SS 2010 Centre for Energy Policy and Economics Z¨urichbergstr. 18 8032 Z¨urich

Energy Economics and Policy - Term Paper

Electricity generated from wind power in - a potential source for the SBB?

The potential of wind parks and energy supplied in Switzerland as a source for electrified trains of SBB.

Simon Suhrbeer Student Management, Technology, and Economics ETH Zurich

Lecturer: Prof. Thomas F. Rutherford 8th May 2010 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper


1. Introduction 3

2. Building the framework and modeling8 2.1. Actual situation...... 8 2.2. Optimal situation...... 10 2.3. Suggestions and improvements...... 12

3. Conclusion 14

A. Appendix 17

List of Tables

1. Energy prices per kWh for electricity in Switzerland (Swissnuclear, 2010; Roth et al., 2009)...... 9 2. Development of the prices for energy from wind power for the years 2015 and 2030 and the predicted production per year. Based on assumptions of (Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE, 2010)...... 11 3. Extrapolation for the years 2015 and 2030 based on given data and assumptions. 12 4. Comparison of prices for SBB’s electricity demand per year based on different power sources...... 13 6. Potential locations for wind parks separated by cantons with average wind speed (Wind Data, 2010)...... 17 5. Locations of installed wind turbines in Switzerland (Wind Data, 2010)...... 20

List of Figures

1. Where the turbines are: Installed wind power, largest markets in % end 2007. Countries supplying wind energy and the distribution of their installed wind power. All together 94’005 MW (The Economist print edition, 2008)...... 5 2. Map of Switzerland with an overview of wind speeds and potential wind park locations (Wind Data, 2010)...... 6 3. Light blue: Number of potential locations separated by cantons. Light red: Amount of prioritized potential locations in 2010 for a quick realization. Dark blue: Potential yearly mean wind speeds of wind power plants separated by can- tons. Calculation based on data from (Wind Data, 2010)...... 10

2 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper

1. Introduction

Today, almost everyone is talking about environmental issues - this has many reasons. One criterion is the apparent increase in temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. To many, it seems as if the temperature would increase from year to year. Another and more likely reason for the increased attention is the media coverage that discusses this topic almost every day.

Nevertheless, it is proven that due to an increase of the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere a clamatic change had happened. The environment has heated up as compared to some decades ago (McKibbin and Wilcoxen, 2002).

Politicians all over the world are pressurized to react to those circumstances. They come together and try to find reasonable and fundamental solutions to overcoming this situation. For example at the World Economic Forum related topics are thoroughly discussed and a ”Task

Force” with experts for environmental concerns are working on a plan for a clean revolution

(World Economic Forum, 2010).

To counteract these circumstances it is tried to reduce emissions. Therefore, new kinds of energy generating technologies have to be found which are capable for replacing or at least supporting the existing power plants.

The SBB has therefore set itself the goal to cover its electricity demand with renewable resources (SBB, 2010d). They want to substitute their electricity from nuclear power plants.

Biofuel, solar energy, geothermal energy as well as energy from water, and even wind power are some examples for such substitutes. For such a change also the population needs to be convinced. It is in this regard that policy intervention becomes necessary.

One of the fastest growing alternative energy sources is the electricity from wind turbines

(International Energy Agency, 2009). In this paper the main focus is on this energy source.

Because of increasing efficiency of the wind turbine components, and new technologies increas- ing the productivity of electricity generation, wind power is an increasingly favored provider of renewable energy. Firms requiring lot of electricity - as it is the case for SBB - have recovered wind power as a potential energy source. There are some advantages for companies choosing renewable energy sources. They can adjust their CO2 balance with the intention to increase

3 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper their prestige. Also to lower their dependency on electricity in a lack of supply. Some firms even build their own power plants to be more or less independent from supply and prices. This is what the SBB did. They built their own hydropower plants (SBB, 2010a).

But there is also a negative side caused by the installation of wind turbines like an increase of the mortality rate of birds that fly into the propellers (Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE,

2004; Suisse Eole - Schweizerische Vereinigung f¨urWindenergie, 2010).

Nonetheless, to produce electricity out of wind turbines it is compulsory to position these in areas where sufficient wind is blowing. One of the main handicaps in Switzerland is the fact that there is no constant wind and most of the time there is even no wind at all. This makes it very difficult for the electricity vendors to provide sufficient and constant electric current from wind power. Therefore, it can only be used as an addition to the existing power plants where

- when there is a lot of wind blowing - more of the electricity obtained from wind energy can be supplied to the power grid. These adjustments providing the right amount of energy from different sources are very complex.

