January 2021

Activities of Outfits

Hateful Speeches / Threats

Date News Source Marred by killings, arbitrary arrests, illegal detentions, curfews, January 5, crackdowns and cordon and search operations, IIOJK made a Urdu Point 2020 living hell for the Kashmiris Hindutva backed Indian government.

January 6, Hindutva not only taking a heavy toll of Muslims, but it is also a Pakistan 2020 threat to Dominion unity Observer

January 5, The Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha on Sunday opened a Scroll. in 2020 library in 's Gwalior city, which is dedicated to the life and ideology of Mahatma Gandhi's assassin Nathuram Godse.

January 07, Vijaykant Chauhan celebrates the fact that his life's purpose – The Wire 2020 stopping 'love jihad' – is now supported by the police and government.

January 08, Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chouhan recently News click 2020 identified the stone-pelter as a threat to Indian democracy and society.

January 13, BJP MP and Malegaon blasts accused Sadhvi Pragya Singh One 2020 Thakur has once again jumped into controversy for calling Mahatma Gandhi's assassin Nathuram Godse "a patriot".

January 19, In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Indian troops Kashmir 2020 have committed scores of brutal carnages, most of them in the Media month of January in the territory. Service

January 19, The Hindu nationalists in power in India plan to launch a big FSSPX 2020 contest on the "science of the sacred cow," to fight against the News Christian and Muslim minorities, accused of blasphemy because of their beef consumption.


January 2021

January 20, India has become the largest modern-day Roman amphitheatre The Nation 2020 where minorities, mostly Muslims and Dalits, are mocked and eviscerated mentally and physically.

January 20, It is now all out in the open. Irrefutable documentary evidence has The Nation 2020 surfaced proving that the Pulwama terrorist incident in February 2019 and the subsequent Balakot false-flag operation, which Indian Prime Minister Modi exploited to defame Pakistan and win the elections, were actually planned by Modi himself and executed by his henchman Home Minister .