Financial Fraud: a Literature Review

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Financial Fraud: a Literature Review A Service of Leibniz-Informationszentrum econstor Wirtschaft Leibniz Information Centre Make Your Publications Visible. zbw for Economics Reurink, Arjan Working Paper Financial fraud: A literature review MPIfG Discussion Paper, No. 16/5 Provided in Cooperation with: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG), Cologne Suggested Citation: Reurink, Arjan (2016) : Financial fraud: A literature review, MPIfG Discussion Paper, No. 16/5, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne This Version is available at: Standard-Nutzungsbedingungen: Terms of use: Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. personal and scholarly purposes. 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MPIfG Discussion Paper 16/5 Financial Fraud A Literature Review Arjan Reurink MPIfG Discussion Paper MPIfG Discussion Paper Arjan Reurink Financial Fraud: A Literature Review MPIfG Discussion Paper 16/5 Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne May 2016 MPIfG Discussion Paper ISSN 0944-2073 (Print) ISSN 1864-4325 (Internet) © 2016 by the author About the author Arjan Reurink is a doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne. Email: MPIfG Discussion Papers are refereed scholarly papers of the kind that are publishable in a peer-reviewed disciplinary journal. Their objective is to contribute to the cumulative improvement of theoretical knowl- edge. The papers can be ordered from the institute for a small fee (hard copies) or downloaded free of charge (PDF). Downloads Go to Publications / Discussion Papers Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Paulstr. 3 | 50676 Cologne | Germany Tel. +49 221 2767-0 Fax +49 221 2767-555 Reurink: Financial Fraud: A Literature Review iii Abstract This paper describes the empirical universe of financial fraud as it has been documented in the academic literature. More specifically, it describes the different forms of fraudulent behavior in the context of financial market activities, the prevalence and consequences of such behavior as identified by previous research, and the economic and market structures that scholars believe facilitate it. To structure the discussion, a conceptual distinction is made between three types of financial fraud: financial statement fraud, financial scams, and fraudulent financial mis-selling. What emerges is a picture of financial fraud as a complex phenomenon that can take very different forms, depending on the market segments in which it occurs, the financial instruments it pertains to, and the actors involved. Moreover, the findings of the literature review highlight a number of recent developments that schol- ars think have facilitated the occurrence of financial fraud, including: (1) the development of new fundamental conflicts of interest and perverse incentive structures in the financial industry; (2) an influx of unsophisticated, gullible participants in the financial market- place; (3) the increasing complexity involved in financial market transactions as a result of rapid technological, legal, and financial innovation and an ever-widening menu of financial products; (4) an increase in the use of justified secrecy in the form of strict confidentiality rules around banking and legal services and the use of off-balance-sheet constructions and shell companies located in secrecy jurisdictions. Zusammenfassung Das Discussion Paper beschreibt die empirische Vielfalt des Finanzbetrugs anhand eines Literaturvergleichs. Im Einzelnen untersucht es verschiedene Formen betrügerischen Ver- haltens im Kontext von Aktivitäten auf dem Finanzmarkt, die Verbreitung eines solchen Verhaltens und sich daraus ergebende und bereits durch vorhergehende Forschung bekann- te Folgen sowie Wirtschafts- und Marktstrukturen, die betrügerisches Verhalten möglicher- weise fördern. Um die Diskussion zu strukturieren, werden drei Formen von Finanzbetrug unterschieden: Bilanzfälschung, Finanzschwindel und Verkaufspraktiken mit betrügeri- scher Absicht. Es entsteht ein Bild des Finanzbetrugs als komplexes Phänomen, das sehr verschiedene Formen annehmen kann – jeweils abhängig vom Marktsegment, in dem es auftritt, von den betroffenen Finanzinstrumenten und den beteiligten Akteuren. Darüber hinaus heben die Ergebnisse dieses Literaturüberblicks eine Reihe neuerer Entwicklungen hervor, die im Verdacht stehen, Finanzbetrug zu fördern: (1) die Entstehung neuer grund- sätzlicher Interessenkonflikte und Fehlanreize in der Finanzindustrie; (2) der Zustrom von uninformierten und naiven Teilnehmern in den Finanzmarkt; (3) die steigende Komplexi- tät von Finanzmarkttransaktionen als Ergebnis rasanter technologischer, rechtlicher und finanzieller Innovationen und einer sich ständig erweiternden Palette von Finanzproduk- ten; (4) ein verstärkter Rückgriff auf Geheimhaltung in Form von strengen Vertraulich- keitsregeln für Bankgeschäfte und juristische Dienstleistungen sowie von außerbilanziellen Konstruktionen und Briefkastenfirmen in Offshore-Finanzplätzen. iv MPIfG Discussion Paper 16/5 Contents Preface 1 1 Introduction 4 2 Financial statement fraud 8 2.1 General characteristics 8 2.2 Financial statement fraud in the context of publicly listed corporations 13 2.3 Rogue traders: Accounting fraud at the proprietary trading desks of financial firms 20 2.4 Mortgage origination fraud: Financial statement fraud in the context of loan applications 24 2.5 Mortgage securitization fraud: Financial statement fraud in the context of structured finance investments 31 3 Financial scams, cons, and swindles 35 3.1 General characteristics 36 3.2 Investment scams: Sham business ventures and Ponzi schemes 39 3.3 Financial identity scams: Phishing, pharming, and payment scams 47 4 Fraudulent financial mis-selling 53 4.1 General characteristics 54 4.2 Predatory lending: The mis-selling of (mortgage) loans 58 4.3 The mis-selling of life insurance and pension schemes 63 4.4 The mis-selling of interest rate derivatives 68 4.5 The mis-selling of synthetic CDOs 73 5 Conclusion 76 References 81 Reurink: Financial Fraud: A Literature Review 1 Financial Fraud: A Literature Review Preface Over the last 35 years, the financial industry has been plagued by consecutive waves of financial crime. The looting of thrifts and the insider-trading scandals related to the mergers-and-acquisition boom of the 1980s, the boiler room practices and IPO manipulations in the 1990s, the accounting fraud in major corporations like Enron and Ahold at the turn of the millennium, the stock options scandal and the episode of late-trading and market-timing practices involving mutual funds in the early 2000s are only a few in a long list of possible examples. More recently, the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2008 revealed rampant fraud in the mortgage industry, Ponzi schemes perpetrated in major investment funds, illegal manipulation of key benchmark rates, and widespread mis-selling of complex financial derivatives instruments to both unknowledgeable and naive investors. Although financial crimes are not a new phe- nomenon in any sense, both the frequency with which they occur and their scope and impact seem to have increased over the last few decades. Commentators have suggested that illegal conduct is more endemic in the financial sector than in any other sector of the economy (Freeman 2010; Fligstein/Roehrkasse 2013: 38) and that criminality in the financial markets now occurs on such a large scale that it can no longer be regarded as exceptional (Ferguson 2012). Some have even argued that financial markets have turned into a de facto “criminal playground” (Michel 2008). The abovementioned observations raise serious questions with regard to the social le- gitimacy of the contemporary financial industry and the specific form of finance capi- talism in which it operates. However, the ubiquity of financial crime is not only relevant from a social or distributive justice perspective. It also carries academic relevance for those studying financial markets. Despite the ubiquity of illegal conduct in financial markets, research on financial markets in the fields of economic sociology and political economy has long failed to seriously engage with the phenomenon of financial crime. While unavoidably skeptical of the social utility of much of the activity the financial industry engages in and acutely aware of the crisis potential inherent in speculative financial markets, few commentators have dwelt on the issue
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