One of the most difficult criteria for the installation of a wind turbine is where these are placed.

In general, locations with highwind and constant horizontal airflow are preferred. Unfortunately, those regions are rare. Other factors like the noise level of the rotor and the propeller that disturbs the neighboring residents with a radius of 150-300m have to be taken into account during the planning phase (Suisse Eole - Schweizerische Vereinigung f¨urWindenergie, 2009).

Therefore, if an appropriate place has been found several wind turbines are combined to build a wind park. In Switzerland it is difficult to find appropriate places for such wind parks. There are various criteria for identification of good locations: wind appearance, positioning, distance to residential areas as well as compatibility with nature and the landscape (Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE, 2010).

Abroad, in particular in northern countries bordering the North Sea like Germany, Denmark,

France and Britain, huge wind parks with a huge potential have been build off-shore (see figure

1). There are some advantages for these off-shore wind turbines compared to Switzerland: A constant wind that blows day and night with very low variation, higher wind speeds, no need to

4 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper care about any noise levels as no population is living nearby. For these reasons, offshore wind park locations can be chosen more or less freely without respect to noise or aesthetics (The

Economist print edition, 2008).

United States

Spain 18% 24% India China Denmark

Italy 16% France 14% Britain Portugal 8% 2% Other 3% 3% 3% 3% 6% Germany

Figure 1: Where the turbines are: Installed wind power, largest markets in % end 2007. Coun- tries supplying wind energy and the distribution of their installed wind power. All together 94’005 MW (The Economist print edition, 2008).

In Switzerland the situation is different. Wind turbines can only be installed on-shore. The country is small and has only limited space. Places for wind parks which are considerable and constant in wind are rare. Regarding the currently installed wind parks across Switzerland

m mean wind speed at 50m height ofv ¯ = 3.5 s has been measured (Wind Data, 2010). The yearly m minimum average wind speed at a height of 50m above ground should bev ¯min = 4.0 s . This is why the usage of wind power is not economical in Switzerland at the moment. Hence, new areas have been evaluated for future wind parks. Regions that show such wind speeds are to be found in particular in the Alps and larger parts of the Jura. Calculating the yearly mean

m wind speed for these regions gives a value ofv ¯opt = 5.6 s . If electricity from wind power came from these places a production would be profitable (Suisse Eole - Schweizerische Vereinigung f¨ur

Windenergie, 2009; Wind Data, 2010).

Figure 2(a) shows the distribution of the the wind speeds and figure 2(b) shows the potential locations of wind parks.

5 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper

(a) Wind speeds 70m over ground

m (b) Potential places in planning for wind parks with sufficient wind speeds (v ≥ 4.0 s )

Figure 2: Map of Switzerland with an overview of wind speeds and potential wind park locations (Wind Data, 2010)

6 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper

One of the biggest enterprises in Switzerland that is responsible for public transportation and rail freight is the SBB (Swiss Federal Railways). For their electrified locomotives they are dependent on a constant availability of electricity. Today, they already have a climate neutral electricity mix with which they try to reduce CO2 emissions. By 2020 they are aiming to reduce their CO2 emissions by 30% as compared to 1990. To achieve this goal they have taken actions such as an electricity feed of hydroelectric power and adjustments to driving behaviour with an ”EcoDrive-concept” (SBB, 2010b). 2008 the electricity from hydro power was 74%. As the generation of electricity from hydro power is dependent on the amount of water available, higher quantities of residual water are now required by law. The volume of trafic is increasing year by year and in dry periods the demand cannot be covered. This is why the SBB is looking for new energy sources for a sufficient future supply

(SBB, 2010c).

7 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper

2. Building the framework and modeling

Taking all the facts provided into account I will now come up with a new approach and a possible model of how the SBB could cover their need in electricity for their trains by adding a new renewable electricity source, wind power. Could the old electricity mix with hydro power be replaced or supplemented? To answer this I will go through the following steps:

• Actual situation What is the actual situation of the Swiss wind power market, what are

the facts and figures? Is there potential for a sufficient supply of electricity from

wind for the SBB? How much electricity is needed and how much could be supplied

at what prices? It is tried to investigate the current consumption of energy by the

SBB in the year 2010 and how energy from wind power could be integrated.

