with attending to pertaining car turned onto the matters "Very well," may opposite track and was struck by a to fire protection, she returned. "You car com- .Jm-li Tar Ip Q,iiioU to Get Rid of and that the alder- give me ten stamps." ing north. The motorman saw Metcalf as hg Spaiiinh Consnl at Hong Kong Has men or council had nothing to do with "Go paying window, appeared from behind the other car, liis Sionpy. to the teller's not bring but could Chartered a Steamer. such matters. He had the communica- madam," he directed. his car to a stop. I'";om the Mew york:P;c-ss. tion referred Chief Metcalf was struck with greit force ad to Cook, with in- "But there are so many people there," thrown to LONDON, Aug. 12.— The Hong Kong What do the Jack tars in the navy struction that if the chief fit heavily the ground. His right leg saw an she protested. "Can't you give them was broken in two places, be»de.i being smp- correspondent of the Daily Mail says: do wiLh all the'r ihbney? has often been ! alarm box be placed at the designated to me?" what lacerated. He also received a sev ra "Senor Navarre, the Spanish consul asked, although mo^t people have an- ! point, otherwise not. He said he couldn't, so she went to contusion of the right side of the head in The board turned down Master the paying window. A addition to a number of minor cuis and has engaged a steamer to take him to swemd the question to their own satis- the teller's minute bruises. Dr. Johnson the ! Plumbers' association and its objections or two later he heard her voice again attended injured Manila immediately upon the conclu- faction befprrhaiid by deciding that to member of man when Metcalf was taken to St. Joseph's ! a the fire department do- raised in protest. hospital. At the hospital last evening he sion of peace in the hope of saving the they spec* it)the first chance they got. |ing the plumbing work at the different "Oh, give stamps was reported resting ortably younger ! don't me with that to be as com as city from bombardment." Many of tho or newer ones do iIengine houses. Acting upon an opin- great big black 'I. R. on them," she possible under the circumstances and the get rid of their cash at the first oppor- j;ion of the corporation attorney the sec- said. "Can't you give me some of the authorities said that his injuries were n_>t SPANIARDS REPULSED. tunity, but then- they spend it them- ; rotary was directed to inform the pretty ones like Brown considered dangerous. \ Mrs. got?" The injured man is 32 years of age and tai selves and get the:r moneys worth, or ::Master Plumbers' association that the It was explained to her that the sup- a wife and three children. what they think or are made to bslieve ibeard transgressed no law in doing its ply of regular internal revenue stamps Thi'lr Attempt to Retake Sun Juan moneys plumbing in their worth. Those who are Iown and allowed a member had been exhausted and that these had This One Not Cape Lighthouse really following \u25a0 department Serious. Frustrated. warm in their seldom of the to do the work as a been improvised as substitutes, so she Hilderbrand, -all their wages from matter of expediency. Max a barber, employed at the JUAN, take the pay- ! finally took them. Metropolitan hotel, was slightly GAPE SAN Porto Rico, Aug. master. They let him keep during The merchants and manufacturers of "But," she said, away hurt in a 10.— it as she went collission at Fourth and Wabasha streets There was a two hours' fight be- the cruise and draw 4 pfr cent interest | St. Anthony Park petitioned the board from the window, "ifyou haven't got with a horse, driven by J. P. Whelan. foire yesterday. Eigiht hun- on it until the cruise is over. Then, oE i for a hearing relative to the need of some of the pretty ones daybreajl course, better fire district, in the next dred Spaniards attempted to the some spend it all"before they : protection for the time Icome, Iwill just take my ac- retake go to the'fhip. They a joint meeting might lighthouse, which was guarded by back have a good !and ashed that count somewhere else." time all in a lump, and are satisfied !be held at which they might discuss * Lieut. Atwater, Assistant Engineer uitil another cruise is ! the best location for a new engine com- Jenkins, over. These are HAD HIS Ensign Bronson and Gunner the men who hj.v? r.o one except them- | pany. The board will look over tho OPPOBTUNITY. Campbell. The Spaniards were who willaccompany ter father, maiden with d;rk hair, sc-lves to care for. While on tho !ground at the park and later confer Lydia B. driven Miss Davi?3. Lonfion, a fi e figure and eye-, man- ! How Fate Sometimes Mocks s Man back by the from the Amphitrtte, ttie lord mayor of on his vis t t> line an Oriental prmces.3, ani' Mis- of-war they need not go s'r.ort of any- with the petitioners. shells this country, !s the eldest of an intere-t ng wro is yet in, M'bel The When He Is In Cincinnati and Leyden. Refugees school. The laly m vore-'s thing, and yet not use their money. Twin City Rapid Transit com- Distress. report, family of four girls who are ali very prMty. stili a young: wcma.i U iMoreover, pany $25 Chicago that one Spaniards accomplished. and fa dcv tad t> h \u25a0<\u25a0 they wiil probably attend I refused to pay a claim of for From the Post. Pinkhain hundred were killed. very popular and most '1h own-1 She takes care of served ceived United States baby when he is away, and almost d;°=! j partment. J. J. 8.