ATHANASSIOU 9781849802789 PRINT.Indd
Index A-REITs 407, 408, 428–432 delegation provisions 458–459 Absolute Capital Management (fund) depositaries provisions 459–461 83–84 fi nal text of 452–453 Abu Dhabi 93, 327 remuneration provisions 463 Investment Authority see ADIA scope 455–455 activist funds third-country regime 461–463 benefi ts and risks of 206–214 valuation provisions 457–458 characteristics of 199–204 Almunia, J. 272, 276 data on 198–199 Alternative Investment Funds see AIF returns of 214–216 Alternative Investment Fund targets of 204–206 Managers Directive see AIFMD ADIA 95, 100 Amaranth Advisors (fund) 224, 293, 301 administrators see service providers collapse of 3, 7, 83, 306 AFSL 411, 412 lessons from 303–304 AIF 443, 445 trading strategy 301–302 and FSA, 142, 145–158, 160–167 American Bankers Association 485 and future in the EU 467–471 Asian countries see China (Peoples and liquidity concerns, 163–164 Republic of); Japan; Korea and retail investors 141–142, 146, (South); Malaysia; Taiwan; 148–150, 154–163, 166–168, Thailand 222, 391–392, 400, 408, 413, Asian Crisis 294, 303, 314, 335, 336, 418, 439, 463, 470 407, 475 and self-regulation see self- and role of hedge funds 315–317 regulation ASIC 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 420, in Australia 414–439 425 in Germany 379–393 Association of German Banks 491, 492 in USA 15–26 ASX 433, 437, 438 regulatory principles 451–452 ATO 417, 425, 426, 428, 434, 440 short selling 376, 395, 396, 397, 402 Australia 453, 490 agricultural managed investment ‘side letters’ 164–165 schemes 432–436 valuation 163–164, 166, 251, 252,
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