• Optimal situation Assuming a positioning of electricity generating wind turbines at opti-

mal places in Switzerland, what electricity could be produced and is it sufficient to

supply the whole fleet of the SBB? Would it be economically efficient? How much

electricity has to be covered with other renewable or non-renewable energy sources?

How much does this cost? These facts are evaluated with an approach based on

assumptions and given data.

• Suggestions and improvements Can the situation be improved with a better mix of elec-

tricity at lower costs? Is an increase in efficiency in electricity production possible?

What form might that take? What impact would a better performance of wind

turbines have on supply and at what costs for the SBB?

2.1. Actual situation

As already seen before, the actual market for wind power is poor. Nevertheless, the state is heavily investing to support new renewable energy sources especially from wind power.

Just a few small wind turbines are installed today. Mostly there are just one or two at each location instead of a whole wind park (there are only two wind parks in Switzerland; one of them consisting of 8 turbines producing 8.5GWh per year). The wind blows inconstantly, with

8 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper

m the result that a mean wind speed ofv ¯ = 3.5 s is attained which is not enough to run those wind turbines efficiently.

Analyzing production of all Swiss wind turbines in recent years gives these results: The power installed is 15.6kW. The electricity production in 2009 was 22.6GWh (Wind Data, 2010). For detailed information on data see appendix p.20, table5.

On the basis of the facts of electricity consumption by only electrified trains of the SBB

(whereby it is assumed that this is the same as the total energy consumption (SBB, 2008)) my calculation comes to the following results: Their total consumption in energy is 2300GWh per year whereas four fifths or 1840GWh is for the railway service. Assuming their predicted reduction in energy consumption by 2015 this results in 1656GWh (SBB, 2010e).

SBB’s own electricity production from hydro power is 1600GWh per year. The supply by third parties is 700GWh per year.

Comparing the energy needed with the energy produced by wind power it is obvious that the demand cannot be covered and a full supply from wind power cannot be guaranteed at all.

There is a difference of 1817GWh per year which has to be covered with alternative energies like hydro power. Subtracting 1600GWh gives still an uncovered amount of 217GWh per year which has to be bought from third parties.

Table1 shows the prices per kWh for different electricity sources.

Table 1: Energy prices per kWh for electricity in Switzerland (Swissnuclear, 2010; Roth et al., 2009) energy source price (CHF per kWh) mean price (CHF per kWh) Nuclear power 0.04-0.05 0.05 Hydro power 0.08-0.35 0.22 Wind power 0.17-0.20 0.19 Solar energy (photovoltaics) 0.50-0.90 0.70 Geothermal energy 0.22-0.30 0.26 Biogas 0.08-0.39 0.24

As can easily be seen the cost per kWh for nuclear energy is the cheapest followed by wind power. Calculating an electricity mix from wind power, hydro power, and nuclear power gives an approximated amount of CHF 358 mil. per year which is extremely high.

9 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper

2.2. Optimal situation

I will now focuse on the development of the market for 2015 and 2030. Prices for electricity are assumed to stay more or less the same (as it is just a mean value which takes the price deviations into account). All other data is going to change.

Until the year 2030 it is assumed to have wind parks at places where a sufficient wind speed

m ofv ¯min = 4.0 s is given. Calculating the mean wind speed over one year with the available m data results inv ¯opt = 5.6 s (Wind Data, 2010). This wind speed makes wind power production reasonable.

Figure3 shows the potential wind parks and the mean wind speed separated by cantons. For more details see table6 in the appendix.

35 7.070

30 6.0

s 25 5.0 (m/s) (m/s) locations locations locations

20 4.0 ed tial e n speed 15 3.0 potential potential

wind of of


r 10 2.020 nr.

5 1.0

0 0.0 BE GR JU NE TI UR VD VS cantons

Figure 3: Light blue: Number of potential locations separated by cantons. Light red: Amount of prioritized potential locations in 2010 for a quick realization. Dark blue: Potential yearly mean wind speeds of wind power plants separated by cantons. Calculation based on data from (Wind Data, 2010).