-osman was appoint- this morning." The Thereupon the discouraged one read Appointments for SnntinKO Province resolutions declare in favor of a for joy When she can mpet him at the ed fifth truckman cf Hook and Ladder revival and end of a cruise. Sailors, too, many Company No. 4, and Louis Wagner is the following: and City nnd Gnantanamo. rehabilitation of our mer- in "Dear Sir: No you chant marine and oppose a large cases, are just as tiuo to their wives, assigned as driver of Hook and Ladder j doubt have per- The Popularf stand- SANTIAGO, Aug. 11 (3:25 p. m.).— in? army. although sometimes with them only Company No. 8. The promotion and sonal acquaintances among men in the months in three years. street railway in your city. I1 Measured Telephone Maj. Gen. Henry W. Lawton, United The convention by two Then, transfers reported by the chief were: business Service * SEVENTH CEDAR acclamat'on -re- again, othrrs slave simply J. Burne, promoted would be pleased if you would find It T will be introduced in St. AND STS. States volunteers, has been appointed elected Sam B. that a son M. from Bixth convenient bring the Paul Ccok chairman of the or a daughter, a brother or a si?ter may | truckman Hook anl Ladder Companj' to matter of our on and after June lit,by the > Tel. 733. Meat Market, 782. military governor of the department Democratic state central get 6, car to their attention, and on the first 4 committed an education ai:d will not have to !No. to fifth truckman of same com- you of Santiago, and Brig. Gen. Leonard The naming of the work as hard as they do, ipany. M. Edey, prcmot.-d from s:c- ton cars sold by we willallow you members of the or are sailors P. $20 on each car, and on each ad- Wood, United States volunteers, has stnte central committee SO they can earn enough to keep an --| ond truckman Hook and Ladder Com- car jNORTHWESTERN requested governor of the city constituted the aged parent pany 6, Engine ditional $15. Ifyou see your way clear \ 3 cents been as closing business of the convention out of want. No. to lieutenant Com- your attention, of Santiago under Gen. Lawton. Brig. and pany No. 13, St. Anthony Park. A. to give this matter I TELEPHONE ; Each for Egg Plant. at 11 o'clock tonight adjournment have no doubt the results will very Gen. Ezra P. Ewers, United States vol- final H. Francois promoted from lieutenant be \ vas taken. WOES GP SMOKERS. satisfactory." 15 cents unteers, bas been appointed governor of Engine Company No. 13 to lieu- iEXCHANGE of the city of Guantanamo. of Hook and Ladder Company Then the discouraged one looked at A peck for good Duchess Apples. Americans Have Rather a Hard tenant the cheerful one an dthe cheerful one Tl;ne No. 6. John Killpromoted from driver COMPANY__^ 10 cents of It in Europe. 5, looked at the discouraged one, but 1 RICHARDS FOR GOVERNOR. of Chemical No. to second truckman nothing was said. Each for 1-lb jars fresh Assorted Jam. WISCONSIN'S PRIZE. From the Chicago Tribune. of Hook and Ladder Company No. 6. A smoking which willenable gsrcs The American had had a hard William Ha.ller transfered from driver 15 He Is Selected to Head time of It on the continent, says Going of Hook ard Ledder No. G to of Went Superior PosseNxe.s a Snnni.Hh ap in."Switzerland, chenper in any It Is peculiarly effective In oidmary his res- T 3 cents naptha with the Germany, and dog cheap law, military or civil, for unauthorized cas«3 of 2 idence an the following result: The tramp form as expressed by the in Ho'lnnd. In fact penrm Indigestion, disordered stomach and insomnia, unlimited number of r to the uniform of officer \u25a0 For 1-pound packages of Corn Starch. and two companions horriblyburred 1800 national con- Holland is the paradise of smokers. Tobscco wear an or and known to A of burned, feet vention at St. Louis." words, has be?n produce excellent re^ times. snowshed eleven cars of Is absolutely free of duty there. IfIunder- soldier. In other it would not violate suits In many cases of dyspepsia. Telephone to No. 5, * MISCELLANEOUS. d e rOye nd paSßen *er tr^m'°rrhan- The platform indorses the stand rigiht. and partly by reason of the fact any law If one paraded the streets attired and a rep- Glasses, t wenty-four 3 "twin Sumatra la a in the military 2 resentative of the * Jelly complete, per doz ' 20p hou? measures of the Republican party, that Dutch possession, Holland full uniform of a general, Flags. Company 7 pounds Best Washing Jefferson, Wis., Aug. 11.—An attempt pro- leads the world In some branches of the to- colonel or other officer. In Europe it is en- willcall and explain Soda for. '"10X made tonight by to was tection and prosperity," approves different, If Of twenty-five countries have flag* the new * Full Cream Cheese, per lb "iXp five tramps rob the pas- the bscco trade. So the discreet smoker will tirely and an unauthorized per- in them, fifteen system. Fancy Olives, per sengers on Train No. 570, Dingley tariffbill, bring homo from many son publicly wore the uniform of army with red the list including the Unit- V Queen quart. 2Rr> cago & south bound Chi- supports the admin- Holland as cigars aa an ed States, ICrgliind. Fravic*, Germany, This same \u25ba Chocolate, W. H. Baker's, per lb...'.['.'. Northwestern. Two of the men wire in its vigorous he can. or naval officer without authority he would Denmark, Austria class of service is 50 bars Favorite Soap '"331 captured. The others escaped after a fight. istration prosecution be gobbled up, stripped of his military or Italy, Spain, Be.glum, Sweden. also to '.'.'. $i GO the war against Spain, of Switzerland, Turkey, Mexico, Chile, Portugal' offered Business Sub- X 1 box Soap (40 bars), good .57c praises the Ele