It can be seen that efficient and sustainable locations for wind parks will be possible in the cantons Bern, Neuchˆatel,Jura, and . For future wind park constructions there are in total

12 prioritized locations which are in the cantons Bern, Vaud, Wallis, but also Ticino and Uri

m which provide Switzerlands highest wind speeds. Wind speeds of 5 − 6 s can be expected. Until 2030 it is predicted to have a total production of 600GWh per year from wind power. It is

10 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper assumed that a growth in wind power plants of 20% per year will occur and the strongest criteria in choosing the best location and equipment following the ”wind power concept Switzerland” is applied (Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE, 2004). This seems to be very high and today quite difficult to reach. Choosing a constant growth in electricity production gave a total production of approximately 47GWh for 2015 per year (see table2).

The prices per kWh are assumed to decrease. The wind power prices are following a learning curve effect. Specific prices depend on cumulative installation amounts and follows a relationship in the form of sc = α · caβ, where ca is the cumulative installation amount and sc the specific costs (Kuemmel, 1999). As parameters α and β are unknown for this case a linear function has been applied. For the year 2015 the price is calculated at 0.17 CHF per kWh and for 2030 at

0.12 CHF per kWh (see table2).

Table 2: Development of the prices for energy from wind power for the years 2015 and 2030 and the predicted production per year. Based on assumptions of (Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE, 2010). Year Price (CHF/kWh) GWh/year 2010 0.19 23 2015 0.17 47 2030 0.12 600

The amount of electricity demanded by the SBB is estimated to decrease until 2015 by another

10% in five years. This makes sense as the SBB is striving to reduce electricity consumption by adjusting the driving behaviour of train sets (EcoDrive) and some other economy measures

(SBB, 2010d). As well for the year 2030 these assumptions of a decreasing demand were applied.

Unfortunately, the result is not very realistic. SBB reckons that there will be an increase in traffic volume and a change to more electrified trains which in turn increases their demand for electricity. This fact has not been taken into consideration for these simulating calculations

(SBB, 2010c). The demand resulted to decrease to 1656GWh for the year 2015 and to 1490GWh for the year 2030 (see table3).

The supply from wind power cannot cover the demand of electricity by the SBB. Subtracting the given supply from demand gives a deficit of 1609GWh for the year 2015 and 890GWh for

11 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper

2030, respectively. It is assumed that this difference is covered by electricity from hydro power and if necessary with nuclear energy. It was assumed that there is a shortage of approximately

10% for 2015 and 2030 (as water supply shrinks due to regulations by law). Electricity from hydro power can be assumed to be 1440GWh in 2015 and 1050Gwh in 2030. Substracting those values from the demand needed still gives a requirement of 169GWh in 2015 which has to be covered by nuclear power, but an excess of 159GWh in the year 2030. This surplus means that no additional energy from nuclear power is needed (see table3).

Based on these facts for supply and demand, a price for the required electricity has been calculated. As can be seen from table3 the price for electricity decreases from initially CHF

358 mil. to CHF 326 mil. in 2015 and finally to CHF 302 mil. in the year 2030 (prices per kWh for this calculation are taken from table2).

Table 3: Extrapolation for the years 2015 and 2030 based on given data and assumptions. year demand difference to electricity from to be covered price for per year production hydro power by third parties electricity (GWh) (GWh) (GWh) (GWh) (mil. CHF) 2010 1840 1817 1600 217 358.0 2015 1656 1609 1440 169 325.9 2030 1490 890 1050 -159 302.4

2.3. Suggestions and improvements

As can be seen, to increase the production of electricity from wind power it is not sufficient to expose the turbines to places with higher wind speeds. Instead, a modification on the wind turbines itself may be have an influence on performance.

Regarding a research program for wind power (Horbaty, 2009) the performance of a wind turbine could be increased by several changes in material and coating. In detail this is a reduction in weight with new materials resulting in a concurrent energy yield at lower wind speeds. Also the application of nano-technology as coating for the wings and rotor against pollution and glaciation or the positioning of the wind turbines into regions with higher air density would increase performance and engine output.

12 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper

These actions would indirectly increase electricity supply. The wind turbines would (caused by the nano-technology) even turn in frosty regions which is of high importance for locations in

Switzerland like the Alps. This would result in a higher energy production because the turbines would turn without interruption no matter what weather conditions. The degree of efficiency could be increased.

Nevertheless, a better performance would not cover the demand needed by SBB. Assuming an increase of electricity output of all wind parks in Switzerland by 10% resulting from the actions discussed to increase wind power performance, this would not lead to a dramatic change in electricity generation.

Today, one wind turbine in average generates 0.58GWh electricity per year. As seen before the demand of SBB in 2010 is 1840GWh. This means that 3177 wind turbines would be necessary to cover SBB’s demand. It is very unlikely that so many turbines would be installed in Switzerland.

Therefore, to support SBB’s ecological way of electricity production from renewable energy sources it could be useful for SBB to buy additional electricity from wind parks in the North

Sea, as an alternative.

Assuming SBB would only demand energy from nuclear power, the total price would be dramatically smaller compared to the price for electricity from an energy mix or wind power.

The ratio of prices for an energy mix to energy from nuclear power is ∼4.5 (see table4 for a comparison in prices).

Table 4: Comparison of prices for SBB’s electricity demand per year based on different power sources Price energy mix Price wind power Price nuclear power Ratio Year (mil. CHF) (mil. CHF) (mil. CHF) mix/nuclear 2010 358.0 340.4 82.8 4.3 2015 325.9 306.4 74.5 4.4 2030 302.4 275.7 67.1 4.5

The price for nuclear power is much cheaper than for wind power or the mix consisting of wind, hydro, and nuclear power. SBB will certainly choose a mix in between.

13 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper

3. Conclusion

Today, the energy supply from wind turbines in Switzerland is very poor. Even an increase in efficiency due to material improvements would not result in significant higher electricity output.

A coverage of SBB’s electricity demand is a distant prospect. The Swiss market seems not ready for a sufficient supply of electricity from local wind power.

There are several reasons for this like insufficient wind and irregular speeds, as well as limited locations for the installation of big wind parks. Also the price per kWh for electricity from wind power is almost four times as high as from nuclear energy. SBB as a big consumer of electricity could not afford to spend so much money on energy from alternative energy sources. Instead, they could buy electricity abroad which comes from renewable sources, i.e. from wind parks in the North Sea. Prices per kWh would be even lower. Although, it is very unlikely that energy from renewable resources will reach the same price level as for nuclear power. The quantity of renewable electricity produced is too small to lower the prices. For SBB as a huge consumer of electricity a higher price per kWh will carry weight.

In this case a decreasing energy demand by the year 2030 is unrealistic. SBB wants to exchange old operated diesel with electrified trains. This instead will result in an increase in electricity demand even if modern trains consume less energy and the driving behavior is modified. Also the number of guests travelling by train will increase as a result of modal shifts. More and more people switch from their car to the train as favored travel service. This too, will result in a higher demand for electricity.

The aim to supply 600GWh from wind power seems to be very unrealistic. At the moment such an amount is not imaginable by the year 2030. Calculating on an assumed basis of best conditions for these wind parks is not appropriate. Compared to the energy from hydro power the total amount gained from wind turbines is less than from SBB’s own hydro power plants.

SBB should therefore rather concentrate on the development of their existing plants, increase the supply of electricity from water as energy source, and extend to new locations.

Another possibility for SBB could be to invest in own wind parks as the retrieval of electricity from hydro power is limited. The price per kWh is even lower than for the energy from hydro

14 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper power. After several years this could payoff. As seen before after the year 2030 SBB could be theoretically independent from third party suppliers.

For an advancement of wind power in Switzerland the government could introduce a subsidy per kWh produced and bought by the SBB. The production of regenerative electricity from wind power would be stimulated and a sensitization of the population might occur. SBB would lead the way resulting in higher prestige also abroad.

With this strategy in the end the whole population would have to pay for such a subsidy.

Instead, SBB could introduce a ”green ticket” which would be a bit more expensive but would support the production of electricity from renewable resources. With this method the customer can choose if he wants to support green energy or not and is therefore on a voluntary basis.

The extra revenue for SBB with this possibility to choose tickets by the customer is probably smaller, but establishes understanding of the population in a informally way.

15 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper


Robert Horbaty. Forschungsprogramm windenergie, synthesebericht 2008 des bfe- programmleiters. Publication 290017, ENCO Energie-Consulting AG, Munzachstr. 4, 4410 Liestal, 07. April 2009. International Energy Agency. World energy outlook., 2009. Bernd Kuemmel. Windpower econometrics. Energy Policy 27, pages 941–942, 12. November 1999. Warwick J. McKibbin and Peter J. Wilcoxen. The role of economics in climate change policy. Joumal of Economic Perspectives - Volume 16 Number 2, pages 107–129, Spring 2002. Stefan Roth, Stefan Hirschberg, Christian Bauer, Peter Burgherr, Roberto Dones, Thomas Heck, and Warren Schenler. Sustainability of electricity supply technology portfolio. Annals of Nuclear Energy 36, pages 409–416, 30. January 2009. SBB. Gesch¨aftsbericht 2008., 2008. SBB. Konzern - Engagement - Energieerzeugung., 09. April 2010a. SBB. Konzern - Engagement - Klima - Massnahmen SBB., 09. April 2010b. SBB. Konzern - Engagement - Energieerzeugung., 09. April 2010c. SBB. Konzern - Engagement - Umwelt - Energie - Energiesparprogramm., 09. April 2010d. SBB. Konzern - Engagement - Energie - Verbrauch., 09. April 2010e. Suisse Eole - Schweizerische Vereinigung f¨urWindenergie. Grobevaluation von standorten f¨ur windkraftanlagen. Suisse Eole Dokumentation, pages 1–2, 01. January 2009. Suisse Eole - Schweizerische Vereinigung f¨urWindenergie. Windturbinen und v¨ogel. Suisse Eole Dokumentation, pages 1–2, 01. March 2010. Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE. Konzept windenergie schweiz. Vernehmlassungsbericht, pages 27–29, 13. July 2004. Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE. Wind energy. 00490/00500/index.html?lang=en, 09. April 2010. Swissnuclear. Wirtschaft. html, 11. April 2010. The Economist print edition. Wind of change. The Economist, 04. December 2008. Wind Data. Windenergie-daten der schweiz., 10. April 2010. World Economic Forum. Climate change. index.htm, 09. April 2010.

16 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper

A. Appendix

The following data was used as basis for the calculations:

Table 6: Potential locations for wind parks separated by cantons with average wind speed (Wind Data, 2010) Nr. of plant priority location name canton wind speed (m/s) 39 no Ins BE 4.5 10 yes B¨uhl BE 4.6 25 no Fr¨aschels BE 4.6 35 no Hagneck BE 4.6 41 no Kallnach BE 4.6 60 no Le Landeron BE 4.6 4 no Bargen BE 4.7 86 yes Montagne de Moutier BE 5.1 40 yes yesunpass BE 5.2 9 no B¨ozingenberg BE 5.5 105 no Pr´esde Macolin Derri`ere BE 5.5 118 no Tramelan BE 5.6 59 no Le Jean Brenin BE 5.7 91 no Moron I BE 5.7 115 no Sur la Ch`evre BE 5.7 13 yes Chalet Neuf BE 5.8 85 no Montagne de Diesse BE 5.8 89 no Montoz Est BE 5.8 82 no Mont Raimeux BE 5.9 92 no Moron II BE 5.9 38 no Hundsr¨ugg BE 6 87 no Montagne de Romont BE 6 29 no Graitery BE 6.1 73 no Mont Crosin BE 6.1 90 no Montoz Ouest BE 6.2 93 yes Moron III BE 6.2 104 no Pr´eRichard BE 6.2 37 yes Horntube BE 6.3 95 no Niderhorn BE 6.3 64 no Les Bugnenets BE 6.5 26 no Fr´emont BE 6.9 71 no M¨annlichen BE 7 1 no Alp Nova GR 4.8 127 no Vorderalp GR 4.8 2 no Arosa GR 5 6 no Bischolpass GR 5.2 see next page

17 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper

Nr. of plant priority location name canton wind speed (m/s) 42 no La Bosse JU 4.6 63 no JU 4.6 110 no Sous les Craux JU 4.6 8 no Bourrignon II JU 4.7 65 no Les Chenevi`eres JU 4.7 23 no Epiquerez JU 4.9 69 no Les Sairains JU 4.9 43 no La Chaux-des-Breuleux JU 5 7 no Bourrignon I JU 5.1 66 no JU 5.1 88 no Montmelon JU 5.1 101 no Plain de la Cernie JU 5.1 119 no Vacherie Mouillon JU 5.1 24 no Faux d’Enson JU 5.2 61 no Le Peuchappatte JU 5.3 53 no JU 5.4 111 no St. Brais I JU 5.4 116 no Sur le Rochet JU 5.4 112 no St. Brais II JU 5.8 12 no Cerniers de Reb´evelier JU 6 125 no Val de Ruz VI NE 4.5 49 no La Rota NE 4.7 78 no Mont de Couvet NE 4.9 121 no Val de Ruz II NE 4.9 122 no Val de Ruz III NE 4.9 47 no La Mosse NE 5 120 no Val de Ruz I NE 5 56 no Le Cerneux P´equignot NE 5.1 99 no Pˆaturagedes Endroits NE 5.1 123 no Val de Ruz IV NE 5.1 62 no Les Bayards NE 5.2 55 no Les B´en´eciardes NE 5.3 124 no Val de Ruz V NE 5.3 21 no Crˆetde Sapel NE 5.4 77 no Mont de Buttes NE 5.4 94 no Mont Cornu NE 5.4 36 no Combes Dernier NE 5.6 50 no La Sagne NE 5.6 76 no Mont de Boveresse NE 5.6 103 no Pouillerel NE 5.6 107 no Rotel NE 5.6 44 no La Cˆote-aux-F´ees NE 5.8 83 no Mont Sagne NE 5.8 30 no Grand Sommet Martel NE 6.1 see next page

18 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper

Nr. of plant priority location name canton wind speed (m/s) 58 no Le Gurnigel NE 6.4 117 no CrˆetMeuron NE 6.4 80 no Montagne de Buttes NE 6.5 128 no Vue des Alpes NE 6.7 102 no Grande Sagneule - Mont Racine NE 7.1 28 yes Gotthard TI 5.3 34 yes G¨utsch UR 6.4 5 no VD 4.7 11 no VD 4.7 70 no VD 5 54 no L’Auberson VD 5.4 98 no Nouvelle Censi`ereIII VD 5.4 114 yes Sur Grati VD 5.6 19 no Col du Mollendruz VD 5.8 18 no La Gittaz Dessus VD 5.9 96 no Nouvelle Censi`ereI VD 5.9 3 yes Arzier - La Raisse VD 6.1 75 no Mont de Baulmes VD 6.2 31 no Grandevent VD 6.4 97 no Nouvelle Censi`ereII VD 6.4 32 no Grange Neuve VD 6.5 79 no Mont des Cerfs VD 6.6 17 no Col de la Givrine VD 6.9 15 no Chasseron II VD 7.6 109 no Sonnailley VD 7.7 14 no Chasseron I VD 8.4 106 no Riddes VS 4.7 20 yes Collonges VS 5 33 yes Grimselpass VS 5.4 46 no La Foilleuse VS 5.9

19 Energy Economics and Policy Term paper 1 5159000 performance (kW) turbines (kWh) Locations of installed wind turbines in Switzerland ( Wind Data , 2010 ) Table 5: Mt. CrosinOberer GrenchenbergOberhelfenschwilR¨uttenenSchaber EmmentalSchwengimatt Bonus, D¨anemarkSimplon Passh¨oheSool, Langenbruck Aventa AV-7 VestasSt. V44, 47, Brais 52, 66 N715 S¨udwind St. MoritzTramelan Aventa AV-7Winterthur 150 Taggenberg 1 Aventa AV-7 & 2Winterthur Husum Wiesendangerstr. Aventa AV-7 Aventa 7660 AV-7 6 15 Enercon 1 E-82 Aventa AV-7 Aventa AV-7 8 6.5 6.5 125753 13 6.5 1 1 28 8516724 30 4000 1 1 6.5 6.5 2 1 - - 1 1 2 11913 - 1 18380 1 6518 12986 2331988 - 11009 15793 location nameBergBeringen SHBr¨utten1Br¨utten2 type ofChli Titlis wind turbineCh¨urstein(G¨abris)CollongesDiegenstal installedFeldmoos SW-70G¨utsch Lagerwey 18/80 Aventa Aventa AV-7Hettlingen AV-7 ZH AventaLa AV-7 nr. Ferri`ere ofLajoux HSW 30 productionLe 2009 Cerneux-VeusilMarthalen Enercon E-70/E4 HSWMartigny NEG Micon 80 NM SW-60 52/900 Enercon E-40 6.5 6.5 Aventa Aventa AV-7 AV-7 3 6.5 2000 900 Aventa AV-8 Aventa AV-7 30 1 1 1 1 1 600 30 1 6.5 1 6.5 33416 2 1 9480 - 13SUM 9846 219 6.5 4900000 555000 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 835415 1 8151 7854 8298 - 14500 - 15631.5 39 22592243